Makalah Virus Corona (Sastra Inggris)

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Papers about the Covid-19 corona virus

Made to fulfill the task of English literature

Made by :

Name : Neng lia Susilawati

Class : X MIPA 1


SCHOOL YEAR 2019/2020


We are always thankful for the presence of Almighty God for all His grace, guidance, and
gifts so that I can complete this paper to fulfill the Biological task of Mushrooms. This paper can
be used as material to increase knowledge, as a study partner, and as an additional reference in
learning specifically about the corona virus (covid 19). This paper is made in such a way that
readers can easily learn and understand about the corona virus (covid 19) further.Hopefully this
paper can be useful for readers to add knowledge and insight about Mushrooms. Do not hesitate
to ask if readers encounter difficulties. May success always be on our side.

Foreword................................................................................................................... i

Table of contents....................................................................................................... ii

Chapter 1

A. Background....................................................................................................1
B. Problem formulation......................................................................................2

Chapter II

A. Definition of Corona Virus.............................................................................4

B. Characterristic of corona virus........................................................................5
C. The form of corona virus.................................................................................5
D. How to live corona virus.................................................................................5
E. Corona virus breeding.....................................................................................8
F. Corona virus classification..............................................................................8
G. Diseases caused by corona virus.....................................................................8
H. How to Handle of corona virus........................................................................8


A. Conclusion........................................................................................................10
B. References.........................................................................................................11

A. covid-19 background

Background on the Corona virus or COVID-19, the case began with pneumonia or
mysterious pneumonia in December 2019. This case is thought to be related to the
Huanan animal market in Wuhan that sells various types of animal meat, including
those that are not commonly consumed, such as snakes, bats and various types of

Cases of this mysterious pneumonia infection are indeed commonly found in the
animal market. Corona virus or COVID-19 allegedly brought bats and other animals
that humans eat until transmission occurs. Coronavirus is actually no stranger to the
world of animal health, but only a few species are able to infect humans to become

Before the COVID-19 epidemic, the world had a stir with SARS and MERS, which
is also associated with the Corona virus. With this background, the Corona virus is
not the only time this makes people in the world panic. Having the same flu-like
symptoms, the Corona virus develops rapidly to result in more severe infections and
organ failure.

COVID-19 Pandemic

Bats, snakes and various other exotic animals are still considered a vector of the
Corona virus or COVID-19. Regardless of whether this information is true or not,
COVID-19 proves itself capable of being transmitted between people. Transmission
was very rapid until the World Health Organization WHO established the Corona
virus pandemic or COVID-19 on (11/3/2020).

Pandemics or global epidemics indicate that COVID-19 infection is so fast that

almost no country or region in the world is absent from the Corona virus. The
increase in the number of cases occurred in such a short time that it needed
immediate treatment. Unfortunately, until now there has been no specific drug to deal
with cases of Corona virus infection or COVID-19.

WHO states that Europe is now the center of a global Corona virus pandemic.
Europe has more cases and deaths from COVID-19 than China. The total number of
Corona virus cases, according to WHO, is now more than 136 thousand in at least
123 countries and regions. Of these, nearly 81 thousand cases existed in mainland
China. Italy, which is the European country most affected by the Corona virus, now
has more than 15 thousand cases.

B. Formulation of the problem

What is a corona virus? How is the form, structure, classification, characteristics, way
of life of a virus, the development of a virus, a disease caused by a virus and how to
handle a corona virus.

A. Definition of corona virus

WHO explains that coronaviruses are part of a large family of viruses that cause
diseases that occur in animals or humans.Humans infected with the virus will show
signs of respiratory tract infections ranging from the flu to more serious ones, such as
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
(SARS) or severe acute respiratory syndrome.Coronavirus itself is a new type of
human being found since it appeared in Wuhan, China in December 2019, and was
named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV2). Thus, this
disease is called Coronavirus Disease-2019 (Covid-19).2. Covid-19WHO announced
Covid-19 to be the official name of the Corona virus originating from Wuhan, China.
The name was given by WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in
Geneva, Switzerland on Tuesday, 11 February 2020.The abbreviation Covid-19 also
has details, such as "co" meaning corona, "vi" refers to a virus, "d" for diase, and 19 is
the year the outbreak was first identified on December 31, 2019.Tedros explained that
the name was chosen to avoid stigmatization, as the virus naming guidelines issued by
WHO in 2015. The name of the virus or disease will not refer to the geographical
location, animals, individuals, or groups of people.Previously, WHO gave a temporary
name for this Corona virus as 2019-nCoV. While the Chinese National Health
Commission temporarily called the Novel Pneumonia Coronavirus (NCP).

B. Characterristic of corona virus

The characteristics of the corona virus are almost similar to flu symptoms, including:
 High fever more than 38 degrees Celsius
 Dry cough
 Limp
 Sore throat
 Shortness or difficulty breathing Headache
C. The form of corona virus
the corona virus has black spots, snouts, and eyes that resemble insects.
D. How to live corona virus
1. can last several hours
2. Cannot live alone
3. Corona virus is sensitive
4. Does not last long if exposed to the sun
5. risk from touch not food
6. reach about 2 meters and look for a new place
7. high transmission power
8. corona virus is not strong enough to live in hot temperatures
9. difference is life on hard and soft materials

E. virus breeding
viruses usually multiply through their host, because they cannot live without a host /

F. Classification corona virus

Coronavirus is a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and
birds. In humans, the corona virus causes mild respiratory infections, such as some
cases of the common cold (among other causes, especially rhinoviruses), and others
that can be deadly, such as SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. Symptoms in other species
vary: in chickens, they cause upper respiratory tract disease, whereas in cows and pigs
they cause diarrhea. There is no vaccine or antiviral drug to prevent or treat human
coronavirus infections.

G. Diseases caused by corona virus

in general there are 3 general symptoms that can indicate someone is infected with
the Corona virus, namely:
 Fever (body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius)
 Cough
 Hard to breathe

H. How to handle of corona virus

Until now, there is no vaccine to prevent Corona virus infection or COVID-19.

Therefore, the best preventive way is to avoid the factors that can cause you to be
infected with this virus, namely:
1. Avoid traveling to public places that are crowded with visitors.
2. Use a mask when on the move in public places or crowds.
3. Routinely wash your hands with water and soap or hand sanitizer containing at
least 60% alcohol after activities outside the home or in public places.
4. Don't touch your eyes, mouth, and nose before washing your hands.
5. Avoid contact with animals, especially wild animals. In case of contact with
animals, wash your hands afterwards.
6. Cook the meat until it is completely cooked before consumption.
7. Cover your mouth and nose with tissue when coughing or sneezing, then throw
the tissue in the trash.
8. Avoid being close to people who are sick with a fever, cough, or runny nose.
9. Keep clean objects that are often touched and environmental cleanliness.

A. Conclusion
from the discussion above I can find out what a corona virus is, how it forms, its
structure, its classification, its characteristics, its way of life, its breeding, and how to
prevent it, the advice that I can convey is that we must remain vigilant, and must
comply with government regulations for prevention of corona virus transmission.
because basically we are better at preventing than treating.

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