In Sitio barangay there is medical mission that is implemented every year in the leadership of
Amie Santos RMT. In the midst of Dengue virus medical professionals are aiming to possibly
increase life expectancy.
The first action they do for this mission is, Ms. Amie and
her medical technologist assistants ask people’s identity and
what is their life within the barangay.
Dengue virus is dangerous. Ms. Amie decided to give all the people in the Thank God, Ms. Amie and her comrades are
Severe dengue can result in All people:
shock, internal bleeding, and barangay awareness about dengue virus and successful to convince the people in barangay 😊😊😊
even death. You all need to how laboratory procedure works. It is also to do the laboratory testing. 😊😊😊
proceed in laboratory test to
know if you are infected or not. announced that it is important to disinfect
Do not worry
the brgy. using insect repellent. There so many of you have the sign
for the financial and symptoms of dengue virus. I
needs, it is free am so thankful that all of you are
V We need to know
:) decided to do the laboratory test.
if we are infected!
CLINICAL LABORATORY SECTION… through the prevention that they implement during
the medical mission as well as the treatment for
First of all, thank you for the infected people. There are some people that is
participating in our medical infected but it is good to know that dengue virus is
mission. I would like to
Good job announce that this brngy. Is now controlled by our medical practitioners.
guys! We Dengue virus free!!!
And I am
are near in happy to
the end of see all these Thank you for your effort! Thank you, heroes!
this mission. results :) <3