Corona Virus
Corona Virus
Corona Virus
Number : P1337434319026
Class : S.Tr. TLM
Corona virus or coronavirus is a large family of viruses that cause several diseases.
This virus can affect anyone, both infants, children, adults, the elderly, pregnant women, and
nursing mothers.A Diseases caused by corona virus, among others, are the common cold to
more severe illnesses such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV), Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV), to the latest, Covid-19. Covid-19 was first
identified in uhan, Hubei, China, in December 2019 and was recognized as a pandemic by the
World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020.
The symptoms of this disease are very similar to the flu, so it is very difficult for us to
detect it. However, in some cases a person does not show any symptoms until it is declared
infected.The Symptoms are high fever more than 38 degrees Celsius, dry cough, limp, sore
throat, shortness or difficulty breathing, headache. The spread of the corona virus can be via
respiratory droplets. Coughing or sneezing from people infected with the corona virus will
stick to the surface of objects or human skin. So that the virus will move when humans touch
objects or make physical contact with other humans. Then, the virus will infect humans when
the hands contaminated by the virus touch the face, such as the mouth, nose, and eyes.
However, the incubation period of the virus is around 14 days. Until now, there is no
vaccine to prevent Corona virus infection or COVID-19. Prevention that can be done so as
not to become infected with this virus is to avoid traveling to public places that are crowded
with visitors, Use a mask when on the move in public places or crowds, wash your hands
regularly with water and soap or hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol after doing
activities outside the home or in public places, do not touch the eyes, mouth and nose before
washing hands.Avoid contact with animals, especially wild animals. When in contact with
animals, wash your hands afterwards, cook the meat until it is completely cooked before
consumption, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then throw
the tissue in the trash, avoid being close to people who are sick with a fever, cough, or runny
nose, keep clean objects that are often touched and environmental cleanliness.