The Spirit
Into Your
Curry Blake
Copyright © 2019 by Curry R. Blake
Dallas, TX 75374
This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without
express written permission of Curry Blake.
But, I just want you to know, if you are even thinking about
launching out in God. If it has even been a thought in your mind,
maybe you think, "I would like to do something great for God, I
would like to move out in God, I would like to touch lives, I want to
help people.” Let me encourage you, Do it! Is that simple enough?
“Well, but I’ve got to get more training, I’ve got to know
more." Do that as you go, but don’t wait. People are hurting, people
are dying, waiting while you are learning. I’m not saying, "Don’t
learn." I’m just saying, "Don’t wait to go. Learn as you go."
And if you do that, God will meet you wherever you are at,
He'll meet you and it will grow. You just be consistent and keep
doing it.
Now, I’m going to preach on healing. I’m trying to get you out
of the religious box that says, "It has to be this way, this is how God
has to heal me, this is how God's going to do it."
The woman with the issue of blood said in herself, "If I touch
the hem of His Garment, I'll be made whole," and that's what
happened. She said the time for her healing. She said, "When I touch
His hem, I’m going to get healed." Jesus didn't even know who
touched Him, God didn't direct that healing, she directed it.
You can direct your healing. Do you know why you can do
that? Because as far as God's concerned it's already done. He's
already decreed it.
Psalm 103:7, “He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts
unto the children of Israel.”
And that's exactly what Jesus was talking about with His own
disciples in Matthew Chapter 14. Because at one point they came to
Him and they said, "Lord, these people are hungry. Lord, you’ve got
to send them away. They’ve got to go eat", and He said, "No, they
don't have to go, you feed them." Now, that obviously caught their
And then he said, he grabbed his hat, walked out the door, went
down the road a little way to the house where the woman was dying,
walked in and commanded that sickness to go because he knew it was
from the devil and he said, as far as he was concerned, he was casting
out a devil. Within a matter of minutes, the woman was well. Then he
started going to the rest of his congregation and one by one they got
well. That stopped the epidemic. Then shortly after that, he actually
ran for a governmental position in Australia and lost terribly, which
was the grace of God. If he had become a politician, he'd probably
never have been a preacher. At least not to the degree that he was.
Then he went to America in 1888. Tremendous things happened and
Dr. Lake went to train under him, because his family got healed under
Dowie's ministry. And that was how Dr. Lake got started.
Now back to Dr. Lake. The woman that was there said, "Yeah.
Everybody else has laid hands on me so just go ahead." And he said
he stopped there for a moment and said, "You're a Christian?" She
said, "Well, of course I am, sure I am.” Then he said, "Well you have
the Spirit of God in you?" She said, "Well, of course I do." He said,
"Alright, I'm not going to pray for you. I’m not going to lay my hands
on you. Here's what you're going to do. I want you to go over and sit
in this chair. Are you saved?" And she said, "I've told you I'm saved."
And he said, "So, Jesus lives in your Spirit?" And she said, "Yes." He
said, "I want you to sit for a few minutes. I don't want you to do
anything else. I'm not going to pray for you, and I don't want you to
pray. I want you to just sit there and realize that as much as Jesus is in
your Spirit. He wants to be in your soul and your flesh. And I want
you to let Him out of your Spirit, into your flesh." And she thought,
"That’s the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."
But she sat there for a few minutes and started thinking about it.
And he said, "Is Jesus in your flesh yet." And she said, "I don't
understand what you're talking about." He waited a few moments. He
said, "Just recognize, Jesus is in your Spirit. He wants out. Let Him
out; just let Him into your flesh.” A few more minutes, he said, "So
where is Jesus? Have you let Him out yet?" and this woman looked at
him and said, "He is in my flesh just like He is in my Spirit." And he
said, "Yeah." She said, "No He's in my flesh. Just like He's in my
Spirit." And she started getting more and more excited and started
saying, "I've got it. I've got it; I understand He's in my Spirit and He's
in my flesh!" And he looked at her and he said, "Well, if He is in your
Spirit then death can't be in your Spirit.” She said, "Well, of course
not!" Lake said, "Well then, if He is in your flesh then death can't be
in your flesh." She said, "That's right!" He said, "If death’s not in
your flesh then you can't get sick; you can't be sick." She said,
"You're right. He's in my flesh and I'm healed."
Why? He didn't lay hands on her, she just recognized and let the
Spirit that was in her spirit into her flesh. Now, do you realize what
that means? That means that the Spirit of God in her the whole time
was there to heal. The whole time.
Just like with the woman with the issue of blood. She was
determining when Jesus healed. Only she thought, it was going to be
some other way, because she had some other way in her mind, but
whenever he showed her a way to get healed internally, that is when
she was able to release the Spirit of God out of her Spirit and let the
Spirit into her flesh.
You say, "I don't... I'm not sure I believe that." Then you don't
believe scripture. Because the bible says, that if that same Spirit that
raised Christ Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He will quicken, make
alive, heal, your mortal body. Not your immortal body. Not your
incorruptible body. Not your glorified body; your mortal body. The
one you got right now. Do you see? Your glorified body won't need
quickening. It's this body that needs it.
If you need healing, you don't have to wait till I lay hands on
you. As a matter of fact, I really prefer that you don't. Because if you
do then you're going to wait the next time I come around here. You
are going to think something or say something and instead you're
going to try to build up the fame of Curry Blake instead of the fame
of Jesus.
If you can, just sit there and let the Spirit of God out of your
Spirit. Quit containing Him and just let Him have free course in your
flesh, then you can get healed while I'm talking. And that's even
better. He wants you to let Him loose. Isn't that simple?
So, can I just ask you, is there anybody here that would say I do
not have the Spirit of Christ in me? But if you don't have the Spirit of
God, just raise your hand, say, "I do not have the Spirit of God
dwelling in me", because the bible says, "If you have not the Spirit of
Christ then you're none of his. So, what you're saying is you're not
born again, you don't have Christ, you don't have the Spirit of God,
you don't have the Spirit living in you. Is there anybody who does not
have the Spirit of God living in you?
Okay, so in your own self whenever the music was going and
the words were up and we're singing, is that what you were doing to
God in the sense that you were just communing with him and just
loving him? Is that what you were doing?
Okay, now, when you were doing that, let me ask you this, did
you sense, not feel, but did you sense the Spirit of God? If you didn't,
you weren't really worshiping. Because you really can’t worship
without sensing the Spirit. I’m not talking about goosebumps, that’s
feeling, but when you’re communing with Him, there is a connection.
When you connect with Him you sense Him. Don’t make it weird,
you are just in communion with Him.
If you sensed your communion with Him, the Bible calls it the
communion of the Spirit, while we were worshipping, what caused
that? What caused you to sense Him? Was it the music? Or was it the
fact that you took a few moments to focus on Him? Not just you
focusing on Him so that you can get something back. Let me tell you,
if you’re focusing on Him to get something back, then it is not pure
worship. Pure worship is to lick the hand, not to have the hand stroke
you. Okay?
But individually, you could have walked out of here and walked
down the hall and had the exact same thing, as long as you stayed
focused on Him.
You say, "Curry, you almost had them, but now you broke the
whole thing and now you're laughing saying; ‘you can’t do that’."
We were loving on Him and at the same time He was loving us.
She was rolling around on the floor and He was loving her. At this
point, she doesn’t even recognize that there is a separation between
her and God.
I'm not saying there is a separation, but that's what we think of.
We think "I'm separated from God, now there's connection. I’m trying
to connect, I want to connect, I’m worshipping you and I’m sure
hoping you're receiving this." But she is just being her. She’s not even
thinking about, "Well, what am I supposed to be doing? I want God to
love me, so I better do what everybody else is doing."
It wasn’t in the physical thing of this that made God love you.
That’s the response to God loving you. What I am trying to get across
to you is this: get to that point, where Jesus is your example, you are
born again, you have the Spirit of God, and you recognize that, “I and
my father are one.”
God put His Spirit in you, that's the part of you that's like Him.
Your current physical body is not like Him, but in your spirit, you are
like Him and there's one Spirit. He has made you just like Him in the
Spirit, that means He’s made you holy, He’s made you sanctified,
He’s made you righteous, He’s done all of that, He’s given you His
nature, His character, His Spirit, His name, His power, His work, etc.
Do you see, if you say His words and you mean them and
you're not just parroting them, but you really mean them, then
whenever you speak His words, what did He say about His words?
"My words are Spirit, and they are life."
That's why you can reach down and take a child that is sick, and
not have to say a word, just hold it. Reach down and just hug it and
then hand it back to the parents and say, " The baby is going to be
okay now.” It’s amazing because Christian parents get mad, "You
didn't pray, I didn't hear you use the name of Jesus." Maybe I didn't.
But I was doing it, in His name. As I hugged that child, life comes
out, and death. whatever child whatever disease that child has, death
has been swallowed up by life. Why? Because life is more powerful
than death, it has already proven that. All you’ve got to do is, let that
life flow out of your Spirit and into your flesh.
When you do that, it gets good and easy. You don't even have
to think about half the stuff when it happens. Why? because He'll do
exceedingly abundantly above all you can think or ask, according to
the power that works in you.
You are not to be brilliant. That's why Jesus could say, "The
Kingdom of God is at hand", and then just set people free. Why?
Because healing is evidence of The Kingdom of God. Why? Because
in the Kingdom of God there is no sickness. He said, "I want to show
you what it's like. Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."
Philippians 3:7
"But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for
Vs 8b: "my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all
things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ."
How many of you have faith in Christ? Then you are righteous.
Because that's how it comes, by faith in Christ. Not by your works,
not by doing everything perfect. But, faith in Him that He took your
sins and gave you His righteousness. It’s not even your righteousness,
it's His. I know this is fundamental.
Verse 10, that's where I want to get to. Why'd He care about
dung, why'd He care about loss, why'd He give up everything?
Now, you notice he doesn't say, "And the power of His healing
or the power of His miracles." Why? Because Paul said if Christ has
not been raised from the dead then our faith is in vain. It was good
that He hung on the cross. It was valuable for us, but what sets
Christianity apart from everything is the Resurrection. Many religions
have martyrs, but what makes Christianity different than all the rest is
we don't have a martyr, we have a risen Lord. We have one whose
resurrection broke the power of the enemy. When He hung on that
tree, that's what He said, “It is finished." What did He mean? That
people are free. Things are different, things have change.
Well, I have news for you. That same Spirit dwells in you.
That’s who you are. You are born again and by nature a deliverer.
That’s your job, to set the oppressed free wherever you see them.
Notice what He is saying, "To know Him and the power of His
resurrection." That’s what Paul said. He said, "I have purposed to
know nothing among you saved Jesus Christ and Him crucified."
Why? Because before the resurrection was the crucifixion. He was
bringing Him to that point, to where He said, "All I want to know is
Him crucified." Why? Because when He was crucified it is finished.
It’s done.
Go to Matthew 14:13-21,
Vs 14: "And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and
was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick."
Vs 16: "but Jesus said unto them, "they need not depart give ye
them to eat".
Here are the disciples saying, "look there's a lot of people here.
It's late. You’ve got to send them in; they’ve got to get some food."
He said, "No, they don't have to depart. I'm sure the disciples said,
“Well, what are we going to do?" “They have to depart! We can’t
feed them!” That was their attitude, because they say unto Him,
Vs 17: "We have here but five loaves and two fishes."
Vs 18: "He said bring them hither to me."
He's gone and it's better for us. Why? Because He sent back His
Spirit to us so that we could do the work that He could do and greater
works. Why greater works? Because we're facing a defeated foe. He
faced a foe that was in full power at the time. It’s easier for us, we
should run faster; we should do more. Why? Because our enemy is
defeated. But the enemy keeps convincing people that he is powerful.
He says, "Boo", and everybody runs. It’s time to say, "Boo" back.
Right? The devils are more scared of you, than you are of them.
Matter of fact, when they talk you shouldn't shake. But when you say
the name of Jesus it says they tremble.
It's time for you to start making some devils tremble, Amen?
The Bible says, that there are people out there that are good
works, that you have been created to walk in. That means when you
walk past someone that is sick, hurting, crying or depressed or
anything like that, and you walk right past them, you just walked past
one of your good works. You should've stopped and said, "Here let
me help you.”
You say, "But I can't help them.” No, don't even say that. Smith
Wigglesworth said, "The person that has the ‘I can’ in him should
never say I can't." Amen? this is who you are.
Vs 21: "And they that had eaten were about five thousand men
besides women and children."
Do you realize that there was even more left over! When you do
good like that you'll have more. "Well I can't give them my last
dollar." Then don't ever expect God to bring you more. You give your
last dollar. They had to give that out and there was more leftover than
they started with. It's amazing how God does that. You help
somebody and you'll have more left over than when you started. Now
I'm not saying, He's going to counterfeit money and put it in your
pocket, I'm not saying that. But He will make sure that you have more
than you started with. "How do you know that?" Because the Bible
says if you give to the poor, you lend to the Lord, and He will repay.
It is that Simple.
If you are sick, it's not right for you to be sick. That's a
miscarriage of justice. Because Jesus already bore sickness for you.
It's a fact; it's there. He paid for it; it's a done deal. Do you have any
problem asking a person to get saved? Meaning do you have any
hindrance, is there any little thing in you that says, “God might not
save that person”? Is there anybody that God won't save? You say no.
Why? Because Jesus paid for everybody. Right? You're basing the
fact that anybody can get saved on the fact that Jesus bore their sins.
Right? Who forgives all thine iniquities, who heals all thy diseases, is
the same verse! If you have no hesitancy to share the Gospel
believing that people can be saved, any person can be saved.
Healing is just as sure. They are identical. They were both paid
for in the same incident so to speak. Now it's just time to get healed,
Amen? It is always God's will. Whenever the leper asks Jesus, "Lord
if you will. You can make me clean. You can heal me." And Jesus
didn't even hesitate He said, "I will, be thou clean.” And immediately
the leper’s leprosy was cleansed. He was made whole. Now think
about that. He said, "If you will", that word will doesn’t mean if you'll
do it. You look at that word will, it's in Matthew chapter 8. You look
at that word will and it doesn’t mean I will do it; it means I’m wilt to
do it. It is my will; it is my desire; my intense desire.
That’s saying that it means it's always His will. Why? Because
that's His nature. Jesus healed because it was His nature. He didn't
look at individual cases and go, "Yeah, My Father wants that one
well, no, you'll wait next year." He didn't do that. It was His nature.
"He went about doing good, healing all." Every time, He healed them
all, He healed them all.
People say, "Yeah they probably deserved it,” No! It says, "He
healed all that had need of healing." That goes beyond somebody
being right enough to get it. Amen?
And if you had a sickness or disease, if you had cancer, you had
tumors, you had pain, you had disks that were broken or disks that
were messed up, raptured or out of whack or whatever, or you had
low blood pressure, high blood pressure, diabetes, you have all these
things going on. Let's take it even further than that, instead of
focusing on the disease for a minute, I want you to focus on Him. So
right now, let that Spirit of Christ pour out of your Spirit, and your
Spirit shaped just like your body, but let that Spirit of Christ ooze out
of your Spirit, and ooze over into your lungs. And heal the lungs.
Because that life goes in and just drives out sickness. And let that
Spirit of Christ ooze out of your Spirit. And let Him just ooze into
your heart. And heal that heart problem. Heal that high blood
pressure. Let that circulatory system just return to normal and
function correctly in Jesus name. Right now, and just begin that even
now, you can do several things at the same time, just begin to thank
Him for that, and appreciate Him for your healing. Just do that right
now, just begin to let that life just flow and give you that connection.
Just sense Him for a minute, and I'm telling you, if you'll do this, even
on a regular basis, you'll stay well. And the presence of God, will get
stronger and stronger in you and right now it may take a few minutes
to actually sense the presence of God. But if you do this pretty
regular, all of a sudden, man, you close your eyes, and all of a sudden
that presence will just show up. And the amazing thing about it is you
start to get lost in it. You have to be careful. Don't do this and operate
heavy equipment. Alright? Because you can't, you just get lost... You
won't want to come back.
Right now, as you're doing this the Spirit of God is healing your
body. He's going through you, His life is coursing to your veins, it is
coursing through your blood, going through your body, and even
now, right now while you are doing this, just thank Him. Show Him
that you appreciate it, and just love Him.
We're always into worship, lets worship. The Father seeks those
that worship Him in Spirit and in truth. This is worshiping in Spirit.
It's not the only way, but it is a way. And you'll get to where you start
praying and you won't want to come back. And praying gets so easy.
You think, "Well, I can't pray for very long. I get tired." Not if you do
this. Just let His Spirit. Now, even now, while you are sitting there,
His Spirit flowing through you, now, just take one hand, and just put
it on your body where you’ve had pain, or where you’ve had a
problem. Just put it there. Why? Because you're just making that
connection and you are letting, directing it.
Dr. Lake used to say, "Between power and faith, choose faith,
because faith directs power." When you put your hand on your body
or on another person's body, you're directing it. You're intently
putting it somewhere, and letting life flow in. Just let that Spirit, just
emanate from you, even right now. Just, right now, you don't have to
look at anybody, there's people around you that need help. So right
now, just let the Spirit of Christ emanate from you. Just let it emanate,
just let it go out from you, and it'll stretch out from you, and it'll find
the person that has sickness, and let it touch them and let life flow
into them and set them free. And all you have to do is agree with it,
just agree.
"Every sickness, every disease, you are defeated in Jesus' name.
You can't even stay on these bodies. You can't even stay. And you
will go. In the name of Jesus. Right now, I set these people free. I
don't care what disease; the name doesn’t matter. The name of Jesus
is above every name. The name of Jesus defeats everything else. I
don't care what you have, I don't care how long you've had it, I don't
care what the cause is, bottom line is, the answer is Jesus. His Spirit.
Even now, in Jesus name. Right now, autism I break your power, you
are a liar, you cannot stay, you will go. Diabetes, you will go. Pain,
go. In Jesus' name, right now, and we're not going to just focus on the
physical aspect, right now, there are hurts emotional, hurts, hurts in
the heart, people done you wrong, different things, and you haven't
known how to get the rid of it, right now I'm saying, RIGHT NOW
by a conscious act, I want you to right now, don't have to say that
loud necessarily, but I want you to consciously right now, decide I
forgive them. Right then, that's when the healing took place. Right
now, you're healed. We command that pain to go, we command these
memories to be healed. No more! You are born for peace. Because
the Kingdom of God, is not in meat or drink, but righteousness,
peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, stay in the Spirit. Don't come out of
the Spirit. Don't come out into the carnal. Stay in the Spirit. Don't get
in the soul, stay in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, let that Spirit walk in
you and through you. Let the Spirit of God talk in you, let Him talk to
you and through you. Right now, right now, just purposely push away
all that junk. And just know, right now, "I am free. In Jesus' name."
Right now, we speak peace... Peace to every family, to every family
that has a child, that has any type of problem whatsoever. I'm telling
you now, "Your answer is here. Peace... Peace... In Jesus' name." You
can have peace, because He set your child free, in Jesus' name. Don't
have to worry about the money, won't need that, when your child is
free, in Jesus' name. Father, we thank You, we praise You, we
magnify You. You are the God of Heaven and earth. You are mighty,
mighty in battle, You, have shown us Your strong arm. You have
delivered us. Your name, has brought us out. By the blood of Your
Son, we thank You, right now we give You praise and honor and
glory. Because You are the Most High God. There is none like You,
none beside You, there is none other. You are magnificent. You are
mighty. You are great. In the name of Jesus, Father, we thank You,
and Father, we magnify the name of Your Son, and we say that, there
is no other name, given among men whereby they must be saved.
There is no salvation, in the name of Mohammad. There is no
salvation in the name of Buddha. There is no salvation in any other
name, but the name of Jesus and the glory of the Lord. The glory of
the name. The fame of the name of Jesus, will fill this earth. And
people will see, that You are the only True God. In Jesus' name.
Father, we thank You and right now, let's just give Him a shout
and a praise, in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah! Father, we thank You,
we praise You, we bless You, we thank You, Father, I thank You for
setting these people free, in Jesus' name. In Jesus' name. And it'll be
this way and no other. We thank You and we praise You, in the name
of Jesus. So be it, so be it, so be it.