How To Win Your City To Jesus - Charles & Frances Hunter
How To Win Your City To Jesus - Charles & Frances Hunter
How To Win Your City To Jesus - Charles & Frances Hunter
1. The Heartbeat Of God!
2. The Decade Of Harvest
3. "What You Do, Do Quickly!"
4. UnityWhat Does It Mean?
5. Honduras A Nation Chosen By God!
6. Unity Of Ministries
7. What About Follow-Up?
8. How To Mobilize & Evangelize A Nation
9. Let's Bring This To The U.S.A.
10. Three Reasons To Expect Success In Soul Winning
11. A Mandate From God!
Not since the resurrection of Jesus have there been such
shock waves ringing through hell as there have been since God
said, "Take a census of the world!"
Can you visualize 20 to 30 million Christians starting at a
given signal to evangelize the United States and finishing the
census in two weeks?
Is it possible?
"Who has heard or seen anything as strange as this? For in
one day, suddenly, a nation, Israel, shall be born, even before
the birth pains come. In a moment, just as Israel's anguish starts,
the baby is born, the nation begins. Shall I bring to the point of
birth and then not deliver? Asks the Lord your God. No.
Never!" (Isaiah 66:7,8 TLB).
There is a stirring in the spirits of almost all believers that
this is the decade in which Jesus will return! If this fact has
been revealed to the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit, then how
can this be done completely, systematically, methodically, and
within this time frame?
Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to
every creature" (Mark 16:15). In effect He was saying, "Take a
census of the world!"
With all the combined efforts of all ministries on earth,
more people are being born on earth than born again.
Chapter 1
The Heartbeat Of God!
What is God saying to the body of Christ today?
At a recent national meeting they asked several of us what
we thought God was saying in the twentieth century.
Someone said, "He's saying, 'Let's get more serious with
And that's a good thing!
Another said, "We ought to all become involved in fighting
And that's a good thing!
Another said, "We ought to take a stronger stand against
pornography because of our young people!"
...And that's a good thing!
A man said, "God is saying that we're going to experience
more power in this next decade than ever before!"
On and on went the ideas until they got to us!
What IS God saying to the body of Christ today? Is He
saying to have marriage seminars?
...And that's a good thing!
Is He saying to have youth programs?... And they are a
good project!
Is He saying to have Spiritual Warfare Conferences?
who stole a penny from her mother one time when she was four
years old.
I remember when I stole that penny and bought a "sugar
ball" with an almond on the inside of it that my heart went
thump, thump, thump very rapidly! My heart didn't beat like
God's because I was doing wrong.
But God's heartbeat kept on. His heartbeat kept on, exactly
the same as it always had.
Then I went through life and my heart was not beating like
God's because, like all kids, I wasn't the best little kid in the
world and I did little things I wasn't supposed to do, like lie and
cheat, so my little heartbeat didn't have the heartbeat of God. It
just kept thumping all over the place.
I remember one day when I was eight years old and my
sister was ten, we joined a church.
And for the first time in my life I felt the heartbeat of God.
I remember the Pastor didn't talk about Jesus. He just
turned us around and said, "Isn't this a wonderful family? A
mother and a daddy and two girls and they've joined our
church," and so for a few moments my heart took on the
heartbeat of God, and it felt good!
Then we left the church and the next day I went to school
and I probably looked over somebody's shoulder and cheated on
an exam, and so my little heart beat fast again and I am not real
sure exactly the next time I heard that strong heartbeat of God,
but I believe it was somewhere about the time I got married.
I remember that even though I wasn't a faithful church
member, I wanted to be married in church.
All this time my heart was wildly beating, but God's heart
beat very regularly and deliberately! God looked down at me
and knew what He was going to do!
God knew He was going to take a tragedy and make a
miracle out of it.
They told me I would have to have an eye operation....
God's heart was regularly beating all the time!
They said, "We will take your eye out, lay it on your cheek,
cut off the growth that has formed as a result of this traumatic
blow, we will put it back in, then, if you are 'lucky' we'll fit you
with contacts and glasses and you may be able to have pretty
good vision." (This operation is much easier now.)
My heart momentarily panicked!
I didn't like what they said to me, but it didn't really scare
me because God makes us what we are in the beginning.
God gives us what He wants us to have in the beginning;
we just don't use it for the purpose He intended.
I can see God looking down that day. His heart was beating
for my soul, and He said, "I'm going to get her, I'm going to get
her this time."
I was scheduled to be in the hospital at 5:00 o'clock that
afternoon but I had a God-shaped vacuum in my heart.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, "God has placed eternity into the
heart of man," and until you fill your heart with the things of
God, nothing else will ever satisfy.
At 4:00 I really got scared!
I didn't know God, so I didn't know to go to God!
I said, "I'll give you all of me, (that was all my cigarettes,
that was all of my gin, that was all of my dirty jokes) I'll give
them all to you God. All of my dirty cuss words, I'll give them
all to you, in exchange for all of You."
My heart took on a new beat!
No longer was it rapid, erratic and fast.
That was the day that my heart started beating with the
very heartbeat of God! Souls, souls, souls, souls, souls!
I looked at sin and I could not stand it!
As soon as the service was over, I rushed out to my car.
My heart was now beating like God's!
My daughter was with me and I scratched out as fast as I
I was saved just south of Miami, Florida, and that day I
stopped at every store that was open!
I didn't know what had happened to me!
I didn't really understand salvation!
I didn't understand being born again.
All I knew was that something that so glorious, so
wonderful had happened to me and I wanted to give it away; I
wanted to share it with everybody!
That was Jesus living on the inside of me!
I didn't even know what to say!
As I ran into every store, I got ahold of the men and I
pulled on their jackets and I said, "You have got to come to my
church! "
I didn't know what else to say.
All I knew was that I thought whatever happened to me
could happen to anybody in that same I became a fanatic,
because my heart beat for nothing but souls.
My heart beat for nothing except for people to come into
the kingdom of God.
No longer was I busy thinking about myself, I was thinking
about the world out there and I remembered that I was fortynine years of age.
No one in those first forty-nine years had ever told me
about Jesus!
I remember thinking that day, "There is nobody but me,
I've got to go tell the whole world about Jesus! I have to save
the whole world!"
That was exactly the way I felt.
I had to do it all by myself!
I had lived in many different cities, I had gone to many
different churches, and no one had ever told me that I needed to
know Jesus personally!
But when I met Him, I knew that He came to live on the
inside of me.
That was the heartbeat of God!
The very first thing I did was run out and do exactly what
Jesus did.
was only two days old, a baby Christian, I knew it was Jesus
living in there!
I stopped right in front of my wild, sinning employee staff
and said, "Oh, Jesus, you are in there!"
I put my hand over my heart.
I said, "I shut the door! I lock it! I throw the key away!
Now I've got You in there and You can't ever get out!"
My heart kept beating like the heartbeat of God! People
said "She'll get over it!"
This is twenty-five years later, and my heart is still beating
exactly the same way!
Give me a sinner and I won't let him go.
Not until I get him saved. Hallelujah!
I believe I am a normal Christian. I don't believe I am the
abnormal Christian.
Most Christians believe that Jesus is coming soon!
Most believe that you and I are going to see the return of
Many believe that it is sooner than we really think!
Charles and I can see the tempo of everything stepping up
so rapidly.
We can see people hungering in their hearts for the things
of God like they have never hungered in their entire life.
Don't pray for revival jump into it because revival is
If it's not here for you, it's passing you by, because revival
is here!
I believe God has placed within the heart of mankind a
hunger for the things of God.
No one can ever be satisfied until he fills this God-shaped
vacuum with the things of an eternal God.
Everywhere I go people are hungry for Jesus.
It doesn't make any difference what place you go to, it
doesn't make any difference what country you go to, what city
you go to, people are hungry for God.
In a world that thinks it is so unhappy and thinks it is so
dissatisfied, all that is wrong with them is that they are looking
for God.
Don't criticize them because of what they are doing.
Give them the answer.
There is an answer and it is five letters:
I didn't even know I was lost. I didn't know I was a sinner.
I've heard people say that everybody knows they are a sinner.
Not me!
I had no idea I was a sinner because I was a good mother, I
was trying to raise my children right.
I knew I wasn't a sinner!
I believe the world is full of people just like me, involved
in churchianity, which is what I was involved in and yet who
or how hungry you are; I want you to talk about Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus. I want you to get that heartbeat in you that will make you
cry out for the souls in your area.
Jesus said, "Go!!!"
He didn't say sit!
He didn't say take three years to learn how to be a witness.
If Jesus is really living on the inside of you, if you believe
"Christ in you, the hope of glory," that same heartbeat that beats
in the heart of God and that beats in the heart of Jesus is going
to beat in you!
I remember the first time T.L. and Daisy Osborn ever
stayed at our home.
I told them the first thing that I ever remember learning,
and it had to be revelation knowledge, was that I knew that I
knew that I knew that Jesus was living in me, I knew it.
There was no doubt whatsoever!
They were amazed that I immediately knew Jesus lived
inside of me.
They said when they first started preaching that, they were
considered heretics.
How did I know this?
Because when I prayed that prayer "Jesus, come into my
heart" I meant it!
If you ask, you are going to receive! I knew He was in
I knew without a doubt that Jesus was living on the inside
of me!
I also knew therefore that because Jesus lived on the inside
of me, I was going to walk like Jesus; I was going to talk like
Jesus; I was going to act like Jesus; I was going to do exactly
the same things that Jesus did!
I no longer had a right to live the kind of life that I once
I had never read the Bible.
But what did I do when I got saved?
I wasn't even saved fifteen minutes before the church
service was over and I immediately went up and down U.S.
Highway Number 1.
I even stopped at the funeral parlor, not that I thought I
could raise the dead, but I wanted to talk to the funeral director
because I wanted something good to happen to him!
Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the
He didn't say go and make Christians and bring them to
church and have them sit down!
He said, "Make disciples!"
What's a disciple?
Somebody who does exactly the same thing you do.
Somebody who goes out and tells everybody about Jesus.
A pastor should never have to have an altar call in church,
because believers ought to be winning them to Jesus, then
bringing them to church to be matured!
Those people were there because they were hungry for the
living Jesus, and they weren't going to leave until they got Him!
When we made the call for the baptism with the Holy
Ghost, the stadium emptied!
I don't think there were 5% of the people left in the stands.
They all came out in this pouring down rain to receive the
power of God in their life! The world is hungry!
Sometimes the only Jesus they will ever see is the Jesus in
How will they hear about Jesus unless He uses your lips
and He speaks through you and you speak the Word of God to
the people, and they see a demonstration of power?
Then He said, "They will take up serpents; and if they
drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them."
The last thing Jesus ever said while He was on the earth
was, "They," (the believers) "will lay hands on the sick, and
they will recover."
God has given us healing as a tool for salvation!
Let me just give you a very, very, very, good example!
We were in Japan and a Chinese man came to our service.
He can't speak English.
We can't speak Chinese.
We can't speak Japanese!
He can't speak English so we had a wonderful time.
But for some reason or another he fell in love with us.
My heart cried when I saw him and saw what the devil had
done to him, but I also believe that God honors faithfulness.
That man had gone to all that trouble to come to our
There was no doubt in my mind that God was going to heal
We laid hands on him, commanded that spirit of cancer to
come out, commanded every cancer cell to die, in the name of
He fell out under the power of God and someone took a
picture of him and he looked like a corpse laying on the floor!
A few months later we were in California, and our little
Chinese friend showed up at our meeting!
Totally healed by the power of God!!!
He had the doctors' records with him!!
We still can't talk to each other, but he had it translated into
English so we could read it.
The doctors said he was a miracle of God. (They were
God gave us healing as a tool.
I believe he brought every Chinese person in central
California to the meeting.
Why did they get saved?
Because they had seen a miracle of a living God!!!
It wasn't a dead god.
for Jesus that the devil would be afraid to come into your
neighborhood because he would say, "I can't even sneak in there
unless somebody opens their mouth about Jesus!"
Who does God use?
God uses people.
God doesn't preach the gospel.
The angels don't preach the gospel.
Jesus doesn't preach the gospel.
We do?
Christ in you, the hope of glory!
That's what it says in Col. 1:26-27. "Christ in you, the hope
of glory."
When we can get that revelation that it is actually Jesus
who lives on the inside of us, Jesus who controls our thoughts,
Jesus who controls our mouth, and Jesus who controls our
minds, then we are not going to do anything except what the
Lord Jesus wants us to do.
We are believing that everyone who reads this book will
want to have that hunger in their heart! So much so that you
can't stand it when you see a sinner!
I can't stand it when I see a sinner. I can't stand it when I
see somebody who is not saved.
I have tremendous boldness.
We are going to believe that as you read this book you are
going to begin to say things you never dreamed you would say
in your entire life.
way today and people are really hungry for the things of God!"
I said, "God has placed eternity in the heart of every man
and I don't care who you are, I don't care how rich you are, I
don't care how good you are, there is a hunger for God in your
heart that will never be satisfied until you fill it with the things
of an eternal God."
I continued, "You could try to fill this vacuum in your heart
with sex, with lust, with money, with fame, with fortune, with
drugs, with alcohol..."
He said, "Stop."
He said, "Why did you come in this store today?"
I said, "Why do you ask that?"
He said, "You just described me. I tried to find the answer
in sex, in lust, in money, in fame, in fortune, in drugs, in
alcohol, and I am miserable!"
I said, "Great, I have the answer!" I said, "Repeat this
prayer after me right now."
I don't ask people if they want Jesus.
This is just the way God has allowed me to do it because
He has given me an extra dose of boldness.
I said, "Repeat this prayer after me."
The reason I do that is because a sinner doesn't know he
needs to be saved!
He is too dumb to know he needs to be saved!
So you have to take the initiative.
"Yes, everyone."
"But that would include Damascus, Ephesus,
dozens of large cities, as well as towns and villages.
What about the nomadic tribes on the desert? How long
did it take the churches to reach all of these people?"
"Not long; 24 months to be exact.3 The same thing
is happening in North Africa and Southern Europe. The
gospel has reached Spain, too. We've heard of a land
called England, and several Christians may be there by
"Aquila, what you're telling us is incredible. You
have done more in one generation than we have done in
a thousand years!"
"That's strange. It's been rather simple for us to do.
It's hard to realize things have moved so slowly for you.
Maybe there is a better way to spread the good news."
Acts 5:42
Acts 20:20
Acts 19:10
You and I are living in times that are different than anyone
has ever had the privilege of living before. There is no question
in our minds whatsoever. I'd rather be alive today than any other
time in the history of the world.
I would rather be alive today because you and I are getting
to see things that no other generation has ever, ever seen in their
entire life.
There's one of two things we can do.
We can either jump in the middle of the stream and swim
or drown.
Chapter 2
The Decade Of Harvest
God did not call us to preach a powerless gospel!
God did not call us to serve a powerless God!
God did not call us to live a powerless life!
He called us to be mighty warriors during this period of
time which most people are calling either the DECADE OF
Either name is suitable, but if Jesus is coming soon, and we
all believe that He is, then we must do something about it!
We need to rise up as the glorious unified, holy, victorious
army that we are because Jesus is coming back for a triumphant
church and not a weak powerless church!
Jesus said that the gospel would be preached to every
creature on earth by believers doing signs and wonders, then He
would return.
As we have ministered around the world in all types of
meetings and across denominational lines, we have asked the
question, "How many believe that Jesus could well be back this
Almost without exception every hand quickly goes up.
Then we ask the question, "How are we going to get the
gospel preached to every person on earth, all five billion of
them, and still meet this deadline?"
God already knows the exact twinkling of an eye when
Jesus will come back and probably by now Jesus knows that
too, but He will come back at that exact time God decided at the
very beginning of time.
That means that Jesus will get this job done through His
people on earth right on time for His mighty glorious return!
If more people are being born physically than born again
every year, then something isn't working like Jesus described it
and planned it.
We began to search in the Bible for the answer to this great
One thing we discovered was that Jesus came to earth to be
our model.
He set up a prototype plan for the salvation of all the
people on the earth who will believe in Him and be saved.
Jesus came to earth for one single purpose, to bring people
into the kingdom of God to save the lost. He set up His
prototype plan very, very simply and demonstrated it on earth in
the first church.
First of all, He preached about the kingdom of God.
He did signs and wonders so they would believe and He
told them exactly how to get saved.
He kept His disciples with Him during His three-and-a-half
years of ministry and by example He taught them how to do
everything He did.
Then He said that everything He did, we believers would
do also and even greater things. John 14:12 says, "Most
assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I
do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do,
because I go to My Father."
Please note that Jesus did not only say that we could do
them, He said we would do them! Whenever we read that
scripture, we always put the emphasis on the word "Do!" He
meant that we would actually do them!
Then as Jesus was departing from this earth, He left some
instructions with His disciples as to what He wanted
accomplished before His return. Jesus said, "Go into all the
world and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15).
We have failed for 1990 years to accomplish the work
Jesus assigned to us, so how are we going to get it completed
before the return of Jesus, which everyone seems to feel is
Jesus never said go and sit down in a church, enjoy
yourself, have a wonderful time during all of the services, and
then when you die you'll go to heaven.
The Christian life is a life of action!
It is not a sedentary life!
It is a life where we are active all the time because
Christianity is a lifestyle, a way of life, and not a religion.
The word "Go" as used in Mark 16:15 means "as you are
going," preach the gospel!
Many of us think we could never make it to Africa, we
could never make it to Central America, we could never make it
to Asia, we could never go to India, but that word actually
means "as you are going," preach the gospel to every creature.
When He said to go into all the world, He didn't say that we all
had to go to Africa or some foreign country, because some of
our faith comes when we hear God, and we hear God because
we meditate day and night in His word, which enables us to
hear Him.
The timing of God and fulfillment of great portions of
biblical prophecies is speaking loudly and clearly to the body of
Christ today.
We heard a rhema word from God on March 31, 1990,
when He said to the body of Christ, "Take a census of the
We heard this word from God distinctly, clearly,
unmistakably, and loudly. That has brought to us "Faith without
a doubt" for the fulfillment of this vision. We pray that this will
reach the depth of your heart and you will hear this as a rhema
word to you, too!
We feel that our personal responsibility is at this time, and
at least, to blow the trumpet announcing to the Christians of this
decade what God spoke, and to set up Honduras as the model
nation to let the world know that God is changing His tactics of
evangelism to accomplish a complete work so every person in
Honduras, in your city, your state, your nation, and finally the
world WILL HEAR THE GOSPEL before the return of Jesus.
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the
churches (Revelation 3:6).
Chapter 3
"What You Do, Do Quickly!"
A few years ago as we were sensing in our spirits that we
were in the foothills of the end times, God woke me at about
4:30 o'clock in the morning and said,
"What you do, do quickly!"
I jumped out of bed, grabbed my Bible and read in all the
gospels the account of the last supper where Jesus spoke to His
disciples. Then in John 13:27 were the words God had just
spoken to me, What you do, do quickly.
Although these were for Judas to do his traitor betrayal of
Jesus, I felt God was saying something else for this generation.
As I meditated on this, asking God what He was saying to
us for today, I realized that Jesus was not just relating this act of
Judas, but that actually this act, followed by the death and
resurrection of Jesus, ended one era and started another.
The dictionary defines an era as "an event or date that
marks the beginning of a new or important period in the history
of something; a period of time measured from some important
occurrence or date; a system of reckoning time by numbering
the years from some important occurrence or given point of
time; as, the Christian Era is dated from approximately four
years after Jesus' birth".
It became clear that what really happened when Jesus said,
"What you do, do quickly", was that He was finalizing the Old
Testament period and starting the New Testament era.
Realizing that we are nearing Jesus' return, another era is
of a grape seed dropped into the ground and its maturity within
the twinkling of an eye, almost before it hits the ground, and
then visualize the miraculous power of God accelerating and
accomplishing the same things in salvation, baptism with the
Holy Spirit, healings and deliverance.
Visualize one word spoken, and salvation received!
Visualize one hand waved over the multitudes, and see
them all healed by the power of a loving God... instantly!
Visualize instantaneous deliverance of hundreds of
thousands of demon-possessed or oppressed people!
When is this going to happen? Today right now, if we
will learn that fine tuning that is necessary to be able to operate
in those things which the Holy Spirit is trying to communicate
to us!
This is a further excerpt from our book SUPERNATURAL
HORIZONS from Glory to Glory, further showing God's
speed in the final harvest season.
Chapter 4
UnityWhat Does It Mean?
In Ephesians 4:11 Jesus said, "And He Himself gave some
to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some
pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work
of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all
come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of
God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the
fullness of Christ."
What have we been doing? God has appointed some to be
apostles, teachers, pastors, prophets and evangelists but we are
duplicating each other's efforts.
We are going into the same area with all of us doing our
own little thing.
The apostle is doing his thing!
The teacher is doing his thing!
The evangelist is doing his thing!
The pastor is doing his thing!
The prophet is doing his thing!
We are all spending money!
We are all spinning our wheels not accomplishing that
which needs to be accomplished at all, but sometimes building
little kingdoms of our own.
What is God saying to the body of Christ? Is there a
possibility that we could come together in unity?
He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that
which judges him the word that I have spoken will judge him
in the last day."
Let us remind you again Jesus did not come to hold
camp meetings!
Jesus did not come to hold Harvest Celebrations!
Jesus did not come to hold praise and worship
Jesus did not come to hold marriage seminars! Jesus did
not come to hold spiritual warfare conventions!
Jesus did not come to hold seminars or conferences!
All of these things are good, but they're not the central
focus of what He said to do!
He came to seek and to save the lost, which should be the
motive, the purpose and the main drive of every church, every
evangelist and every Christian who is operating in the world
Remember we just said for a single purpose, not a single
doctrine. If we would have all of these things that were just
mentioned to you, that's wonderful, but each operation should
ultimately come to that one purpose... witnessing and
ministering to every person we can reach.
We are seeing a great unifying of the church on earth and
we also believe God is starting to unify ministries as well.
This does not mean that ministries will merge their
organizations, but rather they will unite for a single purpose.
There are many ministries with some of the facets of
You would also tell all your friends so they could take
advantage of this great big deal that was going on.
Now stop and think, do we do the same thing for Jesus?
Do we do the same thing and go out and tell all of our
friends, "You ought to come down to this meeting because
they're going to teach you how to be a soul winner. They're
going to teach you how to lead people to Jesus."
Or do we say, "Well, I don't think they would be interested
in coming to something like that?"
Remember that $1.00 and the Cadillac analogy can be a
tremendous tool to use to encourage people to do the things
they ought to do so we can complete the task Jesus told us to
do, which is to go out and to win the world for Jesus.
I often wonder if Jesus gave us a million dollars or bring it
down to $10,000 or even bring it down to $1,000 for every soul
we put into the kingdom of God, how many of us would work
furiously to get the job done?
I have a feeling a lot of us would do a lot more than we are
doing right now.
We have had a lot of wonderful teaching on prosperity.
I know that God wishes every Christian could be a
millionaire and have all the things they ever desire, but
unfortunately God can't trust most of mankind.
When He gives money, it's often used for the wrong
He blesses us financially so that His covenant may be
established around the earth, and not so we will spend it on
frivolous things.
How are we going to do all those things that Jesus set forth
as a pattern?
How are we going to take the simplified part that we've
given you in the paragraphs above and convert them to an
actual operating method for this last decade to accomplish all
that He said to do.
What did He say to do?
Preach the gospel to all five billion people on earth so that
none, having the opportunity to hear the gospel, would perish!
He said it would be done by believers doing signs and
wonders but He also said that every person would hear the
How are we going to determine that every person has
heard the gospel?
Let us share a sample that God gave us to do in the nation
of Honduras, in Central America.
Let us show you what can actually be accomplished by
people who really get a vision.
Chapter 5
HondurasA Nation Chosen By God!
A couple in Bradenton, Florida, Tom and Phyllis Reinecke,
who operated a dry cleaning business (nothing especially
spiritual about that), bought and watched our video tapes on
How To Heal The Sick.
It totally and completely turned them on when they
realized that the ordinary believer can lay hands upon the sick
and see them recover!
It so stirred them, that they invited some of their neighbors
to come the following week and watch the video tapes with
Their neighbors really got turned on and they immediately
began laying hands on the sick. This encouraged this particular
couple and they turned around and had another video healing
school in their home.
This continued until they had held more than 26 schools.
When they saw how people responded and got turned on, when
they realized that Jesus meant it when He said, " The works that
I do will you do also and even greater works will you do
because I go to be with my Father" they decided to share it
above and beyond where they were in their own little
Several years prior to that they had been to a church in
Honduras, a very small, a very poor church, but a church that
was enthusiastic about hearing the gospel.
They called our office to find out if we had the video tapes
translated into the Spanish language, which we do, so they
bought a set and called this pastor and asked him if he would
like to have a video healing school in his church, after telling
him all the exciting things that had happened in their lives as a
result of 26 video healing schools.
They went to Honduras to hold the video healing school in
one church.
The people got so excited about the fact that they could
learn how to heal the sick even though they weren't educated,
and they didn't know a lot about the Bible! They discovered that
once they had the power of God they could lay hands upon the
sick and see them recover.
Before this couple came back to the United States they had
been to over 100 churches with this one little set of video
healing tapes, teaching the people and letting them do the same
thing as they were doing, which was laying hands on the sick
and seeing them recover as a tool to get people to believe in
Jesus and be saved.
One of the pastors said to him, "Do you think the Hunters
would be interested in coming to Honduras?"
Tom said, "You have not because you ask not" and he
added, "Let's call them."
They called us and God quickened our spirits and we said,
"Yes, we would love to come to Honduras."
We immediately began sending video and audio tapes and
thousands of books to Honduras to teach the people how to heal
the sick, and a miracle started!
During the training schools, a student was given the
opportunity to minister to a medical doctor who had been born
with his feet turned under so he walked on his ankles, even as
been laying out there for two hours. The stench was terrible
not only from the cancer, but from the heat! The policeman
looked at Charles and said, "This man is dying of cancer
Charles did what Jesus said to do because we believe that,
"Those who believe shall lay hands on the sick and they shall
Charles cast out the spirit of cancer, commanded every
cancer cell in that body to die in the name of Jesus.
After he had done that he spoke a new immune system into
the man, commanded total healing, and left.
He saw no change whatsoever, but the Word of God says
when we lay hands on the sick they shall recover.
The power of God was present to heal!
As he was going back into the inside of the airport, they
put a blind woman in front of him and he laid hands on her. The
first words she said were, "You have white hair, you have white
skin and you have the peace of Jesus on your face."
God had touched her eyes.
The power of God was present to heal!
Then they brought Charles to me. They had taken me into
the Executive's Club where I thought they were going to give
me a cold drink or something like that but I got the shock of my
life to discover that the room was filled with sick people.
All kinds of sick bodies.
All kinds of diseases were present there.
They asked me to lay hands on them.
As they continued praying, God did a sovereign work and
people just got up out of wheelchairs, blind eyes were healed,
people who were dying of cancer got up off of mats and began
to run!
The meeting was covered by five radio stations, four
secular and one Christian. They told us that on the secular
stations the announcers wept all the way throughout the service.
The stations were on for five hours and they would say,
"There's a man over there lying on a mat, he looks like he's
Then there would be a pause and then they would say, "No,
he's getting up and he's walking and he's running and he's
leaping and he's praising God."
Apparently thousands were healed in this one meeting,
with "believers" doing what Jesus instructed them to do.
These particular radio programs went all over Central
America and the Caribbean.
Telephone calls were received for weeks afterwards from
people saying that they had been healed just by listening to this
service where the power of God was so strong.
Because the people were in one accord.
This was enough to make us super excited but that was not
the thing that touched our hearts the most.
A meeting with 45,000 to 48,000 people is an incredible
Can we call an emergency summit meeting of those who
are already doing massive works of evangelization? Will you be
willing to do this, just for Jesus?
This is not a ministry of Charles and Frances Hunter, or
Billy Graham, or Campus Crusade for Christ, or the Southern
Baptist Convention, or the Assemblies of God or other
Pentecostal or non-Pentecostal denominations. It is a combined
ministry of all believers working in unity under the plan God
and Christ Jesus have written and now revealed to us for this
last decade of harvest.
It is possible that the census ordered by Caesar Augustus
was the first "all the world" census ever taken, ushering in the
beginning of the New Testament when Jesus was born.
Is it possible that this "census of the world" is the way God
wants to wrap up this era when Jesus will return to earth?
God has said to us, and probably to every leader in the
world, "What you do, do quickly!"
Jesus said that to Judas in order to finalize the Old
Testament and start the New Testament; now He is saying the
same to us to finalize the works of the New Testament in
preparation for His arrival! Hallelujah!
All of us must move rapidly into this final day of harvest
and we solicit your call or letter to let us know your desires,
vision, willingness to do this census-like world witness!
We need to know who God wants to use to organize this
"preaching the gospel" to the five billion people on earth this
Chapter 6
Unity Of Ministries
We began to have calls, letters and literature come to us
because of the interest in the census-type evangelism as other
organizations around the world observed that we are
announcing what God is doing for Honduras.
This is the way we believe the Holy Spirit is working.
We discovered a tremendous move of God.
We have known about Campus Crusade all of our Christian
life and have worked with them in many different ways.
Frances used the Four Spiritual Laws the first two or three
years of her ministry to just simply lead people to Jesus.
It's a wonderful tool and can be used by anybody who
would like to and it works!
We said, " God we need to get in touch with Bill Bright,
the leader of this great organization and talk to him about it."
We said, "God will you cause him to remember who we are
when we contact him and let him be receptive to this idea and
coordinate it with his vast world-wide operation."
Would you believe that about a week later we were in
Washington, D.C. on the opposite side of the nation from where
he lives and half way across the nation from where we live.
We were in a van sitting directly in back of Bill Bright!
We only shared very briefly and said, "Bill, how would you
like to see 25,000,000 witnessing Christians go out like a bunch
of locusts across the United States and in two weeks time see
millions accept Jesus until the gospel has been preached to the
whole nation?"
The next morning we shared with him a little longer and
shared this basic concept with him. Bill shared a plan for
Campus Crusade For Christ. He said, "We're training 54,000
witness teams to saturate cities. By July of 1991 we plan to take
major cities of the United States and go house by house sharing
the gospel." Does this sound familiar with what God said, "Take
a census of the world?"
It's being done by his organization at the same time other
organizations are touching the same city.
We began to hear pastors say, "I'm going out house by
house in my neighborhood." Or some of them have said, "I'm
taking the city house by house."
Then we got literature and a cassette tape from Dick
Eastman's organization called World Literature Crusade (Every
Home for Christ). We were overwhelmed and amazed at how he
has been doing this for decades.
We were astounded that he was doing a work very similar
to what God said to the church through us.
He has already got his plan organized.
He's setting it up for training of different churches to take
this training with all of their people and move out into the
neighborhood house by house, in effect doing a census of that
neighborhood or that area of their city.
Why reinvent the wheel? Why not unify ministries?
We began to look at Ephesians 4:11 and saw something
that God was showing us. I want to quote this scripture from the
Every Day Bible. This is Ephesians 4:16: "The whole body
depends on Christ. And all the parts of the body are joined and
held together. Each part of the body does its own work. And this
makes the whole body grow and be strong with love."
Did you notice how that's bringing the whole body together
but it also implies that ministries will be joined together?
We see a unity coming in the purpose, not the
denomination or organization, but the purpose of what we are to
That purpose again is focused on leading people to Jesus
and making disciples out of them.
What about ministries?
We're going about doing our own thing and doing good
jobs of it like Campus Crusade, like the 700 Club, like World
Literature, like Billy Graham's organization and many, many
Each one of us doing a great work.
Some holding mass evangelism crusades.
Some setting up cell groups like Pastor Cho.
Many people all over the world are sending missionaries
out to do work and we are all grappling for our own little part
under each denominational leadership.
What would happen if we could find a unity of faith as it
says in the 4th chapter of Ephesians and join the work of
different ministries.
This would not change their organization nor would they
this two week census, and a weekly Bible study made available
to mature these new babies.
Our plane had stopped in San Pedro Sula on the way to
Tegucigalpa, and our new-found good friends there said we
ought to have a pastors' meeting there on Monday when we
came back through.
In two days they contacted pastors and we had over 200 at
our meeting on Monday morning between planes!
Their cooperation and excitement was incredible!
God had spoken, and we returned to Honduras, setting up
all the details for a complete evangelization of the entire nation
of Honduras, the first nation in the entire world to have had the
gospel preached to everyone!
As we watched the progress of the preparation and
systematic planning of this great census of the first nation on
earth where the gospel will be preached to every creature, we
began to see some principles God set forth in the Bible coming
before our eyes in panorama as it was being performed in
It was at this time that we began to see that the pastors
could continue with their individuality, with their own
doctrines, with their own denominations and not try to change
all of these but rather to have a single purpose in mind, that of
preaching the gospel to every creature on earth and then to
make disciples out of these people to go on winning people to
God had revealed unity in a new dimension and His people
were ready and anxious to take Honduras for Jesus!
We said to each other, "But this wouldn't work in the
United States."
And then we said, "Why not?"
This began our thinking about what God could do if all the
pastors and the five-fold ministries in the United States would
lay down their doctrinal differences for one single purpose... to
reach the people for Jesus.
Could they link arms for a single purpose without looking
at their denominations and ministries?
When we began to see it was a unification of purpose
rather than a unification of doctrines, denominations or
programs, it began to make sense according to the Word of God.
Pastors were all in one accord, looking as one team at the
purpose for which Jesus came to earth.
The lens of God's great seeing-eye cameras were being
focused on the same picture God and Christ Jesus viewed from
the beginning: this time had no beginning or ending, but it was
broken into eras of time and purposes.
We are moving into an important era in preparation for the
return of Jesus.
The great tribulation lies just ahead and we must prevent
all who will from going through this horrible time described in
the book of Revelation.
Let's take a few pages to explain the mechanical principles
of how this is being done in Honduras as a prototype model
which can be reproduced in any nation, any state, any city, any
village or any area of your city around your church.
It will work if we will apply the method Jesus designed,
established and put in writing for us 2,000 years ago.
We were not trying to get the non-Pentecostals to become
Pentecostals, although the last chapter of Mark shows its
We were not trying to mold them all into one congregation.
We were simply there to do what Jesus said to build the
kingdom of God!
Chapter 7
What About Follow-Up?
We were talking with a friend who is one of the great
leaders in training people as witness teams all over the world.
He said, "If you have 100% success in this venture and
don't do anything further than that, you will have wasted your
whole time and you'll be the laughing stock of Honduras six
months later."
Our initial thoughts were that all of these people would be
invited back to their various churches and would receive their
training under the pastor.
That is the way we feel it should ultimately be done
because God has appointed the pastor with the assistance of the
evangelists, teachers, prophets and apostles to train and equip
the believers for the work of ministry.
When we began to consider this for Honduras, it began to
take on another aspect.
Many of the pastors in Honduras have had no formal
training as pastors.
They simply want to go out and bring people in and teach
them all they can by reading the Bible, if they have one.
We understand that possibly half the population do not
read or write. However, we believe at least one person in each
home can read so they can study their New Testament.
A major part of them, if they go to church at all, go to
churches where they get inadequate teaching and maybe even
wrong teaching.
A great deal of denominational teaching goes into their
We understand that from great crusades (mass
evangelization) that only 0.05%, one half of one percent, of
those who accept Jesus will become active in a church!
We must find a more successful follow-up for maturing
these new babies in Jesus, and to equip and train them to be
productive disciples.
Up until now, evangelists have held mammoth crusades
where maybe hundreds of thousands, even millions have
attended and multitudes have accepted Jesus, and then the next
evangelist comes along and the same people come back to the
meeting and "get saved again."
Then the next evangelist comes along and the same people
"get saved again."
In the final analysis, numbers saved are not as important as
those staying true to Jesus. The new converts must be nurtured,
matured, and finally sent out as witnessing disciples.
Can you imagine the failure Peter, Paul, James, John and
the other apostles and disciples would have encountered with no
follow-up training?
When the same people go back to crusades month in,
month out, or year in and year out but nothing happens to them
after that, they might as well have not bothered going in the first
place because the question remains, "Did they really get
This is the same principle as if one million people in the
United States had babies and then these new babies were
thrown in a ditch, we didn't feed them, didn't nurture them,
didn't take care of them, didn't protect them from the elements.
What would happen?
All one million of them would be dead within a very short
period of time.
Exactly the same thing happens with these babies who are
"born into the kingdom of God" but who are not followed up!
They die spiritually and fall by the wayside before they
have ever had a chance to grow or to mature at all!
What are we going to do for follow-up?
This friend of ours made a tremendous suggestion.
He said, "Why don't you plant 50,000 or more cell groups
in Honduras all in the two weeks period when the teams are
taking the evangelization census?"
Our spirits leaped within us as he said this but then
suddenly we realized that many of these teams are not really
qualified to lead a cell group.
The plan that we are putting into action is this:
The census takers will go out in teams of two.
Each team will visit approximately 35 houses in the area
close to where they live.
After they have preached the gospel, they invite the people
to a cell group meeting at their home or a designated location,
on a certain date.
The census takers who have been trained in this area will
then immediately become a cell group leader under the
Chapter 8
How To Mobilize And
Evangelize A Nation
Pastors and a growing number of Christians are like seeds
looking for fertile ground.
God has prepared the hearts of people all over the world,
both sinners and Christians, for this great end-time revival
where hundreds of millions, if not billions, will be saved.
Jesus lives in the very heart of every sincere Christian. He
wants souls to present to His Father!
Think of the excitement in heaven as multiplied millions
times millions are being saved!
When all the angels rejoice at the salvation of one soul,
think of the rejoicing of angels when these mass multitudes are
joining God's royal family!!!
Finally in these last days, God has revealed His simple
workable plan to reach these masses!
We, the Christians of today, are blessed to be the ones
chosen for this hour to make God and Christ Jesus rejoice with
the riches of heaven souls brought into the family of God!
When God spoke to us and said that Honduras would be
the first nation to have every person evangelized, God had
already provided the "man" for the job.
Ralph Turner watched our video tapes prior to the San
Antonio, Texas, Healing Explosion and instantly caught the
vision of what Jesus is saying to the body of Christ today and
"The Plan"
by Ralph Turner
Even when God decides to move, it must involve a plan.
There must be people to operate that plan. It was that way
Stage "A"
(Figure No. lb)
(Figure No. 2b)
1. Executive Staff:
a. Hunter Representative: Relays the vision given to
Charles and Frances Hunter to those working with him. Handles
the supervised budget and general activities. Serves in an
advisory capacity.
b. National Pastoral Supervisor: Serves as spiritual advisor
to operation. Works with pastoral advisory board to relay
suggestions to Hunter Representative and Director. Works with
both to put into operation the various phases of the census.
c. National Coordinator: Directs the implementing of all
activities. Supervises the state Directors. Deals with advertisers.
Sets up and coordinates national and local meetings.
2. Pastoral Advisory Board: A group of pastoral leaders
who join together to offer advice on certain matters when
requested. They have no decision-making power. The Executive
Staff takes into consideration all advice given. But is not under
obligation to put into practice those things suggested by this
3. Central Office: Consists of secretary with volunteers as
needs arise. Here all the results will be tabulated. Also is the
point of contact for all those who work with the leadership.
4. State Directors: These are ministers directed by God for
this work. Their job is to:
a. Work with pastors in understanding the vision.
Then they experienced the fourteen hours of video training
on "How To Heal The Sick".
They were required to spend their evenings reading the
textbook by the same name.
The last two days of classroom time were spent with such
subjects as how to dress when calling on pastors, and how to
talk to them.
They were given some valuable information on the proper
use of an expense account.
Then they were shown exactly how to guide a pastor in
getting his church ready for the Evangelistic Census.
On Saturday we assembled about 300 people in a church
We had advertised on the radio, inviting all who would like
to be the first trained in "How To Be A Census-Taker" to be at
the church that morning.
The newly trained Departmento Directors helped in that
training by passing out the literature to be used and being
available to give individual help to anyone who needed it.
Then we took all who would go to a small community just
outside of town. (I say all who would go because during the
class it began to rain. By the time we were ready to go to the
community to take the "sample census", it was really pouring.
However, about 65 people still went, anxious to be the first to
test the "technique" we felt God had given us).
We arrived at the small village about 1:00 p.m. It was still
All the streets were dirt (mud now) and all the houses were
situated on the side of a steep mountain.
It was really slippery.
The directors had been stationed at various places in the
Team members had been assigned to each one and they
soon worked their way to where their "director" was waiting.
They then were sent to certain areas of houses, and very
soon the "census" was under way.
It continued for about two hours.
Most of the witnessing took place inside the small houses
and huts. The rain did have that benefit at least.
The people would not allow the census takers to stand
outside in the rain and talk to them.
They would quickly invite them inside.
In the two hours we worked, everyone got soaked to the
But...some 323 people were presented with the gospel of
salvation. Two hundred and seventy-one (84%) invited Jesus
Christ to come in and take over their lives.
The census-takers were supposed to meet back with their
assigned director and turn in the census forms they had filled
out on each person.
Many got turned in, but because of the rain, some of the
witnesses went on back to their own homes without turning in
the forms. The above results are based on those forms that did
make it back to our office.
From the results, we felt that the Holy Spirit was giving us
not only His approval of what we were doing, but just a hint of
what was going to happen during the National Evangelistic
The next phase of the plan was the sending out of these
departmento directors to their assigned states. (See Stage A,
Figures la and lb)
They left the next day after the practice census. They were
to telephone at least every other day to give a report to the
office on the progress being made in their areas.
Within a very few days each city was ready for the
motivational meetings.
In several of the cities it was reported that every pastor in
the city had pledged to come not only to the meeting, but to be
involved in the census.
It was with a lot of excitement and expectation that the
three teams left for the meetings.
One team was headed by Dale Proctor, an American
missionary to Honduras who had begun to work with us to
make this project a success.
Another was guided by Tom Reinecke, a retired
businessman from Florida and the one God had used to
introduce Charles and Frances to Honduras.
The third was headed by Ralph Turner, Charles' and
Frances' International Ministries Director.
For nine days the three teams traveled. Each night a
meeting was planned in another state.
They would hold a meeting one night, then leave early the
next morning to drive to the next state for the meeting that
All the meetings were successful.
The team would share the vision and how the pastors there
could be involved so as to change their town and their nation.
Then the challenge would be issued and the team
spokesman would ask the pastors to make a commitment to the
Lord and to each other to work for the success of the census.
In every meeting most of the pastors in the town attended.
In several meetings every pastor in the town came.
In every case the excitement was high.
With these meetings, stage "A" was completed.
God's Holy Spirit was activating miracles unheard of on
earth in modern times.
So far we had: Alerted the spiritual leaders of the nation as
to what God was about to do in Honduras. Secured the support
of most of the pastors in Honduras. Formed a very effective
executive staff.
Trained and sent out a director for each of the 18 states.
Conducted an informational and motivational meeting in the
capitol city of each of these states.
The Evangelistic Census of Honduras was off to a very
successful start!
Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things I that
I have commanded you; ' and lo, I am with you always, even to
Stage "B"
(Figure No. 3b)
6. An audio tape is the tool that really prepares the pastor
to get his church ready for the census. On it the vision (in
Honduras) was shared by a national leader. Then the national
director gave details on using the materials, training his teams,
assigning areas, and doing his part of the census.
7. Here all tracts, Bibles, instruction cards, and all other
training and census materials are placed into the pastors' hands.
The pastor starts at once to have training sessions with his
8. Each team member is taught how to lead a person to
Jesus and how to fill out all the forms. They are assigned
partners and the area of town for which they are to take
9. Everything has been leading up to this point. Each team
goes to their assigned area and begins to knock on doors
presenting Jesus. Whenever they fail to get an answer, they
make a note of it on the form and plan to return until they
contact every person in their area during the two weeks. They
make a report each day of results and turn in the census forms.
All forms are returned weekly to their supervisors, and in turn
go up the organization chain until they reach the central
Entry into Stage "B" (see Stage "B" Figure la and lb)
started with the production of a "training tape". This 60 minute
audio tape was designed to answer every question a pastor
might have about just how he could get his church people ready
to take part in the census.
It began with a recording of Charles announcing to the
For this job they were called back into the office to be
familiarized with the training cassette tape.
Through their reports we determined just how many tapes
each coordinator needed to take back to his state.
Once there, the departmento coordinators would begin to
travel again to every town and personally deliver this most
valuable training tool to every pastor.
During the weeks following this, all the ministry teams
were instructed by the Executive Staff to try to fulfill every
invitation to meet with churches and pastors.
This constant personal contact was vitally important.
We must keep the excitement and expectation at a high
level until the census actually starts.
It would be so easy to allow the momentum to die out just
because of inattention.
We believe that to be one of the biggest challenges during
this very crucial time period.
Keep the census takers ready and excited by keeping the
pastors ready and excited!
For Honduras, we had 500,000 Spanish Living New
Testaments (Nuevo Testamento Viviente) printed. This was to
be our witness/census-taking tool.
This tool is very unique. In the front are several very
special pages. One page is a "love letter" from Charles and
Frances to the person receiving the Bible.
The next page in the New Testament is the main witnessing
tool used by the census taker.
Figure 4a
(Side One)
God loves you, and has a wonderful plan for your life!
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only
begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish,
but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
Jesus speaking: "I came that they might have life, and
might have it abundantly." (John 10:10)
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
(Romans 3:23)
"For the wages of sin is death." (Romans 6:23)
"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that
while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life;
no one comes to the Father, but through Me." (John 14:6)
"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right
to become children of God, even to those who believe in His
name." (John 1:12)
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears
My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him."
(Revelation 3:20)
This WONDERFUL PLAN lists eight scriptures which are
basic to a person receiving Jesus.
The census taker leads the person through those one by
Then on the next page of their New Testament there is a
very basic prayer which the census-taker can help the person
Figure 4b
(Side Two)
Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross
for my sins. I open the door to my life and receive You as my
Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving
me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me
the kind of person You want me to be.
One other training item was included with the Bibles. (See
Figures 5 and 6). With these a pastor was able to thoroughly
train all his people to become very effective census takers and
You have no problems which will not be overcome when
God tells you to do a work like the Honduras census, but there
are daily challenges through which God leads His workers.
Unique challenges were presented in Honduras when it
came to getting these materials into the hands of all the pastors.
The Bibles arrived at Puerto Cortez on the northern coast
of Honduras.
Using the figures given us by the departmento
coordinators, we were able to estimate just how many "sets" of
training materials were needed in each district.
(One set consists of one Bible and several census forms.
(See census form Figure 7, Page 164). The materials were
loaded in trucks at the port and taken to San Pedro Sula, the
nearest large town we were using as one of the three distribution
There the materials were divided by volunteers into the
right amount needed for the other two distribution points,
Tegucigalpa and Santa Rosa.
These supplies were then shipped to each of those cities.
(Figure 5)
1. You have a map and address or location of each home to
which you are assigned to preach the gospel.
(Figure 6)
(Honduras received New Testaments; adapt
this for cards (Figure 4a and b)
1. Knock on each door in your territory; when a person
comes to the door, introduce yourself and state your purpose in
being there in a friendly, but clear manner.
The Christians of your city from all denominations are
taking a census of every person in your city. Just as Jesus said it
would be done, the gospel will be preached to every person on
earth, and then He will return.
2. May I share with you very briefly how this will bless
3. Fill in names and address on Census Registration Form
4. Then present the gospel as you have been trained. You
should use the "Wonderful Plan" by showing them Side One
which has every scripture necessary for them to understand the
gospel and how to receive Jesus as their Savior. Explain that
they are not joining any church, but can continue in the church
of their choice.
5. Ask them, "Have you ever asked Jesus to come into your
6. Show them the little prayer on Side Two; read it aloud to
them, and then say, "Would you like to pray this prayer with
7. Read a phrase and have them repeat it, until they have
said the entire prayer. Then say, "Where is Jesus right now?"
They should reply, "In my life," or "In my heart."
8. Tell them you would like to leave this New Testament
(or card) with them and ask them each to sign the New
Testament (or card) with the date to remember the day they
were saved.
9. If you have received the baptism with the Holy Spirit
yourself, then ask them if they have ever heard of the baptism
with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. If not (or if they
say "Yes" but do not resist your offering them this wonderful
gift) instruct them briefly as you have been taught, then pray
aloud in tongues. Then ask if they would like to receive this
great gift from God. If so, minister to them.
Distribution Chart
(Figure No. 8b)
To get all materials into each team's hands, the following
plan was implemented.
We needed to determine how many sets of materials were
required for each state, city and town.
The estimated population of each town was determined.
This gave us a close estimate of how many homes are in
each town. By finding this figure for each town and adding
them all together we could determine how many sets were
needed for each state. This figure x 6 states gave us the amount
of supplies to be sent to each of the three districts.
1. All materials were shipped into Honduras to a central
distribution port.
2. The nation was divided into three districts. Each district
is made up of six states. The Bibles and materials were divided
into the number of packages needed for each state and shipped
from the port to the three district distribution centers by large
3. The correct number of sets of materials were then
shipped by buses to each state coordinator from the district
coordinator for each state.
At the state level, the coordinator and his volunteers
divided the materials again.
This time into amounts needed for each city, town and
4. These amounts were shipped to the assigned
coordinating pastor in each city and town.
Pastor: Each pastor tabulates the results of his teams, then turns
this information in to the designated coordinator for his city.
State Director: The State Director gets all the returned reports
and checks the summaries for mistakes. He then forwards the
reports to the District Director.
(Figure 7)
We made the census form as simple as possible; perhaps
you will want to include other information, but still we urge that
it be kept very simple.
(Figure 4 a & b)
In Honduras we used a very simple presentation of the
gospel, but it has proven most successful.
If you choose to use your own plan of witnessing, that is
totally satisfactory.
If you have used something like THE FOUR SPIRITUAL
LAWS by Campus Crusade for Christ, the tools by Billy
Graham Evangelistic teams, or some other tools, please choose
that which you feel the Holy Spirit leads you to use.
We included the witness tools in the front of the Living
New Testament we gave to every home in Honduras. For the
homeless, we used the forms similar to the brochure reproduced
as shown in Figures 4a & b (Pages 154 and 155).
We experienced phenomenal results with this simple
presentation of the gospel.
The more simple the presentation, the less training is
needed for the witness teams.
In one test village of about 3,000 population, we trained 35
people on Friday night and sent them out for the evangelization
of their area at 8:00 o'clock the next morning.
The results were astounding: The few teams we had
contacted about 700 people in two or three hours after receiving
a little over two hours of training and instructions. Of these 700
contacted, about 500 were saved.
There were two small churches in the village (one having
about 25 in attendance; the other about 20).
Sunday morning came after the evangelistic sample census
Stage "C"
10. The Harvest Celebration is to be a grand night of
praise, worship, challenge and commitment. It will offer thanks
to God for the souls won during the two weeks of witnessing.
The coordinator in each area (state) will come into the
arena with a flaming torch and proclaim how many people have
accepted Jesus in his departmento (state). Testimonies of
accomplishments for Jesus will be given. A great Healing
Explosion by the trained healing teams will conclude the
Harvest Celebration.
11. The follow-up will be designed to "make disciples" of
those who have been saved.
In Honduras it is conducted on nation-wide radio. Two
sessions per week are aired. Plus a 30 minute special program
for the cell leaders.
In that program, the cell leader is advised what the next
lesson will be and is encouraged to make contact with all those
in his group and remind them of the meeting.
The sessions will last for possibly thirty-six weeks and
include basic Christian living, walking in the Holy Spirit, signs
and wonders, witnessing and much, much more!
This is the way we envision the climax of the Honduras
Evangelistic Census and Harvest Celebration:
The great day of the giant Harvest Celebration in the
capitol city, Tegucigalpa, has arrived. This is a time of praise,
worship, sharing, and reporting to the nation the results of the
Evangelistic Census...
The celebration begins at 2:00 p.m. with a parade of all
choirs of all churches, marching through streets singing victory
praise to God.
Thousands of believers on foot will be moving as a giant
army returning from a great victory! They sing and worship as
they march toward the plaza.
They are already rejoicing over the 2,000,000 souls who
have come into God's kingdom during the two weeks' period.
They are led by the Honduran Army Band.
Soon they arrive at the plaza.
In quick order the seats are all full.
Then they begin to fill the side streets for blocks.
No traffic can move.
The air is electric with excitement and expectation.
Inside and just behind the giant platform, a 100 voice choir
begins to sing.
The praise fills the air as the huge crowd begins to catch
the spirit of celebrating a great move of God, and they join the
The guests on the stage begin to praise and the
involvement of the entire crowd swells.
After a time of praise, the master of ceremonies steps to
the mike.
He introduces the mayor of Tegucigalpa. The mayor
welcomes everyone. Then the Army Band strikes up the
Chapter 9
Let's Bring This To The U.S.A.
After realizing what will happen in the third world
countries, including the model nation Honduras, our first and
immediate response was, "This will never work in the United
Then we said, "Why not?"
If we believe that with God all things are possible, then
how can we say it cannot work in the United States?
Can we say that God cannot unite all of the separate
denominations for a common purpose of saving the lost?
Can we say that God is not big enough to bring unity to
those people who have come so vehemently against tongues, or
even the Pentecostal denominations which come so vehemently
against one another, or those who speak in tongues belittling
those who don't?
God's word in Ephesians 4:11 declares that we will have
unity in the body of Christ and the time for this is very near!
In Winston-Salem, North Carolina, we met with two
pastors in the area and shared with them the vision that we're
sharing in this book.
As we talked about Central America and broadcasting over
one radio station, a daring thought entered our minds!
Why couldn't that happen in the United States?
Why couldn't we have all of the Christian television and
radio networks across the nation, who are all competing for the
Then the devil said to Him, If You are the Son of God,
order this stone to turn into a loaf [of bread].
And Jesus replied to him, It is written, Man shall not live
and be sustained by (on) bread alone but by every word and
expression of God.
Then the devil took Him up to a high mountain and showed
Him all the kingdoms of the habitable world in a moment of
time in the twinkling of an eye.
And he said to Him, To You I will give all this power and
authority and their glory (that is, all their magnificence,
excellence, preeminence, dignity and grace,) for it has been
turned over to me, and I give it to whom I will;
Therefore if You will do homage to and worship me (just
once), it shall all be Yours.
And Jesus replied to him, Get behind Me, Satan! It is
written, You shall do homage to and worship the Lord your
God, and Him only shall you serve.
Then he took Him to Jerusalem and set Him on a gable of
the temple, and said to Him, If You are the Son of God, cast
Yourself down from here;
For it is written, He will give His angels charge of you to
guard and watch over you closely and carefully;
And on their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike
your foot against a stone.
And Jesus replied to him, [The Scripture] says, You shall
not tempt (try, test exceedingly) the Lord your God.
And when the devil had ended every [the complete cycle
of] temptation, he left Him temporarily, that is, stood off
ministries and the unity of the people come forth to preach the
gospel to every creature on earth.
It will happen because Jesus said so. He gave us the
formula. He gave us the model.
He made it so simple that a child could understand it.
Will we join together?
Will we simply say, "Yes, Jesus will be back soon and
we've got to get this job done fast."
We have got to do it like Jesus said.
Can we really preach the gospel to every creature in
Can some 260,000,000 people hear the gospel in two
Yes, in the natural mind it's impossible but when we do it
like Jesus said, it's very easy and can be done in two weeks after
the organization and preparation of a unified army of God's
The most evangelized square foot of ground in the entire
United States is the average church!
Let's get out of the church and into the fields which are
white unto harvest! Then the church organization can mature
and equip the saints for the work of ministry.
Might we not take some ideas from the Mormons and the
Jehovah Witnesses who are rising up so rapidly, and learn to
teach our people how to go out and be real soul winners?
Not only that, but to give them a desire to carry in them the
very heartbeat of the Lord Jesus Christ His heartbeat is souls,
souls, souls, souls, souls!
You might say, "How do I start?"
Here is a simplified plan for the United States which will
The "Plan"
For a city, state or nation, it is exactly the same!
1. Call a meeting of the pastors of all denominations who
have a hunger for souls.
2. Share the vision for evangelizing everyone in your city,
state or nation.
3. Get volunteers for the Steering Committee to put the
"mechanics" together.
4. Get detailed maps of your city, state or nation. These are
1. Teams should go out in two's, one to talk, and one to
pray silently (or add to the conversation if the Holy Spirit tells
them to!) "And He called the twelve to Him, and began to send
them out two by two, and gave them power over unclean
Be attentive to their needs.
Everyone responds when they find that you have a genuine
interest in them.
Listen to what they are saying, especially if there is any
indication of problems in their life.
Chapter 10
Three Reasons To Expect
Success In Soul Winning
"The day I got saved Jesus opened my mouth, and I haven't
shut it since! How anyone can keep bottled up within
themselves what Jesus has done for them is beyond my wildest
imagination. You cannot fail as a soul winner if you love Jesus!"
I don't always have time to read all the mail that comes our
way, but there are some I always read because I KNOW the
content is going to be good.
Recently an article which appeared in the Living Word
Ministries magazine caught my eye, and they have given me
permission to reprint it so that you can be blessed!
This is the year when everyone is talking about the return
of Jesus, and the need for witnessing, so this will help you
tremendously to get over any hang-ups you have on this subject.
Danny Malady says:
God doesn't call us to do anything that can't be done.
God is not stupid. He's God.
When He calls, He equips.
And God has called you to a ministry.
In fact, as soon as all believers are born again, they have an
instant ministry called the ministry of reconciliation, that is, to
go out in the world and win souls to Christ.
God has given us everything we need to get the job done.
Jeremiah 1:12 (Amplified) says "I am alert and active
watching over my Word to perform it".
To be an effective witness, you must learn to place absolute
confidence in the integrity of God's Word.
When God says something, He means what He says.
When He says He will do something it will be done (Isa.
46:11, Ezk. 12:25). God is not a liar.
When we plant the seed of God's Word in the hearts of
people it does what it is supposed to do and a process begins.
First the blade, after that the ear, after that the full corn in
the ear (Mark 4:26-28).
But if we don't sow that first seed there will never be a
When you speak the Word of God in witnessing you 're
doing at least one of three things: 1.) Sowing seed; 2.) Adding
to what is already there (watering); 3.) Harvesting. As stated in I
Cor. 3:6, "...Paul planted, Apollos watered, God gave the
Let me illustrate this from my life. I came from a
denominational background.
I had heard about Jesus but never about the new birth.
The first time I heard however, a seed was sown in my
From the first time until the time I finally received Jesus as
my Lord and Savior, God sent a number of people to water that
believers have been given the right to use the name of Jesus.
Mark 16:17-18 talks about the signs that will follow
These signs are brought about through the authority of
Jesus' name and through faith in that name.
Signs and wonders done in Jesus' name will draw attention
to Jesus and people will see that God is alive, His power is real
and Christianity isn't just a lot of talk.
In Acts 8:5 it says that Philip "went down to the city of
Samaria, and preached Christ unto them. And the people with
one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake,
hearing and seeing the miracles which he did" (verse 6).
An effective witness is one who can back up what he has to
say with miraculous proof.
We've got the Word and its power to back us up.
The third reason we can expect success in soul winning is
because God has given us the power to be successful soul
winners. We have the Holy Ghost. Acts 1:8 (Amplified) states,
"But you shall receive powerability, efficiency and might
when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my
witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the
endsthe very boundsof the earth."
The word "power" in this verse is translated from the
Greek word "dunamis" which means ability, efficiency and
In 2 Cor. 3:5 it says our sufficiency is of God not
It's the power of God in us, the mighty Holy Spirit, who
empowers us to be witnesses.
We as believers need to place our trust in Him.
All I've said can be simply summarized.
Get your eyes off yourself and your natural ability.
Put them on God and His supernatural ability to make you
an effective witness.
Brothers and sisters, God has given us all the equipment
we need to get the job of evangelizing the world done.
I know that as you step out in faith and are obedient to
God's Word, you'll find that witnessing isn't a hard thing to do.
It is simply yielding to the power of God in you and
allowing Him to flow through you to reach the world for Jesus.
So come on, let's DO IT!
Let's go!
Chapter 11
A Mandate From God!
A mandate from God is an irrevocable "order from
headquarters" which must be fulfilled by the person to whom it
is given, or by others to whom the mandate is applicable!
A mandate from God is a precious trust which God places
in certain individuals at certain times for certain of His purposes
to fulfill!
A mandate is a privilege to execute because not everyone
receives a specific mandate from God during their lifetime, so
to those whom God has given a mandate, we must do all we can
to see that it is carried out!
A mandate from God is a priceless honor to be placed in
your hands by the Almighty God!
God spoke to us in Minneapolis, Minnesota on a Saturday
afternoon in December of 1985 and said, "Put your video
healing tapes in the languages of the world!"
It was not a choice it was a command from God!
We were temporarily stunned because of the size of the
Realizing the magnanimity of this mandate, the costs
involved and the work involved, I said, "God, how come you
chose two such old people as we are to do this big job?"
We were 138 years old together at the time.
God's answer was so simple, there could never be any
misunderstanding of what He meant.