God's Amazing Answer to Prayer
By Jim Baker
About this ebook
The author wrote this book because he felt an obligation to God to use the information he received from God in a responsible way to help others come to know more about God, and to give many non-believers more reasons to believe in God, by documenting God's interaction with him. This book starts with an introduction and a brief history of the author. The author had several incredible personal experiences with God, and this book is especially about one of those experiences. The author states that God gave him a verbal answer to his prayer that revealed more about God and His Kingdom than is currently thought to be true and accepted. The author then felt a need to share with Christians and non-Christians this Godly event and message. The book also gives a simple guide for non-believers to get on track with God. The book details some of the other signs and miracles that happened in the author's own life. This book also tells of God's revelation as to where Heaven is, AND where God is --- physically. The author explains that God helped him during several recent personal, medical and financial periods in his life. The book emphasizes that you should always put God #1 in your life, so that you may have access to eternal life as described in the Bible.
Jim Baker
Jim Baker has been a regular contributor to ESPN.com's Page 2., He is the coauthor of Change Up: An Oral History of 8 Key Events That Shaped Baseball and has contributed to such popular books as The Bill James Historical Abstract; Mind Game: How the Red Sox Got Smart, Won a World Series, and Created a New Blueprint for Winning, and Rob Neyer's Big Book of Baseball Blunders. He resides in Austin, Texas with his daughters Victoria and Olivia, and has spent a lifetime rooting for the football Cardinals.
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God's Amazing Answer to Prayer - Jim Baker
© 2012 Jim Baker. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 12/10/2012
ISBN: 978-1-4772-9203-7 (e)
ISBN: 978-1-4772-9204-4 (hc)
ISBN: 978-1-4772-9205-1 (sc)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2012921725
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Chapter 1: A Little History
Chapter 2: A Simple Starting Guide To Christianity
Chapter 3: Understanding God More
Chapter 4: You Are On A Need-To-Know Basis With God
Chapter 5: Heaven And Hell
Chapter 6: The Holy Bible, Science, And God In Parent Mode
Chapter 7: Signs And Miracles
Chapter 8: Conclusion
This book is dedicated to my mom, dad, brother, and maternal grandfather and grandmother for spending so much time with me. Together, they helped give me a basic foundation in Christianity, ethics, love, and inventive mechanical knowledge, which has been useful throughout my life and which has helped in writing this book. I especially thank my mother for making God a priority in my life at a very young age.
One of the difficulties in writing this book was picking a title. How does anyone introduce God to a broad spectrum of people—from nonbelievers to believers? How does anyone capture the magnitude of an almost unbelievable experience with God and still keep it simple? All I can say is, I tried.
People usually either believe or do not believe in a God, Supreme Being, or Creator, but even for those who do believe, the details can sometimes be unclear. I do not have the slightest idea of how you view God—maybe you do not even believe in God? Maybe you do not believe in anything at all, unless you can see it and touch it? If that is the case with you, you may never know God until it is too late! You may have chosen not to believe in God as of this moment, but by the time you finish this book, you should have a more in-depth and truer understanding of God than most people do as of this writing. I would hope that by offering this extra bit of knowledge, I will have helped you believe in God more fully.
God has provided me with godly information (a revelation), in conjunction with a gift that He gave me early in life, when I was a child. When I was approximately nine years old, I prayed my first major prayer to God: I prayed to Him to let me be one of the best inventors ever! In addition to inventing, God has given me a talent for mechanics, along with so much more—things you might take for granted. This includes my particular family members, the particular churches I attended, my friends, my co-workers, my schoolteachers, and still so much more!
More recently, I asked God something He has probably not done for close to two thousand years—reveal Himself! I wrote about His answer in this book. The really spectacular part of this was getting any kind of direct answer from God—but I was a little used to it by then (when I think about it), for God had spoken to me twice before.
I asked, God, please tie all the pieces together about You and science, and show me the total truth.
God did answer that prayer, and now I feel as if He is allowing me to tell others. God expects me to do this in an orderly and godly way, giving Him respect during the process.
Many people (even pastors) have the false belief that God may have talked to people thousands of years ago, but God does not talk to anyone in this day and age.
I can bear witness to the fact that God is alive and well, and that God can and does talk to anyone He so chooses! I hope that you are as excited about that as I am.
I feel an obligation to God and to all people to explain this revelation from God in a manner that does not degrade God. Also every person on Earth should have another chance at getting his or her life right with God before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and before death. In either case, it may not be too late for you to ask for another chance at everlasting life in the Kingdom of God—I think God realizes that many people are getting really stressed out about not knowing what to believe.
Although I use the Holy Bible for basic reference, these words are for all of humanity—all nations, all cultures. We were all created by God, so we all have the same God, whether we acknowledge that fact or not. Therefore, I’ve written this book for several groups of people:
• People who feel as if they are lost or as if they do not need Christianity.
• Those who believe that humans are accidents of nature; we need to save ourselves from destruction from a giant asteroid or toxic pollution; we might find life out in space, which might negate everything said in the Holy Bible; or human existence is the reason for all problems on Earth.
• Strong Christians who attended church regularly for years.
• Struggling, weak Christians, those of no faith, and those of other faiths who want and need to find God now.
• People who