BIA - Office of Federal Acknowledgment (OFA) - Indian Affairs
BIA - Office of Federal Acknowledgment (OFA) - Indian Affairs
BIA - Office of Federal Acknowledgment (OFA) - Indian Affairs
Indian Affairs
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5/20/2020 Office of Federal Acknowledgment (OFA) | Indian Affairs
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Through the Department’s Office of the Solicitor, OFA makes recommendations to the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs (AS-
IA). The AS-IA has the authority to make the decision whether to acknowledge tribal existence and establish a government-to-
government relationship or to deny acknowledging a petitioning group as an Indian tribe.
By applying anthropological, genealogical, and historical research methods, OFA reviews, verifies, and evaluates groups’
petitions for Federal acknowledgment as Indian tribes. OFA makes recommendations for proposed findings and
final determinations to the AS-IA, consults with petitioners and third parties, provides copies of 25 CFR Part 83 and its
guidelines, prepares technical assistance review letters, maintains petitions and administrative correspondence files, and
conducts special research projects for the Department. OFA also performs other administrative duties that include maintaining
its web page and responding to appeals, litigation, and Freedom of Information Act requests.
NOTICE February 6, 2018: As noted elsewhere on this web site, OFA's current mailing address is 1849 C Street, NW,
Washington, DC 20240. Because OFA moved to a new building in the autumn of 2017, the acknowledgment regulations in §
83.20 reflect OFA's old address on 1951 Constitution Avenue. Please submit documented petitions to:
NOTICE August 1, 2016: OFA has recently posted a DRAFT version of a document entitled "Documented Petition Description
with a Suggested Outline for Concise Written Narrative." This document will help groups prepare a documented petition with a
concise written narrative as described in section 83.21 of the acknowledgment regulations. Visit the Guidelines, Precedent
Manual, and Sample Narrative page for further information. 2/5
5/20/2020 Office of Federal Acknowledgment (OFA) | Indian Affairs
Groups requesting Federal Acknowledgment that Will Become Petitioners When They
Supplement Their Petitions
The above tables list all the petitioners that, as of September 29, 2015, have submitted documented
petitions to the Office of Federal Acknowledgment. The above tables also indicate which petitioners
chose to be evaluated under the provisions of the 1994 acknowledgment regulations and which
petitioners chose to be evaluated under the provisions of the 2015 acknowledgment regulations,
pursuant to 25 CFR 83.7(b). The petitioners in the second table have stated that they will
supplement their petitions with additional material. When one of these petitioners submits new
materials and declares that its submissions are complete, the Department will review the materials
and move the petitioner onto the Register of Documented Petitions in accordance with 25 CFR
83.21-22. 3/5
5/20/2020 Office of Federal Acknowledgment (OFA) | Indian Affairs
Recent Acknowledgment Actions: This is a listing of some of the Department's latest actions regarding the 25 CFR Part 83
acknowledgment process.
In accordance with 25 CFR 83.22(b)(iv), the Department posts opportunities for individuals and entities to submit comments on
documented petitions.
Petitions in Process
This is a listing of the petitions that the Department is now evaluating under the 25 CFR Part 83 acknowledgment process.
Decided Cases
This is a listing of the petitions that have resolved through the 25 CFR Part 83 acknowledgment process.
This is a list of the petitioners who have submitted a documented petition as defined by 25 CFR Part 83 and are waiting for the
evaluation process to begin.
These are additional documents that may be of assistance in preparing petitions and in better understanding the Federal
acknowledgment process. These documents include the previous revisions of the acknowledgment regulations (in 1978 and
1994); several guidance directives from the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs; general timelines for the 25 CFR 83
acknowledgment process; technical assistance (TA) guidelines; GAO reports; and other documents.
The documents include general guidelines intended for the petitioning group, as well as more specialized guidelines for
researchers. Also included is a precedent manual that may better help petitioners understand how the Department has
interpreted the regulations. A sample petition narrative provides an example of a narrative written by a member of a petitioning
group, who volunteered for the project, along with the help of other group members.
This is a collection of sample forms that might be helpful in corresponding with the Department during the acknowledgment
The IBIA is an appeals court within the Department of the Interior to which, under the 1994 revision of the acknowledgment
regulations, petitioners or interested parties could appeal decisions by the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs. 4/5
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Indian Affairs
FAQs 5/5