Church Corporations Sole - Corporation Soles
Church Corporations Sole - Corporation Soles
Church Corporations Sole - Corporation Soles
FAQs 1/6
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Q. What are the 7 states that still have active Corporation Sole laws?
A. California, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii, Montana, Colorado and Wyoming. Currently (Sept, 2019) we hear that Arizona is working on removing the
ling of a CS. IRS has/is successfully removing these from all states because it removes their control over YOUR church's nances.
Q. What if there are church members in a di erent state, can they still sign our Constitution Document?
A. Yes, although they would have to be mailed the a davit, have them sign it in front of a public notary, then have them send it back to you
directly. It is strongly recommended that members that attend on a weekly basis sign the Constitution document. Your church constitution is
your defense should you ever be contacted by the IRS.
Q. What are the common mistakes churches make that put them under a 501(c)(3)?
A. Mistake #1: A church “incorporates” itself with their respective state
Mistake #2: Filling out and ling IRS form 1023, seeking “O cial Recognition of Tax Exemption” 2/6
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501(c)(3), such as tax deductible donations. Call for more details. If your church is currently a 501(c)(3), dissolve it. It will not legally be known as
a church while being considered a state entity.
Q. What are the advantages of the Corporation Sole versus the traditional 501(c)(3)?
A. Unlike traditional 501(c)(3) churches (those that cannot be active in politics whatsoever for fear of losing their tax exempt status), a church
organized nancially with a Corporation Sole frees the church and CAN operate politically without fear of losing its exempt status.
A Corporation Sole, unlike all other forms of 501(c)(3) religious organizations, requires NO board of directors, trustees or governing body, no
church treasurer or by-laws.
The Corporation Sole acts as a “sole” o ce that handles all of the assets, while acting as a tax exempt organization, asset holding entity, business,
and more.
No ling Federal or State taxes.
No $800 + per year to the Franchise State Tax Board.
No Bylaws.
No Board of Directors.
The church is now Mandatory exempt from the IRS.
Can accept tax deductible donations just like a 501(c)(3). 3/6
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The IRS generally uses a combination of these characteristics, together with other facts and circumstances, to determine whether an organization
is considered a church for federal tax purposes. This information can be found at: ts/churches-religious-
organizations/churches-de ned ( ts/churches-religious-organizations/churches-de ned)
Q. As the Overseer/Bishop of the Corporation Sole, am I required to pay personal taxes?
A. Yes! A Corporation Sole is an o ce of the church, not a personal o ce. Although a “Natural Person” is being incorporated, this o ce is for the
church. If the Bishop receives a salary, that salary is taxable, and he/she must pay personal taxes. 4/6
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Q: Do we charge fees?
A: We are an American Free Enterprise Business and our primary purpose is education. However, if you would like us to complete the paperwork
for you, our fees are based upon what you are wanting. Some want just advice, some what us to complete their Articles of Incorporation, and
some want us to complete a full package for them. Fees also depend on what state you'd like to le, and if you need us to be your Registered
Agent. We recommend California, since it's one of the states that allow you to le with great ease. Normally, this would cost you about $2500 if
you went to an attorney; and we're no where near this price. We consult and assist you with:
Complete Corporation Sole Package
Review of Existing Corporation Sole
Make your existing Corporation Sole Legal
Create a Church Constitution 5/6
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DISCLAIMER: Church Corporations Sole is acting as an adviser for you, NOT as an attorney. The information on this website is for educational
purposes only, not legal advice. We can consult you with federal legal issues regarding corporation soles, and assist in lling out all proper forms
and registrations. If you'd like an attorney, we can refer you to one that has been ling Corporations Sole for approximately 35 years.
Mailing Address : 30251 Golden Lantern, Ste E 374, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 6/6