Lesson Plan Math
Lesson Plan Math
Lesson Plan Math
Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the
number of objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies.1
Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger.
I can statement or other way of communicating to students the goal of the lesson:
I can build and organize block towers of size 0-10.
How this lesson relates to previous lessons and/or DATA (why are you teaching this?):
I am teaching this because students have just finished a unit on building relationships of 6,7,8,
and 9 to build off of their knowledge of 0-5. This activity sums up what students have been
learning and helps them build relationships with less than and greater than.
Steps/Procedure: (Second Semester: Please make it evident where you are (1)building prerequisite skills,
(2)supporting steady progress, and/or (3)extending learning)
10-15 min Launch the task. Have students place baskets on the floor to get rid of extra
distractions. They will not be needed for this activity.
Model the task with a student to explain how partnerships will be working
together. Students will be working with their table partners on this activity.
Each group will receive a bag of a set amount of cubes, along with a bag of
number cards. One partner will choose a number card and decide what
number is represented (they may look at the word or the tens frame). Then,
they will hand it to their partner. Their partner will build a tower using the
amount of cubes that are specified on the card. The builder will decide where
it goes on the number line and check with their partner. Then, the roles will
switch. Roles will switch back and forth until the task is done.
Task Itself. Students will be working in pairs to complete the task. I will be
20 min walking around to facilitate group work with students. When students are
done they will discuss with a partner about what they noticed. What was the
pattern across the number line?
15 min
Discussion. Ask students following questions
Show me one more than 5. How do you know this is one more than 5?
Show me one less than 4. How do you know this is one less than 4?
Show me the greatest number of cubes you have. Show me the fewest. How
do you know?
Special Ed/504 Accommodations: AG giving visual and oral expectations and directions will
help this student to be successful in the task. Even if a student does not understand the word
“one” to represent 1, then students can turn to the tens frame to assist them.
Tier 3 Interventions: DW We have been working on getting this student inside the classroom
and working, I am going to try and use him as my helper in the demonstration of the task to
give him value and responsibility for being in the classroom. The partner he will be working
with is a close friend who he has worked well with before to help the task go smoothly.
Assessment (How you know they understood your goal, include DATA):
During the discussion part of my lesson students will be showing me and explaining their
thinking. This will serve as a formative assessment for students and hold them accountable for
completing and participating in the task.