Teaching Demonstration Assessment Form

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Name of Student/s: _________________________________________________________________________

Lesson:_________________________________________________ Date:_____________________________

4 3 2 1 0
Most Evident Less Least Not
Evident Evident Evident Evident
A. The teacher…
1. has a pleasing personality
2. is enthusiastic and maintains a warm and friendly
atmosphere conducive to learning.
3. explains the lesson in a clear a well-modulated
4. is confident and shows mastery of the subject
5. is fluent in the medium of instruction.
6. maintains discipline and control.
7. is organized and manages class time well.
8. has a close rapport with students.
B. In the teaching- learning process/ learning
1. the outcomes/ objectives are stated clearly.
2. the topic is introduced in an interesting and
engaging way.
3. prior knowledge, perceptions and experiences
about the topic are elicited/ activated.
4. explaining ideas or asking questions about the
topic is promoted
5. thought- provoking questions are asked.
6. varied activities and learning resources
including technology are utilized.
7. opportunities for meaningful interaction and
collaboration are provided.
8. varied formative assessment tools and
strategies are used.
9. opportunities for students to relate or compare their
prior knowledge with new knowledge are provided.
10. sharing of learning difficulties is encouraged.
11. different teaching-learning tasks that actively
engage learners are employed.
The learners are able to…
12. share their ideas and ask sensible questions.
13. demonstrate mastery of the lesson.
14. relate new knowledge with their daily life.
Summary of Scores:
A. The Student Teacher ________
B. The student Teaching- learning Process/Learning Activity. ________

Average Score: (Total Score/ 22): ________

Observer’s Name & Signature:

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