Naprex Drug Study

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Name: Juan dela Cruz Ward/Bed Number: 101 Attending Physician: Dr. Santos
Age: 75 Impression/Diagnosis: Acute Respiratory Failure Type II Secondary to Aspiration Pneumonia
Mechanism of Adverse Special Nursing
Name of Drug Route Freq., Indication
Action Reactions Precautions Responsibilities

Generic: Dosage: Inhibits the enzyme Paracetamol is CV: Hypotension - Use - Examine the vial;
Paracetamol 300mg cyclooxygenase, given to patient to acetaminophen don’t use if particulate
blocking reduce fever that is EENT: Stridor cautiously in matter or discoloration
Brand: prostaglandin primarily due to (parenteral form) patients with is observed.
Naprex Route: IV production and infection related to hepatic
interfering with pain pneumonia. ENDO: impairment or - Ensure that
impulse generation Hypoglycemic active hepatic administration of
Frequency: in the peripheral coma disease, acetaminophen will not
-Stat order nervous system. alcoholism, exceed the
-PRN Acetaminophen GI: Hepatotoxicity chronic recommended dosage
-q4H also acts directly on malnutrition, of 4g/day because of
temperature- HEME: Hemolytic severe the risk of liver
Timing: regulating center in anemia (with long- hypovolemia, or damage
the term use), severe renal
hypothalamus by leukopenia, impairment. - Monitor patient for
inhibiting synthesis neutropenia, serious skin reactions:
of prostaglandin pancytopenia, - Monitor the end skin rash, redness, or
E2. thrombocytopenia of a parenteral blisters; report to
infusion to physician, drug should
RESP: Atelectasis, prevent possibility be discontinued
pulmonary edema of air embolism. immediately.

SKIN: Acute - IV form is - Always prepare

generalized contraindicated in Acetylcysteine
exanthematous patients with (antidote) in case of
pustulosis, severe hepatic Acetaminophen
Stevens-Johnson impairment or toxicity occurrence.
syndrome, toxic severe active liver
epidermal disease. - Assess for clinical
necrolysis improvement and relief
- Use cautiously of fever.
Other: Anaphylaxis, in patients with
angioedema, any type of liver - Monitor patient input
hypokalemia, disease, G6PD and output; decreasing
hypomagnesemia deficiency, output may indicate
Classification Contraindications Side Effects chronic renal failure
Functional: Hypersensitivity to CNS: Agitation, severe - Assess for signs of
Antipyretic, acetaminophen or anxiety, fatigue, hypovolemia hepatotoxicty
nonopioid its components, fever, headache, (dehydration,
analgesic severe hepatic insomnia blood loss), or
impairment, severe severe renal
active liver disease CV: Hypertension, impairment (CrCl
peripheral edema of
Chemical: 30 mL/minute or
Nonsalicylate, GI: Abdominal pain, less).
para- constipation,
aminophenol diarrhea, jaundice, - Use cautiously
derivative nausea, in patients with
Vomiting long-term alcohol
use because
GU: Oliguria therapeutic doses
(parenteral form) cause
hepatotoxicity in
MS: Muscle spasm these patients.
(parenteral form) Chronic
RESP: Parenteral shouldn't take
form: dyspnea, more than 2 g of
plural effusion, acetaminophen
wheezing every 24 hours.

SKIN: Blisters,
pruritus, rash,
reddening, urticaria

reactions; for
injection-site pain

Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Clinical Instructor: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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