Naprex Drug Study
Naprex Drug Study
Naprex Drug Study
Name: Juan dela Cruz Ward/Bed Number: 101 Attending Physician: Dr. Santos
Age: 75 Impression/Diagnosis: Acute Respiratory Failure Type II Secondary to Aspiration Pneumonia
Mechanism of Adverse Special Nursing
Name of Drug Route Freq., Indication
Action Reactions Precautions Responsibilities
Generic: Dosage: Inhibits the enzyme Paracetamol is CV: Hypotension - Use - Examine the vial;
Paracetamol 300mg cyclooxygenase, given to patient to acetaminophen don’t use if particulate
blocking reduce fever that is EENT: Stridor cautiously in matter or discoloration
Brand: prostaglandin primarily due to (parenteral form) patients with is observed.
Naprex Route: IV production and infection related to hepatic
interfering with pain pneumonia. ENDO: impairment or - Ensure that
impulse generation Hypoglycemic active hepatic administration of
Frequency: in the peripheral coma disease, acetaminophen will not
-Stat order nervous system. alcoholism, exceed the
-PRN Acetaminophen GI: Hepatotoxicity chronic recommended dosage
-q4H also acts directly on malnutrition, of 4g/day because of
temperature- HEME: Hemolytic severe the risk of liver
Timing: regulating center in anemia (with long- hypovolemia, or damage
the term use), severe renal
hypothalamus by leukopenia, impairment. - Monitor patient for
inhibiting synthesis neutropenia, serious skin reactions:
of prostaglandin pancytopenia, - Monitor the end skin rash, redness, or
E2. thrombocytopenia of a parenteral blisters; report to
infusion to physician, drug should
RESP: Atelectasis, prevent possibility be discontinued
pulmonary edema of air embolism. immediately.
SKIN: Blisters,
pruritus, rash,
reddening, urticaria
reactions; for
injection-site pain