Aireen S. Papa Diana Rose Petilona

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PAPA  Clenching their fists when crying or curling

DIANA ROSE PETILONA up their legs.
 Crying like they’re in pain.
What is Colic?  Turning bright red when crying.

Colic is when a healthy baby cries or fusses

frequently for a prolonged period. If your baby The term colic derives from the Greek
word kolikos or kolon, suggesting that some
regularly cries for more than 3 hours a day, he or
disturbance is occurring in the GI tract. Researchers
she may have colic. Colic can start a few weeks have also postulated nervous system, behavioral,
and psychologic etiologies. 
after birth. It is generally worst between 4 and 6
A meta-analysis indicated that colic may be a form
weeks of age. Babies usually grow out of colic by of migraine headache rather than, as has been
proposed, a GI condition. The analysis utilized 3
the time they are 3 to 4 months old.
studies (891 subjects total), one of which indicated
that there is a greater likelihood of colic in infants
Rule of Three: whose mothers have migraine headaches and the
other two of which indicated that infants with colic
a. Crying 3-4 hours per day
are more likely to experience migraine in childhood
b. Atleast 3 times per week and adolescence. Using a pooled random effects
c. Within a 3 month period model in their analysis, Gelfand and colleagues
found the odds ratio for an association between
What causes Colic? migraine and colic to be 5.6. 
Medical Management
 Pain or discomfort from gas or indigestion.
 Allow others to care for the
 A digestive system that isn’t fully infant. Recommend that the parents not
developed. exhaust themselves and encourage them
 Overfeeding or underfeeding. to consider leaving their baby with other
caretakers for short respites.
 Sensitivity to formula or breast milk.
 Follow-up. Consistent follow-up and a
 Overstimulation.
sympathetic physician are the
 Early form of childhood migraine headache. cornerstones of management.
 Emotional reaction to fear, frustration, or  Anticholinergic.  Dicyclomine
excitement. hydrochloride is an anticholinergic drug
that has been proven in clinical trials to
What are the signs and symptoms of Colic? be effective in the treatment of colic;
however, because of serious, although
rare, adverse effects (eg, apnea,
 Crying for no obvious reason (e.g, they
breathing difficulty, seizures, syncope),
aren’t hungry or need a diaper change). its use cannot be recommended.
 Crying around the same time each day.
Colicky babies often get fussy toward the end
of the day. But it can happen at any time.
 Diet.  Maternal low-allergens diets (ie, demonstrations; allow repetition of the
low in dairy, soy, egg, peanut, wheat, information or skill.
shellfish) may offer relief from
 Improve parenting skills. Interview
excessive crying in some infants.
parents, noting their perception of
situational and individual concerns;
Pharmacologic Management educate parents regarding child growth
and development, addressing parental
 Simethicone. Simethicone is a perceptions; involve parents in activities
nonabsorbable medication that changes with the infant that they can accomplish
the surface tension of gas bubbles, successfully; recognize and provide
allowing them to coalesce and disperse positive feedback for nurturing and
and releasing the gas for easier protective parenting behaviors.
5s of Colic
 Herbal remedies. Herbal remedies have
been used in many cultures; the
common ingredients include  Swaddle the baby
chamomilla, bitter apple, and fenugreek;  Side/Stomach Position
only a handful of studies of herbal
 Shushing
products have been conducted, and
additional studies of their safety and  Swinging
efficacy are needed.  Sucking
Nursing Intervention

 Reduce/relieve pain. Assess pain

characteristics; acknowledge reports of
pain immediately; provide rest periods
to promote relief, sleep, and relaxation;
place infant on a position of comfort to
reduce pain.

 Educate caregivers on the

disease. Assess ability to learn or
perform desired health-related care;
determine priority of learning needs
within the overall care plan; observe and
note existing  misconceptions regarding Reference:
material to be taught; grant a calm and
peaceful environment without
interruption; include the caregivers in fbclid=IwAR3cwa2TW0Ui6hYAV1_nXPhohJ67h
creating the teaching plan, beginning V5ypdC4qPcC0alIKC1943iaPpQmnd4#Medical-
with establishing objectives and goals Management
for learning at the beginning of the
session; provide clear, thorough, and
understandable explanations and

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