Motor Starter Analysis
Motor Starter Analysis
Motor Starter Analysis
Adam Wigington
Lincoln, Nebraska
July, 2010
that can cause motor and load damage as well as electrical network fluctuations.
Mechanical damage is associated with the high starting current drawn by a ramping
induction motor. In order to compensate the load increase, the voltage of the electrical
system decreases. Different starting methods can be applied to the electrical system to
reduce these and other starting method issues. The purpose of this thesis is to build
accurate and usable simulation models that can aid the designer in making the choice of
an appropriate motor starting method. The specific case addressed is the situation where a
diesel-generator set is used as the electrical supplied source to the induction motor. The
most commonly used starting methods equivalent models are simulated and compared to
each other. The main contributions of this thesis is that motor dynamic impedance is
continuously calculated and fed back to the generator model to simulate the coupling of
the electrical system. The comparative analysis given by the simulations has shown
induction motor simulations have shown good results, and can adequately demonstrate
the dynamics for testing and comparing the starting methods. Further work is suggested
I. Table of Contents
CONTENTS .................................................................................................................... 3
TABLES ............................................................................................................................. 5
FIGURES .......................................................................................................................... 6
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................................. 9
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 10
REVIEW.............................................................................................................. 11
REVIEW ................................................................................................................................... 11
Techniques..................................................................................................................... 16
(DOL) ...................................................................................................................... 16
Capacitors ............................................................................................................................... 17
Techniques ................................................................... 18
StarDelta ............................................................................................................................................. 18
Autotransformer................................................................................................................................ 19
Reactor......................................................................................................... 20
Techniques ..................................................................................................................... 20
Techniques .............................................................................................. 22
Analyses ........................................................................................................................ 24
WORK .................................................................................................................................. 26
DEVELOPMENT .............................................................................................................................. 27
MODELS...................................................................................................................... 29
OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................... 29
GENERATOR ....................................................................................................................... 31
Model........................................................................................................................... 32
MOTOR......................................................................................................... 39
Model........................................................................................................................... 40
Saturation .................................................................................... 47
GOVERNOR ................................................................................................... 50
SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................... 52
Setpoint .............................................................................................................. 53
Stabilizer .................................................................................................................... 54
LOAD ...................................................................................................................................... 55
SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................... 57
Impedance............................................................................................... 58
Generator................................................................ 60
Impedance................................................................................................................................... 61
RESULTS............................................................ 64
IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................................................. 64
Start .............................................................................................................. 64
Capacitance................................................................................................................................ 65
StarDelta................................................................................................................................................. 65
Autotransformer ................................................................................................................................... 66
Reactance .............................................................................................. 67
52. Simulink Block of the Tandem Compound Steam Turbine Engine with Double
Reheat ............................................................................................................................. 111
53. Electro-Hydraulic Speed-Governor Model for a Steam Turbine.............................. 111
54. Simulink Block of the Electro-Hydraulic (GE) Speed-Governor and Steam Turbine
........................................................................................................................................ 112
55. Functional Block Model of a General Speed-Governor ........................................... 112
56. Simulink Block of General Speed-Governor and Steam Turbine ............................ 113
IV. Acknowledgements
I am very thankful to have the support and guidance of Dr. Marcelo Algrain, and, of
course, my advisor Dr. Sohrab Asgarpoor. Dr. Algrain’s hard work has made this thesis
and my graduate education possible. Throughout this work Dr. Algrain’s insightful
recommendations over the last few years have time and time again added a fresh
fortunate to have Dr. Asgarpoor as my advisor. His personal attention to my work and to
His recommendations have added considerably to this thesis, and his patience and
firmness at times have kept me on course. I will miss our face-to-face talks, but look
I would also like to thank Caterpillar Inc. as an organization, which has supported me
Dilimot. She has provided the technical information and expertise for a solid foundation
Thank you to Dr. Jerry Hudgins and Dr. John Boye for their support and comments to
improve the content of this thesis. The administrative support at the Electrical
would also like to thank Nathan Schemm and Dr. Sina Balkir whose work for a previous
project allowed me to make an easier transition into the work for this thesis. Last of all, I
would like to thank my family and friends, including those above, that have leant me a
hand and support, and despite my best efforts continued to tolerate me.
V. Introduction
In this thesis the combined dynamic models for an induction motor load and a diesel
generator set source are developed, and used to simulate different motor starting methods.
Induction motor starting is a highly dynamic process that can have many adverse effects
on the entire power system. Two of the prominent issues are the effects caused by high
inrush currents on the mechanical system of the load, and the response of the generation
source to the load step, of which voltage dip is of most concern. To address these issues,
not economically practical to test each of these methods on a physical system because of
possible equipment damage, electrical system vulnerability, and other problems. Through
First, a thorough literature detailing the problems associated with motor starting is
given and the common starting methods are described. Different metrics are identified in
this review, which are then used in the comparative analysis. The second section covers
the construction of models including the components necessary for simulating the system
dynamics. The well-accepted starting methods are simulated on both a constant and
diesel-generator sources. The results and metrics are analyzed to draw conclusions. Also
in the conclusion section, future work and limitations of the method as applied are
Induction motor starting poses many challenging problems to the machine, in the
form of wear and tear, and to maintaining a stable supply of power. Engineers and
technicians must take these considerations into account when deciding on a starting
methodology. The dynamic characteristics desired during the starting process are often
characteristics include the system robustness, efficiency, equipment cost, and machine
lifetime. Many different methods have been developed to address particular induction
motor starting problems associated with motor size and the stability of the connected
network. Induction motors makeup a large part of the load in power systems and in
are the preferred motor type due to their economical cost and robustness (Kjellberg &
Kling, 2003), (Trzynadlowski, 2001), (Gobbi, Sa'diah, & Siang, 2003), (Chapman, 2005).
They make up approximately 85% of industrial motors (Gobbi, Sa'diah, & Siang, 2003).
Wound-rotor motors have an advantage during startup; because of their slip rings
resistance can be added to the rotor circuit. However, wound-rotor motors are more
Many reports have been published discussing the parameters that need to be taken
into account during startup that can be used to judge the characteristic features of starting
methods for a particular application(Kay, Paes, Seggewiss, & Ellis, 1999), (Larabee,
Pellegrino, & Flick, 2005), (IEEE Std 399-1997, 1998), (Pillay, Nour, Yang, Datu Harun,
& Haw, 2009), and (McElveen, Toney, Autom, & Mountain, 2001). The common factors
Inrush Current – This is the initial current seen by the motor during the starting
operations. The inrush current directly relates to mechanical stress of the bearings and
belts on the motor load (Cohen, 1995). The resistive or copper losses are proportional to
the square of current, I2R, and therefore affect the efficiency. The power lost is dissipated
as heat, causing thermal stress to the machine and affecting its upkeep cost and overall
Voltage Dip – The allowable amount of voltage dip is usually dependent on the size of
the network and the load torque characteristics. The latter is due to the fact that the torque
is approximately proportional to the square of the voltage. According to (IEEE Std 399-
1997, 1998), the allowable voltage dip range can vary between 80% and 95% of the rated
value. The minimum voltage dip for NEMA type B motors is approximately 80%, given
a static prime mover torque, so as to achieve the 150% of rated torque required to
accelerate the rotor during starting (NEMA, 2009).Tables describing general use and the
locked-rotor starting kVA are given Appendix C. In power systems a common voltage
dip limit is 94% of rated voltage. Shunt capacitors and other reactive power compensators
fundamental frequency of the system as possible. The frequency dip is usually not
Acceleration Time – The time it takes to approximately reach the rated speed of the
motor. It is often indicative of other parameters such as torque and current. Faster
acceleration time is desired, but often means that high-rated current and other undesirable
affects occur. However, a longer acceleration can mean that the applied torque is too low
and that a still significant current is applied over a longer span of time resulting in a still
Torque – The speed-torque curve is used to represent the required torques of the motor
for different speeds. During startup the initial locked rotor starting torque must be met to
overcome the potential energy at stand still, and the accelerating torque must be exceeded
to maintain acceleration or the motor will stall (IEEE Std 399-1997, 1998), (Larabee,
Pellegrino, & Flick, 2005), and (Kay, Paes, Seggewiss, & Ellis, 1999). Figure 1 shows a
generic speed-torque characteristic of a motor; at zero speed is the locked rotor torque,
the acceleration torque is the torque required at any time up to the maximum torque. The
starting torque is inversely proportional to the square of the terminal voltage, while the
inrush current is inversely proportional to the terminal voltage. Care must be taken to
balance the reduction of the inrush current and the starting torque.
Reactive Power and Starting Power Factor – It is important to take into account the high
reactive power consumed by the motor. In such a case, the rating of the upstream
equipment may need to be rated higher than the steady-state condition (Kay, Paes,
Seggewiss, & Ellis, 1999). The reactive power during startup is closely related to the
voltage dip. Typical values of the power factor are about 0.20 for motors under 1000 HP
(IEEE Std 399-1997, 1998). The locked rotor kVA per HP is defined for each NEMA
code letter, see Appendix C, which can help determine the expected starting reactive
Robustness – The ability of the starting method to perform consistently, time after time or
upon emergency.
Cost – The expense of the starting equipment and installation process. Interoperability is
Many of these considerations are related, and tradeoffs between them are made to
choose the starting method and size the generator-set. Sizing the generator set is a
practical engineering problem that boasts a particular expertise and special software tools.
It should be noted that the impact of the startup process dynamics on the fatigue of
the induction motor is generally much less than the impact on the motor’s mechanical
load (Kjellberg & Kling, 2003), (Cohen, 1995), (McElveen, Toney, Autom, & Mountain,
2001). The thermal stress must be taken into consideration when determining induction
motor rotor bar fatigue and motor expected lifetime (Cabanas, et al., 2003). This work
Taking into consideration the technology of the starting equipment, the starting
methods can be divided into electronic drives and those that are not, i.e. conventional
applied to the terminals. It is typical to separate the methods into the variations of the
following categories: full voltage, reduced voltage, incremental voltage, soft-starter, and
variable frequency drives (Patil & Porate, 2009), (Larabee, Pellegrino, & Flick, 2005),
(McElveen, Toney, Autom, & Mountain, 2001), (Pillay, Nour, Yang, Datu Harun, &
Haw, 2009), (Kjellberg & Kling, 2003), and (Bellarmine, Suri, Robinette, & Dreadin,
1994). In this thesis the methods have been divided into the following functional
are considered beyond the scope of this thesis because they completely decouple the
electrical system. Another starting technique (not included in this thesis) is to control the
applied torque of the attached prime mover, such as the fluid coupling method. Other
methods not discussed below include single-phase starting of a three-phase motor that
can be found in work by (Badr, Alolah, & Abdel-Halim, 1995). The reader is also
referred to (Ansari & Deshpande, 2009) for a review the problems associated with
introductions that connect the full terminal voltage to the motor stator.
DOL is the traditional and simplest method of motor starting, and most other methods
are baselined against it. It is also often called across the line start. This method is the
direct connection of the terminal voltage to the motor stator with no additional
components, and also for this reason is most economical in terms of installation cost and
ease of use. It is also one of most reliable and robust methods. Of all the starting methods
it produces the highest inrush current, usually six to eight times the rated current, and the
highest starting torque; and due to the high starting torque it has the shortest acceleration
time (apart from the shunt capacitor start) (Larabee, Pellegrino, & Flick, 2005) and
(Pillay, Nour, Yang, Datu Harun, & Haw, 2009). The DOL method is most commonly
used for small motors relative to the size of the generation and system, due to the fact that
the startup of a small motor will only have a low impact on the system, and in particular
the voltage drop (Cohen, 1995), (Kay, Paes, Seggewiss, & Ellis, 1999), and (Pillay, Nour,
Yang, Datu Harun, & Haw, 2009). Other drawbacks include the mechanical stress put on
the motor’s load and the low startup efficiency due to the high reactive power consumed
Connecting a capacitor in parallel to the motor can help compensate the reactive
demand from the motor during startup by supplying a leading current and thus improve
the power factor while still achieving high starting torque because of the full voltage.
This provides some relief to the supply source. The shunt capacitance may be left
connected if they are properly rated so as to provide power factor correction; or removed
as the motor approaches rated speed. In reference (Larabee, Pellegrino, & Flick, 2005)
the authors state that the shunt capacitance that is left connected should never be sized
larger than the motor’s magnetizing current. Capacitor starting may be used in
conjunction with other starting methods. Work done by (Li, Zhao, Yang, & Zhang, 2009)
presents a method with a startup capacitor array using a dynamic controller, which allows
for capacitor switching so that the reactive support power can be varied. Shunt capacitor
starting is analyzed and compared to other starting methods in references (Patil & Porate,
2009), (Li, Zhao, Yang, & Zhang, 2009), (Lewis & Woodbury, 1978), (Stout, 1978),
(Williams & Griffith, 1978), and (Liu, Jiang, Hu, & Zhou, 1997). In general, capacitor
starting is used for relatively large motors that need fast starting or improved efficiency
during startup. In the system tested by (Stout, 1978) it was found that capacitor starting
could reduce up to half the maximum voltage dip as compared to the DOL start and still
maintain other adequate starting characteristics. Capacitor starting is a reliable and robust
method for motor starting on weak electrical system (Kay, Paes, Seggewiss, & Ellis,
conventional circuitry, such as resistors and transformers. During these reduced voltage
startup methods, the thermal capability due to the increased time to reach rated speed
must be taken into consideration. Transient current surges are produced from open circuit
transitions, but with closed circuit transitions these switching transients are avoided.
1.2.1. Star-Delta
The star-delta (wye-delta) starting method controls whether the lead connections from
the motor are configured in a star or delta electrical connection. The initial connection
should be in the star pattern that results in a reduction of the line voltage by a factor of
1/√3 (57.7%) to the motor and the current is reduced to 1/3 of the current at full voltage,
but the starting torque is also reduced 1/3 to 1/5 of the DOL starting torque (Kjellberg &
Kling, 2003). The motor must be delta connected at rated voltage. The transition from
star to delta transition usually occurs once nominal speed is reached, but is sometimes
performed as low as 50% of nominal speed (McElveen, Toney, Autom, & Mountain,
2001). The star-delta method is usually only applied to low to medium voltage motors
(Larabee, Pellegrino, & Flick, 2005) and (McElveen, Toney, Autom, & Mountain, 2001).
The operation of the star-delta method is simple and rugged, and is relatively cheap
compared to other reduced voltage methods with only additional contactors added to the
cost (Pillay, Nour, Yang, Datu Harun, & Haw, 2009). However, the system cannot be
1.2.2. Autotransformer
An autotransformer uses tap changes to reduce the low voltage as needed on the low
side connected to the motor terminal. Therefore, the current can be reduced during
startup; however the torque is also reduced as the square of the voltage and needs to be
taken into consideration to ensure enough torque is supplied during acceleration. The
authors in (Larabee, Pellegrino, & Flick, 2005) claim that 10% of the full load torque
margin should be supplied at all points on the speed-torque characteristic curve. As the
motor speeds up, the line is switched to the full voltage. Common taps range from 50-
80% of the rated voltage (Williams & Griffith, 1978), (Pillay, Nour, Yang, Datu Harun,
& Haw, 2009), (Larabee, Pellegrino, & Flick, 2005), and (IEEE Std 399-1997, 1998).
IEEE Standard 399-1997 provides a table describing the currents at the typical 50%,
65%, and 80% of full voltage as 25%, 42%, and 64% of the current realized at full
ability to provide different tap changes so that a wide range of applications, which vary in
their starting torque and inrush current needs, can be performed. The star-delta starter is
have a higher cost than other conventional electromechanical starting methods (Pillay,
Nour, Yang, Datu Harun, & Haw, 2009). Autotransformer starting is simulated and
A switchable primary series resistor or reactor bank can be added at the motor
terminals to limit the current or limit change in the current, respectively. The resistor
bank will cause a drop in voltage across it reducing the current. The heat dissipated from
the resistor also needs to be taken into consideration. Series resistor starting is usually
only performed for small motors (Larabee, Pellegrino, & Flick, 2005). When using a
series reactor bank, it will oppose the inrush current initially and reduce the terminal
voltage proportionally. The most advantageous characteristic of the series reactor starting
is that the voltage increases over time as a function of the rate of change of the current
without additional control. The added reactance will also further increase the starting
reactive power and thus lower the starting efficiency. Switching transients will also occur
if it is connected in an open-circuit.
A soft-starter is any solid-state electronic circuit based device that manipulates the
supply voltage prior to connecting to the motor terminals. Many different topologies for
soft-starters exist, and many of them are presented in the literature (Charles &
Bhuvameswari, 2009), (Solveson, Mirafzal, & Demerdash, 2006), (Li & Liu, 2009),
(Rajaji, Kumar, & Vasudevan, 2008), (Youxin, Zezhong, Yalan, Peigang, & Wanquan,
2007). The standard soft-starter consists of thyristors or SCRs that manipulate the source
signal via control of the thyristor firing angles (Chapman, 2005). The soft-starter can be
voltage, and can be easily adjusted based on the different loadings. Two basic types of
The voltage ramping soft-starter is able to gradually increase the voltage from a
preset level, as low as 0V, to the rated voltage; the result being a very smooth startup.
The current profile generally follows the voltage profile for voltage ramping soft-starters.
One of the drawbacks of the ramping soft-starter is increased harmonics, which produce
The current limiting soft-starter senses the current at the motor so that the fire angle
can be controlled in a manner that the voltage is regulated to maintain the desired current.
Of course, the tradeoff of lower current equating to lower torque still applies. Typical
values of the current limit are 175% to 500% of the rated current of the motor (Larabee,
The soft-starter adds significant flexibility in operation (e.g. acceleration time and
winding heat) and interoperability, due to the fact that it is more sensitive to the
mechanical load characteristics (Kjellberg & Kling, 2003). This also results in lower
maintenance cost and increased lifetime of the mechanical load, and can result in
complexity, and soft-starters are generally expensive devices (McElveen, Toney, Autom,
& Mountain, 2001). Limitations include harmonics produced by the electronics and the
installation distance from the motor. They are common in higher power applications due
to their operation flexibility and improved lifetime of equipment (Patil & Porate, 2009).
Yalan, Peigang, & Wanquan, 2007) simulate a voltage ramping soft-starter using fuzzy
logic to control a controller reactor in Matlab/Simulink. The results are compared to the
DOL method. The research performed by (Rajaji, Kumar, & Vasudevan, 2008)
Matlab/Simulink. It combines the speed and torque to determine the firing angle to
maintain steady ramping of the motor speed. (Li & Liu, 2009) built a fuzzy logic based
soft-starter that controls the motor current based on the sensed current magnitude and rate
of change. (Solveson, Mirafzal, & Demerdash, 2006) use Matlab to simulate dynamic
modeling of different soft-starting firing angle mappings and compare the starting time,
torque profiles, and thermal stress. The method is verified against the DOL starting
method. The authors in reference (Charles & Bhuvameswari, 2009) apply a shunt reactor
with a soft-starter using Matlab/Simulink to simulate. The shunt reactor helps protect the
The works presented in references (IEEE Std 399-1997, 1998) and (Williams &
torque curve and accelerating time. The equations presented in the standard are based on
the steady-state equivalent network model. While these calculations are helpful and
straightforward, a more detailed (Williams & Griffith, 1978) simulation based on more
dynamic models will provide better accuracy and more information and insights into how
The models used for the electric machines have varied between the dynamic dq0 or
abc flux based models, and the per-phase equivalent circuit steady state model that
expresses the rotor resistance based on the motor’s slip. The slip, s, is the difference
between the electrical signal synchronous speed, ωe, and the rotor speed, ωr, normalized
However, most of the recent works, perhaps due to improvements in computation speed
and available software programs, have used the dynamic models. In (Miroševic,
Maljkovic, & Miškovic, 2009), (Ong, 1998), (Hadidi, Mazhari, & Kazemi, 2007),
(Ozpineci & Tolbert, 2003) for example, the SimPowerSys toolbox of Matlab/Simulink
The importance of saturation and skin effects in modeling induction motors has been
simulated and discussed in (Seman, Saitz, & Arkkio, 2004), (Okoro, Weidemann, &
Oswald, 2006), (Jabr & Kar, 2007), (Erdogan, Henao, & Grisel, 2004), (Ong, 1998), and
(Krause, Wasynczuk, & Sudhoff, 2002). As a general rule it depends on the type of
application and size of the generator and induction motor and the modeling principle. The
modeling approaches that are most commonly used are either based on dynamic change
of the inductances (Erdogan, Henao, & Grisel, 2004), (Jabr & Kar, 2007), (Seman, Saitz,
& Arkkio, 2004) or mapping of the fluxes (IEEE Std 399-1997, 1998), (Ong, 1998),
The switching transients are often of concern for starting methods, and in particular
those that perform many online transitions within the startup process. However, modern
methods such as closed transitions and other power electronics and transient protection
Software programs that have been developed to test induction motor include Electric
Transient Analyzer Program’s (ETAP) Motor Starting Analysis library (Patil & Porate,
2009); the EDSA Paladin DesignBase® Software (EDSA Corporation, Inc., 2009) and a
software tool written in Turbo Pascal for Gulf Power (Bellarmine, Suri, Robinette, &
Dreadin, 1994). But most of the literature has either developed unique software or been
models in a comprehensive work by (Ong, 1998) and has been used in references
(Youxin, Zezhong, Yalan, Peigang, & Wanquan, 2007), (Charles & Bhuvameswari,
2009), (Li, Zhao, Yang, & Zhang, 2009), (Hadidi, Mazhari, & Kazemi, 2007), (Ozpineci
& Tolbert, 2003), (Ansari & Deshpande, 2009), while the SimPower System Toolbox for
Simulink has been used in references (Youxin, Zezhong, Yalan, Peigang, & Wanquan,
2007), (Charles & Bhuvameswari, 2009), (Ansari & Deshpande, 2009). SimPower
Systems Toolbox is a Simulink toolbox specifically used for power systems and includes
induction motors is discussed in (Kay, Paes, Seggewiss, & Ellis, 1999), (Larabee,
Pellegrino, & Flick, 2005), (Williams & Griffith, 1978), (Kjellberg & Kling, 2003),
(Cohen, 1995), (Pillay, Nour, Yang, Datu Harun, & Haw, 2009), (Lewis & Woodbury,
1978), (McElveen, Toney, Autom, & Mountain, 2001), and (IEEE Std 399-1997, 1998),
ABB (Kjellberg & Kling, 2003) provides practical aspects based (Ozpineci & Tolbert,
Comparative simulation analyses for multiple starting methods have been performed
in (Medrea & Demean, 2008), (Hadidi, Mazhari, & Kazemi, 2007), (Patil & Porate,
2009). Research by (Medrea & Demean, 2008) compare the DOL, star-delta,
software. The network is modeled as an ideal grid, connected through a transformer and a
bus. The authors of reference (Hadidi, Mazhari, & Kazemi, 2007) perform their analysis
using the dynamic dq0 model for a comparison of the DOL, star-delta, and soft-starter
(constant ramping) with and without a static VAR compensator. The simulation is
transmission network, and it does not model the engine, exciter, or voltage regulator. The
authors of reference (Patil & Porate, 2009) used the ETAP software’s Dynamic Motor
Acceleration, which uses dynamic models and the starters that are provided in the
program library. The simulated network is a grid, which is connected through a cable to a
3 HP induction motor. The DOL and autotransformer methods are compared in three
scenarios: without line impedance, with line impedance, and with line impedance and
reactive compensation.
Most of the works previously mentioned in the discussion of the starting methods
performed simulated analysis and compared to the DOL starting method. These methods
for the most part are simulated with ideal sinusoid sources. The works that have focused
on weak or isolated systems include (Tuinman, Piers, & De Weerdt, 1998), (Miroševic,
Maljkovic, & Miškovic, 2005), (Miroševic, Maljkovic, & Miškovic, 2009). In reference
(Tuinman, Piers, & De Weerdt, 1998) the authors model a synchronous generator and
induction motor coupled together based on the stator flux in the dq0 reference frame.
They also model the Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) and exciter. However, only the
DOL is simulated and the equations would need to be modified in detail for each of the
other starting methods. The engine is not modeled. Diesel generator set dynamics
Milkovic, 2005), (Mirosevic, Maljkovic, & Milkovic, 2007), (Mirosevic, Maljkovic, &
Milkovic, 2009). They use the dynamic dq0 models to simulate both the synchronous
generator and induction motor using the program package MatrixX. They have studied
only DOL starting in their work: DOL starting and validation (Mirosevic, Maljkovic, &
Maljkovic, & Milkovic, 2007), and the DOL starting of a second induction motor
The purpose of this work is to develop an accurate simulation for comparing starting
methods of an isolated synchronous generator and squirrel cage induction motor system,
simulate the starting methods and dynamic machine models for this type of system.
Previous work has used constant voltage sources or only DOL starting methodology for
base lining. To facilitate usability in a generator set and motor system, this work proposes
a method that keeps the parameters of the network separate from the synchronous
as it has become a widely used and accepted platform. Matlab/Simulink allows for easily
Technologies Inc., 2003). However, the main contribution of this thesis is the use of the
equivalent load impedance used in the simulation to closely simulate the response. It also
allows the models to be connected within the simulation environment through a cut-and-
paste technique. However, further work could be done to improve the linkage between
the components. Only general conclusions are drawn in this thesis; recommendations and
According to how the models have been built, the main limitation of this work is that
it is not scalable to looped systems and can only be used on a single generator source.
The simulated starters also have ideal characteristics, whereas further detailed models
3. Plan of Development
The first phase is the research and development of the electric machine models. The
electric machine models are then tested on ideal networks. The synchronous generator
model, which included the automatic voltage regulator with the excitation system, is
tested with static loads. The induction motor model is tested on an ideal three-phase
voltage source. Once the synchronous generator works with parameters for rated power
of 1 MW, two different induction motor models with a rated power of 200 HP and 500
Once the electric machine models are developed, the other components of the system
necessary for accurate dynamic modeling of the isolated system are built. The necessary
components include the engine model, speed governor and mechanical load. A power
The secondary components are tested next. The engine block is originally tested with
the synchronous generator still connected to the static RL load. The diesel engine model
and the generator voltage regulator were validated against actual data.
Next, the block that controls the connection of the electrical system is built and tested
to connect the synchronous generator with a reasonably small induction motor with the
DOL starting method. The next step is to develop each of the other starting methods one
by one and test them with the 200 HP motor connected to a constant source. Once
verified on the constant source the starters are connected to the diesel-generator set. The
same process was performed for the 500 HP motor. Once the results for both the 200 HP
and 500 HP motor are obtained the results are compared and some general conclusions
are drawn.
The overview of the system modeled in this thesis is shown in Figure 2. The main
components of the system are the engine model, synchronous generator, and induction
motor. The engine model mechanical load makes up the mechanical system and the
generator and motor the electrical system. The applied torque to the rotor of the motor is
an external input. Another important system element that will affect the dynamic
response is the excitation system of the synchronous generator that consists of the
automatic voltage regulator (AVR) and the power system stabilizer (PSS). The excitation
system controls the applied field voltage to the synchronous generator based on the
engines output, which in this case will be the rotating frequency. Also, included is the
system characteristics (applied power and electrical frequency). In this system, the
conductor impedance connecting the generator and motor is considered negligible, and
the breaker closing is treated as ideal. These two aspects should be addressed in future
One of the important aspects to the model is the components are easily
model stator effective impedance seen by the generator. The dynamic effective load
Governo SYSTEM
2. Synchronous Generator
Electric power, with only a few exceptions, is generated using synchronous machines.
To reduce air resistance and other mechanical losses most synchronous generators that
run on fossil fuels are salient and low pole pair machines. These characteristics are the
principles kept in mind when choosing the model and parameters of the synchronous
IEEE Standard 1110-2002 provides the basic practices for synchronous generator
modeling (IEEE Std 1110-2002, 2003). The key concept of modeling synchronous
machines for stability studies has been to change the variables into a simplified and
intuitive reference frame. Table 1 classifies several models developed in IEEE Standard
complexity and structural design. In this thesis, Model 2.1is selected to represent
asynchronous machine. The model includes the field winding on the direct axis and one
damper winding on both the direct and quadrature axis. This is the most common type
The synchronous generator model is usually simulated after a transformation from the
AC three-phase frame to direct and quadrature axes that simplify the flux-based
calculations. The dq0 transformation in the arbitrary reference frame is the generalization
of earlier work starting with Park’s Transformation (Park, 1929) and was introduced by
Krause and Thomas (Krause & Thomas, 1965). For the dq0 transformation the direct (d)
axis is centered on the magnetic peak, and the quadrature (q) axis is electrically
orthogonal, 90º, from the direct axis. This transformation simplifies the relationship
between the fluxes and currents, and this spatial relationship is shown in Figure 3, where
f is any of the state-space variables. The dq0 transformation and its inverse
Figure 3: Relationship between the abc and dq0 general state variable quantities
The equivalent circuit diagram for the d and q axes, which represent the impact of the
orthogonal fluxes (multiplied by the speed) as voltage sources, is shown in Figure 4. The
field winding branch is included on the d-axis since it is directly applied. The damper
windings, one on each of the direct and quadrature axes, must also be included. The
symbol to denote their parameters is k. All parameters are referred to the stator, thus to
denote the rotor parameters referred to the stator a prime ‘ symbol is used.
Rs Stator resistance
vfd’ d-axis field voltage (often denoted with e, for excitation, instead of v)
The zero sequence in the equations is ignored because only a balanced system is
considered in this thesis, in other words the abc phases are equal magnitude and
equidistant in electrical degrees. Upon transformation to the dq0 reference frame the
voltage loop equations can be written as (Krause, Wasynczuk, & Sudhoff, 2002), (Ong,
The input stator electrical speed, ωe, is calculated from the mechanical speed, ωeng, from
then the associated flux linkage equations are (Krause, Wasynczuk, & Sudhoff, 2002),
(Ong, 1998):
In the simulation, the voltage loop equations (VII-1) are manipulated to solve the time
straightforward through integration of the state variables. This also means that the time
step must be sufficiently small to ensure a high degree of accuracy for dynamic
Equation (VII-5) is implemented in the simulation to derive the flux linkage derivatives.
The flux linkages derivatives can be integrated to produce the flux linkages. Then, they
are converted to the currents using Equation (VII-4) with the inverted inductance matrix.
The block diagram that shows the simulation flow using Equations (VII-5, VII-6) is
the dq0 reference frame using the equation (IEEE Std 1110-2002, 2003):
such as pumps and mills. The reason for their popularity is because of their low cost, as
compared to synchronous motors. They are more robust, rugged for varying operating
conditions and require less maintenance (Krause, Wasynczuk, & Sudhoff, 2002), (Ong,
1998). However, the drawbacks of induction motors include the high starting currents and
the increased variability and difficulty of control. The induction motor is considered a
dynamic load because its response varies as the system operating state changes. This is a
The fundamental aspect of induction motors is that they do not have a field circuit;
instead a current is induced in the rotor by the magnetic field from electrical signals
applied to the stator. The induced current in the rotor creates another magnetic field.
These two magnetic fields induce a torque on the rotor. There are two common types of
induction motors; the squirrel cage and wound rotor. The squirrel cage design consists of
shorted bars along the body. The currents are induced in these bars creating another
magnetic field that lags behind the stator magnetic field producing a rotating torque. As
the name implies, the wound-rotor induction motor consists of wires wrapped around the
rotor and which induces the current. They can include externally accessible brushes so as
to add resistance. Therefore, the wound-rotor has the ability to change the effective
Similar to the synchronous generator model, the induction motor model is usually
simplify the calculations in the terms of the flux. The transformation and the inverse
transformation (dq0 to abc) are provided in Appendix A. The reference frames can be
used interchangeably. But, when sharing parameters care must be taken to ensure they are
The squirrel cage induction motor equivalent circuit model in the dq0 reference frame
exceptions that the field winding is missing and the orthogonal fluxes are treated as
voltage sources. The diagram shows the currents in the proper direction for motor
operation. In the squirrel cage induction motor the rotor bars are shorted out, which
means that the rotor voltages are zero. All parameters are referred to the stator, the
parameters that are modified are denoted with the prime symbol ‘. The induction motor
Rs Stator resistance
The voltage loop equations of the equivalent circuit produce the following equations:
where ωr is the induction motor rotating speed and ω is the general rotating reference
frame speed (stationary, synchronous, or rotor). For the squirrel cage induction motor the
rotor voltages are zero since the rotor bars are short-circuited. The corresponding current-
Using the Equations (VII-9, VII-10) the currents can be calculated in terms of flux
These Equations (VII-11) can be plugged into the voltage loop Equations (VII-8) to
produce a straightforward calculation of the flux linkage derivatives that are used in the
The actual implementation is performed by the flux linkage per second, denoted ψ.This is
because it has been found to have better computational performance in testing. The only
difference is the multiplication of the flux linkages with the fundamental frequency, ωb:
The Simulink blocks to perform these calculations are not easily interpreted, instead
the simplified block diagrams for the stator equations are shown in Figure 8 and the rotor
Figure 8: Block Diagram of the Induction Motor Stator Flux Linkage per Second Calculations
Figure 9: Block Diagram of the Induction Motor Rotor Flux Linkage per Second Calculations
The mutual flux linkages incorporate saturation, therefore modifications of the Equations
(VII-10), and are described in Subsection 3.2. The block diagrams describing the
calculation of the currents from the flux linkages with Equations (VII-11) are shown in
Figure 10: Simulink Block of the Induction Motor Stator Current Calculations
Figure 11: Simulink Block of the Induction Motor Rotor Current Calculation
using the following equation (Krause, Wasynczuk, & Sudhoff, 2002), (Ong, 1998):
The motor’s rotational speed is calculated from the mechanical equation of motion
based on the rotational torques and the machine inertia. For the motor the difference
between the electromagnetic torque and the load torque plus frictional losses based on the
speed of the rotor and load, ωload =ωr/NP,motor, determines the acceleration of the motor.
The equation of the motor motion solving for the motor electrical speed is (Krause,
where, Df, is the friction coefficient that simulates the frictional losses. The Simulink
Inclusion of the magnetic core saturation in the induction motor is performed with the
1998). (The saturation of the leakage inductance is neglected.) The method uses the no
load test of the RMS terminal voltage and peak stator current to determine the
relationship of the flux linkage correction factor that displaces the unsaturated or air gap
line to the saturation curve as in Figure 13. Therefore, the previous Equation (VII-10) for
And, the proportional values for each axis are calculated based on the ratio of the mutual
(Wb-turns/sec). (VII-18)
A Matlab function is written to convert the RMS terminal voltage and peak stator current
to the instantaneous mutual magnetizing flux linkage and current following the linearized
piecewise method found in (Prusty & Rao, 1980), and the code is found in Appendix F.
The converted values are used as the parameters for lookup tables. These are used to
subtract the saturation curve from the air gap line to produce the correction factor used in
Equation (VII-15). The block diagram equivalent of the flux linkage saturation
Figure 13: No Load Saturation Curve of Stator Current and Terminal Voltage
Figure 14: Simulink Block to Calculate Mutual Magnetic Flux Linkage with Saturation
Putting all the equations together for the induction motor model, the block diagram is
described in Figure 15. The feedbacks are highlighted with blue, purple, and green
Caterpillar Inc. provided the diesel engine and speed governor models and they are
described in reference (Dilimot & Algrain, 2006). Only slight modifications are
necessary to incorporate the provided model into the overall system model. The model is
proprietary and must be described only in general. The general system of the diesel
engine and speed-governor is shown in Figure 16. This model connected to the following
voltage regulator and synchronous generator has been validated against measured data
The mechanical power, Pmech, of the system can be calculated by multiplying the
(W). (VII-19)
(N-m). (VII-20)
The angle, α, of the engine shaft can be calculated from the torque differential between
the mechanical torque and the torque of the electrical system, Tem, as well as any losses
due to friction, Tlosses, divided by the system inertia, Jsys. Since the engine speed is the
where it is assumed the inertia is not changing. This operation is performed in the
“Torque Balance” block of Figure 16. Other models that have been built are described in
Appendix B.
Figure 16: General Model of the Diesel Engine and Governor Controller
5. Excitation System
The model of the excitation system is based on model AC8B in (IEEE Std 421.5-
2005, 2006). This excitation system is for an AC alternator with a digital PID
exciter. The mathematical functional control block is shown in Figure 17 and the
Simulink equivalent block in Figure 18. In Figure 17 the KC and KD parameters are zero,
because only a digital voltage regulator based system is considered (IEEE Std 421.5-
2005, 2006). The saturation of the exciter is modeled as a proportional value based on the
full-load test. The inputs to the excitation system are the reference voltage, RMS terminal
voltage as measured, and a stabilizer voltage, denoted Vref, VT, and Vstab, respectively. The
difference is used to regulate the excitation voltage EFD applied to the synchronous
generator. The stability voltage is usually set to zero unless a Power System Stabilizer
(PSS) is used. This model connected to the engine and governor and synchronous
generator has been validated against measured data (Dilimot & Algrain, 2006).
Figure 17: Functional Block Model of the AC8B Alternator-Rectifier Excitation System
Reproduced from IEEE Standard 421.5 (2005) Figure 6-8, p. 15
To achieve a volts per hertz regulator added to the PID regulator, a lookup table has
been implemented that takes the engine speed as input and then interpolates the reference
voltage. Figure 19 shows the trace of the lookup table. The under-frequency setpoint and
the minimum voltage thresholds are shown for reference. The slope between the
minimum voltage threshold and the reference voltage is a linear interpolation that keeps
the volts per hertz of under frequency constant which helps the generator and engine
Figure 19: The Volts per Hertz Curve of the Reference Voltage Regulator
A power system stabilizer (PSS) is built based on the PSS1A model of (IEEE Std
421.5-2005, 2006), but it is not used in the resulting simulations. In general PSS are used
to damp low frequency oscillations that are not the focus of the dynamic simulations of
this thesis. The Simulink block of the PSS model is found in Figure 20. In the simulation
6. Mechanical Load
The mechanical loads applied to the induction motor are simple models of fan and
pump loads. The output speed of the induction motor, ωload, is used as the input to
calculate the applied torque. The first model is based on simply the square of the motor
(N-m), (VII-22)
where, the coefficient K is calculated specifically to reach the rated torque of the
mechanical load. Figure 21 displays the speed-torque curve associated with the first
mechanical load of Equation (VII-22). The second model is based calculated using the
(N-m). (VII-23)
T0 is the initial torque and Trated is the rated torque of the attached mechanical load. The
mechanical load of Equation (VII-23) should be more realistic for most mechanical loads
and thus is the model used in the simulations and is to be assumed when referring to the
mechanical load. Figure 22 displays the speed-torque curve associated with the
mechanical load of Equations (VII-23). More mechanical loads have the dip
7. Electrical System
It is appropriate to test the starters when connected to constant source, or infinite bus
test, for baselining the starter performance as well as verifying the simulation. Figure 23
shows the Simulink model of this system with the major components labeled.
Accordingly, the genset and induction motor coupled system is shown in Figure 24. In
the next few sections we consider how to couple the generator and the induction motor
The common method of simulating an electrical system is to use the Jacobean matrix
and perform a power flow analysis. The method taken in this system is to measure the
voltage and current phasors at the point of connection to calculate the equivalent,
apparent impedance as seen by the generator. The phasors used in the calculation are the
voltage calculated from the generator model and the current calculated from the motor
model. Since only balanced conditions are considered, the equation for calculating the
impedance is:
(Ω), (VII-25)
where the |Is| is the magnitude of the stator current. It is assumed here that the
synchronous generator is performed in the synchronous reference frame, thus using the
measurement of the load impedance has been used in other types of applications
including voltage stability analysis methods for load points and in relays (Vu & Novosel,
2001). This approach can be applied to this system because its apparent impedance can
be used as feedback into the generator block calculation by adding the appropriate
parameter to the stator equivalent circuit. However, it is necessary to take the RMS of
values of the apparent impedance values to ensure stability when connected to the
generator set model. This in turn causes the synchronous generator calculated stator
response to lag the induction motor by about two cycles. However, this method allows
the motor and generator internal parameters to be separate, so that different blocks can be
used interchangeably. The equivalent dq circuit for the system as seen by the generator is
shown in Figure 25. Future work will be to address the lag between the models with
To include the equivalent impedance of the network, the dynamic load, in the
synchronous generator model the equivalent impedance must be added to the stator
circuit. The equivalent impedance will depend on the network design. For example the
equivalent impedance is the apparent impedance calculated at the motor for the DOL
starting method, Zeq = Zapp. Therefore, the calculation of the synchronous generator flux
linkage derivatives must add the apparent impedances, and Equation (VII-5) of the
Also, the inductance matrix must include the apparent load stator impedance as well.
It is important to point out that if the values of effective stator inductances are near zero,
which may occur for short transients, the currents are extremely large. This would mean
that the load inductance and the source inductance are approximately equal and system is
The functional calculation model of the synchronous generator model with the
apparent impedance from the equivalent network load is the same as in Figure 5except
for the added apparent impedances to the stator resistance and inductance.
The cable impedance is modeled as a simple series resistance and reactance between
the synchronous generator and the starter and induction motor. However, it is not used in
simulation tests. To calculate the AC voltage drop across the cable the loop equation is
formulated as:
(V), (VII-29)
where Vgen is the complex voltage from the generator source, Zline is the line impedance,
Is, is the loop current, and Vterminal is the voltage at the motor terminal (prior to any
(V). (VII-30)
To perform this calculation the abc parameters are converted to the dq0 synchronous
reference frame. It is assumed that there is no mutual resistance between the lines.
Therefore, the conversion of the line impedance to the dq0 reference can be performed as
is given for the resistive and inductive element change of variables from reference
(Krause, Wasynczuk, & Sudhoff, 2002). For the line resistive element, the equivalent
equation for the voltage drop, RlineIs, from the line resistance in dq0 reference frame is:
The R superscript denotes it is the resistance associated voltage drop. The line inductive
element dq0 equation for the voltage drop, jXlineIs, is calculated as:
The L superscript denotes that the voltage is the reactance associated voltage drop.
Adding these voltage drops produces the voltage drop across the line, (Rline+jXline)Is, that
can than be subtracted from Vgen to produce Vterminal. The Simulink block implementing
the line voltage drop effect is shown in Figure 26. The calculated voltage drop is then
Figure 26: Line Equivalent dq0 Reference Frame Calculation of the Voltage Drop Across the Line
All the starting methods are implemented in the synchronous reference frame so that
the parameters can be directly implemented in the synchronous generator model. This
will be assumed for all the equations in this section, and therefore the superscript symbol
to denote each parameter in the synchronous reference frame is left off. The methods are
all simulated in their ideal scenarios, in which no transients are seen during switching and
The DOL starting method does not add any additional components and can be
implemented with a direct connection of the generator to the motor terminals as shown in
(Ω). (VIII-1)
Figure 27: DOL Start Scheme
conjunction with other starting methods. To implement the affect of the capacitor starting
the equivalent impedance of the load is calculated as the apparent induction motor
The implementation allows for the capacitors to be disconnected once a specified speed
of the motor is reached. Figure 28 shows the method application on the electrical system.
1.3. Star-Delta
To implement the star-delta starting method it is assumed that the terminals are
connected in the star pattern initially and that the rated voltage is applied when in delta
connection. For all other methods it is assumed that the rated voltage is applied regardless
factor of the square root of three of the star connected voltage. In other words the star
(V). (VIII-3)
The implementation allows for the transition from star to delta connection to occur at a
specified motor speed. Also, the application is performed simply as a scaling of the
applied voltage. Figure 29 shows the method as applied to the electrical system.
1.4. Autotransformer
according to the tap ratio. The voltage at the motor terminal VT is a factor of the input
(V), (VIII-4)
where ηtap% is the tap ratio and is less than one. The implementation is performed in a
manner that multiple taps can occur. The transitions of the taps are based on the motor
Figure 30: Autotransformer Start Scheme
The series resistance or reactance, Zp, can be added to the apparent motor impedance
impedance is therefore:
(Ω). (VIII-5)
Also, the voltage drop or lag must be accounted for in the model by subtracting the
impedance voltage drop across the series component from the supply voltage. The stator
(V). (VIII-6)
Where, Iloop is the current in the generator and motor stator loop, as calculated at the
motor. It can be noticed this is equivalent to the cable impedance calculation of section
VII, and the implementation is the same as shown in Figure 26. Figure 31 shows the
1. Studied Cases
The synchronous generator, diesel engine and speed-governor, and excitation system
are all held constant for the system study. The synchronous generator is rated for 480
volts (line-to-line), 60 hertz, and a size of 1 MW. The associated parameters of the200
HP and 500 HP induction motor can be found in Appendix D. The study focused on
varying the size of the induction motor and the performance of the various starting
methods that can be applied. The simulation characteristics of Simulink that the study is
solver, and so on. The induction motor models are based on parameters found in the
Technologies Inc., 2003). The metrics gathered from the data for comparison are
described in Table 2.
The first figure in this section, Figure 32, presents the DOL results of the constant
source compared to the diesel-generator source. As can be seen from Figure 32 the results
are comparable and verify the diesel-generator source application. Therefore, for the sake
of brevity the other constant source connected starter results are not presented. Figures
33-37 show the results of the different implementations of the shunt capacitor, star-delta,
figure displays the voltage responses, current response, speed responses, motor torque
response, real power responses, and reactive power responses, in six different traces. The
traces start at 9 seconds into the simulation (after the generator is stable with no-load) and
the traces stop at 20 seconds. The RMS currents, real and reactive powers are shown on
two scales for the motor rating (left hand side) and the generator rating (right hand side of
the traces). The simulated starter parameters used for the 200 HP induction motor are as
• Shunt Capacitor: (A) 200 kVar and (B) 300 kVar; switched to direct at 0.97 rated
motor speed
• Autotransformer:
(A) 50% voltage up to 0.3; 65% voltage up to 0.6; 80% voltage up to 0.97 rated
(B) 50% voltage up to 0.5; 65% voltage up to 0.9; 80% voltage up to 0.97 rated
(C) 65% voltage up to 0.9; 80% voltage up to 0.97 rated motor speed, full voltage
• Primary Resistance: (A) 0.20 Ω and (B) 0.05 Ω up to 0.97 rated motor speed, full
• Primary Reactance: (A) j0.20 Ω and (B) j0.05 Ω up to 0.97 rated motor speed,
Figure 32: Genset and Constant DOL Starter Results for the 200 hp Motor
1.6.2. Shunt Capacitor Start
Figure 33: Genset Shunt Capacitor Starter Results for the 200 HP Motor
1.6.3. Star-Delta Start
Figure 34: Genset Star-Delta Starter Results for the 200 HP Motor
1.6.4. Autotransformer Start
Figure 35: Genset Autotransformer Starter Results for the 200 HP Motor
1.6.5. Primary Resistance Start
Figure 36: Genset Primary Resistance Starter Results for the 200 HP Motor
1.6.6. Primary Reactance Start
Figure 37: Genset Primary Reactance Starter Results for the 200 HP Motor
The constant and genset sources are compared in Figure 32. The voltage (top left) and
current (middle left) both decrease initially for the genset start, which indicates that
power during this initial startup is decreased. Comparing the real and reactive powers in
the top right and middle right, respectively, they confirm that the powers dip for the
genset start. Due to the real power and torque (bottom right) for the genset start the time
to rated speed is decreased as can be seen in the bottom left. Also, we can see that the
genset controls respond to the dip after approximately 1.5 seconds. At this point the
voltage is approximately nominal and the current peaks at the same value it did for the
constant source. These results correspond well to the information gathered in the
literature review. Therefore, they provide some verification, and the rest of the constant
The shunt capacitor start is shown in Figure 33. As can be expected, the voltage dip
and time recovery (top left) as well as the decreasing of the reactive power (middle right)
are improved. Also, note that since the recovery is improved the time to rated speed
(bottom left) is faster than for the DOL start. The star-delta and autotransformer results
are shown in Figures 34 and 35. These direct proportional voltage reduction methods, as
discussed previously, reduce both the current (middle left) and torque (bottom right) with
the voltage (top left). The real and reactive powers (top and middle right) are reduced
significantly from the generation to the motor. The time to reach rated speed (bottom left)
is significantly increased. It does not appear that the voltage reduction performs better for
determine either the highest rated current or the minimum torque that can be applied and
The primary resistance and reactance starters are shown in Figures 36 and 37,
respectively. For the primary resistance the voltage applied to the motor (top left) is
decreased for both the high and low resistances. However, the high resistance is causes a
significant decrease much similar to the star-delta or autotransformer starters, but one
important difference is that the real power supplied by the generator is much larger
because of the power loss to the resistance. The primary reactance moderately improves
the voltage support (top left), the inrush current (middle left), and the efficiency through
decreasing the reactive power support (middle right) for both the higher and lower
Figures 38, 39, and 40 compare the responses of the starter results discussed. The
inrush currents, generator voltages, and generator frequency are shown in Figure 38,
while motor speed, generator electromagnetic torque, and motor inrush electromagnetic
torque are shown in Figure 39. The mechanical load, motor, and generator torques are
The Figures 38, 39 and 40 can be used to compare the responses of the motor and
generator to conclude general trends that each of the starter produces. Most of the results
have been discussed from the results shown in Figures 33-37. The metrics from Table 2
column 2 for each of the starter methods is listed in Table 3. A general analysis of the
results is given in the Summary and Conclusion section IX, but in general the results
agree with the discussion in the Literature Review section VI. All the voltage reduction
methods are able to have achieved current reduction as shown in Figure 38 (top). The
shunt capacitor and primary reactance starters can be used to improve voltage and
However, the shunt capacitor starter continues to consume more real power versus the
starter consumes significantly more real power as shown in Figure 39 (middle). It also
significantly increases the voltage dip as shown in Figure 38 (bottom), which is a very
negative impact. This is related to the longer time it takes for voltage recovery as shown
in Figure 38 (middle), although the voltage does not experience as significant decrease as
The sizing of the shunt capacitor, primary resistance, and primary reactance starters
are important to take into consideration to achieve the best benefit and tradeoffs of each
method. The shunt capacitor should also be able to be used in conjunction with other
methods to improve voltage support. The voltage reduction methods can be used to
achieve current reduction as long as the acceleration time can lost longer and therefore,
although at a decreased level, the current is still exceeding the rated current but now for a
The first figure in this section, Figure 41, presents the DOL results of the constant
source compared to the diesel-generator source. As can be seen from Figure 41 the results
are comparable and verify the diesel-generator source application. Therefore, for the sake
of brevity the other constant source connected starter results are not presented. Figures
42-46 show the results of the different implementations of the shunt capacitor, star-delta,
figure displays the voltage responses, current response, speed responses, real power
responses, reactive power, and motor torque responses, in six different traces. As can be
implementations of the starters to meet the greater supplied torque for the same nominal
voltage. Note that the figures have an additional 10 seconds (the traces start at 9 seconds
and the traces stop at 30 seconds). The RMS currents, real and reactive powers are shown
on two scales for the motor rating (left hand side) and the generator rating (right hand
side of the traces). The simulated starter parameters used the 500 HP induction motor are
as follows:
• Shunt Capacitor: (A) 200 kVar and (B) 400 kVar; switched to direct at 0.9 rated
motor speed
• Autotransformer:
(A) 50% voltage up to 0.1; 65% voltage up to 0.2; 80% voltage up to 0.5 rated
(B) 65% voltage up to 0.1; 65% voltage up to 0.2; 80% voltage up to 0.5 rated
(C) 65% voltage up to 0.1; 80% voltage up to 0.5 rated motor speed, full voltage
• Primary Resistance: (A) 0.05 Ω and (B) 0.01 Ω up to 0.9 rated motor speed, full
• Primary Reactance: (A) j0.05 Ω and (B) j0.01Ω up to 0.9 rated motor speed, full
Figure 41: Genset and Constant DOL Starter Results for the 500 HP Motor
2.1.2. Shunt Capacitor Start
Figure 42: Genset Shunt Capacitor Starter Results for the 500 HP Motor
2.1.3. Star-Delta Start
Figure 43: Genset Star-Delta Starter Results for the 500 HP Motor
2.1.4. Autotransformer Start
Figure 44: Genset Autotransformer Starter Results for the 500 HP Motor
2.1.5. Primary Resistance Start
Figure 45: Genset Primary Resistance Starter Results for the 500 HP Motor
2.1.6. Primary Reactance Start
Figure 46: Genset Primary Reactance Starter Results for the 500 HP Motor
In general the 500 HP motor results are similar to the 200 HP motor results. Many of
the takeaways are very similar. The constant and genset sources are compared in Figure
41. The voltage dip (top left) and current dip (middle left) for the genset source is seen, as
The shunt capacitor starter is shown in Figure 42. As can be expected, the voltage dip
and time recovery (top left) as well as the decreasing of the reactive power (middle right)
are slightly improved. Also, note that since the recovery is improved the time to rated
speed (bottom left) is slightly faster than for the DOL start. The star-delta and
autotransformer results are shown in Figures 34 and 35. These direct proportional voltage
reduction methods reduce both the current (middle left) and torque (bottom right),
according to the supplied voltage. The real and reactive powers (top and middle right) are
reduced significantly from the generation to the motor. The time to reach rated speed
(bottom left) is significantly increased. One important point is that to reach rated speed
within the set time frame the full-voltage (starter removed) needed to occur before
approximately reaching rated speed. Thus, the maximum inrush current is still reached.
The primary resistance and reactance starters are shown in Figures 36 and 37,
respectively. For the primary resistance the voltage applied to the motor (top left) is
decreased for both the high and low resistances. As for the 200 HP motor the larger
resistance causes a significant voltage and frequency dip well past most standards.
However, the low resistance performance characteristics do not differ too much from the
DOL start. The primary reactance moderately improves the voltage support (top left), but
little effect on the inrush current (middle left), and the efficiency through decreasing the
reactive power support (middle right) for both the higher and lower reactances.
Figures 47, 48, and 49 compare the responses of the starter results discussed. The
inrush currents, generator voltages, and generator frequency are shown in Figure 47,
while motor speed, generator electromagnetic torque, and motor inrush electromagnetic
torque are shown in Figure 48. The mechanical load, motor, and generator torques are
The Figures 47, 48 and 49 can be used to compare the responses of the motor and
generator to conclude general trends that each of the starter produces. Most of the results
have been discussed from the results shown in Figures 42-46, and are very similar to the
results of the 200 HP motor.The metrics from Table 2 column 2 for each of the starter
methods is listed in Table 4 fro the 500 HP induction motor. A general analysis of the
results is given in the Summary and Conclusion section IX, but in general the results
agree with the discussion in the Literature Review section VI. In general many of the
same conclusions can be drawn for the 200 HP motor and the 500 HP motor. However, it
is more difficult for adequate torque to be achieved for the voltage reduction methods and
proper sizing becomes a more critical task. Many of the starters require to be removed
well before rated speed, which means that the maximum inrush current is still reached
particulars of the implementation are known. However, the results from this thesis show
that through the applied simulation method the system responses can be studied and
compared across multiple starters. Computer simulations provide a cost effective manner
to test the different starters. This simulation software is not a substitute to practical
knowledge and common sense; instead it is to aid in the decision making of the best
starting method to apply as well as testing new starter control designs. Several measures
not particularly analyzed in this thesis, such as actual cost and equipment lifetime, also
need to be taken into consideration. Special attention should be given to the assumptions
made in the system, such as neglecting switching transients and induction motor leakage
flux saturation.
From the tests performed in this thesis some general conclusions can be drawn. The
shunt capacitor can have a significant impact on the starting power factor, but has sizing
limitations based on the parameters of the induction motor. It is also able to slightly
decrease the voltage dip and therefore slightly increase the inrush torque and current, and
therefore slightly reduce the starting time. The star-delta (wye-delta) and autotransformer
approaches can be grouped together because of their similar effects through proportional
reduction of the terminal voltage. The important tradeoff among these methods is the
reduced inrush current to the reduced starting torque. Ensuring sufficient starting torque
and the starting time are important considerations. The primary resistance and primary
reactance starters also have the same tradeoff between the inrush current and torque. But,
if the primary impedance size is too large they will make the voltage and frequency dip
worse. The size of the induction motor and the motor design characteristics (parameters)
as compared to the size of the generator also must be taken into consideration when
choosing the starter. The larger the size of the motor the more susceptible the starter is to
possibly reducing the starting torque below the requirement. It is important to note that
the starters were not optimized with any particular objective in mind. Instead the
characteristics of each of the starters as well as the system have been displayed.
The developed simulation tools are meant to be a helpful aid in choosing a starting
method and not a definitive methodology. Therefore further value optimization for the
starter is not covered in this thesis. Future work can focus on particular value attributes,
such as ensuring reliability of the electrical system. It can also be utilized as an aid to
Further work should be done to improve the dynamic load impedance. Conservation
of energy and power balancing are likely candidates to improve upon the instantaneous
starting methods, or to make more specific types of the starters already implemented.
The main contribution of this thesis has been in the method of calculating the
dynamic apparent impedance and using it to simulate the response of the isolated system.
The simulation tool can be easily applied to test a variety of starters and the system
response. It provides a cost effective, safe, and timely manner that provides insight into
the advantages of the various starting methods. The simulation tool provides a solid
foundation for comparatively analyzing the starting methods, so that the starter choices
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the AC three phase variables into DC phases because of their advantageous analysis
characteristics of the flux patterns. Here we use f is an arbitrary variable that can be flux
linkage, voltage, or current (notation λ, v, and i, respectively). The conversion from the
abc to stationary reference frame is performed with Clarke’s transformation, where the s
where f is an arbitrary variable that can be flux linkage, voltage, or current (notation λ, v,
and i, respectively). Balanced conditions are only considered in this work, thus the 0,
zero-sequence, variables are negligible. The inverse transformation, the dq0 variables
And the inverse transformation from the rotating to the stationary reference frame is:
θis the angle of rotation, and is calculated as the integral of the rotational speedω:
The common reference frames used are the stationary, synchronous, and rotor
Stationary: ω=0
Synchronous: ω=ωe.
Rotating: ω=ωr.
These values can be used to determine the angle of rotation to use in equations (A-3) and
The combined diesel engine and speed governor model described by (Yeager &
Willis, 1993) was built as a simple engine model. The speed governor consists of a
control box described by a second order transfer function and an actuator described by a
third order transfer function. A deadband was added to the model to prevent further
dynamics when within an acceptable speed range. The diesel engine itself is modeled by
a transfer delay and outputs the mechanical torque, Tmech. The block diagram model in
Figure 50, which is used in the simulations, shows the linear approximate control system
Mechanical Time Delay
Two engine models are built. Both are based on models from the IEEE Committee
Report “Dynamic Models for Steam and Hydro Turbines in Power System Studies”
(IEEE Committee Report, 1973). They are both models for steam turbines with speed-
governors. The steam turbine is modeled with the first-order transfer function, which is
the linear model of the steam chest shown in Figure 51 being the first block on the far
left. The associated steam system modeled is the tandem compound with double-reheat.
The approximated linear functional block model is shown in Figure 51 (reproduced from
Figure 7.C in reference (IEEE Committee Report, 1973)), and the Simulink equivalent
block is shown in Figure 52. The steam system structure is the same for both models. The
difference in the models comes from the two different types of speed-governor models.
all the simulations performed, the steam system (reheaters and condensers) is ignored,
and only the linear system model is used. Thus it is a simple generic model that has a
Figure 51: Linear Approximate Functional Block Model of the Tandem Compound Steam Turbine
Engine with Double Reheat
Reproduced from “Dynamic Models for Steam and Hydro Turbines in Power System Studies” (1973)
Figure 7 C, p. 1908
Figure 52: Simulink Block of the Tandem Compound Steam Turbine Engine with Double Reheat
reproduced here in Figure 53. The Simulink block built is shown with the steam system
in Figure 54.
Figure 54: Simulink Block of the Electro-Hydraulic (GE) Speed-Governor and Steam Turbine
The general functional block model from (IEEE Committee Report, 1973) is shown
in Figure 55. This is the general speed-governor model of a steam turbine; therefore it can
model both electro-hydraulic and mechanical hydraulic governors. The Simulink block of
Table 5: NEMA Letter Code Typical Characteristics (NEMA Standards Publication Condensed MG 1-2007)
the 200 HP and 500 HP induction motors, respectively. The mechanical load parameters
are listed in Table 9. The engine, speed governor, voltage regulator, and synchronous
generator parameters are proprietary, but have been verified against measured data.
10. The version of MATLAB used is 2009. Special note should be given to the solver and
the time-step used. For consistent well performing simulations it was found that the Euler
solver ‘ode1’ is insufficient for this model because at the time of connection the initial
% Check lengths
if (length(Vrms) ~= length(Ipk))
error('ERROR: Lengths of Vrms and Ipk are not equal.');
% insert zeros if not there already
if(Vrms(1) ~= 0)
Vrms = [0 Vrms];
if(Ipk(1) ~= 0)
Ipk = [0 Ipk];
n = length(Vrms);
% Convert current from pk to rms
Irms = Ipk/sqrt(2);
K = zeros(1,n);
A = K; B = K; C = K; psi_m = K; i_m = K;
d = K; t = K; theta = K; s = K; g = K;
K(k) = 0;
for l=2:k
%error in equation 10 of Prusty &Rao is assumed (two
lambda_ns in
%the first group of terms
i_m(k) = i_m(k) + K(l)*(psi_m(l)-psi_m(l-1));