A Methodological Decision-Making Support For The Planning, Design and Operation of Smart Grid Projects

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1 AIMS Energy, 8(x): xx–xx.

2 DOI:
3 10.3934/energy.2020.x.x
4 Received: xxx
5 Accepted: xxx
6 Published: xxx


9Research article

10A Methodological Decision-Making Support For The Planning,

11Design And Operation Of Smart Grid Projects

12Ricardo Echeverri-Martínez1*, Wilfredo Alfonso-Morales1, Eduardo F. Caicedo-Bravo1

131Universidad del Valle, Calle 13 No. 100-00, Cali, Colombia

14*[email protected]


16Abstract: Nowadays is possible to analyse, build, and model smart grid projects by considering:
17methods to decision-making, either quantitative or qualitative, using key performance indicators
18(KPI) and the System of Systems (SoS) concepts. This work joints all together to build a
19methodological framework as guidance to managers, planners, or political decision-makers from any
20electrical enterprise to help them to make decisions with suitable solutions during the planning of
21smart grid projects.

22Key words: Smart Grids, Multilevel optimization, Multiobjective optimization, Analytic Hierarchy
23Process, Decision Making, Key Performance Indicators


251. Introduction
26During the last years, the smart grid concept has revolutionised the energy field. This concept is in
27charge to add non-conventional energy sources of distributed generation and a bunch of information
28technologies (IT) to national electric system to bring suitability, security and efficiency to energy
29supply [1]. Likewise, the enterprises show an opportunity to develop new services through the
30functionality that it represents, to build profitable business models and to provide value-added
31service, as their users as themselves [2]. 

32Nevertheless, the inclusion of this concept as a new technological paradigm creates significant
33challenges, not least among them the technical feature [3], because of the migration of the current
34electrical network, which has unidirectional flows and centralised generation to disperse loads, needs
35to be turning to bidirectional power flows; this issue will require a sophisticated model to generate,
36supply, and operate energy [4]. Besides, other challenges appear to add more complexity: they not
37only have to evaluate the efficiency or technical effectiveness and their economic profit, but also
38they have to include environmental, social, and governmental political issues into a legal and strategy
39frame which are relevant to each region where applicable [5].

40As a consequence, the development and planning of smart grid projects could not address as a
41unidimensional problem using one level optimisation approaches, instead of that, due to complex
42multidimensional nature (NP-hard type) [6], these require the use of approaches which consider the
43imbalance between stated objectives by different areas into the same energetic structure to decision-
44making. Worldwide authors consider that a multi-level structure could work better to build and
45planning smart grid projects [7], because of the possibility to coordinate and identify problems which
46require a commitment between the objectives of two or more interacting entities ordering by
47hierarchical structures with isolated objectives, maybe in dissonance. In the last decade, the use of
48multi-level decision-making approaches is becoming a powerful tool in the abstraction and
49conceptualisation of hierarchical organisation models with decentralised management problems [8].
50Decision-making in several levels has promoted the researching about decision models [9], solution
51perspectives [10], and applications to build smart cities and smart grid projects [7].

52Likewise, one of the main challenges that energetic field confront during the building a smart grid
53project has been the development of tools to support the decision-making process [11,12]. Into this
54area, operators in charge must face non-structured problems, which must bring decisions, evaluations
55and acknowledges based on the concern. It is necessary to use qualitative approaches that allow
56becoming expert human judgement to mathematical representations as analytic hierarchy process
57(AHP) or quality function deployment (QFD), which process uncertain or diffuse information in the
58smart grid field.

59Finally, the use of key performance indicators (KPIs) is standing out for smart grids and smart cities
60projects due to they bring adequate and detailed information to actors who represent each level into
61organisations using multi-level approaches [13,14]. Currently, several programs and methodological
62proposes have tried to coordinate every one of these levels and to evaluate from different points of
63views, potential benefits that bring the development of smart grid projects, such as the method of
64multi-level maturity evaluation developed by Yue He [15], smart grid status and metrics reports
65designed by Energy Department of United States and the Electric Power Research Institute [16,17],
66and diverse evaluation cost-benefit methodologies from smart energy network projects developed in
67European Union [18–20]. All these are becoming invaluable evaluation tools with hierarchical
68structured KPIs.

69This paper embeds all these concepts into a systematic approach called System of Systems (SoS), to
70make a novelty methodological tool that supports managers, planners, or political decision-makers to
71make optimal or near-optimal decisions about the use of smart grid assets. The provided solutions for
72this approach must fix all aims raised to each level in the organisation and give contributions to the
73energetic development in the region.

742. Background
752.1. Classification of decision problems in the organisational field
76Decision problems in an organisation can be classified by their degree of complexity in: structured,
77semi-structured and unstructured [21]. The structured ones, which are within the operating
78management, can be raised through the use of classical mathematical models, such as linear
79programming or statistical methods. At the other end of the decision management structure, there are
80the unstructured ones related to strategic planning; they are often vague, uncertain and imprecise, for
81which there is no standard solution method that allows obtaining an optimal solution [22]. Human
82intuition is usually the basis for decision making in an unstructured problem [23]. Typical
83unstructured problems are finding in business planning, job evaluation for large organisations
84[24,25], or in the development of a set of policies for a particular social problem [26].

85Finally, semi-structured decision problems, that involve tactical management contain structured and
86unstructured characteristics which reflect a better approach to real situations [27]. The solution to
87these problems involves a combination of programming optimisation and human judgment solution
88procedures; also, it is necessary the support of related intelligent information processing and fuzzy
89inference techniques. For both these and unstructured problems, computational techniques help
90notably to provide information that improves the quality of the decision and therefore, its efficiency

92Taking into account the dynamics of decision-making and its decision structure, many of the
93problems that arise in an organisation require multi-level optimisation, which allow us to find the
94balance point of the most appropriate decisions. From this, the different actors involved in the
95decision-making process obtain benefits from the operational, tactical and strategic levels [14]. In the
96literature, it is common to find problems that involve two or three levels of decision which try to
97optimise their objectives under certain limitations and act and react sequentially. In these cases, they
98are called bi-level decision-making (BLDM) and tri-level decision-making (TLDM) [28].

992.2. Multi-level optimisation as a quantitative method in smart grid projects

100In most of the literature consulted, energy management is addressing through decision techniques
101such as multi-objective models, multicriteria analysis, genetic algorithms, decision support systems
102(DSS), GIS-based decision support, and energy management system (EMS). However, these are
103implementing from a single level perspective. Raffaele Carli in [7] notes: "There is a lack of
104techniques that analyse existing decision levels in an integrated manner rather than level by level";
105from this perspective, analysing smart grids as a single-level system is not an appropriate approach
106since should be considered different actors that are directly or indirectly involved in decision-

108A multi-level optimisation problem is a type of mathematical programming that solves decentralised
109planning problems, with decision entities that interact and are distributing through a hierarchical
110organisation. The execution of decisions is sequential, from the upper level to medium level and then
111to the lower level. For example, in Figure 1, each decision-maker in units from 1 to K independently
112optimises their objectives but is affected by the actions of other decision-makers at other levels [8].
113The decision units at the upper level and the lower level are called leader and follower, respectively.

Level 1 Center

Level 2 Entity 1 Entity 2 ... Entity K

Level 3 Entity 1 Entity 2 ... Entity K


115 Figure 1. Hierarchical Multilevel Structure.

116According to Lu et al. [8], there are two fundamental problems in multi-level decision-making
117processes: the first is how to develop a model capable of describing a complex decision-making
118process, such as the hierarchical multi-level model; the second is how to find an optimal solution to
119such a process. For the first problem, decision-making models have been proposed in the literature of
120two [29,30] and three levels [31,32], which in some cases, include multiple objectives [33]. For the
121second problem, a set of solutions that solve these models has been developed, based on classical
122methods such as the mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) [34,35], Karush-Kuhn-Tucker
123(KKT) [36,37], Stackelberg [38,39], and computational algorithms such as genetic algorithms
124[30,40], particle swarms optimization (PSO) [30,33].

1252.3. Qualitative models for decision making in smart grid projects

126The multi-level optimisation technique mentioned in the previous section is useful for solving
127complex real-world problems, especially those that are based on quantitative data or have a tactical
128or operational scope. However, for strategic planning decisions, the decision-makers face
129unstructured problems. Therefore, they must provide judgments, assessments, and knowledge about
130the problem definition [41]. For this, it is necessary to deal with qualitative techniques or models that
131could transform the human judgments of experts into mathematical representations. Methods such as
132analytic hierarchy process (AHP), quality function deployment (QFD), ELECTRE, PROMETHEE,
133MAUT, Delphi method, and the fusion of these methods with fuzzy set theory, provide more
134sophisticated algorithms to process uncertain or inaccurate information in the field of the smart grids

136The fuzzy set theory resembles human reasoning in how it uses information and uncertainty to
137generate decisions. It was explicitly designed to mathematically represent uncertainty and
138ambiguities, and provide formal tools to deal with the intrinsic inaccuracy of many problems [43].
139This work considers AHP and QFD as qualitative methods, due to the ease of capturing human
140judgments and that these have been implemented in the field of smart grids successfully.

141The fuzzy AHP is a theory of measurement through peer comparison, which is then assembled in the
142expert judgment to obtain priority scales. Here, the decision-makers (experts) methodically evaluate
143each element to be compared with each other; these comparisons are making to determine the
144importance of each of them [44]. When making comparisons, experts can use concrete (quantifiable)
145data of the elements that are necessary or can use their judgments according to their level of
146relevance. The comparisons follow the numerical scale proposed by Saaty [45]. The AHP and fuzzy
147logic have been used successfully to support decision-making in smart grid project planning [11,46],
148renewable energy [47,48], microgrid projects [49], demand response programs [50], electric mobility
149[51], energy storage [52,53], and smart energy cities [54].
150On the other hand, the QFD developed initially by Japanese professors in the 60's, Yoji Akao and
151Shigeru Mizuno, provides an excellent mechanism that helps identify and translate customer
152requirements into technical specifications for the design, process, and production of a product or
153services. It is also possible to use the QFD as a strategic planning tool for an intangible product, such
154as a program or activity. Customer requirements could interpret as corporate or commercial
155requirements of senior management. The team members in the QFD exercises must be mostly senior
156managers and all other functional level managers in the strategy formulation stage, and
157implementation engineers for the formulation of the action plan. Decision attributes are sometimes
158strategic objectives or tactical policies rather than specific objective values of product design
159variables. Therefore, it is more difficult to quantify and develop a mathematical model for evaluation
160[55]. The QFD has applied in the development of business strategies, software development, product
161management, vendor selection, and other applications. Eventually, the QFD has also implemented in
162the energy sector and smart grid projects [56,57]. In [58] and [59] are detailed the models, methods,
163concepts, and applications of both techniques.

1642.4. Key performance indicators and their use in Smart Grid projects
165A key performance indicator is a tool widely used worldwide in industries and business
166environments to quantify and evaluate progress and performance concerning the goals and objectives
167of an organization [60]. To increase awareness of the status of energy sector projects and facilitate
168their monitoring, the actors in charge have some of these indicators to monitor in a comfortable and
169detailed way the fulfilment of the objectives.

170The sector has formulated some KPIs and their applicability in smart grid projects [61,62],
171microgrids [63,64], monitoring and planning architectures [65,66], energy efficiency and demand
172response [13,67], energy management systems (EMS) [68,69] and smart cities [7,70]. However, the
173methods are predominantly qualitative, as the selection of KPIs comes from a review of the
174literature, validation with stakeholders, or discussion with energy industry actors and experts . [14].
175The difficulty is due to the constant evolution of "Smart or Smartness" term and the lack of clarity of
176the concept [71]. It also emphasises the absence of an indicator system that is capable of providing a
177uniform approach to what is measured, and of being comparable over time, or between different
178regions [15].

179Another critical challenge that KPIs represent in the field of smart grids is in the allocation of
180weights and their impact on strategic energy objectives. To obtain these weights, some authors like
181[13] use interviews and consensus with project experts as an evaluation tool (direct assignment
182methods). In [62,63] introduced a methodology for the evaluation of microgrids and smart grid
183technologies, determining each evaluation core with an equal magnitude of importance. Although, in
184[72] and [73] they consider more rigorous mathematical processes for the determination of weights,
185in the first investigation it is not necessary to obtain the results of quantifiable KPIs, and unlike what
186was done by [16], they did not consider the participation of experts for qualitative evaluation. The
187second investigation presents a binary evaluation approach; therefore, those projects that have an
188intelligent criterion mildly or intensely will obtain the same score. The six categories, where the
189indicators are examining, were assigned with the same weight to calculate the overall score, giving
190them the same importance to each. In [61], the authors use a multicriteria AHP technique to
191determine the relative weights of indicators proposed in the field of smart grid projects in China. The
192work carried out by Kazumi in [43], considers the QFD with fuzzy logic. The work shows an
193example through a simulation to achieve the prioritisation of energy indicators as inputs for software
194development in energy management in a company.

195Due to the above, it is favourable to establish a quantitative and systematic method that allows
196weighting and validating KPIs based on the identification of the functionalities of the smart grid
197asset. For this, this work considers what has been done by the Department of Energy (DOE) in [74].
198Regarding the prioritisation of KPIs based on the strategic objectives of the company, section 3
199presents a new procedure for assigning significant weights using the QFD-AHP with fuzzy logic.

2002.5. The System of Systems concept as the basis for multi-level decision making in Smart Grid
201 project planning
202Finally, the SoS concept would allow joining the concepts mentioned above and adequately guide
203the strategic investments made in the modernisation of the conventional electricity grid [75,76].
204Also, it serves as the basis for developing requirements and standards, making design decisions,
205acquiring solutions and managing any type of smart grid or smart energy city project [77,78]. Each
206of these projects could consider being typically composed of hardware, software, processes,
207procedures, policies and actors; what makes the project designer, or in this case of the system, have
208to analyse each of these factors holistically [7].

209For this, the systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model that allows obtaining an
210overview and describe the stages and tasks involved in each phase of a system. The SDLC allows a
211process to be broken down into smaller segments or phases for ease of management and for
212managers to verify successful completion of initial project phases before allocating resources to
213subsequent phases [79]. In general, systems development includes requirements analysis,
214design/planning, testing, implementation and operation phases. However, these can be divided
215differently depending on the organisation involved. The SDLC is similar to the life cycle of any
216smart grid project. In fact, in many cases, the SDLC allows defining the policies, personnel, and
217budgetary limitations of a large-scale project implemented in an organisation [80]. This model also
218allows to capture the needs and objectives of the actors and transform them into a holistic solution
219through a balanced life cycle that meets the minimum design requirements and maximises the overall
220efficiency of the system [81]. Figure 2 presents a general model of the SDLC and the methodological
221proposal developed in this work for the evaluation of smart grid projects. The actions in the phase of
222defining the technical process, design and operation and maintenance present the innovation of this
223work, which are explaining in more detail in the following section.

Step 1: Project characterisation Check and describe technologies, elements and objectives of the project

Asset 1 Asset 2 Asset 3 ... Asset n

Functionality 1 Functionality 2 Functionality 3 ... Functionality n

Step 2: Turn the smart grid asset to
Benefit 1 Benefit 2 Benefit 3 ... Benefit n


Definition phase

Step 3: Define de KPIs project KPILB1 KPILB2 KPILB3 ... KPILBn


Smart Grid Smart Grid Smart Grid Smart Grid

Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 ... Objective n
Step 4: Set enterprise-level strategy
and smart grid tactic objectives
Enterprise- Enterprise- Enterprise- Enterprise-
level strategic level strategic level strategic ... level strategic
objective 1 objective 2 objective 3 objective n

Step 5: Definition of the actors and Relative weights of Smart Grid tactical
fuzzy QFD implementation to Establish the impact of each KPI based on the
objectives and enterprise-level strategic
enterprise-level strategic objectives
calculate smart grid weights objectives

Step 6 and 7: Mathematical model of Mathematical Mathematical Mathematical Mathematical

the system͛s assets and mathematical model of KPI1 model of KPI2 model of KPI3 ... model of KPIn
representation of KPIs and asset 1 and asset 2 and asset 3 and asset n
Planning/design and operation phase

Initialise solutions (x, y, z).

Solutions (x, y,z)

Solve the upper level problem using metaheuristic

Step 8: Multi-objective bi-level (Objective function: FPL1,FPL2,..FPLN)
optimisation model
Fixed decision variables (x,y)

Solve the lower level problem using metaheuristic

algorithms Solutions (x,y,z)
(Objective function: FOP1,FOP,..FOPN)

Decision variables (x,y,z)

Stop Criteria

Selection of best alternative using AHP


225 Figure 2. Proposed methodology

2263. Methodological Approach

227Based on the methodology proposed in [78], where is pointed that any smart grid project can
228consider as an SoS, here we present an innovated methodology divided into three phases of SDLC:
229technical processing definition, planning/design, and operation. The first phase uses fuzzy QFD as
230qualitative methods to help in the decision-making procedure; it also includes actors and objectives
231as tactical as strategy levels. The other phases are addressing as a multi-objective bi-level
232optimisation problem, i.e., they represent the quantifiable method.
233Here, the leader or upper-level problem is represented as the planning/design phase while the
234operation phase is the follower or the lower level problem. Similar to traditional energetic sector
235problems, planning/design is a long-term procedure while the operation is a short one. Although they
236look different, these are strictly related, and therefore, a bi-level decision-making model can interact
237to get optimal modelling [82]. The upper level gets input information from the planning horizon (i.e.,
238technical processing definition), the maximum load, the available assets, and the economic
239parameters. When it chooses a matching design, i.e., the number of assets for the smart grid project,
240under input information and constraints, then the second level is enabled. Thus, data from the upper-
241level are using as parameters in the lower-level with a function which defines the problem's feasible
242region. Then, the lower-level defines the operational solutions for assets such that loss functions as
243the emissions, the operational costs, the SAIDI, and other requirements achieve a minimal cost. Once
244the solutions are getting from lower-level, these go back to upper-level to evaluate the total cost
245during the planning horizon. This procedure continues until achieving both the design and the
246optimal operative combination. After a set of solutions are obtained by the optimisation model, the
247enterprise stakeholders use fuzzy AHP in order to select the best fitted solution. Each of these steps
248is explaining below.

2493.1. Technical Processing Definition Phase

250This is a five-steps phase where the information and data of the projected is obtained and used to
251define specific KPIs and objectives.

2523.1.1. Step 1. Smart grid project characterisation

253Following the work presented in [83], the technical processing definition phase takes the project
254general summary, the available technologies, elements, and objectives, which imply to bring the
255project scale and dimension, i.e., user support for the smart grid, energy consumption per year, load
256profile, generation data from solar, wind, or others.

2573.1.2. Step 2. Turn the smart grid asset to KPIs

258This step comes from [74]. The implementation takes the smart grid investment characterisation
259using turnings from 1) smart grid assets based on functionalities, 2) functionalities turn on benefits,
2603) benefits to KPIs, and 4) obtaining the mathematical representation of each KPI.

2613.1.3.   Step 3. Define the KPI project baseline

262By using the methodology presented in [83] [134], the step aims to compare new scenarios against
263the current one to know the cost and benefit differences. This work includes the next scenarios:

264 - Scenario A (Baseline): This scenario shows the system conditions before implementing the
265 smart grid project.
266 - Scenario B: Setting conditions and polities in the proposed smart grid system.

2673.1.4. Step 4. Set enterprise-level strategy and smart grid tactic objectives
268Here, the strategic objectives are set based on the needs and goals from each energetic enterprise
269which implements a smart grid project. This step also includes the smart grid tactic objectives such
270as was presented in [84]; these are strictly relating with issues as climatic change, traditional energy
271scarcity, and problems in security, quality and supply.

2723.1.5. Step 5. Definition of actors and Fuzzy QFD implementation to calculate the smart grid
274Fuzzy QFD is applied to find the relationship between KPIs and the energetic enterprise-level
275strategic objectives.

276From Table 1, we get the enterprise-level strategic objectives prioritisation (HOW). While Table 2
277define WHAT is the importance to satisfy a KPI to achieve an enterprise objective.

278 Table 1. QFD matrix to determinate the relative importance weights of Enterprise level strategic objectives.

Smart Grid tactical objectives (WHAT) Enterprise level strategic objectives (HOW)
ObjE1 ObjE2 ObjE3 ObjE4 ObjEm
OTSG 1 Q 111 Q 112 Q 113 Q 114 Q 11m
OTSG 2 Q 121 Q 122 Q 123 Q 124 Q 12 m
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
OTSG n Q 1n 1 Q 1n 2 Q 1n 3 Q 1n 4 Q 1nm
Relative importance weights of Enterprise level
Weight 1 Weight 2 Weight 3 Weight 4 Weight m
strategic objectives

280 Table 2. QFD matrix to rank the project KPI.

QFD matrix Enterprise level strategic objectives (HOW) KPI Ranking

ObjE1 ObjE2 ObjE3 ObjE4 ObjM
KPI1 Q 211 Q 212 Q 213 Q 214 Q 21 m Ranking KPI1
KPI2 Q 221 Q 222 Q 223 Q 224 Q 22 m Ranking KPI2
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
KPIn Q 2n 1 Q 2n 2 Q 2n 3 Q 2n 4 Q 2nm Ranking KPIn

282The results from Table 1 and Table 2 come from [85] and [86], where were added some
283modifications and fuzzy logic to get the linguistic enhancement and the prioritisation of smart grid
284objectives. However, it is necessary to define some expert actors into the smart grid field and the
285energy companies; some of them come from [14], where was detailed the participation during the life
286cycle of smart grid project.

2873.2. Planning/design and operation phases

288This is a three-steps phase where the information of the project and the selected KPIs are integrated
289into an optimization model in order to obtain the best solution.

2903.2.1. Step 6. Mathematical model of the system's assets

291This step must represent the operative constraints from project formulation in a precise way;
292therefore, each proposed asset from step 2 must model adequately.

2933.2.2. Step 7. Mathematical representation of KPIs
294From step 2, it is necessary to develop the mathematical representation of each KPI. Each one has
295operative and planning constraints which help to obtain optimal solution during the optimisation

2973.2.3. Step 8. Multi-objective bi-level optimization model

298To optimise the planning/design and operation phases in a coordinated fashion, we introduce the
299multi-objective bi-level optimisation model which is composed of the leader located in the upper-
300level (planning/design) and the follower located in the lower-level (operation). (1) presents its
301mathematical representation.

min F ( x PL , y PL , … , z N )= [ F PL 1 , F PL2 , … , F PLN ]

G ( x PL , y PL , z N ) ≤0

s .t . H ( x PL , y PL , z N ) =0 : ¿ ¿
min f ( x PL , y PL , z N … , t ) =[ f op 1 , f op 2, …, f opn ]
g ( x PL , y PL , z N … ,t ) ≤ 0

s . t . h ( x PL , y PL , z N … , t ) =0
1≤ t ≤ hours
302where, x PL , y P L , … , z N are the arguments to be optimised, and F PL1 , F PL 2 , … , F PLN are the objective
303functions, and G ( ⋅ ) y H (⋅) are the set of planning constraints located in the upper-level. The lower-
304level has z N , t which are the decision arguments, where t is the operation time, f op 1 , f op2 , …, f opnare the
305loss function, and g ( ⋅ ) y h ( ⋅ )are the operative constraints.

306The multi-level optimisation is currently a high-interest topic into the science of administration,
307economics, and engineering. Here, the bi-level model preserves the relationship between both levels.
308While the planning/design phase has its objectives into a decision profile, indirectly defined by the
309operational level, it helps to turn the conditions for a new optimisation procedure into the lower-level
310when the control is delivered. This model allows interacting between the objectives in both levels, as
311the decision-makers find a logic relationship into an energy project.

312However, this kind of problems considered as NP-hard due to intrinsic complexity between two
313levels are hard to solve; even, the simplest case, being continuous and linear functions, is still
314considered as NP-hard [87]. Thus, the use of meta-heuristic algorithms is necessary to solve this kind
315of problems [88]. The solution obtained by the optimization model is not unique. Thus, it is
316necessary to apply a method in order to find the best solution weighting the Smart Grid objectives.
317The relative weights are calculated based on energetic regional polities using AHP approach (See
318Table 3). In [89] are explained the axioms, theorems, and mathematical foundations to establish the
319priorities obtained with the fuzzy AHP.  


321 Table 3. AHP methodology to rank 4 Smart Grid tactical objectives.

Smart Grid Smart Grid Smart Grid Smart Grid

AHP matrix Ranking
objective 1 objective 2 objective 3 objective 4

Smart Grid
objective 1
1 A W 12 A W 13 A W 14 1st

Smart Grid 1
1 A W 23 A W 24 2nd
objective 2 A W 12
Smart Grid 1 1
1 A W 34 3rd
objective 3 A W 13 A W 23
Smart Grid 1 1 1
1 4th
objective 4 A W 14 A W 24 A W 34

3234. Results
324In the following, we present a step-by-step example procedure to apply the proposed methodology.

325Step 1. The Mexican government aims to structure sustainable energy projects to reduce the use of
326fossil fuels in the Yucatan Peninsula. They want to observe through the simulations the feasibility of
327building an isolated smart energy hub (SEH) to provide the energy service of the population present
328there. For the case study, the planning horizon is 30 years and operating 48 hours. The SEH
329considers the following four assets: combined cycle generating (400 MW), solar farms (295W per
330panel), wind farms (2MW turbine), and Advanced Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage system
331AA-CAES (210 MW).

332Step 2. Figure 3 presents the functionalities of the assets transformed into benefits and these into a
333measurement parameter KPI, where are identifying two functionalities, five benefits, and twelve

Smart grid asset Smart Energy Hub

Functionality Energy generation and management

Increased services
deployment Energy bill O&M cost
Benefits power supply
and carbon
(Voltage and
reduction reduction
reliability frequency

Increase the Levelized

time to Technical cost of SOx
Increased SAIFI
supply losses energy emissions
GD capacity reduction
energy reduction (LCOE) reduction
using GD reduction
Increase the
time using Energy Capital and CO2 Nox
renewable shortages O&M cost emissions Emissions
energy reduction reduction reduction reduction

336 Figure 3. Transformation of Smart grid assets into KPIs.

337Step 3. Table 4 presents a comparison between the current scenario (scenario A) and the scenario
338with the smart grid project (Scenario B).

339 Table 4. Before and after comparison of a Smart Grid Project

Scenario B (With Smart

Project Scenario A (Baseline) KPIs Baseline KPIs
Grid project)
Creating value for the Minimize operation and
Energy bill cost [kW/h]
energy company and investment costs [$]
Generation with social and Minimize CO2
Energy generation CO2 emissions [%]
conventional energy environmental benefits emissions [%]
sources due to the generation
NO2 and SO2 emissions with clean energy Minimize NO2 and SO2
[%] sources. emissions [%]

341Step 4. Figure 4 shows the six strategic objectives defined by the energy company executing the
342project and the smart grid objectives established in the Mexican energy framework.

Smart Grid tactical objectives

Security and
Universal Access Sustainability Competitiveness

Objetivos estratégicos Nivel Empresa

Strengthen the
Business Better customer Sustainable
diversification experience development

Promote high
Technological qualification
development and professional


344 Figure 4. Strategic and tactical Smart Grid objectives. Taken from the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and the
345 National Energy Control Center (CENACE).

346Step 5.  Table 5 and Table 6 show the evaluations given by the actors of the energy company for the
347assessment of objectives and KPIs using the Fuzzy-QFD tool.

348 Table 5. Assessment given by 3 actors (A1, A2, A3) of the Smart Grid project to each of the KPIs in the six strategic
349 objectives.

Strategic Objective Strategic Strategic Objective Strategic Strategic Strategic Objective

1 Objective 2 3 Objective 4 Objective 5 6
KPIs A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


351 Table 6 Assessment given by 6 actors of the Smart Grid project to each of the Smart Grid tactical objectives in the six
352 strategic

Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic

Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Objective 4 Objective 5 Objective 6
Smart Grid
Tactical A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3
Accessibility H VH M M L VH VH M L L L L L VH H H M L
Quality and
Competitiveness H H VH VH VH VH VH L L H M H H H M H M L
Sustainability M M VL M H VL H M M M VL L VH M VH VH VH VH

354Table 7 shows the valuations given with their respective fuzzy number, where the labels are: VL=
355Very Low, L= Low, M= Medium, H= High, and VH= Very High.

356 Table 7 Linguistic scale to Fuzzy-QFD.

Assessment FN
Very Low VL 1 1 1
Low L 2 3 4
Medium M 4 5 6
High H 6 7 8
Very High VH 8 9 10

358After mathematically processing the assessments given by the project actors the essential KPIs are as
359follows: First KPI3, second KPI2 and third KPI9.

360Step 6. As a brief example, two of four assets considered in this study are presented in (2) for a
361photovoltaic subsystem model and in (3) for a wind turbine subsystem model. However, all the
362assets of the smart grid project must be considered in the methodology.

P PV ( t )=G ( t )∗A∗ηPV (2)



V R −V C
V C≤ V ≤ V R

V R ≤V ≤ V F
V <V c ó V >V F

365Step 7. Similarly to step 6, (4) and (5) presents two mathematical models of twelve KPIs considered
366in the study. KPI4 is represented by the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) while
367KPI9 is represented by the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE).

∑ U∗N u (4)
KPI 4 =SAIDI= i=1
N uTot
I o+ ∑
t=1 ( 1+i )t
KPI 9= LCOE= n (5)
M el
∑ t
(1+i )
368Step 8. In this paper, we used a Bi-Level Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm

370Table 8 shows 16 reasonable solutions at the planning/design level for the case study; Figure 5 shows
371the solutions given by the algorithm at the operation level. In the proposed scenario, there is a low
372generation with renewable energy sources on the second day of operation as a result of not too windy
373and not too sunny. The algorithm compensates this deficit with combined cycle generation plants; in
374some cases, as solution three at 1:00 AM, the combined cycle generation supplies 685 MW; In the
375first 24 hours of operation of all 16 solutions, a high penetration of renewable sources is observed, in
376some cases, as solutions nine, fourteen, fifteen and sixteen, these required the use of AA-CAES.

377 Table 8. List of the best solutions obtained on the Planning/Desing phase for the case study

Number of solar Number of wind Number of

Solution Number of combined cycle generators
panels turbines AA-CAES
1 410,247 916 2 2
2 715,597 904 2 3
3 806,641 919 2 2
4 922,907 915 2 3
5 1,120,319 938 2 2
6 1,218,766 1,457 2 2
7 1,221,467 897 2 3
8 1,408,529 908 2 1
9 1,658,098 1,405 2 2
10 1,721,997 906 2 2
11 1,801,552 954 2 1
12 1,879,551 904 2 2
13 1,892,838 1,003 2 1
14 2,241,523 1,599 2 2
15 2,315,210 1,045 2 1
16 2,352,912 1,100 2 1

# 10 5 Solution 1
Power [W]
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
5 Solution 2
# 10
Power [W]

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
# 10 5 Solution 3
Power [W]

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
# 10 5 Solution 4
Power [W]

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
# 10 Solution 5 # 10 5 Solution 13
Power [W]

Power [W]
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Hour Hour
# 10 5 Solution 6 # 10 5 Solution 14
Power [W]

10 Power [W] 10
5 5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Hour Hour
5 Solution 7 5 Solution 15
# 10 # 10
Power [W]

Power [W]

10 10
5 5
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Hour Hour
5 Solution 8 5 Solution 16
# 10 # 10
Power [W]

Power [W]

10 10
5 5
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Hour Hour
380 Figure 5. Best solutions at operation level.

381Table 9 presents the optimised KPI and baseline KPI values for the case study. Error: Reference
382source not found shows, the percentage difference of KPI9 (minimise LCOE). Notice that all
383solutions are more expensive than the baseline; solution 14 with an LCOE of $ 0.27/kWh is
384considered the most expensive with the 33% above on the baseline.

385 Table 9. Optimized KPI for the case study

GWh/ tSOx/
h/ Events/ MWh/ Millions of $ in 30 ktCO2/ tNOx/
Solution [%] [%] [%] 30 $/kWh 30
year year year years 30 years 30 years
years years
1 7.4 75 0 11,506 0.21 4,255 2,122 1,927
2 7.8 72 0 11,603 0.21 4,271 2,118 1,900
3 8.1 71 0 11,670 0.21 4,301 2,113 1,888
4 8.3 70 0 11,731 0.21 4,304 2,108 1,875
5 8.9 68 0 11,874 0.21 4,352 2,098 1,850
6 15.3 55 0 14,226 0.25 4,826 1,828 1,586
7 8.7 68 100 0.1 0.0001 0.1 0 11,764 0.21 4,320 2,112 1,856
8 9.1 66 0 11,815 0.21 4,363 2,112 1,842
9 15.9 52 0 14,161 0.25 4,833 1,851 1,574
10 9.8 63 0 11,959 0.21 4,389 2,103 1,809
11 10.5 62 0 12,169 0.22 4,447 2,081 1,783
12 10.1 62 0 12,010 0.21 4,405 2,101 1,795
13 11.3 60 0 12,422 0.22 4,501 2,054 1,750
14 20.4 45 3,174 15,253 0.27 5,139 1,792 1,473
15 12.8 56 211 12,772 0.23 4,601 2,037 1,701
16 13.6 54 885 13,032 0.23 4,664 2,016 1,677
Base line 1.36 93 100 0.3 0.53 1,802 0 11,526 0,20 145,593 1,735 440,564

LCOE reduction


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

387 Figure 6. Percentage difference between the KPIs of the model and the baseline

388Figure 7 shows the initial investment and operation and maintenance costs for the case study.

9 Initial cost 8 Annual O&M cost

8 x 10 14 x 10
7 WT 12



1 2

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

390 Figure 7. Initial investment, operation and maintenance costs.

391Next, the prioritisation of the smart grid tactical objectives obtained from the fuzzy AHP tool is
392presenting in Figure 8. The evaluation to get the prioritisation consisted of 67 actors in the energy
393sector and experts in the field.

394As it can be seen in Figure 8, the F AU (Universal Energy Access) objective was the most important
395with 50%, followed by f sc (Security and Quality of energy supply) with 30%, and finally F Comp
396(competitiveness for the company) and f s (environmental sustainability) with 10% each one,
397respectively. After weighting both KPIs and objectives, it is possible to determine a feasible solution.
398For the case study, the solutions one, two, and three are potential candidates due to they present the
399lowest cost and the least tons of carbon dioxide t CO2, sulfur oxides kg SOx and nitrogen oxides kg
400NOx. However, the obtained relative weights with the use of the AHP mean that the solution tends to
401be more linked to Universal Access, which was the essential objective with a 50% relative weight of
402importance. Therefore, by introducing these weights in the algorithm, solution nine is the best
403solution for the case study.

Universal access

Security and Quality
Smart Grid Tactical CI=0.22
weighting RC=0.01 0.1


405 Figure 8. Priority of Smart Grid objectives using fuzzy AHP.

4065. Conclusions
407This paper presents a methodological proposal that provides support for decision-making in energy
408companies that wish to build smart grid projects. The main challenge of this research was the
409abstraction of the organisational hierarchy and turned it into a multi-level decision process
410architecture. For this, it was necessary to have a systemic approach which allowed, first to identify
411and describe the elements of the project, the key actors and their interests, the objectives, and
412relationships for each decision level. In the other two subsequent phases, planning/design and
413operation, we implemented an innovative multi-level multi-objective decision model to get a set of
414solutions using the meta-heuristic algorithm called particle swarm optimisation (PSO). This
415procedure was applied in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico to validate the proposed methodology.

416As a contribution, this work helps to gradually fill the gap in the literature regarding those techniques
417that analyse decision levels in an embedded way instead of level by level, being particularly
418important in the current era of smart cities and smart grid projects, due to they are considered as a
419complex network of systems, and therefore require analysis in a holistic way and not separately.
420Additionally, the methodology allows the use of KPIs to measure the performance of any project,
421being important since in the not too distant future they will have to develop action plans to improve
422the objectives in terms of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, such as they are
423starting to demand in most governments around the world.

424Currently, the methodology is within the problems of optimisation of two levels and with multiple
425objectives. As future work, the integration of several subsystems would be crucial to turn the
426problem into a multi-follower or multi-leader into a cooperative, semi-cooperative or non-
427cooperative nature. Thus, the planning and operation of several smart grid projects might carry out

429Conflict of interest
430All authors declare no conflicts of interest in this paper.

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