Mathematics: Solving Regression Problems With Intelligent Machine Learner For Engineering Informatics

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Solving Regression Problems with Intelligent Machine Learner
for Engineering Informatics
Jui-Sheng Chou 1, * , Dinh-Nhat Truong 1,2 and Chih-Fong Tsai 3

1 Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology,
Taipei City 106335, Taiwan; [email protected]
2 Department of Civil Engineering, University of Architecture Ho Chi Minh City (UAH),
Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Vietnam
3 Department of Information Management, National Central University, Taoyuan City 320317, Taiwan;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: Machine learning techniques have been used to develop many regression models to make
predictions based on experience and historical data. They might be used singly or in ensembles.
Single models are either classification or regression models that use one technique, while ensemble
models combine various single models. To construct or find the best model is very complex and
time-consuming, so this study develops a new platform, called intelligent Machine Learner (iML), to
automatically build popular models and identify the best one. The iML platform is benchmarked
with WEKA by analyzing publicly available datasets. After that, four industrial experiments are
conducted to evaluate the performance of iML. In all cases, the best models determined by iML are
superior to prior studies in terms of accuracy and computation time. Thus, the iML is a powerful
and efficient tool for solving regression problems in engineering informatics.

Keywords: applied machine learning; classification and regression; data mining; ensemble model;
Citation: Chou, J.-S.; Truong, D.-N.;
Tsai, C.-F. Solving Regression
engineering informatics
Problems with Intelligent Machine
Learner for Engineering Informatics.
Mathematics 2021, 9, 686. https:// 1. Introduction
Machine Learning (ML)-based methods for building prediction models have attracted
Academic Editor: Florin Leon abundant scientific attention and are extensively used in industrial engineering [1–3], de-
sign optimization of electromagnetic devices, and other areas [4,5]. The ML-based methods
Received: 18 February 2021
have been confirmed to be effective for solving real-world engineering problems [6–8].
Accepted: 19 March 2021
Various supervised ML techniques (e.g., artificial neural network, support vector machine,
Published: 23 March 2021
classification and regression tree, linear (ridge) regression, and logistic regression) are typi-
cally used individually to construct single models and ensemble models [9,10]. To construct
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
a series of models and identify the best one among these ML techniques, users need a
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
comprehensive knowledge of ML and spend a significant effort building advanced models.
published maps and institutional affil-
The primary objective of this research is to develop a user-friendly and powerful ML
platform, called intelligent Machine Learner (iML), to help its users to solve real-world
engineering problems with a shorter training time and greater accuracy than before. The
iML can automatically build and scan all regression models, and then identify the best one.
Novice users with no experience of ML can easily use this system. Briefly, the iML (1) helps
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
users to make prediction model easily; (2) provides an overview of the parameter settings
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
for the purpose of making objective choices; and (3) yields clear performance indicators,
This article is an open access article
facilitating reading and understanding of the results, on which decisions can be based.
distributed under the terms and
Four experiments were carried out to evaluate the performance of iML and were
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
compared with previous studies. In the first experiment, empirical data concerning enter-
prise resource planning (ERP) for software projects by a leading Taiwan software provider
over the last five years were collected and analyzed [1]. The datasets in the other three

Mathematics 2021, 9, 686.

Mathematics 2021, 9, 686 2 of 25

experiments were published on the UCI website [11–13]. Specifically, the purpose of the
second experiment was to train a regression model of comparing the performance of CPU
processors by using some characteristics as input. The third experiment involved forecast-
ing the demand supporting structured productivity and high levels of customer service,
and the fourth experiment involved estimating the total bikes rented per day.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews application of machine
learning techniques in various disciplines. Section 3 presents the proposed methodology
and iML framework. Section 4 introduces the evaluation metrics to measure accuracy of
the developed system. Section 5 demonstrates iML’s interface. Section 6 shows benchmarks
between iML and WEKA (a free, open source program). Section 7 exhibits the applicability
of iML in numerical experiments. Section 8 draws conclusions, and provides managerial
implications and suggestions for future research.

2. Literature Review
Numerous researchers in various fields, such as ecology [14,15], materials proper-
ties [16–18], water resource [19], energy management [20], and decision support [21,22],
use data-mining techniques to solve regression problems, and especially project-related
problems [23,24]. Artificial neural network (ANN), support vector machine/regression
(SVM/SVR) classification and regression tree (CART), linear ridge regression (LRR), and
logistic regression (LgR) are the most commonly used methods for this purpose and are
all considered to be among the best machine learning techniques [25–27]. Similarly, four
popular ensemble models, including voting, bagging, stacking and tiering [28–30], can be
built based on the meta-combination rules of aforementioned single models.
Chou (2009) [31] developed a generalized linear model-based expert system for es-
timating the cost of transportation projects. Dandikas et al. (2018) [32] assessed the
advantages and disadvantages of regression models for predicting potential of biomethane.
The results indicated that the regression method could predict variations in the methane
yield and could be used to rank substrates for production quality. However, least squares-
based regression usually leads to overfitting a model, failure to find unique solutions, and
issues dealing with multicollinearity among the predictors [33], so ridge regression, another
type of regularized regression, is favorably integrated in this study to avoid the above
problems. Additionally, Sentas and Angelis (2006) [34] investigated the possibility of using
some machine learning methods for estimating categorical missing values in software cost
databases. They concluded that multinomial logistic regression was the best for imputation
owing to its superior accuracy.
The general regression neural network was originally designed chiefly to solve re-
gression problems [24,35]. Caputo and Pelagagge (2008) [36] compared the ANN with the
parametric methods for estimating the cost of manufacturing large, complex-shaped pres-
sure vessels in engineer-to-order manufacturing systems. Their comparison demonstrated
that the ANN was more effective than the parametric models, presumably because of its
better mapping capabilities. Rocabruno-Valdés et al. (2015) [37] developed models based
on ANN for predicting the density, dynamic viscosity, and cetane number of methyl esters
and biodiesel. Similarly, Ganesan et al. (2015) [38] used ANN to predict the performance
and exhaust emissions of a diesel electricity generator.
SVM was originally developed by Vapnik (1999) for classification (SVM) and regres-
sion (SVR) [39,40]. Jing et al. (2018) [41] used SVM to classify air balancing, which is a key
element for heating, ventilating, air-conditioning (HAVC), and variable air volume (VAV)
system installation, and is useful for improving the energy efficiency by minimizing unnec-
essary fresh air to the air-conditioned zones. The results demonstrated that SVM achieved
4.6% of relative error value and is a promising approach for air balancing. García-Floriano
et al. (2018) [42] used SVR to model software maintenance (SM) effort prediction. The SVR
model was superior to regression, neural networks, association rules and decision trees,
with 95% confidence level.
Mathematics 2021, 9, 686 3 of 25

The classification and regression tree method (CART), introduced by Breiman et al.
(2017) [43], is an effective method to solve classification and regression problems [42]. Choi
and Seo (2018) [44] predicted the fecal coliform in the North Han River, South Korea by
CART models, the test results showed the total correct classification rates of the four models
ranged from 83.7% to 93.0%. Ru et al. (2016) [45] used the CART model to predict cadmium
enrichment levels in reclaimed coastal soils. The results showed that cadmium enrichment
levels had an accuracy of 78.0%. Similarly, Li (2006) [16] used CART to predict materials
properties and behavior. Chou et al. (2014, 2017) [26,46] utilized the CART method to
modeling steel pitting risk and corrosion rate and forecasting project dispute resolutions.
In addition to the aforementioned single models, Elish (2013) [47] used voting ensem-
ble for estimating software development effort. The ensemble model outperformed all
the single models in terms of Mean Magnitude of Relative Error (MMRE), and achieved
competitive percentage of observations whose Magnitude of Relative Error (MRE) is less
than 0.25 (PRED (25)) and recently proposed Evaluation Function (EF) results. Wang at
el. (2018) demonstrated that ensemble bagging tree (EBT) model could accurately predict
hourly building energy usage with MAPE ranging from 2.97% to 4.63% [48]. Comparing
to the conventional single prediction model, EBT is superior in prediction accuracy and
stability. However, it requires more computation time and is short of interpretability owing
to its sophisticated model structure.
Chen et al. (2019) [49] showed that the stacking model outperformed the individual
models, achieving the highest R2 of 0.85, followed by XGBoost (0.84), AdaBoost (0.84) and
random forest (0.82). For the estimation of hourly PM2.5 in China, the stacking model
exhibited relatively high stability, with R2 ranging from 0.79 to 0.92. Basant at el. (2016) [50]
proposed a three-tier quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model. This model
can be used for the screening of chemicals for future drug design and development process
and safety assessment of the chemicals. In comparison with previously studies, the QSAR
models on the same endpoint property showed the encouraging statistical quality of the
proposed models.
According to the reviewed literature, various machine learning platforms have been
developed for the past decades, such as the Scikit-Learn Python libraries, Google’s Ten-
sorFlow, WEKA and Microsoft Research’s CNTK. Users can find it easy to use a machine
learning tool and/or framework to solve numerous problems as per their needs [51]. ML-
based approaches have been confirmed to be effective in providing decisive information.
Since there is no best model suitable to predict all problems (the “No Free Lunch” the-
orem [52,53]), a comprehensive comparison of single and ensemble models embedded
within an efficient forecasting platform for solving real-world engineering problems is
imperatively needed. The iML platform proposed in this study can efficiently address
this issue.

3. Applied Machine Learning

3.1. Classification and Regression Model
3.1.1. Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
Neural networks (or artificial neural networks) comprise information-processing
units, which are similar to the neurons in the human brain, except that a neural network
is composed of artificial neurons (Figure 1) [54]. Particular, back-propagation networks
(BPNNs) are widely used, and are known to be the most effective network models [55,56].
Mathematics 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 25
Mathematics 2021,
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2021, 9, FOR PEER REVIEW 4 4ofof 25

Input layer Hidden layer Output layer

Input layer Hidden layer Output layer

Input variable 1 y1
Input variable 1 y1
Input variable 2
2 y2
Input variable 2

... ...
... ...

... ...
Input variable u yn
Input variable u

Figure 1. Artificial neural network (ANN) model.

Equation (1) uses sigmoid function to activate each neuron in a hidden output layer,
and the Scaled(1)
Equation Conjugate
(1)uses Gradient
sigmoid Algorithm
function to is used
activateeach to calculate
neuron in the
hidden output
and the BPNNs
the Scaled will be
Scaled Conjugatetrained until
Conjugate Gradient the stopping
Gradient Algorithm criteria
Algorithm isis used
used to is reached
to calculate by
calculate the default settings
the weights
weights ofof the
network. BPNNswill
BPNNs willbe
criteriaisis reached
reached byby default
default settings
in MATLAB. 𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑘 = ∑ 𝑤𝑘𝑗 𝑂𝑗 and 𝑦𝑘 = 𝑓(𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑘 ) =
netk = ∑ wkj O j and yk = f (netk ) = 1net

𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑘 = ∑ 𝑤𝑘𝑗 𝑂th and 𝑦𝑘 = 𝑓(𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑘 ) = 1+ e −𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑘 k (1)
where 𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑘 is the activation of the 𝑘 𝑗 neuron; j is the set of1+𝑒neurons in the preceding
kth neuron;
where𝑤𝑛𝑒𝑡 j; 𝑂
where net
layer; k isthe
𝑘𝑗 is
activation of the
of the connection j is the set of neurons
th between in the preceding layer;
𝑘 is the activation of the 𝑘 neuron; j isneuron
the set k of and
neurons neuronin the 𝑗 is the
w is the weight of the connection
𝑦𝑘 isofthe between neuron k and neuron j; O is the output neuron
layer; neuron
𝑤 is the j; and
weight thesigmoid
connectionor logistic
between transfer
neuron k and j neuron j; 𝑂𝑗 is the
j; and yk𝑘𝑗 is the sigmoid or logistic transfer function.
output neuron j; and 𝑦𝑘 is the sigmoid or logistic transfer function.
3.1.2. Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Support Vector Regression (SVR)
3.1.2. Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Support Vector Regression (SVR)
3.1.2. Developed
Support Vector by Cortes and Vapnik
Machine (1995) [57], SVM isRegression
used for binary (SVR)classification
Developed by Cortes and(SVM)
Vapnik and Support
(1995) [57],Vector
SVM is used for binary classification
problems. The SVM
Developed by was created
Cortes based on
and Vapnik decision
is usedthat determine decision
problems. The SVM was created based (1995)
on decision SVM
hyper-planes for
thatbinary classification
determine decision
problems. in an input space or a high-dimensional feature space [40,58]. Binary
boundariesThe in anSVM wasspace
input created
or abased on decision hyper-planes
high-dimensional feature space that[40,58].determine decision
Binary classifica-
tion can only can only
an input classify samples
samples into
or negative negative
a high-dimensional and
and positive while positive
featuremulti-class while
space [40,58].multi-class
problems areproblems
classification can onlyare
complex complex
(Figure In(Figure
2). 2). In
this study, thisAgainst
One study,
and One Against
All (OAA) isAll
while (OAA) is
used to solve
used to solve
classification multiple classification
multiple classification problems.
are complex (Figure 2). In this study, One Against All (OAA) is
used to solve multiple classification problems.

(a) SVM. (b) SVR.

Figure2.2.Support (a) SVM.
SupportVector (b)(SVR)
Regression SVR.models.
(SVR) models.
Figure 2. Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Support Vector Regression (SVR) models.
The OAA-SVM constructs m SVM models for m-class classification problems, and the
ith SVM model is trained based on the dataset of the ith class which includes a positive
Mathematics 2021, 9, 686 5 of 25

class and a negative class. In training, a set of l data points ( xi , yi )il=1 , where xi ∈ Rn the
input data, and yi ∈ (1, 2, . . . , m) is the class label of xi ; the ith SVM model is solved using
the following optimization problem equation [59].

  1  i T i
min J wi , b, ξ = w w + C ∑ ξ ij (2)
wi ,b,ξ 2 i =1
 T
wi ϕ x j + bi ≥ 1 − ξ ij , y j = i,

 T
subject to : wi ϕ x j + bi ≤ −1 + ξ ij , y j 6= i, (3)

ξ ij ≥ 0, j = 1, . . . , l.

When the SVM models have been solved, the class label of example x is predicted
as follows:   
y( x ) = arg max wi ϕ ( x ) + bi (4)
i =1...m

where i is the ith SVM model; wi is a vector normal to the hyper-plane; bi is a bias, ϕ( x)
is a nonlinear function that maps x to a high-dimension feature space, ξ i is the error
in misclassification, and C ≥ 0 is a constant that specifies the trade-off between the
classification margin and the cost of misclassification.
To train the SVM model, radial basic function (RBF) kernel maps samples non-linearly
into a feature space with more dimensions. In this study, the RBF kernel is used as SVM
kernel function. !
 −k xi − x j k2
K xi , x j = exp (5)

where σ is a positive parameter that controls the radius of RBF kernel function.
Support vector regression (SVR) [40] is one version of SVM. SVR computes a linear
regression function for the new higher-dimensional feature space using ε-insensitive loss
while simultaneously reducing model complexity of the model by minimizing kwk2 . This
process can be implemented by introducing (non-negative) slack variables ξ i , ξ i∗ to measure
the deviation in training samples outside the ε-insensitive zone. The SVR can be formulated
as the minimization of the following equation:

min J (w, b, ξ ) = (w)T w + C ∑ (ξ i + ξ i∗ ) (6)
w,b,ξ 2 i =1

 yi − f ( xi , w) ≤ ε + ξ i∗

subject to : f ( x , w ) − yi ≤ ε + ξ i (7)
 ∗ i
ξ i , ξ i ≥ 0, i = 1, . . . , n
When SVR model has been solved, the value of example x is predicted as follows.

f (x) = ∑(αi − αi∗ )K(xi , x) + b (8)

where K ( xi , x ) is the kernel function and αi∗ , αi are Lagrange multipliers in the dual function.

3.1.3. Classification and Regression Tree (CART)

Classification and regression tree technique is described as a tree on which each
internal (non-leaf) node represents a test of an attribute, each branch represents the test
result, and each leaf (or terminal) node has a class label and class result (Figure 3) [60]. The
tree is “trimmed” until total error is minimized to optimize the predictive accuracy of the
tree by minimizing the number of branches. The training CART is constructed through the
Gini index. The formulas are as follows.
Mathematics 2021,9,9,686
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Figure Theclassification

t) = =
∑∑p( j𝑝(𝑗|𝑡)𝑝(𝑖|𝑡)
| t ) p (i | t ) (9)
𝑝(𝑗, 𝑡)
𝑝(𝑗|𝑡) =
p( j,𝑝(𝑡)
t) (10)
p( j|t) = (10)
p(t) 𝑗 (𝑡)
𝑝(𝑗, 𝑡) = (11)
p( j) Nj𝑁(𝑗t)
p( j, t) = (11)
𝑝(𝑡) = ∑N𝑝(𝑗, j 𝑡) (12)
p(t) = ∑ p( j, t) (12)
𝐺𝑖𝑛𝑖 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 =j 1 − ∑ 𝑝(𝑗, 𝑡)2 (13)
where 𝑖 and 𝑗 are the categorical variables in each item;2 𝑁𝑗 (𝑡) is the recorded number of
Gini index = 1 − ∑ p( j, t) (13)
nodes 𝑡 in category 𝑗; and 𝑁𝑗 is the recorded number of the root nodes in category 𝑗;
and 𝑝(𝑗)i and
is jthe
the categorical
value for in 𝑗. Nj (t) is the recorded number of
each item;
nodes t in category j; and Nj . is the recorded number of the root nodes in category j; and
( j) is Linear
the prior probability
Ridge value
Regression for category
(LRR) j. Regression (LgR)
and Logistic
Statistical models of the relationship between dependent variables (response
3.1.4. Linear Ridge Regression (LRR) and Logistic Regression (LgR)
variables) and independent variables (explanatory variables) are developed using linear
regression models
(Figure 4). of
relationship between
formula dependent
for multiple variables
regression (response
models is as variables)
and independent variables (explanatory variables) are developed using linear regression
(Figure 4). The general formula for multiple regression models is as follows.
𝑦 = 𝑓(𝒙) = 𝛽𝑜 + ∑ 𝛽𝑗 𝑥𝑗 + 𝜀 (14)
y = f (x) = β o + ∑ β j x j + ε (14)
where 𝑦 is a dependent variable; 𝛽𝑜 is a constant; j =1 𝛽𝑗 is a regression coefficient (𝑗 =
1,2, … , 𝑛), and 𝜀 is an error term.
whereLinear y is aridge
dependent variable;
regression (LRR) β iso aisregularization
a constant; βtechnique
j is a regression
that can coefficient (j =
be used together
1,with . , n), andregression
2, . . generic ε is an error term.
algorithms to model highly correlated data [61,62]. Least squares
methodLinear is aridge regression
powerful (LRR)
technique foristraining
a regularization technique
the LRR model, thatdenotes
which can be used together
𝛽 to minimize
with generic regression algorithms to model highly correlated data [61,62]. Least squares
Mathematics 2021,9,9,x686
7 of

the Residual
method Sum Squares
is a powerful (RSS)-function.
technique for trainingTherefore, the cost
the LRR model, function
which is presented
denotes as
β to minimize
the Residual Sum Squares (RSS)-function. Therefore, the cost function is presented as below.
𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡(𝛽) = 𝑅𝑆𝑆(𝛽) = ∑(𝑦 − 0 22 + 𝜆(∑
y′) 2𝛽𝑗2 )
∑ ∑𝑗=1 j (15)

Cost( β) = RSS( β) = y−y +λ β (15)
i =1 j =1

y𝑦′0 =
=β𝛽0 +
+ ∑β𝛽𝑗x𝑥𝑗
∑ j j (16)
where𝜆λ is
where is aa pre-chosen
pre-chosen constant,
productof ofaapenalty
norm the𝛽β vector of regression method, and y𝑦′
normininthe 0 isisthe


Linear Regression
Linear Ridge Regression

X 0 X
(a) LRR model. (b) LgR model.

Figure RidgeRegression

Statistician David Cox developed logistic regression in 1958 [63]. An explanation of

Statistician David Cox developed logistic regression in 1958 [63]. An explanation of
logistic regression begins with an explanation of the standard logistic function. Equation
logistic regression begins with an explanation of the standard logistic function. Equation
(17) mathematically represents the logistic regression model.
(17) mathematically represents the logistic regression model.

x) =
p(= 1 1 (17)
𝑝(𝑥) −(𝛽 −( β𝑛o +∑n𝑥 1)β j x j ) (17)
1 + e𝑜 +∑𝑗=1 𝛽𝑗j=𝑗
where p( x ) isis the
thatthe thedependent
dependentvariable variableequals
than a failure non-case.β o 𝛽and
failureorornon-case. 𝑜 and 𝛽𝑗 found
β j are are found by minimizing
by minimizing cost function
cost function defined
defined in Equation
in Equation (18). (18).
𝑙 ! 𝑛
l 𝜆 λ 2n
Cost( β =) − − ∑𝑖 (ln(𝑝(𝒙
=(∑(𝑦 yi ln( p𝑖 ))
+− (1𝑦−𝑖 )ln
yi )(1ln−
− p𝑖 ))) )))+ 2+∑ 𝛽∑
( xi ) 𝑗 βj
2 (18)
𝑖=1 i =1
𝑗=1 j=1

where𝑦y𝑖i is
where the observed
is the observed outcome
outcome of case x𝒙,𝑖 ,having
of case

Ensemble Regression Model
Regression Model
describedas asbelow.
• • Voting:
combinesthe theoutputs
Accordingtotothe the
adoptedML MLmodels,
models are
are trained
trained in this study, including (1)
study, including (1) ANN
CART,(5) (5)SVR
CART,(8)(8) ANN
+ LRR, (9)(9)
+ LRR, (10)
+ LRR, (11) (11)
+ LRR.+ LRR.
FigureFigure 5a presents
5a presents the
the voting
voting model.model.
• • Bagging:
Bagging: The
random,and andeach
regression modelpredicts
independently.The Themeta-rule
Mathematics 2021, 9, 686 8 of 25
Mathematics 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 25

applied toto all
all of
of the
the outputs
outputs in
in this
this study.
study. Bagging
Bagging ensemble
ensemble model
model is
is depicted
depicted at
Figure 5b.
Figure 5b.
•• Stacking:
modelisisaa two-stage
two-stage model,
model, and
and Figure
Figure 5c
5c describes
the principle of the model. In stage 1, each single model predicts one output value.
the principle of the model. In stage 1, each single model predicts one output value.
Then, these outputs are used as inputs to train a model by these machine learning
Then, these outputs are used as inputs to train a model by these machine learning
techniques again to make a meta-prediction in stage 2. There are four stacking models
techniques again to make a meta-prediction in stage 2. There are four stacking models
herein, including ANN (ANN, SVR, CART, LRR); SVR (ANN, SVR, CART, LRR);
herein, including ANN (ANN, SVR, CART, LRR); SVR (ANN, SVR, CART, LRR);


Data value


(a) Voting scheme.

sampling LRR ANN
SVR Predictive
Data vaue


sampling LRR

(b) Bagging scheme.

Stage 1

Output Y 1~n


Substitute the original Y act into

Stage 2
Yi=1~n serves as the input in Stage 2

Stage 2

Output Y 1~n
Sub Data CART


(c) Stacking scheme.

SVR Class 1
Classification Ymax+Ymin
Class 1:Y  Predictive value
model k CART
LgR Class k
Y +Y Predictive value
Class k: Y (k −1) max min

(d) Tiering scheme.

Figure 5. Ensemble models.
5. Ensemble models.
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• Tiering: Figure 5d illustrates the tiering ensemble model. There are two tiers inside a
• Tiering:
tiering Figure
ensemble5d illustrates the tiering
model in this ensemble
study. The model.
first tier is toThere aredata
classify two into
tiers kinside a
tiering ensemble model in this study. The first tier is to classify
on the basis of T value [18]. Machine learning technique in the first tier fordata into k classes on
the basis of T
classifying value
data [18].toMachine
needs learningAfter
be identified. technique in thethe
classifying firstdata,
tier for
data needs to be identified. After classifying the data, the regression
machine learning is used to train each data (Sub Data) of each class (second machine learning
tier) to
used toresults. In the iML, we developed three types of models, including 2-class,In3-
train each data (Sub Data) of each class (second tier) to predict results.
the iML,
class, andwe developed
4-class. three types
The equation for of models, including
calculating T value is: 2-class, 3-class, and 4-class.
The equation for calculating T value is:
𝑦 +𝑦
T = 𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑚𝑖𝑛 (19)
𝑘 ymax + ymin
T= (19)
where T is standard value, 𝑘 is the number kof classes, and 𝑦𝑚𝑎𝑥 and 𝑦𝑚𝑖𝑛 are the
where andT is minimum of actual
standard value, values,
k is respectively.
the number of classes, and y and y are the
max min
maximum and minimum of actual values, respectively.
3.3. K-Fold Cross Validation
3.3. K-Fold
K-foldCross Validation
cross validation is used to compare two or more prediction models. This
method randomly
K-fold divides a is
cross validation sample
used into a training
to compare twosample andprediction
or more a test sample by splitting
models. This
into K subsets. K-1 subsets are selected to train the model while the other
method randomly divides a sample into a training sample and a test sample by splitting is used to test,
and this training process is repeated K times (Figure 6). To compare models,
into K subsets. K-1 subsets are selected to train the model while the other is used to test, the average
of performance
and this training results
process(e.g., RMSE,Kand
is repeated MAPE)
times is computed.
(Figure Kohavi
6). To compare (1995)
models, the stated thatofK
= 10 provides
performance analytical
results validity,and
(e.g., RMSE, computational efficiency,
MAPE) is computed. and optimal
Kohavi deviation
(1995) stated that K[65].
10 K = 10analytical
provides is used invalidity,
this study. Performance
computational metrics will
efficiency, andbe explained
optimal in details
deviation [65].Section
K4.= 10 is used in this study. Performance metrics will be explained in details Section 4.

1 Test data
2 1 Training data
2 1
3 2 1
3 2 1
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1
6 5 4 3 2
6 5 4 3 2
7 6 5 4 3
7 6 5 4 3
8 7 6 5 4
8 7 6 5 4
9 8 7 6 5
9 8 7 6 5
10 9 8 7 6
10 9 8 7 6
10 9 8 7
10 9 8 7
10 9 8
10 9 8
10 9
10 9

Figure K-foldcross-validation

Machine Learner Framework
Learner Framework
Figure 7 presents the structureof
7 presents the structure ofiML.
classified distinctly for particular use in the Tiering ensemble model. Meanwhile, alldata
distinctly for particular use in the Tiering ensemble model. Meanwhile, all data
is divided into two main data groups, namely, learning data and test data, and the learning
is divided into two main data groups, namely, learning data and test data, and the
data is duplicated for training ensemble models.
learning data is duplicated for training ensemble models.
At the next stage, all retrieved data is automatically used for training models, which
At the next stage, all retrieved data is automatically used for training models, which
include single models (ANN, SVR, LRR, and CART), and ensemble models (voting, bagging,
include single models (ANN, SVR, LRR, and CART), and ensemble models (voting,
stacking, and tiering). Notably, the tiering ensemble model needs to employ a classification
bagging, stacking, and tiering). Notably, the tiering ensemble model needs to employ a
technique to assign a class label to the original input at the first tier. A corresponding
classification technique to assign a class label to the original input at the first tier. A
regression model for the particular class is then adopted at the second tier to obtain the
corresponding regression model for the particular class is then adopted at the second tier
predictive value [17,26].
to obtain the predictive value [17,26].
Mathematics 2021, 9, 686 10 of 25
Mathematics 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 25

Stage 1: Preprocess data

Divide data
Data (e.g., K-Fold Cross Validation) Learning data

Set classified data Test data Duplicate sampling

Stage 2: Train regression model

Data for training model

Single classification Single regression Ensemble model

model model
ANN model ANN model Voting

SVM model SVR model Bagging

CART model CART model Stacking

LgR model LRR model Tiering

Stage 3: Find the best model

Calculate performance results

Compare performance results Indentify the best model

Figure 7. Intelligent machine leaner framework.

Figure 7. Intelligent machine leaner framework.

Finally, stage33(find
performancesofofall allthe
learned (trained)
learned (trained) inin stage
stage 22 using
using test
test dataset
dataset are
are compared
compared toto identify
identify the
the best
best models.
Section describesthetheperformance

performance of classification models,
of classification the accuracy,
models, precision,
the accuracy, sensi-
tivity, specificity and the area under the curve (AUC) are calculated. For
sensitivity, specificity and the area under the curve (AUC) are calculated. For the the regression
models, five-performance
regression measures, (i.e.,
models, five-performance correlation
measures, coefficient
(i.e., (R),coefficient
correlation mean absolute
(R), error
errorabsolute percentage
(MAE), mean error
absolute (MAPE), error
percentage root mean squared
(MAPE), error (RMSE),
root mean and
squared error
total errorand
(RMSE), rate (TER))
total errorare
ratecalculated. Table 1 presents
(TER)) are calculated. Table 1a presents
confusion matrix and
a confusion Tableand
matrix 2
Table 2 those performance
exhibits measuresmeasures
those performance [17,66]. [17,66].

Table 1. Confusion matrix.

Table 1. Confusion matrix.

Actual Class Actual Class

Positive Negative
Positive Negative
Positive True positive
Positive False Negative False Negative
True positive
Predicted class Predicted class
Negative False positive
Negative True negative True negative
False positive

In Table 2, MAE is the mean absolute difference between the prediction and the
actual value. MAPE represents the mean percentage error between prediction and actual
value, the smaller value of MAPE, the better prediction result achieved by the model. The
MAPE is the index typically used to evaluate the accuracy of prediction models. RMSE
represents the dispersion of errors by a prediction model. The statistical index that shows
the linear correlation between two variables is denoted as R. Lastly, TER is the total
difference of predicted and actual values [17].
Mathematics 2021, 9, 686 11 of 25

In Table 2, MAE is the mean absolute difference between the prediction and the actual
value. MAPE represents the mean percentage error between prediction and actual value,
the smaller value of MAPE, the better prediction result achieved by the model. The MAPE
is the index typically used to evaluate the accuracy of prediction models. RMSE represents
the dispersion of errors by a prediction model. The statistical index that shows the linear
correlation between two variables is denoted as R. Lastly, TER is the total difference of
predicted and actual values [17].

Table 2. Mathematical formulas for performance measures.

Measure Formula Measure Formula

tp+tn n
Accuracy Accuracy = Mean absolute error ∑ yi − yi0

tp+fp+tn+fn MAE = n
i= 1 0
tp y −y
Precision Precision = tp+fp
Mean absolute percentage error MAPE = n1 i yi i
tp n
Sensitivity Sensitivity = Root mean square error 1
tp+fn RMSE = n ∑ yi − yi0
i =1
n ∑ yi .yi0 −(∑ yi )(∑ yi0 )
Specificity Specificity = tntn
+fp Correlation coefficient R= q q
n(y2i )−(∑ yi )2 n(yi0 2 )−(∑ yi0 )
|∑in=1 yi0 −∑in=1 yi |
h   i
Area under the curve AUC = 12 tp+fn + tntn +fp
Total error rate TER = n
∑ i =1 y i
tp is the true positives (number of correctly recognized class examples); tn is the true negatives (number of correctly recognized examples
that do not belong to the class); fp is the number of false positives (number of examples that were incorrectly assigned to a class); fn is the
number of false negatives (number of examples that were not assigned to a class); yi is actual value; yi0 is predicted value; n is sample size.

The goal is to identify the model that yields the lowest error of test data. To obtain a
comprehensive performance measure, the five statistical measures (RMSE, MAE, MAPE,
1-R, and TER) were combined into a synthesis index (SI) using Equation (20). Based on the
SI values, the best model is identified.
Pi − Pmin,i

SI =
mp ∑ Pmax,i − Pmin,i
i =1

where m p = number of performance measures; Pi = ith performance measure; and Pmin,i

and Pmax,i are the maximum and minimum of ith measure. The SI range is 0–1; the SI value
close to 0 indicates a better accuracy of the predictive model.

5. Design and Implementation of iML Interface

The iML was developed in MATLAB R2016a on a PC with an Intel Core i5-750 CPU,
a clock speed of 3.4 GHz, and 8 GB of RAM, running Windows 10. Figure 8 presents
a user-friendly interface for iML. First, users select models on setting-parameters board
and set the parameters for the chosen models, which will be trained and analyzed. Next,
users choose whether to test with either “K-Fold Validation” or “Percentage Split” before
uploading the data. Notably, if “Percentage Split” is selected, the user only has to input
percentage value of learning data. Then, users click on the “Run” button to train the model.
Finally, the “Make Report” function is to create a report containing performance metrics of
all selected models and the identified best model. Figure 9 displays a snapshot of report
file in notepad.
Mathematics 2021, 9, 686 12 of 25
Mathematics 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 25
Mathematics 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 25

Setting parameters, including single models, classification and

Visualization of data for evaluation and prediction
Setting parameters, including single
ensemble models, classification and
Visualization of data for evaluation and prediction
ensemble model

Purpose of user: evaluation or prediction Performance or prediction results

Purpose of user: evaluation or prediction Performance or prediction results
Figure 8. Snapshot
Figure 8. Snapshotofofintelligent
intelligent Machine Learner(iML)
Machine Learner (iML) interface.
Figure 8. Snapshot of intelligent Machine Learner (iML) interface.

Figure 9. Snapshot of report file.

Snapshot of reportfile.
of report file.
6. Benchmarks between iML and WEKA
6. Benchmarks between iML and WEKA
6.1. Publicly Available Datasets
6.1. Publicly Available Datasets
Table 3 shows the publicly available datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repos-
itoryTable 3 shows the publicly available datasets accessed
(; from the UCI Machine
1 March Learning
2021). The Repos-
iML is
itory (; accessed 1 March 2021). The
benchmarked with WEKA (a free, open source program) using hold-out validation and iML is
benchmarked with WEKA (a free, open source program) using hold-out validation and
K-fold cross-validation on the target datasets. All algorithm parameters are set default for
K-fold cross-validation on the target datasets. All algorithm parameters are set default for
Mathematics 2021, 9, 686 13 of 25

6. Benchmarks between iML and WEKA

6.1. Publicly Available Datasets
Table 3 shows the publicly available datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repos-
itory (; accessed 1 March 2021). The iML is
benchmarked with WEKA (a free, open source program) using hold-out validation and
K-fold cross-validation on the target datasets. All algorithm parameters are set default for
both iML and WEKA platforms.

Table 3. Characteristic of data from UCI Machine Learning Repository.

UCI Data Set No. of Samples No. of Attributes Output Information

Concrete Compressive Strength
1030 8 Concrete compressive strength (MPa)
(Yeh (2006) [67])
Y = house price of unit area (10,000 New
Real estate valuation (Yeh and
414 6 Taiwan Dollar/Ping, where Ping is a local
Hsu (2018) [68])
unit, 1 Ping = 3.3 m squared)
Energy efficiency (Tsanas and y1 Heating Load (kW)
768 8
Xifara (2012) [69])
y2 Cooling Load (kW)
Airfoil Self-Noise (Lau and López
1503 5 Scaled sound pressure level (dB).
(2009) [70])

6.2. Hold-Out Validation

In this test, datasets are randomly partitioned into 80% and 20% for learning and
test, respectively. Tables 4–8 show the one-time performance results on these five datasets.
A model with a normalized SI value of 0.000 is the best prediction model among all the
models tested by iML and WEKA. Notably, the best model can be automatically identified
by iML with “one-click”. To train models with WEKA, the users need to build each model
individually. Moreover, iML gives better test results of single, voting and bagging models
than those of WEKA. Based on the benchmark results, iML is effective to find the best
model in the hold-out validation.

Table 4. Test results by WEKA and iML on concrete compressive strength dataset via hold-out validation.

Model RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking) RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking)
(MPa) (MPa) (%) (MPa) (MPa) (%)
I. Single CART ANN
0.927 6.546 5.170 18.770 0.142 (7) 0.946 5.302 3.728 12.673 0.023 (3)
0.936 6.202 4.930 19.090 0.124 (6) 0.956 4.771 3.550 12.723 0.000 (1)
0.960 5.044 3.983 15.130 0.032 (4) 0.951 5.056 3.647 12.249 0.010 (2)
IV. Stacking (*) CART (*) LRR
0.939 5.986 4.792 17.520 0.104 (5) 0.444 14.829 11.779 56.775 1.000 (8)
Note: (*) is (ANN + SVR + CART + LRR); bold value denotes the best overall performance.
Mathematics 2021, 9, 686 14 of 25

Table 5. Test results by WEKA and iML on real estate dataset via hold-out validation.

Model RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking) RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking)
(U) (U) (%) (U) (U) (%)
I. Single CART ANN
0.740 10.762 5.882 13.210 0.321 (6) 0.871 6.630 4.912 13.591 0.049 (3)
0.745 11.054 5.908 12.780 0.327 (7) 0.877 6.615 4.739 12.867 0.030 (2)
0.770 10.321 5.281 11.760 0.246 (4) 0.884 6.485 4.381 12.305 0.000 (1)
IV. Stacking (*) CART (*) ANN
0.744 10.748 5.774 12.940 0.311 (5) 0.391 12.638 10.411 33.807 1.000 (8)
Note: (*) is (ANN + SVR + CART + LRR); bold value denotes the best overall performance; U: house price of unit area (10,000 New Taiwan
Dollar/Ping, where Ping is a local unit, 1 Ping = 3.3 m squared).

Table 6. Test results by WEKA and iML on energy efficiency data set (Heating load) via hold-out validation.

Model RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking) RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking)
(kW) (kW) (%) (kW) (kW) (%)
I. Single CART ANN
0.996 0.914 0.646 3.300 0.418 (6) 0.999 0.488 0.354 1.700 0.046 (3)
0.996 0.929 0.729 3.820 0.449 (7) 0.999 0.495 0.336 1.617 0.045 (2)
0.997 0.870 0.619 3.210 0.354 (5) 0.999 0.426 0.311 1.519 0.000 (1)
IV. Stacking (*) CART (*) LRR
0.998 0.754 0.524 2.480 0.231 (4) 0.998 3.454 3.226 17.658 1.000 (8)
Note: (*) is (ANN + SVR + CART + LRR); bold value denotes the best overall performance.

Table 7. Test results by WEKA and iML on energy efficiency dataset (Cooling load) via hold-out validation.

Model RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking) RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking)
(kW) (kW) (%) (kW) (kW) (%)
I. Single CART ANN
0.986 1.524 1.006 3.900 0.320 (6) 0.992 1.231 0.884 3.577 0.038 (2)
0.987 1.504 1.064 4.330 0.293 (4) 0.988 1.509 0.982 3.544 0.222 (3)
0.986 1.565 1.046 4.030 0.358 (7) 0.993 1.177 0.809 3.165 0.000 (1)
IV. Stacking (*) SVR (*) LRR
0.986 1.537 0.979 3.700 0.314 (5) 0.989 4.290 3.762 17.305 1.000 (8)
Note: (*) is (ANN + SVR + CART + LRR); bold value denotes the best overall performance.
Mathematics 2021, 9, 686 15 of 25

Table 8. Test results by WEKA and iML on airfoil self-noise dataset via hold-out validation.

Model RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking) RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking)
(dB) (dB) (%) (dB) (dB) (%)
I. Single CART ANN
0.898 3.185 2.339 1.880 0.502 (6) 0.953 2.149 1.577 1.259 0.044 (2)
0.893 3.471 2.649 2.100 0.591 (7) 0.952 2.163 1.633 1.301 0.058 (3)
0.922 2.902 2.135 1.710 0.332 (4) 0.958 2.031 1.494 1.194 0.000 (1)
IV. Stacking (*) CART (*) LRR
0.905 3.082 2.271 1.820 0.450 (5) 0.952 7.050 5.648 4.613 1.000 (8)
Note: (*) is (ANN + SVR + CART + LRR); bold value denotes the best overall performance.

6.3. K-Fold Cross-Validation

Tenfold cross-validation is used to evaluate the generalized performance of WEKA
and iML. Tables 9–13 show the average performance measures of five datasets, respectively.
Similarly, iML identifies better models in single, voting, and bagging schemes than those
trained by WEKA. The best model for each dataset is automatically determined by iML.
Therefore, iML is a powerful tool to find the best model in the cross-fold validation.

Table 9. Performance of WEKA and iML on concrete compressive strength dataset via tenfold cross-validation.

Model RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking) RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking)
(MPa) (MPa) (%) (MPa) (MPa) (%)
I. Single CART ANN
0.923 6.434 4.810 15.510 0.228 (5) 0.946 5.411 4.003 13.866 0.154 (3)
0.917 6.823 5.213 17.230 0.265 (7) 0.955 4.903 3.506 12.397 0.111 (2)
0.932 6.082 4.598 15.030 0.205 (4) 0.980 3.359 2.432 8.356 0.000 (1)
IV. Stacking (*) SVR (*) ANN
0.924 6.436 4.852 15.530 0.229 (6) 0.613 14.381 10.867 44.759 1.000 (8)
Note: (*) is (ANN + SVR + CART + LRR); bold value denotes the best overall performance.

Table 10. Performance of WEKA and iML on real estate valuation dataset via tenfold cross-validation.

Model RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking) RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking)
(U) (U) (%) (U) (U) (%)
I. Single CART ANN
0.807 8.021 5.197 15.270 0.314 (5) 0.813 8.011 5.388 14.991 0.315 (6)
0.805 8.091 5.198 15.090 0.315 (7) 0.821 7.878 5.376 15.116 0.308 (4)
0.828 7.637 5.017 14.930 0.280 (2) 0.925 4.774 3.201 8.974 0.000 (1)
IV. Stacking (*) SVR (*) ANN
0.819 7.823 4.969 14.440 0.284 (3) 0.432 12.309 9.526 32.267 1.000 (8)
Note: (*) is (ANN + SVR + CART + LRR); bold value denotes the best overall performance; U: house price of unit area (10,000 New Taiwan
Dollar/Ping, where Ping is a local unit, 1 Ping = 3.3 m squared).
Mathematics 2021, 9, 686 16 of 25

Table 11. Performance of WEKA and iML on energy efficiency dataset (Heating load) via tenfold cross-validation.

Model RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking) RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking)
(kW) (kW) (%) (kW) (kW) (%)
I. Single CART ANN
0.995 1.046 0.712 3.200 0.459 (7) 0.999 0.484 0.360 1.722 0.049 (2)
0.997 0.853 0.641 3.190 0.309 (4) 0.999 0.497 0.352 1.602 0.053 (3)
0.997 0.915 0.633 2.890 0.324 (5) 0.999 0.384 0.291 1.409 0.000 (1)
IV. Stacking (*) SVR (*) LRR
0.996 0.872 0.639 2.990 0.337 (6) 0.998 3.522 3.226 18.181 1.000 (8)
Note: (*) is (ANN + SVR + CART + LRR); bold value denotes the best overall performance.

Table 12. Performance of WEKA and iML on energy efficiency dataset (Cooling load) via tenfold cross-validation.

Model RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking) RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking)
(kW) (kW) (%) (kW) (kW) (%)
I. Single CART ANN
0.982 1.812 1.183 4.160 0.460 (5) 0.993 1.140 0.799 3.161 0.150 (2)
0.982 1.831 1.276 4.770 0.491 (7) 0.989 1.415 0.900 3.206 0.250 (3)
0.983 1.785 1.160 4.070 0.444 (4) 0.997 0.808 0.556 2.129 0.000 (1)
IV. Stacking (*) SVR (*) LRR
0.982 1.827 1.195 4.210 0.465 (6) 0.989 4.108 3.619 17.253 1.000 (8)
Note: (*) is (ANN + SVR + CART + LRR); bold value denotes the best overall performance.

Table 13. Performance of WEKA and iML on airfoil self-noise dataset via tenfold cross-validation.

Model RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking) RMSE MAE MAPE SI (Ranking)
(dB) (dB) (%) (dB) (dB) (%)
I. Single CART ANN
0.877 3.314 2.381 1.910 0.497 (5) 0.946 2.239 1.660 1.331 0.152 (2)
0.851 3.685 2.747 2.220 0.641 (7) 0.946 2.246 1.664 1.334 0.152 (3)
0.911 2.906 2.160 1.730 0.352 (4) 0.971 1.727 1.271 1.023 0.000 (1)
IV. Stacking (*) LRR (*) LRR
0.874 3.374 2.494 1.990 0.525 (6) 0.946 6.894 5.587 4.562 1.000 (8)
Note: (*) is (ANN + SVR + CART + LRR); bold value denotes the best overall performance.

6.4. Discussion
Single, voting, bagging, and stacking models are compared using WEKA and iML,
except for the tiering method, which is not available in WEKA. Additionally, unlike manual
construction of individual models in WEKA interface, iML can automatically build and
identify the best model for the imported datasets. Hold-out validation and tenfold cross-
validation are used to evaluate the performance results (R, MAE, RMSE, and MAPE) in each
scheme (single, voting, bagging, and stacking). The analytical results of either validation
Mathematics 2021, 9, 686 17 of 25

show that most of the models trained by iML are superior to those trained by WEKA using
the same datasets. Hence, iML is an effective platform to solve regression problems.

7. Numerical Experiments
This section validates iML by using various industrial datasets, including (1) enterprise
resource planning data [1], (2) CPU computer performance data [12], (3) customer data for
a logistics company [13], and (4) daily data bike rentals [11]. Table 14 presents the initial
parameter settings for these problems.

Table 14. Parameter setting.


Experiment Model Number of
C Sigma Epsilon Lambda Min Leaf
Hidden Node
Single regression model 30 7.3 × 106 45.67 1.0 × 10−5 1.0 × 10−8 1
1 Single classification model 30 41,703 3.67 - 1.0 × 10−5 1
Ensemble regression model 30 7.3 × 106 45.67 1.0 × 10−5 1.0 × 10−8 1
Single regression model 30 7.3 × 106 20.03 1.0 × 10−5 1.0 × 10−8 1
2 Single classification model 30 4200 3.40 - 1.0 × 10−5 1
Ensemble regression model 30 7.3 × 106 45.67 1.0 × 10−5 1.0 × 10−8 1
Single regression model 30 7.3 × 106 30.00 1.0 × 10−5 1.0 × 10−8 1
3 Single classification model 20 41,703 3.67 - 1.0 × 10−5 1
Ensemble regression model 30 7.3 × 106 30.00 1.0 × 10−5 1.0 × 10−8 1
Single regression model 15 7.3 × 106 45.67 1.0 × 10−5 1.0 × 10−8 1
4 Single classification model 15 41,703 3.67 - 1.0 × 10−5 1
Ensemble regression model 15 7.3 × 106 45.67 1.0 × 10−5 1.0 × 10−8 1

7.1. Enterprise Resource Planning Software Development Effort

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) data for 182 software projects of a leading Taiwan
software provider over the last five years was collected, analyzed, and tested with K-fold
cross validation.

7.1.1. Variable Selection

Experienced in-house project managers were interviewed to identify factors that
affect the ERP software development effort (SDE). There are 182 samples and 17 attributes,
and Table 15 summarizes the descriptive statistical data in details. The input and output
attributes are defined by Chou el at. (2012) [1].

7.1.2. iML Results

iML automatically trains the models and calculates the performance values. Then,
it compares the SI values (SIlocal and SIgloblal ) among the selected modeling type (singe,
voting ensemble, bagging ensemble, stacking ensemble and tiering ensemble). Table
16 presents the detailed results of iML and Figure 10 plots the RMSE of best models for
the studied case. Both SIlocal and SIglobal values of bagging ANN ensemble are equal
to zero, which indicate that the bagging ANN ensemble is the best model in terms of
prediction accuracy.
Mathematics 2021, 9, 686 18 of 25

Table 15. Variables and descriptive statistics for predicting enterprise resource planning (ERP) software development effort.

Standard Data
Variable Min. Max. Mean
Deviation Type
Y: Software development effort
4 2694 258.55 394.69 Numerical
X1 : Program type entry 0 1 Dummy variable Boolean
X2 : Program type report 0 1 Dummy variable Boolean
X3 : Program type batch 0 1 Dummy variable Boolean
X4 : Program type query 0 1 Dummy variable Boolean
X5 : Program type transaction 0 0 Referential category Boolean
X6 : Number of programs 1 88 16.73 19.12 Numerical
X7 : Number of zooms 0 2028 100.22 255.40 Numerical
X8 : Number of columns in form 3 3216 397.75 548.06 Numerical
X9 : Number of actions 0 1645 288.44 339.61 Numerical
X10 : Number of signature tasks 0 15 0.39 1.77 Numerical
X11 : Number of batch serial numbers 0 11 0.31 1.50 Numerical
X12 : Number of multi-angle trade tasks 0 22 0.55 2.66 Numerical
X13 : Number of multi-unit tasks 0 21 1.10 3.41 Numerical
X14 : Number of reference calls 0 528 13.96 49.92 Numerical
X15 : Number of confirmed tasks 0 21 1.50 3.99 Numerical
X16 : Number of post tasks 0 12 0.23 1.33 Numerical
X17 : Number of industry type tasks 0 21 0.80 2.97 Numerical

Table 16. Performances of predictive models for ERP software development effort.

Learn Test SI and Ranking

No. Model
I Single
1 ANN 68.81 24.92 19.91% 0.98 1.49% 115.24 61.85 30.65% 0.95 9.86% 0.00 (1) 0.13 (2)
2 SVR 0.00 0.00 0.00% 1.00 0.00% 361.88 255.35 611.63% Inf 36.81% 0.89 (4)
3 CART 86.89 40.38 19.56% 0.97 0.00% 196.48 107.02 47.29% 0.85 12.77% 0.15 (2)
4 LRR 250.21 221.15 617.02% 0.84 48.77% 255.43 227.80 647.08% 0.78 63.59% 0.72 (3)
II Voting
1 (*) 73.30 62.90 157.96% 0.99 12.39% 185.39 139.02 321.77% 0.94 23.90% 0.34 (5)
2 ANN + CART + LRR 97.74 83.87 210.62% 0.98 16.52% 139.70 110.32 227.32% 0.94 22.01% 0.21 (2)
3 ANN + SVR + CART 39.95 19.33 11.22% 0.99 0.50% 181.63 117.20 215.13% 0.94 14.45% 0.22 (3)
4 ANN + SVR + LRR 87.66 76.90 207.61% 0.99 16.52% 202.91 158.85 419.21% 0.94 30.90% 0.46 (7)
5 SVR + CART + LRR 93.17 80.47 208.60% 0.99 16.26% 236.10 178.73 427.29% 0.89 32.97% 0.60 (10)
6 ANN + CART 59.92 28.99 16.83% 0.99 0.75% 123.43 68.46 33.90% 0.94 10.10% 0.01 (1) 0.15 (3)
7 ANN + LRR 131.49 115.35 311.42% 0.97 24.78% 152.57 129.46 326.55% 0.94 32.67% 0.34 (6)
8 ANN + SVR 34.40 12.46 9.96% 1.00 0.75% 199.24 135.42 307.89% 0.95 18.21% 0.31 (4)
9 SVR + CART 43.45 20.19 9.78% 0.99 0.00% 254.27 166.51 320.26% 0.85 21.09% 0.56 (9)
10 CART + LRR 139.76 120.71 312.91% 0.96 24.38% 190.91 151.58 337.64% 0.89 32.09% 0.48 (8)
11 SVR + LRR 125.10 110.57 308.51% 0.97 24.38% 287.41 230.03 626.83% 0.78 47.93% 1.00 (11)
III Bagging
1 ANN 70.28 33.48 21.45% 0.98 2.51% 65.58 40.51 19.50% 0.99 5.59% 0.00 (1) 0.00 (1)
2 SVR 174.56 92.31 231.82% 0.91 3.98% 162.38 99.02 87.79% 0.87 11.69% 0.47 (3)
3 CART 123.05 52.45 25.94% 0.94 2.19% 127.21 79.97 20.11% 0.96 8.58% 0.21 (2)
4 LRR 249.00 222.81 666.29% 0.88 59.61% 309.18 257.31 269.67% 0.71 10.90% 0.97 (4)
IV Stacking
1 (*) ANN 0.07 0.02 0.03% 1.00 0.00% 361.54 255.19 611.55% 0.71 36.77% 0.80 (2)
2 (*) SVR 0.00 0.00 0.00% 1.00 0.00% 361.76 255.53 612.78% NaN 36.76% 1.00 (4)
3 (*) CART 52.00 17.40 5.69% 0.99 0.00% 360.24 252.61 593.46% NaN 34.86% 0.81 (3)
4 (*) LRR 132.73 97.48 187.26% 0.95 23.62% 289.20 206.32 494.18% 0.62 34.11% 0.03 (1) 1.00 (5)
V Tiering
1 2-Class (**) 317.04 71.38 24.45% 0.58 20.48% 176.77 65.42 23.57% 0.79 16.13% 0.00 (1) 0.31 (4)
2 3-Class (***) 383.02 115.48 26.68% 0.30 36.54% 278.46 111.74 26.94% 0.51 28.64% 0.54 (2)
3 4-Class (****) 414.30 151.32 29.96% 0.10 49.11% 347.05 147.22 29.76% 0.26 43.00% 1.00 (3)

Note: (*) is (ANN + SVR + CART + LRR); (**) SVM-(ANN, SVR); (***) CART-(ANN, SVR, SVR); (****) CART-(CART, SVR, SVR, SVR);
(No.): Ranking.
Mathematics 2021,9,9,x686
FOR PEER REVIEW 1919ofof25

Root mean square error 317.04
300 Learning Data Test data
200 176.77
115.24 123.43 132.73
100 68.81 59.92 70.28 65.58

Figure 10. Root mean square errors of best models.

Three models (single, voting, and bagging) provided better results in terms of R (0.94
Figure 10. Root mean square errors of best models.
to 0.99) than the tiering and stacking ensemble models, which had the R values of 0.58 to
0.95. Among these three best models, in terms of MAPE, the bagging model exhibited the
Three models (single, voting, and bagging) provided better results in terms of R (0.94
best balance of MAPE results from learning and test data (21.45% and 19.50%, respectively).
to 0.99) than the tiering and stacking ensemble models, which had the R values of 0.58 to
The single and voting models depicted un-balanced MAPEs for training and test data
0.95. Among these three best models, in terms of MAPE, the bagging model exhibited the
(19.91% and 30.65% for the single model; 16.83% and 33.90% for the voting model). Thus,
best balance of MAPE results from learning and test data (21.45% and 19.50%, respec-
the bagging model was the best model to predict ERP.
tively). The single and voting models depicted un-balanced MAPEs for training and test
The first experiment indicates that, the iML not only identifies the best model, but
also (19.91%
reports theandperformance
30.65% for the single
values model;
of all 16.83% models.
the training and 33.90%Chou foretthe
al. voting model).
(2012) obtained
Thus, the and
training bagging model
testing wasof
MAPEs the best model
26.8% to predict
and 27.3%, ERP. of 234.0157 h and 97.2667 h
and RMSEs
The first experiment indicates that, the iML
using Evolutionary Support Vector Machine Inference Model not only identifies
(ESIM)the [1].best
Themodel, but
iML yields
also reports the performance values of all the training models. Chou
the bagging ensemble model with MAPEs of 21.45% and 19.50%, and RMSEs of 70.28hr et al. (2012) obtained
and 65.58 and testing
h for MAPEs
the same of 26.8%
training anddata,
and test 27.3%, and RMSEs
respectively. Asofa 234.0157
result, thehiMLand is
97.2667 h
using Evolutionary Support Vector Machine Inference
to find the best model among the popular regression models. Model (ESIM) [1]. The iML yields
the bagging ensemble model with MAPEs of 21.45% and 19.50%, and RMSEs of 70.28hr
7.2. 65.58 h for the
Experiments onsame training
Industrial and test data, respectively. As a result, the iML is effec-
tive toThree
find the
additional experimentsthe
best model among popular
were regression
performed models.
to evaluate iML. To ensure a fair com-
parison, 70 % of the data was used for learning whereas the remaining 30% was utilized
for Experiments
testing. on Industrial Datasets
Three additional experiments were performed to evaluate iML. To ensure a fair com-
7.2.1. Performance
parison, 70 % of theof CPU
data wasProcessors
used for learning whereas the remaining 30% was utilized
for testing.
This experiment is about the comparison of performance of CPU processors. The data
for this experiment was taken from Maurya and Gupta (2015) [12]. This dataset contained
7.2.1. Performance
209 samples with of CPUof
a total Processors
6 attributes (Table 17). The descriptions of the attributes are
as follows: X : Machine cycle
This experiment is about the
1 time in nanoseconds
comparison (integer,ofinput);
of performance X2 : Minimum
CPU processors. The main
memory in kilobytes (integer,
for this experiment was taken from Mauryainput); X 3 : Maximum main memory in kilobytes (integer,
and Gupta (2015) [12]. This dataset contained
209 X4 : Cache
samples with a memory
total of 6 in kilobytes
attributes (integer,
(Table input);
17). The X5 : Minimum
descriptions of thechannels
(integer, input);
follows: X1: Machine X 6 : Maximum channels in units (integer, input); and Y: Estimated
cycle time in nanoseconds (integer, input); X2: Minimum main relative
memory (integer,(integer,
in kilobytes output).input); X3: Maximum main memory in kilobytes (integer,
input); X4: Cache memory in kilobytes (integer, input); X5: Minimum channels in units
Table 17. Descriptive statistics for CPU processors.
(integer, input); X6: Maximum channels in units (integer, input); and Y: Estimated relative
performance (integer, output). Input Output
Statistic Value
X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 Y
Min 17 64 64 0 0 0 15
Max 1500 32,000 64,000 256 52 176 1238
Mean 203.82 2867.98 11,796.2 25.21 4.7 18.27 99.33
Std. 260.26 3878.74 11,726.6 40.63 6.82 26 154.76
Mathematics 2021, 9, 686 20 of 25

7.2.2. Daily Demand Forecasting Orders

This experiment is about the daily demand forecasting orders. The data used in this
experiment was taken from Ferreira et al. (2016) [13]. Table 18 shows a statistical analysis
of the data. There were 60 samples with 12 attributes, including X1 : Week of the month
(first week, second, third or fourth week of month, input); X2 : Day of the week (Monday to
Friday, input); X3 : Urgent orders (integer, input); X4 : Non-urgent orders (integer, input);
X5 : Type A orders (integer, input); X6 : Type B orders (integer, input); X7 : Orders of type C
(integer, input); X8 : Orders from the tax sector (integer, input); X9 : Orders from the traffic
controller sector (integer, input); X10 : Orders from the banking sector 1 (integer, input); X11 :
Orders from the banking sector 2 (integer, input); X12 : Banking orders 3 (integer, input);
and Y: Total orders (integer, output).

Table 18. Variables and descriptive statistics for daily demand forecasting orders.

Input Output
Statistic Value
X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 Y
Min 1 2 43.65 77.37 21.83 25.13 74.37 0 11,992 3452 16,411 7679 129.41
Max 5 6 435.30 223.27 118.18 267.34 302.45 865 71,772 210,508 188,411 73,839 616.45
Mean - - 172.55 118.92 52.11 109.23 139.53 77.4 44,504.4 46,640.8 79,401.5 23,114.6 300.87
Std. - - 69.51 27.17 18.83 50.74 41.44 186.5 12,197.9 45,220.7 40,504.4 13,148 89.6

7.2.3. Total Hourly-Shared Bike Rental per Days

The experiment is about the total hourly-shared bike rental per days. The data was
adopted from Fanaee-T and Gama (2014) [11], and statistically analyzed in Table 19. In
total, there were 731 samples and 11 attributes, defined as follows: X1 : Season (1: spring, 2:
summer, 3: fall, 4: winter, input); X2 : Month (1 to 12, input); X3 : Year (0:2011, 1:2012, input);
X4 : Weather day is holiday or not (input); X5 : Day of the week (input); X6 : Working day
if day is neither weekend nor holiday is 1, otherwise is 0 (input); X7 : Weather condition
(1: Clear, Few clouds, partly cloudy; 2: Mist + Cloudy, Mist + Broken clouds, Mist + Few
clouds, Mist; 3: Light Snow, Light Rain + Thunderstorm + Scattered clouds, Light Rain +
Scattered clouds; 4: Heavy Rain + Ice Pallets + Thunderstorm + Mist, Snow + Fog, input);
X8 : Normalized temperature in Celsius. The values are divided to 41 (max) (input); X9 :
Normalized feeling temperature in Celsius. The values are divided to 50 (max) (input);
X10 : Normalized humidity. The values are divided to 100 (max) (input); X11 : Normalized
wind speed. The values are divided to 67 (max) (input); and Y: Count of total rental bikes
including both casual and registered (output).

Table 19. Variables and descriptive statistics for total hourly-shared bike rental per days.

Input Output
Statistic Value
X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 Y
Min 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.059 0.079 0 0.022 22
Max 4 1 12 1 6 1 3 0.862 0.841 0.973 0.507 8714
Mean - - - 0.029 2.997 0.684 1.395 0.495 0.474 0.628 0.19 4504.35
Std. - - - 0.167 2.005 0.465 0.545 0.183 0.163 0.142 0.077 1937.21

In this study, to calculate MAPE, the output was normalized and 0.1 was added to
prevent a zero value.
yi − ymin
yi = + 0.1 (21)
ymax − ymin
where yi , ymin , and ymax are actual value, minimum and maximum of actual value, respec-
Mathematics 2021, 9, 686 21 of 25

7.2.4. Performance Results

Table 20 presents the performance results of all models for the three additional datasets.
Using the same dataset in the experiment No. 2, Maurya and Gupta (2015) [12] trained ANN
models with the maximum R-learn and R-test values of 0.98146 and 0.98662, respectively.
Meanwhile, the iML identifies the ANN single model as the best model with R-learn and
R-test values of 0.99990 and 0.99629, respectively. The iML gives out a slightly better model
than those of the previous research in this numerical experiment.

Table 20. Performance results of three additional numerical experiments.

Learn Test
No. Model
2 Single 2.462 0.569 1.015% 1.000 0.236% 8.738 3.683 3.775% 0.996 2.730%
Voting 17.509 4.965 2.808% 0.995 0.118% 13.087 5.173 5.685% 0.989 0.921%
Bagging 40.127 8.893 2.360% 0.981 3.015% 13.484 3.930 2.489% 0.996 3.795%
Stacking 40.428 9.030 3.389% 0.973 0.000% 64.782 43.615 104.992% 0.842 9.852%
Tiering-2class 163.338 26.947 3.229% 0.383 24.818% 18.196 5.822 4.629% 0.986 3.220%
Tiering-3class 167.093 29.784 3.856% 0.340 27.446% 76.406 12.698 5.268% 0.639 13.094%
Tiering-4class 182.572 44.722 7.970% 0.112 41.332% 91.701 21.089 8.342% 0.422 24.368%
3 Single 0.349 0.080 0.023% 1.000 0.021% 0.317 0.231 0.093% 1.000 0.042%
Voting 17.417 10.754 3.089% 0.985 0.010% 12.162 10.157 3.993% 0.951 0.867%
Bagging 0.917 0.399 0.110% 1.000 0.020% 0.296 0.221 0.087% 1.000 0.074%
Stacking 0.338 0.090 0.026% 1.000 0.014% 0.335 0.251 0.101% 1.000 0.042%
Tiering-2class 169.296 63.580 14.294% −0.399 21.483% 214.674 86.711 16.747% −0.704 27.688%
Tiering-3class 273.303 212.047 62.384% −0.664 71.449% 295.065 223.209 62.186% −0.570 71.054%
Tiering-4class 329.001 312.397 97.619% −0.304 99.023% 51.164 45.122 18.684% 0.706 11.339%
4 Single 0.046 0.030 6.670% 0.979 10.450% 0.105 0.073 14.120% 0.883 0.550%
Voting 0.052 0.037 7.850% 0.974 8.000% 0.080 0.056 10.750% 0.929 0.260%
Bagging 0.049 0.034 7.150% 0.977 6.930% 0.069 0.046 8.870% 0.948 0.190%
Stacking 0.005 0.003 0.700% 1.000 21.430% 0.214 0.169 38.680% 0.000 0.086%
Tiering-2class 0.580 0.432 57.620% −0.582 58.900% 0.589 0.451 61.410% −0.570 68.290%
Tiering-3class 0.639 0.568 84.420% −0.680 64.600% 0.646 0.565 82.110% −0.717 90.260%
Tiering-4class 0.648 0.596 92.370% −0.513 65.200% 0.652 0.584 87.400% −0.630 94.300%
Note: No. 2: CPU experiment dataset; No. 3: Customer experiment dataset; No. 4: Rental bike experiment dataset; the bold denotes the
best model in each experiment.

In the experiment No. 3, Ferreira et al. (2016) had an analytical result of MAPE 3.45%
and iML confirms ANN single model as the best model, with MAPE values for learning and
test of 0.023% and 0.093%, respectively [13]. The stacking ANN ensemble also performs
well with the MAPEs for the learning and test data by 0.026% and 0.010%, respectively.
Finally, in the experiment No. 4, iML achieves R-learn and R-test values of 0.97660
and 0.94790, with bagging ANN as the best model. In contrast, Fanaee-T and Gama (2014)
obtained a maximum R value of 0.91990 [11].
As shown in the above numerical experiments, iML trains and identifies the best
models which are better than those in the previous studies.

8. Conclusions and Future Work

This study develops an iML platform to efficiently operate data-mining techniques.
The iML is designed to be user-friendly, so users can get the results with only “One-Click”.
The numerical experiments have demonstrated that iML is a powerful soft computing to
identify the best prediction model by automating comparison among diverse machine
learning techniques.
To benchmark the effectiveness of iML with WEKA, five datasets collected from the
UCI Machine Learning Repository were analyzed via hold-out validation and tenfold cross
validation. The performance results indicate that iML can find a more accurate model
than that of WEKA in the publicly available datasets. The best prediction model identified
by iML is also the best model among all the models trained by iML and WEKA. Notably,
iML requires minimal effort from the users to build single, voting, bagging, and stacking
models in comparison with WEKA.
Mathematics 2021, 9, 686 22 of 25

Four industrial experiments were carried out to validate the performance of iML. The
first experiment involved training a model for prediction of ERP development effort, in
which iML yielded an RMSE for learning data with 70.28 h and for testing data with 65.58
h, by using the bagging ANN ensemble (best model). In contrast, Chou et al. (2012) [1]
obtained training and testing RMSE values of 234.0157 h and 97.2667 h, respectively.
In the second experiment on performance of CPU processors, iML yielded 0.99990
for R-learning and 0.99629 for R-testing, which are better than those reported in Maurya
and Gupta (2015) [12], and confirmed that single ANN was the best model. In the third
experiment of daily demand forecasting orders, iML achieved MAPE values of 0.026%
(learning) and 0.010% (testing). The results are as excellent as those obtained in Ferreira
et al. (2016) [13]. In the fourth experiment for total hourly-shared bike rental, R-learning
and R-testing values of 0.97660 and 0.94790 were reached using iML. The test performance
was 6% better than that obtained by Fanaee-T and Gama (2014) [11]. In addition to the
enhanced prediction performance, the iML possesses ability to determine the best models
on the basis of multiple evaluation metrics.
In conclusion, the iML is a powerful and promising prediction platform for solving
diverse engineering problems. Since the iML platform can only deal with regression
problems, future research should upgrade iML for solving complex classification and
time series problems by automatically presenting the alternative models for practical use
in engineering applications, as well as adding some other advanced ML methods (such
as deep learning models). Moreover, metaheuristic optimization algorithms could be
integrated with the iML to help the users finetune the hyperparameters of chosen machine
learning models.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.-S.C.; data curation, D.-N.T.; formal analysis, J.-S.C. and
D.-N.T.; funding acquisition, J.-S.C.; investigation, J.-S.C., D.-N.T. and C.-F.T.; methodology, J.-S.C.
and C.-F.T.; project administration, J.-S.C.; resources, J.-S.C. and C.-F.T.; software, D.-N.T.; supervision,
J.-S.C.; validation, J.-S.C., D.-N.T. and C.-F.T.; visualization, J.-S.C. and D.-N.T.; writing—original
draft, J.-S.C., D.-N.T. and C.-F.T.; writing—review and editing, J.-S.C. and D.-N.T. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, under grants
108-2221-E-011-003-MY3 and 107-2221-E-011-035-MY3.
Data Availability Statement: The data that support the findings of this study are available from the
UCI Machine Learning Repository or corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan,
for financially supporting this research.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

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