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European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 382–398


Design of an IT-driven decision support system

for vehicle routing and scheduling
Sotiris P. Gayialis *, Ilias P. Tatsiopoulos
Section of Industrial Management and Operational Research, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
National Technical University of Athens, 15780 Zografos, Greece
Received 26 January 2001; accepted 23 October 2002


This paper presents the development of a decision support system used by an oil downstream company for routing
and scheduling purposes. The studied problem refers to a complex delivery process of oil products from a number of
distribution centers to all customers. The latest rapid advance of operations research (OR) applications, in the form of
advanced planning and scheduling (APS) systems, has shown that OR algorithms can be applied in practice if (a) they
are embodied in packaged information technology (IT) solutions, (b) the interface problems to mainstream ERP
software applications are solved. In this study the utilisation of advanced IT systems supports effectively the planning
and management of distribution operations. The combination of a supply chain management (SCM) application with a
geographical information system (GIS) integrated with an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software resulted to this
innovative decision support tool. The objectives of this new tool are: optimum use of the distribution network re-
sources, transportation cost reduction and customer service improvement. The paper concludes with the benefits of the
new system, emphasising at how new technologies can support transportation processes with the help of operations
research algorithms embedded in software applications.
 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Decision support system; Supply chain management; Routing; Information systems integration; Oil industry

1. Physical distribution and vehicle routing duction location to the end customer [26]. Prob-
lems related to physical distribution are: selection
Physical distribution, as a component of the of distribution channels, determination of cus-
supply chain, includes a set of activities executed tomer service level, distribution centersÕ location
to obtain the delivery of a product from the pro- planning, inventory management, transportation
means selection, fleet composition, delivery
scheduling and vehicle routing.
* Vehicle routing [23] refers to a broad group of
Corresponding author. Tel.: +30-10-7722384; fax: +30-10-
problems that could be expressed as following: a
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S.P. Gayialis), finite set of customers at fixed locations with de-
[email protected] (I.P. Tatsiopoulos). fined demand, must be supplied with goods by a

0377-2217/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.P. Gayialis, I.P. Tatsiopoulos / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 382–398 383

number of vehicles having a finite capacity and many routing and scheduling case studies and
predefined starting points and terminals. The ve- several researchers have compared and evaluated
hicle routing and scheduling problem consists of these methods [5,15,17,21,22]. The advantage of
two sub-problems: the customer grouping to routes the heuristics is their ability to handle efficiently a
(clustering) and the definition of the optimum tour large number of constraints and parameters of the
for every route (cluster). Therefore, route is the routing problem. They perform a relatively limited
total number of deliveries made by a single vehicle exploration of the search space and generally
and tour is their sequence. The solution of these produce good quality solutions within modest
sub-problems results to the routes and tours that computing time. Therefore, classical heuristics are
minimise the total transportation cost. still widely used in commercial software packages.
Vehicle routing and scheduling performed in Heuristics for the vehicle routing problem can
the supply chain context is a complex process. be classified into two main classes: classical heu-
Alter [1] offers a simple definition of a systemÕs ristics, developed between 1960 and 1990 and
complexity in stating that it is a function of metaheuristics whose growth has occurred in the
the number of differentiated components and the last decade [22]. The most well known classical
number and nature of their interactions. The heuristics are the Savings and Sweep algorithms.
characteristics that Alter describes can be com- The most successful metaheuristic approach is the
pared with those to which Scuricini [31] refers, tabu search heuristics.
who identifies four attributes of complexity: In terms of the solution procedure, classical
numerosity of components, variety of components, heuristics can be classified in sequential and paral-
type of components and organisation. The com- lel. Sequential heuristic algorithms solve the vehicle
plexity of vehicle routing and scheduling process routing sub-problems (clustering and finding best
lies on the fact that there are many constraints and tour) separately and consecutively. Parallel heuris-
parameters to consider, concerning the available tics produce routes and tours concurrently and can
transportation means, the products, the depots, be classified in construction and improvement
the customers and the road network [20]. methods. Clarke and Wright [7] developed a par-
A companyÕs dispatcher is usually responsible allel heuristic, known as the Savings algorithm.
for the execution of the described complex process, Sweep algorithm, which is attributed to Gillett and
which is focused on the effective resource planning Miller [16], is the most common sequential heuris-
of the distribution system so that the products are tic. Other classical heuristics include sequential
delivered to customers on time. The effectiveness improvement methods, insertion methods [24], ex-
of the process suggests a balance between the high- change algorithms, petal algorithms, cluster first
level customer service and the corresponding total route second algorithms, nearest neighbour and
cost. The dispatcherÕs tasks that are managed by simulated annealing methods. In metaheuristics,
the designed system include customer allocation to the emphasis is on performing a deep exploration of
distribution centers, customer order grouping and the most promising regions of the solution space.
dispatching to the vehicles, as well as determina- These methods typically combine sophisticated
tion of the sequence of deliveries. neighbourhood search rules, memory structures
and recombination of solutions. The quality of
solutions produced by these methods is usually
2. The integration of information technology and much higher than that obtained by classical heu-
OR algorithms ristics but the computing time is increased.

2.1. Heuristics for the vehicle routing problem 2.2. Advanced planning and scheduling systems: The
OR practice using IT
Many authors have suggested a number of so-
lution methods for the vehicle routing problem. Modern information technology supports the
Heuristics have been developed and applied to definition and analysis of the factors influencing
384 S.P. Gayialis, I.P. Tatsiopoulos / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 382–398

the routing process, a problem difficult to solve have taken this approach [14]. Transportation
using empirical methods. Nowadays, there are planning applications at the tactical level include
software applications that manage supply chain linear programming based models similar to the
processes at all three decisional levels of manage- ones mentioned above. Their functionality is
ment (Table 1), including features of transporta- found in most ERP systems. The operational level
tion planning and execution: applications utilise mostly heuristic algorithms.
These algorithms can find a near-optimum solu-
• high level (strategic)––these applications offer tion for complex and multi-parameter problems in
transportation planning and fleet composition short time.
modules; As early as the 1960Õs, papers were published
• middle level (tactical)––these applications allo- which claimed to solve a problems of generating
cate resources to the general transportation distribution schedules. The methodologies were
plan derived from the previous level; seen by many computer manufacturers, as ‘‘pro-
• low level (operational)––at this level the appli- grammable’’ [23]. Although serious efforts were
cations are oriented to detailed scheduling of done since the 1970Õs, to embody OR algorithms in
routes and tours on a daily basis. computerised routing and scheduling systems, they
were seen to fail due to insufficient consideration
The mathematical technique most commonly of additional features required (e.g. graphical in-
applied to strategic transportation planning is terface, road network modelling, decision-making)
linear programming and related algorithms like and low computational capabilities of the systems.
network optimisation and mixed integer pro- Today, the advanced computer programming
gramming. Linear programming based approaches languages and the powerful hardware supports the
model the current transportation business includ- use of these algorithms in advanced planning and
ing revenues and costs. The models are extended to scheduling (APS) software systems. The ability to
include decisions on the location of new facilities, implement APS systems as a decision support tool
acquisition of transport resources and implemen- directed in transportation, has been greatly en-
tation of transport strategies [32]. These applica- hanced by improvements in telecommunications,
tions date back to the 1970Õs and many companies better supply chain management systems, more

Table 1
Supply chain processes and decisional levels
Supply chain planning Transportation planning Shipment planning Vehicle routing Warehousing
Strategic Site location Site location Outsourcing Fleet sizing Warehouse layout
Capacity sizing Fleet sizing Bid analysis Service day balanc- Material handling
ing design
Sourcing Distribution centersÕ Fleet sizing Frequency analysis Control systems

Tactical Production planning Transportation strategy Consolidation Routing strategy Storage allocation
Sourcing Network alignment Mode strategy Zone alignment Order picking strat-
Inventories planning
Opera- Material requirements Load consolidation Shipment dispatch- Vehicle dispatching Order picking
tional planning––MRP ing
Distribution require- Timing and volume of
ments planning––DRP movements
Enterprise resource
S.P. Gayialis, I.P. Tatsiopoulos / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 382–398 385

comprehensive ERP implementations, and more proved algorithms, on the other hand, have made
powerful forecasting tools [32]. it possible to solve larger and more complicated
The 1990Õs have seen a revolution in computer problems than ever before [11]. The need of an
and information technology that has had a sig- optimisation-based decision support system, which
nificant affect on the OR practice [12]. Recently the can also be viewed as an application-specific de-
field of operations research has greatly influenced livery system for an optimiser engine [13], arises
by the electronic revolution, causing the practice of when OR technology can be used to support
OR to be more widespread than in previous de- highly repetitive decisions, such as daily vehicle
cades. The power of OR models and optimisation routing problems.
methods can be enhanced incorporating them The process of constructing a decision support
within a decision support system, which takes ad- system requires developing complex mathematical
vantage of modern information technology. models, using specialised algorithms to solve these
Many case studies concerning OR computer models, handling large amounts of input data, and
applications in routing and dispatching problems, interpreting of output data. Because of the com-
can be found in the literature. A problem of op- plexities and the different kinds of knowledge re-
timising routes and scheduling of freight opera- quired, constructing this type of system tends to be
tions solved by a combination of heuristics and a time-consuming and expensive software devel-
integer programming [18]. A problem of delivering opment project, which requires many hours of
orders to customers homes and dispatch techni- work of a team of computer programmers and
cians to service customers is solved by a cluster- operation researchers. Until now, however, there
first-route-second heuristic [36]. The problem of have been relatively few tools that have been
picking and delivering products to dairies is solved proposed for supporting this process. Although
by a tour construction/improvement heuristic [28]. important advances have been made in the devel-
A DSS for a dairy companyÕ vehicle routing and opment of modelling systems and modelling
scheduling includes the sweep algorithm of Gillet management systems [4], most of the tools that are
and Miller [16] to schedule the trips of the tank in use are intended to support the operations re-
trucks and a farthest insertion algorithm to de- search practitioner in modelling and solving the
termine the sequence of the loading points that problem. Interesting works in the area of devel-
minimise the distance traveled for each trip [19]. oping tools to support DSS development can be
found in [2,25].
Relative work in the field of DSS development
3. Decision support systems construction for dispatching purposes, can be found since 1987
in [6], where is described an integrated, automated,
The decision support system (DSS) has emerged real-time computer system for centralised control
as a computer-based approach to assist decision- of distribution to customers of light petroleum
makers to address semi-structured problems by products. The implemented system includes a
allowing them to access and use data and analytic collection of integer programming methods used
models [34]. Such a system does not replace the within a real-time, transaction-driven information
decision-maker. It supports the decisions where management system and exploits the experience
part of the analysis can be systematised for the and knowledge of the human dispatchers. Another
computer, so that the decision-makerÕs insight and case study of a solution used at an oil downstream
judgement are improved [19]. It is often amenable company is indicative of the approaches used for
to modelling, OR-techniques and graphical pre- routing single and multi-compartment bulk
sentation for parts of the overall scenario. movements [27]. The implemented dispatching
In the last 20 years, the availability of increas- system consists of models and algorithms, together
ingly powerful computers at a decreasing cost, on with user interfaces for input and output sides, as
one hand, and advances in operations research/ well as databases and data management routines.
management science that have resulted in im- Ronen [27] agrees that the rapid development of
386 S.P. Gayialis, I.P. Tatsiopoulos / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 382–398

computing power, combined with the development functionality of the proposed applications. A spe-
of ever more efficient algorithms, has facilitated cial issue is the selection and integration of the
the recent emergence of optimisation models in overlapped functions of the software applications
transportation dispatching systems. The develop- selected.
ment of a system that dispatches truck shipments
of heavy petroleum products, using nonhomoge-
neous fleet of companyÕs controlled and contract 4. Case study: An oil downstream company
vehicles is described in [3]. A constraint-based ve-
hicle scheduling system for an oil and bitumen 4.1. The considered distribution system
company is described in [10]. The paper presents
the development of an application using the The case study is an oil downstream company,
modules of optimisation-specific software and it which is the commercial subsidiary of a group of
consists of a front-end data management system oil companies. Sales and distribution cover the full
and a scheduling system. range of petroleum products (petrol, diesel, fuel
Our study targeted at the design of an IT-driven oil, aviation fuel, liquid gas, lubricants and as-
system for decision-making concerning routing phalt) both in the domestic market (petrol sta-
and scheduling in oil downstream operations. The tions, retail and industries) and the transit business
concept was not to develop a system from the (aviation and marine).
beginning, as it would result to a lengthy and ex- The enterprise supply chain (Fig. 1) is com-
pensive software development project. Hence, the prised of the vendors (refineries and third party oil
design of the new system utilises the advanced companies), the fuel depots–terminals and the final
planning and scheduling capabilities of OR meth- customers. The products are distributed using
ods embedded in commercial software applica- chartered ships, pipelines, barges, tank trucks and
tions, the efficiency of a graphical user interface rail. The majority of deliveries is accomplished
and the complementary geo-reference abilities of a with surface transportation means, especially tank
GIS. The DSS design methodology emphasises trucks. A high percentage of these trucks (85%) is
process modelling and analysis in order to lay out hired, including dedicated contract carrier trucks
the exact system specifications and evaluate the and a few common carrier trucks. The fleet is

Fig. 1. Enterprise supply chain.

S.P. Gayialis, I.P. Tatsiopoulos / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 382–398 387

composed of 190 trucks of various types with partments. In addition, assigning orders as loads
different compartment capacities. The distribution on trucks may require adjustment of ordered
responsibility regions are divided into northern, quantities of products so that they fit into truck
southern, central and western Greece. Each dis- compartments. An order usually consists of several
tribution center corresponds to one responsibility products and may require special delivery equip-
region and each region includes many storage fa- ment. The restrictions of the road network must be
cilities. Consequently, each distribution center is taken into account as well.
liable for the planning and routing of deliveries to The cited problem summary makes clear that
regional customers. dispatching decisions are too complex for manual
optimisation. Dispatchers are usually looking for
4.2. Problem definition acceptable feasible solutions, guided by simple
decision rules. In such an environment, dispatchers
The oil company requires a decision support cannot be expected to look for very low-cost so-
system for efficient distribution planning and lutions. The IT-driven decision support system
control. The major requirement is the support of aims at assisting the oil companyÕs distribution
the dispatcherÕs decisions in scheduling the deliv- operations at a lower cost. The vehicle routing and
eries and routing all the tank trucks to the cus- scheduling system is focused either at decentralised
tomers, which is a hard work especially if executed deliveries from distribution centers or at a cen-
manually. The dispatcher must attend to many tralised distribution system, which requires less
details concerning customer, vehicle fleet and personnel and accomplishes better administration
product status. The cost of distribution is very and control.
sensitive to dispatching decisions and even small
errors can disrupt daily operations. Apart from
delivery scheduling and vehicle routing, the new 5. Decision support system design methodology
system must include other distribution operations
such as customer order processing, invoicing, bill The methodology followed in the case study has
of lading control, dispatch reporting and what–if similar phases to the information systems devel-
scenario analysis. The objectives of the new sys- opment specialised at a decision support system.
tem are to minimise the total transportation cost Emphasis was given at system modelling and
of deliveries, to balance the work load among the process analysis, as this is the basis for exact sys-
tank trucks, and to load the maximum weight on tem requirements specification and successful de-
a truck while adhering to all rules of loading. cisions regarding the software selection and
These conflicting objectives must be met within implementation. A combination of functions from
the constraints of maintaining customer service the selected software applications are integrated
level. in order to implement the decision support sys-
As described previously, mainland distribution tem. The main steps of the methodology used
is divided into four regions and each one has a are:
separate distribution center which manage several
storage facilities. Each of the facilities may have • Data collection. Firstly, all necessary data is
different products available and the same product gathered concerning process mapping, con-
may have storage cost at each terminal. The vari- straints, empirical optimisation rules, and the
ous tank trucks are located to separate distribution information systems infrastructure.
centers and the cost structure for each truck differs • Distribution system modelling. This step deals
between owned or hired. The hired trucks cost with the AS–IS analysis utilising modelling tools
depends on the travelled distance, the delivered like: flowcharts for the functions and activities,
product and minimum charges restrictions. The data flow diagrams for the database and the in-
trucks may have different capacities, and different formation flow, GRAI diagrams for the deci-
numbers and sizes of separate bulk cargo com- sional view and the ARIS system architecture
388 S.P. Gayialis, I.P. Tatsiopoulos / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 382–398

for the overall system view. The same tools were The case of fully customised development of
used for the TO–BE analysis in order to con- the suitable software was examined thoroughly
clude the systemÕs specifications. and it was found unacceptable due to the very
• Software market research. International soft- high costs and lengthy time horizon. However,
ware market research is the next procedure in apart from the step of ‘‘software selection’’, all
order to examine suitable solutions for distribu- other methodological steps could be the same in
tion management and more specifically automa- the case of customised software development.
tion and optimisation of enterprise dispatching The framework of the methodology followed is
processes. shown in Fig. 2 and is described analytically
• System requirements specification. After the below.
completion of the software market research, a
list of features of the most specialised software 5.1. Data collection
concerning the current problem is deployed.
From that list and the TO–BE model the system All the information was collected by interviews
requirements are extracted in the format of a se- held with employees at all management levels,
lection criteria catalogue. corporate archives and past reports (historical
• Software selection. The criteria catalogue is for- data). The specifications of the existing informa-
warded to pre-qualified software vendors as a tion infrastructure (based on the answers received
request for proposal (RFP). The company re- through structured questionnaires) focused on
ceives all proposals and after evaluating them, existing applications that support the distribution
the most suitable solutions are selected. processes.
• Implementation of the new system. The selected The routing and scheduling parameters and
software applications are integrated in order constraints were identified, too. The basic param-
to implement the decision support system. eters and variables of the problem are product

Fig. 2. Decision support system design methodology.

S.P. Gayialis, I.P. Tatsiopoulos / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 382–398 389

availability, vehicle availability and capacities,  Flowcharts were applied in order to identify
order priorities, customerÕs location and road the sequence of distribution activities, as well as
network structure. The basic constraints that in- the decisions to be taken in various steps of the
crease the complexity of the OR problem are listed distribution process. The flowchart models were
here: initially designed so that the personnel involved in
the distribution processes could review them. Their
• multiple alternative loading points which may simplicity allowed accurate definition of activities
be different for some products within a trip; and decisions in workflow among the different
• transportation with a variety of vehicles and departments of the company.
bulk compartments capacities;  The data flow diagrams modelled the infor-
• order quantities adjustment according to vehi- mation flow in the distribution process. They were
cles compartments; based on the flowcharts and they were enriched in
• hired vehicle work balancing; order to define the different databases that should
• maximum use of the owned vehicles; be used in order to store critical data for the de-
• vehicle rotation to the customers; cision support system. Data flow diagrams are an
• several loading points for the same trip within asynchronous network representation of a system
the regional area of each distribution center; and they are useful for modelling information flow
• complicated transport cost calculation which and data transformation through the system. They
depends on factors such as: category of deliv- are the cornerstone for structured systems analysis
ered product, category and number of custom- and design [35]. The second level data flow dia-
ers per route, customersÕ geographical gram in Fig. 3 depicts the data sources, destina-
allocation per route regarding the loading loca- tions, flows, data stores and transformations of the
tion of the vehicle; studied system.
• minimum transportation cost for last point de-  The next modelling method that was applied
livery, regardless the delivered quantity; was GRAI (Graphes a Resultats et Activites In-
• unplanned orders subsumption to the delivery terreliees), part of GRAI integrated methodology
schedule. (GIM). This method proposed by Doumeingts [8]
for handling the decisional view of a system with
Emphasis was given at the collection of the GRAI-Grids and GRAI-Nets as mapping tools.
empirical optimisation rules that are used by the The GRAI-Grid provides a general view of the
dispatchers. All collected data was analysed and decisional model, from a high-level perspective.
the results were used in the next phases of the The main objective of the GRAI-Grid is to analyse
study. the functional areas of the system and to iden-
tify the most important decision centers that are
5.2. Distribution system modelling responsible for the decisions that are taken at all
decision-levels and consequently affect the activi-
The second phase included the modelling of ties of the lower levels of the system. A GRAI-Net
the existing situation (AS–IS) and the new situa- is associated to every decision center included in
tion (TO–BE) as well. The objective was to map the GRAI-Grid and consists of the constraints,
in a structured way the distribution processes of decision variables, performance indicators and
the oil company. The modelling tools and methods other parameters that characterise every important
applied in this phase were chosen in such a way so decisional activity of a system. The input for these
that all the aspects of the distribution processes models was the flowcharts and the data flow dia-
were identified and analysed properly. The overall grams. The flowcharts provided the raw decisional
outcome of the distribution modelling was a set of framework in order to model in detail the specific
complementary methodologies, each of which decisional parameters of the distribution system.
contributes to that objective from a different per- Additionally, the data flow diagrams defined the
spective. More specifically: information flow in the GRAI-Grids constructed
390 S.P. Gayialis, I.P. Tatsiopoulos / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 382–398

Fig. 3. Second level data flow diagram.

and the support information in the GRAI-Nets. ARIS models used the flowcharts and data flow
The GRAI-Net diagram in Fig. 4 depicts the de- diagrams in order to develop the function trees, the
cision variables, the objectives, the constraints organisation trees, the entity-relationship diagrams
and the other parameters of a decisional activity and the event-driven process chain (EPC) diagrams
and refers to orders allocation to truck compart- of the distribution system. The event-driven pro-
ments. cess chain of the ARIS methodology for a very
 Finally, the ARIS system architecture [29] and small part of the process ‘‘Inventory status con-
the related tool set was applied in order to provide trol’’ is seen in Fig. 5. This diagram used for rep-
the overall distribution system model. In ARIS resenting the control view of the model and
architecture, the modelling is done using a tool set combines the function, information and organisa-
instead of a language. Several sub-tools are avail- tion view in a single diagram. Function trees used
able related to the examined problem. The infor- for modelling the function view of the system. A
mation captured by the ARIS tool set [30] is stored part of a single function tree (without alternative
in a database following the entity-relationship- trees) is shown in Fig. 6. The contribution of the
model (ERM). This architecture distinguishes be- ARIS tool set lies on the fact that it supports
tween organisation, function, information and the implementation of the new ERP system of the
control views of the system model. It focuses on company. It describes very accurately the infor-
the analysis and requirements definition phase mation that is exchanged throughout the distribu-
during the design of information systems. tion system and provides the organisational view of
S.P. Gayialis, I.P. Tatsiopoulos / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 382–398 391

Fig. 4. GRAI-Net diagram.

Fig. 5. Single step of an event-driven process chain diagram of ARIS methodology.

the company where the different departments in- added value in this step and are connected to each
teract in order to support the distribution process. other. There is a gradual relation in the modelling
To conclude with, the four modelling method- process: the flowcharts and data flow diagrams are
ologies presented above, exhibit a complementary a first approach of analysis and the GRAI and
392 S.P. Gayialis, I.P. Tatsiopoulos / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 382–398

with add-on software modules responsible for

routing and scheduling, so that they function on a
common database allowing querying, statistical
analysis and user-friendly visual mapping of the
transportation network. The market research was
conducted by using the Internet and contacts with
a large number of software vendors. Several
packages were identified from the international
market research that cover the two areas as shown
in Fig. 7. Summary tables of the software packages
functionality created in order to categorise, review
and compare the abilities and features all of them.
Fig. 8 depicts one of these tables.

5.4. System requirements specification

Fig. 6. Part of a single function tree of ARIS methodology.
The next phase aimed at the extraction of
specifications for the new decision support system.
ARIS models are based on their input, describing The applications surveyed in the previous step
the distribution system in more detail. were analysed as far as their features are concerned
After the modelling process was completed, it and function maps were created for each software
was shown that the distribution system involved package. These function maps were matched to the
many parameters that were never taken into con- results of the TO–BE analysis and appropriate
sideration before, such as the delays caused from indicators were assigned to the functions that
the interactions of the different departments in the corresponded to the requirements of the TO–BE
distribution process. The existing situation (AS– model. The result of this phase was lists of func-
IS) modelling resulted to identification of the tional and technical specifications broken down in
weaknesses and problems of the studied processes. four levels of details. A sample of the produced
The results also included the detailed definition lists of specifications is shown in Fig. 9.
of the objectives, the constraints and the variables The structured and detailed process analysis
for the major decisions taken into account and was critical for the success of the systemÕs analysis
the sizing of the required decision support tool. and requirements specifications. The detailed
The TO–BE models included the solutions to the functional and technical specifications that re-
identified problems and they were considered as sulted from this phase, showed the most suitable
the basic resort for the systemÕs requirements applications during the software selection phase.
specification and the software selection phases.
5.5. Software selection
5.3. Software market research
All data was gathered and put into tables for
The software market research that followed had evaluation purposes. This process pointed out that
two goals. The first was the study of the supply no software application alone could cover the re-
chain management (SCM) applications and their quirements, as determined through the systemÕs
efficiency in working out problems similar to ours. specifications. Consequently, it was obvious that a
These applications support the supply chain ac- combination of different applications was neces-
tivities of a company from the high level (strategic sary for the new system to work according to the
decisions) to the low level (routing and schedul- companyÕs requirements. A detailed study of the
ing). The second one covered the geographical functions of the available applications concluded
information systems (GIS) applications integrated that there are overlapped areas between ERP,
S.P. Gayialis, I.P. Tatsiopoulos / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 382–398 393

Fig. 7. Software vendors resulted from market research.

Fig. 8. Software packages features review by vendor.

394 S.P. Gayialis, I.P. Tatsiopoulos / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 382–398

Fig. 9. Two levels of system specifications.

SCM and GIS applications. A representation of 5.6. Implementation of the new system
the overlapped areas, at a high level of function-
ality, is shown in Fig. 10. The final phase of the project includes the
The most suitable software solutions resulted purchase of the software applications, the design
from this phase, from the supply chain manage- and implementation of the interfaces with the
ment area, were the applications of two software companyÕs ERP system and the final implementa-
vendors that are specialised in oil industry and tion of the integrated system. Due to the over-
have plenty of successful stories. Besides an ad- lapped areas between the functions of the
vanced optimisation tool was examined closely as companyÕs ERP system and the examined SCM
it had full compatibility with the companyÕs ERP and GIS applications, the careful selection of
system. Two software vendors resulted from the specific functions from each application, is the
GIS area research. Fig. 11 depicts the soft- basic factor for the successful implementation of
ware applications that pre-qualified from SCM the new integrated solution.
and GIS areas, during the software pre-selection The selected GIS and SCM applications include
phase. digital maps and optimisation tools respectively.
The next stage was the submission of a RFP to The combination of these features executes distri-
the pre-qualified software vendors, including the bution scheduling and routing on electronic maps
requirement for a presentation of their proposal. utilising geo-reference capabilities, advanced
After that, the evaluation of the proposals took scheduling techniques and a friendly graphical
place based on criteria catalogues. The result was representation of the result. Additionally, back-
the selection of specific functions of the final ap- office activities of the dispatching process, such as
plications in order to deliver the new decision financials and reporting, are managed by the leg-
support system to the company. acy ERP system of the company that serves as the
S.P. Gayialis, I.P. Tatsiopoulos / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 382–398 395

Fig. 10. Overlapped areas between ERP, SCM and GIS applications.

dependently by the SCM application, fully inte-

grated with the ERPÕs database management
system. The main input to the planning and
scheduling modules are the daily orders and the
availability of the resources. The combination of
the suitable algorithms, the geo-reference data and
the user-identified parameters of the routes result
to the schedules of deliveries and the appropriate
routes of the vehicles. The dispatcher, who is ac-
tually supported to his decisions, can modify final
schedules. The designed systemÕs architecture is
Fig. 11. Pre-qualified SCM and GIS applications. shown in Fig. 12.
The success of the designed new system is that it
core database for the SCM and GIS modules. The saves dispatchers time, creates valuable flexibility
chosen SCM application is oil industry specific, and improves the quality of decision-making. The
including planning and scheduling modules and system creates schedules, chooses plans between
the appropriate algorithms for multi-criteria alternatives, creates routes for the vehicles, mini-
routing and scheduling problems that can be ad- mises the total distance travelled (which is a crucial
justed to the companyÕs individual needs, as they factor for the transportation cost) and allows the
were analysed during the modelling steps of our dispatcher to modify the routes manually.
methodology. The major scope at this phase is the evaluation
The architecture of the designed system includes of the algorithms and optimisation methods used
a central database managed by ERP system of the by the selected applications as well as the effec-
company, but optionally it could be managed in- tiveness of the new system related to potential cost
396 S.P. Gayialis, I.P. Tatsiopoulos / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 382–398

Fig. 12. Decision support system architecture.

savings and service level improvement. Since the required number of hired vehicles is reduced
cost of investment in software applications for the which means less additional costs of the hired
integrated solution is high (about 1.5 million fleet. The estimated savings due to the better
euro), a budgetary analysis of the costs and ben- utilisation of the fleet are 40.000 euro per year.
efits interceded the purchase and implementation • The savings from the reduction of the personnel
of these applications. The estimation of the bene- for order receiving and dispatching are esti-
fits was executed by using the activity based cost- mated to 390.000 euro per year in the case of
ing (ABC) technique [33], based on the REALMS the decentralised distribution (45% less person-
methodology [9], supported by the European Es- nel) and 700.000 euro per year for a central sys-
prit programme. This methodology resulted to the tem (80% less personnel). The personnel
cost calculation and performance measurement in reduction is a result of the automated order re-
order to define the cost benefits of the new system. ceiving and dispatching processes and the re-
Using the ABC technique, specific performance duced lead times.
indicators were identified, corresponding the ob- • More effective processes, reduced lead times for
jectives of the distribution process and cost drivers the dispatching process and fewer mistakes
were set for the activities that have high cost for (<1%), imply to customer service improvement.
the oil company. The result was the following es- The companyÕs profit calculated to 250.000 euro
timated benefits by the new system: per year.

• Reduction of the transportation cost for the

hired vehicles 8%, due to the reduction of the 6. Conclusions
total kilometres travelled and the more efficient
schedules. This reduction means savings of The combination of carefully selected functions
470.000 euro per year. In addition there is a bet- of different software such as SCM applications and
ter control of the charges of the hired fleet and GIS with an existing ERP system, resulted to the
prevention of overcharges. elaboration of a decision support system for the oil
• Improved utilisation of the fleet 11% and conse- downstream industry. The new IT supported sys-
quently of the fixed costs of the vehicles. The tem automates the complex routing and scheduling
S.P. Gayialis, I.P. Tatsiopoulos / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 382–398 397

process, handles the vehicle routing problem effi- future strategic moves, such as the centralised
ciently and manages transportation processes at management of customer order business process or
both the operational and the tactical decision-level. the sustention of the current decentralised way of
Dispatchers can have an advanced decision sup- vehicle routing.
port tool that assist them effectively to take the
right decisions depending on the various constraints
of the daily routing and scheduling problem. References
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