Audio 1969 09 PDF
Audio 1969 09 PDF
Audio 1969 09 PDF
Receivers Stereo FM Tuners Tape Recorders
Turntables Phono Cartridges Microphones
eadphones Compact Music Systems *
iu 0.1e.0E0 92.494
Ultra -reliable space-age cir- AM reception virtually in- Instant -information panel New connection techniques
cuitry Permanently aligned distinguishable from FM indicator lights let you know eliminate solder joint fail-
quartz crystal filter IF, FM New Integrated Circuit AM at a glance whether you're ures Wire -wrap terminal
amplifier, and four Inte- front end features pre-tuned receiving AM or FM, stereo connections plus plug-in
grated Circuits (including multi -pole filter for opti- or monaural broadcast. module construction result
Perfectune logic module) mum AM fidelity. Scott Perfectune indicator in the kind of reliability as-
are included in this small tells when you're perfectly sociated with aerospace
area. tuned for best reception. applications.
New illuminated dial results in increased visibility New muting circuit eliminates noise between FM stations
Plug-in speaker connectors eliminate phasing problems Silver-plated Field Effect Transistor front end receives
more stations more clearly with less distortion Integrated Circuit IF strip virtually eliminates all outside interfer-
ence Integrated Circuit preamplifier reduces distortion to inaudible levels Full Complementary direct coupled
all -silicon output circuitry provides effortless instantaneous power, with maximum reliability Automatic stereo
switching instantly switches itself to stereo operation ... lets you relax and enjoy the music.
Power (± 1 dB) 170 Watts. IHF power specifications (@ 0.8% distortion, both channels driven): Dynamic power
@ 4 Ohms, 67.5 Watts/channel; Continuous power @ 4 Ohms, 42 Watts/channel, @ 8 Ohms, 35 Watts/channel.
Selectivity, 40 dB; Frequency response ± 1 dB, 20-20,000 Hz; Hum and noise, phono, -65 dB; Cross modulation re-
jection, 80 dB; Usable sensitivity, 1.9 µV; Tuner stereo separation, 40 dB; FM IF limiting stages, 9; Capture ratio,
2.5 dB; Signal to noise ratio, 65 dB; Phono sensitivity, 3, 6 mV; Price $349.95.
Specifications subject to change without notice. H. H. Scott. Inc. complies with Institute of High Fidelity standards of measurement as well as their
recommendations regarding publication of same. Specifications are based on regular production. not
on special laboratory units.
September 1969 Vol. 53, No. 9
Number 72 in a seriesof discussions
by Electro -Voice engineers Successor , Est. 1911
Tel. WHItehall 0525.-Amsterdam Office: W. J. M. Sanders, Herendracht
365, Tel. 24.09.08.
Japan: Matsushita Inc., 709 Kitano Arms, Hirakawa-Cho, Chiyoda-Ku, Toyko.
AUDIO Editorial and Publishing Offices, 134 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19107
Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to the above address.
Check No. 2 on Reader Service Card
It's an exclusive
Garrard feature.
World's Finest
Failure to do this will permit induct-
1 Smooth, wide frequency response.
5 Value.
We designed the A-25 loudspeaker with
these attributes in mind. How well did
we succeed?
3 ". . .
Stereo Review, June, 1969.
we were impressed with the new
5 "Not the least of the A -25's attractions is
its low price of $79.95. We have compared
speakers' honest, uncolored sound." the A-25 with a number of speaker systems
High Fidelity, July, 1969. costing two and three times as much, and we
"In our listening tests, the Dynacc (A-25) had must say it stands up exceptionally well in the
a remarkably neutral quality."
Stereo Review, June, 1969. Stereo Review, June, 1969.
Send for literature or pick some up at your dealer where you can also hear the A-25.
When you're
number one in mercially. However, if you don't have
one, you can use a pair of long -nose
your receiver to a mono source would
result in a loss of stereo information.
pliers held closed with a rubber band, As I stated, in your particular case
tape recorders a pair of tweezers held closed by a
rubber band, or even an "alligator"
you won't need the mixer. The signal
from each point at or after the volume
you don't clip. control would be fed directly to the
appropriate input of the amplifier.
I think you could do very well in-
make the Controlling Remote Speakers
Q. In addition to my transistorized
deed if you use the arm, or center con-
tact, of the control. Naturally, there
will be one such arm for each channel.
number-two receiver, which is the heart of my sys-
tem, I am using a tubed stereo ampli-
fier (32 watts) to power a number of
The shield of the interconnecting cable
is grounded to the ground side of the
tape. remote speakers. The amplifier is fed
from the receiver's record output and
What this means is that once you
the remote speakers are powered from have a ratio of sound adjusted between
the mono speaker terminals. The am- your remote and main system, all you
plifier has a speaker output which need to do is to adjust the gain of your
combines both stereo channels. main system whenever necessary and
My system is built into a wall and the remote system will automatically
It costs a few pennies more. the amplifier is located behind the wall follow this gain change.
But Sony professional -qual- where it is inconvenient to get to. The Keep the interconnecting cables be-
ity recording tape makes a only control I have over it is an off -on tween the receiver and the amplifier as
power switch on the "business side" of short as possible or you stand a chance
world of difference in how of losing some high -frequency response
the sound wall.
much better your recorder My problem: The output of the vari- in both the main and the remote
sounds-and keeps on sound- ous signal sources varies from one to speakers.
ing. That's because Sony another, and, as a result, the remote The only time I can think where the
tape is permanently lubri- speakers' sound level, depending upon L -pad scheme or some other similar ar-
cated by an exclusive Luhri- the signal source selected. The result rangement might be preferable would
Cushion process. Plus, its is that sometimes the remote speakers be in the event that you wish to con-
extra -heavy Oxi-Coating "blast out," and at other times they are trol the remote speakers separately
won't shed or sliver. Sony too faint. Of course, there are volume from the main speakers. Such occa-
controls installed at each of the re- sions as dinners or parties might come
tape is available in all sizes along where the main system might be
motes, but this does not solve the
of reels and cassettes. And problem. I find it necessary to run to used to provide fairly loud listening,
remember, Sony profes- the amplifier to adjust it each time 1 and the remote system might be used
sional -quality recording change signal sources. only for background listening against
tape is made by the world's My possible solution: To maintain a running conversation. Even so, I
most respected manufactur- constant remote speaker output, I think I would try to find another way
er of recording equipment. would like to install a "master" L pad to do the same thing, rather than using
in the remote line so that I can control the L pads. I would probably make up
the amplifier's output level from the a small transistor preamplifier which
control panel at the front of the sound would be used between the receiver and
wall. the remote system, and which would
My question: 1) Does my solution have a gain control that would affect
a better solution?
Springfield, Ill.
sound feasible? 2) Can you suggest
Terry L. Black,
only the remote system. I would tie
the units into the circuit in such a way
that the receiver could still be used to
A. 1) You could employ a master L control the gain of the entire system,
pad in the remote line. However, such but you would still have the option of
a device is wasteful of power. If you changing the gain setting of the remote
have a number of remote speakers, the equipment without need of touching
use of this pad would, under some con- the amplifier.
ditions, result in so severe a power loss
that the amplifier might have to be
driven into the clipping region at times Copper Wire in Speaker
unless care is taken to monitor the Voice Coils
Q. What is the reason copper is used
You never heard it so good. 2) I would not do the foregoing,
in woofer voice coils instead of alumi-
therefore. I would bring out signal
from the receiver after the volume con-
num?-Name withheld.
trol, so it could be controlled by the A. Copper is used in voice coils both
receiver's volume control. Fortunately, because of its good electrical conduc-
the amplifier is a stereo unit. If it were tivity and its good heat conductivity.
a mono amplifier, you would need to Each is an important consideration.
Sun Valley, California 91352 construct some kind of active mixer Copper is better than aluminum in
Check No. 6 on Reader Service Card
because connecting both channels of both these respects.
how two units combine
for even greater
We have always tried to give outstanding value at combination giving even greater value than the sum of
Dynaco; and when we work on new designs, our primary its parts. The SCA-80 has all the qualities of the Stereo
objectives are quality and value-quality second to none, 80 plus the performance and many of the features
and prices far below the levels of competitive quality. of the PAT-4-center-out tone controls, low noise, mul.
Following this philosophy, we have designed our newest tiple input facilities, headphone output, center-speaker
power amplifier, the transistorized Stereo 80, in the tradi- output without the need for a separate amplifier, and so
tion of the famous Dynaco Stereo 70-extreme relia- on. It provides complete control facility and yet it is sim-
bility, conservative operation and specifications, out- ple to operate with a basic two -knob control action for
standing quality, and moderate price. The Stereo 80 is those who do not require sophisticated features such as
compact (it fits any remote space, but is handsome loudness, filters, blending, and other subtle variations.
enough to keep on display), cool -running, simple, and The SCA-80 gives quality plus compact flexibility. The
elegant. It delivers 40 watts continuous power per chan- Stereo 80 plus the PAT -4 gives quality, increased flex-
nel, with both channels operating simultaneously, from ibility for installation, and greater range of control func-
20 Hz to 20 KHz. tion. The Stereo 120 plus the PAT -4 gives all this plus
The Stereo 80 and our PAT -4 preamplifier create an extra power plus the benefits of a stabilized highly filtered
outstanding combination which delivers crystal clear power supply which makes performance independent of
sound, free of noise and distortion, and with excellent power line variations. In all these choices, quality and
flexibility as the control center for the most complete value are outstanding-and in the SCA-80, the syner-
hi fi installation. gistic benefit enhances the value of the unit.
Further, we have combined these units into a single,
transistorized integrated package, the SCA-80, and `SYNERGISM-"Cooperative action of discrete agencies such that the
through careful design have achieved SYNERGISM*, the total effect is greater than the sum of the two effects taken indepen-
dently . . .
involved-up to 4.2 megahertz -1000 rect holdback occurs. A minus reading
inches per second is the required writ- means the top portion of the picture
ing speed. You can see that if you is bending to the left; a plus reading
IEEIllEJ tried to use a linear drive system this
would be highly impractical. The video
means the top of the picture is bend-
ing to the right. Another video control
and sync pulses are recorded on the on the panel is a video level meter and
tape in a series of parallel diagonal control. In the record mode it is used
tracks. A longitudinal tape speed of to adjust record level. In the play
MUSHI3M 9.6 inches per second is used.
The VR -7800 uses one -inch -wide
mode this variable control adjusts the
video head to tape tracking. Also found
tape, which is available in half-hour on the control panel are controls for
BERT WHYTE and one -hour reels. There are five electronic tape editing. Finally, there
heads on the recorder, in addition to is the knob/lever called the Ready/
the video head on the drum. These Thread and the Tape Timer. In
are the "Audio One" erase head, the Thread position, the tape guides are
A VTR Session "Audio One" record/play head, the pulled away from the drum to allow
IT ALL STARTED as something of a "Video/Audio Two" erase head, the tape threading. In the Ready position,
joke. I was talking to an Ampex execu- "Control Track" record/play head the guides hold the tape in operating
tive about video tape recording, par- (this is used in connection with the position and ensure good tape wrap.
ticularly the prospects for color video drum servo -control system) and the A Tape Timer is directly driven by
tape in the home. He conceded that "Audio Two" record/play head. There the tape movement at 9.6 inches per
truly low-cost color recorders were are three servo-control systems: one second and measures tape in terms of
probably a long time off, but that rapid for the drum, one for the capstan, and minutes and seconds. It is operable in
advances were being made in the qual- one for holdback tension. all modes, including rewind and fast
ity of color video recorders that were On the control panel are a series of forward. Since the timer is accurate to
used in the industrial and educational what Ampex calls "confidence lights." within plus or minus 0.1%, indexing
fields, and that eventually some of the to any part of the tape is virtually
innovations and new technology would repeatable. The only trick here is to
filter down to the lower cost units. remember the particular time setting
"Take our new VR -7800 color re- for a given scene. For example, if you
corder," said my friend. "It has a color mark down during the recording of
capability that gets pretty close to the a football game the time at which a
quality of our big studio recorders." touchdown occurred-say 4 min. 23
"Okay," I said, "send me one of these sec.-you can return at any time to
marvels and I'll put it through the that setting and you will be at the
works." "Oh sure!" said my friend correct scene and moment.
laughingly, "would you like it delivered Threading tape on these drum re-
in a Rolls Royce?" corders is a bit tricky and takes a little
A week passed and, much to my practice before you can do it with ease.
astonishment, my friend phoned and Getting the double layer of tape around
casually informed me that a VR -7800 the drum to form the helical scan
recorder was on the way to my home! seems so foreign a procedure after
In due course there was delivered to There are one each for the drum and years of working with audio recorders.
me the recorder, a 21" color TV moni- capstan servos, which when lighted in- There are 19 assorted inputs and out-
tor, and a black and white video cam- dicate the drum and capstan are phase puts on the rear panel of the recorder.
era-all $18,690.00 worth! Feeling like locked. There are confidence lights for Many are for professional usage and
a Texas oil baron, I interconnected the color and monochrome that indicate studio applications. The VR -7800 is
monster -sized 140 -pound recorder with which is being recorded. High- and compatible with NTSC color (Na-
the color monitor and the video camera low -carrier confidence lights are con- tional Television Standards Commit-
and began a fascinating exploration of cerned with interchangeability of tape tee) , meaning that the color signal can
the world of video recording. between differing models of recorders. be broadcast over standard station fa-
The recorder is an imposing 34" L x For example, all tapes made on the cilities. Thus, one of the outputs pro-
19" W x 15" H, with (at first glance) model VR -7800 must be recorded while vides a 3.58 megahertz pilot signal to a
an intimidating array of controls and the high carrier is lighted. All motion monitor, while one of the inputs ac-
signal lights. A panel in the front lower controls on the recorder are solenoid cepts a 3.58 megahertz pilot signal
half of the recorder swings down on operated. However, in addition to the from an external local generator. There
hinges to reveal no less than 21 sec- usual rewind, fast forward, stop, and are provisions for connection to station
ondary controls mounted on modular play, there is another set of buttons to sync generator to provide master sync
plug-in boards. The VR -7800 utilizes the right of these controls which are source, outputs to provide master hori-
the by -now -familiar helical scan for- labeled: stop, play reverse, and play zontal -drive source for CCTV opera-
mat. One video record/play head is forward. These are the controls for the tion, and inputs for remote control
mounted on a 5.3 -inch -diameter drum. slow motion and stop action modes. As operation, among others. My only
The head is used to record one field with most professional recorders, there concern was with the audio inputs and
per scan or rotation of the drum. A are switches for selecting monitoring outputs, and the video inputs and out-
drum speed of 3600 rpm is required be- of the two audio channels, selecting puts both from the TV monitor as a
cause the drum rotation must follow meters, etc. And there are a number line source and from the video camera.
each occurring field every 1/e0 second. of special items, such as a tension error The audio inputs can be connected for
Because of the very high frequencies meter. When this meter reads zero, cor- line or mike input, although strictly
JVC Introduces
stereo receivers that
custom -tailor sound
for an room. The Sound Effect Amplifier (SEA)
built into each of these powerful JVC
Model 5001 offers 60 watts, IC and
FET circuitry, a wide 20 to 30,000Hz
receivers opens totally new worlds power bandwidth, AM, FM, and FM
of performance for the serious music Multiplex reception, and many other
listener. features.
It allows you to custom -style These complete stereo units are
sound to fit any size room. And create only two of the many ideas JVC has
almost any sound you prefer at any about making home entertainment
time. And forget about acoustical products more entertaining. For
problems in your room that might more, see our color television re-
make other receivers sound like low- ceivers, tape recorders, radios and
priced duds. full line of professional hi-fi equip-
SEA permits tone compensation in ment. At any dealer near you handl-
any style room. It also compensates ing JVC products.
for the audio characteristics of com-
ponents like speakers and turntable
cartridges. 5001
Catching On Fast
speaking, "Audio Two" has an inter- channels I should get a poor recording, TV monitor is, of course, somewhat
nal captive mike. "Audio One" will ac- and on good channels a good record- analogous to the audio practice of re-
cept any low -impedance mike. For ing. That is precisely what happened. cording an FM program. When you
most of my recording I used a con- The audio response on the VR -7800 go "live" and record with the video
denser model. is quite good, but it is hard to appre- camera, you are combining audio and
ciate it over the typical tinny speaker video, and every man is his own pro-
of the color monitor. Listening through ducer. While one gets an undeniable
Operating Observations another speaker, using the 8-ohm ex- kick out of recording a color football
The VR -7800 color video tape re- ternal speaker/phone jack on the rear game off TV, it is certainly more stimu-
corder has a special input board on the panel, there was a distinct improve- lating and creative when you are using
rear of the accompanying color TV ment in the sound. the video camera. The Ampex Model
monitor (which must be used), allow- The first impression you get on turn- CC-324 is a video camera that can be
ing connection in and out of the video ing on the VR -7800 is mechanical used for closed-circuit work and at-
amplifier and in and out of the audio noise. There is the sound of motors taches right into the antenna terminals
section. Otherwise, the monitor is and cooling fans, and the whine of the of your own TV set, or with a typical
strictly a garden variety of portable drum getting up to speed. There are video recorder such as this VR -7800.
21 -in. color TV set. some surges of sound as the drum The CC -324 has a one -in. vidicon tube
I hooked up the color monitor to my "hunts" a few times and then locks in and is otherwise fully transistorized. It
antenna system, which is a very good on the servo. It is all just a bit dis- has a three -lens turret and is fitted
color TV antenna mounted on a ro- concerting to someone who is used to with an Ampex 25 -mm F-1.4 lens in
tator. The VR -7800's TV monitor has audio recorders, but you soon get used the focusing mount. The lens stops
a three-position switch on the input to the higher noise levels. It is fasci- down to F-22 and the lens is electroni-
board: one position permits normal nating to watch the confidence lights cally compensated for scene brightness
TV reception, another is used when come on as the various functions reach over a range of about six stops.
recording from the monitor or the stability or readiness. The recording This is a fine camera; the lens pro-
video camera, while the third is em- procedure itself is fairly straightfor- duces pictures that are sharp and have
ployed when using multiple monitors good contrast, but it does have sev-
(the video output is said to be able to eral drawbacks. The main problem is
drive at least ten monitors without that it does not have even a simple
degradation of picture quality). optical viewfinder. Therefore you must
Now I live almost 60 miles from frame and focus on the subject by
New York City, and I get a picture viewing the monitor, not always the
free of "snow" and excellent in all most convenient situation. Much more
other respects on my own 25 -in. color desirable are the cameras which have
TV set. (In fact, I've painted the lily a two- or three -in. TV monitor/view-
by having a remote control that can finder mounted on top over the lens.
correct for hue and intensity, thus con- The F-1.4 lens is fast enough so that at
veniently enabling me to maintain maximum aperture and normal room
proper skin tones when camera angles lighting you can get a fairly good pic-
and lighting change.) Using the VTR's ture. However, the contrast is reduced
monitor for standard TV reception, and, as is common with most lenses,
however, disappointed me. The picture resolution falls off when used wide
quality was distinctly inferior to my open, especially at the edges. I found
own set. And the range of adjustments ward and generally follows audio prac- it better to use a photoflood lamp in a
for color balance was quite limited. tices. The playback is easy enough, 12 -in. reflector, bouncing the light off
Finally, by rotating my antenna to face but you must remember to adjust the the ceiling. This enabled me to use the
Connecticut's channels 3 and 8 across tracking control slowly, starting from lens at F-8 or F-11, which produced a
Long Island Sound, I managed to get a counterclockwise position for a maxi- much better picture.
a picture that could be called "accept- mum indication on the video level The CC-324 is a black -and -white
able." Of course, these channels may meter. Failure to do this results in a camera, unfortunately. Working with
not necessarily be showing anything of picture with streaks and bars of light a color camera would have really been
interest. But for a test of the recorder, and a bending of the picture. something sensational. The cost situa-
the subject matter wasn't too impor- The VR -7800 has a resolution of tion with color cameras is pretty dis-
tant. No doubt, close into the city, with some 350 lines to the inch, and when couraging, though. The big professional
a strong signal, this color monitor you have recorded a good color pro- jobs they use in the studios run
would work fine. However, not every- gram the results are truly excellent. $35,000 and up. Until fairly recently,
one who would purchase this sort of There is no tendency to fuzziness or there were no color cameras at lower
rig would live in the city, so it seems grain, just a nice clear picture with prices. Then International Video Corp.
to me to be a silly thing to saddle a color balance faithful to what values brought out a model for around
$17,000 color video tape recorder with you had previously adjusted on the $14,000. Now I hear they have a model
an inferior monitor. If I owned this monitor. Black -and -white telecasts are at $11,000, and Sony is said to be ready
recorder, the first thing I would do recorded with equal facility and fine to market a model at under $9000. As
would be to convert my own color set quality. I was impressed with the fact you can see, this isn't exactly beer
to accept the various input and output that when the monitor was adjusted money!
cables. Perhaps I was unlucky enough for a picture with the desired bright- A few weeks ago I saw a demonstra-
to get a "dog" for my particular TV ness and contrast ratios, the recorder tion of a black -and -white video camera
monitor. In any case if the recorder is precisely mirrored the settings. which I thought was just amazing. The
really an accurate machine, on poor Recording a typical program off the camera was made by the Luxor Com-
(... a commentary on the critical role of tracking forces in
evaluating trackability and trackability claims)
88,000 lbs. per square inch, a whopping 14 tons per square inch have
been added! .20% ....
The table below indicates the tracking force in grams and pounds, 100%
ranging from Y4 gram to 21/2 grams-plits their respective resultant
pressures in pounds per square inch.
Write: Shure Brothers, Inc., 222 Hartrey Avenue, Evanston, Illinois 60204
Check No. 11 on Reader Service Card
pany, a Swedish concern which manu- of "Oh no! That can't be me!" forward mode for a "Keystone Kops"
factures a line of audio tape recorders In a more serious vein, the video effect. I did this with the aforemen-
which were sold here some years ago. recorder is a great teaching tool for an tioned auto race and I had those cars
In this camera, the vidicon tube is infinite variety of subjects. The gift of cornering at unbelievable speeds!
mounted on a rack-and-pinion focusing being able to see yourself as others see One of the most unusual facilities of
mount. The camera was fitted with the you is finally a reality, sometimes a the VR -7800 is electronic editing. This
same standard Ampex 25 mm, F-1.4 rather shocking reality, as you become allows electronic insertion of both
lens as the CC -324. This combination aware of some of your shortcomings. audio and video information on pre-
allows one to do some astonishing close- The VR -7800, as noted earlier, has viously recorded tape, thereby elimi-
up photography. Given enough light slow-motion and stop -action facilities. nating transients and picture roll
you can focus so close you can almost When you are in the stop mode in nor- caused by mechanical splices. Thus,
touch the subject. It is really a form of mal operation, by depressing the stop such things are possible like adding
macro -photography. In the demonstra- button in the slow -speed group of con- new audio tracks to previously re-
tion I saw, a dollar bill was taped to a trols, you activate this section. As far corded material without erasing the
wall and the focus adjusted until the as I am concerned, no video recorder video information. Short or long inserts
eye of George Washington filled the is complete without this convenience. with both andio and video information
entire screen of the monitor! A tiny As a teaching tool, this feature is valu- can be put into a previous recording.
screw took on the dimensions of a huge able beyond all measure. People learn- For a short insert, as an example, you
bolt. The applications of such a camera ing to dance or trying a new step simply connect up your monitor to re-
are endless. One electronics manufac- merely need to record themselves, then corder video out, connect your audio
turer is using it to train employees in observe the results in slow motion. The and video insert source to the appro-
the fabrication of miniature circuits. It same holds true for your golf swing, priate input packs, set the Edit -mode
is being used to show details of surgi- trampoline flips, you name it. selector to short insert, put the re-
cal operations. Other lenses of differ- On recording off TV, the slow facil- corder in Play, and adjust the tracking
ent focal length can be used with this ity has endless utility. On any sports control for maximum indication on the
camera in the macro configuration, event-football, baseball, golf-after you video level meter. When the tape has
with results as equally impressive as w played to the point you have selected
the standard lens. If this focusing de- for the insert, you press the record and
vice is not patented, it would be a play buttons simultaneously, run the
welcome addition to any camera. insert material no longer than 20 sec-
onds, and then stop the tape. Long
inserts follow the same procedure for
Applications longer periods. There is also an Assem-
Once you have the camera properly ble -edit mode, which is for adding in-
adjusted and the lighting arranged, the formation that extends past the end of
fun begins. The things you can do with a previously recorded section of tape.
a video recorder and camera are This is fairly involved and includes
limited only by your imagination. My using the servo control track of the
wife bought a new dress and found she capstan servo, but it is all accomplished
had to adjust the hem. Therefore, she by switching to the Assembly mode
pinned it up preliminary to sewing it. and then following a relatively easy
She asked me if it was even all around ::ºa ..t`....,5`;, procedure.
and hanging right. I told her that I was have taped the program, you can select The accurate timer is a great aid in
just a mere male, but that I could get any portion or play and either play it all this electronic editing, as it enables
her an expert opinion. So I took her back in slow motion or stop the action you to make the inserts at the precise
down to the recreation room, turned on completely. Sure, you get some slow spot you wish. Would that audio re-
the video recorder, and photographed and stop action during most football corders had such an editing function.
her making several full turns. On play- games, for example, but with the re- There have been reports that an East
back she was able to observe all angles, corder you can choose what you want German company had such an elec-
including the back of the dress. to see rather than what the commen- tronic editing device for audio re-
As a party item, the video recorder tator chose for you. Furthermore, you corders, but that it was terribly com-
has no equal. Many people have seen can repeat a scene as many times as plicated and very expensive. Besides
themselves on TV at expositions and you want, until you understand the which, I've been told that it didn't
fairs, but for one thing that was in situation completely. I taped a spec- always work too well!
public. For another, there usually tacular racing -car crash from TV, and In summation, there is no doubt that,
wasn't any audio. Once they see and on replay was able to analyze with the for industrial and educational clients
hear themselves on the monitor, even slow and stop action what had caused (or rich Texans), this Ampex VR -7800
the most normally reserved and in- it and how certain drivers coped with is a superb performer. After a rela-
hibited people become outrageous such an emergency. tively short indoctrination period, I
hams. Talk about mugging and yak- With these special controls you can was able to handle the machine with
king! Needless to say there are skits also have some fun with gag effects, ease and utilize all of its facilities to
and playlets and "news broadcasts" since there is a play reverse and play optimum purpose. I reiterate, I would
that would never get by a station cen- forward mode with a variable control. like to see a better monitor set. And
sor. The most fun is when someone is Thus you can do the old movie trick the need for a low-cost color camera
feeling no pain after imbibing freely of having a person flip up out of a is obvious. But I learned a great deal
and you tape his antics. When you swimming pool and back onto the div- using this machine, had a lot of fun,
show the tape when he is sober, the ing board. Or you can run at approxi- and shall part from it with great reluc-
results are dramatic, with many howls mately twice normal speed in the play tance.
When absolute musical accuracy is required,
Acoustic Research speaker systems are usually chosen.
"On March 24, 1969 the Eastman Wind Ensemble, Donald Hunsberger conductor, presented a program consisting of four
of my spatial compositions.
The problems posed for the recording were unusual in that my music requires specific setups for the performers in
particular positions in the hall, as well as on stage. In the four works heard, groups of woodwinds, brass and percussion
in some cases, each one led by a separate conductor were disposed in the balconies, and behind and at the sides
of the audience at the ground level, as well as on stage. A pipe organ, sounding from stage rear, was also used. The spatial
arrangement of the players was different for each composition, and in all these pieces the music given to the separate
groups is highly contrasted, no two groups ever playing the same music or even anything similar.
The photograph was taken during a rehearsal and shows one of the participating groups under my direction. (A separate
orchestra in the top balcony, not shown in the photograph, is being simultaneously led by Dr. Hunsberger.)
The recording was made by using four channels simultaneously on 1/2 -inch wide recording tape. Neumann U-47 microphones
were spaced in a rectangular array in the audience seating area, to produce a recording which is played back through
four speaker systems, one in each corner of the listening room. Four AR -3a speaker systems were used as control room
monitors during the recording and playback.
The results, both in the amount of resonance achieved and in the quality of sounds produced, are impressive, and suggest
the initiation of further experiments aimed at capturing the specific details of directionality which define the sound of
classical and contemporary antiphonal music."
A catalog of AR speaker systems, amplifiers and turntables is available free upon request.
1 2 3 4 5
FM BB 90 92 9J1
I l I l l 1 l i INI 1 I .
TU NE ^m si oo ioo
wonder ...
and linear too
rats ir 88 90 92 94
98 00 102 1114 lü11 108 of
_....... _ ._. . .,
96 9d I I0' 102 104 106 109 mN,
800Miki00.1605,.,.. Kill
All silicon preamplifier with specially designed silicon Two FM Antenna inputs (75 and 300 ohms) for home or
transistors for high gain and low noise characteristics. master antennas.
Built-in voltage stabilizer that overcomes fluctuations in Two phono inputs (47K and 100K ohms) which match most
power voltage. cartridges.
Linear scale FM band for the most precise FM station All silicon AM Tuner for greatly improved AM reception.
selection. Distortion -free tone controls with friction coupled design.
New FM Stereo noise canceler that eliminates noise on FM Black window design that is as practical as ít is attractive.
stereo broadcasts without affecting high frequency char-
Plus: foolproof output terminals, two AC outlets on rear
panel, high -and low-cut filters, loudness control, headphone
Two tuning meters for almost unbelievable pin -point ac- jack, DIN connector, muting switch, stereo reverse and
cu -acy. mono-stereo switches, noiseless push button switches,
Exclusive dial indicator which is actually an electronic de- speaker selector indicator, protector indicator, heavy fly-
vice that illuminates in orange for AM and red for FM. wheel for easy tuning, and much, much more.
Ye o
-e e s+..t,+ SANSUI 4000
stability of performance. Surplus com- markedly. In other words, you will get
puter tape is apt to have different fre- appreciable noise with the best of tape
Tape Guide quency response characteristics than
tape designed expressly for audio.
recorders and the best of tapes, unless
you are willing to incur serious de-
If you have a problem or question on Audio tape of less than first -grade terioration in terms of distortion and
tape recording write to Mr. Herman quality may be inferior in various ways, limited treble response. I have two sug-
Burstein at AUDIO, 134 North Thir- including the extent to which it causes gestions. First, try recording at increas-
teenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107. head wear. I don't know that sandwich ingly higher levels until distortion
Please enclose a stamped, self- tape is harder on tape heads than the becomes apparent. In other words, you
addressed envelope. All letters are regular kind of tape. It is designed for may have a tendency to under -record.
answered. many, many playings with minimum Second, try playing back at a more
tape wear. However, sandwich tape moderate level; possible you have a
HERMAN BURSTEIN tends to have somewhat poorer treble tendency to play back at levels "louder
characteristics than conventional tape. than life."
Q. I purchased a *** tape player Q. I was under the impression that
with no playback preamp. Since my (where bias is adjustable) you should
Q. I wish to tape audio oscillator audio system amplifier has no tape - "peak the bias" for maximum output
sounds, electronic organ sounds, piano head input, I connected the tape head for each type of tape on which you
sounds, etc. I plan to sell tapes of to the low magnetic phono input of my wish to record. I mentioned this to two
these sounds as part of a music course. amplifier. However, my record player, other people and was terribly put down.
Reproducing one tape at a time from which is connected to the high mag- It seemed to be the consensus that the
a master tape, and maintaining good netic phono input, then won't play. bias was to reduce cross-talk. This may
quality of sound reproduction, espe- What can I do?-Adam Izzo, Ellwood be possible, but at the moment I fail to
cially pitch accuracy, what equipment City, Pa. see how. I am now very confused and
do I need?-A. M. Larson, Edison, N. J. A. Assuming that your amplifier has would like your help.-Michael Sykora,
a high-level input jack available, I sug- Ascension Island.
A. If you are planning to make tapes
for resale, highly accurate speed is im- gest that you purchase one of the A. I have never heard of adjusting
perative. For example, if you say some- phono -tape head preamps available on bias to reduce cross -talk. The purpose
thing is a 1000 -Hz tone, it should be the market. Feed your tape head into of bias is to minimize distortion and
that within at most 0.2%. And this this preamp, and feed the output of the maximize the amount of signal re-
takes you into the area of professional pramp into the high-level input jack corded on the tape. Unfortunately, bias
equipment, both for a master recording of your audio amplifier. If you consult acts also to erase high frequencies.
unit, a master playback unit, and a the catalogs published by audio mail Therefore a compromise is sought be-
duplicate recording unit or units. Ac- order houses, you will find preamps tween low distortion and extended
cordingly you should pursue your in- such as I have described available for treble response. A frequent technique
quiries in an audio house that deals ex- about $25 or less; this price will cover for adjusting bias (or for arriving at a
tensively or exclusively in professional either a stereo unit or two mono units. first approximation to correct bias) is
to adjust bias for the maximum output
tape equipment. I am extremely disenchanted with
Q. at a frequency such as 500 or 1000 Hz,
my tape recorder, the basic problem and then further increase bias slightly
Q. I wonder if you could give us in- being noise. I am using top-flight tape until output drops about 1/2 dB. The
formation on various brands and kinds and other audio equipment. Except purpose of the further increase is to
of magnetic tape. We need to make a for the tape recorder, no noise exists in put bias in an area where moderate
large purchase of tape for several lan- my system. Tape hiss is absolutely un- changes in bias current (for example
guage labs and wonder what some of bearable. I have had the tape recorder due to oscillator warmup) will not ap-
the best buys might be for such pur- back to the factory, and they assure me preciably affect frequency response.
poses. We want tape that can cope with it is well within design specifications.
problems of heat, humidity, and long I have tried various low -noise tapes, Q. I expect to purchase a stereo sys-
use and storage. We wonder about non - and they have done little good. I bought tem and would like to include a
name brand tape. What about sand- my tape recorder on the basis of test tape deck. I understand that with it I
wich tape? We've heard it tends to wear reports and audio room listening tests. may record four separate mono tracks.
the playback head more than other The noise in a show room is far too However, I am not quite sure as to how
tape. I have heard that the best buy is high to permit listening to anything, I will be able to reproduce just one of
probably surplus computer tape. Is this so I did not pick up the tape hiss there. the tracks through both speakers.-
generally true? Naturally we are in- I have tried several other high -quality Philip Katowitz, Brooklyn, N. Y.
terested in a tape that has good fidel- tape recorders in my home, but they A. Most amplifiers and receivers per-
ity, low wear and abrasive qualities, are no better than the on I own. Is mit you to play only the left channel,
and doesn't shed excessive oxide.-Rev. there anything I can do or try? At pres- or only the right channel, through
Harold Watson, Atchison, Kansas. ent the noise level is so high that I do both speakers. The stereo mode switch,
A. If you treasure your recordings not use the recorder.-R. B. Martin, or a similarly designated switch, will
and want to use and store them for a New York, N. Y. have positions typically marked A and
long time, and if you want assurance A. In an audio system with as fine a B, or left and right, or 1 and 2, for the
of high quality, it is worth investing in preamp and amplifier as yours, having purpose in question. However, I can-
top -grade tape, probably of the 11/2 mil extremely low noise, the noise of a not promise that every stereo amplifier
polyester (Mylar) type. Second -grade component such as a tape recorder, or receiver has this feature. Therefore
tape may or may not be as good; there which at best is only about 55 dB below in shopping for your audio equipment
simply is no assurance of quality and peak recording level, tends to show up make sure this feature is included. Æ
How to recognize a stacked deck.
NORTRONICS maintain records] in the Audio Tech-
REPLACEMENT TAPE HEADS niques section of the March issue is a
IMPROVE THE PERFORMANCE good step in the right direction, but I
feel the method I've been using for the
Letters last couple of years is an improvement
... it produces short bursts of relatively
high -velocity air, as opposed to a steady
fr onl stream of low -velocity air. After trying
to find the best way of cleaning disks,
I found that short pulses were much
It has always puzzled me that so
much time, effort, and money is ex-
Specifications, August 1969 AUDIO
should be corrected as follows:
pended by the average audiophile on Figure 25 references on pages 61
8101 Tenth Avenue North the initial cost and maintenance of play- and 62 should be changed to Figure
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427 back systems while playback sources 20; and Figure 21 reference on page
Phone: (612) 545-0401 63 should be changed to Figure 17.
are rarely, if ever, treated so carefully.
The device mentioned [to clean and
Check No. 18 on Reader Service Card
No artificial
coloring added.
The new Marantz Imperial speaker systems are completely twice their size but many times their cost. The sleek, con-
free from artificial coloration, that unnatural, beefed-up temporary Imperial has a smart, walnut cabinet with a I
sound which is so unlike the original music. hand -rubbed French lacquer finish and is
A sound unfortunately inherent in so many priced at $299.The elegant Imperial II, hand-
well-known speakers, regardless of price. ,. .,. crafted from selected hardwoods and fin-
What Marantz does give you is clean, 1;; ished in distressed antique, features a
crisp performance with an essentially -flat stunning hand -carved wood grille. It's yours
response up to 20,000 Hz. Performance that for $369. Both possess a beauty of cabinetry
lets you enjoy music for hours on end with- equalled only by the beauty of their sound.
out "listening fatigue."
The Marantz Imperial speaker systems'
0.#`?4+.+4,`R .1,+,1 *4** When you hear, when you see these mag-
nificent speakers, only then can you fully
design incorporates five speakers in an
, , , .
*aR,i;. appreciate what goes into making a Marantz
enclosure only slightly larger than a stand- :;4i;
e+ar,,,+o,++++,ey a Marantz. Your local franchised Marantz
ard book -shelf speaker. Yet, the power and 4,+«+,,±*
dealer will be pleased to furnish you with
quality of the sound they deliver are com- `+
complete details and a demonstration. Then
parable to theatre speaker systems not only let your ears make up your mind.
Median specification figures simply indicate
ratings mid -way between extremes, of course.
They do not indicate whether one can obtain a
EDITOR' S receiver with an amplifier section that has a .03%
THD rating or one with a 200 watts (IHF) per
channel power rating (0.1% and 100 watts are
REVIEW the best figures listed for receivers, so the answer
here would be "no." The examples given repre-
sent ratings in the separate power amplifier
category of components). Nor does a particular
AUDIO Magazine's annual product directory, specification always point to a component that
featured in this issue, covers about 725 models is best for you. For instance, if you live in a metro-
(not to mention receivers available with or with- politan area, a stereo FM tuner's sensitivity rat-
out AM tuner sections, speaker systems available ing is certainly less important than its selectivity
in a variety of finishes, kits with factory -wired figure (the higher the better) and its capture -
versions, and so on). Electronics-receivers, am- ratio specification (the lower the better). And
plifiers, preamplifiers, and tuners-constitute 191 though the amplifier power required to drive a
of these models; speaker systems, 144 models; speaker system properly in a typical room aver-
tape recorders, 126; microphones, 54; automatic ages (mean) 10 watts (IHF) per channel at 8
turntables, manual turntables and separate tone ohms, it is not uncommon to find speaker systems
arms, 50; phono cartridges, 40; modular systems, for which manufacturers recommend a minimum
43; headphones, 34; and many products that fall of 25 watts or more per channel, and some which
into a miscellaneous category. Clearly, stereo demand much more (as well as much less) power.
hi-fi enthusiasts have many components to choose Power considerations must also be weighed for
from. listening to music reproduced in larger -than-
average rooms, "dead" rooms, driving of exten-
Here are some mean specification figures from sion speakers simultaneously, flexibility of chang-
the listings for you to ponder: Power output per ing to lower-efficiency speakers in the future, and
channel (IHF) at 8 ohms: receivers, 45 watts at so on, not to mention under -stated minimum
0.5% total harmonic distortion (THD); ampli- power requirements.
fiers (both integrated and basic), 60 watts at 0.5%
THD; basic power amplifiers only, 75 watts at Specification/feature/price comparison charts
0.25% THD; modular systems, 20 watts at 0.8% are certainly a great assist when one wishes to
THD. purchase a component. But do not overlook
Among other interesting facts gleaned from listening to and (if appropriate) handling the
AUDIO'S latest product directory are: E Receiv- models under consideration. Though specifica-
ers: 28% include AM sections; mean FM sensi- tions of electronic hi-fi components can often be
tivity (IHF) is 2µV, while mean selectivity is translated into actual performance capabilities,
45 dB. In contrast, about 40% of the sepa- transducers cannot, except in a broad sense. But
rate tuners incorporate AM sections; mean FM even with electronic components, there are many
sensitivity (IHF) is also 2 µV; mean selectivity nuances that escape specification lists. Therefore,
is a more impressive 54 dB. it is wise to supplement comparing specifications
and prices by a trip to your local audio dealer for a
personal look and listen.
E Approximately 65% of speaker systems listed
in this year's directory employ acoustic suspen-
sion systems; 38% are two-speaker, two-way sys-
For another golden opportunity to look, listen,
tems. E Of the open -reel tape recorders listed, and ask questions, do consider attending hi-fi
shows. There's a big one coming up in Los An-
65% are 'decks (that is, they do not include power
The under-$100 open -reel tape geles, October 1 (Wednesday) through October 5
amplifiers). (Sunday). It will be held at the Ambassador
machines have given way to cassette and cartridge Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif., with show hours as fol-
tape machines, a new product category initiated lows: October 1, 2, and 3 (4:00 PM to 10:30 PM);
this year. Since auto tape machines were ex- October 4 (12 Noon to 10:30 PM) ; October 5
cluded from the directory, it is not surprising that (12 Noon to 6:00 PM) .
78% of the units listed in this section are cas-
sette tape machines. Only 22% are decks, in Other hi-fi shows scheduled soon are: KXL-
contrast to the 65% figure previously noted for FM's Stereo Hi-Fi Show at the Sheraton Motor
open -reel tape machines. Over 67% of the Inn, Portland, Oregon (Friday through Sunday,
stereo phono cartridges listed incorporate ellip- November 14 through 16) and KISW's (joint
tical styli. The great majority of microphones sponsorship with the Post-Intelligencer) Seattle,
are dynamic types, though condenser types are Washington show at the Washington Plaza Hotel
well represented. Cardioid or uni-directional (Saturday and Sunday, November 22 and 23).
pickup patterns account for 68% of the models. A.P.S.
Words are inherently limited in stimulating of every instrument. With no loss of power.
the emotions aroused by music. This is especially so That's what it takes for a cartridge to
in describing how high fidelity components perform. recreate the most subtle nuances that
With cartridges, for example, we speak of distinguish one musical instrument from
flat frequency response, high compliance, another. An oboe from an English
low mass, stereo separation. Words like these horn. A trumpet from a cornet.
enlighten the technically minded. But they do We call this achievement "100% music power."
little or nothing for those who seek When you play your records with an XV-15, you won't be
only the sheer pleasure of listening. concerned with even that simple phrase.
We kept both aspects in mind when Instead, you'll just feel and enjoy the renewed experience
developing the XV -15 series of cartridges. of what high fidelity is really all about.
We made the technical measurements. And we listened.
We listened especially for the ability of PICKERNG
these cartridges to reproduce the entire range
Test Tape
Without a correctly recorded test
Tape Transport
tape, head setting can be a long process
of "cut -and -try." The easiest kind of
test tape to use is the full -track, white-
noise type with Track 3 erased. Using
tape that I may use once in a while, Having modulated, replay this rudi- tant in four -track operation, and the
and then briefly. So the answer for mentary test tape, and then rock the method is to record a constant signal
some might be to make some form of replay head for maximum top note on Tracks 1 and 3, again using clean
test tape ourselves. First we need to output. The correct azimuth setting tape Then invert the tape and erase
ensure that the machine is recording should be obvious. If it is not, look for Track 3 for a spell, re -invert the tape
properly, with a modulation indication head wear (a flattened portion of the and replay the previously recorded
facing, usually easy to see when a tracks. Misalignment of the erase head
bright light is directed sideways at the
head). Make sure that the pressure
pads, if used, sit cleanly against the
polished back of the tape, and that they
are soft. Where pressure pads are not
used, pins will often be employed to
guide the tape past a contoured head.
Make sure these have not been worn
into flutter -producing grooves.
Head height is a lot easier to judge
than might be thought. Visual inspec-
tion of record and replay heads (or
combination heads) with the tape
stretched across them in the playing Fig. 4-Do not overlook the upper bearing
Fig. 2-Open-plan assembly such as this position will show the upper edge of of the flywheel capstan when cleaning
makes servicing easy. Pressure pads are the top gap which should be brought around the deck. Accumulated oxide at
mounted on a flap which comes up to to the tape edge for either two- or four - this point can quickly lead to head wear
meet the rear of the tape; falls horizontal and erratic running.
track operation. A two -track head is
to allow easy access when the mechanism often set to overseen the tape slightly.
is neutralized. The track "height" takes up 2.5 mm
and there should be a safety lane of
1.8 mm between the lower edge of the
two-track recorded signal and the inner
edge of the lower track (that is, the
track obtained when the tape is in-
verted) Best rough test is to modulate
38 -kHz
N 1 NOTCH I----o
& 38 -kHz OUT
67 -kHz D,
- ..
f ....
.,- ,O.
PIONEER ELECTRONICS U.S.A. CORPORATION, 140 Smith Street, Farmingdale, N. Y. 11735 (516) 694-7720
West Coast: 1335 West 134th Street, Gardena, Calif. 90249 / (213) 323-2374 & 321-1076 In Canada: S. H. Parker Co., Ontario
Check No. 25 on Reader Service Card
diode D2 is polarized in the same man- from diode D2 will be zero for these bands at 23 kHz and 53 kHz (38 kHz
ner as diode D1, however, it will re- conditions. This, of course, is just as it ±15 kHz), the latter sideband being
spond or detect the waveform along should be, since we said at the outset perilously close to the 67 -kHz fre-
the positive edge only. In this case, the that we were dealing with an "L" -only quency of maximum filter attenuation.
positive edge of the total waveform is signal, and the output of diode D2 is Other causes of non-linear phase shift
a straight line. Therefore, the output the "R" output and is zero. are also present, such as wiring capaci-
If we did have both "L" and "R" tance, etc. All of these combine to make
audio signals present (as is most often it more difficult to achieve high orders
the case, the phase relationship of the of separation at the high -frequency end
"R" -only sidebands with respect to of the audio spectrum.
the internally generated 38 -kHz signal While most component high fidelity
would be such that upon addition, the stereo tuners and receivers are now
waveform for the "R" signal would be able to boast separation figures in ex-
present at the lower edge of the total cess of 30 dB at 1 kHz (some even
reconstituted waveform composite. In claim and actually meet 40 dB separa-
Fig. 6 we have depicted a total wave- tion figures at mid -frequencies) few,
form in which both "L" and "R" infor- if any, can sustain this excellence of
mation are present. Again, diode D1 separation "across the audio band."
will detect only the upper edge of the Obviously, if enough care were taken
waveform, demodulating the "L" infor- in design of filters, choice of parts,
mation. Appearing at diode D2, how- compensation, etc., it is perfectly pos-
Fig. 3 -Composite "L" -only signal, using a ever, will be an inverted (upside-down) sible to achieve 30 dB or even 40 dB
higher audio -frequency tone so that indi- version of Fig. 6 (with the "R" infor- of separation at any frequency from
vidual side -band alternations can be seen. mation along the upper edge) so that 50 Hz to 15,000 Hz, but the problem
diode D2 will demodulate the "R" in- becomes one of cost versus listener re-
formation. quirements.
From the foregoing, it should be Having recovered distinct "L" and
"L" SIDEBAND INFORMATION4P- clear how very important phase rela- "R" signals, it is still necessary to
tionships are in this detection process. apply de-emphasis to each, to compen-
We have drawn Figs. 5 and 6 ideally- sate for the pre -emphasis normally in-
so that "infinite" stereo separation is troduced at the transmitting end for
possible. In actual practice, however, signal-to-noise improvement. De -em-
eOP e
it is still rather difficult to make cer-
tain that each cycle of sideband con-
tribution of both "L" and "R" (at every
phasis can be accomplished as usual
by means of a suitable R -C roll -off net-
work having the proper time constant
audio frequency from 50 Hz to 15,000 or it may be combined with a notch -
Hz) is in perfect and ideal phase rela- filter, affording extreme attenuation at
1 ¡I>
tionship with the re-inserted 38 -kHz
subcarrier. For one thing, the mere
38 kHz in addition to normal de -em-
phasis. This latter approach is desir-
presence of the 67 -kHz filter in the able, since any residual 38 kHz present
Fig. 4 -Waveforms present at point "A" in "line" tends to introduce some finite in the output channels, while not
block diagram of Fig. 1. amount of phase shift, particularly for audible in and of itself, may cause
the higher audio frequencies. You will "beats" with the bias oscillators of cer-
recall that the higher audio frequencies tain tape recorders. These beats might
cause sidebands which are further re- be permanently recorded onto tapes of
II il . moved from 38 kHz than are the lower otherwise perfectly recorded favorite
audio frequency sidebands. Thus, a FM programs.
II IIHIIII 15 -kHz audio tone will generate side -
out of audio. Pressure to do something
dramatic for the audio consumer is ris-
ing spectacularly, slow -speed tape im-
provements continue to pile up, and
subminiature (integrated circuit) but-
ton -sized electronics steadily penetrate
audio from computer and space tech-
nology. We already have more poten-
tial than we know what to do with.
After all, there's such a thing as too
much playing time. And too much
miniaturization. We may have both.
Suppose the tape cartridge were to
blossom out with a dozen tracks, at
half the present speed-we would have
tracks to burn and time beyond con-
ceivable use! Put all the Beatles' music
on one half and the whole of Frank
Sinatra on the other, and let the thing
play forever? Much better, you see,
would be to use four tracks at a time,
and burn up all that excess. Mechani-
cally simple in any present configura-
tion. You can play both halves of a
cassette at once via a single head. Or
half an 8 -track. Or all four tracks of an
open -reel tape. All you need is a new
head, an extra pair of preamps, extra
EDWARD TATNALL CANBY power amplifiers and, of course, more
VANGUARD, that long-time pur- conventional continuous arc of sound But four preamps? Four amplifiers?
veyor of fine disc records, has in front and beyond the speakers to Four speakers? Ah, there's the poten-
suddenly introduced a dramatic each side, but another arc, appropri- tial in present and coming technology!
new four -channel stereo recording ately different in quality, extends By all means, yes.
technique that is practical only on tape around behind you-and the complex Build an IC amplifier on the head
-a surprisingly acute ploy for such a of diagonal and front -to-rear inter- of a pin. Build four of them in half
company. SURROUND STEREO is the actions weaves an unbroken tissue of a matchbox. Don't laugh-it's entirely
trade name, and it puts two channels apparent, or virtual, sound images on possible now and may soon approach
out in front of you and two more be- all sides, re-creating a whole concert commercial feasibility, given the right
hind your back, for a very solid incre- hall, or any other surround that you impetus. But who wants a pinhead am-
ment of new spatial information, most may wish, synthetic or otherwise. Ver- plifier with finger -sized controls? Ac-
pleasing to the listening ears. satile, and of immense interest to all tually,. the IC circuits are also spoiling
The system isn't exactly commercial who understand how much two -chan- for something dramatic to do in audio,
at this point. Vanguard merely offers nel stereo has already contributed to something where their tiny size will
a few tantalizing open -reel four -track the play of directionality and spatial really count. They're doing OK in FM
tapes (cassettes and/or cartridges may perception in recorded sound. multiplex tuners, where space is tight.
follow) and leaves the playing arrange- But there's more. Though launched (And there's that new cordless stereo
ments strictly on a do-it-yourself basis. on a plane of seriousness, SURROUND phone set with multiplex tuner built
But in this system we may have the STEREO happens to be squarely on com- in.) But what else? The ICs should
first intimations of our next big wave mercial target as per the presently fairly blossom with any sort of multi-
of change, already overdue and gather- heated tape situation. Moreover, it ple -channel, multiple -circuit miniature
ing potency in rapid-fire developments carries right on in the long line of de- tape to come, for there's where we will
behind the scenes. velopment in recording technique that need lots of electronics in tiny lumps.
It's not merely the multiplication of extends back to the spaceless sound of A portable cassette player, say, with
two channels to four, a change that the early acoustics. Good ideas here. four preamps and four power ampli-
will have our ever-present cynics again Most intriguing ideas of all is the fiers stowed away in one corner. That's
fuming with disgust. More gadgetry possibility that the disc has at last met the kind of thinking. You could even
and gimmickry! As a matter of fact, its match. When tape pulled a fast one toss in four recording preamps, if and
four channels up front at this stage in the mid Fifties with stereo on sev- when. As you may understand, then,
would no no more than sharpen up a eral tracks, disc was able to get the everybody (except the disc maker) has
few stereo details, adding little signifi- same channels into its single groove something with which to jump into this
cantly new for a lot of trouble. Van- with astonishing ease (as we look back, heady new game. All we need is the
guard has done much better. The very anyhow ...), and thereby assured itself match to light the consumer fire.
special nature of the front -to -back plus another dozen years of increasing To be sure, four speakers would seem
side -to -side stereo array, a four-way vigor. But four channels? Highly un- to impose a major consumer burden.
complex of interactions between all likely. On the other hand, in tape the Not necessarily, in the long view. Pres-
four channels in every direction, is its use of multiple channels is increasingly ent stereo has relatively reduced the
first significance. Not only is there the common in a thousand areas in and cost per unit of speakers now bought in
pairs instead of singly. Groups of four
should bring, relatively speaking, a
further discount. But there is a sub-
AUDIO's 1969-1970
jective factor of greater importance:
for each new increment of information STEREO HI-FI EQUIPMENT
density in our recordings, and for each
new widening of the apparent sound
spread away from the speakers them-
selves, the ear will more easily accept
and ignore any speaker deficiencies.
Good speakers will improve the sound,
but in stereo we can in fact tolerate
less fancy sound than in equivalent
mono. Four -channel surround stereo This is the eleventh product preview of hi-fi component equipment
should further increase that tolerance. published by AUDIO Magazine. The tabular style used here was
And low-cost speakers have in fact adopted in 1965 to simplify direct comparison of specifications and
been much improved in recent years. prices between models in each product category.
All in all, I see no serious problems in
adapting home listening to a four-
channel configuration of speakers. All Dashes in columns indicate that the characteristics do not apply to
in due time, of course. the product; a blank space indicates that manufacturers did not sup-
How Does It Sound? I had only ply AUDIO with information. Letter codes are employed in some in-
minor temporary quibbles as to mike stances for purposes of clarity (examples: "B" next to an amplifier
placement, an area wide open for ex- indicates it is a basic power amplifier; "T" denotes tubed rather than
periment. With two rear channels in solid-state construction; and so on).
operation, I found Vanguard's orches-
tra and soloists rather too large and
too close within the new space sur- All specifications have been supplied by respective manufacturers.
round. Mikes should have been moved Since some measurement methods may differ, absolute comparisons
back a bit to compensate for the fuller cannot be made. One can obtain good indications of how a unit stacks
information being presented to the up against another in the specifications department, however. And
Even so, the sound "feel" was im- having such information at hand in an easy -to -compare format will
pressive, clearly superior to the (very be an immense help when considering purchase of a component.
good) "ordinary" stereo of the front
speakers with the rear channels turned For more information on a product, a circled number under a manu-
off. The four -channel "stunts" were facturer's name directs you to the page on which his product is adver-
good, too-multiple brass choirs in the
Berlioz Requiem, at last spaced out at tised. Further information may be obtained bÿ checking the appro-
the four points of the compass as in- priate number on the reader service card appearing opposite page 114
tended, Mahler's children's choir sing- or by writing directly to the manufacturer. A directory of manufac-
ing behind us, away from the up -front turers' names and addresses starts on page 97 for the latter purpose.
main choir, just as Mahler directed. As
for pop -mood music, the sky is the
limit in four -channel surround and
never a thought of a concert hall. Mar- 29
velous effects here, too, though easily
ignored. Who listens to mood music? Preamplifiers 34
(But it's nice to be in the middle of it.) Tuners 36
So if you're gadget minded go get a
four -channel head for your four -track Receivers 38
recorder, rig up some extra preamps Phono Cartridges 46
(you can use the two in another ma-
chine), add amplifiers and speakers Manual Turntables and Tone Arms 48
galore, and go to town with Vanguard's Automatic Turntables 52
open -reel four-track SURROUND STEREO, Loudspeaker Systems 54
due for release just about now.
Whether it's Mahler, Berlioz, Joan Open -Reel Tape Recorders 66
Baez or something called The Amaz- Cassette and Cartridge Tape Machines 72
ing Electronic Sound of Jean Jacques 76
Perrey, strictly salon, you won't regret Video Tape Recorders
the sonic experience. All good, all very Modular Systems 78
significant. Microphones 82
Editor's Note: A 4 -channel stereo Headphones 88
broadcasting technique will be demon- 92
strated at Tanglewood, Lenox, Mass., Miscellaneous
in mid -August. Directory of Manufacturers 97
Acoustic Research!`
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(Circled numbers 4: \V °D D e e D D Q D` 7` y
indicate adv. page)
v ó 0°
2°3 e 0q Jt 4, r. ó° ,Z° ° 14 SPECIAL FEATURES
eke ,<1' ? .Lr1
4. o e'er QZ Qom°°
ACOUSTECH VA I00* 50 0.45 0.1 0.45 0.1 20-20K 3-125K 75 3 100, - 0.4V 4-16 100 15 x 10 25 399.00 *4 ohms; oversize transformers; computer
+3 x 5 grade capacitors.
B XII 100* 50 0.45 0.1 0.45 0.1 20-20K 3-I25K 90 - - - 1.2V 416 100 15 x 10 22 159.50K *4 ohms power amp kit - Add P451 module
+3 x 5 for integ. amp.
ACOUSTIC A 50 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 14-44K 20-20K 75 2-5 100 - 0.2 40 1596 x 10 19 250.00 *at 4 ohms opt. wood case, $15.00; opt.
RESEARCH AU 60* ±I adj. x spkr. cables, $6.00.
UNIV. Same as above except or 100, 120, 220, 240 V, 50-60 Hz. 250.00
995 100 60 0.8 0.2 0.5 0.6 35-50K 20-80K 65 2.5 - - 4-16 30 16 x 13/ 30 199.95 IC's; tape monitor.
13 ±1 x 51/2
BOGEN TA 150 25 15 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.3 20-20K 15-50K 75 2.5 40 - 4i9 12 141/2 x 10 11 119.95 Opt. wal. encl.
±2 x 3'/
C -M LABS CC50S 50 <0.5 10-30K 5-60K 70 3-5 90 6-30 0.25 4-16 >200 17 x 13 Pushbutton source selection; hi and lo
40 435.00
±3 adj. adj. x 6 filters; loudness contr. switchable.
B 35D 35 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 1-100K 70 - - - 1.0 >200 10`/x121/4 25 285.00
±3 x6`/,
CROWN B D-40 80* 30 0.05 0.05 0.25 0.12 5-50K 5-100K 115 - - - 0.68 4-16 400 19 x 736 81% 199.00 *4 ohms. Four regulated power supplies.
±0.5 x 11
B DC 300 400* 150 0.03 0.008 0.05 0.02 0-20K 0-100K 115 1.75 4-16 - 400 19 x 91 40 685.00 *4 ohms. True direct -coupled (DC) design;
X1.5 x 7 1 KW power supply; electronic protection.
DYNACO SCA-80 50 40 <0.5 <0.2 <0.5 <0.1 6-50K 15-50K 80 3 80 - 0.13 8 >40 13 x 101/2 16 169.95K Essentially similar to the PAT -4 plus
±0.5 x 4 249.95W stereo 80; includes cover.
OB Stereo 120 60 60 <0.5 <0.2 <0.5 <0.1 5-50K 5-100K 95 - - - 1.5 8 >40 13 x 10/ 20 159.95K Modular constr.; fully reg. power supply,
±0.5 x 4 199.95W elec. protective circuits, inc. cover.
O 0 B Stereo 80 50 40 <0.5 <0.2 <0.5 <0.1 6-50K 15-50K
95 - 1.3 8 >40 13 x 9 x 4 13 119.95K
Similar to Stereo 120, but lacking reg. pwr.
supply; cur. limiting protect incl. cover.
T SCA-35 22.5 17.5 <1.0 <0.2 <1.0 <0.2 20-20K 20-20K 80 4 150 2.5 1.0 >10 x Provision for 3rd channel output; includes
8, 13 101/2 20 99.95K
±0.25 16 x 4 139.95W cover.
EICO B Cortina 50 40 <0.15 .08 <1 0.2 10-20K 10.30K 80 4.7 80 - 0.27 4, 8, 35 14'/, x 8y,* 17 225.00W Hi and Lo filters; headphone jack; main 'rem.
3150 ±1.5 16 x 3'/4 149.95K speaker switch.
Cortina 25 15 <0.8 <2 <1 5-100K 72 4.2 80 4, 8, 30 12 x 71/ 7/ 139.95W *at 4 ohms; Hi and Lo filters main/rem.
3070 35* 20* ±1.5 16 x 3'% 99.95 speaker switch; phone jack.
ELECTRO- EV 1244 321 18 1.0 20-20K 20-30K 70 3.0 - 0.25 4, 8, 8', x 1014 18 147.00 Function indicator lamps.
O 3%
±11/2 16 X
FISHER TX -1000 60* 50* 0.5 0.2 0.8 0.2 22-24K 20.40K 90 2.0, 40 1.8 0.2 4 >10 15%4x 121/2 24 329.95 *4 ohms.
±1.5 7.5 x 4%*
31 TX -50 28 20 0.5 0.2 1.0 0.3 25-25K 20-25K 85 2.5 45 - 0.22 8 >10 154 x 9 13/ 149.50
x 4'64
GROMMES 270A 321/2 25 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.1 20-20K 15-50K 75 2 70 - 0.15 4, 8, 40 131 e 11 189.50
±1 16 x 4'/,
HARMON- B Citation 60 0.2 .03 0.15 .02 5-40K 2-70K 100 1.5 4-16 45 249.95W Dual pwr. sup.; thermal and mechanical
KARDON Twelve A.5 199.95K circuit guards.
NOTES: (1) All models solid-state except when
Kenwood KA -2500
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HEATH AA -15 75 50 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 6-30K 8-40K 60 2.2 155 - 0.2 8 45 16% x 12% 21.5 169.95K Indiv. input level controls, main and remote
±1 x 43/e spkr. sws.; tone flat sw; phone jacks.
AA -218 50 35 0.5 1.0 13 25K 13-25K 45 3.0 2.0 0.25 8 15% x 14 25 139.95K Secondary controls under front panel;
±1 x 5% lighted panel.
AA -22 33 20 0.7 1.0 15-30K 15-30K 50 6.0 - 0.25 8 20 15% x I1', 14 99.95K Secondary controls behind hinged front
±1 x 3% panel; low silhouette.
AA -14 15 10 0.5 0.5 1.0 - 15-50K 12-60K 60 4.5 - 0.3 4-16 50 12 x 10% 8.5 64.95K Clutched vol. cont. tandem bass & treble.
±1 x 3 Edge -lighted panel; phone jack.
BBL SA 660 60 * 10-130K 10-130K 85 4.0 250 - 0.25 4-16 32 16%, x133% 26 435.00 *Too low to specify. Aural -null bal. sys.;
±1.5 x 5%, Dir-cpld "T" cct; phono sens. sw.
B SE 4005 40 * * 3-175K 3-175K 90 - - - 0.8 4-16 27 15% x 7% 22 300.00 *Too low to specify. Free-stding. energzr;
±1.5 x 4% plug-in brd. sets damping factor and freq.
resp. to match specific speakers used.
dvc B 5012 80 60 0.07 0.03 0.2 0.03 10-70K * ** - - - 1.0 8 80 19 x 13% 36 699.95 *With rumble filler
O 40-100K
+0, -1
115 x 6 **ASA
2 VU meters with
sensitivity selector.
KNIGHT- KG -865 25 17 1.0 0.25 1.0 0.7 20-20K 15-50K 60 5.0 45 - 0.4 50 13 x 10 10 69.95K Compl. sym. output.
® ±1.0 x 3%
® 24.5
KENWOOD KA -6000 85 58 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.1 20-50K 77 0.05 65 2.3 0.2 8 29 16%s o 249.95
±1 0.5, 2.0 11' x 5° ,:
KA -2500 22.5 20 0.8 0.2 0.8 0.2 15-30K 11-32K 70 2.0 65 2.5 0.2 8 25 11% x 9%, 13 119.95
±2 x4;
KA -2000 17.5 16 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4 20-30K 20-30K 70 2.0 65 0.13 8 20 1011% x 9'/a 10 89.95
±2 x 4'/,
LAFAYETTE LA-125TA 62.5 45 0.8 0.15 1.0 0.3 20-40K 20-20K 65 1.8, 35, - 0.27 4 25 13 x 9 13% 129.95 Automatic overload protection. Fused spkr.
3', outputs; mutt: pos. spkr. mode sw.
® ±1 7.0 110 x
LA -750 40 25 0.8 0.07 0.7 0.2 15-30K 20-20K 75 2.3 42 - 0.25 4 20 12 x 9% 12 79.95 As above.
±1 x 3'%a
LEAK Stereo 70 35 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3 25-47K 66 30 10 0.4 13 x 8% 13 299.00 Tape monitor.
x 4'%n
MARANTZ B 16 120 80 0.1 .005 0.1 .01 10-25K 10-80K 90 - - - - 8 150 15; x 8 30 395.00 Var. overld. drive; sep. pwr. sups.; x -over
19 ±3 x 5% notch elim.; massive heat sinks.
30 75 50 0.15 0.15 .02 10-25K 10-80K 90 1.0 120 1.0 - 8 100 15% x 11 30 325.00 As above; slide tone conts.; phone and
±3 x 533% dubbing jacks on front panel.
B 32 75 50 0.15 0.15 .01 10-25K 10-80K 90 - - - - 8 100 15', x 11 29 225.00 Var. overld. drive; massive heat sinks;
±3 x 5% x-over notch elim. sgl. pwr. sup.
MC INTOSH B MC -2105 105 0.25 0.25 20.33K 5-70K 90 - - - 0.5 4-16, 16'-, x 4% 65 649.00 Full rated power at all impedances.
16 -1-0,-3 25V x7
B MC -2100 105 0.25 0.25 20-29K 10-100K 90 - - - 0.5 4-16, 17 x 1133% 67 499.00 Same as above.
+0, -3 25V x 734
B MC -250 50 0.25 0.25 20-29K 10-100K 90 - - - 0.5 4-16, 17 x 1133% 40 379.00 Same as above.
+0, -3 25V x 734
MA -5100 45 0.25 0.25 20-20K 10-80K 75 2.0 100 2.0 0.5 4-16 16 x 14% 25 449.00 Same as above.
-0, -3 x 5%
UDIO magazine
is probably the world's
toughest critic of
audio equipment.
1 Address 1
1 NB - - - - ---r I
.1 71
(continued) .;.. 44::-.::: e _
Scott LK-60 B
Pioneer SA -900
Sony TA -1120A
Nikko TRM-50
NOTES: (1) All models solid-state except when
model number is preceded by (T)
Sansui AU -777 (2) Basic power amplifiers have model
number preceded by (B)
(3) "K" indicates kit price; "W"
indicates wired price
P 0 6 4
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NIKKO TRM-50 26 18 <0.3 0.6 0.3 20-30K 10-70K 75 2.8 0.3 4-16 25 13 x 91 11.4 119.95 All IC constr. except 1 transistor in power
±1.5 x 3% sect.
TRM-40 22 15 <1.0 2.0 0.5 50-15K 15-20K 60 1.8 0.2 12 x 9/ 10 99.95 Triple cd. brkr. protection.
±1 x 3%
PIONEER B SM -100 105 90 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 10-30K 5-100K 110 - - - - 4-16 1.5 161/2x 11% 31 375.00 Damping factor control; 5 and 20 Hz low cut
±1 100 x 6% filter.
O25 SA -900 100 84 0.3 0.1 0.7 0.2 20 50K 20-50K 95 3.1 60 1.8 0.18 4-16 67 15%,, x 27 259.95 Stepped tone controls: 20 dB muting level
SA-700 60 44 0.5 0.2 1.0 0.2 15.60K 20-40K 100 3.0 60 - 0.2 4-16 40 14°/,* x 17 199.95 As above.
±1 0.12 12'/x4%
SA -500 22 16 0.5 0.2 1.0 0.2 20-40K 20-50K 90 2.5 60 - 0.2 4-16 40 13 x 12%, 14 99.95
±1 x 4%
A 50 50 40 0.1 0.1 0.3 10-40K 20-20K 80 2.0 - 0.25 4-16 20 16% x 9% 18 359.00 Stepped tone controls.
±1 x61/4
SAE Mark II 60* <0.2 <.05 <0.2 <0.1 0.50K 3-100K >110 - - - 1.0 8-16 150 15 x 12 30 400.00 *100 + W @H2, mono. 120 + W @ 1612 mono.
+0, -2 x 4 Unconditionally stable with any or no load,
Itip incl. ESL's.
SANSUI AU 777 <0.5 <0.5 <0.8 <0.8 20-50K 20-100K 8-16 24 Step controls; inputs, outputs; ctr.
35 30 100 2.0 1.5 @ 17 x 13 x 6 27 279.95 7 4
±1 8 S2 chan. output.
AU 555 30 25 <0.5 <0.8 20-35K 20-80K >80 2.0 1.5 4-16 12&45 15 x 10% 171/2 159.95 As above, plus damping factor sel. sw.
15 ±1 @812 x4;
AU 222 23 18 <0.8 <0.8 20-20K 20-30K >80 2.0 1.5 4-16 >20 111 x 101/2 12% 119.95 NF ampl. circuitry; 6 inputs
±1 @801 x 4%
B BA 90 45 32 <0.3 <0.3 15-50K 15-100K >80 - - - 10&50 71/2 x 14% 1611 149.95 Damping factor sel. sw.; aural null bal. sw;
±1 @ 8 SI x 4% level adj; base ow; phone jack.
SCHOBER B TR -2 50 40 0.75 0.5 1.4 0.9 20-20K 20-20K 83 0.1 4, 8, 51/2 x 11% 14 74.50K Fan cooled; short-circuit protected.
ttt ±0.5 16 x71
SCOTT 260-B 65* 40 0.8 0.4 0.5 0.45 20-20K 10-26K 55 3, 5, 70, 90, - 0.5 8 20 14% x 12 16% 249.95 - *4 ohms.
Cover II ±1 9 155 x 4/,
O 299-F 32.5* 18 0.8 0.4 0.5 0.45 25-25K 15-25K
55 4, 8
70, 0.5 8 20 14% x 12%
x 4'/,
10% 179.95 *4 ohms.
LK-60B 60* 40 0.8 0.4 0.5 0.45 20-20K 10-26K 55 3, 5, 70, 90, 2.0 0.5 8 20 14% x 13% 16% 149.95K *4 ohms.
±1 9 155 x 4%,
SHERWOOD S-9500 b 40 30 0.35 0.15 0.6 0.3 15-25K 20-20K 75 1.6 250 - 0.2 4-16 25 14 x 1012 16 189.50 Front-panel -variable phono gain; main
x 4 remote spkr. sw.
( 33) ±0.5
SONY TA-1120A 60 50 .05 .01 0.2 .02 5-200K
+0, -2
110 1.2 100 1.2 0.15 360 15% o 12%
x 5%
24.3 449.50 Integ. amp; jacks bet.pre-amp and pwr. ampl.
B TA -3120A 60 50 .05 .01 0.2 .02 5-200K 110 1.0 360 1'/ x 1712 17.6 249.50 Stereo power amp.
+0, -2 x 534
TEAC AS-200U 60* 50 0.5* <0.5* <0.5 20-30K 20-80K 100 2.0 - 0.15 4-16 16'/,x 111/2 21 299.50 *4 -ohm load: bass and treble tone conts:
(40W) +0, -1 x 6 hi and lo filters; loudness contour.
discriminating people Only Sherwood, with almost two decades of precise engineer-
ing experience and dedication to quality can produce this
always choose top of the industry, SEL 200 FM receiver. It's designed for
receivers, tuners those who love the definitive instrumentation of natural concert
hall sound. The cleanest encompassing wall-to-wall sound with
and amplifiers power to spare regardless of the distance from FM transmission
or structural obstruction. The SEL 200 embodies every worth-
by Sherwood. while technical advancement ever developed with no com-
promise in quality, manufacturing or design. Regardless of
higher prices for comparable receivers nothing made can
surpass the superiority of Sherwood's SEL 200.
Some Specifications and Features of the SEL 200
AMPLIFIER Speaker +1 dB IHF R.M.S. Distortion
POWER Impedance Power Power Power
(in watts)
4 OHMS 275 225 85 + 85 0.2%
8 OHMS 175 140 60 + 60 0.2%
stereo stations,rejects all others So Conservatively
Main/Remote/Mono Speaker Switches
-controls 3 independent systems in
Priced at only $59900
Other Fine Receivers from $299.95 (Write for Catalog)
0 0 ID
r oo 00000
Dynaco PAT -4
J e
J eF oeD
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ACOUSTECH VI 2-1M 2 0.1 0.1 80 3.0 110 1.8 0.4 1M 15, 8 15 249.00 Stepped tone controls. Outputs to Acoustech X, electrostatic
43 5 speaker system.
C -M CC-1 2-100K 2 <0.25 80 1.5 150 2.0 0.2 15% x 12 10 315.00 Mixing ability; stepped tone conts;
±3 5 x 5/ blend cont; ctr chan. output.
CC -2 1-100K 2 <0.1 <0.1 80 3-8 9-250 0.1 121 x 9 10 225.00 As above; simplified controls
±3 Var Var x 4
CROWN OF MCC -300 1-100K 2 nom <.01 <.02 80 0.7-7.0 40-400 - 0.2. Source 19 x 11 18 495.00 Graphic -equalizer tone conts; precision vol. and loudness conts;
AMERICA ±0.5 20 max 120 Var Phono x 1 2 meters; ilium. p.b's; dual tape -monitor outputs.
Ìl 600
DYNACO PAT -4 10-100K 2 .03 .05 70* 4 80 2 0.2 400 13 x 8 10 89.95K Front panel in and out jacks, Dual audio outputs (one switched
±0.5 85 400 x 4 129.95W by front panel headphone jack). Incls. cover. Matches FM -3.
5 (T) PAS -3X 10-40K 2 <.05 .05 72* 2 200 1.5 0.2 1000 13 x 8 11 69.95K Blend control, 7-KHzfilter.
x 4 99.95W Incls. cover. Matches FM -3. *phono input, all models.
O (T) PAS -2X
72* 2 200 1.5 0.2 1000 13 x 8 11 59.95K Same as PAS-3x with different panel and knobs.
±0.5 85 x 4 99.95W
(T) PAM -1 10-40K 2 <.05 .05 72* 4 200 - 0.2 1000 12 x 6 7 34.95K Reqs. ext pwr. source, as from socket on Dyna tube ampls;
HARMAN Citation 2-200K 5 .02 .02 85 2.0 135 0.15 199.95K Audio equalizer sliding tone coots; defeat sw; low -Z phone
KARDON 11 40.5 249.95W jack; spkr. switching facility.
JBL SG 520 20-20K 3 * 90 2.0 110 1.0 0.15 40K 151 x 20 450.00 Aural Null bal. sys; linear controls; ilium. P.B. switches;
Graphic 40.25 ** ** ** 13 sec'dry controls behind hinged front panel. * Too low to
Controller 61/2 specify accurately. ** For 1.5-V output.
MARANTZ 7T 20-10K - <0.05 0.05 10 dB be- 0.7 mV - - - - 15',x8'4 9 395.00 8 inputs; mode ow; Bal.cont, tape mon/dubbing sw;
±0.5 low 1mV for x 5% 3 phono eq. curves, lo and hi cut sws; step tone conts;
19 45 input dubbing and phone jks. on front panel; scope output; adj tape eq.
1V out
MC INTOSH C 26 20-20K 2.5 <0.1 - 85 2.0 >100 2.0 0.5 200 16 x 13 18 349.00 * low level inputs.
+0, -0.5 14* x5'46
(T)16 C22 20-20K 2.5 <0.1 85 2.0 >100 2.0 0.5 2000 16 x 11 16 279.00
+ 0, -0.5 x 57/,6
C 24 20-20K 2.5 <0.1 - 75 2.0 >100 2.0 0.5 200 16 x 13 11 249.00 *with v.c. at zero.
0.04 0.08 100 1.2 0.08 150K 16%x11% 15 375.00 Stepped v.c., passive stepped tone coots.
PIONEE SC-100 5-50K 5.0 0.04 70
x 6%
(25) 65 ±1 1.5
MK. <.05 <0.1 85 2.5 0.25 16 x 101 18 500.00 Inputs for phono and mic; Output z-60051. Eq. contr. range
SCIENTIFIC I 10-100K 2.5
x 5 ±15 dB at 60, 120, 220, 320, Hz 2.5K, 5K, 10K, and 15 kHz.
SONY TA -2000 12-150K 1.0 .03 .05 90 1.2 100 1.2 0.120 - 15%x121) 19.4 329.50 2 VU meters, step tone conts.
.06 adj. x 5%
96 91
Electronic Kit Catalog
New 1970 Edition ...Over 300 Kits For Every Interest, Save Up To 50%
Deluxe Color TV . The sets
you've heard and read about that
give better performance yet cost
no more; six models: 295, 227, &
180 sq. in. rectangular; with or
without AFT; all with exclusive
built-in self-servicing aids for best
pictures always; custom, wall or
cabinet installation ; optional wire-
less remote controls. Also new
Heathkit antennas, towers, and de-
luxe 12" B & W portable TV.
Stereo/Hi-Fi Components
Transistor stereo receivers (includ- 23rd year of kit leadership
ing the world famous Heathkit
AR -15), amplifiers, tuners, speak-
ers, turntables, cartridges, fur-
Transistor Organs . Deluxe
19 -voice "Paramount" and low
cost 10 -voice Thomas models in
kit form with instant -play "Color-
Glo" keys save up to $500. Also
Percussion and Rhythm accesso-
Music Instrument Amplifiers
20, 25 & 120 watt amplifiers
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tortion boosters, headphone amps,
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Shortwave Radios ... Multi-
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Amateur Radio Equipment .
World's most complete line of SSB
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Citizen's Band Radio ... 5 -watt
fixed and mobile transceivers, kit
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Test and Lab Instruments .. A
Marantz 20
Dynaco FM -3
e D
jre 8 e*e
(Circled numbers
a ,tio D
D \e` `e `° ti .
A 4e ? k e ,ati` a Ae
4 e -* .
ACOUSTECH VIII 2.0 0.5 2 55 30-15K 35 20 1.0 Meter 15 x 10 14 349.00 Incls. stereo headphone ampi. see-thru dial
±1 x 5 panel, interstation muting.
VIII -K 2.0 0.5 2 55 30-15K 35 20 LO Meter 15 x 10 14 249.00K Kit of above. Stereo ampi. module can
30 40 22 1.0 Meter
x 5
13% x 9%
x 43/4
18 79.95
be added
FM -AM, 3
IF stages.
CROWN RADIO FM-500 2.5 0.7 4 30 1.4 15346x 10% 14.8 99.95
. x3"/w
DY NACO (T) FM -3 4 0.5 5 54 10-15K 63 30 17 1.0 Eye 70 13 x 8 13 99.95K Auto stereo switching; matches PAS3X
±0.5 and PAT 4; incls. cover.
13 x 8 12
Elco Cortina 2.4* <0.75 4.5 45 20-15K 40 40 Meter 60 12 x 73/4 7 139.95W *for 30 dB quieting.
3200 ±1 x 3% 99.95K
ELECTRO -VOICE EV 1256 2.5 1.0 2.5 30-15K 30 1.5 Meter 60 8% x 10% 8 199.00 AM/FM with loopstick for AM;
+1 x 3% movable station markers; afc.
Cover IV
EV 1255 2.5 1.0 2.5 30-15K
±1 dB
30 1.5 Meter 60 8% x
10%4 8 164.00 Same as above, but FM only.
110 2 0.5 3 45 20-15K 45 35 20 0.6 Meter 65 13/ x 10 167.50 As above, but FM only.
±1 x 4%
HEATH AJ-15 1.8 0.5 1.5 20-15K 50 40 25 1.0 Meter 65 16% x 12% 111 (K)189.95 Xtal filters, IC's, FET's; all silicon,
±1 x 43/4 noise -operated FM squelch.
AJ-43D 2.0 1.0 3.0 20-15K 40 40 30 1.0 Meter 50 15 x 143/4 14% (K)114.95 Pre-built, pre-aligned front end; auto
±3 x 5% stereo switching, stereo phase control.
AJ-33A 3.0 1.0 3.0 20.15K 35 30 25 Meter 50 155/,x 11/ 12 (K) 99.95 Pre-built, pre -aligned front end and i.f.
±3 x 3% stages; AFC; stereo ind. light.
Ai -14 5.0 1.0 3.0 20-15K 40 30 - 50 12 x 93/4 4% (K) 54.95 Pre -built, pre-aligned front end; stereo/
-3+0 x 3% mono sw; stereo phase cont; stereo ind. light.
KLH 18 2 0.5 4 35 20-15K 50 35 20 0.8 Meter 55 9 x 5% 4 129.95 FET front end, 5 Irs, "0" -center tuning
±1dB x 4% meter, planetary tuning; includes cabinet.
KENWOOD KT -7000 1.5 0.3 1.3 60 20-15K 60 35 25 0.6 2 70 165/6 x11'/ 18 249.95 3 FET's; 4 IC's; 2crystal filters; signal strgth.
+0, Meters x 5%2 meter & FM zero-ctr.tuning mtr.; muting; noise
43 filter; 300 -ohm & 75 -ohm antenna terminais;
with AM.
KT -3500 1.9 0.6 2.5 45 20-15K 55 35 20 0.9 2 60 13 x 95/,6 10.8 119.95 FET's front-end; IC if stages; sig. strgth.
+0, -2 Meters x 4% meter & FM zero-ctr. tuning mtr.; muting; noise
filter; with AM.
KT -1000 3.0 0.6 4 35 20-15K 50 30 18 0.9 Meter 60 10% x 9% 8.5 89.95 FET's front-end; auto stereo/mono switching;
+0, -2 x 4% stereo light ind.; noise filter; with AM.
KNIGHT -KIT KG -796. 2.5 <1.0 10 45 30-15K 30 30 15 1.5 Meter 50 13 x 10 7 69.95K FM -AM.
McIntosh MR -73
Scott 330-T
Pioneer TX -900
Sony ST -5000F
a0 a0 a
é ti ti ti
j 00 m as O c` c ,yoo
(Circled numbers
adv. page)
inQ °y
0° '
LAFAYETTE LT -425 1.6 0.4 1.5 40 50-15K 50 40 24 0.7 Dual 68 13 x 9'/ 9 109.95 AM/FM, 2 FET's; 4 IC's; built-in ants; sig.
MARANTZ 20 2.8 45 35 Oscillo- 15'/6 x 14'/6 21 495.00 Built-in scope; inter -sta. muting; bal. bridge hot -
19 scope x 6'/6 carrier mixer; four limiters; 12-pole phase -linear
i.f. filters.
45 23 2.4 0.3 2.5 20 Hz- 40 0.5 2 65 15'/6 x 12%2 16 250.00 Ctr.-chan. & sig. str/multipath mtrs.; inter -sta,
15 kHz Meters x 55/6 muting; 4 IC's; 4 FET's in tuner, 2 in phono
±1 preamp sect.; incls. AM.
24 2.4 0.3 2.5 20-15K 40 0.5 2 65 14% x 12% 19 325.00 As above, but incls. complete pre amp-spkr. sel.
+1 Meters x 55/6 sw; loudness contr.; phone jack; hi & lo filters;
2 sets phone inputs; tape monitor.
MC INTOSH MR -73 2.5 <0.3 1.5 20-20K X35 0.7 2 >70 16 x 13 25 549.00 Xtal i.f.'s; 2 IC's; multipath ind; 2 meters-sig.
16 ±0.5 Meters x 5'/,6 str. and ctr. chan. incls. AM.
(T) MR -71 2.5 <0.5 1.5 20-20K )30 2 >70 16 x 13 27 399.00
g1.5 Meters x 5'/,6
NIKKO FAM-14 1.8 0.5 2.5 15-15K 45 40 60 13 x 9% 8.8 139.95 Incls. AM; FET's in both front ends, and in FM
CD+1 x 33/a i.f.; ceramic i.f. filter; headphone ampi.
FAM-12 1.8 40 12 x 10 7.5 109.95 FET front ends.
x3% .
1.7 0.3 1.5 65 20-15K 38 1.0 Meter 60 15"/,6x 18 239.95 X'tal filters. 4 IC's, 3 FET's. FM/AM ;wating
±2 14 x 5'h and output level controls.
16% x 9%
x 6%
18 469.00 Delay line demodulator, bandwidth
multipath indicator.
5 MHz,
SCOTT 312 D 1.7 0.6 2.5 60 50-15K 55 35 25 0.8 Meter 65 143/4 x 12% 11'/6 249.95
Cover II ±1 x 4'
330-T 1.9 0.6 2.5 40 50-15K 50 35 25 0.8 Meter 65 15% x 11% 11 199.95
O 1
50-50K Meter
55 35 25 0.8 65 14j/v x 12'/2 149.95K
+1 x 4'%
1 1 1 1 1 1e 4i w e 4
Harman Kardon
Nocturne 330
Altec 711B
Fisher 500-TX
r~ N 4 0
es r a è
, r
u d'
'r ,'K
er $F
':'4s,° ` s
is .140 + ,A
(Circled numbers .j @°
P dé
. +
ndicate ativ. page) Q
4Q' é áf VC
<0.5 15-25K 15-30 K 88 2.5 25 1.9 2.5 0.3 35 Meter 16'/,x12 32 378.00 Two)C'sinIF strip, FET Tuner
ALTEC 711B 50 30 0.8 0.8
x5, FM muting automatic switching
and indicator for FM stereo
39 91
2 2.5 3 0.5 0.5 32 Meter 17% x 5% 23 299.95 Push button selection for
ADC 1000 50 30 0.3 0.2 10-25K 10-60K 65
x 11 5 stations 100 -watt output
98 FET front end.
2.0 0.5 0.5 32 Meter 17 x 5 x 9 19 224.50 True hook shelf depth; FET
606A 45 25 0.3 0.4 10-25K 10-60K 80 3 3
t1 front end
19 249.95 Ceramic IF filters, IC's, FET
25 15 0.5 0.7 0.35 20-20K 20-35K 80 2.5 50 2.7 1.9 0.3 0.4 35 Meter 60 16' x 4%
BOGEN BR 320 front end, stile controls, opt
x 14
02 wat. encl.
30 0.5 0.7 0.35 20-20K 20-35K 83 3 60 2.7 1.9 0.3 0.4 35 Meter 60 16. 4/ x 19 279.95 As above.
BR 340 40
32 x 14
20-30K 80 2.5 40 2.5 2.5 0.7 0.8 35 Meter 55 161 x 41/2 18 249.95 Varactor tuner, auto tuning,
DB 240 22.5 18 0.6 0.8 0.4 20-20K
±2 7.0 120 0 11% Rem. cont accessory. Ceramic
IF filters, IC's FET front end.
EICO Cortina 25 15 1 2 0.6 10-40K 10-50K 70 4.5 80 4.0 4.5 1.5 40 Meter 16 e 9 14 279.95W "át 4 ohms; ""30 dB quieting;
31 o 4% 189.95K inc Is. AM.
3770 35' 20"
Cortina 25 15 <0.8 <2 <1 10-40K 5-100K 72 4.5 80 2.4"" 4.5 1.5 40 Meter 16x9 14 259.95 "at4ohms; ""30 dB quieting.
±1.5 o 4% 169.95
3570 35" 20"
10-55K 80 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.5 35 Meter 60 19 444.00 10 sta presets; varactor-tuned;
ELECTRO EV-1482 100 60 0,5 10-40K
VOICE ±1 muting Xtal filters; indls. AM
75 2.5 140 2.5 3.0 0.8 32 Meter 40 18 e 17 23 333.00 Dual conts; muting; main -rem
Cover IV EV-1382 60 40 0.8 10-40K 10-55K
01 x5; spkr SW inc)s. AM.
OEV-1277 32,1 18 1.0 20-20K 20-30K 70 3.0 2.5 2.5 1.0 1.5 30 Meter 8% e 10% 16 280.00 EV-1278 - Samewith A81,315.00
31.5 e 8%
19 0.8 20-20K 20-20K 70 3.0 2.2 2.0 0.8 25 Meter 141 x 1012 15 233.00 Inds. AM. EV-1181, same
EV-1182 25
±1.5 x 31/2 w/0AM 210.00
0.15 8-35K 20.25K 90 2.5 45 1.7 1.5 0.4 0.4 38 Meter 70 16;x14/ 30 449.95 Electronictuningtune -o-matic
FISHER 500 TX 75 65 0.5 0.8
±1.5 10 150 x 4' 1. p.b. tuning Xtal 8 Ceramic
31 filters dual -gate MOSFET' s
20-20K 90 2.5 45 2.0 2.5 0.5 0.5 38 Meter 45 15% x 14% 25 349.95 Tune-o-matic p.b. tuning
400-T 60 55 0.5 0.8 0.15 10-30K
±2 7.5 135 x4:
90 2.5 45 2.0 2.8 0.5 0.5 38 Meter 45 15% x 12% 19 299.95 As shove
250-T 40 30 0.5 1.0 0.2 15-25K 20-20K
±2 7.5 135 x4.
0.5 1.0 0.2 25-20K 20-20K 85 2.5 45 2.0 2.8 0.6 0.6 35 Meter 45 151 x 12% 18 249.95 2-FET front end; IC FU i.f.
175.T 28 20
32 7.5 135 x 4',
7-50K 90 110 2:7 4.0 0.8 30 Meter 50 13 a 15%. 20 199.95 Illuminated function indicator
HARMAN_ Nocturne 35 30 0.8 0.5 0.1 15-35K
NARDDN ±1.5 x 4% lies. AM section-
115 L8 3.0 0.5 35 Meter 85 12 x 16% 25 299,95 Illuminated function indicator
CI 41 Nocturne ' 55 43 0.5 0.4 .08 10-40K 5-60K 90
x4% lights. Crystal filters.IC's
820 ±1.0
The new Bolero's exclusive fret- a new compression -driven cast speakers, too. The Madera and
work grille is a beautiful cover- aluminum horn takes over. It's a the Corona. They're top -value,
up for the finest bookshelf combination that assures smooth, full range systems that sell for as
speaker system you can buy. resonant -free response to beyond low as $85.50.
Inside there's a new low -res- audibility. To compensate for The Bolero, Madera and Corona
onance 10" woofer with an over- room acoustics, there's a three - add up to the newest full line of
grown 101/2 lb. magnetic structure position shelving control on the bookshelf speaker systems on the
and a 3" voice coil. It's designed back of the enclosure. market today. See and hear them
for high power handling and Talk about the enclosure. It all at your Altec dealers. You'll
improved transient response. The features a design so distinctive discover the Bolero has a lot
woofer is backed up by a 10" it's really the first new look in more going for it than just a
phase inverter to improve low bookshelf speakers to come pretty face.
frequency performance (you'll along. Besides its classic grille - For a free catalog describing
feel the power of a bass drum or work, the Bolero is finished in our complete line of speaker sys-
organ pedal notes as well as hear choice walnut veneer, then hand - tems, write Altec Lansing, 1515
them) . rubbed to a deep enduring lustre. South Manchester Avenue, Ana-
For frequencies above 2000 Hz, We make two other bookshelf heim, California 92803.
AUDIO SEPTEMBER 1969 Check No. 39 on Reader Service Card 39
The new Nocturne
Eight Twenty solid state
receiver has 140 Watts of power
and perhaps the most sophisticated FM
stereo tuner ever built.
But it doesn't have an AM radio.
At $299.95, we had to make a choice. So we of all har-
made the one we thought you would make. We monics without
traded the AM radio for an inordinate amount phase and transient
of performance. For instance, the Eight Twenty distortion. The output stage uses a
has enough guts to drive four speaker systems quasi -complimentary symmetry design
flawlessly, without the slightest sign of strain. which insures accurate balance and sym-
The amplifier is unlike any power output stage metry at the clipping points. A high degree of
found in conventional stereo receivers. It em- feedback is used to keep distortion down and
ploys wideband silicon transistors and a stability high. Harmonic distortion products
heavy duty power supply which extends the are kept below 0.5°%° at full output across the
amplifier's response to below 5Hz and above audio spectrum of 20-20,000Hz. This insures
60,000Hz. This results in flawless reproduction unusually smooth and transparent sound.
Newly de-
signed integrated
circuits and crystal filters
in the I.F. strip make FM tuning as
precise as switching the channel selector of
a television set. The tuner accepts only the
station to which it is tuned, regardless of -how
close an alternate or adjacent station may be.
An FET front end coupled with a four ganged
tuning capacitor assures unprecedented sen- For more information, write: Harman-Kardon,
sitivity and selectivity. Crossmodulation has Inc., Dept. A-9 , 55 Ames Court, Plainview,
been reduced to the vanishing point. N.Y. 11803.
The new Harman-Kardon Nocturne Eight
Twenty doesn't have an AM radio. But it has
everything else you could possibly want in a
harman kard©n
A subsidiary o Jervis Corpoahan
receiver. And at an amazingly low price. Hear
it soon at your Harman-Kardon dealer. 140 Watts, ± 1 db; 110 Watts, IHF
Check No. 40 on Reader Service Card
Kenwood TK -140X
Heath AR -17
.4 t'il n C) © 0 Nikko STA -501
4Y 0 .1 ti
s é
i O
r ' C
, ?
, cZ
' ÿ`p N
p L RQ
iCncletl numbers
i i
4i !r 09 V aTC`, Q
intlicale ativ one Q Q E .., 2 F y SPECIAL FEATURES
ai A e e d° (., ar Ar 5 tip` ? a
HEATH AR -15 75 50 0.5 0.5 0.2 6-30K 8-40K 60 2.2 155 1.8 1.5 0.5 1.0 40 2 16; o 1454 27 339.95K FET's; IC i.fs, loudness and
«1 Meters o 454 speaker sws.
AR-13A 33 20 0.7 1.0 - 20-20K 15-30K 50 6.0 2:0 3.0 1.0 30 Meters 17 x 16 0 24 189.95K Separate AM and FM tuning
±1 514 conts.
AR -14 15 10 1.0 1.0 - 15-50K 12-60K 60 4.5 5.0 3.0 1.0 30 1514 X 12 14 114.95K a.f.c., phone jack, stereo indica -
±1 o 3', tor, stereo phase adj.
1.5 25
0.5 0.8
>35 Meter 50
12 x
2034 x 164
10; 7 69.95K
36.0 449.95
Gomel. sym. output; stereo
phase adj.
KENWOOD TY.-140X 100 M 460
@ 412 0.5 0.5 0.2 15-30K 20.30K
75 2.0 65 1.7 1.0 0.5 0.8 35 Meter 45 1654 012134
28.5 349.95
KR -100 70 0 462 50 0 411 0.5 0.5 0.2 18-30K 20.306 70 2.5 65 1.8 2.5 0.5 0.8 35 Meter 45 164 x 124 23.5 299.95
550841 40 8 861 ±1.5 x 5334
KR -77 37.5 @ 413 33 @ 412 0.5 0.5 0.2 20-30K 20.30K 70 2.0 65 1.9 2.5 0.8 1.0 35 Meter 45 1614 o 12% 23.0 239.95 KR -70, same w/o AM, 199.95
2808E 240862 t1.5 x554
KNIGHT- KG -988 40 25 LO 0.3 0.7 20-20K 15.50K 65 2.5 45 3 3.5 1.0 1.5 30 Meter 45 1754 x 14 21 179.95K FM -AM, IC's, FET, complemeo-
KIT 13 x 534 Lary -symmetry amp. des.
LAFAYETTE LR -1500T 87.5 70 0.8 1 0.15 1240K 20-20K 75 1.8, 4.5 30, 75, 1.5 1.25 0.25 0.6 42 Meter 50 1634 x 1434 30 299.95 AM/FM, 2 FET'S,41C's Auto-
«0.75 12 200 o5 overload protection main rem.
111) spkr. sw.
MARANTZ 18 ' 40 40 0.2 0.2 10.30K 20-20K 80 1 For 0.2 45 Oscillos- 184 x 16 46 695.00 Built-in scope; front -panel
MAX. max. 406 scope x6 phone jack, 2 dubbing jacks.
22 60 40 <0.3 .3 20-15K 1.5 - 2.4 2.5 .3 .5 40
2 16; x 14 30 425.00 Ctr. chan and sig. str/multi-
path meter, front panel dubbing
O «1 Meters x 5 jacks
MARTEL 330 30 17 .3 30.17K 25-20K 67 2 2.5 2.5 1.0 1.5 35 Meter 15',o 11 13.5 179.95 Luodoess control noise filter
t1.5 x 4
MCINTOS 1700 40 0.25 0.25 20-20K 10-80K 15 2.4 150 2.5 <2 0.25 30 Meter 16 o 15 34 599.00 Ctr-chan mtr, spkr sw; head-
30, -3 o51á phone jack.
MIKADO 2425 30 15 0.5 l -32K 1-32K 70 3 2 2.5 38 Meter 50 1634 x 12 20 189.95 Very low distortion entire
x 414 bandwidth.
2420 20 10 1% 20-20K 60 6 3.5 5 25 Meter 15 0 11 13 129.95
o 454
NIKKO STA-101B 35 25 <0.8 1.0 0.4 29-20K 15-50K 65 2.8 70 1.8 2.0 0.8 1.0 38 Meter 45 15% x 12% 17.7 239.95 2 FETs 3 IC's
t1 z41á
CD STA-501 25 18 0.8 1.0 0.4 20-20K 15-50K 65 2.8 65 1.8 2.0 0.8 1.0 38 Meter 45 15334 x 124 17.7 189.95 2 FETs
±1 x 4134 1 IC
STA -301 15 12 0.8 1.0 0.4 30.20K 20-50K 65 2.8 70 2.5 3.0 0.8 1.0 32 Meter 43 141/ x 1234 14 159.95 I FET
±1 x414 2 IC's
NORDMENDE 8001ST 32 0.5 0.1 15-35K 30-20K 65 4 2.5 2.5 0.6 0.8 30 Meter 60 1954 x 15 264 429.95 Incls. metal cover and ebony
±2 x6 side panels. lo and hi filter sws
Men ycu pic from the KENWOOD Tree you are the market today, with "entras- that set ea3h
sure to pick the finest. And KENWOZD's new model apat from the competition and give
stereo receivers certainly prove the pint! Which- evei the least expensive unit a mark of luxury.
ever ore you choose, you will be gett ng top per- Throughcut the world the KENWOOD T-ee stands
fcrrrance, top quality, and top value. That is be- as a symbcl of quality deperdability and fine
cause KENWOCD brings you the most carefu ly stereo take your p-ck-aid
engineered hand-crafted stereo compoients on pick the finest!
Reel. .:® _- ,
(1) n n
(R-77 ... FET, C Solid Sta e. FM 'AM. 75 -Watt ....$239.95
TK-140X..rET, IC, S::lid State, FM/AM, 200 -Watt $349.95
3700 S. Broadway P,., Los Angeles, Calif. 90007 69 41 Calamus Ave., Woodside, N. Y. 11377 - Exclusive Canadian Distr. - Perfect Mfg. & Sup¡Slies Corp. Ltd.
Check No. 43 on Reader Service Card
(continued) Sansui 5000
Pioneer SX770
ees 111111110w Studio PRO 120
Sherwood S 7800a
Al Ó D
` $' r¡ do .,
ICiicleO numDns
t° j' ! dD
° . P
y' 4.
inOicate anv pages
y^ AY
PANASONIC SA -4000 80 60 0.1 0.2 20.30K 20-50K 90 3 1.5 1.0 0.15 45 60 20',, x 46 990.00
±3 -
SA-60 25 22.5 0.8 1.0 20-50K 30-60K 75 3.5 2.2 2.5 0.6 35 45 190,x 14 25 279.95 Inds AM
±3 x 5%
PIONEER SX-1500TD 90 70 0.5 03 0.2 15-40K 20-70K 60 3.3 60 1.7 0.7 0.7 1.0 42 Meter 40 18% o 14M 26 - FM/AM FET's IC's Mic. Jade
:1 e 5",, speaker sw. 2 meters.
SX-990 65 35 0.5 0.7 0.2 15-40K 20-70K 62 3.3 60 1.7 2 0.7 1.0 42 Meter 35 18'/x 14% 26 299.95 FM/AM FET. IC's Mic. Jack
65 xl e 5/ 2 Meters.
SX-770 35 20 0.8 1.0 0.2 15-35K 20-40K 70 2.5 60 1.8 2 0.7 1.0 40 Meter 35 16"/,,, x13% 25 249.95 FM/AM FET. IC's Mic. Jack
x3 x 15 ;.
SX-440 20 15 1.0 1.0 0.2 30-20K 20-70K 50 3.0 60 2.5 2.5 0.7 10 35 Meter 35 15';, x 15 22 189.95 FM/AM FET IC's
:3 e5'
SANSUI 5000 90 75 <0.8 <0.0 15-30K 10-50 >65 2.5 1.8 1.5 <0.5 >35 Dual >50 171 x14% 29 449.95 Switchable d.f.; noise canceler,
14 ±1 Meter x 4', short -free spkr. coons.; black
window des; spkr. sw.
800 35 28 <0.8 <0.8 20-40K 15-40K >50 2.2 2.8 3 - <1.0 >35 Meter 15% e 13 23 259.95 As above
±1.5 x 491
350 23 18 <1.0 <1.0 30-20K 20-30K >50 2.2 3 <1D >35 Meter 1514 x 13 1954 199.95 Sane as atone
oldb x491
SCOTT 3800 85 43 0.8 0.7 0.6 10-25K 10-25K 65 3,6 38,64 1.9 2.5 0.6 0.8 35 Meter 40 18% x 1491 25 449.95 4 Ohms
±1 e 5%
Cover II
386 67.5 35 0.8 0.7 0.6 10-25K 10-25K 65 3,6 38,64 1.9 2.5 0.6 0.8 35 Meter 40 171 e 15% 17 349.95 4 Ohms
Oj ±1 e 91/4
342C 45 25 0.8 0.7 0.6 14-25K 14-25K 60 4 42 1.9 2.5 0.6 0.8 35 Meter 40 15% x 111 16 269.95 *4 Ohms
±1 x 5
341 27.5* 15 0.8 1.0 0.5 25-20K 15-25K 60 4 70 2.5 2.5 0.6 0.8 30 Meter 36 143áx 134 15 199.95 4 Ohms
x1 x 4%
SHERWOOD SEL 200 140* 60 0.2 0.3 0.1 8-30K 20-20K -90 1.5, 120 LS 1.1 0.15 0.3 45 2 70 19 , x 14 35 599.00 4 ohms. *8 ohms.
225** 85 :91 dB 3,6 e6Sí Toroidal FM i.f. filter. Field
33 Strength and zero ctr. mfrs.
57800a 80 60 0.35 0.6 0.15 12.30K 20-20K 80 1.6 120 1.8 2.0 0.15 0.3 40 Zero centi 55 16M x 14 27 439.50 Var. phono sens. sw;
±1 meter x4M Main-ran spkr. sw.
5.8800a 80 60 0.35 0.6 0.15 12.30K 20-20K 80 1.6 120 13 2.0 0.15 03 40 Zero centi 55 161 x 14 27 399.50 As above
±1 meter x 4Sí
S -7600a 50 35 0.35 0.6 0.15 15-25K 20-20K 80 1,4, 120 1.8 2.0 0.15 0.3 40 Zero centi 55 161 o 12 22 359.60 Inds. AM; main -rem spkr. sw.
xl 3,6 meter x 4%
S-8600a 50 35 0.35 0.6 0.15 15-25K 20-20K 80 1.4, 120 1.8 2.0 0.15 0.3 40 Zero centi 55 16M x 12 22 319.50 Inds. AM; main -rem spkr. sw.
±1 3,6 meter x 4%
SONY STR-6120 75 60 0.2 .0.3 .05 15-20K 90 1.5 1.8 1.5 0.2 0.35 40 2 100 19 x 15', 34 699.50
*0,-3 Meters x 5"/,.
STR 6060 55 45 0.2 0.2 0.15 20-60K 90 2.1 2.2 2 0.3 0.5 40 Meter 80 17;o 13"/, 29 399.50 Irreis. AM
91 *0,-3 x 5"/,
STR-6050 35 30 02 0.4 0.2 30-50K 90 2.5 2.6 2 0.4 0.5 40 Meter 70 17%, x 13; 20 279.95 Inds. AM
*0,-3 x 5"/
STR-6040 16 15 0.5 0.5 0.2 30-50K 90 2.5 2.6 2 0.4 0.5 40 Meter 70 153áx 12% 16 199.95 Inds. AM
*0,-3 x 5%
STANDARD SR -606S 50 30 0.S 0.7 0.7 30-30K 20-100K 70 3.0 3.0 3 0.3 0.8 35 Meter 40 11 x 12 18 299.95 Attenuator controls; piano keys
x3 x 4%1 for funct; auto stereo switching.
U VERSITY STUDIO 60 30 0.8 <0.5 <1.0 10-40K 10-40K 80 3 2.3 <10 40 Meter 55 In x 12 17 399.50 At 4 Ohms; fully automatic
101 PRO.120 *0,-3 x 491 logic ccl.
you have If
$695 to spend on a
stereo receiver,
here's the one to
spend it on.
Let's not kid around. At 695 bucks plus tax, a Marantz The Marantz Model 18 is the only stereo receiver in the
Model 18 Stereophonic FM Receiver isn't for everyone. world with a Butterworth filter. Let alone four of them.
But, if you'd like to own the best solid-state stereo- The result: Marantz IF stages never need realigning.
phonic receiver made anywhere in the world, this is it. Marantz station selectivity is superior so strong stations
Here are just a few of the reasons why. don't crowd out adjacent weaker stations. And stereo
The Marantz Model 18 is the only receiver in the world separation is so outstanding that for the first time you
that contains its own built-in oscilloscope. That means can enjoy true concert -hall realism at home. Moreover,
you can tell a lot more about the distortion is virtually non-existent.
signal a station is putting out But there is much more that
besides its strength or whether or goes into making a Marantz a
not it's stereo. Like if they're try- Marantz. That's why your local
ing to put one over on you by franchised Marantz dealer will
broadcasting a monaural be pleased to furnish you with
recording in stereo. Or causing complete details together with
distortion by overmodulating. a demonstration. Then let your
(It's nice to know it's their fault.) ears make up your mind.
Ortofon SL -15
ADC -25
Empire 999VE
Stylus type
C - Conical
a y
E - Elliptical
aA* osa fia^ yd° Qm° ° ..
adv. page) 4 ti ti J\°
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ADC ADC -25 10-24K 30 30 0.73 %2-1/4 47K E 0.3 x 0.7 User 7 100.00 Furnished with 3 styli to accommodate all groove types.
0.30.6 x0 9
98 c
ADC -26 10-24K 30 30 0.73 %2-1'/4 47K E 0 3 x 0 9 User 7 80.00 Single stylus; additional types available.
ADC -27 10-22K 30 30 0.73 '/2-P'/2 47K E 0 3 x 0.7 User 7 70.00 Similar to above but styli not interchangeable.
10E, MK II 10-20K 30 20 0.73 1/2-P/2 47K E 0.3 x 0.7 User 7 59 50 Induced magnet design as in above types.
ELAC 444 E 10-24K 26 17 1.0 .075 47K E 0.2 x 0.9 User 6 5 69.50
EMPIRE 1000 ZE 4-40K 35 >20 1.0 '/4-1'/4 47K E 0.2 x 0.7 User 7 99.95
999 VE 6-35K 35 >20 1.0 1/2-1/2 47K E 0.2 x 0.7 User 7 74.95
888 E 10-30K 30 >20 1.0 3/4-3 47K E 0.4 x 0.9 User 7 39.95
808 15-25K 30 >20 1.0 1-5 47K C 0.4 x 0.9 User 7 19.95
GOLDRING 800 20-20K 32 22 0.8 '/2-1% 47K E .3 x .7 User 8 69,50 Duo -pivoting stylus for low tracking force in high -Duality arms.
Super E
G 800 E 20-16K 30 20 1 3/4-11/2 47K E .3 x .7 User 8 49.95 "True transduction" principle - wide dynamic range, flat mid
ORTOFON S-15 M/T 20-20K 30 25 0.6 1-2 47K E 0,3 x 0.7 Fty 31 85.00 Factory mounted for use in Ortofon tone arms.
Stanton 681EE
am Stylus type
h C - Conical
0 a,`Q
h `° È E - Elliptical
MANUFACTURER cÿ ti- ó ,vá
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PICKERING XV15/ 10-25K 35 25 0.8 '/2-1 47K E 0.2 x 0.9 User 51/2 60.00 High-performance cart. for use with manual or high -quality
750E auto TT.
XV15/ 10-25K 35 25 1.0 3/4-11/2 47K E 0.3 x 0.9 User 51/2 49.95 High-performance cart. for use with auto -manual TT's.
400 E
XV15/ 10-25K 35 20 1.4 2-4 47K E 0.4 x 0.9 User 5%2 44.95 Designed for use with auto-TT's and higher tracking forces.
200 E
V15AT3 10-23K 32 22 1.4 2-5 47K C 0.7 User 5 29.95 Basic automatic TT cartridge noted for broad application.
SHURE V-15 20-25K 25+ 0.7 47K E 0.2 x 0,7 User Analog -computer-designed for finest -quality TT's.
3/4-11/2 6 8 67.50
Type II
M91E 20-20K 25+ 1.0 3/4-1/2 47K E 0.2 x 0.7 User 5 49.95 New series of high-trackability cartridges for good turntables.
M92G 20-20K 25+ 1.0 3/4-1%2 47K C 0.7 User 5 39.95 As above, with conical stylus.
M93E 20.20K 25+ 1.2 11/2-3 47K E 0.4 x 0.7 User 5 39.95 As above.
M75E 20-20K 25+ 1.2 3/4-1%2 47K E 0.4 x 0.7 User 6 34.95 Lowest cost high-trackability cartridge for upgrading older
M-75-6 20-20K 25+ 1.2 11/2-3 47K C 0.7 User 6 24.50 As above, conical stylus
STANTON 681EE 10-20K 35 25 0.7 3/-1.5 47K E 0.2 x 0.9 User 5.5 60.00
Cover III 681A 10-20K 35 25 0.9 1-3 47K C 0.7 User 5.5 55.00 Professional tool designed for calibration of recording channels.
Each cartridge supplied with a calibration chart.
681SE 10-20K 35 25 1.1 2-5 47K E 0.4 x 0.9 User 5.5 55.00
500E 20-20K 35 3 0.8 2-5 47K E 0.4 x 0.9 User 5.0 35.00
500AA 20-20K 35 25 0.8 3/-3
47K C 0.5 User 5.0 30.00
500A 20-20K 35 25 0.8 2-5 47K C 0.7 User 5.0 25.00 Bdcst-std. cart.; complete select. of replaceable styli in concl.
0.5, 0.7, 1., 2.7 mil & elptcal. 0.2 x 0.9 & 0.4 x 0.9 mil.
Empire 598
Ortofon RS -212
ee .
fi e N I, ce
, //'/
(Circled numbers
ndicate adv. yaw
`d 4,
a yea a ;ç` D` ` %
ACOUSTIC XA B 0.5 -38 24-P 11% 3.3 belt integ. 16% x 131e - 12 9 cone ball counter 0.35/ 10.15 0.5- - 78.00 All models include: stylus -force
RESEARCH sync 12% x point sleeve balance 8.0 and overhang gauges, base, cover,
5% oil.
TA C 0.5 -38 24-P 11% 3.3 belt integ. 16% x 1344 - 12 9 cone ball counter 0.35/ 10-15 0.5- - 75.00 Same as above.
BOGEN B62 AF 0.2 4-P 12 7% idler integ. 15 x13 23 - - - - - - - - - - - 67.95 Integral tone arm
ind. x 314
EMPIRE 598 A <.05 hys 12 6 belt integ. 17 x 15 30 - - - - - - - - - - - 199.95 Incls. 990 aon.
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 990 12; 0.65 2-10 6 0.4 261 74.95
NORELCO 202 ELEC. A 0.13 -38 D -C 1114 254 belt integ. 1514x13 10 - - - - - - - - - - -
PIONEER PL -41C B 0.08 hys. 12% 4 belt integ. 20 x 16 33 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 220.00 Magnetic anti -skating
ORTOFON - - - - - - - - - - - RS -212 12 9 ball ball balance 1.19 7-19 8 0-414 90.00
99 np&
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RMG-309 16 12 ball ball balance 0.83 7-19 8 0-7 75.00
weight 0-18 0-5 arm 149.50 Sere straight line tracking
RABCO - 14 7 cone cone 0.16 10
1 oz.
3I bs.
If you already own an earlier Dual for elliptical and conical stylus types.
automatic turntable, you're equipped to The tonearm counterbalance has a
really appreciate the new Dual 1209.. click -stop for every hundredth -gram
Because the 1209, just <e your present
l i adjustment. The cue control is farther front,
Dual, offers flawless tracking and smooth, for greater convenierce. And the styling is
quiet performance that will be yours :or very clean.
years to come. These refinements aren't likely to
All Duals are made that way. And all seduce you away from your present Dual.
recent ones have such exclusive features as They're not intended -o. But if you don't
pitch control that lets you "tune" your -ecords already awn a Dual, perhaps it's time you
by a semitone. No wonder so many hi-fi talked with somebody who does.
professionals use Duals in their personal And whether or not you own a Dual
stereo component systems. now, you might enjoy a look at our literature
But the 1209 does have some new about the 1209, at $119.50, and about other
refinements of more than passing interests Duals from $79.50.
Its motor combines high starting torque United Audio Products, Inc.,
with dead -accurate synchronous speed. Its 120 So. Columbus Ave., MountVVernon,
anti -skating system is separately calibrated New York 10553.
SPEEDS (iss 1ther cods)
16, 33, 45, 78
16, 33, 45
C - 33 only F - Cont. variable
Rek-O-Kut B-12GH
Thorens TD -125
Cncled numbers
tllcate adv. p
REK-0-KUT B -12H
3eAs. .08
12 5 idler
18 x 16
x 10
19 - - -
O /
- - -
SHURE/SME - - - - - - - - - - - 3009 9 knife ball rear 3-20 1/4-5 106.50 Adj. antiskating, viscous damping
edge weights cueing.
ii - - 3012 12 knife ball rear 3-20 1/2-5 116.50 Same as above.
edge weights
SONY TTS-3000A B .05 -47 D.C. 12 3 belt 14'/,, 14 - - - - - - - - - - - 149.50 Motor speed mon. by servo- cont.
servo x 15 amp).
96 s 5'/
THORENS TD -125 E* .08 - 48 sync 12 81 belt inde- 18 x 14 32 - - - - - - - - - - - 185.00 *To int. osc. and pwl. amp).
peed. x 5
-45 sync 7/ belt integ. 15'/, TP -13 12 9 ball ball balance 1.5 5-19 10 314 110.00
TD-150AB B .08 12 1414
x 12'/e
TD -150 B .08 -45 sync 12 714 belt inde- 15% 14 - - - - - - - - - - - 85.00
pend. x 12'/,
_ _ _ _ - - _ - - TP -14 12 9 ball ball balance 1.5 5-19 8 0-4 8 59.50
spring -
"The Dolby System effectively reduces print-through
say Marianne Mantell and
in our spoken word recordings," Barbara Holdridge, co-founders of
Caedmon Records.
"Because of the `open' nature of
spoken word recordings, print -through
and hiss often are problems," says Mrs.
Mantell. "Since our Caedmon catalog
is exclusively spoken word, we nat-
urally strive for clean, distortionless
recordings for optimum articulation,"
says Mrs. Holdridge. "The Dolby sys-
tem is of great help in this respect, and
we also have the added assurance that
masters stored in the Dolby com-
pressed mode will not accumulate
print -through."
Spoken word ... Opera ... Symphony
The Dolby A ... multi -track pop, whatever your re-
cording endeavors ... the dependable
Dolby system will help you to produce
333 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10014 Telephone (212) 243-2525 Cable: Dolbylabs New York
Audio Industries Corp. Audio -Video Systems Engineering Expert Electronics Inc. J -Mar Electronics, Ltd.
1419 N. LaBrea Ave. 1525 Tennessee Street 7201 S. Western Avenue 6 Banigan Drive
Hollywood, Calif. 90028 San Francisco, Calif. 94107 Chicago, Illinois 60636 Toronto 17, Ontario, Canada
Tel: 213-HO 5-4111 Tel. 415-647-2420 Tel: 312-HE 6-2700 Tel: 416-421-9080
Miracord 50H
Dual 1219
(Circled number
indicates ad page)
0.12 0.75 7.5 Balance 0-12 15 7 7 3 4 13% x 6 /64 9% 74.50 Cont. var. anti -skate, self-locking arm rest, cast platter,
BSR 600 D 11 -38
111 clip -in cart. head, cueing. automatic, semi -auto or
manual play. Avail. as package w/cart., base, cover.
0.15 0.75 7.5 Balance 0-12 15 7 7 3 4 13'/ x 7'h 59.50 As above but with large drawn alum. platter.
500A D 11 -38
Spring 11!4
10'/, 0.18 -32 1.0 7.5 Lo -Mass 2-6 7 7 3 4 13'/, x 6"/6{ 71/2 44.50 Includes base and pre -mounted Shure M-75 type mag.
300T D
Spring 1114 cart
A Balance 1-12 8-14 6 13 3 5 14% x 8 159.50 7-Ib. platter; adj. tone arm height for 15o vert angle
DUAL 1219 12 .05 1.5 8%
& Spring 12 on sgl. disc hys. motor; double damped cueing.
49 Separate anti -skate scales for conical and ell. styli;
A 10'/, .08 1.75 8'4 Balance 1-12 8-14 6 13 2% 5 13 x 8 10 119.50
& Spring 10% rotating sgl-play spindle.
10'/, .08 37 2.0 8 Balance 1-8 8-14 6 13 2% 5 13 x 8 9'/, 79.50 Direct-dial tkg-force control coupled to anti -skating;
1212 A
silicone damped cueing
& Spring 103/a
SL -95B A .07 0.75 81 Balance 0-15 6 10 3 4% 16'4óx 7% 11 129.50 Synchro-lab motor; low -mass viscous -damped tone arm;
GARRARD 111/2 8
2 -point record support; oversized platter; anti -skating;
SL -75B A .01 0.75 Balance 0-15 8 6 10 3 4'/, 15"/,6 7% 11 109.50 Synchro-Lab motor; adj. counter weight; viscous -damped
114 8114 x
14'/, arm; 2 -pt. record support; anti-skatingcont; cart clip.
SL -72B A .08 0.75 7'1 Balance 0-15 8 6 10 3 4'/, 15% x 7'. 10'1 89.50 Synchro-Lab motor; viscous damped arm; ant skating
14'/, cont; cart. clip.
SL -65B D 1011 .09 0.85 711 Balance 0-18 10 8 12 2% 4 15'/, x 6'/, 9 79.50 As above.
SL -55B D 101/2 0.12 0.85 71 Balance 0-12 12 8 12 2'/, 4 15%-x 6'/, 9 59.50 As above.
& Spring 13%
40B D 101/2 0.14 0.85 Ph Balance 0-12 12 8 12 2'/, 4 14'/, x 9 44.50 Viscous -damped cueing lever, cart clip; tubular tone -
& Spring 124 arm; Super -sensitive trip.
MIRACORD 50H D 12 .06 -40 0.5 7 Dyn. 0-6!/z <8 10 12 33/4 5',e 141/z x 7% 13 159.50 Push button operation; adjustable stylus overhang.
Balance 1212
Hysteresis motor
0.6 Dyn. 5% 14'4 x 13 139.50 As above, exc. induction motor.
750 D 12 .06 -40 7 0-6% <8 10 12 33/a 73/a
Balance 124
D 10'/, .06 -39 Dyn. 0-61% 8 10 12 2'/, 5'/, 13'/, x 7314 12 119.50 As above.
630 0.7 43/4
Balance 11'/
Dyn. 0-64 10 12 2'/a 5'/, 13'/, x 1% 11 99.50 As above.
620 D 10'/, .06 -38 0.7 23/4 8
Balance 11'/,
EBNER PE-2020 D 0.10 -43 1.8 Balance 5-15 10 8 16 39/. 4% 14',;, x 8'/, 16 129.95 Vertical tracking angle adjustment.
111/2 83/.
& Spring 12
PE -2018 A 10'; 0.15 -42 1.8 6
Balance 5-15 10 8 16 39/, 6 4'/, 13'/ x 12.2 99.95 As above.
AP -1 - 0.15 0.8 Dyn. 16 50 8 33 x 214 140 795.00 Chgr. in cabinet; incls plug-in Pickering cartridge, pre -
Balance 2212 amp; auto cleaning brush; tel. dial selection of 100 sides.
SHERWOOD SEL 100 B 113/4 0.10 -52 1.0 9'1 Balance 3-9 12 8 (7^) 15 5'/ 17 x 54 14'/ 149.50 2 motors, belt drive, light-beamarm trip sync motor,
& Spring 6(12") 13 intermix sizes anti -skate, adj. stylus overhang.
proudly announces
the world's second best
automatic turntable.
Small wonder that the Miracord 50H is the world's fective anti -skate; the 6 pound cast aluminum turn-
most coveted automatic turntable. The top, top table; and a dynamically-balanced arm that tracks
authorities have awarded it top rating. And who to 112 gram.
doesn't want the very best? Enjoy the world's second best automatic
The Miracord 750 is virtually identical to turntable and save $20 over the cost of the world's
the 50H except that it employs a dynamically - best. The Miracord 750 is only $139.50 at your
balanced, 4 -pole induction motor instead of a high-fidelity dealer.
Papst hysteresis synchronous motor. It also costs Benjamin Electronic Sound Corp.,
$20 less-$139.50. Farmingdale, N.Y. 11735. A division of Instrument
Systems Corp. Available in Canada.
The new 750 still offers all of these wonderful
Miracord features: the exclusive Miracord push-
buttons; the slotted lead screw for precise stylus
overhang adjustment; piston -damped cueing; ef-
another quality product from BENJAMIN.
Check No. 53 or, Reader Service Card
ADC 210
Bozak B410
Bose 901 Moorish
a" e s e e
gam °c O t8 .
tit Y V
e 4º V. iCircled
adv. page)
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ADC 450 12 Acous. 111 Dome # Dome 18-22K 6 60 8 2554 x Oil Wal. Cloth, 50 200.00 Separate midrange and tweeter level cants.; inter -
t3 14% Black changeable grille.
98 11%
410 12 Acous. 1)4 Dome 22-20K 6 60 8 23 x 14 Oil Wal. Cloth, 39 129.50 Treble control switch; interchangeable grille.
±3 x 111 Black
210 8 Acous. 21/2 Cone 37-18K 6 60 8 23% o 13 Oil Wal. Cloth, 37 74.50 3 -pos. treble control se
±3 x 11 Black
404 6 Acous. 1)4 Dome 45-20K 6 50 8 11% x 7% Oil Wal. Cloth, 22* 56.00 *Twin pack.
±3 x 811 Beige
ACOUSTIC AR -3a 12 43 Acous. 1(4 Dome 34 Dome * 25 ** 575 4 25 x 11% Wal ch, Cloth, 53 250.00 *Complete frequency response and distortion data
RESEARCH 5000 x 14 teak, mah, Beige available from AR on request
birch, unf. **Depends on various factors; available on request
AR -5 10 55 Acous. 11 Dome 3h Dome 20 625 8 24 x 1354 Wal ch, Cloth, 39 175.00
5000 x 111 teak, mah, Beige
birch, unf.
AR -tax 10 55 Acous. 31 Cone 1% Dome * 20 ** 2000 8 24 x 1354 Wal chan, Cloth, 36% 128.00
7000 x 11% teak, mah, Beige
birch, unf.
AR -4x 8 65 Acous. - - 211 Cone * 15 ** 1200 8 19 x 10 Wal unf. Cloth, 181 57.00
x9 Beige
ACOUSTECH X 30-30K 1300 30 x 4 Wal. Beige 175 1690.00 Includes 4 built-in amplifiers; electr. x -over.
All Electrostatic System
x 72
ALLAN Pavane 12 60 inf. 8 Cone 4 Cone 30-17K 4 15 700 4 to 8 15/ z 12 Teak Vynair 38
5000 or 15 x 25 Green
ALLIED Allied 15 Bass Horn Dome 20-Aud. 10 50 1000 8 201 o 14 Wal. Cloth, 70 149.95 VHF tweeter; two level conto.; incl. floor base;
ALTEC A7-500 W II 15 25 Horn & 25" sectoral horn compr. driver 30-22K 15 50 500 8-16 32x25 Wal. fretwk. 170 512.50 "Voice-of -the -Theatre" sys. in cabinet.
reflex x 44 bm.
846 A 15 3 Reflex
18" sectoral horn compr. driver
35.22K 15 50 800 8-16 2754 x 19 Wal. Fretwk. 100 399.00 A-7 components; smaller cabinet.
x 29%e brn.
848 A 15 25 Reflex 35-22K 15 50 800 8-16 271 x Oak Wrought 105 339.00 As above; Spanish -Mediterranean styling.
19'/, x iron
As above
892 A 10 28 inf. 7" horn compr. driver 45-18K 25 50 2,500 8 23% z Wal. Cloth, 44 145.00 Contemporary styling; snap -on grille.
baffle 1154 x 13 neutral
AMPEX 414 434 140 Air 90-15,000 5 20 - 8 6 x 6 x 6 Wal. Dark 6 49.95 'Response with 10 -dB boost at 90 Hz. Special high
susp. Hz t6' 40** Brown pr. comp. annulus. **Rec. max. ampl. pwr/chan.
AZTEC Rembrandt 10 43 Ducted - - 2 x 6 Horn 40-16K 6 30 2,000 8 23% x Wal. Cloth, 38 135.50 6 lb. woofer -mag.; 12 db.'oct. LRC Adj. x -over net -
I Reflex ±5 11'% x Brown work.
BOGEN LS30 10 Acous. 5 Cone 3 Cone 40-20K 10 50 600 8 22 x 11 Wal. Cloth gm- 32 99.95
±5 5,000 z 14 blue tweed
BOSE 901 20 270 none 8 20%6 x Oil Wal. Linen 33 238.00 89% reflected, 11% direct sound. Active equalizer
9 full -range, high-complian e long -throw spkrs.
12'/, x Beige with 20 sep contours.
59 in each enclosure
BozAK B-410 (4) 12 40 Inf. (2) 6 Metal (8) 154 Metal 28-20K 50 100 400 8 36 x 19 Wal. Cloth, Wht 229 862.00 Interchangeable grille cloth.
Moorish Cone Cone 2,500 z 52 met, grille
B-4000 Z) 12 40 Inf. 8 Metal (8) 294 Metal 35-20K 40 80 400 8 26 x 15% Wal. Cloth, wht 190 555.00 As above.
Classic Cone Cone 2,500 x 4454 met. grille
B-305 (2) 12 40 Inf. 6 Metal (4) 24 Metal 35-20K 40 80 800 16 36x20 Wal. Cloth, 140 415.00 As above.
Century Cone Cone 2,500 x 27°, Brown
B -302A 12 40 Inf. 6 Metal (2) 24 Metal 40.2K 20 35 800 8 2734 x Oak Cloth, 333.00 As above.
Mediterranean Cone Cone 2,500 20'/, x Gold
CELESTION Ditton 25 12 20 Reflex 12 Press. 1 Dome 20-40K 25 2,500 4-8 32 x 14 Teak or Cloth, BI: 48 Ultra -wide resp.; good sensitivity.
type 9,000 x 11 Wal. gold fleck
DELTA- Cleopatra (2) 8 50 sealed (2) 334 Cone 40-18K 6 35 1,000 4 24 x 11% Wal. Cloth, 40 110.00 Tweeters are made with their own tuned chamber.
R ET t5 x 12% Brown Both bass spkrs. are driven.
done it!
We call it
This exceptional,
system, probably unique speaker
the most significant
breakthrough in t_cme
stereo reproduction,
will be formally arnounced
in October.
Dynaco A-25
Fisher XP -18
Electro -Voice Aries Empire 9000M
EMI 300
(Circles numbers iT,p
%, È-
Indicate adv. page)
O e
.. 1 Q-s c
4,kß * J
! e
YNACO A-25 10 58 Friction - - 14 Dome 47-20K 35 1,500 8 20 x 10 Oil. Vial. Linen, 20 79.95 Oiled walnut standard. Also available at $89.95 in
nat. beige te* and rosewood.
l5 ll l
Aries 12 42
25-20K 10 35 400 8
x 111
271/2 e see note Various 60 275.00 Deluxe turn cab. avail. in cont./pecan, trad./cherry
VOICE 1,500 16%x and Spanish Oak.
Cover IV
E -V Four -A 12 47 Acous. 6 Cone 2S4 Cone2234 30-20K 10 35 400
x 14
25 x 1334 Wal. Cloth,
dk. bm.
45 199.95 Ultralinear 12 -inch foam susp. woofer.
E-V Nine 10 50 Acous. 5 Cone aye Cone 30-31K 10 35 400 8 2214 x 12 Wal. Cloth, 30 144.00 Smooth 5-Inch mid-range fills out treble range.
E -V Five-C 10 50 Acous. - - 21 Cone 30-20K 10 35 1,000 8 211 a Wal. Cloth, 22 99.95 Four -layer voice coil for efficiency at low freqs.
10% a dk. brn.
E -V Seven -B 8 75 Acous. - - 31/2 Cone 40-20K 10 35 1,500 8 19 e 9 x Wal. Cloth, 19 66.50 Symmetrical tone dairying.
10 dk. brn.
E-V Eleven 6 110 Reflex - - - - 80-15K 5 15 - 8 151 e 6 Wal. Cloth, 9 37.00 Low cost dual -radiator system.
x 834 dk. brn.
EMI 300 15 53 Acous. (2) 5 Cone (2) Comp 10-30K 35 100 1,000 8 26 x 19 Wal. Cloth, 90 350.00
6,000 x 271/2 Brown
205 13/" 55 Acous. 5 Cone 3% Cone 25-20K 20 90 1,500 8 1434 x Wal. Cloth, 52 225.00 "Elliptical; glass/paper cone.
x 8% 5,000 131 x Brown
92 131" 83 Acous. - - 3% Cone 50-20K 10 60 4,500 8 11(4 x Wal. Cloth, 36 109.95 'Elliptical; co-as with alum. ctr.
55 10 e" 98 Acous. - - 3% Cone 65-20K 12 30 4,000 8 101 a 714 Wal. Cloth, 15 54.95 *Elliptical.
6% x 18 Black
EMPIRE 9000 M 15 20 Inf. 4 Cone 1 Dome 20-33K 10 100 450 8 22 dia o Satin Wal. None 120 299.95 3-way sys.; w.a. lens, marble top.
baffle 5,000 29
7000 M 12 25 Reflex 4 Cone 1 Dome 25-20K 10 90 450 8 19 dia. a Satin Wal. None 75 209.95 As above.
5,000 2%
3000 M 10 30 Acous. 3 Cone 1 Dome 35-20K 10 75 1,200 8 11% x Satin Wal. None 50 149.95 3 -way sys.; w.a. tweeter.
5,000 11,' x
2000 M 10 33 Acous. - - 3 Cone 30-18K 10 75 1,200 8 11''/, a Satin Wal. None 45 119.95 Marble top; "Kitten"
EPICURE 100 Standard 8 43 Acous. - - 1 Acous. 40-18K 17 50 1,800 8 11 x 9 x Wal. Cloth, 22 109.00 Uniform dispersion ±5 dB 40-13K Hz.
±3 21 ben. or wtl.
(4) Acous. - - (4) Acous. 30-18K 17 200 1,800 6 38 x 15 Wal. Cloth, 115 500.00 Designed for recording studios.
500 Studio 8 31 1
t3 x 33 Tan
1000 Tower (4) 8 22 Acous. - - (4) 1 Acous. 22-18K 17 250 1,800 6 18 x 18 Wal. Cloth, 23 1,000.00 Complete spherical sound 22-18K Hz.
±3 x 78 Tan
±5 x 12
® FX-100 8
FISHER XP -18 18 14 Acous. B Lower Cone (2) 2 Mylar 30-22K 10 50 150 8 .30 x Wal. Cloth, 105 359.95
Dome 1,500 29y x Brown
51/2 Upper
3i 3,000 161/2
XP -7B 12 15 Acous. 534 Lower Cone (2) 3 Cone 30-20K 10 30 300 8 241 x 14 Wal. Cloth, 40 149.95
XP-668 12 15 Acous. 5 Cone 3 Cone 30-20K 10 20 500 8 2454 x 14 Wal. Cloth, 40 99.95
1,000 a 11% Brown
Goodmans Maxim JBL S99 Athena
î 3
adv.e j`
p G
p ,l s4
p a-
e r -
3, e'
3 40.15K 0.4 12 23'/, x Oil Wal. Cloth,
8 99.50 With or w/o opt. base.
11 /, z 19 atf
K 8 Acous. Cone 50-15K 12 8 15% x Multi -color witFB 49.75 For patio use; packed 2 to a carton.
Patio 81 x15% ea.
G000MANS Magnum -K Acous.
12 40 4 Cone 4 Cone 30-20K 6 25 1,500 8 15 x 111 Wal. Cloth, 47 189.00 Vinyl cone susp. - Tweeter control and mid range
±5 6,000 x 24 Ch. & Wh. control.
Mezzo -Il 12 48 Acous. - - 4 Cone 40-20K 6 15 2,000 8 1954 x 9 Wal. Cloth, 20 139.00 Vinyl cone susp. - Tweeter control.
±5 x 12 Ch. & Wh.
Maxim 4 60 Acous. - - 38 Cone 45-20K 8 12 2,000 8 544 x 7/ Wal. Cloth, 8 59.95 Vinyl cone susp. - Extremely compact.
±5 x 10/ Bm.&Wh.
GOTHAM OY 10 20 Cone
4 Horn 40-16K 500 <4700 19 x 9 Wal. Metal 44 520.00 Low-level input; contains 2 30-W ampls; elect. x -over
+2 8,000 x 12 or gray Silver separate level coots.
HARMAN- HK 50 8 35 Acous. 21 Cone 35-20K 20 45 1,500 8 114 sq. Wal. Dk. Bm. 22 99.95 Omnidirectional 360° dispersion.
+4 x18 H,
O41 HK 25 6 40 Acous. 2l/e Cone 42-20K 20 40 2,000 8 12%,dia Wal. None 15 69.95 Omnidirectional 360° dispersion.
±4 1654 H.
HARTLEY Concertmaster 24 13 Semi- 10 Polymer 5%" cone
7 16-25K 20 50 300 16 39x29 Wal. Cloth 150 730.00 Magnetic susp.; cones of identical marl; x-overs are
Models V & VI inf. Cone & 2" dome ±3 3,000 x 18 Bm. & Gld 760.00 12 dB/Oct; baskets of cast alum.
Concert Jr. 10 28 inf. 5% Polymer 2 Dome 30-25K 15 30 3,000 8 30 x 15 Wal. Cloth, Brn. 55 305.00
baffle Cone ±4 x 12 &GId.Thrd
HEATH AS -48 14 ducted 2 Direct 40-20K 50 2,000 8 23/ x 12 Pecan Cloth 42 169.95K HF balance switch. RLC cross over.
port radiator (Oak)
x 14 Brn.-Blck
AS -80W 10 Acous. Tao Cone 30-15K 10 40 2,250 16 24 x 111 Wal. Cloth 28 64.95K HF level control.
3) ±5 x 1314 cane
AS -16 8 Acous. 31 Cone 45-20K 25 50 1,500 8 19 x 8 Wal. Cane 15 49.95K HF level control.
±5 x 10 vinyl
AS -37 8 Acous. Horn 50-12K - 25 1,600 8 23 x 11% Wal. Cloth 22 39.95K HF level control.
x 1154 Polyester Brown
IMF TLS Monitor 9 x 12 18 Trans- 5 Cone 1 Dome 20-25K 3) 3) 3,500 8 20 x 17 Teak & Black 140 600.00 Dual transmission line; plastic driver systems.
mission ±3 x 43 Grey 575.00
JBL Sovereign SOR 8 & 8 45" passive Horn & Acous. Leas Ring Radiator Full Range 10 60 506 8 40 x 1954 gld. or Pleated 217." 936.00 "Freq. to which port or res, is tuned.
rad. 7,000 x 2644 countryoak Cloth ""Shipping weights. Passive radiator, 375 comp.
driver; 075 ring radiator.
S99 Athena 12 &12 28" passive - - 1.7 Cone Full Range 10 40 2,000 8 2354 x 12 Oil Wal. fret. 54 237.00 Avail- in energized stereo pair (L99) or with cloth
rad. x 14 grille (SL99).
L75 Minuet 15 & 32" passive - - 8 Cone Full Range 10 25 8 1614 x71 Oil Wal. Cloth, 21 114.00 Passive radiator, compact system.
15 rad. full mg. x 9 dk. brn.
4vc 5303 (4) 5 35 Acous. - - 2 Horn 20-20K 25 40 5,000 8 spherical Metal 26.4 199.95 Omni -directional radiation.
±6 Black
O Spherical shape.
131 di a.
5304 12 45 Acous. 614 Cone 3/ Cone 30-20K 20 40 1,500 8 12'/, x 15 Wat. Cloth, 35.2 149.95 2 level controls.
2 Horn ±6 7,000 x 24', Brown Multi -channel input terminals.
5320 8 45 Acous. 3/ Cone 2 Cone 37-20K 15 30 5,000 8 13 x 91 Wal. Cloth, 19.8 89.95 Level controls.
±6 10,000 x 21/ Brown
Jensen TF -25
Klipsch LaScala
® LWE I Marantz Imperial II
yoc+ O
! 1
4i ? , r e º .o+
(Circled numbers
indicate ado. page)
A e o+3 F ¡t « *47 +
+o ¿eQ
oA °
4 ié
12 Acous. - Horn - Horn 20-25KH 10 40 600, 8 2554 a 12 Wal. Cloth, 60 275.00 4 way system, her. or vert. opt. floor stand
Loaded 4,000 x 163) Brown FlexaiI woofer.
Dome 10,000
Acous. Cone - Dome 25-20KH 10 25 2,000 8 234 x Dura-syn. Cloth, 40 129.00 Superflex® enclosure. Sonodome® tweeter,
TF -3C 10 25 354
10,000 1l'/, x Wal. Ven. Brown Flexail® woofer.
25 Acous. - - 2 x 6 Horn 25-19KH 10 25 2,000 8 2254 x Dura-syn. Cloth, 27 89.50 2 -way air suspension, Flexail® woofer, horn -loaded
TE -25 10
84x 14 Wal. Ven. Brown tweeter.
X-45 8 35 Acous. - - 2 x 6 Horn 30-18KH 10 25 2,000 8 1954 x 9 Wal. Cloth, 24% 69.50 Flexaire) woofer, horn -loaded tweeter.
x 1034 Brown
12 12 35 Acous. (2) Stiff 1% Stiff paper 30 600 8 22% x 15 Oil Wal. Bouclé 101 275.00 Contour control w/four 3 -pos. level controls for
paper cone 2,500 x 29 off white matching to room. Can be used remotely. Change -
able grille cloth.
Stiff Stiff paper 25 600 26 x 1114 Oil Wal. Cloth, 51 179.95 Two 3-pos. level control. Finished on 4 sides.
5 12 44 Acous. (2) 3 1% 8
6 12 55 Acous. - - 1% Stiff paper 20 1,500 8 23114 x Several Bouclé 34 122.00 3-pos. tweeter level control unf. birch, maple, cherry
cone 11'/ x off white to walnut, oil walnut fin. 4 sides.
12% 134.00' *Depending on finish.
17 10 60 Acous. - - 1% Stiff paper 12 1,500 8 2351 x 9 Oil Wal. Cloth, 21 69.95 3-pos.tweeter level control; finished on 4 sides
cone x 11% off white Changeable grille cloth.
X-15 15 40 Spec. - - 214 Special 20-18K 2 100 4,000 16 20 x 14 Wal. Woven 90 299.00 Sep. conn. for woofer for organ or instrument use
- -
® S-44 614 Acous. 3 Cone 50-20K 3) 2,000 8 10x8
Wal. Cloth,
13 79.95
KLIPSCH K-447 15 Horn 2 Horn 1 Horn 45-19K 20 100 400 16 23% x Theatre None 110 550.00 Comp. architects and eng. specs. available
Klipsch'sHeresy 12 Total 2 Horn 1 Horn 45-19K 30 60 700 16 15 a 13'/, Wal., Mah., Several 55 258.00 As above; *depending on finish.
LWE I 15 Non Sealed 6 Cone 2 x 5 Horn 22-20K 25 50 1,000 4 25 x 11 Wal. Linen 61 250.00 Elec. sue. feedback; unf. kit. $75.00
Res ±5 5,000 x 12 Beige
II (2) 15 Non Sealed (2) 6 Cone 2 x 5 Horn 2)-20K 40 100 1,000 4-8 34 x 24 Wal. Brown 141 550.00 Unf. kit $330.00
Res ±5 5,000 x 16 Strip
III 12 Non Sealed 6 Cone 3(4 Cone 25-17K 20 40 1,000 4 22% x 15 Wal. Linen 35 175.00 Unf. kit $105.00.
Res Dome ±5 5,000 x 934 Beige
VI 8 Non Sealed 6 Cone 354 Cone 29-13K 20 25 1,500 8 19 x 10 Wal. Linen 23 100.00 Elec. sue. feedback; unf. kit. $75.00.
Res Dome ±5 x 9 Beige
paper cone 18-25K 18 x 12 Oil Wal. Cloth, 66 159.95 Mid and Hi freq. level controls; floor -standing; 5-
LAFAYETTE Criterion 12 25 Acous. 654 Cone (2) 3 10 75 800, 8
Criterion 10 45 Ported - - 4 paper cone 20-19K 4 31 2,800 8 2114 x Oil Wal. Cloth, 30 44.95 Hi freq. control; 5 year warranty.
LEAK Mark II 13 19 Acous. 2 Cone 1 Dome 33-20K 8 70 900 15 26 x 15 Wal. Cloth, 49 199.00 Piston action sandwich cone.
±5 x 12 Tan
MARANTZ Imperial II 12 - Inf. (2) 4 Cone (2) 2 Cone 20-23K 40 700 8 22 x 15 Lacq. Wal. Carved 60 369.00 Separate brilliance and presence controls.
Imperial I 12 - Inf. (2) 4 Cone (2) 2 Cone 20-23K 40 700 8 22.x 15 Lacq. Wal. Cloth, 60 299.00 As above.
MARTEL VS -1200 12 Acous. 5 Cone 3 Dome 35-23K 25 1,400 8 26%x 15 Wal. Cloth, 47 179.95
5,000 x 11% Brown
BOSE 901 DIRECT/REFLECTINGTM Speaker System-$476 the Stereo Pair, including Active Equalizer. Slightly higher in the west and southwest. Pedestal base extra.
(Circled numbers e . r
44 10 45 Acous. - - 3% Cone 30-18K 15 2,000 8 9)4 x124 Wal. Cloth, 28 76.00 As above
±5 x21 Brawn
PANASONIC SB -86 12 20 Acous. (2) 5 (2) 2 24-22K 10 80 800 8 15"/4 x Oil Wal. 48.5 249.95 3 -pos treble and mid -range controls.
6,000 26" x
'PIONEER CS-63DX 15 Acous. 5 x 2 Cone horn, 20-22K 4 80 700 8 19 x 13 Wal. Cloth, 80 250.00 4 -way, 6 spkrs; lattice wood grille.
cone, 3,300 x 29 Brown
(2) domes 12,000
OCS -99 15 Acous. 5 Cone 25-22K 4 80 600 8 16 x 12 Wal. Cloth, 53 215.00 5 -way, 6 spkrs.; lattice wood grille.
4,000 x 25 Brown
(2) domes
CS-66 10 Acous. 6%. Cone 1 Cone 35-2)K 16 40 1,850 8 13 x 12 Wal. Cloth, 29 109.00 Lattice wood grille.
6,850 x 22 Brown
CS-44 8 Acous. 214 Cone 35-20K 16 25 2,500 8 12 x 10 Wal. Cloth, 18 67.50 Lattice wood grille.
x 20 Brown
RECTILINEAR Ill 12 40 Duct 5 Cone (2) 2ve Cone 22-18.5K 20 60 - 503 8 18 x 12 Oil Wal. Polyester 70 279.00 Very low mass mid 8, twtrs. for opt. transient resp.
port (2) 2 Cone ±4 8,000 x34
X 10 45 Acous. 5 Cone 2 Cone 40-18.5K 30 80 100 4 24 x 12 Oil Wal. Polyester 50 199.00 As above.
63 ±5 5,000 a 14
Min I 8 58 Acous. 5 Cone 2 Cone 50-18.5K 20 60 400 4 19 e 9% Oil Wal. Polyester 25 89.50 As above.
±5 8,000 o 12
SANSUI SP X)02 12 5 Cone (2) 1 Dome 35-20K 50 600 8 15 x 12% Wal. hand carvd 46 Elect. x-over terms; mid & hi costs; baffle damped
14 6)4 Cone 5,000 x 25(4 fret -work with acetate atoas. matt.
SP 1001 10 6)4 Cone 1 Dome 35-2)K 40 600 8 14 x 12 Wal. hand -carat 38% 139.95 As abole.
15 5,000 x 24% fret -work
SP -50 8 2 Horn 50-20K 25 7,000 8 12%x Wal. hand-cant 191 7995 Baffle damped with acetate acous.marl.
19% x9% fret -work
SP -30 64 2 sq. horn 50-20K 20 7,000 8 101á x Wal. hand-carvd 10 119.95 As above.
7%x 16îb fret-work pr.
SCOTT Q-100 8 70 Acous. - - 3 Cone 38-20K 10 80 2,000 8 14M x Wal. Cloth, 37 149.95
14)4 x 22 dk. bm.
Cover II
S-15 10 60 Acous. 41/4 Cone 3 Cone 35-20K 10 50 750 8 23(4 x Wal. Cloth, 24(4 119.95
3,800 11% x 9 dk. bm.
In an era of
audio gimmickry,
there are three
things on which you
can r e l PHYSICS,
Over the past 20 years, scores of "fantastic" new loudspeaker systems have
been heralded, only to fade quietly from the scene.
While we at Bozak have recognized the momentary commercial advantage
of dream -inspired developments, our desire to reproduce music realisti-
cally and our knowledge of the immutable laws of physics have prevented
our indulging in gimmickry.
Rather than challenge physics, our laboratories have devoted themselves to
adapting modern physical technology to reproducing music as realistically
as possible, both in the home and in the concert hall.
You may have heard the results of that effort last summer at the Ravinia
Festival of the Chicago Symphony; the New York Philharmonic's Concerts -
in -the -Park series; the St. Louis Symphony's Mississippi River Festival;
Chicago's Grant Park Orchestra series, or at the Boston Symphony's Summer
Festival at Tanglewood.
You can hear them any day of the year at your Bozak dealer's store.
pleased to
world's first
over to the 21/2 -inch tweeter. With only sensible bookshelf speaker designed hear through any electronic medium.
a little more than an octave assigned around three rugged, reliable drivers The midrange is so completely neu-
to this driver, its exceptionally light of the classic moving -coil principle, tral and devoid of coloration that all
cone and voice coil operate only in rather than a far-out experiment utiliz- other speakers seem nasal by compari-
their most comfortable range, without ing some exotic new driving system son. There isn't the slightest hint of boxi-
the slightest possibility of strain. along the lines of, say, ionized air ness or enclosure sound. In fact, the
(Speaker systems that demand too much speakers. Our new standard of per- sound gives no indication of the size
work of a tiny tweeter are asking for formance is the result of new insights or even existence of the enclosure.
trouble.) into the existing technology, not of an On complex program material like
The spacing of the three drivers in unproven new invention. Wagnerian climaxes or hard rock, the
the Rectilinear X is an important part What does the world's first high- same unstrained clarity is retained as,
of the design and is by no means dic- fidelity loudspeaker sound like? It can't for example, on solo flute.
tated by convenience or visual sym- really be described in words and you Above all, the Rectilinear X is su-
metry, as in many other bookshelf sys- must hear it for yourself. But the few premely listenable. Even after several
tems. The distance of the midrange people who have already heard it hours of listening at high volume levels,
speaker from the woofer is particularly seem to agree on the following points: there isn't the slightest aural fatigue or
critical for the best possible phase The bass is startlingly clearer and irritation. None of that "I've had
characteristics in the crossover region. more natural than one is prepared to enough, let's turn it off" feeling.
The final touch of sophistication is We left the price of the Rectilinear X
provided by the grill cloth. In other for the last. Since it sounds superior to
speaker systems the grill cloth is made speaker systems selling for up to $2400,
acoustically transparent, allowing sound the price could have been whatever
waves to pass through unaffected. In the traffic would bear. But based on
the Rectilinear X a specially prepared our manufacturing costs plus the normal
fabric presents a graduated acoustic profit margin, we decided to set it
impedance to the midrange speaker at $199.
and the tweeter, for greatly improved You'll have to agree that for a high-
sound dispersion at the higher fre- fidelity speaker, that's not high.
quencies. Stretched on a slightly raised (For additional information, see your
frame open at the sides, the grill cloth audio dealer or write directly to Rec-
actually functions as a superior form tilinear Research Corporation, 30 Main
of acoustic lens, making the speaker Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201.)
nondirectional over an extremely wide
angle. This, combined with a cabinet
size of only 25" by 14" by 103/4" deep,
Rectilinear X
opens up new possibilities in speaker
We must emphasize that none of
these unusual engineering details are
in themselves revolutionary. Perhaps
the most gratifying thing about the
Rectilinear X is that it's still an eminently
Sony SS -3100
Tannoy Mallorcan
University Mediterranean Wharfedale W9OD
P ` 3
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(Circled numbers
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- Ó E A"' O ti{ A. Ci p xv
(2) 10 19 Acous. 8
3')4 inv. cone 22-22K 12 75 200
8 24
o 13
x 3134 Oil Wal. plas.
73 219.50
SR -I 10 23 Acous. - - 4 inv. cone 35-22K 10 45 1,800 8 24 x 13 Oil Wal. plas. 30 84.50
Newport x 9% cane
SONY SS -3100 12 25 Reflex 654 Cone 2 Horn 30-21K 30 400 8 15%x Wal. Cloth, 55 229.50 Sep. sw. for multi -channel use.
5,000 11% o Blk.
91 SS -2800 10 30 Reflex 6% Cone 2 Horn 40-28K 20 600 8 13% x9 ; Wal. Cloth, 35 124.50
6,000 x 23% Blk.
SOUND - Lancer 12 bass diffuser Horn 26-22K 10 60 1,000 8 27 x 16 Oil Wal. opt. 57 119.50
CRAFTSMEN SC -6 ener- 3,000 x 144
95 gized
TANNOY Windsor 15 cut-off Rear - - 254 Exp. Horn 35-23K 15 50 1,000 8 2336 x 17 Oil Wal. Dec. crvd. 120 440.00 Dyn. & freq. bal. cont.; non-dec. model (GRF)
Belvedere 15
38-20K 15 40 1,000 8
x 42
TELEX 4400 8 Acous. 354 Cone 20-21K 30 2,500 8 16 x 14 Wal. Cloth, 22 149.95 Two speaker cabinets with built-in 60W stereo
±2 x 5 Brown pr. power amp; phone jack.
TRUSONIC 12 14 x 12 Oil Wal. 177.00 Inds. 12 -in. coaxial. Avail. with 12 -in. extended -
x 23% range spkr., S135.00.
UNIVERSITY Mediterranean 12 RRL 8 Cone 4 x 2 Horn 20 -beyond 5 50 800 8 24% dia. Butternut Cloth, 74 285.00
30-30K 5 40
600 8
e 27fí
24 x 15% Wal.
Project M 11 RRL 2V4 Cone 30-20K 5 60 1,000 8 2334x Wal. Cloth, 33 99.95
1236 x Beige
Ultra D 10 RRL 8 Cone 354 Cone 30 -beyond 5 32 1,000 8 23'%. x Wal. Cloth, 24 79.95
aud. 5,000 11%x Beige
UTAH AS -8 12 25 Atous. 4 x 10 Horn 136 Horn 35-20K 20 30 2,200 8 33 x 2534 Wal. Cloth, 60 189.00 Credenza; mid & h.f. controls.
5,000 x 12% Brown
AS -6 12 25 Acous. 4 x 10 Horn 1'/ Horn 35-20K 20 30 2,200 8 25 x 14 Oil Wal. Cloth, 49 120.00 As above.
5,000 x 1334 Gold
AS -1 10 25 Acous. - - 3 Cone 32.18.5K 10 20 3,500 8 24 x 12 Oil Wal. Cloth, 41 79.95 h.f. cont.
x 12 Gold
WHARFEDALE W900 12 40 Acous. 5 Piston 2 Dome 20 to 10 50 125 4-8 2336 x Wal. Cloth, 100 340.00 6-spkr., 4-way sys. sand -filled const.; divided bass
45 cone Dome inaud. IHF 1,000 1334x30 brn.pattern range. Removable grille.
12 5 2
W700 12 50 Acous. 8 Cone 2 Dome 25-20K 10 40 175 4-8 22 x 13% Wal. Cloth, 73 211.00 Sand -filled tonst. Useas Hi or Lo -Boy. Removable
5 Cone IHF 1,250 x 24 Mix grille.
W600 12 42 Acous. 5 Cone 2 Dome 30-20K 8 40 1,000 4-8 14% x Wal. Cloth, 56 153.00 Sand -filled const. Phase comp. diffuser.
IHF 3,500 13 x 24 Blk./Brn. Removable grille.
W4OD 10 60 Acous. 5 Cone 2 Dome 35.20K 8 35 1,250 4-8 1254 x Wal. Cloth, 37 111.25 Variable mid and treble controls. Removable grille.
IHF 3,500 10% x Mix Phase comp. diffuser.
W30D 8 54 Acous. - - 2 Dome 40-18,500 10 35 2,000 4-8 10 x 9% Wal. Cloth, 22 69.95 Removable grille; tweeter phase -comp. diffuser.
Mark II IRE x 19 Mix
W2OD 8 62 Acous. - - 3 Dome 45-18K 10 35 1,600 4-8 936 x 8% Wal. Cloth, 14 52.95 Var. treble tont.; removable grille.
IHF x 14 Mix
Their custom looks are only excelled
by their matchless performance
the NEW
CS -5 and CS -44
c?uov Deoaoi
2peake'z 4.4e1n4
Dimensions: 19" x 11" x 95A" ceep Dimensions: 19" x 11" x 9" deep
...More Value All -Ways! PIONEER ELECTRONICS U.S.A. CORP. 140 Smith St., Farmingdale, L.I., New York 11735
Check No. 65 on Reader Service Card
Indicate speed by letter code:
15 x x x
7%x x x x x x
3%x x x x x x
1'/s x x x x x
e oe4 t ;e- y? rypo ooF `eD
(Circled numbers
indicate adv. pager 0 0 0 0 0 c o
No 3 Ind. Belt 45-20K <0.1 >68 65 200K VU 16 x 14% 60 650.00 Dolby Noise Reduction System.
KLH 40 B 7 3 4
RK -960
145/16 x 111
22 x
x 151/
1912 x 14
x 6
19 x 13
x 8/
As above
4407 A Yes 7 2 4 1 4-p Belt 40-18K 0.2 >50 120 2K 2 19% x 13% 24 239.95 Auto stop, digital counter; built-in loud -
±3 Mtrs. x 7% speakers; dust cover.
A Yes 4 4-p Belt 30-20K 0.1 52 180 20K 2 17 x 9 38 329.95 Dual capstan drive, headphone output,
PANASONIC RS -790 7 4 1
RS -796 A No 7 4 4 1 4-p Belt 30-20K 0.1 52 180 20K 2 20 x 81/2 33 249.95 Auto reverse, dual capstan drive, 4 -head sys.
Mtrs, x 14
RS -768 A No 7 3 4 1 Hys. Idler 20-27K 0.09 52/ 150 20K 2 18/ x 8 24 219.95 3 head sys. source/tape mon; noise suppr.
57/w Mtrs. x 13%
RS-765 A No 7 2 4 1 4-p Idler 30.18K 0.1 50 240 20K 2 13Y x 5/ 17/ 125.00 Headphone output jack
Mtrs. x 11
PONE R T-600 B No 7 4 4 1 Hys. Belt 30-20K 0.12 50 110 50K 2 171 x 17% 33 299.95 Rec/playback auto reverse; swing -out pinch
Mtrs. x 8 roller. Automatic brake.
l "LD 1( 6?)
REvox A-77 B Opt. 104 2 or 2 or 3 Servo Direct 30-20K .08 58 60 Lo, 2 16 x 8 34 529.00 Electronic governed capstan motor, all -metal
4 4 ±2 Hi Mtrs. x 14 low-wear heads. 15/71/2-IPS version $629.00.
ROBERTS 5050XD A Yes 1012 4 4 3 Hys. Belt 30-25K 0.12 48 60 5K 2 17 x 15 49 24 -hr. programming; mag. brake; auto rev;
333X A Yes 7 7 4/8/4 1 Ind. Belt 30-22K 0.20 48 120 5K 2 14 x 18 44 Comb. r-to -r, cartg, & cassette recorder/player;
±3 Mtrs. x 91/2 4-tk mono or stereo.
800X A Yes 7 3 4 3 Hys. Belt 30-22K 0.12 48 60 5K 2 18 x 19 49 Auto -rev; s:o-s-; sws; 4-tk mono or stereo
±3 Mtrs. x 9/
SONY 770 A No 7 4 2,4 1 Servo Belt 20-22K .09 58 120 250 2 16% o 15% 24% 750.00 Noise reduction; built-in limiter; mic-line
SUPERSCOPE Mtrs. x 31%. mixing; var. speed cont; Scrape-flutter filter;
0 73
630 A Yes 7 3 4 1 Ind. Idler 30-22K .09 50 150 Low
x8 16
x 11%
46y <449.50
Solenoid oper; auto tape lifters.
No wonder, with such features as two reel drive motors plus a hysteresis synchronous capstan motor,
four heads which allow you to monitor off tape and gives you automatic reverse play as well; calibrated
vu meters; speed change is at the touch of a button and there
is a tape tension control for proper playback of the very
thinnest tapes. And a special feature unique in the entire in-
dustry: every Astrocom/Marlux 407 is delivered with its own
r: : ;! actual graphic laboratory read-out of its frequency response.*
Ask your Astrocom/Marlux dealer for a demonstration of
the Model 407, the recorder you'll want to buy-today.
*all laboratory equipment calibrated to National Bureau of Standards.
Oneonta, New York 13820
7; x x x x x x
3; x x x x x x
x X X
* ae
' 0 0,
eD m o
c e
MANUFACTURER 0J o ., ° ^' .,°
(Circled numbers
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SONY 560-D A No 7 3 4 1 Servo Belt 30-18K .07 52 140 Low 2 16'/,x15V2 27 <349.50 ESP auto rev; scrapeflutter filter; Servo -control
SUPERSCOPE Mtrs. x 61/2 motor; vari -speed pitch control.
A No 3 4 Ind. Idler 30-22K .09 52 150 Low 2 15%, x 14 22 <229.50 Tape/source mon, ultra-h-f bias; noise suppres-
355 7 1
O ó
Mtrs. x 7'/1, sor,scrapeflutterfilter;
auto tape lifters.
s -o -s, auto shut off;
lÌ 255 A No 7 2 4 1 Ind. Idler 30.18K .09 52 150 Low 2 15'/, x 13% 19% <179.95 s.w.s, ultra -h -f bias; scrape flutter filter; auto
Mtrs. x 7% shutoff; auto tape lifters; phone mon, jack
13 222-A H Yes 5 2 2 1 Servo Belt 0.15 48 - Low Mtr. 115/, x 11'/, 8'/, 99.50 AC/DC servo contr. motor; auto or manual rec.
x 4% level coot; built-in rechargingcct; p.a. capabili-
ty; mono.
TANDBERG (T) 6X A No 7 3 plus 4 and 1 Hys. Idler 40-18K <0.1 58 120 0.5 M eyes 15% x 111%, 23 549.00
Series bias 2 ±2 x 6%
1200X A Yes 7 2plus 4 and 1 Hys. Idler 40-18K <0.1 58 120 Low 2 15% x 11"/16 23 485.00
11 A moni- 7 3plus full 1 9V Idler 40-16K 0.1 55 105 Low Mtr. 13 x 10 x 4 9.5 449.50 This series also available in pilotone version
Series tor 5 w/ each and d.c. ±2 w/o with synchronizer for lip sync at $699 +
amp cover half batt. $350 for sync unit.
1600X A No 7 2plus 4 and 1 Shaded Idler 40-20K <0.1 58 100 Low 2 15'/, x 11"/,, 19'h 249.00
TAPESONIC 70-TRSQ E No 10'/2 3 4 or 3 Hys. Direct 35.26K .08 56 35 10K- 2 19x 14 69 615.00 Two low-Zmic.transf.inputswith Cannon XLR
2 ±2 50K Mtrs. x 5%2 conn. $35.00 Port. Carry Case: $34.50
TEAC 7030 F No 101/2 4 2 3 Hys. Idler 30-20K .06 55 120 10K 2 20'/, x 11/2 49 749.50
±2 Mtrs. x 8%
6010 B No 7 4 4 3 Hys. Idler 30-20K .08 55 90 10K 2 20'/, x 171/2 46 664.50
±3 Mtrs. x 8%a
4010 B No 7 4 4 3 Hys. Idler 30-20K 0.12 50 100 10K 2 17% x 17% 48 469.50
±3 Mtrs. x 9%
2050 A No 7 4 4 1 Hys. Idler 30-20K 0.12 50 110 10K 2 11% x 10% 33 349.50
±3 Mtrs. x 51/2
UHER 4400 C Yes 5 2 4 1 Sync Belt to 4-20K 0.10 50 120 2K 2 11 x 9 8 399.95 Stereo portable w/professional quality.
d.c. flywheel ±2 Mtrs. x 3'
9500 C No 7 4 4 1 Hys. Idler 20-20K .04 54 120 200 2 17% x 13% 27 450.00 Interchangeable 2 -track head assembly avail -
±2 Mtrs. x 73/a able. Mod. 10,000, same w 20w ampl. $550.00.
VIKING 880 B Yes 7 3 4 2 Ind. Belt 30-18K 0.2 55 60 50K 2 22 x 14 x 9 44 449.95 S -o -s; mon. sw; phone jack; 2 spkrs; port.
±3 Mtrs. case.
433 A No 7 3 4 3 Ind. Belt 40-18K 0.2 54 70 50K 2 15% x 14% 30 374.95 Sgl. cont. for operation; ill. indicators; mixing
±3 Mtrs. x 8% coots; phone jack; pause cont.
88 B No 7 3 4 2 Ind. Belt 30-18K 0.2 55 60 50K 2 13 x 13 x 8 22 349.95 S -o -s; mon. sw; pause cont.
±3 Mtrs.
423 A No 7 2 4 3 Ind. Belt 50-15K 0.2 50 70 2.5K 2 15'/n x 12% 29 274.95 4 -digit counter; stereo/mono. Sel. sw; pause
±3 Mtrs. x 8% cont.
WOLLENSAK 6200 B 7 4 4 2 Ind. & Idler 40-15K 0.15 50 90 500 2 16 x 6 x 13 15 229.95 Stereo, self-contained spkrs. open front
d.c. ±2 Mtrs. threading, dymanic braking.
Some people can accept educed quality in their audio
co-nponents. For others -
the recording engiraer, the
p-cfessional musician, the -music connoisseur there is -
oily one quality -
tie very bast. These are the
u leorrlprorrising -
the people yeti) choose CROWN.
They know that behind each Crown product sta-ds
the teamwork of some of the nation's fine t audio
enpi leers and proudest Ameri-n :rE ftsmen. Tnese are
the designers whose inicvations have led die tape
indus ry w th exclusive electro -magnetic brak ng, the
first solid-state components. on nal computer logic tape
coo tnl, the new industry stardard _power amplifier -
CCiCO, and now an ultra -flex ble, high -performs ice
ccolirel center. These are the craftsmen who carefully
hid--abricate and test each un t. entering meas_rerrents
or individual proof-of-per-orn-a'ce records. T --is is the
pr. ductline that is worthy the oríde of both ìt_ meters
aid its owner.
Tc discover what you're rissing 20mpare -
CROWN 's Total PerformEnce sound today. Write Crown,
BoK 000, Elkhart, Indiana. 46514.
CX722 Superlative profes- SX724 Professional perform- SX824 For the serious audio- DC300 Laboratory standard
sionall quality with outstand- ance at a minimum price. es- phile, the ultimate home re- basic amplifier. 300 watts per
ing flexibility for on -location sential for the finest compon- corder. 2 channels, 2 speeds, channel RMS, complete out-
recording. 2 channels, 3 ent systems. 4 channels in -line, computer logic control never put protection, extreme puri-
speeds, pushbutton electric 2 speeds, push-button electric breaks tapes, remote control ty, shown in walnut cabinet
control, remote start/stop op- control, remote start/stop op- optional, sound -on -sound, D40 The ideal monitor ampli-
tional, sound -on -sound, sound tional, sound -on -sound, shown shown in genuine walnut hard- fier. 40 watts per channel
-with-sound, echo effects, in scuff -proof carrying case. wood cabinet. RMS, compact, low distortion,
shown in studio console. shown in walnut cabinet.
Check No. 71 o -i Reader Service Card
Harman Kardon
CAD -4
Micro -95
Bell & Howell 2398 Craig 3302
Norelco 2602
(Circled number ?
eue .L
Q. 4
` C
a át,
m e°
e c' e*
3 4?a de
Ó. 3lé Q
Yes 200-11K 0.25 35 9 Batt Built-In 6 x 9% x 2% 69.95 Battery/AC; keyboard push-button controls, pause
ALLIED 1150 Yes P 1.25W M 31%1
1100 Yes P Yes 0.75W M 100-6K 0.3 35 7.5 Batt Built-In 4 x 12 x 2% 5 39.95 Keyboard push-button controls, snap -on AC adapter
110 AC solid state; record level/battery meter.
Micro -95 Yes 20 W 50-12K 0.3 42 117 AC Ext 15%09%0 4% 269.95 Auto changer; plays up to 6 cassettes in sequence.
±2 line
Micro -42 Yes P Yes 1 M 100-10K 0.35 42 117 AC Built-In 12%x7x3 9% 129.95 Built-in AM/FM tuner-AC/DC oper; Ni -Cad battery
7.5-12 DC recharger cct.
BELL & Yes H No 20/chan. S 50-11K 0.18 45 117 AC Deck only 15x9%x4% 8 219.95 Recs.& plays stereo; autoload changer br6 cassettes;
HOWELL (plus stacker) spkr., stereo output,. mic, ext. input jacks
2398 Yes P Yes 2 M 70-10R 0.20 40 9 Batt Built-In 10x10 x3% 6% 89.95 Has AM -FM radio -has excl. Audio Eye which monitors
117 AC transport functions -sep. FM -AM antennae
CONCORD F-400 Yes P Yes 8 S 50-10K <0.25 45 117AC Built -In 12%x 9% 11 <180.00
Batt x 3%
F-101 Yes P Yes 1 M 50-10K <0.25 45 Batt Built-In 4%x 6%x 2 2% <125.001
CRAIG 2805 Yes H No S 50-10K 0.3 45 Deck only 17%x10 08% 26.5 189.95 Auto -change and reverse plays both sides ea. cassette
2707 Yes H Yes 3/chan. S 100-8K 0.35 40 120ÁC External 14'/,x1%x3% 17.6 169.95 Auto. level control (ALC).
3302 8 H S 50-10K 0.25 40 120 AC 9% x11% x4 12 139.95 8 -track rec. deck for ta png cartridges; aito. level wntir.
control; auto-stop
3205 8 H Yes 7/ than. S 70-10K 0.25 45 129 AC Eptemal 87/6x 10%05 21 incl. 119.95
CROWN RADIO CRC -750F Yes P,C Yes 1.5 M 100-10K 0.4 35 6,12 or Built -In 10741, x 8"/16 5.1 129.95
117 x 2"%16
SHC-448 Yes H Yes 3/ than. S 100.10 K 9 or 117 Ext 13%6 x 8% 7.1 99.95 lises 6 "D" cells ora.c. line; accommodates FM-400
x 39/16 tuner as plug-in
CTR-8750 Yes P Yes 1.0 M 100-10K 0.5 30 6, 1.17 Built -In 7'/6x7"/16 x 4.4 6995
CTR-9001 Yes P Yes 1,0 M 100-8.5K 0.5 30 6 Built -In 4%x8"/1ex2Ax 3.3 49.95
HARMAN - 40 CAD 4 Yes No S & 30-12.5K 0.15 49 117 AC Deck only 12% x 9 x 3% 10 159.95 2.mic inputs, dual mtr, auto shutoff; o-load ind. light;
KARDON 41 M reg. motor spd. cont, push-pull bias oscillator
LAFAYETTE 117V AC 14%8/x4% Rec/ play stereo; inputs for tuner, car, phono; pre -amp &
® Yes 35-22K ±2 0.2. Ext (Spkrs.
RK -510 Yes H 1.0 S 45 12 149.95
optional ex.) 8 -ohmspkr outputs; dual mtrs; counter. Incls. mics.
RK -550 Yes H No S 40-12K±1 0.2 45 117V AC 15x9 x5 12 119.95 Rec/play stereo deck; push-button operation; 2mtrs;
NORELCO 2401 Yes H Yes 4/chan. S 60-10K±á 43 117 AC Ext 15x9%x5% 11 249.95 Records& plays 6 cassettes, auto. wal. 8" satellite
2602 Yes C Yes 4/chan. S 60-10K±3 43 12 DC Ext 7°/16,x 7'46X 4 119.95 Auto use, fast forward aid rewind.
150 Yes P Yes 0.4 M 80-10K ±3 45 7.5 Batt Built -In 774 x 4% x2% 3 54.95 Records, dynamic mic with remote switch line input and
common cause of tape hiss-has been
eliminated by an exclusive Sony cir-
ServoControl Motor. Automatically cor- cuit, preventing any transient surge
rects for speed variations and maintains of bias current to the record head.
precise timing accuracy. Vari -speed
feature of motor can be adjusted up or
down to match musical pitch of tape
playback to any piano. Instant Tape Threading. Re-
tractomatic pinch rollers
permit simple one -hand
threading. Other fea-
tures: Four -track Stereo-
phonic and Monophonic
recording and play-
back. Also records in
reverse direction.
Three speeds. Two
VU meters. Stereo
headphone jack. And
Noise -Suppressor
Switch. Special filter
eliminates undesirable
hiss that may exist on
older prerecorded tapes.
1969,SUPERSCOPE,INC, You never heard it so good.
Viking 811R
Sony/Superscope TC -124
TC -50
e c 0á 0
ae O
(.7u Q° 4 5 Q
i° 5
Yes 20 S 30-12K 117V AC Ext 2-6% 19%x514x11% 20 229.95 AM/FM/FM stereo radio, 2spkrs, stereo eye, slide cont;
blackout dial; 2 mtrs, pop-up cassette
Yes M 50-10K 6 Batt Built-In 214 3%xP/°x6'/° 2%% 125.00 Mini cassette, rec& pb; auto rec. level con pop-up
RQ-210 Yes P 0.6
Yes No S 30-12K 117 AC Deck only 10'/,, x 10 x33 7'/° 109.95 Stereo deck, pb ope,, counter, pause cont; 2 mtrs;
RS -256 H
noise suppressor, phone jack
RS -802 8 H No S 50-12K 117 AC Deck only 914x914 x4 6'/° 59.95 Lighted chan. ind; p.b. chan. sel.
SONY- 130 Yes H Yes 15 S 50-10 K 0.2 45 117 AC Ext 13'/,° x 3'%6 9% <22,9.502 ext spkrs; ph jk; bal, vol.& tone conts; counter, pop-up
SUPERSCOPE x 9', cassette ejector, spkr/mon.sw; noise supp. sw; mic &
124 CS Yes P Yes LO S 50 10K 0.28 45 6DC Built In & 6'%, x 9% 5 <199.502ext spkrs & built-in spkr, 12v. opt recharg. baht, built -
11117 AC Ext x 2'% in charging cct; ph jack, batt cond incl; p.a. capability.
120 Yes P Yes 1.5 M 50-10 K 0.25 46 6 DC Built -In 10% x 6 x 2/ 5 <129.50 Built-in electret cond mic; batt tond ind; rec-level mtr,
117 AC counter, leather case; ph jack; ac/dc w/built-in recharg-
ing cct
50 Yes P Yes 0.25 M 80-8 K 4.5 DC Built -In J/6 x1'/,° x 1% <125.00 Pocket sized; built in mic & spkr, ext remote mic input;
5'/ batt cond.indicabr, auto rec. level tort, pb vol cunt;
phone jack
110 Yes P Yes 1.0 M 5040K 0.28 46 6 DC Built-in 5% x 9% x 2% 474 99.50 Ac/dc,tuilt-in recharg.cct; built-in spkr, mic & aux.
117 AC inputs; batt tond. indicator; tone cost; electret cond.
mic-,phone jack
70 Yes P Yes 1.2 M 50-10K 0.28 42 6DC Built-in 8'%,° x 8% 5%, 69.50 Ac/dc; built-in recharging cct; built-in spkr; end -of-tape
117 AC x 2%, alarm; mic and aux inputs; tone and vol. conts; rec-level
and batt cond. indicator.
TC -8 8 H No - S 45-I3K 52 117 AC None 12 x 8' x 4% 11/ 129.50 Auto rec-level cent; auto shutoff; cart. prog. indicator;
stereo phone jack; record interlock.
STANDARD SR-T800P 8 H No - S 50-10K 0.2. 45 117 AC Deck 13%x 7% 8.8 79.95 Built-in preamp.
±6 only x 3 i
TEAC 1250 8 H No - S 30-15K 0.3 48 12V AC No 15%, x 9% 14.0 149.95 8-track recorder
1624 Yes H No - S 30-15K 0.3 43 12 V AC No 31/2.x 8% 9.9 139.95 Hysterises Synch Motor
±3 x 10% 3 VU meters
Head Phone Output jack
A2OU Yes H Mon. 0.1 S 60-10K <0.2 45 117 AC Deck 9% x 10 10 139.50 Headphone mon. cct; hys. motor, incls stereo mic.
±0.5 Only x 4%
VIKING 811-R 8 H No S 40-15K 0.3 50 110 AC None 15 x 11 x 4% 25 189.95 Recdr/player, w/logic ccts for auto stop at end of prog;
wal. case
811W 8 H Yes 10 S 40-50K 0.3 50 110 AC 2 ext 15 x 11 x 4%Z 30 159.95 Player, w/vol, bal, tone conts, and power ampi; incls
spkrs. wal. case.
811A 8 H Yes 10 S 40-50K 0.3 50 110 AC None 15 x 11 x 4% 22 129.95 Player, w/vol, bal, tone cents, andpowerampl; wal. case.
811 8 H No S 40-50K 0.3 50 110 AC Deck only 15 x 11 x 4%Z 20 99.95 Player deck; feeds hi-fi. sys.
WOLLENSAK 4800 Yes H Yes 16 * S 60-12K 0.25 46 110AC Ext 14 x 9 x 4 22 with 229.95 Separate compression -loaded speakers heavy duty
±3 Speaker. biperipheral flywheel * total, EIA.
4300 Yes P Yes - M 50-10K 0.35 45 7.50 bat Built-in 12x 10 x 3 7% 99.95 Auto. rec. level cost; manual override.
Ampex VR7500
The McIntosh Catalog gives all
the details on the new McIn-
tosh solid state equipment. In
addition, you'll receive abso-
lutely free a complete up-to- Roberts 1000 Sony CV 2200
Howell 2966
date FM Station Directory.
ee aN
(Circled number \N ae d e $
indicates ad page) c e 4 ce3
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AMPEX VR -7800 1 9.6 1000 20-4.2M 350 50-15K 140 10,000.00 Opt. items: color,proc. amp., drop out
±2 comp. features elec. ed. brdcst. stndrd.
VR -7500 1 9.6 1000 30-4.2 or 350 50-12K 100 4,500.00 High or low band color recording
30.3.5M ±-4
VP -4900 1 9.6 1000 30-3M 300 90-9K 6,1 995.00 Playback -only unit.
BELL A. 2910 1 6.91 723 30-4.2M >400 80-10K 65 4,200.00 Monochrome; converts to color by addi-
HOWELL (mono) ±4 (tk 1) tion of1 plug-in cct. board; stop motion;
2020 1 6.91 723 30-4.2M >400 75.10K 47 2,335.00 Full NTSC-type color; avail. w%or w/o
(mono) ±4 case; avail. in monochr., cony. as
above; stop motion.
2966 Vz 7.5 518 30-3M 300 60-10K 52 995.00 In port. case; stop motion standard.
CONCORD VTR -700 V2 12 484 30.2.5M 250 50-12K 60 1,495.00 Rem. cont. oper.; auto rewind; auto
VTR-600 Vi 12 484 30-2.5M 250 80-10K 52 1,150.00 Built-in head cleaning; portable.
VTR-900 Vi 12 484 30-2.5M 250 50-12K 52 995.00 Simple oper.; p.b. coots.; plays through
std. TV; portable.
CRAIG 6401 44 9.5 250 70-10K 65 850.00 Rotary-traisf: coupled video head; color
adapt.; auto audio -level cont. Remote
control optional.
6402 y 9.5 250 70-10K 59 1,200.00 As above, but with built-in sync gen.;
ed.; slow motion; aito video -level cont.
NV -8080
63 1,400.00
Appr. prices.
ROBERTS 1000 y 114 300 30-2.5M 250 80-10K 66 1,095.00 Also serves as 4-tk audio rec. at 74'2 &
3% ips. Any TV recvr. adapt. as monitor.
1050 % 11% 300 30-2.5M 250 80-10K 20 1,695.00 Battery oper. port. 5 -in. reels, recs and
plays on mon. Includes camera, mon.,
recharger. Available Dec.
SONY EV-310 1 7.8 590 300 50-12K 77 3,700.00 NTSC color rec/pb capability w/CLB-
(mono) + 1, -76 1B color adaptor; solenoid Oper. remote;
96 240 guar. tape interchangeability with other
(color) E V recdrs.
DVK/VCK 2400 %7y 220 100-8K 16 1,250.00 Trans.; batt. Oper.; auto vid. & aud. rec.
"Videorover" level; built-in screen viewfinder; 20 -min.
rec. time on 5" reel; incls. camera.
Ñ TCV-2110 y2 7% 220 80-10K 70 1,050.00 Auto vid & and rec. level cont.; 1 hr.
ce W rec time on 7 -in reel; auto shutoff;
O suitable for audio dubbing.
z 0 V Ñ
CV-2270 7% 220 80-10K 49 850.00 Duplicate tape with 2 units and VDC-1
Kenwood KRS-44
Sony HP480
Panasonic SC -666 Scott 2506
k D
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3.0 0.5 20-15K 35 0.8 Meter Yes Garrard 10 13/ Sealed 23% x 9 81 399.95 Spkrs. and ampl. critically matched
KLH 20
Custom Box x 11% for opt. performance.
3.0 0.5 20-15K 35 0.8 Meter Yes Garrard 8 2 Sealed 18 x 10% 65 299.95 As above.
24 171/2
Custom Box x 7%
0.8 0.4 20-20K 20-50K 70 2.2 0.8 20-15K 30 1.0 Meter Yes none 654 3 10 x 8 x 1612 46 239.95 *at 4 ohms.
KENWOOD KRS-44 24* 0.8
±2 +0, -2 Cone
KS -33 15* 0.9 0.9 0.5 30-15K 30-40K 70 3.0 0.8 20-15K 30 1.0 Meter Yes none 654 234 8/ x 7% 38 199.95 *At 4 ohms.
12.5 ±2 +0,-2 Cone x 14
LAFAYETTE RK -580 25 1 1.4 0.7 30-20K 20-20K 60 3 0.5 50-15K 35 1.2 Meter Yes BSR - - - - 50 329.95 Witt speakers. Built-in cassette
±2 ±1 McDonald stereo record/play.
MARANTZ 25 0.3 0.3 2.8 0.3 20-15K 35 0.5 Meter Yes all - - - - 329.00 IC's, FET's; spkr. sel. sw. phone
jack; loudness cont.
(1-9)(4-5) +2
20-25K 60 2.8 0.8 35 Yes BSR 8 2 Acous. 11% x 17% 55 349.95 Incls. AM.
PANASONIC SC -666 20 1.0
Cone x 81fi
1.0 22-25K 60 2.9 0.8 35 Yes BSR 654 2 Acous. 15% x 9% 35% 279.95 Incls. AM.
SC -555 15
Cone x 8%n
PIONEER C-7000 18 1.0 0.5 0.2 30-20K 20-70K 50 2.5 0.7 20-15K 35 1.5 Meter No Pioneer 8 254 Acous. 11 x 9 x 19 96 690.00 Cassette recorder, glasstop,
±2 Cone pedestal.
C -6000A 18 1.0 0.5 0.2 30-20K 20-70K 50 2.5 0.7 20-15K 35 1.5 Meter No Pioneer 8 2hz Acous. 11 x 9 x 19 90 550.00 Glasstop, pedestal.
±3 ±2 Cone
C-5600 15 x 2 0.8 0.5 0.2 2.5 0.7 20-15K 35 1.5 Meter No Pioneer 8 2'h Acous. 12 x 10 x 22 71 499.95 Bi -amplified system, lattice grille
±2 Cone speaker.
SCOTT 2506 25* 0.8 2.0 LO 20-20K 18-25K 65 2 0.6 50-15K 30 0.8 Meter Yes Garrard With Q-100 speakers 106 499.95 *At 4 ohms.
±2 With S-15 speakers 90 449.95
Cover II
With S-10 speakers 87 399.95
2505 20* 0.8 2.0 1.0 20-20K 18-25K 60 2 0.6 50-15K 30 0.8 Meter Yes Garrard With S-10 speakers 84 359.95 *At 4 ohms.
±1 ±2 With S-17 speakers 58 319.95
With S-14 speakers 57 289.95
SHERWOOD S-6000 60 0.75 1.0 .2015.20K 20-20K 90 1.8 0.15 20-15KC 40 0.3 zero Yes ** 32 419.50 *At 4 ohms.
±1 ±1 dB cent NONE **Accepts Garrard SL65 or 5L55,
mtr. or Dual.
SONY HP -180 9 1.5 50-29K 53 4.5 38 Yes BSR 5 2 air 7'/ x ;* 28.8 239.95 HP -150A, same less tuner, 179.95.
Full Size tight x 14'/, 5a
HP -480 19 1 213-50K 65 2.6 0.6 30-15K 38 0.8 Yes Dual 3 reflex 14'/ 45
654 x 794 319.95 HP-460, same less tuner, 249.95.
91 t1 x14'/
HP -550 33 0.6 1.5 20-50K 65 2.8 0.6 30-15K 0.8 Yes Garrard air
38 10 4 16*,. x 794 55.5 379.95
t1 tight x 16%,
Some people say Ampex
stereo recorders are expensive.
They're right.
We put more into them. So you get more Every Ampex tape drive system is pow- The result? Every Ampex tape recorder
out of them. More sound, because our re- ered by a special, heavy-duty hysteresis lives up to its high performance specifi-
corders actually produce their stated synchronous motor. A motor we make cations. And keeps living up to those
specifications. And every Ampex keeps even better with a die-cast flywheel/fan specifications for years longer. You pay a
giving you the stated spec performance for consistently cooler, smoother opera- little more for an Ampex but in the long
over a much longer period of time.* Here tion. And we use an exclusive Ampex -de- run it's a bargain.
are the facts. signed drive belt with built-in damping
factor to further reduce flutter. A case in point: the new Ampex 1467
Every Ampex recorder frame is die-cast. system. You get Sound -on -Sound, Sound -
We don't cut it out of sheet metal. Con- The Ampex reel drive and brake system with -Sound, Echo Effect, "Silent Signal"
nection points on it are milled, not costs more to build. But it makes tape Automatic Reverse, Automatic Repeat,
stamped, for greater accuracy. Then we breaking, tearing or stretching almost im- Monitor, Pause Control, 4 Deep Gap
die-cast and mill a special block that con- possible no matter how fast you change Heads, Two Walnut Acoustic Suspension
nects with the frame and holds the tape direction. Our dual capstan drive is ex- Speakers, Two Dynamic Mikes and per-
heads absolutely rigid. This total die-cast pensive but insures less wow, flutter and formance specs only matched by another
framework costs more, but heads mounted less wear on tapes. Our stainless steel Ampex. (Especially after you use it a year
on a less rigid framework can move. And tape guides are ground more accurately or so.) Suggested retail price: $449.95.
if they move, even a fraction, maximum and set more precisely into each unit.
frequency response is gone. This insures that tape crosses the heads at Write Ampex Corporation, Consumer
an optimum frequency response angle Equipment Division, Dept. A9, 2201
Every Ampex uses famous deep -gap even after years of use. Lunt Ave., Elk Grove Village, III. 60007
heads. These heads cost us a lot more to for a full color spec sheet on the 1467 and
make, but they deliver far better sound Finally, every Ampex uses higher grade a brochure on the entire Ampex line.
electrical components. Our transistors,
far longer than any others in the indus-
try.** We install them more precisely. resistors, capacitors and semi -conductors
And on bi-directional units we make sure surpass engineering specifications. And we
the heads are equally sensitive. So both don't push them to their limits. Even our
directions sound identical. transformers are larger, with more lami- * See "Will your tape recorder sound as good in
na=ions and copper, so they don't have to December as it did in May." in leading audio
hum to handle the electrical load, magne- magazines, April, 1969.
tize the heads less, run cooler and have a ** See "A message from the heads of Ampex. Listen."
much longer life span. in leading audio magazines, March, 1969.
Altec 651AH
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Iindicatesad pagel
- o c fie: e°,r `tea, `es °N
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-149 XLR 15 Free 6% x
,e - 27 50.00 Internally suspended capsule
AK G D -190E Card. Dyn. Metal Satin 200 40-15,000 11/2 d. 6
D-200E Card. Dyn. Metal Chrome 200 30-15,000 -151 XLR 15 Free 75/1u x 15í,d. 8 5/,- 27 69.00 Two-way cardioid mic. Similar to two-way
±3 spkr; woofer & tweeter & cross -over.
D-24E Card. Dyn. Metal Satin 200 30-18,000 -148 XLR 15 Free 61/2 x l'/d. 6 54 - 27 160.00 Wide range, studio microphone.
C-451E Var i. Con- Metal Satin 200 30-20,000 -135 XLR - - % x 5'/d. 4.5 54-27 179.00 Modular system features:
denser ± 2.5 a) interchangeable capsules
b) Phantom, a.c. and d.c. powering.
ALTEC 650A Card. Dyn. Steel Satin 150/250 50-15K -150 3 Pin 15 Phone 615/ x 10 %-27 85.00 Built-in wind/pop screen, on -off sw.,. bass
LANSING Chrome ' or 20,000 Cannon Plug 13) Dia. roll -off switch, personal carrying case.
39 91 651AH Card. Dyn. Steel Satin 20,000 60-15K -151 Cable se- 15 Phone 615/, x 11 '4-27 70.00 Built-in wind/pop screen, on -off switch,
Chrome cure to mic Plug 1)á Dia. Incl. personal carrying case.
CROWN C-100 Card. Cond. Metal Satin 200 30-20K -133 Cannon None - 5% L x 4/ Std. 240.00 Direct power from "CX recorders;
11 ±2.5 XLR ?a Dia. optional 3 -pattern capsules.
M-80 2 -way Dyn. Metal Satin 200 30-15K -149 Cannon 15 None 8/ L x 10 Std. 150.00 Sintered bronze filter; linear cardioid
Card. ±2 XLR 2/ dia pattern
ELECTRO- 664 Card Dyn. Diecast Chrome Dual -150 60-15K -149 E -V 15 None 71/a x 1'/, 26 5/,-27 53.40 Variable -D card.; resp. independent of
VOICE (Var.D) Zinc gray or Gold and Hi -151 QC4M Max. Dia. dist; on -off sw.
Purpose) 674 Card. Dyn. Diecast Chrome Dual -150 60-15K -151 E -V 15 None 7%, x 1% 18 5/-27 53.40 As above, w/3 -pos. bass -tilt sw. for
(Var D) Zinc and Hi -152 QC4M control of room rumble.
O 2
(Var. D)
Dyn. Diecast
Chrome Dual -150
and Hi
60 15K -151
15 None 75j x
ly 12 300 Std
53.40 As above, w/out on/off sw.
Cover IV
631 Omni Dyn. Diecast Chrome 150 or 80-13K -149 Amph 15 None 6 x 1'/, Max 6 310 Std 37.80 For hand-held ent. use; 4-std. pop filter;
Zinc Hi -151 Dia. Adapt. removeable mag. reed on -off sw.
627A Card. Dyn. Diecast Black & 150 or 60-13K -151 Amph 15 None 6'/, x 15/, 8 310 Std 37.80 For above use; bass resp. var. w/dist. --
(Sgl. D) Zinc Chrome Hi -153 Max. Dia. Adapt. 14 dB incr. at 100 Hz, 24' to le.
626 Card. Dyn. Diecast Fawn Beige Dual -150 70-12K -151 None 15 None 6'', x 15/, 81/2 310 Std 27.90 Integral -cable version of 627A.
(Sgl. D) Zinc Micomatte and Hi -153 Max. Dia. Adapt.
ELECTRO- RE -20 Var-D Dyn. Steel Fawn beige 50, 100, 40-20K -150 Swcrft 18 Not 81/2 x 2'/ 26 Adapt. 249.90 Very wide range; uniform polar curve.
VOICE card. matte 150 A3M Turn. max. d.
RE-16 Var-D Dyn. Steel Fawn beige 150 80-15K -150 Swcrft 18 Not 7% x 1'/, 8 Adapt. 159.00 Super-effective opo filter similar to RE -15-
RE -15 Var -D Dyn. Steel Fawn beige 150 80-15K -150 Swcrft 18 Not 6'/ x 1% 6 Adapt. 153.00 Super-cardioid; max. rejection at 150 deg;
Cover IV A3M max. d. uniform resp. at all angles.
card. matte
RE -55 Omni Dyn. Steel Fawn beige 150 40-20K -149 Swcrft 18 Not 101/2 x 1% 8/ Adapt. 126.00 Extremely smooth resp. suitable as sec -
matte A3M Turn. max. d. ondary calib. std. .
RE-50 Omni Dyn. Alum. Fawn beige 150 80-13K -149 Swcrft 18 Not 73) x 1%. 91/2 Adapt. 66.00 "noiseless" version of 635A; max rejec-
matte A3M fury. max. d. tion of cord, handling, and breath -pop noise.
635A Omni Dyn. Steel Fawn beige 150 80.13K -149 Swcrft 18 Not 6 x 1% 6 Adapt. 49.20 Integral 4-stagepop filter; for hand-held
matte A3M Turn. max. d. use.
Because of their exceptional accuracy,
Acoustic Research speaker systems are usually
chosen for special scientific applications.
One of the world's leading medical schools has recently solved a long-standing problem in its training of first -year
students: how to enable a lecturer and hundreds of listeners to hear simultaneously the heart sounds of a living patient.
Usable microphonic pickups exist; the difficulty arises because most of the sound in a heartbeat is in the range below
40 Hz. At these very low frequencies, even many speaker systems which seem to have "good bass" are unable to provide
results comparable to those of a doctor's stethoscope. The stethoscope, simple as it is, couples the physician's ears
directly to the patient's chest, and can, in principle, convey acoustic pulses near 0 Hz. It is this kind of extended
low -frequency response which was needed, but individual listening devices were out of the question; they would not
allow lecturer and students to hear and recognize the same abnormalities without ambiguity.
The problem was solved by the school's purchase of four standard full -range AR -1x speaker systems and an AR amplifier;
the latter is used with all controls "flat". Despite the large size of the lecture hall, the heart sounds are clearly
audible to all students, and levels can be produced which literally rattle the doors and windows of the amphitheater.
Our best system for music reproduction is our AR -3a; it has the same low-frequency characteristics as the AR -1x,
but includes our most accurate mid -range and high -frequency drivers also. Other AR speaker systems are described
in the free AR catalog.
Sennheiser MD 408 (continued)
Neumann KM -84
4 Qe
(Circled number Q
c C V .,
Iindicates ad page)
4`Q o c" -;/S
NEUMAN U-87 Omni- Cond. Metal Satin 150/250 40-16K -137 Can 25 Can 8 x 2% d. 20 5/,-27 From Studio std. for close mi king; int. compart-
KM -84 Card. Cond. Metal Satin 200 40-20K -137 Can 25 Can 4% x'/ d. 3 %-27 From Reqs. bait ora.c. supply; flat freq. resp. on
Chrome 252.00 or off mi c; 10 -dB o -load sw. for close-up
use; accessories available.
PML F67 BS Card. Dyn. Alum. Satin 200, Hi 40-16K -160 Att. Cable 20 Not 7% x 1 Dia. 16 Stand 59.50 Incls. on/off switch; Stand adapter
Chrome furn. supplied.
RCA HK -111 Omni. Dyn. Diecast Black & 200,15K 50-20K RCA 20 Not 10.6 x 1.6d 9 5/e
& 54.00 Integ. wind screen; flat wide freq-resp.
Sat. Chr. Conn. furn. 5/15
HK96 Card Dyn. Diecast Black & 200,15K 50-15K RCA 20 not 9% x 1.6 d 16 5/e 50.00 3-pos bass roll off sw.
Sat. Chr. Conn. furn.
HK- 106 Super Dyn. Diecast BI ack & 200,15K 150-10 K - RCA 20 Not 5.3 x 1.2 d 69
44.00 2 transfs; 2 ctgs; gentle rolloff at low
Card Sat. Chr. Conn. furn. freqs.
SENNHEISER MHK-804 Narrow r.f. Brass Satin 50-20K -125.7 Tuchel not Can 22 x % d. 13 Boom 391.00 Ultra -directional.
beam cond. Chrome ±1.5 furn. XLR *acc. available to match any Z.
MD-211N Omni. Dyn. Alum. Satin 200 40-20K -149.3 Not furn. 30 Not 4% x'/e d 4.5 Clamp 124.00 Multi -purpose.
Chrome ±2.5 furn.
MD -214N Omni Dyn. Alum. TV gray 200 60-12K -149.3 Not furn. 30 Not 3 x 1'/e x 1`/e 5 lanyard 110.00 Lavalier model; built-in shock mount;
±1.5 furn. equalized freq. resp.
MD-408 Super Dyn. Brass Chrome 200 100-14K -149.3 Tuchel Not Not 15/e d. 10.5 Stand 59.00 Flex -Shaft mount.
Card. ± 1.5 furn. furn. Sphere
SHURE 548 Card. Dyn. Diecast Black & Hi, 40- 15K -151 Can. 15 Not 6'/5 x 1'/1, d 9 Adapt. 63.00 Unidyne IV; available with sw. as model
(General Zinc Chrome Lo XLR furn. 5485.
565 Card. Dyn. Diecast Black & Hi, 50-15K -150.5 Amph 15 Not 6'/5, x 2d. 11 Adapt. 60.00 Unisphere I; with sw, 5655.
Zinc Chrome Lo MC4M furn.
545 Card. Dyn. Diecast Black & Hi, 50-15K -151 Amph 15 Not 5"/16 x 1% d 9 Adapt. 53.40 Unidyne Ill; with sw, 545s.
zinc Chrome Lo MC4M furn.
55SW Card. Dyn. Diecast Chrome Hi, Med. 50-15K -151.5 Amph 15 Not 711/16 x Y/,e 26 5/e-27 53.40 Undyne II; with on/off sw.
Zinc Lo MC3M furn x 3%1b
579SB Omni Dyn. Diecast Satin 150 50-15K -151 Can 20 Not 6% x 1'/16 d 5V2 Adapt. 45.00 Vocal sphere.
Zinc Chrome XLR furn.
585SA Card. Dyn. Diecast Chrome Hi 50.13K -153.5 Amph 15 Not 6% x 2'/1, d 13%i Adapt. 40.80 Unisphere A. Available in low -Z as
Zinc MC1F furn. 585SB
588SA Card. Dyn. Diecast Chrome Hi 80-13K -155 Can 15 Not 614 x 2'' d 12 Adapt. 36.00 Unisphere B. Available in' ow -Z as
Zinc XLR furn. 588SB
515SA Card. Dyn. Diecast Black & Hi 80-13K -154 - 15 Not 6%z x 1% d 15 Adapt. 25.20 Unidyne B. Available in low -Z as
Zinc Chrome furn. 515SB
Only LWE.
LWE introduces a whole new era in speaker design. No longer must a speaker depend on
porting, or reflex, or resonance, or baffles, or sand, or weighted cones, or cabinet size, shape
or design. LWE's newly patented (March 1969) Electronic Suspension speakers actively
eliminate reproduction distortion by electrical commands to the amplifier. The result is
- -
remarkable and unrivaled fidelity. D LWE research has uniquely applied the principle of
inverse or negative feedback to control the speaker cone electronically at all times.
This produces greatly improved transient response, virtual elimination of speaker distor-
tion, and extension of low frequency response. In short, LWE out-performs any conventional
speaker on the market today-regardless of size or price. Hear LWE for yourself. And
for more detailed information write for our Sound of Excellence brochure. Our prices
range from $60 to $469. LWE Electronic Suspension has arrived, and you've never heard
it so good.
The Sound of Excellence
LWE is a division of
2418 Bartlett / Houston, Texas 77006 / (713) 524-7407
AUDIO SEPTEMBER 1969 Check No. 85 on Reader Service Card
Oerr1opstpatiop HEADPHO\Eti
on! Fisher HP 100
Clark 100
Koss ESP -9
DT-48SN Dyn. 16.18K 50 .0625 400 0.1 9 16 90.00 For NACRA recorder only.
±2 monophonic.
CLARK 1000 Dyn. 20-16K 8 1 500 <1.0 8 16 85.00 Sim. wal. grain domes; gold -
±3 plated hdwe; carrying case.
Mikado Model 2420... This remarkable 100 Dyn. 20-12K 8 1 500 <1.0 10 16 45.00 Also available in impedances
low-cost receiver packs a lot of power ±3 coiled of 300,600, 1200 ohms.
... 40 Watts. Performs as low as 1% har- 200 Dyn. 30-8K 8 0.5 1000 1.5 10 16 26.95 Model 250 - same with vol.
monic distortion. Fully equipped with ±3 coiled controls, 32.00
headphone jack, stereo indicator, tape
300 Dyn. 30-8K
monitor and comes in a hand rubbed 8 0.5 1000 1.5 10 14 19.00
walnut cabinet. Price $129.95 ±3 coiled
FISHER HP -60 Dyn. 30-18K 8 1mW
If your dealer is not carrying Mikado 500 0.1 8 15 24.95
now, arrange it with him to accept with- .../1.)HP-100 Dyn. 18-22K 50 2mW 700 0.1 8 10 34.95
out obligation (on consignment) a Mi- JENSEN HS -2 Dyn. 20-17K 4/chan. 14 2,000 >1.0 24.95 High compliance, comfortable
kado set of your choice for your free 8 16
We've closed
the degeneration gap
Tests show that a symmetrically Following this concept, Yamaha
designed speaker- round, rectan- developed the Natural Sound
gular, square, conical, triangular- Speaker. It is entirely different
gives rise to degeneration in the from the conventional cone. It has
vibration mode at specific frequen- a rigid diaphragm constructed of a
cies. Distorting natural sound. specially formulated polystyrene.
That's why the Yamaha Natural The entire edge of the speaker is
Sound Speaker has such an unu- firmly fixed on the frame. And it is
sual shape. It operates on the same shaped for natural sound ... like
sound concept as the sounding the sounding board of
board of a grand piano, violin or a piano.
guitar. To prevent sound degener-
ation. To give you natural sound... So, if you've been lis-
the way your ear was meant to tening to degenerated
hear it. sound -
close the gap.
With Yamaha.
shapes the sound so that you don't NS -15
Impedance -8 ohms
get those unreal, booming bass Power
sounds ... nor the strident, irritat-
30 watts
ing highs. The system is based on
Tone control
the principles of acoustic musical Speakers
instruments such as the piano. The
Natural Sound:
13" x 17"
quality of sounds produced is Cone: 2"
directly correlated to the acoustical Cabinet -
Removable grille
design of their sounding boards. Straight-grain
American Walnut
They are called BENDING Open pore, oil finish
MOTIONS of sound. And they are Dimensions
Height: 23"
natural. Width: 16"
Depth: 7"
Weight: 22 lb.
5 models avail-
able, starting at
Now available. Two
outstanding new
receivers that do
the Yamaha
Natural Sound
Speakers justice.
Check No. 89 on Reader Service Card
color coded 30"
/f/ /11
color coded 30"
trailer on every reel Sennheiser HD -414
Pioneer SE -50
sensing foil on
every reel
leatherette signature
Superex ST -PRO -B Telex Serenata
binding with gold foil
identification strip
with every reel
e"e F' 3. 0 ß 4v SPECIAL
(Circled numbers
indicate adv. page) c° iti
c` eF ; ee
á + ti $
ecWs1ve D D eD D
PIONEER SE -50 Dyn. 20-20K 8 500 16 20 49.95 2-way, volume, tweeter
controls w/case
SE-30 Dyn. 20.20K 8 500 8 14 29.95 w/case
SENNHEISER HD -4I4 Dyn. 30-20K 2500 ea. 1.0 10 5 29.95 Lightweight, plastic band,
foam ear pads.
Only IRISH has the four point tape SHARPE HA-770/GP Dyn. 20-20K 11 1.12V. 2 ea. <1.0 10 26 100.00 Calibrated, matched, fused.
(500 opt.) coiled Liquid -filled cushions; Freq.
system that gives you resp. curve furnished.
4 good reasons for buying Irish. HA-660/PRO Dyn. 20-20K 11 1.12V. 2 ea. <1.0 10 26 60.00 As above, less curve.
opt) coiled
Irish is great tape. (500
HA-10 MK II Dyn. 30-15K 8 0.5V. 2 ea. <1.0 10 24 45.00 Modem design; Forest Green.
So use Irish. coiled
Irish makes a complete line HA -9 Dyn. 30-15K 8 0.13V. 2 ea. <1.0 6 23 25.95 Color: Gray
of reel-to-reel, cassette, lubricated SONY
(Superscope) DR-6C Dyn. Padded band; plastic foam
and video tapes. 10K 6 14 29.50
cushions; polyester diaphragm
OO 73
DR -6A Dyn. 8 6 13 27.50
As above.
SUPEREX ST -PRO -B Dyn. 18-22K 4-16 2,000 0.7 7 20 50.00 Woofer/tweeter; 10 -ft. coi led
ST -S Dyn. 30-15K 4-16 2,000 0.85 7 15 24.95 10 -ft coil cord avail., repl.
±5 cushions. Avail. with Z of
Recording Tape
600,2000,15K ohms.
ST-C Dyn. 40-15K 4-16 2,000 0.85 7 15 19.95 Replaceable cushions; avail.
±5 in Z of 10K ohms.
TELEX Serenata Dyn. 20-20K 3-16 2,000 0.5 8 16 59.95 Brown; band press. con t;built-
in tone cont; iquid-fi led cush-
More than 1000 standards
Units shown with cases removed.
Altec attenuators are the standard ator will last hundreds of thousands
of the broadcast and recording of operations. Precisely constructed,
industry. And not only do we they're also "overbuilt"-for rugged de-
make them better, but we make pendability. Electrical integrity is
more of them-over a thousand assured, too, because of our exclusive
different kinds of rotary and use of cold -forged contacts of fine
straight line attenuators for every (100%) silver; also pure silver brushes,
broadcast and recording requirement. individually suspended to maintain per-
Available are bridging pads, precision fect contact. Noise -free operation is
decade attenuators, projection and turntable faders, fixed further assured by dust -tight cases.
loss pads, mixer networks, minimum loss matching pads, The most commonly needed Altec
impedance matching networks, stereo pan pots, calibrated atter uators are available off the shelf. Custom
attenuators, rotary differential attenuators, mixer controls, configurations will be made to your exact requirements.
grid control pots, VU meter extenders and many more. For a complete catalog of the Altec attenuator line,
Variety is only part of the story. Every Altec-built attenu- please write.
Patert Pending Company
1 51 5 So. Manchester Ave., Anaheim, Cahf. 928031 ALTE[
LANSING State lip
A Division of LTV Ling Altec, Inc. Ir J
Stereo components and ensembles for the home/Microphones, speakers, horns, amplifiers for public address systems/Acousta-Voice (TM) equalization/Audio
controls, consoles, monitors for professional recording, broadcast and motion picture studios/Telephone transmission and termination products/Communi-
cations equipment for offices, factories, commerce, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, doctors' registry/Specialty transformers, filters, inductors, inverters.
Fisher Radio Corporation is still mar- low -frequency signal on the tape in the
MISCELLANEOUS keting the "Dynamic Spacexpander" record mode, and by activating the pro-
reverberation device. This self -powered jector when the tape is played back
unit has a delay time on attack of 33 past the recorded tones. Price, $70.00.
FM Antennas milliseconds, and a decay time of 2 sec-
onds at 300 Hz. A front -panel control Check No. 117 on Reader Service Card
The Finney Company offers a wide Pioneer Electronics U.S.A. Corp. has
variety of FM antennas, ranging from recently introduced the Model SR -202
Model FM -WT designed for window solid-state reverberation amplifier. This
mounting and providing an omni-direc- unit, which measures 111%6 in. wide,
tional pattern at $16.95, up to the 91416 in. deep, and 41/2 in. high, offers a
Model HWK-75 Home Distribution controllable reverberation time which
System for TV and FM at $129.95. The is adjustable over the range from 1.9 to
3.2 seconds. It has an input impedance
Frncó of 300k ohms, and an output impedance
is provided so that the user can vary
the amount of reverberation added to
the signal. This is a stereo unit, and re-
verberation is added to both channels
simultaneously. Price, $69.95.
Check No. 78 on Reader Service Card
Check No. 70 on Reader Service Card is designed for use with amplifiers
which do not have low-level magnetic S.C.A. Services, Inc., offers Model
phono or tape -head inputs. Operating SCA-1 Background Music Decoder-
JFD Electronics Corp. has a complete from a 9 -volt battery, it provides inputs a self-powered model with an audio
line of antenna accessories in addition for microphone, as well as for cartridge output of 0.6 volts at an impedance of
to several types of FM antennas. Top- and tapé head, and it is equipped with less than 5000 ohms. This unit attaches
ping the line is the LPL-FM10A at controls for equalization, mode, left to any FM tuner or receiver to decode
$49.95. This is a 10 -element rig with a volume, right volume, and an on -off subcarrier background -music programs
boom over 12 feet in length which in- switch. The unit measures 7 in. wide, with no commercials or talking. The
corporates a low -impedance braced 51/a in. deep, and 21/2 in. high, and is price is $64.50, completely assembled.
triple boom. Also available is the LPL- priced at $14.95. Also available is a
FM4A-a 4 -element antenna of similar home reverberation amplifier rated at
design for suburban and local use. A
complete list of preamplifiers and
splitter/couplers rounds out the line.
Check No. 72 on Reader Service Card
Whether you win the big prize or not you'll certainly come up a win- I WANNA BE A WINNER.
ner with your club benefits. As a member you have UNLIMITED Send me my LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP CARD, my Free Schwann Catalog,
my Free Harrison 4 and 8 track Catalogs,* order blanks and Club
SELECTION of any book you wish: fiction, non-fiction, historical,
scientific even valuable art books at 25% discount. A FREE
Magazine by return mail. $2 enclosed guarantees me:
1. CHARTER LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP ($5.00 after November 1)
Schwann Catalog comes with your membership which conveniently
2. 35%-80% savings on LP albums, 1/3 off on tapes,
lists over 30,000 LP's by category: Popular, Classical, Folk, Jazz and up to 50% on stereo gear, 25% on books.
so on. FREE Harrison Catalogs listing all available 4 and 8 track will ever be sent
tapes, cartridges, and cassettes are yours for the asking. until I order it.
Your FREE QUARTERLY CLUB MAGAZINE keeps you informed of all I must be delighted with the Club or within 30 days I will let you
know and receive a full refund.
New releases in Records, Tapes, and Books, while offering you
valuable extra discount Club Specials.
We've really stacked the deck in your favor: Tape deck, that is. We
offer savings up to 50% on stereo equipment from all famous ADDRESS
makers. Regulations prohibit us from listing those Nationally adver-
tised brands. Write for our complete list of famous makes as well as
a low quote on your stereo needs.
'I am interested in tapes, E 4 track and cassettes O 8 track.
Miscellaneous (continued)
Superscope offers the complete line
of Sony recording tapes, with the PR-
150 series most in demand. This is a
1.0 -mil polyester -base tape packaged
1800 feet on a 7 -in. reel, and with cor-
respondingly less tape on smaller reels.
PR -200 fits 2400 feet on a 7 -in. reel,
and SLH-180 is a low -noise, high -out-
put tape with 1800 feet on a 7 -in. reel.
Computer -styled empty tape reels are
also available in 7-, 5-, and 31/4 -in. sizes.
"Easy -Threader" tabs are included free
in every box of PR -150 and PR -200
tapes. The HE -2 Head Demagnetizer
is a useful device for those who wish
to keep their recorders in tip-top shape,
and it is priced at less than $12.95.
Cassettes are available in the popular
C-60 (1 -hour) types at under $1.89; in
the C-90 (11/2 -hour) type at less than
$2.79; and as the C-120 type which
plays for two hours at less than $4.39.
8T-60 is an 8 -track cartridge for 60
minutes playing time, and it is priced
at less than $6.25.
Check No. 130 on Reader Service Card
Miscellaneous (continued)
For those who prefer to build their
own cabinets and equipment housings,
Furn-a-Kit offers a choice between a
number of models, beginning with
Equipment Cabinet No. 1, priced at
$178.00. The model is 7 feet long, and
will accommodate speakers, tuner,
turntable, tape recorder, records, and
tapes. A steel hutch and steel legs are
optional. A complete 52 -page catalog is
available from the company for 50¢.
Check No. 134 on Reader Service Card
Blauvelt, N. Y. 10913
- --i
EMI (see Benjamin Electronic)
cone tweeter. Removable grille for
customizing to any decor. Dimen-
CID DYNAMICS- sions:231/4"Hx 13"Wx11"D. EdiTall (see Elpa Marketing)
ADC303A and 303AX (right)
The 303A is the top -rated winner of
EICO Electronic Instrument Co.
the most impressive independent
test in large system categories. 283 Malta St.
I (The 303AX is an advanced version.)
Both are systems of exceptional
Brooklyn, N. Y. 11207
I Please
Name accuracy, with a lack of distortion
and coloration not available at or
Elac (see Benjamin Electronic)
send near this price range. Suggested re- Electro -Voice, Inc.
specifications Address sale 303A-$89.95; 303AX $99.95 602 Cecil St.
on ADC Buchanan, Mich. 49107
Specifications: Impedance 8 ohms.
speaker City Frequency Response: 33.20,000 cps Elpa Marketing Industries
systems. ± 3 db, in average listening room.
I State Zip
Power Requirements: 6 watt min.
60 watt max. Woofer: 8" (303A) or
New Hyde Park, N. Y. 11040
2121 Bellmore Ave.
Bellmore, N. Y. 11710
Finney Co.
34 W. Interstate St.
Bedford, Ohio 44146
Fisher Radio Corp. matchless Elpa-endorsed quality!
11-35 45th Rd.
Long Island City, N. Y. 11101
Frazier, Inc.
1930 Valley View Lane
Dallas, Texas 75234
1308 Edward L. Grant Highway
Bronx, N. Y. 10452 The World's Finest Cartridges and Tonearms
Transcription Turntables of Matchless Quality
Garrard (see British Industies)
Grommes Div. of
Precision Electronics, Inc.
9101 King St.
Franklin Park, III. 11803
Harman-Kardon, Inc.
55 Ames Court
+....`..' / 11111111, :a
Plainview, N. Y. 11803
You benefit more with Elpa, high fidelity's most unique coor-
JFD Electronics Corp. dinating and distributing organization, because Elpa quality
15th Ave. at 62nd St.
Brooklyn, N. Y. 11219 products must meet the most stringent performance tests in
the audio industry. Superior product design assures you long,
JVC America, Inc. trouble -free product life. And Elpa's efficient dealer -service
50-35 56th Rd.
Maspeth, N. Y. 11378 network blankets the U.S. with reliable, expert attention for
all your sound needs.
Jensen Manufacturing Div., The Muter Co.
5655 W. 73rd St. See, try and hear the Elpa Family of Fine Equipment
Chicago, III. 60638
at Hi-Fi Fine dealers everywhere. For name of nearest
KLH Research & Development Corp. dealer and complete Elpa literature, write directly to:
30 Cross St. ELPA MARKETING INDUSTRIES, INC. New Hyde Park, N.Y. 11040
Cambridge, Mass. 02139
Lafayette Radio
3M Company
2501 Hudson Rd.
St. Paul, Minn. 55119
Marantz Company
8150 Vineland
Sun Valley, Calif. 91352
77DX polydirectional ribbon type ries - when you expana or replace Norelco (see North American Philips Co.)
microphone. It may just have put your present facilities. RCA micro-
phones are as near as your local North American Philips Corp.
more stars on the air than any other 100 E. 42nd St.
microphone. RCA Distributor. Call him. For New York, N. Y. 10017
Now, in addition to the 77DX, data sheets, write: RCA Electronic
Nortronics Co., Inc.
and the many famous RCA pro- Components, 8101 W. Tenth Ave., No.
fessional microphones you are fa- Section I-91MC Minneapolis, Minn. 55427
miliar with, RCA offers these new Harrison, N. J. rsicBB
Check No. 82 on Reader Service Card
Manufacturers' Addresses (Cont'd)
Ortofon (see Elpa Marketing) Rola-Celestion, Ltd. Shure Brothers, Incorporated TEAC Corporation of America
Ferry Works 222 Hartley Ave. 2000 Colorado Ave.
PML (see Ercona) Thames Ditton, Surrey, England Evanston, III. 60202 Santa Monica, Calif. 90404
Panasonic (see Matsushita Electric) SAE (see Scientific Audio Electronics) Sony Corp. of America Telefunken Sales Corp.
47-47 Van Dam St. South Street, Roosevelt Field
Perpetuum Ebner (see Elpa Marketing) Long Island City, N. Y. 11101 Garden City, N. Y. 11530
SCA Services Co.
Box 601 Telex Communications Div.
Pickering & Company, Inc. Port Washington, N. Y. 11050 Soundcraftsmen
Sunnyside Blvd. P.O. Box 6894 9600 Aldrich Ave., South
Plainview, N. Y. 11803 Los Angeles, Calif. 90022 Minneapolis, Minn. 55420
Sansui Electric Co., Ltd.
34-43 56th St. Thorens (see Elpa Marketing)
Pioneer Electronic (USA) Corp. Woodside, N. Y. 11377 Standard Radio Corp.
140 Smith St. 60-09 39th Ave. Toujay Designs, Inc.
Farmingdale, N. Y. 11735 Woodside, N. Y. 11377 146 6. 53rd St.
Scientific Audio Electronics
P.O. Box 60271, Terminal Annex New York, N. Y. 10022
Premier Electronic Labs Stanton Magnetics
Los Angeles, Calif. 90060
382 Lafayette St. Terminal Drive Trusonic
New York, N. Y. 10003 Plainview, N. Y. 11803 4959 Santa Anita
Schober Organ Corporation
43 W. 61st St.
Temple City, Calif. 91780
RCA Elect. Components & Devices Sterling Hi-Fi
415 S. Fifth St. New York, N. Y. 10023 Turner Company, The
22-20 40th Ave.
Harrison, N. J. 07029 Long Island City, N. Y. 11101 909 17th Ave. N.E.
Scotch Tape (see 3M Company) Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402
Rabco Superex Electronics Corp.
11937 Tech Rd. Scott, H. H., Inc. 4 Radford Pl.
Uher (see Martel Electronic)
Silver Spring, Md., 20904 111 Powder Mill Rd. Yonkers, N. Y. 10704
United Audio Products
Maynard, Mass. 01754
Rectilinear Research Corp. 535 Madison Ave.
Superscope, Inc. New York, N. Y. 10022
Sweeny Bldg., 30 Main St. 8150 Vineland Ave.
Seeburg Corp.
Brooklyn, N. Y. 11201 Sun Valley, Calif. 91352
1500 N. Dayton St. University Sound
Chicago, III. 60622 9500 W. Reno
Reeves Soundcraft Corp. Switchcraft, Inc. Oklahoma City, Okla. 73101
Great Pasture Rd. 5585 N. Elston Ave.
Danbury, Conn. 06810 Sennheiser Electronics Corp.
500 Fifth Ave.
Chicago, III. 60640 Utah Electronics
New York, N. Y. 10036 1124 E. Franklin St.
Rek-O-Kut (see Koss Electronics) Tall Co. (see Elpa Marketing) Huntington, Ind. 46750
ReVox Corporation Sharpe Instruments, Div. of Scintrex, Inc. Tandberg of America, Inc. Viking (see Telex)
212 Mineola Ave. Amherst Industrial Park P.O. Box 171
Roslyn Heights, N. Y. 11577 Tonawanda (Buffalo), N. Y. 14150 Pelham, N. Y. 10803 Watts, Cecil E. (see Elpa Marketing)
Roberts Electronics, Inc., Div. Rheem Mfg. Co. Sherwood Electronic Laboratories, Inc. Tannoy (America) Ltd. Wharfedale (see British Industries)
5920 Bowcroft Ave. 4300 N. California St. 1756 Ocean Ave.
Los Angeles, Calif. 90016 Chicago, III. 60618 Bohemia, N. Y. 11716 Wollensak (see 3M Company)
AUDIO SEPTEMBER 1969 Check No. 101 on Reader Service Card 101
intelligent listener could no more get
any idea of the actual sound and style
AUDIO MUSIC REVIEW of these two works than if some totally
uninformed outsider were describing
them second hand. If you play the
Classical 102
music, it's a different story.
Light Listening 106 The "Short Symphony" on side 1
Tape Reviews 110 dates from the years 1931 to 1935, just
previous to the famous and well known
series of Copland ballet and entertain-
typically Milhaud-the first movement ment scores which have made him his
is a pseudo -Bach gigue that seems on "rep" with the larger musical public.
Classical the verge of turning into "The Irish
Washerwoman"; the slow movement,
It sounds just like that-the familiar
jerky, syncopated Copland rhythms,
Record for no reason in particular, is a "sailor's
song" and the finale a hornpipe, some-
how mated with a Brandenburg Con-
the angular, wide -jumping melodies, are
already here but in a less popular and
outgoing vein, some severely "classi-
Reviews certo. Totally zany, but delightful as
well as fiendishly difficult; Adler took
cal." An interesting and characteristic
piece, nevertheless, and this is its first
Edward Tatnall Canby four years to make up his mind to play recording.
it in public. The earlier Dance Symphony, re-
As for "the old man," Vaughan Wil- worked from a 1924 ballet (when Cop-
Larry Adler-Works for Harmonica and
Orchestra (Milhaud: Suite; Arnold: Con-
liams, his short Romance is character- land was 24), is wholly different;
certo; Benjamin: Concerto; Vaughan
istic late V -W, straight out of the age except for a few tell -tale bits in the
Williams: Romance). Royal Philhar-
of Romantic Impressionism, toned up finale, most of us would never guess
monic Orch., Morton Gould.
with mildly modern dissonance. It that this smooth, eclectic postwar -I
RCA LSC 3078 stereo ($5.98)
dates from 1952, and is surely one of style of music, out of early Stravinsky,
Here is one of the most delightful was by Copland. I found it very pro-
and surprising records of "modern" fessional, skillfully, almost slickly writ-
music I've heard in a long time. Four IMS FIR NNAHMIG aro LP .' R! ten for orchestra, and not a bit the
works, more or less in "classical" style, mature Copland. He himself is par-
for the incredible harmonica playing ticularly fond of it, so we must agree
of Larry Adler, all composed in the to disagree.
decade -plus from 1943 to 1954, the per-
formances by Sir Thomas Beecham's Performances: B Sound: B
old orchestra livened by the sure touch
of no less than Morton Gould.
You would never believe a har- Schubert/Mozart for Piano Four Hands.
monica could be as versatile and as ex- Paul Baruda-Skoda, Joerg Demus.
pressive as this one (unless, of course, Westminster WST 17156 stereo ($4.79)
you've heard Larry Adler before). It Westminster's Vienna -born piano
sounds like a cross between a clarinet team has been making Viennese re-
and a super -saxophone in a very high cordings for this company for years,
register, and Mr. Adler can make it both together and separately, and a
run and jump, wail, sing, exult in the his more important works, ranking more perfect choice could hardly be
most human manner, as the old-time easily alongside his later symphonies, found to convey that peculiarly Aus-
blues harmonica players did with their if on a smaller scale. trian kind of music, the duet for two
simpler instruments. (This is a large Astonishing how effectively Larry players at one keyboard-so right and
chromatic harmonica, easily playing Adler plays in these four very different intimate in the home parlor or salon,
all the notes of the 12 -tone scale.) works. His harmonica is more versatile, so awkward on the concert stage. And
The Arnold and Benjamin Concerti, more adaptable than most classical in- so right, of course, on records where
one short, the other full-size, are won- struments of greater familiarity. the physical clumsiness of the shared
derfully sophisticated vehicles for the piano bench is invisible yet the music
instrument, tuned exactly right, Performances: A Sound: B -1 - is as large as life. Westminster's four-
quirky, colorful, yet full scaled, Brit- handed piano sound is shaped accord-
ish music at the height of its postwar ingly, of an intimate sort with minimal
expansiveness. Neither is a "great" Copland Conducts Copland (Short Sym- suggestion of large concert -hall live-
work, nor so intended; both are beauti- phony; Dance Symphony). London
ness, yet big enough to have the re-
fully crafted with the most suave pro- Symphony Orch., Copland.
quired "resonance," as musicians
fessionalism, conservative -modern in Columbia MS 7223 stereo ($5.98)
sometimes vaguely put it. A very taste-
style. I fairly reveled in them, and in Odd how unseeing composers are ful recording.
Mr. Adler's amazing playing. concerning their own work-at least in There are three Schubert works here
The Milhaud Suite, dating from 1943 spoken commentary. The liner notes (out of a large number he wrote), the
and California, is one of the better ex- on this record are a dialogue between early Rondo in D (Op. 138), the large-
amples (among many not so good) of the composer and Philip Ramey, inter- scale Fantasy in F Minor, and the big
that composer's wildly eclectic indi- viewing him; listening in (the inter- but gentle Grand Rondo in A with its
vidual style. For no reason at all-but view was presumably taped), the unbelievably lovely melodies. At first
Possibly some one has been bending your ear about the newest
shape in sound. It's called CELESTA! This speaker has a cast
chassis, functionally-formed under extremely high pressure for
lasting precision. A baked -on lacquer finish and slim profile
(8" model is only 3'6" total depth) are distinguishing features
of all SIX CELESTA models. Vibration -free, rugged CELESTA
frames assure added years of listening pleasure. So go on ...
bend some one else's ear about the newest shape in sound ...
CELESTA. Incidentally, free cabinet plans included with speaker.
Performances: A- Sound: B+
Performances: B+ Sound: B -F
two signs of
Nonesuch H-71214 stereo ($2.98) good things
Master Works for Organ, Vol. 7: The
Netherlands 17th Century. Jorgen Ernst
Hansen, Marcussen Organ, Jaegersborg,
NIKKO to come!
D. Buxtehude: Organ Music. Walter Kraft,
Marienkirche Organ, Lübeck. These are the signs that herald the Sounds
Turnabout TV 34283 stereo ($2.50) of Daily Happiness ...
that special brand
of listening pleasure that's built right into
These two Baroque organ series, every Nikko Stereo Receiver!
recordings of impeccably interesting
middle -Baroque music played impec- The Nikko logo is getting more and more
cably on instruments of the highest recognition ... starting to mean something
classification, have been going on for
in stereo performance, styling and value
ages, and I tend to mix them up; for
I have found both organists disappoint- ...and the F.E.T. insignia stands for one
ing in the past, their playing didactic, of the most advanced bits of technology
correct, and unimaginative, if im-
mensely competent in technical and
... a special development that only in-
creases stereo enjoyment and reliability!
stylistic matters. One cannot argue
very far in such matters, of course.
Obviously both Turnabout and None- Nikko STA -701 B 70 watt
such think otherwise and so must the Stereo Receiver ... the top
record buyers that, presumably keep of the Nikko line! AM -FM -
the records coming via satisfactory Multiplex . with F.E.T.
. .
If your turntable rumbles and wows If your amplifiers put out only five watts at 10% distortion If your speakers have a frequency
range just good enough for speech ... If your phono arm has the incorrect overhang required by the older record changers ... If your cart-
ridge requires a vertical force of a dozen grams to keep its stylus in the groove ...And if your records have been torn and mutilated by that
BUT If you own one of the many superb modern amplifiers ...
If your turntable produces no audible rumble or wow ...
If you have
selected your speakers from the many excellent models available today ...
If your cartridge has a response that evenly covers the audible
range of frequencies with little distortion And if the recommended tracking force is of the order of one gram ...
THEN You owe it to the engineers who designed your equipment, to the artists
and technicians who produced your records and, above all, to yourself to...
the difference!
11937 TECH ROAD,
Check No. 108 on Reader Service Card
ing hold. Ah, sweet mystery of life- `^ 'LINNOY /o REPRODUCTION
or should we give thanks to Ralph
Nader's declaration that rock damages .art ing-point, a matter of u, .
eardrums. At any rate, Julie's a singer "al( down, to bring (an aircraft) to a landtns
radioed instructions from the ground.
who shows she can be the best in either tanaiste, tawri i:h-td, n. the deputy prime minister
of Eire. [Ir., second, next, deputy.l
world. Listen; you'll be glad. She Tannoy, tari et, n.. proprietary name of a sound- I
accent are artists of the caliber of precision made in Great Britain to the
trombonist Jimmy Cleveland, guitar- most exacting specifications. Upon their
ist -composer Antonio Carlos Jobim, arrival in the U.S., every model is unpacked Name
and re -tested under actual playing
guitarist Kenny Burrell, and percus- conditions. That's why BSR service calls are Address
sionist Willie Bobo. the lowest in the industry-and perhaps
Among the tunes are the Beatles' that also explains why BSR sells more City
"A Hard Day's Night," "The Good turntables than anyone else in the world.
Life," "More," "California, Here I State
Come," and "La Vie En Rose." There's
not a bad one in the bunch, but there's Zip
HARTLEY Speakers now available in Tokyo, RENT stereo tapes $1.00 week postpaid-
Hong Kong, Manila, Noumea, Johannes- catalog. Tape Library, Box 8126, Washing-
burg. Hartley Concertmasters on demon- ton, D. C. 20024.
stration in Los Angeles and Daly City,
ONE USED electronic organ. A. E. Dja-
Calif.; Albuquerque, N. M.; Logan, Utah;
many, 155 Dekalb No. 8, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Holland, Mich.; Newtown Square, Pa.;
Miami, Fla.; West Orange, N. J.; Boonton,
N. J., and Mattydale, N. Y. Write Hartley
Products Corp., Box 68A, Ho-Ho-Kus,
N. J. 07423. WANTED: V-Disc. Stephen Bedwell, 5850
TAPE RECORDER SALE. Brand new na- Spring Garden Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia,
tionally -advertised brands, $10 above cost. Canada.
Amazing discounts on stereo components.
CASH FOR YOUR unwanted LP's and pre-
Arkay Electronics, 1028-H Commonwealth
recorded tapes. Record House, Hillburn,
Avenue, Boston, Mass. 02215.
New York 10931.
GARRARD record changers, hi-fi com-
SMALL CONSOLE, professional mixers,
ponents, cartridges, needles, Scott, Fisher, NEW X-15"
pair Altec M20's, other condenser mikes,
Dual, AR. Write for Unbelievable Prices. STEREO and ORGAN
etc. Fred Hermes, 616 6th St., Racine, Wis.
Gregg Electronics, Post Office Box 184, SPEAKER
Glen Head, New York 11545.
For information, write
24-TRACK?-Modular tape recording am- WANTED. 16 -inch electrical transcriptions
plifier with bias and erase buffer. Dop -NAB standard, with Hawaiian music on KARLSON RESEARCH & MFG.
them. Arden Robl, 308 Ohio St., Oshkosh, 388 Peninsula Blvd.
Audio, 601 S. Vermont, Los Angeles, Calif.
Wis. 54901.
90005 (213) DU 8-7104. Hempstead, N. Y. 11550
SYLVANIA TV'S, stereos, components- WANTIED: Used Marantz model 18, Sony
model number. Furniture, 933 W. 7th 6060F or TA -1120 and ST-5000FW. Send
condition and price. P. Lin, 5459 Cornell, Check No. 116 on Reader Service Card
Street, St. Paul, Minn. 55102.
Chicago, Ill. 60615.
FREE 40 -PAGE CATALOG offers hundreds
of recordings of rare Renaissance, Baroque
KLH Nine speaker system. Condition un- SAVE ON EVERYTHING
important if price is right. Steele, 502
and Classical music. Some records priced
as low as $1.00 each! All late recordings in
Homewood Drive, Huntsville, Alabama IN STEREO HI-FI
stereo only. MHS RECORDS, Box 932 -AU,
New York, New York 10023. Systems & comp-
HELP WANTED onents, all the top
brands Tape
OLDIES -45 RPM. Original hits. Over 3000 recorders & tape
SERIOUS RECORDISTS to make records Parts, accessories
available. Catalog 25¢. C & S Record Sales, PLUS: Electron-
manufactured by RCA custom records. We ic & hobby kits
Box 197, Wampsville, N. Y. 13163.
train, equip and provide protected fran- CB 2 -way radios
ACOUSTIC RESEARCH products now avail- chised territories. Modest investment re- Automotive elec-
quired. Send resume to Mr. Bloch, 418 N. tronics Tools
able to overseas personnel, diplomats, and & hardware
citizens of foreign countries. Write for Main St., Englewood, Ohio 45322. Tubes, transis-
tors, parts, bat-
full product and dealer information. AR teries, books
International, Dept. SR, 24 Thorndike St., SITUATION WANTED and more!. . .
Hr. .99 chase (over $20 we pay) STREET ADDRESS or ROUTE & BOX NO.
crossover. Individual cabinets. Absolute C -60 1
Music Catalogs:
C-90 11/2 Hr. 1.39 FREE
mint condition. 1 year old. $1480.00. 213 C-120 2 Hr. 1.69 4 track open reel - -
8 track- or -canettes.
Merrill Dr., Milton, Florida 32570, 904-
WOW Also blank tape and Re-
corder discount catalog.
Columbia Rd.. N.W. Wash.. D. C. 20009
Check No. 117 on Reader Service Card Check No. 113 on Reader Service Card
Rabco 108
RCA Elect. Components & Devices 100
Rectilinear Research Corp.
ReVox Corporation 67
The Euphonics Miniconicâ phono
system represents the ultimate in
Advertising Roberts Electronics 77
,Sharpe3 /encif3
Finney Company
Fisher Radio Corp.
oi 2OLUn Frazier, Incorporated
At $250.00
y Harman-Kardon 40-41
Heath Company 35
Hi -Fidelity Center 114
N -FI COMPONENT Irish Tape 90
We invite your test of our
"We Will Not Be Undersold Policy."
15 -day money -back guarantee.
2-yr. unconditional guarantee parts 8
labor no charge, at local warranty Karlson Research Ultra Low Distortion
station or factory.
Trade-ins-highest allow. Send your list.
Kenwood Electronics 43 120 Watts RMS
Most items shipped promptly from our (20 cps to 20 kc)
$250,000 inventory, fully insured.
Our specialty-APO 8 Export.
LWE, Div. of Acoustron Corp. 85 Positive Automatic
23rd yr. dependable service-world wide. Lafayette Radio 111
Protection Circuits
Rated el service-satisfaction according to Extended reliability permits a full
nationwide survey.
Marantz Company 5 year parts and labor warranty
Write for Our Price Firstl 19, 45
You'll Be Glad You Did! Martin Audio Corp. 110 ASK YOUR DEALER OR SEND FOR CATALOG
McIntosh Laboratory, Inc. 76 Mark Four Amplifier Mark One Preamplifier
-The House of Low Low /Trees" Nikko 105 CIENTIFIC AUDIO ELECTRONIC
239- V East 149th St. P.O. Box 60271 Terminal Annex
New York, N.Y. 10451 Pickering & Co. Inc. 21 Los Angeles, California 90060
Pioneer Electronics U.S.A. Corp. ...25, 65
ll it's the Steintheater at Hefibelfin
when you listen with a Stanton. = a
The Steintheater (stone theater), built 1617 in the gard Hellbrunn Castle near Salzburg, scene of the er r lest opera performa-ces n:rth af the Alps. neeo* e.e coso.
The ultimate test of a stereo cartridge isn't the The acoustical characteristics that disfinguish one hall
sound of the music. from another, cr any hall from:eour listen:ng room, represent the
It's the sound of the hall. subtlest frequency and phase components 3f the recorded waveform.
Many of today's smoother, better -tracking cartridges can They end up ss extremely fine undulations of the record grcove,
reproduce instrumental and vocal timbres with considerable even finer than the higher harmonies o. most instrumen:s.
naturalism. But something is often missing. That nice, undistorted When a cartridge reproduces these tad-alations with the utmost
sound seems to be coming from the speakers, or from nowhere in precision, you can hear the specific acoustics of the Steintheater
particular, rather than from the concert hall or opera stage. at Hellbrunn Castle, or of any other hall. If it doesn't, you can't.
It's easy to blame the recording, but often it's the cartridge. The Stanton does.
"The tracking was excellent and distinctly better in this respect than any other cartridge we have tested ...
The frequency response of the Stanton 681EE was the flattest of the cartridges tested, within ±1 dB over most of the audio range." -
The specifications. Frequency response, from 10 Hz to 10kHz, ±1/2 dB. From 10kHz to 20kHz, individually calibrated. Nominal output, 0.7mV/cm/sec. Nominal channel
separation, 35dB. Load resistance, 47K ohms. Cable capacitance, 275 pF. DC resistance, 1K ohms. Inductance, 500mH. Stylus tip, .0002" x .0009" elliptical. Tracking force, 'II to lilt gm.
Cartridge weight, 5.5 gm. Brush weight (self-supporting), 1 gm. Each Stanton 681 is tested and measured against the laboratory standard for frequency response, channel separation,
output, etc. The results are written by hand on the specifications enclosed with every cartridge. The 681EE, with elliptical stylus and the "Longhair"' brush that cleans
record grooves before they reach the stylus, costs $60. The 681T, identical but with interchangeable elliptical and conical styli both included, costs $15.
For free literature, write to Stanton Magnetics, Inc.. Plainview, L.I., N.Y. 11803.
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For name of nearest dealer, call TOLL -FREE: (800) 243-0355 ANY HOUR, ANY DAY.
In Connecticut call collect: 853-3600