Stereo Directory 1975
Stereo Directory 1975
Stereo Directory 1975
1-e-metically sealed microcrcuits. Front pane swithing o: Frcnt panel switching of
FET circJitry 4 -channel decoder [coubles as 4-chainel decDder [doubles as
2.0 uv FL( sensitivity second tape mcnitorl second tape monitor]
So id -state :-_,erar-ic -7M IF -liters Dyraq..iad 4 -channel Dynad _ad 4 -channel
circuit matri> circuit
S-erevood Elenronics Laboratories
S-7210 S -731C 3C0 North California
Chicago. Minos 60618
FMS Powv.e- 3- - 31 wats .MS Powe- 43 + 43 Aatts
[8 ohms! o 1 KI-z .3 chms] @ 1 K-Iz
So id -state Ceram c =M IF ters olid-S:ate ceramic FM IF filters
Hermetical y sealed microc rcuits Herrne-ica y sea ed microcircu is
& f eld effect transistors S field effect traisistcrs Sherwood
1.,c uv 1.8 uv FM sensitivity The word is 9i -fling around.
N N E II N N V 54 II IN Nr
I 11
OD 1:1111W. vv.,* a
11 11
r-rr 17 11 11
rr--111 111111
/I N LI 1111
you can still enjoy most of the benefits.
Considering the Best Buy ratings provides a performance S-7010
and favorable reviews.. it s not capabilitv unsurpassed in its RMS Power: 1C - 10 watts
surprising that a growing number price category [3 ohms] @ 1 KHz
of audiophiles are settling for There are no use ess gimmicks.
nothing less than Sherwood s Direct Coupled Am Direr
No misleading claims. And no
top -of -the -line stereo -eceiver. 2.8 uv FM SenErrvit; [ HF]
disappointments. The specifi-
Of course not everyone needs cat ons we post fo- our products FET Fron- End
the high power output and are generally quite conservative.
operational flexibility offered by And we utilize only the finest of S-7110
the S790CA VJhich is why we proved componentry.
produce other. more economical RMS 20 + 20 watts
After all, you shou dn't nave to
models. [8 ohms] @ 1 -:Hz
sacrifice quality. ixt because you
Like the S7900 each piece of require a little less than the Direct-coJpled er yields
equipmert in the Sherwood line state -of -:he -art. power bandwidth c .-50 KHz
1 2. 11 .t1
Eh 1 E R W0001,,,040..v.'0".c2^."'
""? "
/111 1/1 NIsi
If you can't afford the State -of -the-Art...
S -7900A
RMS Power: 60 + 60 watts
[8 ohms] @ 20-20.000 Hz
Direct -coupled output circuitry
with electronic relay protection
Front panel four -channel
provision [doubles as second
tape monitor]
Ceramic FM IF Filtering: FETs
Four -gang tuning capacitor
Built-in Dynaquad 4 -channel
matrix circuit
90 92 94
.1,,,,,,iii,1111 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 31 11 1 1 11
2 o 2
'e .. ...s.
102 104 106 108 MHz
1 t11111111/111111111.111111111911111111190
0 I . 111111
2 2
4 4
Amplifiers 23
Tuners 32
Amplifiers 93
Receivers 95
Cartridges & Record Players 102
Tape Machines 103
Headphones 108
Decoders & Miscellaneous 110
Headphones 143
Microphones 149
Blank Tape 155
Accessories 158
1975 EDITION 3
RP 19900
Precision Performances
Sound.Oriented Record
Manx 1 -pale henerisis BUYING GUIDE 1975
Ova, 1500 Models Latest P,IC es Full Sae, es 50o0u.
synchronous motor
Turntable plattn IT in
diemeter aluminum
dinar belt Orin
2 9 lbs.
Ydowtflutter less than
Stylus prepare 2.54
Low :meanie.* aat.115
in tone arm a CD -0
:Aline quad ready
Has Ohs bear features 01 a
manual tutetaISIS.01.1
automata return of tone
Nand automatic
ul off. Includes
dust Covet plus ben
George Morrissey
Vice President
Sydney H. Rogers
COVER Vice President
Sidney Holtz
Equipment pictured on the front cover typifies hi-fi component Vice President
types you'll see at high-fidelity specialist -dealers. Components
shown are: Lawrence Sporn
Vice President, Circulation
OF HI-FI P.O. Box 1295, Studio City, Calif. 91604
23, 119
............._.....- :1---..........
- _ Wi=21 t2:1
( ---i- 00000
.'. =MEM y or y
i rsa al Un CD 01 I I
....."11!.. ..
/61 erstressre
iceil:ItiolifilP esestereiD
Is, e es - dat) .
EVEN for the most knowledgeable audiophile, enter- more later), the amplifier serves as a control center for
ing a well-equipped dealer's hi-fi showroom can be the system and selects any of several program sources for
an overwhelming experience. Small wonder, then, your listening pleasure. Even if you initially purchase
that a newcomer to the world of high fidelity is often only a record player, other source equipment -a tape
tempted to turn tail and flee when faced with row upon deck, for example-can be added at any later time with-
row of tuners, amplifiers, receivers, and tape decks, us- out obsoleting your system.
ually terminating in a complex switching panel that chan- You will notice, especially in the higher price and
nels any selected output to a wall-to-wall, floor -to -ceiling power brackets, that the amplifier is sometimes built as
array of loudspeakers! two separate units, called the preamplifier and the main
Before panic sets in, stop to consider that a hi-fi sys- amplifier or power amplifier. This is done principally to
tem, from the simplest to the most elaborate, consists of keep size and weight within reasonable bounds. A power-
only a few basic components. With the application of a lit- ful amplifier may weigh 30 to 40 pounds or more and is
tle common sense and some study of the subject, it is correspondingly large. By separating the control section
.easy to avoid incompatible combinations of equipment. (the preamplifier) from the heavy power amplifier, the lat-
Here are guidelines to making your shopping visits to ter can be placed out of sight, making for a more attrac-
audio dealer showrooms more rewarding. tive installation. In the low -to -medium power range (say,
In its most basic form, a stereo music system consists up to 40 or 50 watts per channel) the power amplifier
of a program source (tuner, records, or tape), an amplifier, adds little to the bulk of the unit and the two sections are
and two speaker systems. Depending on your location usually combined to form an integrated amplifier. Many
and personal preferences, you may choose to dispense manufacturers offer their amplifiers in both integrated and
with FM radio programming in favor of commercially separated form, with the latter frequently having some-
produced records or tapes, or conversely may opt for what more control flexibility to justify their slightly higher
"free" music "off -the -air" rather than a substantial in- cost.
vestment in recorded music. In some rural areas, inade- One section of the dealer's display will be devoted to
quately served by FM, an AM tuner may be necessary. tuners. This is the part of the system that receives broad-
Most tuners and receivers provide both FM and AM re- cast signals and converts them to an electrical form which
ception, although AM quality is usually little better than can be processed by the amplifier and eventually heard
that offered by a small transistor radio. In any case, it is from the speakers. Like amplifiers, tuners are available in
adequate for news broadcasts, sports events, and "talk" a wide range of prices, with features and performance to
shows. match. You will recognize the tuner at a glance by its tun-
Before getting down to the serious business of selecting ing dial (generally a large rectangular area on the panel,
the components for your music system, you should be- often "blacked out" when the unit is turned off, but color-
come familiar, in a general way, with the different catego- fully lit when it is in use). Most tuners have only a couple
ries of equipment and their place in the system. Later, we of control knobs, in addition to the tuning knob.
will go into more detail on each type of component, but You will probably find that the bulk of the electronic
first let us take a walk around that hypothetical audio components on display are receivers, or combinations of
showroom and examine its offerings. tuner and amplifier in a single unit. The receiver is the
Besides its basic function of amplifying (about which most popular form of hi-fi electronic component, and for
1975 EDITION 9
good reason. It occupies little more space than either a showroom, only to find it a disappointment in your own
tuner or an amplifier, alone, and usually costs somewhat home. We will have more to say about speaker selection
less than separate components of similar ratings. The cost later.
savings are achieved, for the most part, by using a com- There are many accessories that can add to the enjoy-
mon chassis, power supply, and cabinet (if you price the ment and utility of your music system. Prominent among
wooden cabinets offered as accessories by many manu- these are stereo headphones, whose popularity has grown
facturers, you will appreciate the economic advantage of with public awareness of "noise pollution." Headphones,
using one cabinet instead of two!). Best of all, there is like speakers, vary widely in sound, style, and price, with
usually little or no sacrifice of performance or versatility the additional consideration that they must be comfort-
in a good receiver, as compared to equivalent separate able to wear.
components. Four -channel (quadraphonic) sound is now an accept-
Not long ago, record players were classified either as ed part of the audio scene. We will deal with the special
changers (or automatic turntables), or manual players. characteristics and problems of 4 -channel in a later sec-
Today, most automatic features are found on single - tion, but for now it will suffice to know that a basic four -
play turntables as well, so that fully manual record channel system must have four speakers, together with a
players are the choice of audio purists who prefer to "do four -channel amplifier (or two stereo amplifiers with an
it themselves" while the great mass of audiophiles use adapter unit). Stereo systems can usually be converted to
some form of automatic turntable, whether it be a changer 4 -channel by adding another amplifier and adapter, plus
or a single -play unit. the two rear speakers. Alternatively, you can start with a
Tape recorders (more properly called tape decks when four -channel amplifier or receiver, using it as a stereo
they are used as a part of a high-fidelity system) can be unit until you are ready to add the rear speakers.
classified as open -reel or cassette types. There are also Now that you have been introduced to the basic high-
units which will play 8 -track cartridges (the kind used in fidelity components, let us consider each of them in more
automobile tape players) through a home music system, detail.
and a few which can make recordings on blank 8 -track
cartridges. N&\
A few low -to -medium priced open -reel tape decks are
still manufactured, but the bulk of that market is devoted
to the more refined and expensive equipment, selling for 1,0;
If you've even driven a car with badly aligned front This remarkal4e invention ends tracking error once
wheels or a defective steering mechanism, you know what and for all. The head is always properly lined up with the
we're talking about. groove because it's hinged instead of fixed and keeps
It's a queasy feeling when you can't make the car adjusting its angle during play. A simple idea, yes, but the
point in the same direction as the road is pointing. engineering details took the world's leading manufacturer
There happens to be a distinctly comparable problem of turntables seven years to perfect.
with record players, except that it's a nearly universal The Zero Tracking Error Tonearm is a major
deficiency, not just a malfunction. technological coup, not just a glamour feature. You can
Of course, in this case there's no human life at hear the difference.
stake, only the fidelity of the reproduced sound. And The "Acoustics" column of Rolling Stone magazine,
sometimes the life of the record. for example, reported that the original Garrard turntable
Like a car, the phono cartridge (or pickup head) equipped with the new arm "sounded markedly 'crisper'
should point where it's going. Right down the middle of the than other turntables" under otherwise identical test
groove. Not at an angle to it. conditions.
A more scientific way of saying the same thing is that It's true. Just like a car that doesn't steer straight,
the head should remain perpendicular to the line drawn tracking error can make a nasty sound.
through the stylus tip and the turntable spindle. It can even cause unnecessary record wear. The infor-
Any deviation from this ideal is known as tracking mation engraved in the grooves of the new CD -4 discrete
error. It's measured in degrees and it causes distortion. four -channel records is so finely detailed that it can be
Inevitably. partially wiped out by a stylus that doesn't sit absolutely
The trouble is that there's no way to avoid tracking square and true.
error and the resulting distortion with any conventional Ask your nearest Garrard dealer about the Zero
pivoted tonearm. Why? Because the head Tracking Error Tonearm.
swings in an arc and is therefore at It's abst.rd to tolerate a problem that somebody has
a continuously changing angle to the already solved.
Top of the line: Garrard Zero 100c, $209.95.
groove as it travels across the record. Other Garrard automatic turntables from $49.95 up.
The problem has remained - To get your free copy of the new 16 -page
full -color Garrard Guide, write Garrard,
fundamentally the same since the Emile Dept. SD -10, 100 Commercial
Berliner gramophone of 1887. It has been Street, Plainview, N.Y. 11803.
minimized, thanks to improvements in tone -
arm, geometry, but it hasn't been eliminated.
With one important exception.
In the current line of Garrard automatic turntables, the
top models are equipped with Garrard's unique Zero Tracking oitnoitci
levels, when driven by a 60 -watt amplifier than by a 20 - (usually sliders, whose positions suggest the overall re-
watt amplifier, and there is usually no danger to the sponse shape. hence the term "graphic") for each of five
speaker from such operation. An exception might be the to ten continuous frequency bands covering the entire
pairing of a "super -power" amplifier (150 watts per chan- audio range.
nel or more) with small speakers intended for amplifiers The utility of tone controls and equalizers increases in
of one tenth that rating. proportion to their complexity (and cost). Many people-
Because of the interdependence of speakers and ampli- perhaps most-will be perfectly satisfied with a basic two
fiers, you should consider them together when planning a control system, but for those who know what they want
system. Don't worry about a discrepancy of 100%, or to hear, the more complex controls are well worth their
even more, between their power "ratings"-as we have extra cost. Most tone controls, incidentally, affect the left
said, they are very general in nature. Simply avoid a huge and right channels of a stereo system simultaneously,
mismatch (10 to 1 or more, for example). Bear in mind which is quite satisfactory when both speakers are identi-
that while a powerful amplifier can only enhance the cal (as they should be). Some amplifiers have separate
sound of almost any speaker. an inefficient speaker can controls for left and right channels, which is a nicety. but
prove to be a severe disappointment if the amplifier is not of much practical significance.
underpowered. Other "frequency -contouring" amplifier controls in-
Current advertising standards imposed by the Fed- clude loudness compensation and filters. The former
eral Trade Commission, effective November 1974, re- boosts the low frequencies (and sometimes the highs as
quire amplifiers to be rated with all channels driven simul- well) relative to the mid -range when the volume control
taneously, under standarized test conditions. Older speci- setting is lowered. Ostensibly this is to preserve a correct
fication sheets may be in circulation for some time with audible balance among all frequencies at low volume lev-
other types of power rating systems, such as IHF Dy- els. where the ear loses sensitivity to the frequency ex-
namic Power, Music Power, or Peak Power. Be careful tremes. The majority of such compensation systems fall
when comparing amplifier ratings to use only the continu- far short of their objective, usually imparting a heavy and
ous power (sometimes erroneously called "RMS" power) unnatural quality to the sound. They can be switched out,
figures. All STEREO REVIEW amplifier tests conform to the however, so that you can follow your own inclination
new FTC requirements. with respect to this feature. Occasionally an amplifier or
What about the power bandwidth and distortion speci- receiver appears with non-defeatable loudness compen-
fications, also required by the FTC ruling? The power sation. Such a product is unsuitable for high-fidelity use.
available from an amplifier typically is less at the upper Filters, which are found in most amplifiers, attenuate
and lower extremes of the audio band (generally consid- the low -frequency and high -frequency response to reduce
ered as 20 Hz and 20.000 Hz) than in the middle, around turntable rumble, record scratch, and similar unwanted
1000 Hz. An amplifier must be able to deliver its rated noises. Most of them are of little value, due to their gradu-
power, at the advertised distortion level or less, over its al cut-off slopes (6 -dB level change per octave of frequen-
specified bandwidth limits. It is probably not necessary to cy) which cause them to remove as much of the program
develop rated power at 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz, but we as they do the noise. Tone controls usually are at least as
would consider a power bandwidth of 40 to 15,000 Hz to effective for this purpose. There are some exceptions,
be a minimum for a true high-fidelity product. Incidental- generally in the higher priced equipment. Look for a spec-
ly, power bandwidth as defined by the FTC is not the ification of 12 -dB -per -octave filter slopes if you expect to
same as the old IHF power bandwidth standard, and make effective use of audio filters.
there is no simple relationship between them. The input selector switch, mentioned previously, will
The audible effects of various distortions are debatable have a minimum of three positions, for Phono, Tuner, and
but, by current standards, a distortion of I % at rated Aux sources. The latter (from Auxiliary) can be used for
power would be reasonable for a lower priced amplifier, an extra tape deck, tuner, TV sound, or other high-level
with the medium priced units typically rated at 0.5% or program source. The Phono input connects the pickup
less. The finest amplifiers carry distortion ratings as low output to a special amplifier that raises its level to approx-
as 0.1%. imately the one volt of a typical high-level input, and also
Every amplifier (and preamplifier) has a number of con- equalizes it to obtain flat frequency response when play-
trols which allow you to modify the sound to suit your ing records. Amplifier specifications usually include a
taste. Tone controls typically increase or reduce the level phono sensitivity rating (such as 2.5 mV) which is the
at low frequencies and high frequencies, with little or no signal level required from the pickup (at 1000 Hz) to
effect on the mid -range. Most good tone controls use neg- drive the amplifier to its rated power. The range of pickup
ative -feedback circuits (sometimes called Baxandall cir- outputs and amplifier sensitivities is relatively small, so
cuits, after the British engineer who introduced them that almost any currently available pickup and amplifier
some years ago). These have the capability of controlling should be compatible in this respect. One item not always
response only at the frequency extremes, where correc- found in amplifier specifications is the phono overload
tion is most often needed, with less mid -range interaction input. A high -output cartridge, playing a record with very
than non -feedback controls. There is a trend, in the mid- loud passages, can overload some amplifiers, even with
dle and high price brackets, to provide additional tone - the volume turned low, and cause distortion. An overload
control flexibility. This may take the form of a third "mid- rating of 50 mV or higher is desirable, especially if your
range" control, or of a choice of several switch -selected cartridge has a rated output greater than 5 mV.
turnover frequencies beyond which the control action Other amplifier features may or may not be of impor-
begins. One manufacturer provides two additional con- tance to you. These include switching for two or three
trols. whose effects are confined to the extremely low and sets of speakers, tape dubbing connections for copying
high frequencies. The ultimate in versatility is offered by from one tape deck to another, and additional input capa-
graphic equalizers, which have individual adjustments bilities. Some deluxe amplifiers can handle two phono
1975 EDITION 13
positive. Tuning indicators, whether meters or lights, and flexiblity of any receiver rival those of comparably
should give an accurate indication of correct tuning. In- rated separate components. It is difficult to imagine any
terstation noise muting circuits should be free from bursts technological change which would obsolete a modern
of noise as one tunes through a station (although many receiver, unless it were so drastic that all high-fidelity
are not). All of these characteristics are easy to judge for components were made obsolete. Even four -channel FM
yourself and require no technical knowledge. broadcasting, should one of the several proposed systems
There are several tuners with digital frequency read- be accepted by the FCC, would probably be compatible
outs instead of the usual mechanical dial system. This with the special detector outputs built into many tuners
eliminates any problems of dial calibration but adds ap- and receivers.
preciably to the cost of the tuner. Compensating for their One of the few real drawbacks to the use of a receiver,
higher prices is the fact that most digital tuners also have especially a high-powered unit, is its bulk. Shelf mounting
above average performance in most other respects. is out of the question for most receivers and some of the
larger units require a large, sturdy supporting surface. On
the other hand, most of the maze of system wiring is elim-
inated, together with the possibility of intermittent or
noisy connections. Only the speaker leads, the record
player or tape deck cables, and the antenna need be con-
nected to the receiver to have a complete, fully functional
high-fidelity system.
(ea distortion or
uneven groove
wear A strobe
newest lightweight
cartridges for
minimum record
cam drive mrrhanism It is a rigid
disc is integrated into the platter wear Stylus brush whisks dust of f
design and a variable speed control is stylus between precision assembly that replaces the
plays Lock plumber's nightmare of rotating
automatically secures eccentric plates and interlocking gears
tone arm to prevent that other changers use Unlike other
provided should you want to vary damage to stylus
changers, there are no light metal
from, and later return to, the normal from accidental stampings that can go out of aligment
speeds The tone arm will track as movement Stylus and make a lot of noise, from being
low as 0 25 grams to make use of wear meter records accumulated carried, bumped, or just from use
finest light -weight, high -compliance stylus use in hours Knowing For literature write to BSR (USA) Ltd ,
good three -motor machine may have as little as 0.07% or
even 0.05%. The noise level (referred to a signal level
which produces a playback distortion of 3%) is likely to
be from -45 dB to -55 dB, depending on the specific ma-
chine and the tape speed. The finest home recorders re-
duce noise to the -65 dB or -70 dB range. A few high-
priced recorders have built-in Dolby noise reduction cir-
cuits, but their effect is less obvious (and less needed)
than in cassette recorders with their inherently higher
noise levels.
THE tape recorder is an active, creative part of a A cassette recorder is a miniature of an open -reel ma-
music system, which probably explains its unique chine, with the tape and both "reels" encased in a small
appeal to the general public as well as to audio plastic cassette. The tape is about half the width of open -
hobbyists. The ability to make your own high -quality reel tape and runs at 17/8 ips -a combination of circum-
recordings, either "live" or by dubbing, has a powerful stances which would seem to forever consign cassette
attraction for many people. recording to the "lo-fi" category. Happily, this is not the
As compared to phonograph records, cartridge and case.
cassette tapes have a clear advantage in size and conve- Special cassette tapes have been developed which can
nience of use. Open reel tape has a slight size advantage store more energy in their magnetic coatings (especially
over records, but is clumsier to handle. Pre-recorded at high frequencies) than contemporary open -reel tapes.
tapes of any kind are considerably more expensive than In addition, improved tape coatings and manufacturing
records and their quality is usually below today's disc techniques have greatly reduced the "dropouts" and am-
standards. plitude irregularities that plagued early cassette tapes.
For the audiophile who makes his own tape recordings. Finally, the mechanical design of the cassette itself has
the choice lies between cassette and open -reel formats. been improved so that jamming and tape breakage are
There are a few 8 -track cartridge recorders which are relatively rare (at least, among high -quality cassettes,
suitable for making your own tapes to be used in automo- which are the only kind an audiophile should be using).
bile players, but most of them cannot match the quality of Simultaneously with the tape developments, recorder
the other tape formats and are much less convenient to manufacturers have created new heads, featuring extend-
use. ed frequency response and longer life. One of the suppos-
For years. the open -reel format was the only one used edly inherent limitations of the cassette medium was the
in home tape recorders. Most home machines record and provision for only a single combined record/playback
play back on four parallel tracks across the '/4" tape head, contacting the tape through a small opening in the
width. Stereo machines use two tracks at a time and when cassette. Since the design parameters for recording and
the reels are interchanged after one pass and run in the playback heads are different, a compromise is necessary
other direction, the other tracks are used. Four -channel when the functions are combined. Now, ingenious re-
recorders use all four tracks on a single pass of the tape. corder designers have found ways to insert a separate
Standard tape speeds of 17/8, 33/4, and 7'/2 inches per playback head into the tiny access opening, and three -
second (ips) are used in most home machines. Sometimes head cassette recorders with full off -the -tape monitoring
the slowest speed is omitted and on a few high -quality capability and professional quality are available (at a rath-
recorders is replaced by 15 ips. In general, quality im- er high price, however).
proves with increasing tape speed, but in practice the full Cassette recorders have been criticized for their rela-
potential of most home machines can be realized at 71/2 tively high flutter level. Actually, this reputation was
1975 EDITION 17
earned by some of the early cassette transports, but
seems to have lingered on long after the problems have r,
been corrected. In recent years, good -quality cassette
transports have usually had flutter percentages between
0.15% and 0.2%, and much of the time these did not of-
fend the ears of the listeners. However, there are a num-
ber of people who can detect, and are disturbed by, flutter
levels of 0.1% or less. For these sensitive listeners it
would seem that cassettes were out of the question. A
number of cassette decks we have tested recently, how-
ever, have shown less than 0.1% flutter, with a couple
THE loudspeaker is the most important component
reaching 0.07% and rivalling good open -reel machines. of a hi-fi system and often the most expensive. But
True, this caliber of performance is found only in rela- its performance is very difficult-perhaps impossi-
tively expensive machines, but there are many in the ble-to define in objective yet meaningful terms. The fre-
$200 to $250 range which should satisfy most users. quency response, distortion, and noise levels of most
With a cassette recorder, the Dolby system is a neces- other system components can be measured accurately
sity. Boosting the high frequencies at low signal levels and, in any case, are so nearly ideal that the differences
during recording, and reducing them by the same amount between competitive units are relatively subtle. On the
during playback, the Dolby system improves the S/N ra- other hand, anyone who has compared the sound of dif-
tio by 8 to 9 dB. This can make the difference between ferent loudspeakers knows that few of them sound
good hi-fi quality and a "hissy," sub -standard recording. alike and that the variations in listening quality are often
If a cassette deck lacks the Dolby system (as most under very large even within the same price class.
$150 do), it can be added externally. However, it is prob- Clearly, speakers have not yet attained the degree of
ably more eonomical, and certainly more convenient, to refinement found in other components. In fact, there is no
buy a recorder with the circuits built in. You can expect a consensus as to exactly what characteristics an ideal
cassette recorder without Dolby to have a noise level of speaker should have! This situation does not necessarily
-40 to -50 dB. while the better Dolby decks can achieve place the shopper at a disadvantage since it gives him a
a -60 to -65 dB or even lower noise level, again rivalling chance to express his individual taste in sound when se-
a good open -reel recorder. lecting a speaker system.
Almost all good cassette recorders have a reasonably Most speakers radiate their acoustic output in a for-
flat response from 50 Hz to 12.000 Hz with good low- ward direction, facing the listeners. There is a tendency
noise tape. They often reach 15,000 Hz or higher with for the higher audio frequencies to "beam" so that they
chromium -dioxide tape or the new dual -layer tapes which are heard at full strength only in a limited region in front
do not require special biasing. In practice, these frequen- of the speaker system. Some of the methods employed to
cy limits match the program bandwidth of phonograph disperse all frequencies equally through the listening area
records and FM broadcasts, which helps to explain why a include using multiple speakers oriented in different
cassette recorder can usually make "perfect" copies from directions, hemispherical convex dome radiators, and
these sources. acoustic lenses (and combinations of these techniques).
Although 8 -track cartridges have the potential for true Omnidirectional (or quasi -omnidirectional) speakers
hi-fi performance, their major use is in automobiles where have enjoyed considerable popularity in recent years.
wide frequency range and low noise are not necessary. They often have a spacious, open quality which is consid-
As a result, little effort has been made to improve either ered by many people to give a more convincing illusion of
cartridges or players, except in areas affecting reliability. a live musical performance. Others claim that the stereo
An 8 -track cartridge contains a single pack of tape, image is blurred by omnidirectional speakers. Obviously,
which is pulled out from the center and rewound on the this is a controversial subject - listen for yourself, and be
outside of the pack. This requires careful assembly of the assured that, whatever your decision, you will have plen-
cartridge, and specially lubricated tape, to insure reliable ty of company!
and jam -free operation. Some cartridge transports have a It is agreed by all that a single conventional cone
"fast -forward" mode, which advances the tape at 3 to 5 speaker cannot cover the full audio range adequately. If it
times its normal 33/4 ips speed. However, rewinding is is large enough to radiate the low bass frequencies, it will
impossible, making location of a specific portion of the have a sharply beamed and attenuated treble response. In
tape a cumbersome and lengthy process. Editing is im- addition, the output in the important middle frequency
possible. range will be irregular, adding a coloration to the sound.
In spite of these inconveniences and limitations, many For these reasons, it is customary to divide the audio
people prefer to record their own cartridges, giving them band into two or more segments, each radiated by a sepa-
a wider choice of programs for their cars as well as at rate driver unit (sometimes with more than one effective
home. Although the limited frequency response and high in a certain frequency band). A crossover network chan-
noise level of most cartridges cannot be heard in a moving nels the various frequency ranges to the appropriate
car, they are only too audible through a good home music drivers.
system. Recently, one company announced a new de- Most speaker systems are either two-way or three-way
luxe 8 -track cartridge deck, using a special "Scotch" car- systems, although a few split the audio band into four
tridge tape and having built-in Dolby circuits, which segments. There is some disagreement among speaker
appears to have specifications rivalling those of a good designers over the optimum number of frequency bands
cassette recorder. As the new tape becomes generally in a multi -way system, but excellent speakers are avail-
available, we can expect improved recorders from other able in each of the above categories.
manufacturers as well. Even those manufacturers who use crossover networks
Model 9500 M I
range and reflecting most of their output from the wall 111
behind the speaker. The dispersion of this array is not far
from omnidirectional and its frequency response charac-
teristics are corrected by an active equalizer that boosts
both low and high frequencies in the amplifier section. 1,(1
1975 EDITION 21
This is
what makes the
Sansui 771 so great:
Specs. Features.
Looks. And Price.
Sansui, already famous for quality and value has again outdone itself with the 771 receiver.
Look at the specs: powerful 80 watts RMS total, both channels driver into 80 -more than enough to power
two pair of speaker systems-at very low 0.5%, total harmonic distortion, an FM sensitivity of 2.0 irV(IHF)
Look at the features two tape monitors, two auxiliary inputs, thrEe pairs of speaker selectors,
two filters (hi & lo) and more-even a microphone circuit. Visit your nearest Sansui franchised dealer and listen
to the tremendous Sansui 771. Then listen to the p -ice
Woodside. Newyork 1137 7 Gardena. C Dlifornia 90247
5ansuL SANSUI ELECTRIC CO . LTD Tokyo. Japar SANSUI AUDIO EUROF'E IS' A Antwerp. Belgium
AUDIONICS for 40 V out (200 W, 8 ohms); damping factor of two inputs and can also be used to switch
1000 at low frequencies into 8 ohms. Features between equalized and unequalized sources;
ASA-300 Stereo Amplifier main/remote speaker switching. Input sensitivi-
Medium -power amplifier providing 100 W/ch ty 1.5 V for 250 W output into 8 ohms. 73/16"
at 8 ohms; 150 W/ch at 4 ohms. THD 0.1%; IM
0.1%. Response 5-70,000 Hz -3 dB; S/N -95
dB below rated output. Direct -coupled output
Dual 76 Stereo Power Amplifier
75 W/ch continuous power with both channels
driven (mid -band power about 90 W/ch with
crowbar protection circuit; IC op amp front end;
current limiting circuit; plug-in module con- H x 18" W x 181/2" D including knobs. Brushed
struction. Welded steel chassis frame for aluminum control panel; black out display pan-
rugged operational applications. 19" standard el; black anodized heat sink and case. Basic
rack panel x 51/4" H x 11" D $729.00 amplifier. $799.00
500R-7 Same except 19" x x 11" D. $739.00 With monitor display option. $986.00
250 Stereo Power Amplifier
1 Smaller version of the Model 500R. 100 W/ch
into 8 ohms (150 W/ch into 4 ohms); HD 0.2%
at rated power; response 5-65,000 Hz +0, -3 929 Power Amplifier
both channels operating). Power bandwidth 15- dB; 20-20,000 Hz +0, -0.25 dB; hum & noise 150 W continuous power/ch into 8 ohms; re-
30,000 Hz. HD 0.1% at mid -band & at rated 100 dB below rated output; input sensitivity 1.5 sponse 3-80,000 Hz; THD 0.2%; IM 0.2%;
output (0.25% at 30 Hz). Sensitivity: 1.5 V. V in for 30 V out at -±1%; damping factor 500 at damping factor 100; power bandwidth 6-30,000
Vacuum -tube design with solid-state power 500 Hz or less. 19" rack panel x H. $449.00 Hz; noise 100 dB below rated output. With
supply. Pilot light. 19" rack panel x T x 12" D meters $795.00
$995.00 750 Stereo Power Amplifier
220 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with
SP -3 Stereo Preamp both channels driven (350 W/ch into 4 ohms, CAMBRIDGE AUDIO
Response 15-30,000 Hz ±1 dB. THD 0.005% at
5 V rms output. Maximum output 25 V rms at P140X Stereo Amplifier
55 W/ch rms power output; THD & IM 0.1%
Stereo 70 Power Amplifier Oiled -walnut finished wood case $37.00 control unit I have ever used. For the first
-tube stereo amplifier. 35 W/ch power time I can hook all my equipment together
output at 4, 8, or 16 ohms. Response 15-40,000 Stereo Preamplifier
Response 2 Hz to infinity ±1dB (high-level sec- at once. find many semi -pro operations
Hz ±0.5 dB. IM & THD 1% at rated output. Sen- possible with it that have never before
sitivity: 1.3 V for rated output. 61/2" H x 13" tion). 2.5 V output & 0.0075% THD, (S + N)/N I
Kit $129.00
been able to pull off, including a first-
W x 19W' D.
class equalization of old tapes via the
smooth and distortionless tone controls.
Stereo 80 Power Amplifier I nave rescued some of my earliest broad-
40 W/ch output at 8 ohms. Response 15-50,000 cast tapes by this means, recopying them
Hz ±0.5 dB. THD 0.5% at rated output; IM to sound better than they ever did before."
The IC150 will do the same for you.
You could record from any of seven
sources: tuners, turntables, guitars, tape
players, microphones, etc. You could
aso tape with one recorder while listen-
-80 dB phono. Input sensitivity: mag. phono irg to a second one. Even run two copies
2.5 mV; aux. 250 mV. 169/e" x 6" x 9" D. $399.00 of the same source at once while mon-
Oiled -walnut finished wood case $37.00 itoring each individually. How about using
the IC150's exclusive panorama control
HARMAN/KARDON to improve the stereo separation of poorly
Citation 11 Stereo Preamp produced program material or to correct
0.1% at rated output. Sensitivity: 1.3 V for rat-
ed output. 41/: H x 13'h" W x 9" D. Kit $139.00 Response 1-250,000 Hz -±-0.5 dB. HD & IM less that ping-pong effect with headphone lis-
Assembled $199.00 than 0.01%. Has high -cut & low-cut filters, tening? It's all up to your creativity.
You'll feel perfectly free to copy
and recopy through your IC150, since it
SCA-35 Integrated Amplifier creates practically no deterioration what,
Vacuum -tube stereo unit. 17 W/ch power out- soever. Cleaner phono and high-level
put at 8 or 16 ohms. Response 20-20,000 Hz circuits cannot be found anywhere. Har-
monic distortion is practically unmeas-
urable and IM is less than 0.01% (typically
0 002%).
Of course, construction is tradi-
tional Crown quality, backed with a three-
year warranty. The price is $299. The
loudness compensation, equalizer tone con- enjoyment is unlimited. The opportunity
trols, multiple speaker switching, and head- is yours. Visit your local Crown dealer
phone output
Walnut cabinet
$395.00 to discover if um are ready for a j
±0.25 dB. IM 1% at rated output. Sensitivity: control center, the IC150.
mag. phono 4.0 mV; tape head 2.5 mV; Has Citation 12 Stereo Power Amp
high -cut filter, loudness compensation, and
ganged tone controls. 4" H x 13" W x 10" D
Kit $129.00
60 W/ch rms at 8 ohms. Power bandwidth 5-
35,000 Hz; response 5-75,000 Hz ±0.5 dB. HD
& IM less than 0.8% at rated output; hum and
tape, tuner & aux.; tape monitor jack; head-
phone jack; level control for phono input.
Amplifiers Push-button program source selection, mono
or stereo mode, "on -off" control of speaker
systems and power; master controls actuate
bass, treble, balance, and volume. 37/8" H x
noise -100 dB at rated output $295.00 123/4" W x 12" D.
Citation 12 Deluxe. Same as Citation 12 but Kit $99.95
A78 Integrated Amplifier
40 W/ch continuous sine wave into 8 ohms.
Power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz; response 20-
cone break-up, frequency doubling and other types of distortion. And the results
truly speak for themselves. Superb bass response and a larger and fuller dimen-
sional and orchestral ambience that is
system on the UM
truly unparalleled by any other speaker
A "truer" sound, capable of adding yet
sponse 20-20,000 Hz +0 dB/0.5 dB; features
remote "on/off" switching with opto coupler;
well as hear.
another dimension in realism, a spa-
ciousness of sound that you can feel as a sound
as different as
limit switches for reducing output power to If your dealer doesn't have them, set him
20% or 50%; automatic output disconnect to
avoid speaker burn -out; forced air cooling with
straight and write us for a free color brochure. our name
built-in blower; output selector for two sets of
stereo speakers; headphone output on front NEW YORK. N.Y. 10011 (212) 255-8156-7-8
1975 EDITION 29
means reliability. Over
69 years of experience. IL Amplifiers
staff at Rabsons are all
knowledgeable audio Features slide -type controls; 10 toroidal LC -
specialists. Personal serv- type bandpass filters with 12 dB/octave slope.
ice has been a byword Equalizers have dual range +16 dB or +8 dB at
for over 69 years. 40, 120, 320, 960, 2500, 7500, and 15,000 Hz.
Response high-level inputs 10-100,000 Hz clipping. HD (rms) 0.1% 20-20,000 Hz both
EST PRICES! ... Our prices channels driven at 50 W. IM 0.1% at 50 W. Re-
are really wholesale, +0.25 dB. HD 0.02% from 20-20,000 Hz & 2.5
V output. Max. output 18 V into high im- sponse 20-20,000 Hz +0.1 dB at 1 W; 20-20,000
actually lower than dis- Hz +0.1 dB at 50 W. (S+ N)/N 100 dB below 50
count. Requests for quotes pedance. Overall size 17" x 7" x 5.75" H.
are immediately given. $450.00 W. 1V rms input required for 50 W. 15" W x 43/i"
H x 8" D $275.00
ATISFACTION . Is guar Mark IB Preamp-Equalizer
anteed. All merchandise Can serve as complete control center. Has a Mark 111C Stereo Power Amplifier
brand new in factory professional 7 -band equalizer instead of con- 20 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels
sealed cartons, shipped ventional controls. Response (high-level inputs) driven (20-20,000 Hz); frequency response 20-
double -packed, fully in- 10-100,000 Hz +0.25 dB; (phono inputs) 20- 20,000 Hz +0.25% into 8 ohms at full power,
sured from our warehouse. 20,000 Hz +0.5 dB. Equalizers have dual range 1-100,000 Hz +1 dB at 1 W; THD 0.1% at full
UTSTANDING VALUE ... of +8 dB or +16 dB with 12 dB/octave slope. power (20-20,000 Hz), IM 0.05% at full power;
As one of America's Features include stepped volume control, EQ features relay protection circuit for speakers;
largest mail order houses volt/amp limiter; complementary double differ-
we pass our volume and ential inputs and full complementary series -
buying power along to you. connected output stages; feedback level con-
ATIONALLY ADVERTISED trols. 17" x 53/.." x 131/2" $850.00
BRANDS . . We carry
Mark IIICM. Same except with direct -reading
over 60 brands. power meters for watts, voltage, and dB. 17" x
50 W/ch into 8 ohms; 70 W/ch max. rms power 47 W/ch (IHF) power at 4 ohms; 32 W/ch contin-
I ADDRESS output before clipping. HD (rms) 50 W/ch into 8 uous power into 8 ohms. THD at rated ouput
ohms; 70 W/ch max. rms power output before 0.1%; IM 0.1%. Power bandwidth (IHF) 5 -40, -
000 Hz; response 10-30,000 Hz at 1 W. Has two -110 dB at rated output. Has multiple speak-
phono inputs; tape monitor; 4-ch adapter in- er switching and level input adjustment.
put; tuner & aux. inputs. Direct -coupled both Damping factor 170. 5'/B" H x 1531." W x 123/4"
channels driven. 173/8" W x 59/16" H x D D $369.50
AU -7700 Integrated Amplifier TA -1055 Integrated Amplifier
54 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels 23 W/ch continuous rms power at 8 ohms; 20
driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD & IM dist. 0.1% (at kch 40-20,000 Hz at 8 ohms. Power band-
000 Hz; 60 W/ch into 4 ohms). Power band-
width 5-45.000 Hz at 1% HD; response (aux.) width 8-40,000 Hz; response 10-60,000 Hz ±3
20-20,000 Hz ±-1/2 dB. Input sensitivity: mag. dE. HD& IM 0.5% at rated ouput. Damping fac-
phono #1 & #2 1.8 mV; aux. #1 & #2 200 mV; tor 22 (1 kHz, 8 ohms). Features loudness, bass
mic. 2.1 mV. Input impedance: mike 50,000 & treble tone controls; 6 dB/octave high filter
ohms. Has preamplified center -channel output; above 5 kHz. 43/." H x W x 11 D
main/remote speaker capability; puilt-in Dyna- $199.50
quad circuit for synthesizing regular 2 -channel
any level below rated output); power bandwidth stereo program material. Walnut cabinet.
5-40,000 Hz; response 10-50,000 Hz +0.5, 5'/2" x 17V2' x 14" D. $259.95 SUPERSCOPE
-1.0 dB at 1 W; hum & noise (IHF) 85 dB; fea-
tures dual high -voltage power sources; parallel A-235 Integrated Stereo Amplifier
push-pull power stage; triple tone control; 5 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms and at
active hi- and low filters; loudness control with SONY 1% THD; IM 0.5% at 5 W. Response 30-40,000
two modes; tape mode switch; two-step audio Hz; power bandwidth 30-50,000 Hz at 8 ohms.
muting switch; preamp and main amps may be TA -1150 Integrated Amplifier Has push-button "on -off" switch with pilot
separated for individual use $399.95 30 W/ch continuous rms power at 8 ohms light; stereo headphone jack; stereo balance
from 20-20,000 Hz with both channels driven control; bass & treble controls; input selector
AU -6600 Integrated Amplifier and 0.2% HD. HD 0.1% at 1 W. Has input/ switch for tuner, phono, tape, or aux. positions.
42 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels Output for one pair of stereo speakers. 143/8"
driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD & IM dist. 0.15%; Wx H x 7'/2" D $89.95
power bandwidth 5.35,000 Hz; frequency
response 10-40,000 Hz; hum & noise: 70 dB A-260 Integrated Stereo Amplifier
(phono); 85 dB (Aux.); 100 dB (main) all below 20 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms at 0.5%
rated output; dual power supplies; three tone THD. Features "Quadraphase" switch to simu-
controls with selective turnover frequency; full late 4-ch sound from 2-ch stereo sources with
complement of inputs, outputs, switches, and
controls. $349.95
AU -5500 Integrated Amplifier
32 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels output jacks for connecting a 4 -channel matrix
driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD & IM dist. 0.15%; decoder. 153/.," x 15'4" x 121/2" D $269.50
power bandwidth 5-30,000 Hz; response 10-
35,000 Hz +0.5, -1.0 dB at 1 W; hum & noise TA -2000F Stereo Preamp
(IHF) 85 dB; triple tone controls; full comple- Response 10-100,000 Hz -2 dB; HD 0.03%, IM
ment of inputs, outputs, switches, and controls. 0.05%. Hum & noise -90 dB at phono input.
$299.95 addition of pair of speakers. Response 20-25,-
000 ± 20-50,000 Hz.
Has straight-line tone and balance controls;
SCOTT, H.H. tape monitor switch; main/remote speaker
switches; selector switch for tape, tuner, pho-
235S Integrated Stereo Amplifier no, mike, or aux. positions; mike inputs for
15 W/ch continous sine -wave power into 8 ohms home recording or p.a.; stereo headphone jack;
with both channels driven; response 20-20,000 and illuminated function indicators. 14'/2" x
Hz dB; HD 0.5% at rated output; has 51/e" x 1111/1e 0 $189.95
volume/loudness compensation switch; tape
monitor switch; speaker #1 or #2; mono/stereo; A-245 Integrated Stereo Amplifier
front -panel headphone jack; phono inputs on Sensitivity: mag. phono 1.2 mV; aux. 110 mV. 10 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms and at
rear panel for magnetic or ceramic cartridges. Has high -cut & low-cut filters, ganged tone con- 1% THD; IM 0.8%. Response 10-36,000 Hz;
trols, headphone output, tape monitoring facili- power bandwidth 13-23,000 Hz at 8 ohms. Has
131/2" x 10" x 4'/2" $159.95
ties, microphone input on front panel, and VU tape monitor switch; input selector switch for
255S Integrated Stereo Amplifier meters. H x 153/.," W x 123/8- D. $579.50 tuner, phono, or aux. positions; main/remote
30 W/ch continous power output into 8 ohms speaker switch. Speaker outputs for main and
TA -1130 Integrated Amplifier remote speaker pairs. 143/,," x 4'/2" x 7'/3" D
with both channels driven; frequency response
50 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels $119.95
driven (20,20,000 Hz). Power bandwidth 7-
30,000 Hz; response 10-200,000 Hz -2 dB.
HD & IM 0.1% at rated output. Hum & noise TECHNICS BY PANASONIC
-110 dB at phono input. Sensitivity: mag.
phono 1.2 mV; aux., tuner & tape 130 mV. SU-9600 Stereo Control Center
Has high -cut and low-cut filters, loudness com-
Features fixed and variable phono input sensi-
pensation switch, ganged stepped tone con- tivity; switchable phono input imp.; separate
trols, multiple speaker switching, headphone L & R bass and treble controls in 2.5 -dB steps;
output, and tape monitoring facilities. Damping switch -selected bass & treble tone -control
factor 100. 5'/e" H x 153/; W x 12'/B" D turnover frequencies (215/500 Hz and 2/8
$429.50 kHz); tone -control defeat buttons; interdeck
20-20,000 Hz 11 dB; IM & HD 0.3% max. at
nominal power; accepts 4, 8 & 16 ohms speak- TA -3200F Stereo Power Amplifier tape dubbing (2 decks); wide dynamic range in
ers;linear -motion tone controls with detent phono input with high overload tolerance (1350
100 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with 'both channels
center position; high- and low filters; tone - driven (20-20,000 Hz). Power bandwidth 5- mV max. input at 3 mV sensitivity); 18 dB/
control bypass; volume/loudness compensation octave high & low filters with selectable cut-off
switch; 20 dB muting; separable preamp/amp; frequencies (low: 15 or 30 Hz; high: 10 or 15
has two magnetic phono inputs, tuner or two kHz); click -stop attenuator-type calibrated
aux. inputs. 153/,," x 9'/2" x 5'/2" $229.95 volume controls; 20 dB audio muting switch;
ultra -stable power supply; frequency response
(phono) RIAA curve +.0.3 dB, (Aux.) 2-100,000
Hz +0, -3 dB; THD & IM dist. 0.02%; S/N 69-76
SHERWOOD dB (phono), 95 dB (Aux. & tuner); rack mount-
able. 63/i." H x 173/." W x 133/.," D $629.95
S9400 Integrated Stereo Amplifier
80 W/ch dynamic power at 8 ohms & 0.8% THD; SE -9600 Stereo Power Amplifier
50 W/ch rms continuous power with both chan- 35,000 Hz; response 5-2000,000 Hz -2 dB. Ultra -stable, constant -current, constant -voltage
nels driven & at 8 ohms (40 W/ch from 20-20,- HD & IM 0.1% at rated output. Hum & noise power supply eliminates transient IM dist.;
1975 EDITION 31
cording off -the -air. Sensitivity 2µV for 30 dB
quieting; (S + N)/N -70 dB; image rejection
Amplifiers Tuners -90 dB. Dist. 0.2% in stereo
Optional cabinet
Citation 15 FM Tuner
Stereo design featuring inter -station muting,
ALTEC quieting -type tuning meter, center -channel
tuning meter, and noise filter. Has a special
724A AM -FM Tuner/Preamp 400 -Hz tone generator to be used to set record-
Stereo design. FM sensitivity 1.8 µV for 30 dB ing level when recording off -the -air. Sensitivity
quieting. Response 20-15,000 Hz -±1 dB. Stereo 2 µV for 30 dB quieting; (S + N)/N -70 dB,
separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz. Capture ratio 1.3 image rejection -90 dB. Dist. 0.2% on stereo
dB. 0.3% HD. 5 V output. Has stereo indicator $395.00
light, signal -strength meter, center -of -carrier Optional cabinet $35.00
meter, inter -station muting, crystal i.f. filters.
Features a built-in stereo preamp with two
phono inputs, tape and aux. inputs. Has tone HEATH
variable output impedance; peak -level power controls. 5" H x 173/," W x 16'/2" D $499.00
output meters with range switching; outputs AJ-1510 Digital FM Tuner
for two sets of speakers; independent R & L
Stereo design featuring a varactor (voltage)
channel level adjust; thermosensitive color CAMBRIDGE AUDIO
indicators on heatsink fins; negative feedback; tuned FM front-end without any moving parts
full overload protection for amplifier & speak- T75X FM Stereo Tuner
ers; 110 W rms/ch at 8 ohms; THD 0.08% Uses MOS transistors with voltage controller
(5-60,000 Hz); IM 0.08%; power bandwidth 5- varactor tuning; two ceramic filters in i.f. stages
60,000 Hz; frequency response 5-150,000 Hz plus discrete and IC amplification. Stereo de-
+0, -3 dB; S/N 110 dB; damping factor 1 to coding by phase -locked loop IC; extra filters to
100 in four steps; input sensitivity/impedance remove residual pilot tone. Sensitivity 1.8 ALV
IV/40,000 ohms. Rack mountable. 75/s" x 17'/." for 30 dB quieting; alternate channel rejection
W x 133/4" D $799.95 90 dB; capture ratio 0.5 dB; stereo separation
34 dB at 1 kHz. Available in black or silver
TOSHIBA cabinet. 16V." W x 2" H x 93ie D $380.00
SB-500 Integrated Stereo Amplifier (not even a dial scale). Follows computer -type
35 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with both DYNACO design with digital frequency readouts. Fre-
channels driven and 0.2% THD; HD & IM 0.2% quency of station can be punched into circuit
at rated ouput. Response 10-70,000 Hz ±1 dB;
FM -5 FM Stereo Tuner
or special punched cards can be used. Also fea-
power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz (IHF, 0.2%). Response 30-52,000 Hz r1 dB. 40 dB stereo tures automatic frequency sweep. Our Hirsch -
Imp. 4-16 ohms. Preamp input sensitivity; separation at 1000 Hz. FM sensitivity 1.75 µV Houck Labs report FM sensitivity is 1.6 p.V for
phono #1, mag. 2.5 mV, 47,000 ohms; conden- 30 dB quieting. Response 30-15,000 Hz -A dB.
ser cartridge 30 mV, 70,000 ohms; phono #2 Channel separation -40 dB at mid -frequencies.
2.5 mV, 47,000 ohms; aux, tape, tuner 150 mV. Kit $539.95
response 20-30,000 Hz; THD 0.03% at rated AJA-1510-1 Pecan wood cabinet $24.95
rms output. Has bass, treble, and loudness con-
for 4 -channel adapter. Walnut cab- AJ-15 FM Tuner
inet. 153/." W x 5" H x 25/8" D $249.95 Stereo design featuring solid-state circuitry.
Sensitivity 1.8 µV (IHF). Response 20-15,000
CA1000 Integrated Stereo Amplifier at 30 dB quieting; 1.5 dB capture ratio. THD
75 W/ch continuous rms power into 8 ohms at 0.5%. 65 dB S/N. Has 55 dB 38 -kHz subcarrier
0.1% THD. THD & IM at 1 W 0.08% and 0.05%, and 19 kHz suppression and 80 dB SCA carrier
suppression. 2 V output. Features stereo indi-
cator light, signal -strength meter, interstation
muting, ceramic i.f. filters, and automatic tun-
ing for exact center -of -channel. 4'/2" H x 131/2"
W x 9" D Kit $175.00
Assembled Hz ±1 dB. 40 dB stereo separation at 1000 Hz.
11* $279.00
Capture ratio 1.5 dB. 0.5% HD; 50 dB SCA sup-
4 4
S AF -6 AM -FM Stereo Tuner pression. 1.5 V output. Features stereo indica-
tor light, signal -strength meter, center -of -car-
rier meter, inter -station muting, multi -path indi-
cator.. Has crystal U. filters. 43/4" H x 167/e"
respectively. Power bandwidth 5-50,000 Hz; W x 12)/2" D.
(S + N)/N 70 dB (phono); phono sensitivity 0.1- Kit $229.95
3.0 mV. Has two tape, two phono, and two aux. Walnut veneer cabinet $19.95
tuner inputs; bass & treble controls; low and d'A so ors no
high filters $600.00 AJ-14 FM Tuner
CA800. Same as CA1000 except 50 W/ch and Stereo design featuring solid-state circuitry.
3.0 mV phono sensitivity $470.00 The FM section is similar to that used in the Sensitivity 5.0 V. 30 dB stereo separation at
Model FM -5 Kit $240.00 1000 Hz. Capture ratio 3 dB. HD less than 1.0%.
CA600 Integrated Stereo Amplifier Assembled $350.00 Has stereo beacon, stereo phase control.
35 W/ch continuous rms power into 8 ohms at Kit $54.95
0.1% THD. THD & IM at 1 W 0.08% and 0.05%, HARMAN/KARDON Walnut veneer cabinet $9.95
respectively. Power bandwidth 5-70,000 Hz;
(S + N)/N 65 dB (phono); phono sensitivity 3.0 Citation 14 FM Tuner AJ-29 AM -FM Tuner
mV $330.00 Stereo design with built-in Dolby noise -reduc- Stereo design. Tuner matches the tuner section
tion circuit. Features inter -station muting, qui- of the AR -29 receiver. Pre -assembled, factory
CA400 Integrated Stereo Amplifier aligned FM front-end provides 1.8µV sensitivity
22 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels for 30 dB quieting. Computer -designed nine -
driven at 1000 Hz; 20 W/ch at 20-20,000 Hz; pole LC filter in i.f. strip gives 70 dB selectivity.
HD & IM dist. 0.1% at rated power; power band- "Mute" function attenuates between -station
width 8-70,000 Hz; frequency response 20- noise on FM without affecting sensitivity.
50,000 Hz +0.5 dB, -1.0 dB; has 4 -stage Kit $199.95
direct -coupled phono amplifier; two phono in- AE -19 walnut veneer cabinet $19.95
puts; bass & treble controls; loudness control;
high & low filters; microphone input; tape moni- AJ-1214 AM -FM Stereo Tuner
tor & dubbing facilities; two aux. inputs; four eting -type tuning meter, and center -channel Features single -knob flywheel tuning for AM
convenience a.c. outlets; separable preamp & tuning meter. Has special 400 -Hz tone genera- and FM; push-button mode controls; stereo
power amp $270.00 tor to be used to set recording level when re- broadcast light; inputs for 75 or 300 ohm ex -
be discrete
Going quad - you'll want to know everything there is to know about 4 -channel and our
discrete 4 -channel systerr, CD -4. For the ultimate in quad, JVC irtroduces 3 receivers de-
signed for all of today's 4 -channel sources ... p us advanced engineering features for future
4 -channel innovations, like d:sc-erte 4 -channel broadcasting.
'he new JVC receivers - 4VR-5436, 46 and 56 feat ire a built-in discrete CD -4 demodulator
plus matrix decoder circuits win- an aitonatic switching computer (4-VR-5446 & 56) so
you can play a mixed s:ad( of CD 4 and matrix discs without making any adjustments. Each
CD -4 receiver is equipped with .:\r'C's patented Sound Effect Amplifiers tiat break the sonic
spectrum irto 5 bands so you e.ercise tonal control and complete freedom cve- sound in all Compatible Discrete
crucial freqJency ranges to compensate for porn acoustics and individual tastes. Then there's 4 -Channel Record System
JVC's Balanced Transfcrmer Less Circuitry that inks up the amps so that all four are used
when playirg 2-channe stereo f)r double the rms output power.
These are cnly a few of the mary JVC innovat ons that reflect the ultimate in 4 -channel
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Jse the handy coupon or visit your local JVC Hi-Fi Deale-. For his name and address, call
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0)+- eA\N<(-\"
Ce44 ocN\
ACLc e
/gyp F C,z,
,( e
2. b,
'`'e sea' dc
100 dB; capture ratio 0.8 dB; stereo separation
45 dB at 1000 Hz, 40 dB at 100 Hz, 40 dB at
II Tuners
10,000 Hz. 171/." W x 53/." H x 11'/e" D $749.95
KT -6007 AM -FM Stereo Tuner
FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.7 µV; quieting slope 55
dB at 3 µV; S/N 70 dB; capture ratio 1.3 dB;
alternate channel selectivity (IHF) 70 dB; re-
sponse 20-15,000 Hz +0.5, -2 dB; stereo sep-
aration 45 dB at 1000 Hz, 38 dB at 10,000 Hz; signal -strength meter, and inter -station muting.
HD 0.2% at 400 Hz, 100% modulation; image H x 111/2" W x 73/.." D $225.00
rejection 85 dB; spurious rejection 100 dB;
171/4" W x 63/," H x 1113/,e' D $319.95 MARANTZ
KT -8007 AM -FM Stereo Tuner 120B AM -FM Stereo Tuner
ternal FM antenna. Solid-state circuitry; pre - FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.5 µV; quieting slope 55
assembled and aligned FM tuning unit; FM FM usable sensitivity 1.4µV (IHF). 42 dB stereo
dB at 3 µV; S/N 75 dB; capture ratio 1.0 dB; separation at 1000 Hz; 1.5 dB capture ratio. HD
sensitivity 2µV; selectivity 60 dB; 40 dB typica, alternate channel selectivity (IHF) 100 dB;
channel separation; distortion 0.5%. 3,/8" H x response 20-15,000 Hz; stereo separation 50
123/: W x 13" D. dB at 1000 Hz, 42 dB at 10,000 Hz; HD 0.2% at
Kit $99.95 400 Hz, 100% modulation; image rejection 100
dB; spurious rejection 110 dB. 17,/8" W x
63/16" H x 11 D $419.95
HITACHI KT -4007 AM -FM Stereo Tuner
FT -600 AM -FM Tuner FM sensitivity (IHF) 2.0 !kV; quieting slope 48
Stereo design. Features FM sensitivity 1.8 AV dB at 3 µV; S/N 65 dB; alternate channel selec-
for 30 dB quieting. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1 tivity (IHF) 60 dB; response 20-15,000 Hz +0.5,
kHz; (S + N)/N 70 dB at 1 mV input. Has muting -2 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz, 0.25% stereo; S/N 60 dB. Features stereo bea-
switch, noise filter, and large signal meter. 30 dB at 10,000 Hz; HD 0.4% at 400 Hz, 100% con, signal -strength meter, center -of -carrier
$249.95 modulation; image rejection 50 dB; spurious meter, inter -station muting, and 3" scope with
rejection 90 dB; has FM det. output for 4 - 4-ch display. 53/." H x 153/s" W x 12" D
channel MPX decoder. 17',4" W x 63/16" H x $549.95
11'3/16" D $229.95
JVC 1158 AM -FM Stereo Tuner
FM usable sensitivity 1.9 AV; THD 0.4% stereo;
VT -900 FM Stereo Tuner capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation 42 dB at
Features 1.7 AV sensitivity for 30 dB quieting. LAFAYETTE
THD 0.5% for stereo; (S + N)/N 65 dB. Capture
LT -725B AM -FM Stereo Tuner
AM -FM stereo design. FM usable sensitivity 1.7
AV for 30 dB quieting. Response 50-15,000 Hz.
ratio 0.8 dB; image rejection -90 dB; AM sup- 1 kHz; AM suppression 50 dB. Features a
pression -55 dB. Output 0 to 1 V variable (0.4 V phase -lock loop multiplex decoder for maxi-
fixed). Features inter -station muting, 75 & 300 mum separation and minimum distortion on FM
ohm antenna inputs, and digital frequency stereo broadcasts; "four -channel -ready" out-
readout. 53/e" x 16,/s" x 12h/2" D $399.95 40 dB stereo separation at 400 Hz. Capture ra- put jack for connecting outboard broadcast
tio 1.5 dB; (S + N)/N 75 dB. HO 0.25%. Has ste- decoder. Has two illuminated tuning meters
VT -700 AM -FM Stereo Tuner reo indicator light, signal -strength meter, cen- and "Gyro -Touch" tuning wheel $299.95
Basically the same design as the Model VT -900 ter -of -carrier meter, and inter -station muting.
Gold panel. 33/." H x 12" W x 91/8" D $159.95 1058 AM -FM Stereo Tuner
Similar in appearance to Model 1158. FM sensi-
LT -D10 AM -FM Stereo Tuner tivity 3.5 µV for 30 dB quieting. Capture ratio
FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.65 µV; 1.5 dB capture 3.0 dB. image rejection -50 dB. Has 300 & 75
ratio; selectivity 60 dB; (S + N)/N 70 dB. Has ohm antenna inputs; signal -strength tuning
7 ,11111181111. .4 1
Dolby -B noise -reduction circuitry; front and
rear panel tape output jacks; function mode
meter. 14'/." x 43/." x 12" D $169.95
T-4055 AM -FM Stereo Tuner
FM sensitivity 1.7 µV; response 20-15,000 Hz;
stereo separation 40 dB at 400 Hz. Has a 4 -
channel terminal on rear panel for reception of
discrete 4-ch broadcasts, illuminated signal -
strength and center -tuning meters, lighted dial
and pointer on the linear FM scale. Image rejec-
Revox A700
211 AM -FM Stereo Tuner
FM sensitivity 1.8µV for 30 dB (S + N)/N; selec-
tivity 65 dB. Response 20-15,000 Hz ±1 dB. *vox A720
Dist. 0.5%; N)/N -50 dB; capture $1395
dB. Image rejection -80 dB. Features FM inter -
station muting and a center -channel tuning
meter. Walnut veneer wood cabinet. 15" x 54."
x 11I/2" D $199.90
Lamb mixer
1975 EDITION 35
TU-505 AM -FM Stereo Tuner
FM sensitivity 2.5 µV (IHF); THD 0.6% mono,
0.8% stereo. (S + N)/N 65 dB; capture ratio
Tuners 35 dB at 400 Hz. 16V16" W x 41/6" H x 11" D.
TU-7700 AM -FM Stereo Tuner
FM sensitivity 1.8 µV (IHF); HD 0.3% stereo;
S/N 75 dB; selectivity 80 dB; capture ratio 1.5
MIN filters effective on all inputs; two switchable
stereo outputs; FM capture ratio 1 dB at ±40
41111 / T kHz deviation; response 30-15,000 Hz ±1 dB;
distortion 0.2% at 1000 Hz & ±40 kHz devia-
tion; quartz -stabilized frequency synthesizer;
five -digit frequency display; signal -strength & nno fl no00.0417:
ohms unbalanced. Has switchable muting and center -channel tuning meters; remote -control
MPX noise filter. 16'/." W x 53/8" H x 135/8" D. facility. $1395.00
$249.95 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz; fre-
quency response 20-15,000 Hz; linear signal -
TX -9100 AM -FM Stereo Tuner ROTEL strength meter; multi -path meter; features out-
Features three MOSFET's, 5 -gang variable ca- put level control; FM muting; multiplex noise
pacitor, 6 -stage limiter, and P.L.L. multiplex RT-1220 AM -FM Stereo Tuner canceller; FM antenna attenuation switch;
circuit. Usable (IHF) FM sensitivity 1.5µV, cap - FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.5 iAV; HD 0.5% (S + N)/N
discriminator output for 4-ch ready; three
outputs $329.95
70 dB; capture ratio 1.0 dB; selectivity 90 dB;
stereo separation 40 dB at 1 kHz. Has MOSFET TU-5500 AM -FM Stereo Tuner
front-end; ceramic i.f. filters; illuminated linear Designed to be used with the company's AU -
dial scale; illuminated signal -strength and cen- 7700, AU -6600, or AU -5500 integrated ampli-
ter -tuning meters; rotary FM muting control fiers; FM sensitivity 1.9 µV; HD 0.5% stereo;
with three settings; 300 -ohm balanced and 75 - S/N 70 dB; selectivity 60 dB; capture ratio
ohm unbalanced antenna connections 16'/2" 2 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz;
W x 12" D x 5'/2" H $349.95 frequency response 20-15,000 Hz; has full
RT-622. Similar to RT-1220 except 1.7 µV FM complement of controls and outputs $279.95
sensitivity; (S + N)/N 65 dB; selectivity 60 dB
ture ratio 1 dB; selectivity 90 dB. (S + N)/N 75 $269.95
dB. Image, i.f., and spurious rejection 110 dB. SCOTT, H. H
Response 20-15,000 Hz +0.2 dB, -2.0 dB.
Stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz. Antenna SAE 733S Digital FM Stereo Tuner
input 300 ohms balanced, 75 ohms unbal- Sensitivity 1.8 µV for 30 dB quieting. Response
anced. Has 2 -step level switch, "on -off" MPX Mark VIB FM Digital Tuner 20-15,000 Hz. Stereo separation 40 dB; cap-
noise filter. Overall size 16,/e W x 51/2" x 135/." Features digital readout (four Nixie tubes) fre- ture ratio 1.2 dB. HD 0.25%; (S + N)/N 70 dB;
D $349.95 quency display; display of tuning & audio sig- pilot suppression 70 dB. 2.5 V output. Has ste-
reo beacon, signal -strength meter, inter -station
muting, multipath indicator, punched -card sta-
tion selection, card -programmed digital fre-
RADIO SHACK quency synthesizer, automatic scanning, and
digital frequency readout. 6" H x 175/8" W x 13"
TM -1000 AM -FM Stereo Tuner D $999.50
Features dual -gate FET front end; three ceram-
ic filters; four low -noise IC's; "Auto -Magic"
tuning system fine-tunes station electronically;
FM sensitivity 2µV; selectivity 65 dB; capture SEQUERRA
ratio 2 dB; image rejection 50 dB; stereo sepa- nals on a 3" rectangular scope. Has "Stereo
ration 35 dB at 1000 Hz; S/N 65 dB; has black- Model 1 FM -Stereo Tuner
Only" position which mutes all except stereo
out dial, lighted AM -FM meter. Wanut veneer transmissions. Sensitivity 1.6 µV for 30 dB qui- FM sensitivity (IHF) 2µV; stereo quieting 40 dB
wood case. 4%" x 151/6" x 111/2" $159.95 eting. Capture ratio 1.9 dB. Response 20- for 5µV; HD (stereo) 0.1% at 100% modula-
15,000 Hz ±0.5 dB. A 14 -pole Butterworth -type tion; selectivity first alternate channel 130 dB;
toroid phase -linear i.f. filter provides 75 dB se-
REVOX lectivity. 17" W x 101/2" x 53/." $1050.00
Optional walnut cabinet $39.00
A76 FM Stereo Tuner
Sensitivity 1 µV for 30 dB quieting. Response SANSUI
30-15,000 Hz -1 dB; capture ratio 1 dB. Distor-
TU-9500 AM -FM Stereo Tuner
FM sensitivity 1.7 µV (IHF); THD 0.2% mono, adjacent channel 20 dB; image rejection 100
0.3% stereo. (S + N)/N 75 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; spurious response 100 dB. Stereo separa-
dB (IHF); selectivity 80 dB. Stereo separation tion 54 dB at 1 kHz, 34 dB at 15,000 Hz left or
40 dB at 400 Hz; 3 dB at 10,000 Hz. Has cen- right channel. SCA rejection 70 dB. Response
ter -channel and signal -strength meters and ±0.4 dB referenced to 75 As de -emphasis. Has
stereo indicator. 19"/16"W x 59/16" H x 13"he D twelve push-button controls and one tuning
knob. Has Dolby -B noise -reduction circuit.
163/." x 53/6" x 14'/2" front panel .... $2000.00
TU-7500 AM -FM Stereo Tuner Rosewood cabinet $100.00
FM sensitivity 1.9 i.r.V (IHF); THD 0.3% mono, Clear or black anodized panel $25.00
0.5% stereo. (S + N)/N 70 dB; capture ratio 2 19 -inch rack panel and frame $150.00
tion 0.2%; (S + N)/N 70 dB; pilot suppression 40 Panoramic adapter $500.00
dB. Output 1 V. Has signal -strength meter, cen- Remote push-button tuning assembly. $150.00
ter -tuning indicator, multi -path indicator, inter -
station muting, and preset output level con-
trols. 163/a" W x 61/.," H x 95/e" D $649.00 SHERWOOD
A720 Digital FM Tuner/Preamp SEL-300 AM -FM Stereo Tuner
Features step -type channel tuning and pre-set
push-button tuning; volume & balance con-
trolled by sliding -type faders; stepped indepen-
dent tone controls for bass, presence, treble;
two headphone outputs on front panel; inter- dB (IHF); selectivity 70 dB. Stereo separation
connect facilities for two tape recorders; addi- 40 dB at 400 Hz. Has signal -strength and cen-
tional tape output on front panel; two stereo ter -channel meters and stereo indicator. 173/6"
phono & one stereo aux. input; high & low pass W x 59/16" H x 12"/)6" D $259.95
FM sensitivity 1.5 AV for 30 dB quieting. Has stereo. Features black -out linear dial scale with YAMAHA
stereo indicator light, signal -strength meter, illuminated pointer; muting circuit; tuning
center -of -carrier meter, inter -station muting, meter. 43/4" H x 16'/." W x D. . $199.50
. . CT7000 FM Stereo Tuner
multi -path indicator output, 12 -pole toroidal i.f. Features negative -feedback multiplex decoder;
filters, and 7 -segment digital station frequency SUPERSCOPE front -panel selectable i.f. mode of operation
readout $499.00 for 85 dB selectivity (normal) or 18 dB (broad);
T-210 AM -FM Stereo Tuner
i.f. stage has 7 -stage differential amplification,
S-2400 AM -FM Stereo Tuner FM usable sensitivity 5 µV (111f); (S + N)/N 60 ceramic filter block, and discriminator circuit
FM sensitivity 1.8µV for 30 dB quieting; 1.5 dB dB; HD 1% at 1 kHz; image rejection 40 dB; for 1.0 dB capture ratio; ceramic and LC filters;
capture ratio. Has signal -strength meter, cen- capture ratio 6 dB. Features signal -strength
tuning meter; push-button on/off switch which
7 -gang tuning capacitor for 120 dB (IHF)
spurious signal rejection; phase lock loop de-
does not affect other pre-set controls; mode coder; two meters (three functions); automatic
switch; flywheel tuning. 143/8" W x 4'/2" H x 7'/8"
high -blend circuit; OTL headphone amp (20-
D $119.95 20,000 Hz at 0.3% dist.); frequency linear dial
T-220 AM -FM Stereo Tuner scale $1200.00
FM usable sensitivity 2.8 AV (IHF); stereo sepa- CT800 AM -FM Stereo Tuner
ration 35 dB at 1 kHz; capture ratio 3.0 dB;
FM sensitivity 1.7 µV; capture ratio 1.0 dB;
selectivity 80 dB (IHF); S/N 72 dB stereo (IHF);
ter -tune meter, FM muting, scope outputs, vari-
able output, and ceramic filter. Walnut case.
7'12" W x 5'/2" H x 14" D $229.95
STC-7000 AM -FM Tuner/Preamp
Stereo design. FM sensitivity 1.7 AV for 30 dB THD 1% stereo; Response 20-15,000 Hz ±1.5
quieting. Selectivity 100 dB; (S + N)/N -70 dB. dB; Has full complement of controls. 133/4" TI -D 0.3% stereo at 400 Hz, 1% 50-10,000 Hz;
Wx H x 12'/2" D $179.95 stereo separation 45 dB (400 Hz), 35 dB (50-
10,000 Hz); frequency response 50-10,000 Hz
TOSHIBA +C.5 dB, -0.5 dB; 20-15,000 Hz +1.5 dB, -1.5
dB; has full complement of inputs, outputs,
ST -500 AM -FM Stereo Tuner meters, and switches. Walnut cabinet. 17'/.." x
FM sensitivity 1.8 AV for 30 dB (S + N)/N; S/N 534" H x 123/," D $370.00
-66 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB. Selectivity -80 CT600. Similar to CT800 except 2 0 AV FM
dB; image rejection -80 dB; i.f. rejection -80 sensitivity; capture ratio 1.5 dB; selectivity 75
dB; AM suppression -50 dB. Has 75 & 300 ohm dB (IHF); S/N 66 dB stereo (IHF); stereo separa-
antenna inputs; output 600 mV fixed & 0 -2 V tion 40 dB; frequency response 50-10,000 Hz
HD 0.5% in stereo & at 400 Hz, 100% modula- variable. Features signal -strength & center -of - +1.0 dB, -1.0 dB; 20-15,000 Hz +1.5 dB, -3.0
tion. Capture ratio 1 dB. Preamp response 10- channel tuning meters, ceramic filter. $239.95 dB $270.00
100,000 Hz ±2 dB. HD 0.1% at rated output.
Has solid-state i.f. filters, center -of -channel
tuning meter, output jacks for oscilloscopes,
75 -ohm antenna input, monitor circuits for two
tape recorders. 18'/: x 53/4" x 13W D. $589.50
ST -5150 AM -FM Tuner
Features 2µV FM sensitivity for 30 dB quieting,
solid-state LC filters. (S + N)/N -70 dB; selec-
IlltIntosh CATALOG
Get all the newest and latest information on the new McIntosh Sol-
id State equipment in the Mcl rtosh catalog. In addition you will
receive an FM station directory that covers all of North America.
MX 113
McIntosh Laboratory, Inc.
East Side Station P.O. Box 96
FM sensitivity 1.5 AV (IHF); image & spurious
rejection 100 dB; capture ratio 1 dB; selectivity
100 dB. (S + N)/N 75 dB. HD 0.3% stereo. Fea- SEND Binghamton, N.Y. 13904
Dept. SD
tures a special pulse -sensing discriminator
(INS circuit) which applies short-term muting to
man-made noise pulses. Has linear dial scale,
two tuning meters, terminals for oscilloscope.
51/e" H x 153/.," W x 13h/2" D $349.50
the sound
Model TX -560
AM/FM Stereo Receiver
Distinguished quality in a class
by itself! Accepts 3 sets of
speaker systems. Has direct
cpld. din amplifier; built-in
thermal protection; transient
killers; 2 tape monitors, dub-
bing, R/L separable controls.
Provides 48 Watts RMS power
per chan'l O 80; 0.2% THD;
1.5µV FM Sensitivity
of the '70's!
And years from now, these superb Onkyo
components will still be new - in quality, per-
formance and reliability! That's because Onkyo
consistently provides the most advanced
design equipment - each including unusually
fine quality innovations .. years ahead of
tuned port for rich, overall and distortion -free response at a sensible price.
response. 30W (max) power
capacity; 8" woofer (ported
Prove it to yourself and audition Onkyo today.
cap); 2" cone tweeter; 2/Way Compare the craftsmanship, the attention to
crossover network Equally ef-
fective with low power. Smartly detail, the feel of genuine quality. Look at the
styled resonance -free cabinet
has walnut -grained, vinyl specifications and features, and read the ex-
perts opinions. Your one logical choice is
Onkyo . Artistry in Sound. A full line of
. .
Model 2SA
3/Way "Linear Suspension
Speaker System
The incomparable sound of
our top rated Model 25 in a
smartly re -styled, modern
cabinet with luxurious walnut -
grained finish. Has hearty bass
and superb balance; 14"
molded woofer; domed Artistry in Sound
radiator mid -range and tweeter;
3/Way crossover network.
Handles 60W (max.) power
with ideal transient response. Onkyo Salt's Section/Mitsubishi International Corp.
$249.95 25 -1943rd Ave.. Long Island City, N.Y. 11101/(212) 729-2323
ohms (150 W/ch at 4 ohms); 80 W/ch continu- Non 55 dB; stereo separation 35 dB. Has high
HERVIC ous power a: 8 ohms (100 W/ch at 4 ohms) with filter & low filter, FM muting, two tuning meters,
both channels driven & at 0.4% THD. Power source indicator lights, mike mixing facilities.
HR150 FM Digital Receiver bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 1.7 AV Four -channel ready for future 4-ch FM broad-
Solid-state stereo receiver with large, bright for 30 dB quieting; capture ratio 0.7 dB. casts and will handle matrixed and CD -4
FM digital readout; select any of 100 channels 63/." x 203/." x D $749.95 sources with appropriate adapters... $429.95
VR-5535 AM -FM Stereo Receiver VR-5525 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
28 W/ch continuous rms power 20-20,000 Hz Same as the VR-5535 except 18 W/ch con -
SR -700 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
40 W/ch dynamic power into 8 ohms at 0.5% The Beogram 3000
THD; 35 W/ch continuous rms power. Features
One part of a system developed to reproduce sound as it is.
z (60 W/ch at 4 ohms). Response 10-50,000 Hz full complement of inputs, outputs, and con-
trols; 4 -channel adaptable. 173/4" W x 15" D x
Receivers 53/8" H $219.95
STA-5050 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
60 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; spurious rejection 24 W rms/ch at 8 ohms with both channels driv-
95 dB; front -panel tape dubbing jacks; Dolby en (26 W/ch into 4 ohms); frequency response
FM de -emphasis switch $499.95 20-30,000 Hz -±-1 dB (4 -Ch. input); power band-
width 20-20,000 Hz; HD 0.8% at rated output;
2275 AM -FM Stereo Receiver IM dist. 0.2% at 1 W output; FM sensitivity
75 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with (IHF) 2.1 µV; selectivity 40 dB -±400 kHz; image
both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); IM & rejection 60 dB; i.f. rejection 80 dB; S/N 60 dB;
(main input) and 20-50,000 Hz (Aux. input); capture ratio 3 dB; stereo separation 38 dB at
THD 0.25%; frequency response 20-20,000 power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz ±1 dB at 0.5%
Hz ±0.25 dB; power bandwidth 7-70,000 Hz 1000 Hz; has full complement of inputs, out-
THD. Dist. 0.5% at rated output. (S + N)/N 65
(IHF) with both channels driven; FM sensitivity puts, and controls; 4 -channel adaptable; front -
dB (phono input), 80 dB (other). FM sensitivity panel two -deck tape recording, monitoring, and
1.9 µV; THD 0.35% stereo; selectivity 80 dB; (IHF) 2 µV; 80 dB image rejection. (S + N)/N 60
capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation 42 dB dubbing jacks. 173/4" W x 15" D x 53/8" H
dB. 300 ohm balanced, 75 ohm unbalanced $249.95
at 1000 Hz; spurious rejection 100 dB; features antenna imp. Has tape output terminals for two
variable -frequency tone control turnover points STA-6060. Same as 5050 except 34 W rms/ch
sets of tape decks; FM muting switch; linear into 8 ohms with both channels driven; fre-
and mid -range tone control; Dolby FM de - dial scale and twin tuning meters; double -rotary
emphasis switch; facilities for two tape record- tone -control switch. Universal power supply.
ers; mode switch (left, right, stereo, stereo re- 18" W x 143/8" D x 53/8" H. Has blackout dial and
verse, mono); full complement of inputs and gold -trimmed panel and knobs $399.95
outputs $649.95
STA-7070 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
2325 AM -FM Stereo Receiver 34 W/ch at 8 ohms with both channels driven
125 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with (43 W/ch at 4 ohms). Response 10-50,000 Hz
both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); IM & (main input) and 20-50,000 Hz (Aux. input);
THD 0.15%; frequency response 20-20,000 Hz power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz ±1 dB at 0.5%
quency response 15-30,000 Hz; HD 0.5% at
±0.25 dB; power bandwidth 5-70,000 Hz (IHF) rated output; IM 0.2% at 1 W output. 18" W x
THD. IM & HD 0.5% at rated output. FM sensi-
with both channels driven; FM sensitivity 1.8 145/8" D x 53/e" H $319.95
tivity (IHF) 2 AV; 80 dB image rejection; (S + N)/
µV; THD 0.3% stereo; selectivity 80 dB; cap- N 60 dB; capture ratio 2.5 dB. Has tape output STA-9090 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
ture ratio 1.25 dB; stereo separation 42 dB at terminals for two sets of tape decks; FM muting 65 W rms/ch at 8 ohms with both channels driv-
1000 Hz; spurious, image, and i.f. rejection 100 switch; linear dial scale and signal -strength
dB; features built-in Dolby noise rejection sys- en; power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz; frequency
meter. Universal power supply. 18" W x 145/a"
tem; variable -frequency tone control turnover D x 53/e" H. Blackout dial and gold -trimmed
points and mid -range tone control; complete panel and knobs $349.95
facilities for two tape recorders; mode switch.
$799.95 STA-5010 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
22 W/ch at 8 ohms with both channels driven
(24 W/ch at 4 ohms). Response 10-50,000 Hz
MX ± 1 dB; power bandwidth 20-20,000 Hz -1 dB at
1% THD. HD & IM 0.8% at rated output. (S + N)/
1570 AM -FM Stereo Receiver N 60 dB (phono) and 70 dB (Aux. -Tape Mon). response 10-50,000 Hz ±1 dB; THD & IM dist.
FM sensitivity (IHF) 2.5 AV; 60 dB image rejec- 0.5% at rated output; FM sensitivity 1.8 µV;
40 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels
tion. (S + N)/N 60 dB. Capture ratio 3 dB. Ste- selectivity 70 dB; image rejection 80 dB; i.f. re-
driven at 1000 Hz; 35 W/ch 20-20,000 Hz; reo separation 38 dB at 1000 Hz. Features 4 -
power bandwidth 10-35,000 Hz; IM & HO 0.5%; jection 90 dB; S/N 70 dB; capture ratio 1.8 dB;
channel tuner output on rear panel for discrete stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz; features
frequency response 20-25,000 Hz; FM sensi-
tivity (IHF) 1.8 µV; selectivity 75 dB; capture 5 -position mode switch; bright function indi-
ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation 50 dB at 1000 cators; FM stereo indicator; three stereo -pair
Hz, 40 dB at 10,000 Hz; HD 0.2%; image re- speaker selector; FM muting switch; high & low
jection 97 dB; spurious rejection 94 dB; fea- filters; loudness control; stereo headphone
tures 6 -pole linear phase filters; switchable jack; three a.c. outlets (one switched); 4 -chan-
signal-strength/center-tuning meter; low-pass nel composite signal output; pre/power ampli-
audio filters; OCL direct -coupled differential fier separable for 4 -channel and other uses; has
amplifier; full complement of inputs, outputs, full complement of controls, inputs, and out-
switches, and controls. 6" H x 19" W x 15" D. puts. 18 Wu." W x 151/4" D x 6'/2" H $499.95
Veneer cabinet $399.95
system broadcast adapter; tape output jacks
for two tape decks; FM muting switch; loudness ONKYO
1580 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
65 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels control switch; headphone jack, DIN connec-
tor; tape selector & monitor switch. 173/."
TX -666 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
driven at 1000 Hz; 60 W/ch 20-20,000 Hz; 70 W/ch dynamic power at 8 ohms (100 W/ch at
W x 15" 0 x 53/e" H $249.95
4 ohms); 50 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms
STA-4020 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
12 W/ch at 8 ohms with both channels driven
(13 W/ch at 4 ohms). Response 10-50,000 Hz
± 1 dB (main input), 20-30,000 Hz (Aux. input);
4"4-r 0 0 0 iC4 power bandwidth 30-20,000 Hz -1 dB at 1%
THD. IM dist. 0.5% at 1 W output. FM sensitivi-
ty (IHF) 3.5 µV; image rejection 50 dB; (S + N)/
power bandwidth 10-35,000 Hz; HD 0.5%; IM N 60 dB; capture ratio 4.5 dB. Stereo separa-
dist. 0.8%; frequency response 20-25,000 Hz; tion 30 dB at 1000 Hz. Has provisions for mike, (60 W/ch at 4 ohms) and at 0.2% THD. Power
FM sensitivity 1.8 AV; selectivity 75 dB; cap- mixing, and level control; features loudness bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 1.8 AV
ture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation 50 dB at control; front -panel headphone jack; tape mon- for 30 dB (S + N)/N; capture ratio 1.5 dB. Input
1000 Hz, 40 dB at 10,000 Hz; HD 0.2%; image itor jack, dual tone controls. Oiled finish walnut sensitivity: mag. phono 2.5 mV; aux. #1 & #2
rejection 97 dB; spurious rejection 94 dB; fea- case. 173/." W x 15" D x 53/8" H $199.95 100 mV. Features main/remote speaker switch,
tures 6 -pole linear phase filters; high -gain IC STA-2020. Similar to STA-4020 except 8 W/ch tape inputs, mike input with mixing, a six -ele-
quadrature FM detector; switchable signal- at 8 ohms (7 W/ch at 4 ohms) with both chan- ment ceramic i.f. stage filter, dual tuning me-
strength/center-channel meter; full comple- nels driven $189.95 ters (center -of -channel & signal -strength), FM
ment of controls, inputs, outputs, and switches; inter -station muting. Walnut cabinet with an-
auto/off power switch for use with automatic STA-4030 AM -FM Stereo Receiver tique gold trim. 183/8" x 151/4" x 51t' H. $469.95
turntable. 6" H x 19" W x 15" D. Veneer with 18 W rms/ch at 8 ohms with both channels
grained walnut finish $479.95 driven (19 W/ch into 4 ohms); frequency re- TX -440 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
sponse 20-30,000 Hz -.±1 dB (4 -Ch. input); pow- 28 W/ch continuous rms power into 8 ohms with
er bandwidth 20-20,000 Hz; HD 1% at rated both channels driven at 1 kHz. Power band-
NIKKO output; IM dist. 0.5% at 1 W output; FM sensi- width 20-20,000 Hz; response 20-30,000 Hz.
tivity (IHF) 2.1 µV; selectivity 40 dB ±400 kHz; FM sensitivity 2.0 µV; capture ratio 2 dB; selec-
STA-8080 AM -FM Stereo Receiver image rejection 60 dB; i.f. rejection 80 dB; S/N tivity 65 dB; (S + N)/N 70 dB. HD 0.8% stereo.
43 W/ch into 8 ohms with both channels driven 10-30,000 Hz (IHF); complementary symmetry, on to you.
(20-20,000 Hz); 48 W/ch at 1000 Hz; THD 0.2% fused outputs, separate dual -concentric bass &
treble controls; linear FM dial & AM -FM tuning EtReRrrliFfilcC eEquipment at
meter; automatic stereo light; phase lock loop
multiplex; FM sensitivity 2.2 µV; selectivity 65 over 60 major brands, all
dB (IHF); 2 dB capture ratio; has FET front end, factory sealed cartons,
ceramic filters, FM muting; 75/300 ohm anten- fully warranteed, shipped
na inputs; push -buttons for tape monitor, high from our warehouse fully
filter, loudness, main/remote speakers; fea- ,insured.
tures front -panel headphone jack, phono input,
a.c. receptacle, separate power switch. Walnut - UTSTANDING VALUE . . .
THD 1.0% at rated power; S/N 60 dB (phono), reo separation 40 dB (1000 Hz), 30 dB (50- I>,
70 dB aux.); power bandwidth 20-20,000 Hz; 10,000 Hz). features full complement of inputs,
frequency response 25-30,000 Hz -±1 dB; FM outputs, switches, and controls. 16'/a" W x 51/2"
sensitivity 3 µV (IHF); capture ratio 2 dB; image H x 135/8" D $239.95
rejection 50 dB; stereo separation 35 dB at SX-535. Same as SX-434 but 20 W rms/ch into
400 Hz; frequency response 20-15,000 Hz 8 ohms (40-20,000 Hz); 22 W/ch into 8 ohms at
±2 dB; features dual-purpose meter; built-in 1000 Hz; 187/8"W x 53/4" H x 15'/8" D $299.95
4 -channel synthesizer; full complement of
SX-636 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
inputs & outputs. Walnut -finished wooden
cabinet. 165/8" W x 133/4" D x 55/8" H .. $219.95
25 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms (20-
20,000 Hz); 27 W/ch into 8 ohms at 1000 Hz;
HD & IM dist. 0.5%; power bandwidth 5-60,000 vis
PILOT Hz; FM sensitivity (IHF) 1.9 µV; capture ratio
1 dB; selectivity 60 dB; S/N 70 dB; image re-
252 AM -FM Stereo Receiver jection 60 dB; i.f. rejection 90 dB; spurious
25 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with both rejection 75 dB; HD 0.4% stereo; response 20- WE'LL SAVE
channels driven & at 0.5% THD; power band- 15,000 Hz +0.2 dB, -2.0 dB; 50-10,000 Hz
width 20-25,000 Hz; response 20-20,000 Hz +0.2 dB, -0.5 dB; stereo separation 40 dB YOU MONEY
±1.5 dB. FM sensitivity 2.2 jAV for 30 dB (1000 Hz), 30 dB (50-10,000 Hz); 181/8" W x ON FAMOUS BRAND
(S + N)/N. Selectivity -50 dB. (S + N)/N - 60 53/4" H x 15'/a" D $349.95
dB; capture ratio 2 dB. Supplied with walnut SX-737. Same as SX-636 except 35 W/ch (20-
veneer wood cabinet. 18" x 51/8" x 131/2" D 20,000 Hz), 40 W/ch (1000 Hz); FM image re- STEREO COMPONENTS
$309.90 jection 80 dB; i.f. & spurious rejection 100 dB; WRITE TODAY FOR OUR QUOTE AND
195/8" W x 61/." H x 171/4" D $399.95 OUR COMPLETE PRICE CATALOG.
253 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
35 W/ch continuous power at 8 ohms with both
channels driven & at 0.5% HD. Power band- 50 W/ch continuous power output into 8 ohms FOR IMMEDIATE QUOTE
width 15-30,000 Hz; response 20-20,000 Hz ±1 (20-20,000 Hz); 55 W/ch at 1000 Hz; HD & IM CALL (202) 723-6060
dB. Input sensitivity: mag. phono #1 & #2 2.5 dist. 0.3%; power bandwidth 5-40,000 Hz; fre- -HE COST OF YOUR CALL WILL BE DEDUCTED
to 4.5 mV; mike 1 mV; aux. 300 mV; tape output quency response 10-70,000 Hz; FM sensitivity FROM ANY ORDER OVER $200.00.
250 mV. The AM -FM tuner circuitry is the same (IHF) 1.8 µV; capture ratio 1 dB; selectivity 80
as in the Model 211 stereo tuner. With walnut
wood cabinet. 18" x 51/8" x 13'/2" D... $389.90
dB; S/N 70 dB; image rejection 85 dB; i.f. &
spurious rejection 100 dB; HD 0.4% stereo; =1=1
frequency response 20-15,000 Hz +0.2 dB, 6200 CHILLUM PLACE N.W.
254 AM -FM Stereo Receiver -2.0 dB; 50-10,000 Hz +0.2 cB, -0.5 dB; WASHINGTON. D.C. 20011
Same as the Model 253 AM -FM receiver except stereo separation 40 dB (1000 Hz), 30 dB (50- It Master Charge BankArnencard
Honored rin Mad Orders
has greater power output: 65 W/ch continuous 10,000 Hz) has full complement of inputs, out-
power at 8 ohms with both channels driven. puts, switches; signal -strength & tuning me- CIRCLE NO. 54 ON READER SERVICE CARD
1975 EDITION 45
phonos; "Quatravox" 4-ch. synthesizer. Walnut
veneer cabinet, 51/0" x 161/e" x 15'/2" .. $319.95
E Receivers ( t.
ters; 203/." W x 67/e H x 161/2" D $499.95
:f Vttf f f f's f NoeVV.
Company has five AM -FM receivers in its line;
SX-939. Same as SX-838 except 70 W/ch; am- all of them quite similar in design & appear-
plifier frequency response 7-100,000 Hz & tuning meters; full complement of controls; ance. All feature main/remote speaker switch-
$599.95 4 -channel ready; 191/.." W x 53/.." H x 13" D es, signal -strength meters, illuminated dial
$449.95 pointers, and are supplied with walnut cabi-
SX-1010 AM -FM Stereo Receiver nets.
100 W/ch continuous power output into 8 ohms RX-150A. 15 W/ch dynamic power ... $149.95
(20-20,000 Hz); 110 W/ch at 1000 Hz; HD & RX-152. 10 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both
IM dist. 0.1%; power bandwidth 5-40,000 Hz; RADIO SHACK channels driven; 2 -stage direct -coupled nega-
frequency response 7-100,000 Hz; FM tuner tive -feedback amp; loudness control; 4 -chan-
sensitivity 1.7 µV; capture ratio 1 dB; selectiv- STA-200 AM -FM Stereo Receiver nel simulation; speaker system switching 1 & 2,
ity 90 dB; S/N 72 dB; image, i.f., and spurious 1+2 $189.95
rejection 110 dB; HO 0.3% stereo; response 33 W/ch continuous rms power at 8 ohms; 50 RX-202. 15 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both
20-15,000 Hz +0.2 dB, -2.0 dB; 50-10,000 Hz W/ch (IHF) at 8 ohms. Response 20-30,000 Hz; channels driven; FM sensitivity 2.5 µV; 2 -stage
+0.2 dB, -0.5 dB; stereo separation 40 dB direct -coupled negative -feedback circuit; tape
(1000 Hz); 30 dB (50-10,000 Hz); features twin monitor; tape dubbing; hi -filter; loudness con-
tone control system that provides approx. 3000 trols; 4 -channel simulation; speaker system
different combinations on tonal characterstics; switching 1 & 2, 1 + 2 $229.95
signal -strength & tuning meters; full comple- RX-402. 20 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both
ment of inputs, outputs, switches & controls. channels driven; phase lock loop circuitry;
207/e" W x 6"/e" H x 17'/2" D $699.95 split power supply; direct -coupled output cir-
cuit; preamp out, main amp in; tape monitor;
Sound Project 300 Stereo Receiver tape dubbing; concentric stepped bass & treble
7 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with both power bandwidth 20-20,000 Hz. S/N phono control; FM sensitivity 2.0 µV; FM muting, hi -
channels driven at 1000 Hz; HD & IM dist. 1%; 50 dB; aux. 60 dB. THD 1% at rated output. filter, loudness controls $289.95
power bandwidth 25-60,000 Hz; FM sensitivity Input sensitivity: phono 2.5/5 mV; aux. 200 mV. RX-602. 35 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both
(IHF) 2.3 µV; capture ratio 3.5 dB; S/N 65 dB; FM sensitivity 2µV (IHF); separation 30 dB; channels driven; phase lock loop circuit; direct -
HD 0.8% stereo; stereo separation 40 dB (1000 image rejection 100 dB; capture ratio 3 dB.
Hz). 173/e" W x 53/10" H x 123/.." D $189.95 Outputs: FM detector jack for 4-ch adaptability.
Has 25 front- and rear -panel controls. OTL
amplifier and regulated power supply. 63/," x
PROJECT/one 181/2" x 131/2" $459.95
80 dB; FM sensitivity 1.8 AV (IHF); THD 0.5%
stereo; S/N 70 dB; selectivity 70 dB; capture
ratio 1.5 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000
Hz; features circuit board module construction;
full complement of inputs, outputs, switches,
and controls; signal -strength and center -
channel meters $449.95
551 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
16 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels
driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD & IM dist. 0.8%;
Engineering Excellence
power bandwidth 25-30,000 Hz; FM sensitivity
2.5 ptV (111F); capture ratio 2.5 dB; S/N 65 dB;
THD 0.7% stereo; ho signal -strength meter;
full complement of controls, inputs, and out-
for Professional Results
puts $259.95
441 AM -FM Stereo Receiver
11 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels
driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD 1.0%, IM dist.
0.8%; power bandwidth 30-25,000 Hz; FM
sensitivity 2.5 µV (IHF); capture ratio 2.5 dB;
THD 0.7% stereo; S/N 65 dB $219.95 MODEL .
3-1-1aad, 4-i 2 1
2 -Chan Tapc-
2,14 -Chan Stereo
R77S AM -FM Stereo Receiver Tape Deck with
70 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with Multi Sync
both channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD
MODEL 1140
2.'4 Chan Tape Deck
ratio 2 dB; single signal -strength meter. 18" x with Multi- Sync and
13" x 5'/2" $279.95 Full Logic Control
MP 3000.
This superb speaker sys-
tem boasts 2 tweeters, 1
mid -range, and 1 woofer.
Featuring separate con-
trols for tweeters and
mid -range, the MP -3000
handles 50 watts pro-
gram material (100 watts
peak). Frequency re-
sponse: 20-20,000 Hz.
Cabinet: 27" x 201/2" x
14". Shipping weight: 70
lbs. $199.95
1975 EDITION 49
The Only
The fluid and brush are desired
to have a precise working relationship
as a fully integrated record cleaning sys-
tem. And while is chemically tailored
to solubilize common dirt and debris on
your records' surface, the formula
was also developed to handle the newest
problems of the record user-crystalized
manufacturing lubricants.
Both components of the Discwasher
sys-.em can stand on their own merit: an
improved directional pile brush which
lifts off rather than pushes around. And
the fluid which is a chemically sophis-
ticated product resulting from years of
But together, the relationship exceeds
the expectations of the most critical
audiophile. The relationship should
be working for you.
DtscwAsHiP IN4c-
Send 250 and a self-addressed stam_ped CouJtotAA MO
envelope for our Technical Bulletin "WeRTAIIIT
Clean Records and Chemistry, to find
Net Contents I Fl Oz
out what's happening to your records MAN IN 'J S A
today. Discwasher, Inc., 909 University,
Columbia, Mo. 65201.
up assembly. Has push-button speed control;
hydraulic lift and lowering of tonearm; anti -vi- 50H Mark II Automatic Turntable
bration springs; lightweight cartridge shell with Three speeds (33, 45, & 78 rpm); rumble -40
self-cleaning contacts. Two -speed (33 & 45 dB (NAB); wow 0.06%; flutter 0.02%. Stylus
rpm); 60 -Hz synchronous constant speed 450
rpm; belt drive. Rumble -50 dB (RIAA); hum angle selector for single- and multiple -play.
-80 dB; wow & flutter 0.1%. Has 10V." alumi- Tracking down to '/2 gram. Damped counter-
num platter. 133/4" x 15'/2" x 4'/2" H (including balance with coarse and fine adjustments.
dust cover). Comes with arm, base, dust cover Synchronous/hi-torque motor, 4 -lb one-piece
but without cartridge $139.95 die-cast platter; illuminated strobe. 13" x 103/."
SAU2. Tonearm with head shell $50.45 plus 1" at rear and right for toneearm overhang.
HS. Head shell for SAU2 tonearm $6.50 5" above and 23/." below mounting board
1975 EDITION 53
finements. Has same zero -tracking error tone - cabinet with tinted dust cover. 16" W x 8" H x
arm with 15 degree vertical tracking adjust- 14" D $74.95
ment and viscous damped cueing control. Also CA910. Similar to CA960 but with shock -
Record Players two -point support for stack of records. Sliding mounted turntable; 9" platter; new -design
tonearm. 16" W x 7" H x 14" D $44.95
weight stylus -force and anti -skating adjust-
ments. Synchro-Lab motor. Three separate
control tabs $169.95
elapsed time indicator. 91/2" H x 14`/2'. W x GLENBURN
127/8" D. $265.00 82 Automatic Changer/Turntable
Wood vinyl -covered base. $11.00 Identical to Zero 92 except for tonearm. Has All automatic turntables in the line feature low -
low -mass aluminum tonearm; interchangeable mass precision tonearms; oversize turntable
820 Automatic Turntable spindles; cartridge overhang adjustment; two - bearing; Delrin tripping pawls for minimum
Features 4 -pole asynchronous motor; three - point record support; damped cueing tracking and tripping force; uni-planar con-
speed (33, 45 & 78 rpm) operation; automatic $119.95 struction with all operating parts in one hori-
programming of tonearm for 12" records at 33, zontal plane; re -designed base with hinged
7" records at 45; push-button start and stop; 70 Automatic Changer/Turntable dust cover.
variable pitch control (up to 5% range); built-in Features same record -support platform sys-
strobe speed indicator; calibrated anti -skate tem as the more expensive models. Has low - 2155A Record Changer
for elliptical and conical styli; viscous -damped mass extruded aluminum tonearm with adjust- Heavy-duty 4 -pole motor; 11" turntable platter
up and down cueing in all modes; low -mass arm able counterweight for zero balance (before with protective mat; bi-directional viscous -
and head assembly; tracking as low as 1 gr; setting stylus force with calibrated gauge). damped cue and pause control; adjustable anti -
heavy pressure -formed platter. Less base and Synchro-Lab motor; damped cue control; three skate control calibrated for conical and elliptical
cartridge $129.95 speeds (33, 45 & 78 rpm) $89.95 styli; calibrated stylus -pressure control; inter-
70M Pre -Pack Turntable. Consists of Model 70 changeable automatic and manual spindles;
with factory installed Shure M93E elliptical ball -race pivoted tonearm; automatic tonearm
cartridge and BW10 wooden base .... $109.95 locking rest; record stabilizer arm with finger -
EMPIRE lift; comes with audio cables and Shure M75E
62 Automatic Changer/Turntable magnetic cartridge $112.80
Troubador III 598 Turntable Similar to Model 70 except for heavy-duty, 4 - 2155$. Same except without dust cover, base,
Two -speed (33, 45 rpm) manual turntable. Has pole induction surge motor and fixed counter- or cartridge $59.95
weight in tonearm $69.95
anti -skating device, hysteresis synchronous 2110A Record Changer
40B Automatic Changer High -torque induction motor; 11" turntable
Four -pole induction motor; overhead stabilizer with cushioned mat; bi-directional viscous -
arm for record stack; tubular aluminum tone -
arm; damped cue control; plays 33, 45 & 78
rpm $49.95
42M. Pre -Pack Changer. Same as 40B but comes
with factory installed magnetic cartridge and
BW10 wood base $69.95
42C. Pre -Pack Changer. Same as 42M except
2 -pole induction motor and Tetrad ceramic
cartridge $59.95
Zero 100SB Single -Play Turntable
Features an articulated tonearm with zero
tracking error; magnetic anti -skating control;
Zero 92 Changer/Turntable
Essentially same as Zero 100C, lacking a few re -
Features underslung gimbal tonearm with ad- Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) manual turntable; will continuously variable speed from 30 to 86 rpm.
justable counterbalance; heavy-duty 4 -pole a.c. handle 7". 10" & 12" discs; rumble -58 dB Will handle 7", 10", or 12" records. Rumble
synchronous motor; 11" turntable platter with (CBS-RRLL); wow & flutter 0.1% (DIN); 24 -pole (NAB) -40 dB; wow & flutter 0.06%. Features
protective mat; low -mass plug-in head shell; synchronous motor; motor drift ±0.5% (DIN); electronic shut-off and arm lift; balanced tone -
bi-directional viscous -damped cue and pause adjustable tracking force 0.5-4.0 g; aluminum arm; automatic viscous -damped cueing; anti -
control; anti -skate control calibrated for coni- alloy, 12" dynamically weighted and balanced skating; low -mass cartridge head; high -mass
cal and elliptical styli; interchangeable auto- platter; viscous -damped cueing; low -deflection base suspension system. Tonearm 8"; turn-
matic umbrella and manual spindles; pure equilibrium field suspension; plug-in shell ca- table diameter 113/.". Motor is 4 -pole constant -
gravity stylus -pressure adjustment; automatic pability for all standard cartridges; adapter for velocity type with conical shaft. $179.50
tonearm locking rest; three modes of operation 45, rpm records; 9" tonearm; tracking error
depending on spindle application.... $159.95 -±0.7 degree; 5/1,, aluminum alloy tube; automat- L-85 Single -Play Turntable
ic operaticnal capability lifts tonearm off record Two speed (33 & 45 rpm) design with ±3%
and unit shuts off. Walnut vereer base and speed adjustment. Wow & flutter ±0.08%
JVC hinged dust cover. 17" W x 133'e" D x H weighted; rumble -63 dB weighted. Has 16-
(with dust cover) $149.95 pole synchronous motor with belt drive. Stylus
JL-B44 Stereo Turntable force adjustment 0-5 g. 12'/2" platter. Has built-
Direct -drive d.c. motor; adjustable speed con- LENCO ir illuminated stroboscope, anti -skating device,
trol with neon strobe; 12" die-cast aluminum four viscous -damped suspension spring, auto-
turntable; two speed (33 & 45 rpm); wow & flut- L-78 Single -Play Turntable matic shut-off, and automatic arm lift. Mount-
ter 0.05% W rms; S/N 60 dB; effective arm Four -speed (16, 33, 45 & 78 rpm) design with irg clearance above board 25/8", below 23/8".
length 93/8"; features balanced S-shaped tone -
arm; calibrated stylus pressure adjust; adjust-
able anti -skating; resonance -free beechwood
base & dust cover; 4 -channel
7'/2" H x 19'/." W x 16V; D
(The Ortofon M 15 E Super)
VL-5 Manual Turntable
Four -pole synchronous motor; belt -drive sys-
tem; features viscous damped cueing; anti -
skating adjust; push-button speed selection
(33 & 45 rpm); auto lift at end of record; S-
shaped tubular tonearm; plug-in head. 73/13" H x
181/8" W x 141/8" D $129.95
KP-5022 Automatic Turntable
Direct -drive automatic turntable powered by an exactly the records that someone with really excel-
8 -pole brushless 24 -slot d.c. motor coupled to lent equipment and a habit of listening closely is
likely to buy, only the new Ortofon is likely to han-
dle everything with no sign of strain or "fuzzing."
The M 15 E Super was designed specifically to
achieve this performance while tracking (at a force
1230 Automatic Turntable
Three -speed (33, 45 & 78 rpm); 4 -pole synchro-
nous motor; viscous -damped cue control; coun-
terbalanced tonearm; anti -skate adjustment; (electronic speed change). Speed change con-
rotating spindle for single -play operation; plays tonearm, hinged but removable dust cover, trol range within ±2%. Wow & flutter 0.06% (W
six records automatically; muting switch; auto- slide -out cartridge plate, and stroboscopic ring. rms). S/N 55 dB. 121/4" aluminum alloy die-cast
matic shut-off; tonearm safety lock; lock -down Features anti -skating device, hydraulically platter. 8"/Ie" static -balanced S-shaped pipe
slide latches; tracking force 3/4-5 g; wow (DIN damped cueing control. Has two independent arm with plug-in head shell; Vs" overhang. Has
peak, weighted) 0.15%; rumble (weighted) potentiometers for speed calibration (-±3%). anti -skating control, lateral balancer, stylus
-55 dB; 11" die-cast non-ferrous platter; Shure Drift 0.2%; wow & flutter 0.1%; rumble -40 dB pressure direct -readout counterweight. Comes
M-75 cartridge. 83/4" H x 16'/e" W x 141/4" D. NAB weighted. Stylus force range 0.5-4 g. Arm with wooden cabinet and metal base with free -
Comes with base and dust cover $149.95 resonance 7 Hz. 111/2" platter. 110 to 240 V, stop dust cover. 187/e" W x 7i/1 H x 161/4" D
50/60 Hz operation. 6'/I x 131/4" D x 15W' W. $249.95
With dust cover $164.50
PL -A35 Automatic Turntable
PERPETUUM-EBNER GA209 "Electronic" Turntable Features 33 & 45 rpm operation. Belt -driven
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) fully automated, elec- with dual motor design (a 4 -pole synchronous
All PE automatic turntables provide the follow- tronically controlled turntable; three motors for rotating platter & a gear motor for all auto-
ing features: Dynamically balanced tonearms; matic operations). Provides automatic repeat &
fully automatic and manual single play; self - tonearm return. Complete with oil -damped
stabilizing changer spindle holds up to six cueing and anti -skating devices. Comes with
records; stylus pressure dialed directly around base & dust cover. Wow & flutter 0.10% (W
pivot; anti -skating; cue -control damped in both rms); tracking force 1.5 to 2.1 g. 12" platter.
directions; 6% pitch control for all speeds; ad- 187/8" W x 71/4" H x 163/e" D. $149.95
justable stylus overhang. Prices are less base
and cartridge. PL-A45D Automatic Turntable
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm), two -motor belt -drive
PE -3044 Turntable system; 4 -pole synchronous motor (for platter),
One piece tonearm tracks as low as 11/2 g; 3 - gear motor (for automatic functions); wow &
position anti -skating; laminated 101/8", 3 -lb flutter 0.1% W rms; S/N 47 dB; 12" aluminum
platter $109.95 alloy die-cast platter; static -balance S-shaped
pipe tonearm; usable cartridge weight 4 to 10 g;
PE -3046 Turntable anti -skating; oil -damped cueing device; stylus
One piece counterbalanced tonearm tracks as pressure direct -readout counterweight; lateral
low as 1 g; anti -skating separately calibrated balancer; plug-in headshell. 187/6" W x 63/4" H x
for conical, elliptical, and CD -4 styli; die-cast (turntable drive, pickup arm movement, cue- 163/e" D $169.95
105/e" dynamically balanced 4.4 -lb platter ....
ing); separate fine -speed adjustment PL -71 Automatic Turntable
wow & fllutter 0.08%; rumble -43 dB (DIN A);
stylus force 0.75-3 g adjustable; anti -skating Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm), all -electronic, direct -
PE -3048 Turntable drive turntable with brushless d.c. servo motor;
Tonearm tracks as low as 0.5 g; tracking force force adjustable for spherical & elliptical styli; electronic speed change; speed control range
calibrated from 0-3 g; anti -skating separately
turntable drive 9 V d.c. motor with 72 -pole -±2%; wow & flutter 0.05% W rms; S/N 60 dB;
calibrated for conical, elliptical, and CD -4 styli;
tacho generator; pickup arm lift touch -con- 12'/4" aluminum alloy die-cast platter; static -
trolled, viscosity damped pickup arm lift; op-
vertical tracking -angle adjustment; heavy-duty tional manual operation; photoelectric end -of -
induction/synchronous motor $169.95
record switch -off system. E1/2" H x 171/2" W x
PE -3060 Turntable 123/4" D $349.50
Double -ring gimbal -mounted tubular tonearm
PL -10 Manual Turntable
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) belt -driven, 4 -pole
synchronous motor; wow & flutter 0.1% W rms;
S/N 47 dB; 12" aluminum alloy die-cast platter;
static -balance S-shaped pipe arm; stylus pres-
sure 4 g to 8.5 g; anti -skating; oil -damped cue-
ing device; stylus pressure direct -readout
counterweight; plug-in headshell. 16'/8" W x
EV H x 133/e" D $99.95
balance S-shaped pipe tonearm; usable car- Two speed (33 & 45 rpm) desigr with 4 -pole THORENS
tridge weight 4 to 32 g; anti -skating; oil -damped hysteresis synchronous motor; belt drive; cast
cueing device; stylus pressure direct -readout aluminum platter; tonearm has adjustments for TD -165 Integrated Turntable
counterweight; lateral balancer; arm height ad- static balance and tracking force (0.5 to 4 g). Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) unit with double syn-
justment: plug-in headshell. 187/e" W x 7V." H "S" bend tonearm. Wow & flutter 0.1%. Can be chronous 16 -pole motor; will handle 7", 10", 12"
x 163." D $299.95 operated manually or programmed for automat- records; wow & flutter 0.06%; rumble -43 dB
ic tonearm return and automatic stop at end of (urweighted), --65 dB (weighted); non-ferrous,
disc. Comes with dust cover. Wa'nut cabinet. anti -magnetic 12" platter; unified suspension
RADIO SHACK 18V2" x 15" x 71/4" $199.95 system for tonearm mount & platter; anti -skate
control; tonearm balance & stylus tracking
LAB -38 Record Changer force adjustable 0.5-3.5 g in V2 -g increments;
Two -speed (33, 45 rpm) manual/changer com- viscous -damped cueing control; 9" tonearm;
bination with front mounted controls. Has 4 - arm resonance below 10 Hz. Comes with base,
pole motor, anti -skating device, 0 to 6 g stylus - PS -2251 Turntable/Arm dust cover, plug-in shell for all standard car-
pressure adjustment, and removable cartridge tridges. 17" W x 12V2" D x Th." with dust cover.
Two -speed i33 & 45 rpm) unit wit, direct -drive
clip (with Shure cartridge). Comes with tonearm $179.95
a.c. servo -motor. Speed control range ±4%;
and base. 66/." H x 151/4" x 133/s" D $99.95
wow & flutter 0.07% weighted (DIN); (S + N)/N TC-160C Integrated Turntable
Realistic/Miracord 40C Changer 67 dB weighted. Tonearm is 13v." static -bal-
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) unit with belt -driven
Four -speed (16, 33, 45 & 78 rpm) manual/ anced type; stylus force adjustment 0-3 g; anti -
skate adjustment range 0-330 mg; viscous - 16 -pole synchronous motor; 12" non-magnetic
changer combination. Has cueing control and platter; rumble --43 dB (unweighted), -65 dB
removable cartridge shell with Shure cartridge. damped cue control; stylus overhang gauge.
191/4" x x 159/16". with tonearm,
(weighted); wow & flutter 0.06% weighted;
Comes with tonearm and base. 4'/4" H x 163/.." un fied suspension system for tonearm & drive
W x 14V." D $139.95 wood base, and removable dust cover. $429.50
system; magnetic anti -skating control; cueing
control; tonearm 9.06"; stylus overhang 0.55"
Realistic/Miracord 46 Changer adjustable. Comes with tonearm, walnut base
Three -speed (33, 45 & 78) manual/changer TECHNICS BY PANASONIC and dust cover. 17" x 13'/2" W x 73/4" H
combination. Has anti -skating device, cueing $215.00
SP -10 Single -Play Turntable
Two speeds (33 & 45 rpm). Has d.c. servo mo-
TD-125AB Mark II Turntable
tor, direct drive, and pitch control. Features Thee -speed (16, 33 & 45 rpm) unit with belt -
built-in illuminated strobe speed indicator; 12" driven 16 -pole synchronous motor; fine -speed
6 -lb platter. Build-up time within 1/2 rotation.
Wow & flutter 0.03%; rumble -65 dB. Supplied
without tonearm. 4" H x 14" W x 14" D. $419.95
SR -717 Electronic Turntable adjustment _'_2%; illuminated strobe speed
control; 12" non-magnetic zinc alloy platter;
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm), direct -drive servo -
wow & flutter 0.06% weighted; rumble -45 dB
controlled turntable with electronically con- (urweighted), -68 dB (weighted); features
magnetic anti -skating control; isolated tone -
arm & drive system; cueing control. Comes with
without belts, idlers, or pulleys. Two speeds (33 walnut base and TP-16 9.06" tonearm. 18" x
& 45 rpm). Variable pitch, ±5%, independently 5" H x 14" W (with 9" tonearm) x 16" (with 12"
adjustable for each speed. Dynamically bal- torearm) $400.00
anced turntable has 131/2" platter, weighs 4.4
lbs. Wow & flutter 0.03% W rms; rumble -70 dB
(DIN B). Build-up time within V2 rotation. Tone - TOSHIBA
arm is static -balanced low -mass tubular with
9'/.." pivot -to -stylus distance. Direct -reading SR -40E Automatic Turntable
tracking force adjustment from 0 to 5 g. Anti - Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) automatic turntable.
skating cortrol; viscous -damped cueing; uni- Has anti -skating device, hysteresis motor, belt
versal -type cartridge head shell. Has built-in il- drive, and cueing control. Wow & flutter 0.1%;
luminated speed strobe. Dust cover included stylus pressure 1'/7 -2V2 g; -45 dB rumble; 2 lb
$359.95 platter. Comes with tonearm, fixed shell with
trolled 20 -pole d.c. brushless motor; wow & high -compliance ceramic cartridge, and built-in
SP -1200 Turntable With Arm IC amplifier. 71/." H x lEre" W x 155/16". Sup-
flutter 0.035%; S/N 60 dB; features electron- Similar to SP -1100A except has 13" diecast plied with base
ically controlled speed change/vernier adjust- $199.95
aluminum platter weighing 3.86 lbs and a 8"rie,"
ment; built-in Strobo-Lamp for visual speed tonearm. Has hinged, removable p,exiglass dust SP -50 Turntable
check; engraved stroboscope platter edge; cover $279.95 Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) design with d.c. servo
knife-edge/one-point support S-shaped tone - motor, belt drive, automatic stop/rise, and
arm; lateral balance adjustment; direct read- SL -1300 Single -Play Turntable/Arm cueing control. Wow & flutter 0.08%; stylus
out arm counterbalance; viscous damping; Automatic set -down, lift-off, arm return, and pressure 0.3 g; rumble -55 dB; 2 lb platter.
natural rubber hemispherical insulators; lami- shut off, using direct -drive servo motor; two Comes with tonearm, fixed shell with photoelec-
nated genuine wood cabinet; free -stop remov- speeds (33 & 45 rpm) with 10% range of pitch tronic cartridge, and FET rumble filter. 7V2" x
able plastic dust cover $319.95 variation (separately for each); 13" dynamically 22 /,6" x 157/e" D. With base. $449.95
balanced platter; built-in illuminated strobe
SR -313 Belt -Drive Turntable speed incicator; "Memo -Repeat" permits SR -80 Automatic Turntable
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm), belt -drive turntable; repeat play of record up to five times before Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) belt -driven design
4 -pole synchronous outer -rotor motor; wow & shut-off or indefinite repeat; gimbal -suspended with electret condenser cartridge (Type C -
flutter 0.06% W rms; S/N 50 dB; S-shaped tonearm (92/,6" pivot -to -stylus) with low mass, 402S). Has S-shaped pipe tonearm with track-
81/,6" tonearm; counterweight with direct low resonance, four pairs of pivot bearings for ing error of =t-1.5 degrees. Wow & flutter 0.1%
stylus pressure scale; 4 -contact plug-in head rotational sensitivity; anti -skating; hinged (W rms). Stylus 0.5 -mil round diamond. Output
shell; hinged self -retaining dust cover. $199.95 detachable dust cover; feedback -cancelling 200 mV at 5 cm/sec at 1000 Hz. Compliance
legs; low -capacitance phono cables for CD -4; 25 x 10 6cm/dyne (d.c.); 8 x 10 6cm/dyne (100
wow & flut:er 0.03% W rms; rumble -70 dB Hz). Stylus pressure 2.5 ±0.5 g. Response 20-
SANYO (DIN B). 5'/2" H x 173/4" W x 143/8" D
$299.95 20.000 Hz; (S + N)/N -50 dB. Features auto-
SL -110A. Similar to SL -1100A but manual and matic return & cut, cueing control, walnut base,
TP-80SB Stereo Turntable without torearm. $299.95 and dust cover 93/4" x 7'/C x 157/e" $299.95
1975 EDITION 57
Inside each of our 4 -channel cartridges
Record Players
A -12S AT15S $100.0) AT2OSL $175.00
$64.95 $75.00
Saturn Turntable
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) turntable with non-
ferrous aluminum disc fitted with five gold-
plated non-ferrous platter weights (balanced
to within 3 gr.); main bearing ball -ended ground
and polished steel spindle running on hardened
steel plate; low -speed synchronous recoil start
motor; floating motorboard and damped springs
for freedom from acoustic feedback; natural -
rubber belt drive; universal voltage and fre-
quency operation (by changing voltage selector
panel and pulley); speed stability 0.05% at 33
lurks a Dual Magnet stereo cartridge rpm; clear acrylic lid. Comes with Vestigial
arm $290.00
waiting to please you. Vestigial Arm. 37.5 gr horizontal, 25 gr vertical
moving mass; inertia with cartridge 6 gr hori-
zontal, 1 gr vertical; tracking pressure 1/10 gr;
Our sophisticated four -channel only by paying very close attention to system resonance 180 Hz $100.00
cartr cges" are also stereo cartridges detail. And using or ly the best. Like a
at heart_ Ve'y good ones. With ruler genuine Shibatat s'ylus. Nothing less. V -M
flat respcnse, outstanding stereo sec.- The results are good for any record ..
arab )--1 (especially above 1 kHz where whether stereo, matrix, or discrete 4 - 1687 Automatic Turntable
it count=), and truly impressive high channel. But you should really hear Four -speed unit features 10" platter, ceramic
fregLency tracking. for yourself. Write today for our dealer cartridge, diamond stylus, removable center
All tt ese advantages are as important list. No matter how many channels spindle, finger lift; will handle 7" & 12" discs
to good stereo as they are essential you want to hear Dest. automatically; adjustable stylus force; wow
to CJ -4. And they can be achieved 0.6%, flutter 0.3%. Walnut -grained base &
u S. Pat. Nos 3,720,796, 3,761,647 tinted dust cover included. 15V." W x 73/.." H x
tShibata sti,lus Pat. No 3,774.918 14,/8" D $44.95
N01111 limo
Brightest Super Star In Stereo Today SAVE!
- Plus -
SERVICE YOUR REQUEST FOR QUOTA- dB; wow & flutter 0.06%; vertical & lateral
- Plus - TION RETURNED SAME DAY. damping of tonearm; photocell -activated auto-
FINANCING lbc FACTORY SEALED CARTONS- matic stop; warning light system to protect
- Plus - GUARANTEED AND INSURED. record & stylus; S-shaped, static -balance na-
tural wood tonearm, 8V.," pivot -to -stylus; track-
TOP MAJOR SAVE ON NA ME BRANDS LIKE: ing force range 0.5-6 g; universal cartridge
BRANDS A.D.C. KLH mount. Comes with natural wood base and
Nat onwide Financing A.R. SHURE tonearm. 17,/2" x 151/2" x 674" $150.00
Also Bank Americard & Mastercharge DYNACO KOSS
We ca-ry all the Fair Trade Brands FISHER
Whereve- Possible these makes YP800 Stereo Turntable
Era cuoted 'In Systems' AND MORE THAN 50 OTHERS
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm, electronic switching),
We cLote on ALL Major Brands BUY THE MODERN WAY direct -drive turntable; brushless 12 -pole d.c.
Large complete inventory on BY MAIL-FROM servo motor; 12.2" cast turntable with cush-
everything we sell ioned mat; ±3% speed control (each speed);
wow & flutter 0.03% W rms; S/N 60 dB; static
A'e )ro.ide our own balanced S tonearm; 9.5" long; tracking error
Factcri uthDrized Service on 1.5 degrees; tracking force 0-3 g; universal
everything we sell plug-in cartridge shell. Walnut cabinet with
clear acrylic dust cover. 18.9" W x 6.9" H x
YOL CAN TRUST US! 14.6" D $500.00
Write tor fur price and quotations on
coriplcte systems or individual
items Whatever your needs.
ill hem and SAVE you money,
Mimi, audio YP701 Stereo Turntable
Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm), belt -drive; synchro-
time and worry! Departn-ent 21 /S nous outer -rotor motor; automatic pickup and
return; wow & flutter 0.08%; S/N 48 dB; 12"
Box 542 12 East Delaware aluminum platter; static balanced S tonearm;
:940 A Prosperity Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60611 stylus pressure 0-4 g; universal plug-in car-
Merrifield, Va. 22116 tridge shell. Wood/synthetics cabinet. 19" W x
(703) 280-4500 312-664-0020 16." D H $220.00
engagement yet
the very low force
required for track - Mfd. U.S.A. EIVPIFE
* Plays any 4 channel system perfectly. Plays stereo even better than before.
UV 1) 24000 UV -15 2000 0
DCF DCF 2000
XV-15200E XV-15150 of this rating method.
DCF 20(1 DCF 150
Now, Pickering is also applying application engineer-
ing techniques and DCF ratings to its discrete cartridges.
They fulfill the stringent requirements necessitated by the
sophisticated nature of discrete discs.
411116'1° So, whether stereo or discrete is your preference,
choose from "The Best of Both Worlds" the Pickering
D cartridge exactly right for your equipment.
For further information write to Pickering & Co., Inc.
Dept. SDB, 101 Sun nyside Blvd., Plainview, New York 11803
"for those who can heat the difference"
M75ED Type 2 Phono Cartridge
Tracking force 0.75 to 1.5 g. Response 20-
20,000 Hz. Output 5.0 mV/ch at 1000 Hz and 5
cm/sec peak velocity. With biradial 0.2 <0.7 mil
elliptical stylus.
Model M9160. Same except with 0.6 -mil $549spheri-
stylus. $44.95
V-15 Type Ill Phono Cartridge
Moving -magnet type. Output 3.5 mV at 5 ding. 0.7 -mil stylus. tracking force 2-4 g.
cm/sec. Response 10-25.000 Hz. Has 0.2 x 0.7 D6071A replacement stylus $45.00
25,000 Hz. Has 0.4 x 0.7 mil elliptical stylus; 800E. Same except 0.4 < 0.7 mil elliptical sty-
tracking force 1''? g. Channel separation
lus, tracking force 1 g. D6004E replace-
35 dB. Features Dustamatic brush. Replace. ment stylus $50 00
ment stylus #0400 1300EE. Same except 0 3 30 7 mil elliptical sty-
lus; 1-2 g tracking force 06003EE replacement
XV-15/750E Phono Cartridge stylus $55.00
Output 4.4. my at o.5 cm/sec. Response 10-
25,000 Hz. Has 0.3 .< 0.7 mil elliptical stylus; 681A Phono Cartridge
tracking force "7 to 1"7 g. Channel separation Output 1.1 mV/cmisec at rz2 dB. Response 10-
35 dB. Features Dustamatic brush. Replace. 20,000 Hz. Has 0.7 -mu spherical stylus; track-
ment stylus #D750 $65.00 ing force 1'/2 to 3 g. Channel separation 35
dB. Unit individually calibrated at factory. Re-
XV-15/1200E Phono Cartridge placement stylus D68074 .
Output 4.4. mV at 5.5 cm/sec. Response 10- mil elliptical stylus. Tracking force g.
30.000 Hz. Has 0.2 x 0.7 mil elliptical stylus; 681EE Phono Cartridge
Channel separation better than 28 dB 31 1000 Output 0.82 mV/cm/sec at ±2 dB Response
tracking force 3/4 -'/4 g. Channel separa- Hz. Will track 38 cm/sec at 1000 Hz Replace-
tion 35 dB. Features Dustamatic brush Re- 10-20,000 Hz. Has 0.2 x 0.7 -mil elliptical sty-
ment stylus #VN35E. $77.50
placement stylus #D 1200 $79.95 lus; tracking force Jr,. to 1'. 2g. Channel separa-
ton 35 dB. Unit individually calibrated at fac-
STANTON tory Replacement stylus D6800EE $72.00
spherical stylus. Tracking force less than 2'-2 g; brush. Channel separation 35 dB. Unit indi-
compliance 9 x 10 " cm/dyne. Replacement vidually calibrated at factory. Replacement
stylus #N21D $17 95 stylus 6800EEE.. ..... $82.00
M44E Phono Cartridge
Moving -magnet type. Output 1.8 mV/cm/sec.
Response 20-20,000 Hz. Has 0.4 x 0.7 mil el- TOSHIBA
liptical stylus. Tracking force 13/4 to 4 g. 15 -de-
gree tracking angle. Channel separation better C-401 S Condenser Cartridge
than 25 dB at 1000 Hz. Compliance 15 < 10 Elecret design wan is own equalization ampli
cm/dyne. Replacement stylus #N44E tracking force 2 to 5 g. Channe, separation 35 fier. Response 20-35,000 Hz; output 40 mV at 5
$24.95 dB Replacement stylus D5107A .. $30.00 cm/sec at 1000 Hz. HD 0.8% (1 kHz. 5 cm/sec).
Output impedance 10,000 ohms. Compliance
M55E Phono Cartridge 500AA Phono Cartridge 30 x 10 " cm dyne (d.c.): 12 < 10 cm/dyne
Moving -magnet type. Output 6.6 mV at 5 Output 1 3 mV/cm/sec at ±2 dB. Response 20- (100 Hz). Stylus 0.3 x 0.8 mil elliptical dia-
cm/sec. Response 20-20.000 Hz. Has 0.2 <0 7 20.000 Hz t2 dB Has 0.5 -mil spherical stylus; mond; stylus pressure 1.5-2 g. Includes SZ-200
mil elliptical stylus. Tracking force 3/4 to 2 g; 15 - tracking force I to 2'i2 g. 35 dB channel separa- power pack/equalizer amplifier. 30 mV input.
degree tracking angle. Channel separation 25 tion. Replacement stylus D5105AA . . . 200 mV output at 50,000 ohms. S/N -70 dB
dB at 1000 Hz. Compliance 25 < 10 ' cm/dyne. .
$35.00 Has one IC and is battery operated (two 97 oat
Replacement stylus #N55E. $29.95 teries, 14 mV drain). 2" x 3"." x 4,(4' $129.95
500E Phono Cartridge
M758 Type 2 Phono Cartridge Output 1.0 mVicm/sec at ±2 dB. Response 20-
Has good trackability at moderate tracking 17.000 Hz '-2.5 dB Has 0.7 -mil spherical sty-
forces between 1"? and 3 g. Designed for mod- lus. tracking force 3 to 7 g. Channel separation For 4 -Channel Components.
erately priced equipment. Response 20-20,000 28 dB. Replacement stylus D5107A1 .. $30.00
Hz Output 5 mV/ch at 1000 Hz and 5 cm/sec.
Has 0.6 -mil spherical stylus. $33.45 500E Phono Cartridge
Model 75E) Type 2. Same except with biradial Output 1.0 mVicm/sec at ±2 dB. Response 20-
0.7 x 0.4 mil elliptical stylus. $44.95 20,000 Hz t2 dB Has 0.4 x 0 8 -mil elliptical
stylus; tracking force 2 to 5 g. Channel separa- See SECTION 9
M91E Phono Cartridge tion 35 dB. Replacement stylus 05100E
Moving -magnet type. Output 5.0 mV at 5 $35.00
1975 EDITION 63
The sound that comes out
of those beauties is the
sound that's on the cassette.
No better, no worse. And if
you're using discount
cassettes, chances are
you're hearing discount
sound, delivered with
breathtaking clarity.
A classic case of penny-
wise and sound foolish.
Drop a TDK ED cassette in
there next time and hear
the difference. An absolutely
stunning difference. Vibrant
sound, rich in color and
detail, with the depth and
harmonics that were there
when the music happened.
One TDK ED cassette. One
time. One listen. That may
be the first time you'll really
hear your speakers. And
all for as little as an extra
buck. An extra buck more
than the cassette you're
probably using now.
'44. Al q111113
Wait till you hear
what you've been missing.
CX722 Tape Recorder
Three -speed (15, 7' 2, 3' ips), 2 -track, 3 -motor
design. Will handle up to 10'/2" reels. Has three
heads. Response 20-20,000 Hz ±2 dB. Wow &
fluter 0.09% at 7'/2 ips. Features braking, au-
tomatic shut-off, two VU meters, pause control,
start button release, automatic shutoff. Two and optional counter $1495.00
speeds (71/2 & 33/. ips). three heads, one motor. CX724. Same except 4 -track version; response
($ + N)/N 50 dB; wow & flutter 0.15%; distor- 20-25,000 Hz L 2 dB $1495.00
tion 1.5%. all at 7"2 ips $369.95
CX822 Tape Recorder
1721W Tape Recorder Thiee-speed (15, 7' 2. 3' ips), 2 -track, 3 -motor
Twospeed (33/. & 7V2 ips), 4 -track, 2 -channel design. Will handle up to 101/2" reels. Response
stereo or mono design. Wow & flutter 0.14% 30-30,000 Hz L 2.0 dB. Wow & flutter 0.06% at
rms at 7'/7 ips. Response 30-21.000 Hz dB 15 ips. (S N)/N 60 dB. Has braking, two VU
at 7V2 ips. THD 2%. 5 W/ch dynamic power at 8 meters, automatic shut-off, pause control,
iow-noise tape); 30-23,000 Hz -L-3 dB (regular ohms (3 W/ch continuous). (S 4 N)/N -50 dB. monitoring facilities, optional counter, and re-
tape). Will handle up to 7" reels. Wow & flutter Bias frequency 63 kHz. Has one record/ mote record $1995.00
0.08% rms at 7'/2 ips; distortion 1.5% (1000 Hz, playback & one erase head. Inputs: mike (0.5 Four track version $1995.00
0 VU); (S 4 N)/N 50 dB. Three motors; two mV) & line (150 mV). Two built-in 5" x 7" speak- Four -channel in -line version $2995.00
heads (one record/erase GX and one playback ers. Features p.a. capability, automatic shut-
GX). Features two line and one phone output off, equalizer preamp for direct ohono input, SX724 Tape Recorder
lack, two mike and two line input jacks plus selector switch for regular or low -noise tape, Two -speed (71/2, 3'. ips), 2-ch, V. -track, 3 -
DIN lack. 14.5" 14.6" 8.9" $449.95 and tape monitoring facilities. Comes with pair motor design. Will handle up to 10'/2" reels. Re-
of dynamic mikes with stands. 14'in" x 14"2" x sponse 20-25,000 Hz dB. Wow & flutter
GX-600D Stereo Tape Deck 0.C9% at 71/2 ips. (S N)/N 60 dB; Has braking,
Two -speed (7' 2 & 33, ips); 4 -track, 2 -channel 9'/e" $314.95
two VU meters, automatic shut-off, monitoring
stereo/mono system Will handle up to 10'2" facilities, pause control, and optional counter.
4000DS Tape Recorder Deck
Two -speed (3'. & 7'2 ips), 4 -track, 2 -channel 15 and 1'/8 ips available $1095.00
stereo or mono design. Wow & flutter 0.07% SX724-P4C. 2- and 4 -track version; plays 4 -
rms at 7V2 fps. Response 30-26,000 Hz -±3 dB channel in -line $1495.00
at 71/2 ips. HD 1.5%. (S N)/N -50 dB. Bias
frequency 100 kHz. Has separate record, bias,
and erase heads. Line output 1.23 V. Inputs: DOKORDER
mike (0.8 mV) & line (60 mV). Features dual
selector switch for regular or low -noise tape; 7100 Reel -to -Reel Tape Deck
Two -speed (7'/2 & 33/. ips), 3 -head, 4 -track ste-
reo tape deck. Features a four -pole induction
SONY DOES IT ALL. SONY DOES IT BETTER. provides optimum tape -to -head contact.
Ferrite and ferrite heads AC servo -control motor accurately regulates
last up to 200 times longer capstan drive tape speed. Compensates for
than standard permalloy. voltage or load variations automatically. Two
Inside: core and pole additional large AC motors for reel drive.
pieces are solid ferrite.
Foolproof function buttons with logic control
Outside: another precisely - make it virtually im-
machined layer of ferrite. possible to break or
You get better tape -to -head spill tape. Allows fast,
contact than with laminated heads. And the safe mode changes;
super -smooth TC-755 head system dramati- smooth start-ups.
cally reduces susceptibility to residual oxide
and dust accumulation. Three -head system allows tape/source moni-
Recording timer lock for external timer opera-
tion for unattended recordings.
Separate playback level controls with refer-
ence level notch.
Locking pause control with indicator light.
Symphase assures perfectly parallel head gap Automatic total mechanism shut-off (TMS).
width. This exclusive Sony method of record- The Sony TC-755. Only $699.95 at your
ing eliminates phase shifts between channels. Superscope dealer.
Enables the recording of any SQ* or similar
4 -channel matrix source material. When SONY Ask anyone. lir )ughl to you bs
'SQ is a trademark of CBS, Inc. SUPERSCOPE.
01974 Superscope, Inc., 8146 Vineland Ave., Sun Valkry, Cald. 91352. Pm., and model, si..biect to change o.ihoot malt t ( onsult the Yellow Page lor your nearest Superstope dealer send for ualog
1120 Stereo Tape Deck
Open -Reel Two -speed (15 & 71/7 ips), three -motor deck;
will handle 101/7" reels. Can be used as 4 -track.
Tape Machines
ord/play design. Wow & flutter 0.8% at 71/2 ips.
Response 40-20,000 Hz dB at 71/2 ips. (S +
N)/N -53 dB. Bias 130 kHz. Has mike (0.8 mV)
& line (80 mV) inputs. Line output 0.775 V. Fea-
tures automatic continuous playback, both
directions; four heads (erase, record, forward
play, reverse play); three motors; tape bias se-
lect switch for standard or low -noise tape;
sound -on -sound; echo; sound -with -sound. Has
tape monitoring facilities and pause switch.
167/8" x 173/4" x 63/4" D $499.95
7500 Tape Recorder Deck at 71/2 ips; (S + N)/N -52 dB; wow & flutter
Two -speed (71/7 & 33/4 ips), 4 -track record/play 0.1% rms at 71/7 ips. HD 1.5%. Has 95 kHz
design. Wow & flutter 0.08% at 71/2 ips. Re- record & erase bias. Inputs: mike (0.3 mV) &
sponse 40-20,000 Hz ±3 dB at 71/2 ips. (S + N)/ aux. (80 mV). Line output 0-1 V. Features three
N -55 dB at 7'/2 ips. Bias 130 kHz. Has mike 2 -channel deck or can be converted to a 2 - heads (record, erase & playback) and 3 motors
track, 2 -channel record/play deck; provides (capstan drive, supply & take-up reels). Has
built-in circuitry for synthetic echo, sound -on - solenoid motion controls, pause button, sound -
sound, sound -with -sound, and locking pause on -sound, bias switch for low -noise or standard
control for editing tape while recording or dur- tapes, and input mixing facilities. 153/4" x 173/4"
ing playback. Wow & flutter 0.06%, S/N 60 dB W x 81/2" D $399.95
crosstalk 58 dB at 1 kHz, response 25-24,00C
Hz, all at 71/7 ips. 16'/8" W x 173/4" H x 63/4" D. RD -1696 Tape Recorder Deck
$649.95 4 -track, 3 -speed (7V2, 33/, & 11/8 ips), 2 -channel
stereo design. Response 30-18,000 Hz t3 dB at
Super Seven Series Tape Recorders
Three speeds (7' 7, 33,4, 11,4 ips). Has three
heads and three motors; braking; VU meters;
are designed to do the job-on as little as 1/10 the power of other systems.
If music is your living, you know your equipment can
make or reak a performance. It literars lly
pays to te
h best. With 20yea'
experience building efficient, powerful sound
systems for club, studio, and concert work, we know how to get your sound out the way you
want it-every time you play.
So whether you need a 50.000 watt sound system for your next concert tour, or a set of speakers
that will really make your stereo come alive, check out Cerwin-Vega at one of our dealers. You can't
buy a better piece of equipment - for love...or money.
Cenvin-Vega /6945 Tujunga Avenue/North Hollywood 'CA /91605 CIRCLE NO. 12 ON READER SERVICE CARD
The leader. Always has been.
TEAC Corporation of America 7739 Thlegraph Road, Montebello, California 90840
TC-756 Stereo Tape Deck
Open -Reel Two -speed (15 & 71/2 ips) stereo deck; will
handle up to 10'/2" reels; frequency response
Tape Machines
HUGE ON 30-15,000 Hz at 71/2 ips. 30-22,000 Hz at 15
ips, both ±3 dB with standard tape; 30-25,000
Hz at 7'/2 ips, 30-30,000 Hz at 15 ips, both
Fetus 3 dB with SLH-180 tape; S/N 56 dB (standard
tape), 59 dB (SLH-180); features 4 -digit tape
counter; illuminated pause control with lock;
reel -size selector switch; record timer lock;
SIRED illuminated left & right record buttons; record
& bias equalization selector switches; illumi-
nated VU meters; stereo headphone monitor
DISCOUNTS jack; ferrite and ferrite heads; three motors;
logic -controlled transport functions. Comes
with 10'/2" reel adapters, two stereo patch -
matic tape lifters to protect heads during fast - cords, 101/2" plastic reel, and head cleaning
TURNTABLES CARTRIDGES ribbon. 17'/8" W x 173/." H x 83/4" D $899.95
forward and rewind, non -magnetizing record
COMPACTS RECEIVERS head. Full complement of controls. Has p.a. TC-755 Stereo Tape Deck
AMPLIFIERS TAPE RECORDERS capabilities, pause control with lock, built-in Two -speed (712 & 33. ips), 3 -head, 3 -motor
Wholesale Prices' Audio Warehouse Sales. reel -locks, four -digit tape counter, stereo head- deck with 10' 2" reel capacity. Response 30-
One of the Capitols largest stereo whole- phone monitor jack. Can be operated vertically 20,000 Hz Y3 dB (standard) and 30-25,000 Hz
salers will fill and deliver all your mail or horizontally. 20s7e" W x 133/8" H x 10,/," D D. . ±3 dB (SLH-180 tape); wow & flutter 0.05%.
orders promptly in factory sealed cartons. $399.95 Provides mechanical memory capability with
at prices that will amaze you. timer, bias select switch, ferrite heads, tape
TC-377 Stereo Recorder Deck
Write for quote on Famous Brand, Features 3 -speed (1'/B, 33/, & 71/2 ips), 3 -head,
Stereo Components. We guarantee 4 -track design. Response 30-20,000 Hz 3 dB
satisfaction. at 71/2 ips. (S 4 N)/N 52 dB (standard tape) 55
dB (SLH-180 tape). Has aux. (0.06 V sensitivity)
& mike (-72 dB sensitivity) inputs & line output
(0.775 V). Bias frequency 160 kHz. Wow & flut-
ter 0.09% at 71/2 ips. Has two VU meters, one
induction motor. Features mike -line record lev-
el mixing controls, tape select switch for Sony
standard or low -noise, high -output tape. Has
WAREHOUSE AVE. N.E. pause control and an automatic total mecha-
NEGViiTON nism shut-off. Reversible walnut base for verti-
3310 20002 cal or horizontal operation. Sound -on -sound
capability with the MX -6S mixer. 161/2" W x
83/8" H x 151/2" D $399.95
TC-458 Stereo Tape Deck
CIRCLE NO 4 ON READER SERVICE CARD Two -speed (742 & 33/. ips); automatic -reverse
stereo deck with ferrite & ferrite roto bi-lateral
PRICES heads; response 30-20,000 Hz -L-3 dB at 7'/2 ips
(standard tape), 30-25,000 Hz _3 dB (SLH-180
tape). (S +- N)/N 53 dB (standard), 56 dB (SLH-
NATIONALLY 180 tape). Wow & flutter 0.06% rms (NAB)
ADVERTISED STEREO EQUIPMENT weighted; four heads (2 erase, 1 record, 1 play-
AT LOWEST PRICES! back); induction a.c. servo motor; two illum-
inated VU meters. Includes tape -tension
regulators, tape path adjuster, built-in reel
locks, 4 -digit tape counter; closed -loop dual -
WRITE FOR QUOTE ON capstan tape drive. Can be adapted for sound -
NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS OF STEREO on -sound, echo. 120-V, 60 -Hz operation.
COMPONENTS. SATISFACTION 1513/i," W x 163/i," H x 7'5/1," D $499.95
GUARANTEED! heads. Will handle up to 7" reels. Has automatic
TC-558 Stereo Tape Deck level -input controls, mike & line mixing, and
Three -motor automatic reverse stereo deck built-in speaker. Response 40-16,000 Hz ±-2 dB
with six heads (ferrite erase, ferrite and ferrite at 7'/2 ips, wow 0.1% at 7'/2 ips, (S + N)/N 58 dB
e410141 record & playback); features "Symphase" re-
cording for taping 4-ch sound from any SQ or
unweighted. 13"W x 10" D x 4".
Model 11-1. Full -track $795.00
HI-FI WHOLESALERS FM matrix source; two speed (71/2 & 33/. ips); will Model 11-2. Two -track $795.00
handle 7" reels; response 30-20,000 Hz 1-3 dB A.c. power supply $79.50
231 W. COURT ST. (standard tape), 30-25,000 Hz ±3 dB (SLH-180
Kankakee, Illinois 60901 tape); S/N 53 dB (standard), 56 dB (SLH-180) Series 15 Tape Recorder
all at 71/2 ips; has two line, two mike, head- Mono design with built-in 4" x 7" speaker. Three
(815)-939-7868 phone, and phono inputs; two VU meters; twc speeds (71/2, 33/,, 1'/8 ips). Response 40- 16,000
line & one phono outputs. 1797,6" W x 6'/i," H x Hz ±2 dB at 71/2 ips, wow 0.1% at 71/2 ips, (S + N)/
131/s" D $769.95 N at max. record level 55 dB. 5 W/ch continuous
output with both channels driven. Has 0.75 V ±2 dB at 7'"2 ips; crosstalk 50 dB stereo at 1000
preamp outputs, low -Z mike & high -and low- Hz; max. tape dist. at 0 dB record level 2%.
level inputs. 133/8" W x 11'/8" D x Features one -hand tape threading; peak -read-
Model 1541. Four -track $313.50 ing dB meters; linear -motion input and output
Mode11541F With foot remote control level controls; crossfield heads; (S + N)/N 73 dB
$418.00 at 71/2 ips $949.00
9100X. Same as 9200XD but without the Dolby
circuit $799.00
Series 10XD Stereo Tape Deck
Three -speed (15, 7'/2, 33/. ips), three -motor
deck with Dolby noise -reduction system; will
4000 Report IC Recorder
3 -position bias/equalization switches; separate Four -speed (71/a, 33/4, 17/8, 13/16 ips), two -track
cue & edit facilities; push-button transport portable recorder; can be powered by "C"
control; logic circuitry and motion sensing. Re- cells, rechargeable battery, power pack, 12-V
sponse 30-28,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.04%, car battery (also power line with accessory
flutter 0.06% both at 7' 2 ips. (S + N)/N 55 dB. both at 71/2 ips. (S - N I N 58 dB $1350.00 unit); 5" max. reel dia.; frequency range 35-
173/le" x 191/4" x 81/2" $679.50 7300-2T. Same except two -track, two -channel 20,000 Hz; wow & flutter +0.20% (DIN),
with 15 & 71/2 ips operation. Response 25-30,- ±0.15% (rms); S/N (rms A curve) 64 dB, all
5300 Stereo Tape Deck 000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.03%, both at 15 ips. at 7''2 ips. Has 3 -digit counter with reset but-
Two -speed (71/a & 33/4 ips), four -track, two - (S N)/N 60 dB $1400.00 ton; direct tape monitoring with earphones or
channel deck. Will handle 7" reels. Features speaker; electronic start and stop with remote
direct -capstan drive servo -controlled motor; 7030GSL Tape Deck switch, manual, or foot operation. Inputs:
d.c. reel motors; automatic reverse; push-but- 2 -track, 2 -channel stereo or mono with four (mike) 0.12 mV, 40 mV max. for mikes with 200 -
ton transport control. Has separate bias & heads (erase, record, playback, and 4 -track ohm source impedance; (radio) 2.4 mV, 700 mV
equalization switches; dual -scale VU meters; playback). Two speeds (7'/a & 15 ips), 3 motors. max.; (phono) 45 mV, 20 V max., input imped-
remote control for all functions including re- Will handle 7" & 10'/a" reels. Wow & flutter ance 2 meg. $449.00
cord & pause; memory marker level guides: 0.06% at 71/2 ips. Response 30-20,000 Hz ±3 4200. Same as Model 4000 except stereo ver-
solenoid -controlled pause/cue button. Re- dB at 71/a ips. (S + N)/N -60 dB. HD 1% at sion; S/N 56 dB (weighted DIN), 64 dB (weighted
sponse 30-28,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.04%, 1000 Hz at normal listening levels. Has mike rms A curve); 0.80 W/ch; two recording level
both at 7V2 ips. (S+ N)/N 60 dB $769.50 (0.25 mV) and line (0.1 V) inputs. Line output meters $560.00
0.3 V. Similar in design and styling to Model 4400. Same as Model 4200 except four -track;
5500 Auto -Reverse Stereo Deck 7010GSL. 21'/e" x 175/e x 97/a" D . . $1099.50
Two -speed (71/2-. & 33/4 ips), four -track, two -
channel deck with automatic -reverse play. Fea-
tures three motors, four high -density Permaflux
heads, and dual -process Dolby noise -reduction
system, permitting simultaneous Dolbyized
recording with decoded tape monitoring; Dolby
RS-1030US 2/4 Track Tape Deck
FM/Copy function; MPX filter switch; Dolby cal- Two -speeds (15 & 71/2 ips). Response 20-26,000
ibration oscillator; source/tape monitor switch. Hz at 15 ips (30-22,000 Hz ±3 dB); 20-23,000
The 4 -head machine with separate playback, Hz at 71/2 ips (30-20,000 Hz ±3 dB). Two -track
reverse playback, record, and erase also has a record/play, four -track (stereo) playback. Wow
"punch -in" feature which permits change from & flutter 0.12% W rms at 71/a ips. (S + N)/N 55
play to record mode without going through a dB (2 -track). Accepts 10" or smaller reels. Four
heads including three HPF ultra-longlife types.
S/N 54 dB (weighted DIN), 62 dB (weighted
stop; a four -digit resettable tape counter; rms A curve) $560.00
memory marker level guides. Response 30- Low-noise/normal tape selector. Three motors,
An extensive line of accessories is available for
28,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.04%, both at 71/2 one dual -speed hysteresis synchronous for
use with all three models.
ips. (S + N)/N 65 dB (with Dolby). $899.50 capstan drive. Tape tension selector, optional
remote. Features automatic stop, tape pause,
and 4 -digit counter $999.95 Royal de Luxe Tape Recorder
4070G Stereo Tape Deck Four -track stereo (or optional 2 -track stereo
Two -speed (71/a & 33/4 ips), 4 -track, 3 -motor with plug-in head assembly modules), four -
stereo design. Has four high -density ferrite speed (71/a, 33/4, Pie, 15/16 ips); response 20-
heads (6 head functions). Will handle up to 7" TELEX
22,000 Hz; wow & flutter ±0.02%; S/N (rms
reel. Response 30-20,000 Hz -23 dB, wow & flut- A curve) 68 dB, all at 71/2 ips. Features reverb-
ter 0.05% at 7'/a ips, (S + N)/N 58 dB. Has brak-
423 Tape Deck
Basically same design as Model 433. Response eration and Concert -Hall effects; sound -on -
ing, VU meters, automatic reverse and shutoff, sound; sound -with -sound; two integrated stereo
50-15,000 Hz ±3 dB, (S + N)/N 50 dB, wow &
pause control, bias adjustment, counter, sepa- input mixing facilities; integrated "Dia-Pilot"
rate bias & equalizer switches and monitoring flutter 0.2%, all at 7'/a ips. THD 1.5%. 125/8" h
$288.70 for slide and film projector synchronization.
facilities. $729.50 With tape drive system off, electronic section
7010GSL Auto -Reverse Tape Deck 433 Tape Recorder Deck serves as stereo amplifier with 10 W/ch con-
Quarter -track stereo design featuring sound - tinuous power output. 7" max. reel; operates
4 -track, 2 -channel stereo or mono with four from 110-130, 220-240 V, 50-60 Hz. Will op-
heads (erase, record, playback, and reverse on -sound, reverb (echo), 2 -channel input mix-
ing, tape monitoring, and pause control. Three - erate in horizontal or vertical position. 4 -digit
playback). Two speeds (33, & ips), 3 motors.
speed (71/a, 33/4, ips), 3 -head, 3 -motor tape counter. $855.00
Will handle 7" & 101/2" reels. Response 30-20,-
000 Hz ±3 dB at 71/a ips. (S + N)/N -58 dB; HD design. Has automatic shutoff. Response 40-
18,000 Hz ±3 dB at 71/2 ips, (S + N)/N 54 dB, Universal 500 Tape Recorder
1% at 1000 Hz at normal listening levels. Has
mike (0.25 mV) and line (0.1 V) inputs. Line flutter & wow 0.2% at 71/a ips. 153/4" W x 143/." Three speed (33/4, 11/8, 15/16 ips), two -track
output 0.3 V.211/8" x 175/8" W x 9'/2" $1149.50 H x 83/." $398.95 mono; 5" reel dia.; frequency range 40-16,000
Hz; wow & flutter (rms) ±0.15%; S/N (rms A
7300 Stereo Tape Deck Lab Series 2001 Tape Deck curve) 60 dB, all at 33h, ips. Has four -digit
Two -speed (71/a & 33/4 ips), four -track, two - Two -speed (71/2, 33/4 ips), 4 -track, 3 -head, 2 - counter; loudspeaker or earphone monitoring;
channel deck. Features direct -drive d.c. cap- motor stereo design. Will handle up to 81/4" VU meter; remote control for recording, play-
stan/servo control motor; two d.c. reel motors; reels. Response 45-18,000 Hz ±2 dB, wow & back, start, stop, rewind. Operates from 110-
built-in mixer to blend up to 4 mikes or lines; flutter 0.18% at 71/2 ips, (S + N)/N 52 dB. Has 125-150-220-240 V, 50 Hz (can be modified
separate master input level control for all VU meters, automatic shutoff, pause control, for 60 Hz) $491.65
mike/line inputs; separate output level control. counter, solenoid operation, and monitoring An extensive line of accessories is available
Has two sets of output jacks; dual VU meters; facilities. 14'/a" x 191/8" x 8" D $839.95 for use with this model.
Bert. Bert. Bert.
Christopher has played the "Los Incas" cassette under the bench a little so it would show better. )
two hundred times (easily) , and it still sounds When you have a piece of equipment that will
new. yield completely satisfying sound (as good as the
His favorite records, on the other hand, are a stereo system you plug it into) , and both it and the
mess. Cat Stevens' "Tea For The Tillerman" won't cassettes it plays are so simple and rugged that
play at all any more (either side ), and all the rest you can relax while a child plays your most valued
have explosive -sounding scratches and gouges that recordings, you have something really worth
make it sound as if someone is attacking the house. having.
I'm Christopher's father. I write ads for Advent. The Advent 201 costs $300. If you would lik
I didn't give him the use of the Advent 201 cassette more information on it and other Advent comps,
deck because I thought there would be an ad in it, nents, please fill in and send us the coupon.
but because it seemed the only way to let him play Thank you.
the kind of music we like around the house without
doing a lot of damage.
----No no my
Chris is three and a half, and no more or less I Advent Corporation I
195 Albany Street
dextrous than other kids his age. He has been using
the Advent 201 since he was two and a half, and I Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 I
the only casualty has been one cassette that he I Gentlemen : I
pulled the tape out of before he was given a chance
to use the machine. I
Please send information on the Advent 201 and
other Advent components.
Watching him and the machine in action, I've I
come I o the conclusion that nothing could be more Name
fair testimony to the Advent 201 and the ease and
fun of using cassettes than just showing things the I Address I
way they have been with Christopher and the I
machine. I Everything is as usual in the picture, I City_ Stale __ Zip_
except that we pulled the Advent 201 out from m
Advent Corporation, 195 Albany Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139.
(CrOa); inputs: L/R mike, pair aux. jacks; wow & TRO-2040 Dolbyized Cassette Deck
flutter 1.8%; outputs: headphones, one pair Response 20-16,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.12%;
line outputs. 4" H x 131/4" W x 91/4" D $219.95 S/N 50 dB; push-button control; VU meters;
tape counter; tape selector switch; automatic
stop; fast -forward; pause switch; Dolby noise -
reduction circuitry; slide volume controls; two
DUAL current -drive record head $349.95 mike and two aux. inputs. 16" W x 31/4" H x
101/2" D $229.95
901 Autoreverse Cassette Deck
Features automatic reverse, continuous play- HEATH
back, and bi-directional recording. Dolbyized, JVC
AD -110 Cassette Deck
Play/record stereo design. Response 30-12,000 CD -1655 Cassette Deck
Hz -L3 dB, 0.25% distortion, wow & flutter Stereo record/play design. Response 30-15,000
Hz ±3 dB. Ferrite record/play heads. Tape
$249.95 TRQ-262 Stereo Cassette Deck
Plays and records. 20-18,000 Hz response,
RC -80B Cassette Deck
Dolby-ized record/play stereo design. Has sepa-
rate control for chromium -dioxide tapes, VU me-
ters. Response (standard tapes) 30-12,000 Hz.
71/8" W x 3V2" H x 111/43" D. With pair M-5 dy-
namic mikes $249.95 erase 95 kHz. Has record/play and erase heads.
18-W Walnut base $9.95 Inputs: mike (0.7 mV) & line (80 mV). Line out-
put 0 to 1 V. Features two VU meters and bias
switch for chromium -dioxide and standard
tape. Features ANRS (automatic noise -reduc-
HARMAN/KARDON wow & flutter 0.15%, (S N)/N 50 dB. Has VU tion system). 15" x 41/4" x 101/4" D.... $249.95
meters, counter, eject button, automatic shut-
HK1000 Dolbyized Cassette Deck off, pause control, monitoring facilities. Has CD -1669 Solenoid Cassette Deck
Stereo cassette recorder deck with built-in Dol- provision for mike & line inputs. 33/8" H x 131/4" Response 30-16,000 Hz 3 dB. (S N)/N -60
by noise -reduction circuit. Has front -panel bias W x 95/e" D $139.95 dB; wow & flutter 0.13% rms. Ferrite re-
switch for standard, low -noise, and chromium - cord/play heads. Features both equalizer and
dioxide tapes. Features memory relay, peak - TRQ-252 Stereo Cassette Deck tape bias switches; built-in automatic noise -
reading VU meters, sliding controls for play- Plays and records. Response 40-12,000 Hz, reduction system; memory counter; dual -drive
back & record level, and microphone input. (S + N)/N 45 dB. Has VU meters, counter, eject mechanism; memory counter; calibrated step
Response 30-15,000 Hz dB; wow & flutter button, mike inputs. 39/16" H x 73/: W x 10'1/4: recording -level and playback controls. 59/16" x
0.15 (weighted); speed variation 1%. Constant - D $119.95 161/4" W x 121/16" D $499.95
CD -1668 Cassette Deck tape functions including pause. Walnut wood Remote Control Box
Deluxe version of the Model CD -1667. Has dual case, brushed aluminum front panel.
drive mechanism to reduce wow & flutter 12'/e" x 91/16" x 33/16" $109.95
KX-710 Cassette Deck with Dolby Wrns; S/N 58 dB (Cr02 tape with Dolby); THD
Stereo cassette deck with Dolby noise -reduc- 1000 3 -Head Cassette Deck 2% at 1000 Hz, 0 dB; inputs: mike & blend
tion circuit; d.c. servo motor plus high -mass Stereo record/play deck has response of 35- mike 600 ohm, 0.2 mV; line 150,000 ohm 70
20,000 Hz ±3 dB (Cr02) tape. Wow & flutter less mV; outputs: line 1.0 V (max.) variable; head-
than 0.10% (weighted peak); (S + N)/N 60 dB phones 8 ohm 1 mW, 0 dB; features focused -
(Dolby in); THD 2% at 1 kHz, 0 dB. Features gap head with crystal Permalloy core; full -
three heads (erase, record, playback); record - range 45 -dB peak -reading meters; Dolby noise
head azimuth alignment beacon; Dolby noise - reduction system; d.c. servomotor drive; auto-
reduction circuit + DNL; closed -loop driven matic shut-off & memory rewind; 3 -point sound
double capstans with staggered flywheels; two pickup for live recording; peak limiter; 3 -posi-
d.c. driving motors; two peak level meters; in- tion tape selector; variable output level control.
stantaneous spill -proof device; automatic shut- 15" W x 41/2" H x 10"D $399.00
off, memory rewind, and automatic rewind;
CT -4141A Dolbyized Cassette Deck
flywheel for speed accuracy and low wow & flut-
Stereo design featuring d.c. brushless motor.
ter; two heat -compressed ferrite heads (record/ 85 k Hz bias & a.c. erase. Bias change for stan-
play & erase); response 30-16,000 Hz (with dard & chromium -dioxide tape. Response 30-
Cr02) tape; S/N with Dolby 58 dB, without 50 12,500 Hz with standard tape (30-15,000 Hz
with chromium -dioxide tape). (S N)/N 58 dB
dB, both with chromium -dioxide tape; has re-
settable automatic memory rewind system used witt- Dolby. Wow & flutter 0.13%. Inputs: line
with 3 -digit tape location counter; automatic
shut-off; automatic tape selector for optimizing
equalization; cueing system; linear slide con-
trols; piano -key controls; tape -running indica-
tor; peak level indicators; two mike & line in- variable pitch control, 3 -point sound pickup for
puts; two line & stereo headphone outputs.
W x 163/6" H x 1011,." D live recording; peak limiter; optional remote
$249.95 control. Inputs: mike 0.5 mV, 600 ohms; blend
KX-910 Cassette Deck with Dolby mike 0.5 mV, 600 ohms; line 100 mV, 100,000
Stereo cassette deck with Dolby noise -reduc- ohms. Outputs: line 1.2 V (max.) variable; head-
tion circuit; hysteresis -synchronous motor for phones 3 mW, 0 dB. 1111/16" H x 20"/Ie" W x
speed accuracy and low wow & flutter; two 89/16" D $1100.00
heat -compressed ferrite heads (record/play & 700 3 -Head Cassette Deck
erase); response 30-16,000 Hz, S/N with Dolby 50 mV; mike 0.5 mV. Line output 0.775 V.
58 dB, without 50 dB, all with Cr02 tape; same Same as the Model 1000 except does not have 120 V, 60 Hz operation, 153/4" W x 33/4' H x
91/2" D $239.95
features and controls as KX-710. 51/16" W x
163/16" H x 101/16" D $299.95 CT -3131A Cassette Deck
Stereo record/playback design featuring switch
for 2.tandard or chromium -dioxide tape; auto-
matic stop; a level memory marker; dual record -
LAFAYETTE level meters; tape running pilot; and skip but-
ton. Wow & flutter 0.13%; (S 1 N)/N -48 dB for
RK-725 Record/Playback Deck standard tape (50 dB for chromium -dioxide
Deck featuring a low -impedance stereo ampli- tape). Response 30-12,500 Hz for standard
fier for stereo headphone listening. Response tape (30-15,000 Hz for chromium -dioxide tape).
50-13,000 Hz; (S+ N)/N 45 dB; channel sepa- Sensitivity: line input 50 mV; mike 0.5 mV; line
ration 30 dB. Input sensitivity: mike 1 mV; aux. output 0.775 V. 120V, 60 Hz operation. 153/e" x
100 mV. Wow & flutter 0.25% rms. Has stan- 33/4" x 91/2" D $179.95
dard/chromium-dioxide level control; illuminat-
ed VU record -level meters; 3 -digit tape counter CT -F7171 Dolbyized Cassette Deck
with reset button; front panel left- and right - automatic rewind or DNL. 1011/16" H x 20'/2" Stereo record/playback deck featuring front -
channel mike and input jacks; six push-button W x 51/8" D $690.00 access; a.c. bias recording system; a.c. push -
1975 EDITION 81
recording chromium -dioxide cassettes. Capable SANYO
Cassette of sound -on -sound recording. Has dual illumi-
nated record -level meters, pause control, and RD -4300 Dolbyized Cassette Deck
Tape Machines automatic end -of -tape shut-off. Response 30-
14,000 Hz (with chromium -dioxide tape) +2 dB.
Stereo design with pause control, equalization
adjustments for choice of tape, and two record -
wow & flutter 0.14% rms. Oiled walnut cabinet
with brushed aluminum trim. 161/2" x
pull erase; ferrite record/playback head; elec-
tronically controlled d.c. motor; wow & flutter SCT-5C Cassette Recorder
0.10% W rms; response (standard tape) 30-
13,000 Hz (40-12,000 Hz -L-3 dB); chromium -
Stereo record/play design. Has dual VU met-
ers. Response 50-12,000 Hz '2 dB (playback -
dioxide tape 30-16,000 Hz (40-13,000 Hz ±3
dB); S/N 48 dB (Dolby out), 58 dB (Dolby in);
features tape selector with switchable bias &
equalizer; full -auto stop mechanism; "skip"
button for monitoring; recording LED peak
indicators; recording limiter; memory rewind
switch; cassette bed illumination light & switch;
two pairs of input & output terminals; inde- level meters. Has tape monitoring facilities, cue
pendent recording & playback level controls. control, and automatic shut-off. Response 40-
Wood cabinet. 1615/16" W x 57/16" H x 12'/x"D. 15,000 Hz -±-3 dB. (S + N)/N 50 dB. Wow & flut-
$369.95 ter 0.15%. Has mike & line inputs and built-in
memory counter (will automatically rewind &
CT -5151 Dolbyized Cassette Deck stop at point of start). 17" x 9" x 5" $299.95
Dolbyized cassette deck with independent bias
and equalization circuit selection for regular, RD -4350 Dolbyized Cassette Deck
low -noise, or chromium -dioxide tapes. Features only response 40-14,000 Hz -2 dB). Wow & Stereo design with built-in memory counter;
solid ferrite heads; twin VU meters; LED peak flutter 0.2%. Overall size 13,/,," x 93/.." x 3'/8' separate record/playback level controls; adjust-
indicator (calibrated to light when level exceeds $159.95 able recording equalization controls; mike/aux.
reference level by +4 dB); switchable level input control; lighted VU meters with push-but-
limiter; electronically controlled d.c. motor; SCT-2C Cassette Recorder ton tilt -up mechanisms for easy viewing; and
electromagnetic automatic stop circuit; tape - Portable stereo design. Has dual VU meters, mechanical automatic stop. Response 40-15,-
motion pilot light; skip button for locating de- monitor switch, slide controls. Operates from 000 Hz ±3 dB; (S N)/N 50 dB; wow & flutter
sired program material; three -digit tape coun- 0.15%. Has two mike inputs and two stereo line
ter and tape memory rewind button for preci- outputs. Dolby noise suppression circuit.
17" x 9" x 5" $329.95
chromium -dioxide tape. (S + N)/N 54 dB at 1
kHz & 59 dB at 5 kHz. Wow & flutte 0.1%. Bias TCD-310 Cassette Recorder Deck
frequency 85 kHz. Has dual VU meters, illumi- Features Dolby noise -reduction system; three
nated cassette compartment, memory -type motors; two peak -reading record meters; chro-
counter, headphone level switch. Has mike &
line inputs (0.06 V sensitivity) and line output
(0.775 V). Walnut base 153r." W x 5" H x 101/a" D.
TC-121A Stereo Cassette Deck
Records/plays. Response 40-13,000 Hz; wow &
flutter 0.22% (S + N)/N 45. Has low -imp. mike
mium -dioxide tape); wow & flutter 0.26%. Fea-
tures record level/battery indicator; two line
outputs; one stereo headphone jack; two aux.
and two mike inputs; record interlock; non -
magnetizing record head; Sonymatic recording
control; locking fast -forward & rewind buttons;
dual differential balance flywheels; stereo/mono
selector switch; built-in speaker; 3 -digit tape mium-dioxide/low-noise, high -output tape
counter; automatic total mechanism shut-off. switch; automatic endstop. Wow & flutter
Operates from "C" cells, optional Ni-Cad bat- 0.15% (Wrms). Response 50-12,000 Hz t2 dB.
tery pack, or 120-V, 60 -Hz a.c. Comes with Has mike (0.1 mV), radio (5 mV), and line (40
four "C" cells, mike, earphone, a.c. power cord, mV) inputs. Output 0.775 V. Wall mountable.
and carrying case. 10V." W x 31/16" H x 73/4" D. Walnut cabinet. 19" x 41/." x 911." D... $499.00
TC-126CS. Same as TC-126 but with external
stereo speakers and attache -type carrying input; 560,000 ohm imp. aux. input. Output: TEAC
case. $239.95 phono 100,000 ohms. Level 0.775 V. Includes
stereo headphone monitor jack, record level AC -5 Car Cassette Player
CF -550A Cassette Recorder/Radio indicator, pause control, and automatic shut- Features continuous stereo playback; automat-
Combines AM/FM stereo receiver with cassette off. 13" W x 3744" H x 8'5/46" D $129.95 ic reverse; universal mounting; and servo -con-
recorder. Has two built-in condenser mikes and trolled motor. Wow & flutter 0.25%. Frequency
four built-in speakers, built-in battery charger TC-129 Stereo Cassette Deck range 40-10,000 Hz. Output 6 W/ch dynamic
for optional NiCad battery (6 V) and automatic Records/plays. Response 40-14,000 Hz; wow & (EIA) power at 5% THD. 12 V d.c. negative-
shut-off. Will operate from a.c. power line. Re- flutter 0.22%: (S 4- N)/N 45. Has low -imp. mike grou-id operation. 21/4" x 7" x 83/13" D Speaker
sponse 50-10,000 Hz. Has two line (0.06 V) and input; 560,000 ohm imp. aux. input. Output: optional $159.50
two mike inputs. 1)/2 W/ch continuous power phono 100,000 ohms imp. Level 0.775 V. Fea-
output at 5% THD. Portable design. tures straight-line record level controls; tape AC -9 Car Cassette Player
131/." W x 91/4" H x 43/." D $249.95 select switch; dual illuminated VU meter; three - Similar to AC -5 except higher fidelity. Has tone
digit tape counter; push-button operation; controls; fast -wind in both directions; automat-
TC-137SD Stereo Cassette Deck ic reverse; tape -travel indicating lamps. Speak-
pause control with lock. Has stereo headphone
Features Dolby noise -reduction system; ferrite er optional
and ferrite heads; automatic total mechanism jack; built-in dust cover; automatic shut-off; $199.50
shut-off; response 20-15,000 Hz (standard non -magnetizing record head. Walnut base.
131/4" W x 4" H x 9V." D $149.95 360S Dolbyized Stereo Cassette Deck
tape), 20-17,000 Hz (FeCr and Cr02) tape; has Features Dolby noise reduction system; wow &
3 -digit tape counter; four function -indicator flutter 0.07%. Has 400 -Hz Dolby calibration
lamps; 3-pos. tape select switch; eject, rewind, tone generator; MPX filter switch; 8 external
fast -forward, forward, record, and stop push- Dolby calibration controls; automatic output
buttons; sliding mike & line controls; illumi- stabilizing network; separate 3 -position bias
nated VU meters; peak -level indicator; comes SUPERSCOPE and equalization switch; memory rewind coun-
with two stereo patchcords, head -cleaning ter; total automatic shut-off in record and play
tips, dust cover. Walnut base. 163/46" W x 5'/16" CD -301 Stereo Cassette Deck mode; dual VU meters. Response 30-16,000 Hz
H x 119/46" D $399.95 Record/play deck. Response 40-10,000 Hz (40-15,000 Hz +3 dB with Cr02 tape). (S + N)/N
1975 EDITION 83
with low -noise tape; 30-16,000 Hz with chromi-
Cassette um -dioxide tape). Inputs: mike 0.25 mV; line
0.1 V. Output: 0.3 V. .Has universal power -line
Tape Machines inputs. 7" H x 17'/2" W x 105/8" $449.50
140 Stereo Cassette Deck
Features dual VU meters; straight-line record -
level controls; high -density "Permaflux" heads;
separate equalization and bias switches; tape -
run indicator; 3 -digit resettable tape counter;
left and right low -imp. mike jacks; 8 -ohm stereo
headphone jack; locking pause control; and minimum specifications: record/play frequency
automatic shut-off. Response 30-13,000 Hz response 50-12,000 Hz ±3 dB (Cr02 tape), 50-
(standard tape); 30-14,000 Hz (chromium - 10,000 Hz (gamma ferric -oxide tape); wow &
dioxide tape). (S + N)/N 50 dB; wow & flutter flutter 0.15% W rms; S/N 50 dB (Dolby out),
0.15%. 16'/2" W x 43/4" H x 10'4" D $199.50 57 dB (Dolby in); dist. 2.3% with normal tape.
60 dB (Dolby in); 55 dB (without Dolby). 173/4" W 454" H x 13'/4" W x 11'/2" D $249.95
x 43/4" H x 10'/.4" D $379.50
Stereo design featuring a Dynamic Noise Lim-
RS-279US Cassette Recorder Deck iter (DNL); tape selector (standard or chromi-
Dolbyized stereo design with standard and um -dioxide). Output 0-1 V. Response 30-15,000
chromium -dioxide tape selection and HPF ul- Hz, with chromium -dioxide tape. Wow & flutter
0.1% rms weighted; (S + N)/N 50 dB (unweight-
ed). Sensitivity: line 80 mV; mike 0.56 mV. Fast -
forward and rewind 100 sec. Has universal line
inputs. 141/2" x 4" x 101/4" $199.95
60 dB (Dolby in); 55 dB (without Dolby). 173/4" W
x 43/4" I -Ix 10';." D $379.50 PT -490 Dolbyized Cassette Deck
Features stereo play/record; mechanical auto-
250 Dolbyized Stereo Cassette Deck matic shut-off; 3 -step tape selector (adjusts
Features Dolby noise -reduction system; stan-
dard/chromium-dioxide tape selector switch;
e vve...
wow & flutter (rms) ±0.12%; automatic photo-
sensitive electronic control of tape travel and
playback tape direction switch $359.95
Ino 'wars or ma'am c ngonsormy j., L IrCIMMOLY A Cloveseoer of Ins?, comtme SySIO.S Corporef Kon
TB700 Dolbyized Cassette Deck
Write Sandy Curtis for free literature, Dept. S, 770 Pa -k Avenue. Huntington. N.Y. 11743
Stereo play/record deck with Dolby noise -
reduction circuit and exclusive pitch control CIRCLE NO. 57 ON READER SERVICE CARD
for adjustment of speed ±3% in the playback
mode; wow & flutter 0.15% weighted rms; S/N
48 dB (Dolby out), 58 dB (Dolby in); THD
2.5%; frequency response 30-13,000 Hz (stan-
dard), 30-16,000 Hz (Cr02 tape); hot -pressed NOTICE TO OUR READERS
ferrite record/play head, double -gap ferrite
erase head; features two expanded VU meters; We consider it a valuable service to the country in different trading areas. It
pause switch; auto -stop mechanism; OTL head- our readers to continue, as we have in is obvious that we are not in a position
phone amplifier; 3 -digit tape counter. 4'/2" H x
153/.." W x 93/4" D $340.00
previous editions of the STEREO DIREC- to quote local prices for the various trad-
TORY & BUYING GUIDE, to print the ing frees in the United States on each of
prices submitted by the manufacturers the items listed.
ZENITH for items described as available at press We would like to point out that almost
time. With few exceptions, prices sub- all manufacturers' and distributors'
E637 Cassette Play/Record Deck miffed by manufacturers should be con- prices are subject to change without
Slot -loading unit with automatic shut-off and sidered "audiophile net." notice.
eject; features left & right record -level meter;
input volume controls; tape counter; mike in- We are aware that prices vary across
put. Comes with two microphones, input/output
cables, tape storage. 41/2" H x 14" W x 9)/1 D.
1975 EDITION 85
To fullfill thE rEquirEmEnts of
thE most critical listEning and auditioning...
Stanton is thE profEssional standard.
GD-28 8 -Track Stereo Deck
Home playback deck for use in component
system. Response 50-10,000 Hz. Simulated
peak level; wow & flutter 0.2% rms; crosstalk
50 dB & 40 dB channel separation, both at
1 kHz. Features automatic eject control, two VU
output. Comes with cabinet and connecting meters, four front -mounted tape controls.
cables. 73/4" W x 101/2" x 33/4" $49.95 120-V, 60 -Hz operation. 41/4" H x 131/2" W x 91/8"
D $169.95
ED -1245 8 -Track Play/Record Deck
CHANNEL MASTER Features three -in -one head; automatic or man-
ual cartridge eject; fast -forward; two VU me-
6609 8 -Track Player Deck teis; two record -level controls; electronic
Features automatic track change; manual track walnut -finished cabinet measures 103/a" x 41/2" governor d.c. motor; automatic noise -reduction
selection; blackout track indicator lights; out- x EMI" $59.95 system (ANRS) on both record & playback;
1975 EDITION 87
RADIO SHACK gram indicators. Features a program selector
push switch for selecting specific programs and
8 -Track TR-888 Automatic Tape Changer a fast -forward for bypassing unwanted material;
Tape Machines 8 -track playback deck/automatic cartridge repeat switch for continuous replay. Response
50-10,000 Hz; (S + N)/N -48 dB; 117-V, 60 Hz
changer; can play three cartridges in sequence;
play any program on any cartridge; replay an operation. Walnut wood -grained cabinet with
individual cartridge; lighted program indica- white gold -anodized faceplate. 7,/," W x 4'/e"
response 40-12,000 Hz ±3 dB; wow & flutter tors; plugs into stereo Aux. input. Comes with H x 93/4" D $74.95
0.2% rms; S/N 50 dB; has 2 mike & 2 line input cables $99.95
jacks; two line & headphone output jacks; DIN
jack. 45/i6" H x 1513/16" W x 93/e" D $249.95 TR-882 Record/Play Deck
Features dual VU meters; level controls; push- SYLVANIA
button fast -forward, pause, and record inter-
LAFAYETTE lock; program select button; response 50- ET3752W 8 -Track Play/Record Deck
10,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.2%; front -panel Features two VU meters; automatic and manual
RK-92 8 -Track Playback Deck mike input for live recording. Walnut -finish eject/shut off; two mike and one headphone
For home playback of car 8 -track tape collec- wood -grain case. 3'4" x 131/4" x 83/e" $99.95 jack; pause control; individual record/play-
tion; lighted program indicators; push-button back level controls; record safety interlock;
program selection; hinged cartridge door for TR-801 Record/Play Deck frequency response 30-21,000 Hz (playback),
protection against dust & dirt; walnut -finish Features digital timer; push-button control of 50-10,000 Hz (record/playback); wow & flutter
case. 81/4" x x 83/.." $34.95 continuous play, program repeat, auto -stop, 0.3% rms; S/N 40 dB; channel separation 40
dB. Walnut -grained vinyl cabinet. 43/8" H x
RK-82 8 -Track Playback Deck 153/.." W x 8'/2" D $169.95
Stereo playback deck designed to be used with
audio systems. Response 50-8000 Hz. Has
push-button track selector; illuminated track
indicator lights; dust -proof cartridge slot door. TELEX
8'/8" W x 43/.." H x 8,/2" D $49.95
48H 8 -Track Changer
RK-885 8 -Track Record/Playback Deck Selects at random 16 hours of continuous,
Record/play deck designed to be used with any non -repetitive sound. Switches and selects 12
stereo receiver or amplifier with tape in/out stereo 8 -track cartridges. 5 W/ch continuous
jacks. Has mike input jacks for "live" stereo push-button eject, program change, fast -for- into 8 ohms. Third harmonic distortion less
recording with optional microphones; dual VU ward, and pause; response 50-12,000 Hz; wow than 2% at 4 W. Supplied with dust cover.
meters; recording volume controls; mode & flutter 0.2%; front -panel mike input for live 18'/." x 9" H x D $314.95
switch; record indicator light; illuminated chan- recording. Walnut wood cabinet. 43/.," x 16',2" x Model 48D. Deck only with 1 V preamp output.
nel indicator lights. Comes with connecting 10" $149.95 Response 40-12,000 Hz, (S + N)/N 42 dB, flut-
cables. 13" W x 55/8" H x 89/8" D $119.95 ter 0.2% max $262.45
RKD-985 8 -Track Deck with Dolby SONY from SUPERSCOPE
Features Dolby -B noise -reduction system in
stereo record/playback; Autostop switch to TC-228 8 -Track Recorder Deck WOLLENSAK
Stereo design. Response 30-13,000 Hz; (S + N)/
N 45 dB. Bias frequency 95 kHz. Wow & flutter 8055 8 -Track Recorder Deck
0.17%. Has two VU meters, one d.c.-type motor. Features record/play of 8 -track stereo car-
Aux. (70 mV sensitivity) & mike (-70 dB sensi- tridges: automatic "on -off"; automatic eject
tivity) inputs & line output (0.5 V sensitivity). after playing one or all tracks; automatic record
Features automatic total mechanism shut-off. level; time counter; pause control; fast -for-
Walnut case. 143/8" x 43/4" x 83/." D . . $189.95 ward; dual VU meters. Frequency response 30-
15,000 Hz. Wow & flutter 0.25%. (S + N)/N 50
stop unit during playback or record mode at TC-208 8 -Track Playback Deck dB. Line output 1 V at 0 VU. Sensitivity: mike 25
end of each program; mode switch for con- Response 50-10,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.25% mV; aux. 80 mV. 173/8" x 4'/8" x 10'/2". Walnut
tinuous operation or automatically stopping rms weighted. Features program select and re- cabinet $209.95
unit; S/N 55 dB (Dolby in), 45 dB (Dolby out); 8075 8 -Track Recorder Deck
response 30-11,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.25% Features record/play of 8 -track Dolbyized
rms; bias frequency 60 kHz; input sensitivity: cartridges as well as cartridges using the new
mike 1 mV, aux. 100 mV; channel separation
30 dB $199.95
RK-990 8 -Track Record/Play Deck
Features stop/eject after any program (1-4) or
at end of cartridge; sound -with -sound; concen-
F638 8 -Track Play/Record Deck
8 -track play/record deck; features automatic
For 4 -Channel Components.. .
stop or continuous play control; record; fast -
forward; pause; manual program change; left &
See SECTION 9 right record -level controls and meters. Comes
with two microphones & stands. Grained walnut
color cabinet. 45/s" H x 93/.." W x 81/4" D. $119.95
FISHER balance, bass, and treble. Comes with hinged LAFAYETTE
dust cover $249.95
30 Phono/Receiver System SR -80 8-Track/AM-FM Receiver
Combines a precision automatic turntable with SD -3210 Phono System Combines an AM -FM stereo receiver, an 8 -track
magnetic cartridge and diamond stylus; a 50 Combines an AM -FM stereo receiver with 121/2 cartridge recorder/player, with two acoustically
W/ch dynamic power amp with 5% THD at 8 W/ch dynamic power at 5% THD; a deluxe BSR ma:ched wide -range speaker systems, each
ohms with both channels driven; and AM -FM automatic turntable with cue & pause lever and wit-i 6'/2" speaker with multicellular diffuser.
tuner. Dust cover optional. Oiled walnut cabi- automatic shut-off, anti -skating device, and Has inputs for attaching a record changer or
net. 171/2" x 8'i." x 16" D $299.95 magnetic cartridge; with a pair of two-way air - another tape recorder; microphones. Has full
suspension speaker systems. With hinged de- complement of controls and separate record -
2081 "MusiCenter" System tachable dust cover $329.95 level meters for left and right channels. Speak-
Combines an AM -FM stereo receiver; built-in ers 14368" x 9'/i8" x 512" D. Control center 18"
8 -track player; separate turntable; and two SDT-3420 AM-FM/Phono/Cassette VI). 10"D x 41/2"H $179.95
speaker systems (each with 6" woofer & 2" Recorder Recording microphone for SR -80 .... $19.50
tweeter; 3000 Hz crossover); FM sensitivity Combines an AM -FM stereo receiver with 5 SR -50. Same as SR -80 except comes with ste-
4 µV; selectivity 36 dB; Separation 30 dB at W/ch dynamic power at 5% THD, a BSR auto - reo cassette recorder/player instead of 8 -track
1000 Hz; push-button controls; slide controls recorder/player $179.95
for volume, balance, bass & treble. 191/2" W x Recording microphone for SR -50 .... $19.50
133/: D x 51/8" H $299.95
Also available with 3 -way speaker systems (each SR -30-A Cartridge Player/Receiver
with 8" woofer, 41/2" mid -range, 2" tweeter, 8 -track cartridge player combined with an
crossovers 800 & 3000 Hz) at additional cost. AM/FM stereo receiver and matching speaker
2381. Same as 2081 except turntable is built- systems (each containing multicellular dif-
in. 191/2" W x 17''s" D x 51/8" H $299.95 fuser). Has separate slide controls for bass,
Same speaker option as 2081. treble, and balance, a front -panel headphone
-1111,7 ,1
jack, FM stereo light, black out and illuminated
slice -rule tuning dials, plus a full complement
of inputs and outputs $129.95
AD -27A Phono/Radio System
Combines a 4 -speed BSR McDonald automatic matic record changer, a cassette recorder, and
a pair of air -suspension speaker systems. Has PANASONIC
turntable with Shure M75 mag. cartridge with
separate tape record -level controls and comes
with a dust cover $299.95 RS -828S 8-Track/Stereo Receiver
AM FM stereo receiver with built-in twin -slot
8 -track player/recorder; will record from origi-
nal sources and pre-recorded tapes in lower
KLH slot, playback in upper slot; features auto -start
and auto -stop; Quadruplex II circuitry for en-
Thirty -Five Phono/Receiver System hanced sound of stereo discs and tapes; mike
Combines a 3 -speed Dual automatic turntable mixing in playback mode with optional micro-
with Pickering XV-15/350 magnetic cartridge phones; two 61-2" air -suspension speaker sys-
with diamond stylus; 20 W/ch cont nuous sine - tems; continuous tone, balance, and volume
wave (into 8 ohms) power amp (both channels controls; tuning/VU meter; 3-pos. monitor sw.:
driven); an AM -FM tuner section; and a pair of Wood cabinets $299.95
KLH speaker systems. Features tape monitor- RE -8174. Similar to RS -828S but 8 -track player -
diamond stylus, a 15 W/ch (dynamic) power ing & recording facilities. Has outputs for re- only built-in and separate automatic record
amp. (response 12-60,000 Hz 1 dB at 1% HDI, mote and main speakers. Speaker cabinets changer. Walnut finish. $199.95
an AM -FM tuner (5 AV sensitivity for 30 dB qui- 231/2" x 12,/8" x 1 Pie" D, each with 12" acoustic - SE -2280. Similar to RE -8174 except automatic
eting), in an oiled walnut cabinet with tambour suspension woofer, 13/8" direct -radiator tweeter, record changer is built-in $249.95
doors. 127/8" x 143/8" x 7'/8" D. Speakers not in- and 1500 Hz LCR crossover. Control center SE -3280. Similar to RS -828S except with built-
cluded. 9" x 201/2" x 145/e" D. Oiled walnut enclosures in automatic record changer; speaker systems
Kit $179.95 $549.95 eaci with 61/2" woofer and 21/2" tweeter
Thirty -AM Phono/Receiver System RE -8134. Similar to RE -8174 but without record
Combines a Garrard automatic 4 -speed turn- changer. $159.95
HITACHI table with a viscous damped cueing lever, a RE -7014. Similar to SE -2280 but without 8 -
Pickering V-15/AT-2 magnetic cartridge; an track tape player $169.95
SDP -2820 8-Track/Phono System AM -FM stereo receiver and a pair of separately RE -7554. Similar to RE -7014 but with separate
Combines a cartridge tape player, a BSR auto- housed speaker systems 2254" x 1231." x 7'/e" D, record changer. $219.95
matic record changer, and a pair of separately each with 10- woofer & 13/." tweeter. Features
housed speaker systems. Features 5 W/ch dy- 20 W/ch rms into 8 ohms with both channels
namic power at 5% THD. Supplied with dust driven (28 W/ch dynamic power) and at 1.0%
cover $279.95 HD. Power bandwidth 20-15,000 Hz into 8 SONY from SUPERSCOPE
ohms; resporse 20-20,000 Hz ±1 dB & at 1 W.
SD -2470 Phono System FM usable sensitivity 2.5 AV. Input sensitivity: CF -620A Cassette Recorder/Radio
Combines a 3 -speed BSR automatic turntable aux. 350 mV; tape monitor 280 mV. Cassette recorder combined with AM/FM stereo
with mag. cartridge and diamond stylus; a 15 83/4" x 201/2" x 14Ve" D with spindle installed. tuner. Plays and records. Response 30-12,000
W/ch dynamic power amp with 5% THD at 8 Supplied with base, less dust cover $429.95 Hz, wow & flutter 0.22%, (S + N)/N 46 dB. Sup-
ohms; an AM -FM tuner, and a pair of two-way Model 30 -FM. Same as Model 30 -AM except plied with Mikes and speakers. 6 W/ch continu-
speaker systems. Has slide -type controls for does not have AM tuner $399.95 ous power at 5% HD. Features VU meters,
1975 EDITION 89
Sound so clear Compacts
you can hear a pin drop, or counter, eject button, pause control, monitor-
ing facilities, mike & line inputs, bias adjust and
a piccolo player catch his breath. automatic shut-off. 57/16" H x 16'/2" W x 121/4" D
Listening to the Pep 79E is like being suspended from the concert hall CF -550 Cassette Recorder/Radio
ceiling with the microphones. Nothing comes between you and the Combines AM/FM stereo receiver with cassette
recorder. Has two built-in condenser mikes and
music. Because we built a perfect membrane driver. An electro- four built-in speakers, built-in battery charger
static element that produces the most transparent, distortion -free for optional NiCad battery (6 V) and automatic
sound you've ever heard. And now electrostatic stereophones aren't shut-off. Will operate from a.c. power line. Re-
sponse 50-10,000 Hz. Has two line (0.06 V) and
bulky or isolating. The Pep 79E weighs a mere 8'/2 ounces, and our two mike inputs. 1'/2 W/ch continuous power
trans -air concept blends outside sounds with inside sounds without output at 5% THD. Portable design.
sacrificing performance. Frequency response: 10 Hz to 22,000 Hz. 13Ve" x 95/e" H x 43/4"D $249.95
It's black, with Chroma trim, has comfortable ear cush:
ions, a fully adjustable headband, and 15 foot coil
cord. Comes with a trouble -free, self -energized
console. The system is guaranteed for 1 year. SYLVANIA
The only alternative is huge, costly speakers MST3736W Phono/8-Track/Receiver
that will wake up your neighbors. Combines a Garrard automatic turntable with
Pickering magnetic cartridge, viscous -damped
cue/pause control, and anti -skating device; an
AM -FM stereo receiver; an 8 -track stereo tape
player; and a pair of sealed air -suspension
lo speaker systems (18?/4" x 12" x 9" D) each with
8" woofer and a 3" tweeter. Has built-in Phase
04 matrix to synthesize regular two -channel
stereo program material. 20 W/ch dynamic
Pep 79E Electrostatic System power at 1% HD (12V2 W/ch continuous).
Sugg Retail Price $9000
Power bandwidth 25-20,000 Hz; response 25-
20,000 Hz _t l'/2 dB. FM sensitivity 2.5 µV for 30
dB quieting; capture ratio 5.5 dB. Walnut cabi-
Spores Stereophones. Feel what you hear. nets with dust cover. Control center 91/.."
,re write Superex Electronics Corp Dept 14. 151 Ludlow Street. Yonkers. N Y 10705 $349.95
23'/2" x 153/e" D
Canada. Paco Electronics Ltd (Lebec
MS3722W. Similar to 3736 W except does not
CIRCLE NO. 53 ON READER SERVICE CARD include the tape player; has 6" woofer & 3"
tweeter in each speaker cabinet; tape-record
(Aux.) jack. $279.95
MST3735 Phono/8-Track/Receiver
Features full-size BSR automatic turntable,
AM -FM stereo receiver, 8 -track play/record
deck, pair of air -suspension speaker systems;
has built-in Phase Q4 matrix; front -panel head-
phone jack; cut/boost bass & treble controls;
response 55-22,000 Hz ±1.5 dB; FM sensitivity
brands try us and see distributors. But, as is the player; control center 9'/e" H x 18" W x 161/4" D;
speakers 1534" H x 93/.." W x D $199.95
case with most prices these
MS3728W Phono/Receiver
days, they are subject to 18 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with both channels
change depending on for- driven; includes AM -FM stereo receiver, Dual
1214 automatic turntable with Shure M93E
eign exchange rates, the magnetic cartridge, pair of sealed air -suspen-
sion speaker systems; FM sensitivity 1.9 µV;
current value of the dollar, S/N 60 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; frequency
response 17-35,000 Hz; power bandwidth 17-
, 11"7"111"r and the availability of raw 30,000 Hz; features front -panel headphone
materials and components. jack; AM -FM signal -strength meter. Walnut
veneer cabinets. Speakers 183/4" H x 12" W x
Prices may also vary de- 9" D. Control center 9'/2" H x 12" W x 18'/2" D.
11,/ ////1,
/; Tr if/#0,11 pending on the part of the
ACS39W Phono/Receiver
ii//Ug)//4/La U.S. in which you live. 30 W/ch into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz); frequency
response 7-70,000 Hz; FM sensitivity 1.8 AV;
Listed prices often reflect S/N 67 dB; features BSR 510 automatic chang-
6330 Franktord Ave
Baltimore, Md 21206 costs in the manufacturer's er with Shure M75 -6S magnetic cartridge/
diamond stylus, base & dust cover; pair of air -
All mail answered within 24 hours
geographical area. suspension speakers with 10" woofer, 3"
mid -range, and 2'12" tweeter in each unit.
Phone Daily 9 AM to 9 PM Walnut -grained vinyl enclosures. Receiver 6" H
x 173/." W x 15" I); turntable 7'/8" x 173/.." x
Saturday 9 AM to 4 PM 14'r."; speakers 22' e" x 145'e" x IP $469.95
Phone (301) 488-9600
Meet Jensen's Hear Jensen for the sound you like. Find out what we mean
about total energy response and superior tonal reproduction
high fidelity in all our models. Most any price range is available, but there's
no compromise in quality because Jensen's got a family sound
family relationship that lets you combine different pairs of models for
precise stereo or quad set-up. Meet our family. You'll like what
you'll hear.
IMO IIIM VIII 1111 MIMI IIIM IMMO 1111 IMO 1111 1110 III' MINI 1111 11101111 Imo'
I BIG 24" x 24" Send $1.00 for postage and handling (check or money order) to "Poster" Jensen
AS -980 Four -Channel Receiver
42v2 W/ch dynamic power (170 W total); 30
W/ch continuous power. Features built-in CD -4
demodulator with front -panel separation con- does not have CD -4 demodulator circuit; SQ
trols, SQ logic and regular matrix so that any matrix circuit. 19s/8" W x D x 7" H
type of 4 -channel sound can be reproduced. $349.95
Unit is equipped with bass & treble controls,
-ea else asesas
(20 W/ch at 4 ohms) with all four channels driv-
en and at 0.5% THD. 65 W/ch dynamic power at has built-in circuitry for all 4 -channel formats
8 ohms with 2 -channel power bridging (BTL). including SQ decoder with wave matching and poser" derived 4 -channel from 2 -channel
Power bandwidth 20-30,000 Hz. FM sensitivity variable blend logic, CD -4 demodulator, and RM sources, discrete 4- & 2 -channel when connect-
2 AV for 30 dB quieting; capture ratio 2 decoder; "Tape -Through" circuit for dubbing ed to a 4 -channel tape source, and four sepa-
dB. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 3 mV; aux. through unit's dual 4 -channel tape system rate amplifiers. Comes with four wide -range
150 mV; tape monitor 150 mV. Can be used while receiver is used to play any other program walnut speaker systems (81/2" W x 141/2"
for discrete 4 -channel reproduction and has source; THD & IM dist. 0.5%; power bandwidth H x 51/2" D). 161/2" W x 101/8" D x 41/2" H.
built-in synthesizer for converting regular 10-50,000 Hz; impedance 4 to 16 ohms; FM $149.95
2 -channel program material into 4 channel. sensitivity (IHF) 1.8µV; S/N 65 dB (1 mV input);
Also has 5 -position tone control network for capture ratio 3 dB; selectivity (IHF) 50 dB;
centering the two front speakers on stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz, 20 dB at MARANTZ
40/250/1000/5000/15,000 Hz. Has input for 4 - 10,000 Hz; HD stereo 0.8% (400 Hz, 100%
channel optional remote control unit. 193/e x modulation); image rejection 60 dB; has full 4400 4 -Ch AM -FM Receiver
57/6" x 143/a" D $399.95 complement of inputs & outputs, filters, and 50 W/ch continuous power into 8 ohms with all
tone controls. 211/1e" W x 61/8" H x 141/." D four channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD &
4VR-5445 4 -Channel AM -FM Receiver $950.00 IM 0.15%; frequency response 20-20,000 Hz
Basically same as Model 4VR-5414 in design & ±0.25 dB; power bandwidth 7-70,000 Hz (IHF);
styling except has higher power and 5 -position KR -8840 4 -Channel Receiver FM sensitivity 1.8 AV; THD 0.3% stereo; selec-
tone control network for both front & rear 40 W rms/ch continuous power output into 8 tivity 75 dB; capture ratio 1.5 dB; stereo sepa-
speakers. 34 W/ch dynamic power at 8 ohms ohms with all channels driven (20-20,000 Hz); ration 42 dB at 1000 Hz; spurious rejection
(50 W/ch at 4 ohms); 21 W/ch continuous power built-in circuitry for all 4 -channel formats; 95 dB; image rejection 90 dB; features Dolby
into 8 ohms (23 W/ch into 4 ohms) with all four "Tape -Through" circuit; THD & IM dist. 0.8%; noise -reduction circuit; built-in oscilloscope;
channels driven and at 0.5% THD. 68 W/ch power bandwidth (IHF) 10-45,000 Hz; imped- facilities for separating tuner/preamp section
dynamic power at 8 ohms with 2 -channel power ance 4 to 16 ohms; FM tuner sensitivity (IHF) from main amplifiers for connection of amps,
bridging (BTL). Power bandwidth 20-30,000 Hz. 1.9 µV; S/N 63 dB (1 mV input); capture ratio electronic crossovers, and/or equalizers; de-
22'/e" x 5'/a" x 14" $529.95 3 dB; selectivity (IHF) 50 dB; stereo separation coder pocket for connecting optional SQ de -
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Magnetic cartridges
1975 EDITION 99
four -channel headphone jack; center -tuning vario matrix synthesizer/decoder; two 4 -chan-
and signal -strength meters; full complement of nel and one 2 -channel tape monitors. 1915/16"
inputs & outputs
Receivers QRX-7001. Similar to QRX-6001 except 35 W
W x 59/46" H x 13" D $429.95
DCX-3000K-A 4 -Channel Receiver
Designed for both discrete and matrix 4 -chan-
nel operation. Has SQ logic & Sanyo matrix
decoders. Can be used as a 2- or 4 -channel
rms/ch; THD & IM dist. 0.4%; FM sensitivity amplifier. AM -FM stereo receiver sensitivity 2.2
1.9µV $879.95 µV for 30 dB quieting. HD 0.8%. (S N)IN 60
(IHF, 4-ch. driven) 7-40,000 Hz at 0.3% HD. dB. 10 W/ch (40 W total) continuous power into
Response (aux.) 10-25,000 Hz ±1 dB. FM us- ORX-6500 4 -Channel Receiver 8 ohms and at 1% HD. Response 25-40,000 Hz;
able (IHF) sensitivity 1.8µV; capture ratio 1 dB; 37 W/ch continuous power output at 8 ohms power bandwidth 25-40,000 Hz. Input sensi-
selectivity 80 dB. HD mono 0.2%; stereo 0.4%. with 0.5% THD. Response 20-30,000 Hz +1 dB tivity: mag. phono 5.0 mV; aux. 200 mV; tape
Features include 4 -channel level indicator; 300 mV. Has remote speaker facility. 185/2" x
outputs for four pairs of speaker systems; out- 13'/2" x 43/2". Walnut cabinet $299.95
put for three tape decks for tape -to -tape dupli-
cation. Will also handle two turntables and an DCX-3300KA 4 -Channel Receiver
additional aux. source $749.95 Has all the features for 4 -channel discrete and
three matrix decoder circuits (SQ logic and vari-
ations). AM -FM stereo receiver with FM sensi-
tivity 2.0 µV. Selectivity 40 dB. 16 W/ch (64 W
ROTEL total) continuous power into 8 ohms & at 0.8%
HD. Response 20-45,000 Hz; power bandwidth
RX-154A 4 -Channel AM -FM Receiver 20-40,000 Hz. Input sensitivity: mag. phono 3
Can be used as a 2- or 4 -channel receiver. 10 W/ (50 W/ch at 4 ohms); 70 W/ch dynamic (IHF) mV; aux. 100 mV; tape 300 mV. Features four
ch continuous power at 4 ohms for 4 ch. opera- power at 4 ohms. FM sensitivity 1.8 µV for 30 output -level meters; 2- or 4 -channel operation;
dB quieting. Has multi -system 4 -channel mike input. 193/8" x 123/2" x 6". Walnut cabinet
speaker selectors and vario matrix.... $639.95 $449.95
30-30,000 Hz +1.5 dB. 180 W power (IHF). FM
The company has a series of six different sensitivity 2.2 µV (IHF). Has vario matrix
AM -FM 2- and 4 -channel receivers, including synthesizer/decoder; two 4 -channel and one
decoder, synthesizer, amplifier, control cen- 2 -channel tape monitors. 203/: W x 71/6" H x
ters. Each can decode all compatibly matrixed 13'3/16" D $549.95
4 -channel recordings and broadcasts, synthe-
size 2 rear channels of ambient signals from QRX-3000 4 -Channel Receiver
conventional 2 -channel recording to 4 chan- 15 W/ch continuous rms output with all chan- FM sensitivity 2.2 µV; HD 0.89%; (S N)/N 50
nels. Will also play discrete 4 -channel tapes. nels driven into 8 ohms at 0.5% THD and 0.5% dB stereo; selectivity 40 dB; stereo separation
30 dB. 121/2W/eh continuous rms power at 0.8%
ORX-6001 4 -Ch Receiver THD. HD 0.5% and IM 1.0% both at rated out-
25 W rms/ch into 8 ohms with all channels
driven (20-20,000 Hz); THD & IM dist. 0.5%; IIIIIMI111111111 put. Response 20-45,000 Hz; power bandwidth
25-40,000 Hz. Has same controls as DCX2700K
power bandwidth (IHF) 10-35,000 Hz; FM with addition of mike level control. Outputs: 4
sensitivity 2 µV (IHF); capture ratio 1.5 dB; speaker; 2/4 ch recording; DIN connector. In-
S/N 70 dB; stereo separation 40 dB at 1000 Hz; puts: mag. phono (2); 2/4 ch aux. (4); 2/4 ch
features IC "Vario-Matrix" for 20 dB separation so
cial stereo bridge mode. Includes an SQ matrix coder; automatic separation and carrier -level
IC, two SQ positions for image placement con- adjust adapts cartridge characteristics auto-
trol (standard SQ and SQ blend), plus provision ma'ically; BTL amplifier design for full output
for CD -4 discrete disc system with addition of power in both 2-ch & 4-ch modes. Has four VU
special external discrete phono demodulator. meters plus signal -strength meter; CD -4 hi -
Has master volume plus three separate balance tem, plus inputs to accommodate any 4 -chan- blend switch for noisy records; three 4-ch tape
controls for front left -right, rear left -right, and nel discrete or 2 -channel source. BTL monitors. Accommodates two sets of 4-ch
front -to -rear. Features dual FM tuning meters (balanced transformerless) design enables 2- or speakers or four sets in 2-ch mode; FM MPX
for center tune and S/N ratio. Frequency 4 -channel stereo operation. 6 -element ceramic output; all -stage direct -coupled OCL power
response at tape input 20-30,000 Hz dB. filters and monolithic IC's in FM i.f. strip. IHF amps; speaker protection circuit; low -noise
Input sensitivity: phono 2.6 mV; tape & aux. dynamic power is 30 W/ch (120 W total) into 4 phcno preamp; click -stop tone controls; hi & lo
150 mV. Input imp.: phono 47,000 ohms; tape ohms. Continuous power with all ciannels driv- filters. 34 W rms/ch into 8 ohms in 4-ch mode,
& aux. 50,000 ohms. Tape output level for rated en is 16 W/ch (64 W total) at 4 ohms; 14 W/ch 85 W rms/ch into 8 ohms in 2-ch BTL mode;
aux. & phono input: 150 mV. (S + N)/N below (56 W total) at 8 ohms. Continuous 2 -channel THO 0.5%; IM 0.7%; power bandwidth 5-
rated output (20-20,000 Hz) at max. volume: (BTL) power is 48 W/ch at 8 ohms; 32 W/ch at 8 40,000 Hz; S/N 90 dB (Aux.), 70 dB (phono).
phono 60 dB; tape & aux. 70 dB. FM sensitivity ohms with a I channels driven (64 W total). THD FM sensitivity 1.9 ;.LV for 30 dB quieting; FM
(IHF) 1.9 µV; capture ratio 1.5 dB; image rejec- 0.5 at rated power. Power bandwidth 7-35,000 THD 0.4% stereo; separation 40 dB at 1000
1975 EDITION 101
chronous motor controlled by electronic cir-
B Receivers
Cartridges & cuit; wow & flutter ±0.025%; rumble 65 dB;
anti -skating control is parallel tracking, error -
Record Players angle compensated; patented electro-pneu-
matic damping system lowers tonearm at pre-
cise, controlled speed. Turntable comes with
Hz. Walnut cabinet included. 6'W H x 213/8" W ADC the MMC6000 cartridge which will reproduce
x 15°/16" D $739.95 stereo, 4 -channel matrix, and CD -4 records.
SA -7300X. Similar to SA -8500X except 10 W Super-XLM Cartridge Fine -speed adjustment greater than 6%. Pen-
rms/ch at 8 ohms in 4-ch. mode, 24 W rms/ch For both 4 -channel & stereo use; specially dulum and leaf -spring suspension has reso-
into 8 ohms in 2-ch BTL mode; power band- shaped stylus for discrete 4 -channel discs; out- nance of 4.5 Hz. 4" x 19'/." x 15" $650.00
width 5-25,000 Hz. 6'/e" H x 193/." W x 159/16" D. put 2.5 mV at 5.5 cm/sec; tracking force range MMC6000. Stylus with Pramanik stylus (multi -
$529.95 0.5-1.25 g; frequency response 10-20,000 Hz radial diamond) $86.00
±2 dB, 20,000-50,000 Hz ±10 dB; channel
separation 25 dB; compliance 50 cm/dyne x
SA -304 4 -Channel AM -FM Receiver 4620W 4 -Ch. Automatic Turntable
15 W/ch continuous power (60 W total) into 8 Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm) for 7", 10" & 12" rec-
ohms at 0.8% HD and each channel driven sep- AUDIO-TECHNICA
ords; features variable pitch control & strobe
arately (20 W/ch for 2 -channel operation). Re- disc; synchronous motor; heavy die-cast plat-
sponse 20-40,000 Hz ±2 dB. Power bandwidth AT12S Dual -Magnet Cartridge
Designed specifically for use with discrete four - ter; viscous damped cue & pause control; dual -
20-30,000 Hz at 0.8% HD. Sensitivity: mag. range anti -skate control; slide -in cartridge head;
phono 3 mV; aux. 150 mV. FM sensitivity 2.5µV channel discs (CO -4), matrixed four -channel as
well as mono and stereo records. Frequency comes with Audio-Technica AT12S 4 -channel
for 30 dB quieting. Capture ratio 2.5 dB. Has cartridge, low -capacitance cables, walnut base,
built-in RM (Regular Matrix) and SQ 4 -channel response 15-45,000 Hz; channel separation (at
1 kHz) 25 dB; channel balance 2 dB. Tracking and dust cover $173.80
matrix decoder. Has input provisions for CD -4
discrete decoder. Has universal line inputs. force 1-2 g (recommended tonearm adjust- 4310X 4 -Ch. Automatic Turntable
153/," x 4,/2" x 113/e" $349.95 ment for Shibata stylus); dual -magnetic low -
Has 4 -pole induction motor; anti -skate; cue &
mass magnetic system. Vertical tracking angle
SA -504 4 -Channel AM -FM Receiver 20°. Has tapered cantiliver for lower mass pause controls; accessory panel; comes with
Audio-Technica AT12S 4 -channel cartridge,
35 W/ch (140 W total) continuous power into 8 Comes with Shibata stylus, stylus guard
low -capacitance cables, wood -grained base,
ohms & at 0.4% THD and with each channel $64.95
and hinged dust cover
AT 14S. Similar to AT12S except channel bal- $135.80
driven separately (70 W/ch for 2 -channel ste-
reo). Response 20-40,000 Hz ±1 dB; power ance 1.5 dB $75.00
bandwidth 10-80,000 Hz. FM sensitivity 1.8 µV AT 15S. Similar to AT12S except 1 kHz channe
for 30 dB (S + N)/N; capture ratio 1.5 dB. Input separation is 25 dB minimum; channel balance EMPIRE
sensitivity: mag. phono 2.5 mV; condenser 1.5 dB. Supplied with individual frequency -
phono 30 mV; aux. & tape 160 mV. Has built-in response curve. $100.00 4000D/III Wide -Response Cartridge
Will play any 4 -channel or stereo system; fre-
quency response 5-50,000 Hz; output 3.0 mV/
60 dB; -400 kHz 60 dB; HD 0.3%; input sensi- supplied with individual frequency -response 40,000 Hz; tracking force 3/. to 2 g.... $84.95
tivity: mag. phono 2.5 mV; condenser phono curve $175.00
30 mV; aux. & tape 160 mV; features built-in Models AT14, AT15 & AT2OSL have grain-ori.
CD -4 demodulator; RM and SQ decoder; FM ented nude Shibata diamond stylus for longer GLENBURN
muting; signal -strength & center -of -channel stylus life and reduced record wear.
tuning meters; tape monitoring. 20" x 4,4" x 2155A/Quad Automatic Turntable
14" $749.95 Heavy-duty 4 -pole motor; 11" turntable platter
with protective mat; bi-directional viscous -
Beogram 4002 4 -Ch. Turntable
CS -70R 2/4 Ch AM -FM Stereo Receiver Two -speed (33 & 45 rpm, electronic selection),
12 W/ch continuous rms power with all four belt -driven turntable; slow -speed, 16 -pole syn-
channels driven; 22 W/ch into 8 ohms with two
(S 4 N)/N 47 dB. Has four mike (0.5 mV) & line tures separate playback controls to balance 4 -
(50 mV) inputs; four record -level meters; uni- CX844 Tape Recorder channel output for listening or mix -down dub-
versal power supply $329.95 Three -speed (15, 7'/2, 33/, ips), 4 -channel, 4 - bing; four illuminated VU meters; separate
track, 3 -motor design. Will handle up to 10'/2' tape/source monitoring switches for each chan-
reels. Has 3 heads. Response 20-25,000 Hz ±2 nel; 4 -channel mike and line mixing. Multi -
dB. Wow & flutter 0.09% at 71/2 ips. Features Sync feature permits recording of separate
BSR McDONALD braking, pause control, four VU meters, remote tracks and instruments individually and re-
record, and automatic photocell shutoff recording any individual track at any time in
TD -80W 8 -Track Stereo/4-Ch Deck $2995.00 perfect sync with the other three tracks. Elec-
Deck automatically selects stereo or discrete 4 - tronic echo, sound -on -sound, and sound -with -
SX744 Tape Recorder sound are switch selected. Response 25-26,000
channel tapes. Includes 0.40 V stereo/4-ch Two -speed (7'/2 & 33/. ips), 4 -track, 4 -channel, Hz (30-23,000 Hz -±-3 dB) at 15 ips; 25-24,000
3 -motor design. Will handle up to 10'/2" reels. Hz (30-20,000 Hz +3 dB) at 71/2 ips; S/N 60 dB;
Has 3 heads. Response 20-25,000 Hz ±2 dB. crosstalk 58 dB; wow & flutter 0.04% at 15 ips,
Wow & flutter 0.09% at 71/2 ips. Features brak- 0.06% at 71/2 ips. 173/.." W x 151/4" D x 2" H
ing, pause control, four VU meters, and auto- $1199.95
matic shut-off $1995.00
40 4 -Channel System
7140 2/4 Ch Stereo Tape Deck Combines an AM/FM stereo receiver, a 4 -speed
Provides complete 4 -channel record & playback automatic turntable with magnetic cartridge,
preamp. Comes with wood grain cabinet and facilities. Has three motors (synchronous cap- and a 4- and 2 -channel 8 -track tape cartridge
connecting cables $99.95 stan and eddy -current induction reel), mechan- player. Includes matrixing circuit to provide 4 -
ical speed change; solenoid channel reproduction from conventional 2 -
speeds 7'/2 & 33/. ips; wow & flutter -± 0.08% channel programs. 25 W/ch (100 W total) dy-
6690 4 -Ch 8-Track/Receiver
5 W rms/ch; 4-ch discrete 8 -track and SQ 4 -
channel FM reception; features push-button
trols, four VU meters, mike & line inputs plus
120-V, 60 -Hz operation E03755 4 -Ch 8 -Track Deck pause control and noise -suppressor switch.
$119.95 Response 30-12,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.2%.
Plays discrete 4 -channel or stereo tapes; auto-
TC-388-4 Quadradial Tape Deck matic start/stop; 2- and 4 -channel indicator x 21'/e" x 11 V." $299.95
Open reel, 2 -speed (7'/2 & 33/. ips) 2- and 4 - lights; continuous play feature; frequency
channel recorder. Response 20-25.000 Hz response 30-10,000 Hz; wow & flutter 0.3%
rms; S/N 40 dB; channel separation 45 dB; TELEX
push-button program selector. Walnut -grained
vinyl cabinet. Ph" H x 91/4" W x 95/e" D.. $99.95 2 + 2 Tape Deck
Four- or two -channel reel-to-reel design. Can
provide discrete 4 -channel playback only. Has
3340S 4 -Channel Tape Deck
Four -channel, three -motor, three -head stereo
tape deck with 15 & 71/2 ips speeds. Features
"Simul-Sync" which allows recording four dis-
crete but fully synchronized channels on each
track of a 4 -track tape; permits synchronized
overdubbing, professional mix -down and spe-
cial effect tapes. Up to eight inputs (four mike,
four line) can be recorded simultaneously.
Push-button transport control with logic cir-
cuitry. Has 4/8 pole dual -speed hysteresis syn-
chronous motor and two eddy -current induc-
(standard tape) and 20-25,000 Hz .3 dB (SLH- tion reel motors. Hyperbolic -shape Permaflux
180 tape) at 7'/2 ips. (S + N)/N 52 dB standard heads, shielded for max. channel separation 3 motors, 3 speeds (71/2, 33/., 1 i ps ), auto-
tape; 55 dB SLH-180 tape. Has four auxiliary and protection from leakage flux fields. Unit matic shutoff/tape-break switch. Response 40-
inputs; impedance 100,000 ohms; four mike includes separate bias level and EQ switches; 18,000 Hz I.-3 dB, (S + N)/N 48 dB, wow& flutter
inputs; sensitivity -72 dB. Three heads (erase, total remote capability; four expanded -scale VU 0.2% at 7i/2 ips. 161/2" W x 11" x .$262.45
record, playback); four VU meters. Wow &
flutter 0.09% at 71/2 ips (rms (NAB) weighted).
Features pan pot on -off switch; mike attenuator
(-20 dB); built-in reel locks; line output level TOSHIBA
control. 161/1." W x 193/." H x 83/." D.. $679.95
PT -884 2- and 4 -Channel Tape Deck
Reel-to-reel type; 4 ch. record/playback. Three
QRT-440 4 -Ch Receiver/8-Track
Will reproduce SQ records, FM broadcasts or
tapes; simulate 4-ch reproduction from stan-
dard stereo sources. Will play Q-8 cartridges meters; 2-ch/4-ch play switch; front & rear ste-
through built-in 8 -track 2/4-ch tape player. FM reo headphone jacks; pause control with indi-
usable sensitivity 5 µV (IHF); stereo separation cator light; Quik-Lok reel holders. Response 25-
32 dB at 1 kHz; response 20-12,000 Hz +1.5 24,000 Hz at 15 ips; 25-22,000 Hz at 7'2 ips;
dB; THD 1.5% stereo; capture ratio 5 dB. Has wow & flutter 0.04% at 15 ips, 0.06% at 71/2 ips.
1975 EDITION 107
woofer & treble horn; LC crossover network;
response 60-15,000 Hz; 8 ohm imp.; grained -
walnut enclosure (161/2" H x 101/2" W x 71/2" D)
Tape Machines Control center 51/," H x 251/4" W x 151/2" D
speeds (1'/e, 33/. & 71/2 ips), 3 heads. Response F736 Phono/8-Track/Receiver
30-20,000 Hz ±3 dB with low -noise tape. Combines an AM -FM stereo receiver with built-
(S + N)/N 50 dB. Wow & flutter 0.09% at 71/2 in 2 -/4 -channel 8 -track tape player, record
ips. Has regular & low -noise tape switch. player, and four Allegro 1000 speaker systems;
153/." x 171/2" H x 83/."D $499.95 same features as F712 plus record player with
low -mass tonearm; cueing control; 0.7 mil x 3.0
mil stylus. Control center 91/2" H x 251/.." W x
15'12" D $399.95 reclining. Contains four 31/2" dynamic drivers
and is supplied with double stereo phone plugs.
D762 2/4 Ch. 8 -Track Player
WOLLENSAK Activated when cartridge is inserted, turns off
Response 20-18,000 Hz. Compatible with 4-16
ohm output impedance. THD unmeasurable at
when cartridge is removed; automatic switch-
8054 4 -Channel Player ing for 2-ch to 4-ch mode; push-button program
95 dB SPL. 1.5 W/ch max. power handling ca-
Plays 8 -track, 2- and 4 -channel quadrasonic pacity. 26 ounces $49.95
selector. Grained walnut veneer cabinet. 43/8" H
x 9'/e" W x 95/2" D $89.95
DT -204 4 -Channel Headphones
cartridges. Has a channel -selector key, auto- Frequency range 20-20,000 Hz; impedance
matic programming facilities for 2- or 4 -chan- 4 x 200 ohms (4 -channel), 2 x 100 ohms
nel, fast -forward. Response 30-15,000 Hz, wow
& flutter 0.25%, (S + N)/N 52 dB $119.95
8060 8 -Track, 4 -Channel Tape Deck
Record -play deck. Can record and play stereo 2- or 4 -channel design. Response 20-20,000
and matrixed four -channel but play -only dis- Hz. HD 0.5% at 1 mV. Has a built-in phase
changeover switch $49.95
4 -Channel Quadrafones
Both versions are designed to be used for
either 2- or 4 -channel operation. Each earpiece
has dual 11/2" dynamic drivers. These are con-
crete four -channel material. Has digital counter nected in parallel for regular 2 -channel stereo
for accurately timing recordings, cueing, auto- use. 3.2 to 600 ohm operation. Dist. 0.5% at
matic eject, pause lock, fast -forward, and ster- 109 dB SPL. Capacity 5 V continuous with prov-
eo headphone jack $249.95 ision for 14 dB transient peaks. Has balance
(stereo); independent volume controls for each control on each earpiece. 22 ounces.
8080 4 -Ch Player/2-Ch Recorder front channel built into right earcup; 4-ch./ K/6LCQ. Response 20-17,000 Hz. Has foam -
Will record & play stereo and play 4 -channel stereo slide switch on right earcup; two jack
tapes; features Dolby noise -reduction circuit plugs color -coded for front & rear channels;
10 -ft detachable cable. Weight 14 ounces
QP-44 2/4 Channel Stereo Headphones
Response 20-18,000 Hz. Switchable 2-chan-
which operates on both play & record and FM nel/4-channel operation. Sensitivity: 10 mV for
broadcasts; tape selector switch for standard average listening. Max. power 0.2 W. 8 ohms.
or company's Classic cartridge tapes; digital 10 -ft coiled cord. 20 ounces $69.95
minute & second counter for timing recordings;
fast -forward; end -of -tape shut-off; response 30-
15,000 Hz (Classic tape), 30-12,000 Hz (stan-
dard); S/N 60 dB (Dolby in), 50 dB (Dolby out); GENERAL ELECTRIC
wow & flutter 0.1% rms (weighted). 193/." L x filled vinyl ear cushions for ambient noise isola-
10'/." W x 5" D $344.99 H28 Quadraphones tion averaging 18 dB $49.95
For 4-ch or stereo use; max. input 800 mW, PRO/5Q. Response 20-20,000 Hz. Has fluid -
imp. 8 ohms; comes with coiled cord with two filled ear cushions for 40 dB ambient noise iso-
hpone plugs; cushioned earcups & padded lation $75.00
head -band. $24.95
ZENITH K2+2 4 -Channel Headphones
Dynamic type. Features four separate drive
F712 8-Track/Receiver elements (2 in each phone) for 4 -channel re-
Combines an AM -FM stereo receiver with built- HEAR -MUFFS production, arranged in conventional 4 -chan-
in 2 -/4 -channel 8 -track tape player and four nel format. Has switch for conventional stereo
Allegro 1000 speaker systems; features sepa- QM -440 "Quadramuffs" operation. Frequency response 10-20,000 Hz.
rate bass & treble controls; loudness and Features a velour -covered curved polyurethane Sensitivity -87 dB ±3 dB SPL from each cup
balance controls; speaker system has 61/2" cushion worn around the back of the head while with 1 V continuous signal at 1000 Hz. Imped-
ance 300 ohms each driver. For use with 3.2 to
600 ohm source impedances. Power input 5 V
continuous maximum per phone. 10 -ft. coiled sound from any discrete or matrixed four -chan-
cord. 26 ounces. Fluid -filled ear cushions. Hz. 15 -ft. cord and 2-4 ch. sw $65.00
nel source. Has quad/stereo switch for maxi-
Comes with carrying case $90.00 mum utilization of the four drivers in the 2-ch
stereo mode. Response 20-20,000 Hz. Imped-
ance 4-300 ohms. Sensitivity 100 dB SPL TECHNICS BY PANASONIC
1.1 mW. Max. input 14 rnW; max. output 110
LAFAYETTE dB. HD at 1 kHz 0.7%. Ambient noise isolation EAH-420 4 -Channel Headphones
40 dB. Has liquid -filled ear cushions 14 -ft Dynamic type using six drivers; each earpiece
F-4400 4 -Channel Headphones coiled cord with dual jacks. Black with chrome - has center -mounted 3" woofer with two iso-
Four separate 2'/.." speakers, each in its own plated headband. 24 ounces $59.95
acoustically isolated chamber, deliver 4 -chan-
nel sound from 4 -channel amplifiers and receiv- X0-4 4-Clannel Headphones
ers. Exclusive, patented baffle plate increases Features dual -driver cavity assembly with four
front -to -rear separation. Has 4-channel/2- separate acoustic -suspension drivers; response
channel switch. Built-in circuitry derives 4 15-20,000 Hz (20-15,000 Hz ±4 dB); HD 0.6%
channels from 2 -channel sources. Frequency at 110 dB SPL 1000 Hz; impedance 4-1000
response 20-20,000 Hz. Impedance 4-16 ohms. ohms; sensitivity 4.0 mW (95 dB SPL), 13.0 mW
Foam -filled vinyl leatherette earpieces and ad- (100 dB SPL); max. input power (loaded) 45
justable headband. With 9V2 -ft cable, connec- mW; max. acoustical output (loaded) 110 dB;
tors. $44.95 liquid earseals; padded head cushion; comes
with 14 -ft coiled cord with dual jacks; 19
ounces. $79.95
QP-280N "Quadset" Headset
Has 4-channel/stereo cord
lated front -back B." tweeters; high efficiency;
with dual plugs marked for easy identification. STANTON independent tone & volume controls on each
Response 20-20,000 Hz. Power rating 0.2 W; earpiece; 4-ch/2-ch selector switch; input imp.
impedance 8-16 ohms. Custom leather -type Dynaphase Sixty -Five Four C 446 ohms; response 20-20,000 Hz; max. input
padding on earcups and headband $24.95 Has two speakers in each earpiece for 20-20,- 1000 mW; sensitivity (1 mW, 200 104 dB;
000 Hz response. Equipped with two plugs 9.1 -ft cord. 23.8 ounces $79.95
OP -300N Deluxe "Quadset"
Features two woofers and two tweeters in each
earcup for a total of eight dynamic speakers. TELEPHONICS
Electronic crossover network. Impedance 8-16
ohms. Frequency response 20-20,000 Hz -115 TEL -101F "Fixler Effect" Phones
dB. Maximum allowable input 500 mW. Comes Patented design involving specially designed
with 6 -ft cable, plugs marked for easy identifi- dr vers positioned in front of and behind ear for
cation, and zipper carrying case $49.95
SE -0404 2/4 Ch Headphones
Features four matched driver elements; sensi-
tivity 105 dB/0.3 V (4-ch, each channel), 111 (blue for front, black for rear); earpieces
dB/0.3 V (2-ch, each channel); frequency range marked "L" and "R" for accurate listening or-
20-20,000 Hz; max. input power 500 mW/ch; ientation. Sensitivity: 100 dB SPL (at 0.1 V in-
has volume controls; 2/4 ch selector switch; ad- put at 1 kHz each channel). Maximum power
justable headband; 8 ohms; matching imp. 4 to input 1.25 V rms continuous with provision for
16 ohms $69.95 10 dB SPL transient peaks. Dist. V2% at 110 realistic spatial distribution of sound; two dy-
dB SPL. Input imp. (at 1 kHz) 15 ohms ±20%. namic drivers per phone; response 20-20,000
Vinyl -covered foam ear cushions; adjustable Hz; sensitivity 100 dB SPL at 1000 Hz for 1
headband. 11 -ft coiled cord with four-chan- mW; dist. 0.2% max; features "Quadrablend"
RADIO SHACK nel/stereo switch, front & rear plugs. 19 ounces. control to adjust ambience; open -cell foam ear
$64.95 cushions. 23 ounces $89.95
Nova -44 4 -Channel Headphones TEL -101A "Quadramate"
Quadraphonic/stereophonic dynamic design.
Each earcup has separate speakers for two Designed to be used with the TEL -101F to
channels. Dual plugs provided for stereo or 4 -
create 4-ch effect from 2-ch program sources;
channel use. Ported earcups. Frequency range SUPEREX max. power 1 W; input impedance compatible
20-20,000 Hz; 8 ohms. 15 -ft coiled cord with all hi-fi system phone jacks; no power re-
QT -4 "Quad-Tette" Headphones quired; has focus and perspective controls;
$44.95 6 -ft cord
Has four identical reproducers (two to an ear - $29.95
cup) with frequency response of 25-17,000 Hz.
15 -ft. cord. Ivory/Cordovan $50.00
QT -4B "Quad-Tette" Headphones
HQ4 4 -Channel Headphones Has four identical reproducers (two to an ear- HR -40 2-Ch/4-Ch Headphones
Has four separate drivers which will deliver piece) with frequency response of 20-18,000 Features 4-channel/2-channel changeover sys-
1975 EDITION 109
DYNACO 60 dB (CD -4 "on"), 65 dB (CD -4 "off");
channel separation 20 dB; phono input sensi-
Quadaptor tivity 2 mV; input impedance 100,000 ohms
Headphones The simplest type decoder for recovering 4 - ±10% with 30 pF; output impedance 2000
channel information from 2 channels. Does not ohms. Enclosure designed to match company's
require two additional power amplifier chan- multi -channel receivers. 4'/." W x 12" D (14"
tem with two plugs (front & rear). Dynamic driv- nels. Provides level adjust for rear speakers. D with knobs and connections) x 5'/." H
Unit connects between speakers and power - $119.95
amp outputs. Is a passive device. 4'/2"
x 4'/2" x 63/." D. Kit $22.50
Assembled $29.95
SOA-2 Full -Logic Decoder
Full -logic SQ decoder featuring wave -matching
and variable blend; separation of up to 20 dB;
designed to fit into special under -chassis slot
of company's Quadradial receivers.... $79.95
CD -400 Demodulator
Designed to be used with any 4 -channel re-
ceiver; phase -lock loop for the 30 kHz carrier
signal; built-in noise reduction circuits for each
channel; has rear -channel calibration controls
& CD -4 calibration disc; features auxiliary set
it's over!
To the serious listener
of 4 -channel inputs; front -panel Aux. push
switch $139.95
in search of an accurate
reproducer of sound,
we offer the
electrostatic principle.
SONY Listen,
and your search will be
SOD -2020 4 -Channel Decoder
Designed as a control center for 4 -channel dis-
crete tapes and has built-in SQ full -logic (gain -
riding) matrix decoder. Features four VU moni- Janszen.
tor level/balance meters. (S N)/N 80 dB. HD From $120 to $700
0.1%. Sensitivity: input & 4-ch. 1, 2 250 mV;
Rec/PB 2 & 4-ch. tapes 750 mV. Output: front
500 mV, back 550 mV & 2 V. SQ separation
LF/RF, LF/LB, RF/RB 20 dB; CF/CB 15 dB.
51/4" x 153h." x 121/a" $229.50 7516 42nd Avenue North
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427
a division of
Electronic Industries, Inc.
AN -300 4 -Ch. Dolby Noise Attenuator
Has four separate Dolby -B type noise -reducing
systems within a single housing. Features four
VU meters. With channels operated in pairs the
unit affords simultaneous decoded stereo mon-
itoring or full 4 -channel Dolby encoding. Has a
standard 400 -Hz recording calibration tone on
all four channels and a 420 -Hz pulse circuit for
easy identification of the calibration tone. In- CIRCLE NO. 30 ON READER SERVICE CARD
1975 EDITION 111
In the beginning there was
For about 40 years, speaker designers vertical planes, so placement in the home
have been juggling the characteristics they won't be critical. BICONEX covers the full
wanted from speakers: Compact size, high midrange to well beyond 15,000 Hz without
efficiency, high power -handling, and deep crossover network interruptions, for
ranging, pure, clean, gut -reaction bass. distortion -free, smooth response.
They tried folded horns:efficient, Our super tweeter handles just
clean, good power -handling, but too a half octave from 15,000
large for most homes, quite expen- to over 23,000 Hz. While
sive. They tried the bass reflex: you can't hear single
Efficient, compact, but limited by frequency tones in that
uneven, one -note bass. Ditto the range, the accuracy of
labyrinth,but far less efficient musical "timbre"
Today's favorite,the acoustio' depends upon those fre-
suspension: Compact, smooth, quencies being added in
deep -ranging bass. But inef- proper proportion to
ficient (requiring costly,high-l- the complex tones you
powered amplifiers)and limitedi, do hear. An important
dynamic range. subtlety.
A virtue here,a virtue there Because you hear
-- but all with corresponding less bass and treble at
compromises. low and moderate levels,
Ironically, the principle we built a DYNAMIC TONAL
that combines these objectives COMPENSATION circuit
into one compact cabinet has been (patents pending)
around for some 180 years: The into the speaker. It
VENTURI principle of fluid motion adjusts speaker frequency response
transformation, reapplied in a form as sound pressure output changes,
better suited to acoustics (patents automatically. Amplifier "loudness contour"
pend). Our simplified diagram shows controls can't do that. Result: aurally
how the scientifically formulated VENTURI "flat" musical reproduction always, regard-
coupled path functions as a step-up trans- less of volume control settings.
former. Up to 140 times more bass energy Our Formula 2 is the most efficient
comes from the duct than comes directly from speaker system of its size, yet can be used
the woofer. And bass is reinforced broadly with amplifiers rated up to 75 watts per
over the low frequency spectrum, not at a channel! Formula 4 has deeper bass and can
single "tuned" frequency. be used with amplifiers up to 100 watts.
The BIC VENTURI coupled path also Formula 6, the most efficient, will handle
operates as a low pass acoustic filter, 125 watts. The Formula 1, newest and
cleansing harmonics and distortion compo- smallest model, handles up to 50 watts and
nents from the bass waves. So, the bass not needs only a few watts input for'clean,
only goes down further and is louder, it's high level sound. Hear them at franchised
cleaner and more natural. And requires a BIC VENTURI dealers. Or write for brochure:
fraction of amplifier power of other BRITISH INDUSTRIES CO.,Westbury,N.Y.11590,
speakers of comparable size and performance. Div.ofAvnet,Inc.Canada:C. W. Pointon, Ont.
Yet. even though BIC VENTURIS need less
amplifier power, they can handle more.This 13-1C VENTURI
new principle eliminates compromises in
cone, suspension and magnetic design to
"match" cabinet characteristics.
Above the woofer, you can see our mid-
range. To match the exceptional high
efficiency of the bass section, we had to
invent a new horn, combining two different
types of flare, conical and exponential,
BICONEXT" (pats pend). It provides wide,
smooth dispersion in both horizontal and
ABRAXAS AR -6 2 -Way System panel controls feature "woofer environmental
Sealed acoustic -suspension 2 -way bookshelf control" for proper spectral balance of speak-
Three -Way Speaker System system with 8" woofer and 1'/.." cone -type ers irrespective of location, room acoustics.
Three-way, four -speaker system with one 12" tweeter; 1800 Hz crossover. Has tweeter level Also features two 3 -level set equalizers for
rubber -surround woofer, one 5" rubber -impreg- control, 8 ohms impedance. 20 watts rms driv- mid -range and tweeter adjustment. 8 -ohm
nated mid -range, two 3" hemispherical dome ing power recommended. 12" H x 19'/2" W x 7" impedance. 25 watts rms/ch minimum recom-
tweeters; response 35-20,000 Hz ±4 dB; HD D. Walnut -grained finish $99.00 mended amplifier power. 14" x 25" x 12"
1% at 10,000 Hz & 1000 Hz; minimum recom- $329.00
mended amp power 15 W rms/ch; impedance 8 AR -7 2 -Way System
ohms; dispersion 10 dB down at 45° off -axis at Has 8" acoustic -suspension woofer & 1 V.," wide -
10,000 Hz; crossovers 800 & 4000 Hz with 12 dispersion tweeter. Average free -air resonance
dB/octave slope. 24" H x 14" W x 12" D
of woofer 25 Hz; 68 Hz in enclosure. 15 W/ch
$225.00 continuous rms minimum recommended ampli- WD3S-12 Pritchard Speaker System
fier power. 2000 Hz crossover. 8 ohms imped-
ance. Has 2 -position high -frequency level ad- Multi -driver, direct -radiating two-way system
just switch. 93/." x 153/.," x 6V.," D. Walnut - with 12" low -frequency driver, two 1'/2" wide -
grained finish dispersion Mylar dome radiators, and two 3/4"
$75.00 wide -dispersion Mylar super -tweeters. Cross-
AR-2ax 3 -Way System Has flat profi e from 30-20,000 Hz ±2 dB, Fea-
Sealed acoustic -suspension 3 -way bookshelf tures 12" acoustic -suspension woofer, four 1'/2"
system with 10' woofer; 31/2" mid -range, and 3/.," mid -range hemispherical radiators, and four 3/.,"
dome -type tweeter. Response 43-20,000 Hz ±5 hemispherical tweeters. Speakers are the same
dB (in test chamber); crossovers at 1400 and as in AR -3a. Crossovers at 525 and 5000 Hz.
mid -range and tweeter level con- Has 6 -position switch for six accurately repeat-
trols, 8 ohms impedance, 20 watts rms driving able output profiles. 8 -ohm impedance. Power
power recommended. 13'/2" H x 24" W x 11'/2" handling abil ty (with FNM 2 fuse) 180 watts
D. Walnut finish $165.00 for 10 sec., 23 watts long-term average. 27'/8"
Walnut -grained finish x 20" x 93/.." $600.00
AR -8 2 -Way System AR-LST/2
Has 10" acoustic -suspension woofer & 1'/4" Three-way system incorporating 10" acoustic -
wide -dispersion cone tweeter. Free air reso- suspension woofer, three 1'/2" hemispherical
nance of woofer 26 Hz; 52 Hz in enclosure. Min- dome mid -ranges, and three 3/.." hemispherical
over between 600 & 5000 Hz. Response 30-
imum recommended amplifier power 15 W/ch dome tweeters. Crossovers at 525 and 5000 Hz. 25,000 Hz -±2 dB. Imp. 6 ohms. Contour control
continuous rms. Crossover 1800 Hz. 8 ohms Has 3 -position switch for three accurately
provides four repeatable settings above 650 Hz.
impedance. Has 3-pos. high -frequency level repeatable output levels. 8 -ohm impedance.
Features equal energy radiation in a forward
adjustment switch. 13'/2" x 24" x 111/2" D. Wal- Power handling capability (with FNM 2.5 fuse) horizontal direction over an included angle of
nut -grained finish $129.00 135 watts for 10 sec., 23 watts long-term aver-
age. 25'/2" x 18'/2" x 93/.."
120 degrees at all frequencies. Sealed oil wal-
$400.00 nut cabinet. 26" L x 14V; H x 12" D. Removable
AR -3a 3 -Way System gri Ile
Sealed acoustic -suspension 3 -way bookshelf AR-7r/one $300.00
Three-way system incorporating a 12" acoustic - WDDS-11. For smaller rooms; response 38-
system with 12" woofer, 11/2" mid -range, and '/.," 25,000 Hz ±2.5 dB; dispersion 100 degrees...
dome -type tweeter. Response 30-20,000 Hz i5 suspension woofer, l'/a" dome hemispherical
mid -range, and 3/; dome hemispherical $200.00
dB (in test chamber); crossovers 525 and 5000 WDDS-10. For rooms of moderate size; response
Hz. Has mid -range and tweeter level controls, 4 tweeter. Crossovers 525 and 5000 Hz. Front - 38-25,000 Hz -3 dB $125.00
ohms impedance. 25 watts rms driving power
recommended. 14" H x 25" W x 111/2" D. Walnut XT -10 Loudspeaker System
finish $295.00 Two-way system with 10" high -compliance low -
frequency driver and two 2'/2" cone tweeters.
AR-4xa 2 -Way System
Improved version of the AR -4x. Has 8" acoustic
suspension woofer and improved 1'/2" wide -dis-
persion tweeter. Free -air resonance of woofer
30 Hz; 65 Hz in enclosure. Minimum recom-
mended amplifier power 15 W/ch continuous
rms. Crossover 1600 Hz. Impedance 8 ohms.
Has high -frequency level adjust. 10" x 19" x 9"
D. Walnut -grained finish $85.00
AR -5 3 -Way System
Sealed acoustic -suspension 3 -way bookshelf
system with 10" woofer, 1'/2" mid -range, and 3/."
dome -type tweeter. Response 43-20,000 Hz ±5
dB (specialized test conditions); 550 and 5000
Hz crossovers. Has mid -range and tweeter level Response 37-20,000 Hz ±3 dB. Impedance 8
controls, 8 ohms impedance, less than 4% HD ohms. Contour control permits anechoically flat
at 60 Hz at 15 W. 20 watts rms driving power response or down 3 dB at 10,000 Hz. Sealed
recommended. 13'/2' H x 24" W x 11'/2" D. Wal- oiled -walnut cabinet. 233/." x 13" W x 113/." D.
nut finish $215.00 $115.00
1975 EDITION 113
Kriket 850. Same as 750 except with 8" full -
Speaker range speaker and 1" voice coil; will handle 15
watts rms, 22 watts program, 30 watts peak.
Systems Response 50-20,000 Hz. 10" cube All of above
colors plus Fire Swirl $60.95 pr.
Kriket 950-A. Bass -reflex design with 8" full -
XT -9 Loudspeaker System range speaker. Will handle 15 watts rms, 22
Sealed enclosure; 10" high -compliance woofer watts program, and 30 watts peak. Response
& 2V2" viscous -impregnated cone tweeter; re- 40-20,000 Hz. 18" x 11" x 9". Available in same
sponse 45-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; 8 ohms imp. Wal- finishes as Kriket 750 $81.95 pr.
nut -grained cabinet. 23" H x 121/2" W x 101/2" D. Kriket 1000. Two-way system with 8" woofer &
$89.00 2" tweeter. 18" x 11" x 9". Available in Rayre
Lemon, Rayne Carmine, Rayne White, Spanish
XT -6 Speaker System Cafe, Rogue Buckskin, Rogue Walnut, and
Designed for small rooms or 4 -channel installa- Gladstone Black $114.95 pr.
tions; has 6" woofer & 2V2" viscous -impregnated Kriket 1050. Acoustic -suspension type with 8"
cone tweeter; response 42-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; woofer & 2" tweeter; 1800 Hz crossover; will
6 ohms imp. Walnut -grained, air -tight cabinet. handle 18 watts rms, 28 watts program, and
12'/B" H x 814' W x 8ve D $58.00 40 watts peak. 18" x 11" x 9". Available in
Rogue Buckskin, Rayne White, Rayne Lemon,
303AX 2 -Way System Rayne Carmine, and Rogue Walnut
Sealed enclosure, 2 -way bookshelf system with $123.95 pr.
10" woofer and wide -dispersion tweeter. Re-
sponse 37-20,000 Hz ±3 dB (average living
room); 1500 Hz crossover frequency; 3 dB Model Two. Same as Model One except has two
change mid -range and tweeter level controls. 8 AKAI 8" woofers, two 31/2" convex mid -range, and two
ohms impedance. Requires 10 watts driving 1" convex tweeters; system resonance 55 Hz
power. Oiled walnut finish and removable grille SW -126 Speaker System nominal. Sealed enclosure 36" H x 16" W x
cloth frame. 233/.," H x 13" W x 113/4" D. $100.00 Bass -reflex, two-way system with 8" woofer and 93/e front -to -back; internal volume 1775
41/16" x 2343" sectoral horn tweeter; impedance cubic inches $250.00
8 ohms; max. peak power input 30 watts;
ADVENT nominal power input 15 watts; response
40-20,000 Hz; 5000 Hz crossover; 6 dB/octave
Advent Loudspeaker network. Walnut -finished cabinet. 11.8" x 19.7" ALTEC
Sealed enclosure, 2 -way bookshelf system with x 7.7" $135.00
10" woofer & 2" impregnated -paper -cone tweet- SW -136 Speaker System Barcelona (2873A) Speaker System
er. Response 20-15,000 Hz ±5 dB; 1000 Hz Infinite -baffle system using components of
crossover. Has tweeter control. 8 ohms imped- Bass -reflex, three-way system with 10" rolled -
edge woofer, 5" mid -range, and 2" horn tweeter; "Voice of the Theatre" home series with special
ance. Requires 20 W (rms) driving power. 141/4" electronic crossover at 500 Hz (60 W power
8 ohm impedance; max. peak power input 40
H x 253/4" W x 111/2" D. Walnut $121.00 amp to bass & 30 W power amp to horn). 293/."
watts; nominal power input 20 watts; response
Same but vinyl enclosure $107.00 H x 38V2"W x 25" D. Walnut finish ... $850.00
40-20,000 Hz; crossovers at 1200 & 5000 Hz;
6 dB/octave & 12 dB/octave network. Has 873A. Same as 2873A except without amplifier
Smaller Advent Speaker System but with standard crossover $699.00
Sealed enclosure, 2 -way bookshelf system. tweeter level control. Walnut -finished cabinet.
Response 20-15,000 Hz dB. 4 ohms imped- 13.6" x 22" x 10.4" $159.95 Santana System
ance. Requires 15 W (rms) driving power. 111/2" SW -156 Speaker System Sealed 2 -way floor -standing system with 15"
H x 20" W x 91/4' D. Vinyl -clad walnut .. $74.00 woofer & 3" tweeter. 8 ohms impedance. 45 W
Bass -reflex, four-way system with 12" rolled -
edge woofer, 5" mid -range, 2" horn tweeter, dynamic maximum input power. Oiled walnut
Advent/2 Speaker System finish with composition slate top $249.00
Sealed enclosure, 2 -way bookshelf system. 8 13/4" cone tweeter; 8 ohm impedance; peak
power input 60 watts; nominal power input 819A Stonehenge I System
30 watts; response 30-20,000 Hz; crossovers Columnar bass -reflex enclosure with 12" high -
at 1200, 5000 & 15,000 Hz; 6 dB/octave & compliance bass driver (82 sq. in effective pis-
12 dB/octave network. Has tweeter and mid- ton area) and 3.3 sq. in direct radiator. Imp. 8
range level controls. Walnut finished cabinet. ohms. Power rating 45 W; crossover 1800 Hz.
15.7" x 26" x 10.4" $189.95
SW -176 Speaker System
Closed -cabinet, four-way system with 15"
woofer, 51/." mid -range, two 4'/be" x 23/6"
sectoral horn tweeters, and two 13/," x 2" super
tweeters; 8 ohm impedance; peak power input
100 watts; nominal power input 40 watts; re-
sponse 25-20,000 Hz; crossovers at 700, 5000
& 15,000 Hz; 6 dB/octave & 12 dB/octave net-
work. Has tweeter and mid -range level controls;
walnut wood cabinet. 16.7" x 26" x 11.6"
ohms impedance. Requires 10 W (rms) driving
power. 11'/2" x 19" x 71/4" D. White .... $58.00 Model One Speaker System
Stabilized radiation loading design with two
10" woofers, two 31/2" convex mid -range units,
and two 1" tweeters; crossovers at 375 & 3750
AFS Hz; LC half -section crossover network, air -core
chokes and nonpolarized computer -grade Front -mounted network with continuously vari-
Kriket 750 Speaker System capacitors. Features three -position control able high -frequency attenuation control. Enclo-
Acoustic -suspension type with 5" full -range switch for selection of system acoustic power sure Afromosia teak veneers with fully finished
speaker, 10 oz. ceramic magnet, 3/4" voice coil. response (flat to concert -hall balance slope); speaker baffle and rear panel; integral snap -on
Design features company's patented "working 8 ohms impedance; efficiency V.% when placed grille covered in raw cocoa fabric. 371/2" H x 16"
wall" of acoustic fiberboard. Will handle 10 at floor -wall intersection; minimum amplifier W x 141/4" D (including grille) $329.00
watts rms, 15 watts program, and 18 watts power 30 watts/ch for 100 dB SPL; acoustic 3577A Stonehenge III. Similar to 819A except
peak. Response 60-20,000 Hz. Impedance 8 power output V, acoustic watt minimum over 16" bass driver, coaxially mounted sectoral
ohms. female phono jack connector. 7'/2" full frequency range, with 65 watts input; sys- horn with compression driver; power rating 65
cube. Comes in Rogue Buckskin, Rayne White, tem resonance 49 Hz nominal. Sealed en- watts; crossover 1500 Hz. Oiled oak frame with
Rayne Lemon, Rayne Carmine, and Rogue closure 40" H x 19" W x 103/. front -to -back; cocoa brown acoustic foam grille. 463/16" H x
Walnut $39.95 pr. internal volume 2550 cubic inches . $350.00 18"/16" W x 171/4" D $595.00
The Three Advent
When products become best-sellers
largely on the strength of word-of-mouth
advertising, and when people consist-
ently go out of their way to write the com-
pany and say thanks for making them,
you have reason to believe that some-
thing special is going on.
The something special is this :
The three speakers described below do
exactly what they are represented to do.
Malcolm Scholl.
He can torture a tweeter out of its bird.
in Being
Called an "audio wizard'. After the evidence has been heard, does
by Sight & Sound Market- fanatical quality control really profit the
ing, this engineering genius manufacturer? We have proof that it profits
will put a crossover panel everybody. Write to us. We'll arrange for you to
through fifty changes, if put our speakers to the test. After what they've
necessary, before he'll give gone through they're more than ready.
it his Six Year Warranty. Meet the Audioanalyst Masters of Torture.
Audio Magazine says Live! At the Boston High Fidelity
his product "has an extremely good crescendo Music Show -Room 412.
handling capability:' It should,after bench
testing every single driver before it goes
into assembly and every single audioanoJyst
P.O. Box 262, Brookfield, Coml. 06804
assembly before it goes into Monstrous About Perfection
the box. $94 to $249.
Sonora B-201 Speaker System
Two-way bookshelf system with 8" aluminum -
cone bass/mid-range driver and 2" high -
frequency unit. Response 45-20,000 Hz; cross-
over 1800 Hz at 6 dB/octave. 8 ohms imped-
heavy-duty woofer, Biconex horn/compression ance. Will handle 60 watts program. 11V W x
driver mid -range, and dome super tweeter. Max. 201/." x 10" D. Sculptured foam grille. $99.50
rms amplifier power 75 W/ch. Response 30-
23,000 Hz. Has a continuously variable bright- Tempo B -301F Speaker System
ness control and an automatic dynamic tonal Floor -standing unit on pedestal base; three-
balance control with defeat switch. Dispersion way bookshelf speaker with 12" high -com- LF-700. Optional speaker stand to permit
120° x 120". Has removable reticulated foam pliance bass driver, 41/2" mid -range, 2" tweeter. vertical or horizontal mounting $37.50 ea.
. . .
grille available in black, brown, beige, burnt or- Response 40-20,000 Hz; crossovers 1200 &
ange, blue, or red. 193/." x 12" x 111/2" D 3600 Hz at 6 dB/octave. 8 ohms impedance. LV1020 Tri-Amplified Speaker System
$112.50 Will handle 50 watts program. 141/2"W x 243/."H Features active electronic crossover and three
VB-2. Optional base $8.00 x 111/2" D. Sculptured foam grille ... $179.50 integral power amplifiers; has three sealed
acoustic chambers housing 1" dome tweeter,
Formula 4 Speaker System Rhapsody B-401 Speaker System 2" dome midrange, and 12" long -excursion
Same design as Formula 2 but with 10" woofer; Three-way compact speaker system with 12" woofer; RC crossovers 400 & 3000 Hz/12 dB
response 25-23,000 Hz; and 100 W/ch max. high -compliance bass driver, 61/2" mid -range per octave; power amplifiers: woofer 55 W rms,
0.1% dist. at 40 Hz at 40 W; midrange 30 W 3208. Omnidirectional cubical commode with
rms, 0.1% dist. at 1 kHz at 20 W; tweeter 15 W 15" woofer; frequency range 25-250 Hz; cross-
rms. 0.1% dist. at 15 kHz at 15 W; S/N 90 dB over 125 Hz (250 Hz optional); 150 W rms max.
for mid -range channel. Response 20-25,000 power input; bottom -radiating. Oiled walnut.
Hz (DIN 45,500); sound pressure 110 dB at 25"H x 20"W x 25"D $300.00
3 feet. Walnut veneer cabinet; perforated 320C. Same as 320B except has two 12" bass
anodized aluminum grille (cloth grille optional). speakers; 300 W rms max. input power
15" W x 29.15" H x 11.8" D $749.00 $350.00
LF-700. Optional speaker stand to permit
vertical or horizontal mounting ... $37.50 ea. 24 Two -Way Speaker System
Direct -radiating, two-way system with 12" woof-
er & 2'/2" dhorm tweeter; crossover 2500 Hz;
frequency range 30-25,000 Hz; dyanmic range
CAMBRIDGE AUDIO 65 dB in 40 dB noise field; dispersion 100 de-
grees; impedance 4-8 ohms; 40 W rms max.
TL 200 Speaker System power input, 80 W peak. Oiled walnut. 25" H x
Features low -frequency driver covering 30-400 14'/2" W x 12" D $119.50
Hz loaded with 7 -ft tapered labyrinth damped 26. Same as Model 24 except max. power input
with lambswool; mid -range driver covering 60 W rms, 120 W peak $139.50
400-3000 Hz in separate damped tapered
pipe to avoid IM distortion; high -frequency 211 Two -Way Speaker System
unit with pressure -driven dome covering band Two-way, front -radiating system with 12" woof-
above 3 kHz; plus super tweeter for smoothness er & 2'/2" dhorm tweeter; frequency range 25-
above 10,000 Hz; crossovers 400, 3000 & 25,000 Hz; crossover 2500 Hz; dispersion 100
10,000 Hz. Will handle 50 watts program ma- degrees; dynamic range 72 d8 in 40 dB am-
terial. 8 ohms impedance. Response 25-25,000 bient noise field; max. power input 100 W rms,
Hz. Walnut or teak enclosure. 41'/2" H x 1754" 200 W peek. Oiled walnut. 26" -1 x 15" W x
D x 13" W $500.00 15'/2" D $179.50
TL100. Similar except doesn't have super 211R. Same as Model 211 except direct radiat-
tweeter; crossovers at 400 & 3000 Hz. Will ing with controllable upper mid reflection;
handle 40 watts program material. Response HF-91 horn driver assembly; crossovers 1500
35-20,000 Hz. May be used vertically or hori- & 3000 Hz $269.50
zontally. 31 /2" H x 13" D x 123/." W $400.00
217(R) Three -Way Speaker System
Floor -standing, direct radiating unit with con-
trollable upper and mid reflection; frequency
CELESTION radge 25-25,000 Hz; 15" woofer, HF-91 horn Your Paper Back
driver assembly, 2'/2" dhorm tweeter; cross- Books Deserve
Ditton 66 Studio Monitor overs at 1500 & 3000 Hz; dispersion 100 de- a Good Home
Three-way system with 12" ultra -linear bass grees; imp. 4-8 ohms; dynamic range 78 dB in Free From Dust,
driver, 12" auxiliary bass radiator (ABR), pres- 40 dB noise field. Oiled walnut. 27'/2" H x 20" W Dirt arid Dogears.
sure -type dome mid -range, and pressure -type x 17" D $375.00 Save shelf space;
tweeter. Response level 25-30,000 Hz (over-all keep paper back
16-40.000 Hz); crossovers 500 & 5000 Hz. 80 W Magnastat II Speaker System books attractively
maximum power. Impedance 4-8 ohms. Walnut Two-way design with thin-film mid -hi trans- stored, dust -proof,
cabinet. 40" x 15" x 111/2" $519.50 pr. ducer; 12". 100 W woofer crosses over at 600 readily accessible.
Hz to Magnastat element which handles 600-
Ditton 25 Speaker System I All -new Storage Case with
20,000 Hz; diaphragm is virtually massless and handsome, padded leather-
Has 12" bass driver plus 12" ABR, two treble presents resistive load to amplifier. Oiled wal- ette covering complements
speakers, and one super tweeter. Response 25- nut finish. 33" H x 14'/2" W x 12" D $449.50 any room decor, stores Exclusive thumb cut
30,000 Hz. 60 W maximum power handling approximately 15 books for easy book removal
capacity. Impedance 4-8 ohms. Walnut cabinet. compactly, attractively.
32' x 14" x 11" $343.50 pr. CONCEPT E.O. Shelves tilted back to prevent books from falling out.
Ditton 44 Monitor Speaker I Handsome outer case elegantly embossed in gold leaf
ECI-5 Speaker System -choice of 3 decorator colors: black, brown, green.
Three-way system with 12" bass driver, mid- Consists of two 3 -way bookshelf speakers and Gold transfer foil slip enclosed for quick 'n easy
range, and super tweeter. Response 30-30,000
an active equalizer in walnut cabinets. De- personalization.
Hz. crossovers 500 & 5000 Hz. 44 W maximum
signed for amplifiers with 40 W/ct- rms power or PB-15. Stores app. 15 standard size paperback
power handling capacity. Impedance 4-8 ohms.
more. Features a 12" acoustic -suspension woof- books compactly, attractively. 131/4" H x 8" D x
Walnut cabinet. 30" x 14'/2" x 10". $280.00 pr. er, a 5" mid -range & a dome -radiator tweeter. 43/4" W. $7.95 ea. 3/$22.00.
Active equalizer applies inverse curve for flat PD -15Q. Stores app. 15 oversized (quality) paper-
response (30-20,000 Hz 2 dB). Capacity back books. 131/4" H x 8%" D x 5'/2" W.
CERWIN-VEGA 100 W; 8 ohms; crossovers at 800 & 4000 Hz.
320 Modular Speaker System
Input sens,tivity 0.5 V (5 V max.); input imped- PB-11. For smaller shelves. Holds
$ app.$
ance 500,000 ohms. HD 0.1% at 1.5 V output. size paperback books. 91/4" H x 8" D x 43/4" W.
Separated bass system for placement flexi- Has mid -range and high-frequercy level con- $6.50 ea. 3/$18.75.
bility combined with separately housed mid - 1We'S
trols. Equalizer size 9" W x 3" x 8" D. Speakers CHARGE YOUR ORDER TO YOUR
are of oiled walnut with black ret culated foam AMERICAN EXPRESS woman
grilles (can be spray painted any color). 251/8" x OR BANKAMERICARD ACCOUNT. OMME
151/8" x 1051e" D. Ziff -Davis Publishing Company. Dept. 721-A, SD -75
Speakers oily $195.00 ea. One Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016.
Equalizer only $150.00 0 My remittance in the amount of $
System (2 speakers & equalizer) $499.00 is enclosed for the cases indicated.
0 CHARGE: American Express BankAmericard
Account IP
CS -10 Bookshelf Speaker System PB-11 @ $6.50 each; 3 for $18.75
treble speakers; designed to be used with Two-way bookshelf system with 8" woofer & 3'/2" PB-15 @ $7.95 each; 3 for $22.00
standard 2 or 4 -channel amplifiers. wide -dispersion mid-range/tweeter; crossover P D -15 Q @ $9.50 each; 3 for $27.00
320MT. Has special 12" mid -bass speaker, 3500 Hz; frequency range 50-18,000 Hz; Add 50c per unit ordered for postage and handling.
HF-91 mid-range/high-frequency horn driver 8 ohms impedance; power capacity (rms) 40 Outside U. S. A. add $1.00 per unit ordered. Pay-
assembly, two dhorm tweeters; frequency watts, minimum power 10 watts. Features air - ment must be enclosed with order if not charged.
range 125-25,000 Hz; crossovers 125, 1500 & suspension woofer for low distortion combined Check color choice for back of case (sides in black
4000 Hz; direct -radiating with side reflecting with specially vented enclosure for high only): 0 Brown E Green Black
upper mid -range; 100 W rms max. power input; efficiency; acoustic "transformer" cabinet de- print name
8 ohms. Oiled walnut. 14'/2" H x 6" D x 18" W sign for high -velocity acoustic energy at the
(back), 163/.." W (front) $350.00 address
vent slot to permit accurate control of system
3200. Same as 320MT but uses a 300 W ultra - characteristics. Has sculptured foam grille. city
compliant 18" woofer $450.00 23V," H x 125/B" W x 115/8" D $89.95 state zip_ _ _
1975 EDITION 119
Autograph 99 4 -Way System "Phased Array" moving -coil speaker system
Speaker Four-way floor -standing system with 15" woofer,
5" mid -range, 3" upper mid -range, and 1" dome
with 10" woofer in a sealed air -suspension en-
closure, a 5" mid -bass driver; 2" soft -dome mid-
Systems tweeter. Response 30-20,000 Hz; special com- range, 3/4" dome tweeter; and piezoelectric ce-
ramic super tweeter; crossovers 400, 1000,
puter -grade modular network with crossovers
at 700, 3000 & 8000 Hz. Will handle 55 W con- 7000 & 12,000 Hz. Nominal impedance 8 ohms.
tinuous power. 8 ohms. Has mid -range & bril- Response 30-27,000 Hz. Recommended power
liance trim controls. 251/2" x 20'/4" x 17" input 50-100 W. Features continuously variable
$249.95 high -frequency contour control on rear for
Genuine Italian marble or smoked glass top boost or cut. Grille cloth is black with solid wal-
$29.95 nut trim. 301/2.' W x 311/2" H x 9" D $395.00
CS -20. Similar to Model CS -10 except has two
8" woofers; frequency range 40-18,000 Hz; CS -12-4 Speaker System
power capacity (rms) 80 watts. Has mid -range Four-way system with 12" woofer, 5" mid -range,
and treble switches, each with two positions. 4" super -horn tweeter, and 4" dome tweeter;
247/8" H x 131/2" W x 11'/e" D $119.95
11 Bookshelf Speaker System
Acoustic suspension, wide -range bookshelf
speaker system. Response 50-17,000 Hz. Will
handle 20 W continuous power. 8 ohms.
$34.95 ea.
tweeters; unique array permits maximum dis-
10" x 7"x 7". Sold in pairs persion giving broad source effect without loss
22 Two -Way Speaker System of stereo imaging (one channel is the mirror
Two-way system with 6" woofer & 3" tweeter. image of that for the other channel). Rated
Response 45-18,000 Hz; Crossover 4000 Hz. 120 rms watts/ch; will take 250 watts of pro-
Will handle 20 W continuous power. 8 ohms. gram material for 5 min.; response 22-22,000
15" x 8" x 7". Sold in pairs $49.95 ea. Hz -±-3 dB; fuse protection provided. Recom-
mended amplifier power 30 rms watts/ch for
66 Two -Way Speaker System average size living room. System resonance
Two-way system with 8" woofer & 21/2" tweeter. 26 Hz ±3 Hz; THD 0.8% over usable audio
Response 40-18,000 Hz; crossover 4000 Hz. range; 8 ohm impedance. Filter capacitor in-
Will handle 25 W continuous power. 8 ohms. stead of crossover network. Has three -position
18" x 11" x 9". Sold in pairs $69.95 ea. frequency balance switch. Hand -rubbed walnut
cabinet. 15" x 25" x 131/4". Sold in pairs only
77 Three -Way Speaker System $660.00 pr.
Three-way system with 10" woofer, 4" mid-
range, and 21/2" tweeter. Response 35-19,000 response 19-40,000 Hz; imp. 8 ohms; will han-
Hz; crossover 4000 & 8000 Hz. Will handle 30 dle 75 W rms. Herculex laminated surface with
W continuous power. 8 ohms 22" x 123/4" x 91/2'. hand -rubbed satin luster finish. 237/8" H x 21" DESIGN ACOUSTICS
$99.95 W x 123/4" D $224.95
CS -12-3. Three-way system with 12" woofer,
Design -6 Speaker System
88 Three -Way Speaker System 5" mid -range, and 4" tweeter; response 12- Three-way system with five 21/2" cone tweeters,
Three-way system with 12" woofer, 6" mid- 22,000 Hz; imp. 8 ohms; will handle 75 W rms. a 5" mid -range driver, and 10" high -compliance
range, and 21/2" tweeter. Response 30-20,000 Same type enclosure except measures 237/e" H woofer. Response 30-15,000 Hz ±3 dB. Vertical
Hz; crossovers 1000 & 4000 Hz. Will handle 40 x 16" W x 123/4" D $159.95 and horizontal dispersion 180 degrees. Cross-
W continuous power. 8 ohms. 233/4" x 143/4" x CS -8. Two-way system with 8" woofer & 2" tweet- overs 800 and 2000 Hz. Switch control of high,
12'/4" $149.95 er; response 25-18,000 Hz; imp. 8 ohms; will low, and mid -frequency levels. 20 W/ch mini-
handle 50 W rms. Same type enclosure except mum driving power. 8 ohms imp. 241/4" x
92 Four -Way Speaker System measures 201/1' H x 113/4" W x 111/4" D. $89.95
161/2" x 133/4". Walnut veneer cabinet with
Four-way system with 12" woofer, 7" compres- black grille. Grille cloth also available in azure,
sion horn mid -range, 3" and 2'/2" tweeters. cocoa and crimson. $279.00
Design -12 Speaker System
DO -10 Five -Way Speaker System A dodecahedron (12 sided) omnidirectional
enclosure with 10" woofer, an enclosed heavily
damped 5" mid -range driver, and nine high -fre-
quency radiators. Enclosure volume is 23/4 cu-
bic feet and is tuned with a tube to produce a
Helmholtz resonance of 27 Hz. Crossover at
1500 Hz is between mid -range speaker & tweet-
er. Can be used with amplifiers up to 100 W/ch
rms (20 W/ch rms should be minimum). Re-
sponse 30-15,000 Hz ±-2 dB. 8 ohms impedance.
30" H with pedestal. Lacquered walnut finish,
walnut stem, black steel legs, and black grille
cloth $399.00
With chrome base instead of walnut & steel
Design -4 Speaker System
Wide -dispersion, three-way column system with
three cone tweeters, 5" mid -range, 10" high -
compliance woofer; crossovers at 800 & 2000
Response 30-20,000 Hz; crossovers 2000, Hz. Response 40-15,000 Hz -±-3 dB; fundamen-
4000 & 10,000 Hz. Will handle 40 W contin- tal resonance 43 Hz. Recommended amp power
uous power. Has lower mid -range and brilliance 20-60 W/ch. 37'/2" H x 91/2" D x 17i/2" W (rear)
trim controls. 233/4" x 143/4" x 121/4" .. $169.95 x 9" W (front) $199.00
DYNACO ELECTRO-VOICE SEQ. Optional equalizer which extends response
to 28 Hz $60.00
A-25 Speaker System Sentry IA Speaker System
2 -way bookshelf system with critically damped Bass -reflex 2 -way wall -mounting system with Interface: A Speaker System
port 10" woofer and Ph" soft -dome tweeter. 12" woofer and diffraction horn mid- Vented system with 10' cia. piston for low fre-
1500 Hz crossover. Has 5 -position tweeter level range/tweeter. Response 30-20,000 Hz. 16 quencies, 2" dia. piston as primary tweeter
control, 8 ohms impedance. 60 W maximum ohms impecance. 37" H x 213/: W x 17" D. Wal- operating down to 1500 Hz, and second tweeter
music input. Features aperiodic enclosure de- nut finish $220.50 operating above 7000 Hz; response down 0.5
sign. Comes with wall -mounting brackets. 111/2" Sentry 11A. Same except floor model 32"
H x 20" W x 10" D. Oiled -walnut finish .. $89.00 H x 20" W x 13" D $220.50
A-25VW. Same as A-25 except vinyl -covered,
walnut -grained wooden enclosure .... $79.95 Sentry III Professional Speaker System
3 -way direct -radiator vented design with fourth -
A-25XL Speaker System order Butterworth tuning. Has 15" woofer &
2 -way bookshelf system with a new type woofer mid-range/high-frequency horn array; 600 &
with ferrite magnet structure and aluminum 3500 Hz crossovers. Response 40-18,000 Hz;
capacity 50 W. Has device that interrupts
power to tweeter when power surges occur.
Walnut cabinet with dark grille. 281/2" x 201/2"
x 341/2" H $650.00
ER -139 Speaker System
To isten to a Fairfax Supersound system is to listen with no distortion and no
...... p
A 360 -degree radiating system using eight elec- coloration. You hear only the natural sound and presence of the source, with true
trostatic mid/high tweeters in horizontally cir- pitch, zero overlap and total musical balance.
cular array mounted on downward -directed 10' Sound is not the only area where a Fairfax Supersound speaker system
outshines the competition. Our cabinetry, cut and crafted in our own fac-
dynamic woofer; response 30-30,000 Hz; flat tory, is math of the finest American oiled walnut veneer, and the craftsman-
38-20,000 Hz; crossover 2000 Hz; 20 W min. ship rivals that of the finest furniture makers.
rms power per channel, 100 W max.; 8 ohms Fairfax speaker systems are recognized (and sold) throughout the free world INDUSTRIES INC.
impedance; self -energizing. Walnut vinyl finish as superior sounding speakers. 900 Passaic Averue
with optional polyacoustic grille fitting over You owe is to yourself to make a side -by -side comparison test of a Fairfax East Newark. New Jersey 07029
speaker array upon cabinet. 28" H x 16" W x speaker with any other speaker you're considering.'
11 your dealer IS MI a Fairfax dealer and you want to make the comparnann.have him ,untact um and we will send hint a pm- of weaken for ye...evaluation.
16" D $139.90 No other speaker manufacturer Ilas the contulance to wake well a claim
With grille $159.90 CIRCLE NO. 22 ON READER SERVICE CARD
1975 EDITION 121
range radiator, and ultrasonic tweeter. Re- 602 Speaker System
Speaker sponse 30-20,000 Hz. Has tweeter -level con- Forward- end rear -facing enclosure system with
six drivers in three woofer -tweeter modules.
Systems Rear -facing modules are 90 degrees apart;
each module contains 8" woofer and a wide -
dispersion air -spring tweeter. Response 30-
dB at 40 Hz dropping to -3 dB at 35 Hz; equal- 19,500 Hz ±3 dB. Has tweeter control, 4 ohms
izer adds 3 dB at 50 Hz rising to 6 dB max. at impedance. Handles 30-250 W rms/ch power.
35 Hz; below usable range of system equalizer 16"H x 24" W x 15"D $299.00
rolls off electrical input to amplifier; equalizer
designed to be connected to tape monitor jacks 400 Plus System
on most components or used between preamp Omnidirectional design. Is a slim column (14"
& power amps; has two channels of equaliza- on a side x 36" high) with speaker modules ra-
tion for use in stereo systems. Sold in pair of diating from all four sides equally. Contains
speakers with equalizer $450.00 four 6" woofers, four air -spring tweeters. Re-
sponse 28-19,500 Hz ±-3 dB. Can handle 25
16A Speaker System 250 W rms/ch. 8 ohms impedance $399.00
Three-way acoustic -suspension system with
response 30-20,000 Hz; crossovers at 700 & 1000 The Tower System
3000 Hz; 8 ohms imp.; can handle 70 W peak; Omnidirectional design with four full-sized
has 12" woofer, 5" mid -range, shallow -profile woofer -tweeter modules. Response 20-22,000
tweeter; continuously variable level control for Hz dB. Can handle 20-300 W rms/ch. Tower
tweeter. Walnut -grain vinyl cabinet 14'/2" x is 6'/2 feet tall. 8 ohms impedance On special
trol. Gloss white finish $159.95 order only $1000.00
25" x 133/4" D $149.95
15A. Same as 16A except has 10" woofer &
2V," tweeter; response 40-20,000 Hz; 131/2" x
24" x 113/4" D $129.95 EPI EGUASOUND
14A. Same as 15A except two-way system; re-
sponse 40-18,000 Hz; crossover 1500 Hz 60 Speaker System II Speaker System
$109.95 Two-way system with 6" woofer & 1" air -spring Has 10" woofer, 4" mid -range, 1" dome tweeter,
13A. Same as 14A except 10" woofer; response tweeter; crossover at 1800 Hz; response 50-
50-18,000 Hz; 1500 Hz crossover. 10" x 19" x 18,000 Hz 2:3 dB; 8 ohms; recommended rms
8'/2" $69.95 power input 10-35 W. 17" x 9" x 7" .. $69.95
90 Speaker System
Two-way system with 8" woofer & 1" air -spring
EMPIRE tweeter; crossover 1800 Hz; response 45-
18,000 Hz ±-3 dB; 8 ohms; recommended rms
Grenadler 9500M/II Speaker System power input 12-50 W. 21" x 11" x 9". $89.95
Six -driver, 3 -way design. Has two 12" woofers 110 Speaker System
facing down in a horn -loaded configuration; two Two-way system with 8" woofer & 1" air -spring
tweeter; crossover 1800 Hz; response 35-
18,000 Hz -±3 dB; 8 ohms ; recommended rms
power input 15-60 W. 24" x 14" x 10" . $119.95
180 Speaker System
Double -module system with two 8" woofers &
1" tweeters; response 30-19,000 Hz -.3 dB;
recommended rms power input 32-125 W.
25" x 16" x 12" $189.95
and two 2" piezoelectric tweeters; Mylar capaci-
100 2 -Way Speaker System tor and air -core inductor crossover network;
Sealed, 2 -way bookshelf system with 8" woofer response 32-20,000 Hz; 4 ohms impedance;
wide-angle lenses, each with ultrasonic domed & 1" tweeter. Response 45-18,000 Hz .3 dB; 15 W rms/ch min. amplifier power, 75 W rms/ch
tweeter & direct radiator mid -range. Built into 1800 Hz crossover. 8 ohms impedance. Can maximum. Fiber -filled reflex enclosure. 42" H x
an octagon -shaped enclosure. Power ratings handle 10-75 W rms/ch. 21" H x 11" W x 9" D. 13" W x 13" D. Walnut/black $329.00 ea.
200 W rms from 20-450 Hz; 100 W rms from $99.00
450-5000 Hz; 40 W rms from 5000-20,000 Hz.
Has built-in automatically resetting circuit 50 Speaker System
Combines a 6" acoustic -suspension woofer and ESS
breakers to prevent burn -out. Response 30-
18,000 Hz t5.5 dB. HD 0.1`Yo at 1 W & 1000 Hz. a 1" air -spring tweeter in a walnut cabinet mea-
suring 12" x 10" x 18" D. Response 55-18,000 amt 1 Speaker System
30" W x 203/4" D x 28" H. With marble or walnut
Hz ±3 dB. Recommended amp. 10-50 W rms/ Incorporates the ESS Heil air -motion trans-
top $399.95
ch. 8 ohms impedance. Sold in pairs $130.00 former which "squeezes" air instead of pushing
Grenadier 7500M/II Speaker System
Infinite -baffle, 3 -way floor -standing system 150 Speaker System
with 15" woofer, direct -radiator mid -range, and Combines an 8" woofer and a 1" inverted dome
direct -radiator domed tweeter. Response 25- tweeter in walnut cabinet 11" x 15" x 24" H.
20,000 Hz. Has tweeter level control, 8 ohms Response 40-18,000 Hz ±3 dB; crossover
impedance. 100 W dynamic maximum input 1800 Hz. 8 ohms impedance. Recommended
power. 263/4" H x 20" diameter. amp. 10-85 W rms/ch $149.00
Walnut finish with imported marble top or wal-
nut -finish top $249.95 201 2 -Way Speaker System
Similar to Model 100. but contains two 8" woof-
Grenadier 6000M/II Speaker System ers and two air -spring tweeters. The extra woof-
Reflex -type, 3 -way floor -standing system with er and tweeter are angled toward ceiling. Re-
12" woofer (facing down), a direct -radiator mid- sponse 30-19,500 Hz -.3 dB. Can handle 10-
range, and direct -radiator ultrasonic tweeter. 125 W rms/ch; 4 or 16 ohms imp. 29" H x 18"
Response 30-20,000 Hz. Has tweeter level con- W x 11" D $219.00
trol, 8 ohms impedance, 75 W dynamic maxi-
mum input power. 243/0" H x 18" diameter. Wal- 202 Speaker System
nut finish with imported marble top or walnut - Has same speakers as Model 201, but cabinet
finish top $159.95 15" x 15" x 24". Since woofer is mounted lower
to the floor, system produces a heavier bass.
Jupiter 650011 Indoor/Outdoor Speaker Impedance 16 or 4 ohms. Recommended amp.
Three-way reflex system with 12' woofer, mid- 20-125 W rms/ch $239.00 it, creating a five times velocity increase over a
Another major breakthrough
Oh No! Not Again! Yes it seems through? And would it really be fall
that every year someone "re -invents one without the letter edged in black? Pity!
of the discarded speaker designs of the -
So aren't you glad
past. Or they purport to modify the laws you own KLIPSCHORNS?
of physics by miniaturizing a 32 -foot
wavelength. They may even write a /
/ Paul W. Klipsch
"technical" article on their revolutionary Klipsch and Associates, Inc_
discovery and succeed in getting it
P. S. We have a list of over
We customarily make an 20 major breakthroughs that have appeared,
optimistic estimate that these speakers died and were interred. Your Klipsch dealer
will survive five years. Some make will be glad to show it to you. We know some more good
prospects for this list. You can't see those names - until next year.
it. Some even get re -invented all over
again after a subsequent five years. KLIPSCH & ASSOCIATES, INC.
In the meantime they sell. Because they P. 0. Box 688 SB-10
Hope, Arkansas 71801
sound different. Different from all
other speakers. Different from the live Please send me complete information on Klipsch speak-
ers and Klipsch Wide Stage Stereo. Also include the
performance. name of my nearest Klipsch Authorized Audio Expert.
We'd sort of miss them if they Name
failed to show up. After all, what would Address
City State Zip
spring be without a new major break- Occupation Age
imum 80 W rms. Reinforced 1" high -density XP -56S 2 -Way Speaker System
Speaker board cabinet with oiled -walnut veneer finish,
acoustically transparent foam grille. 28" H x 14"
Bookshelf design with 8" woofer & 3" tweeter.
Response 35-20,000 Hz.; 1500 Hz crossover. 8
Systems D x 28" W $269.95 ohms impedance. 30 W. dynamic maximum
input power. 111/2" x 21" x 9". Walnut vinyl fin-
FX-350 Speaker System ish $89.95
"pushing" planar surface, resulting in greater, Three -speaker, 2 -way ducted port design. Has
more accurate, and near -massless transfer 10" high -compliance woofer, 4" mid -range, 4" XP -65S Speaker System
of energy to the air. A two-way floor standing Sealed 3 -way bookshelf system with 10" woofer,
system with frequencies above 700 Hz repro- 5" mid -range, and 3" tweeter. Response 33-
duced by .the Heil unit and a 10" woofer han- 20,000 Hz; 600 & 3000 Hz crossovers. 8 ohms
dling the lower frequencies. Response 45- impedance. 30 W dynamic maximum input
24,000 Hz ±2 dB. Power requirement 20 W rms power. 13" H x 23" W x 10" D. Walnut finish
minimum per channel; power handling 350 W $109.95
musical peaks without distortion. 4 ohms imp.
Hand -rubbed oiled walnut finish. 31" H x 141/4" Sound Panels
W x 141/4" D $315.00 Series of flat speaker systems designed to be
hung on the wall like a picture. Response 40-
amt 1 Tower Speaker System 18,000 Hz; 25 W continuous rms power. 8 ohms
Uses same woofer and air -motion transformer impedance. 293/.," H x 233/.," W x 27/8" D. Avail-
as the amt 1 but provides additional octave of able in eight different abstract or scenic de-
resonance -free bass response through 6 -ft signs. Sound dispersion 360 degrees. Can also
quarter -wave transmission line; response 45- be used on the floor, inserted in special feet
20,000 Hz, usable 28-24,000 Hz; dist. 1% at (included with each Sound Panel) ... $138.00
90 dB out to any frequency between 50-20,000
Hz; square -wave rise time 15 µsec; power re- ST -415 Two -Way Speaker System
quired 20 W rms minimum; can handle up to Acoustic -suspension system with 8" woofer &
400 W musical peaks; 4 ohms min. input im- 3" flare -dome tweeter; tweeter level control
pedance. Hand -rubbed oiled walnut cabinet. high -frequency tweeter; LC crossover network 2.5 dB/step; response 58-20,000 Hz; cross-
435/8" H x 1413/16" W x 17'/2" D $375.00 at 2000 Hz. Response 20-20,000 Hz. 8 ohms. over 2500 Hz; 8 ohms; 30 W rms power han-
Minimum power required 14 W rms, maximum dling. 111/2" x 9" x 21" H. Walnut vinyl with
amt 3 Rock Monitor Speaker 60 W rms. Column tower of 1" high -density blue or black grille $69.95
Three-way, four -driver system; deep bass fre- board with oiled -walnut veneer finish; acous-
quencies produced by two 10" long -throw woo- tically transparent foam grille. 36" H x 14" W x ST -425 Two -Way Speaker System
fers mounted in resistive reflex enclosure; a 6" 12" D $189.95 Has 10" woofer and 1" Mylar dome tweeter.
long -throw driver, mounted in internal termi- Response 55-20,000 Hz; 2500 Hz crossover.
nated line handles upper bass/lower mid -range FTA-2 3 -Way Speaker System Impedance 6-8 ohms. 15-20 W minimum ampli-
frequencies; upper mid-range/treble repro- Sealed -cabinet design with two 8" bass drivers, fier input required. Has 3 -position treble con-
duced by Heil air -motion transformer; response one 31/2" mid -high, and one ultra -high tweeter. trol. 20 W maximum power capacity.
essentially flat 45-20,000 Hz, usable 30-24,000 Continuously variable control for mid -range and 121/4" x 22'/2" x 10" D. Walnut vinyl $89.95
Hz; other specifications same as amt 1. Hand - highs. Response 24-20,000 Hz. 50 W input; 10
rubbed oiled walnut cabinet. 391/.." H x 155/8"W W min. power. 8 ohms imp. Oiled -walnut veneer ST -445 Three -Way Speaker System
x 15"/16" D $435.00 cabinet. 24" H x 14"W x 12" D $159.95 Has 10" woofer, 4'/2" cone mid -range, and 1"
Mylar dome tweeter. Response 50-20,000 Hz.
amt 4 Compact Speaker System FX-300 2 -Way Speaker System Impedance 6-8 ohms. 22 W maximum power
Two-way floor -standing system with 10" air - Ducted -port design with heavy-duty 10" bass capacity; 15-20 W minimum amplifier input
suspension woofer and Heil air -motion trans- driver and special 3" wide -dispersion tweeter. required. Crossovers at 650 & 5500 Hz. Has 3 -
former for upper range; response essentially Continuously variable control for mid -range and position treble control. 13" x 231/2" x 11" D.
flat from 50-20,000 Hz, usable 40-22,000 Hz; highs. Response 24-20,000 Hz. 40 W input; 10 Walnut vinyl $109.95
dist. 1% at 90 dB at any frequency between 70- W min. power. 8 ohms imp. 22" H x 14" W x
18,000 Hz; 20 watts rms minimum power re- 103/." D. Oiled -walnut veneer cabinet $119.95 ST -465 Three -Way Speaker System
quired; will handle up to 350 watts musical Has 12" woofer, 3'/2" dome mid -range, and 1"
FX-1006 2 -Way Speaker System Mylar dome tweeter. Response 40-20,000 Hz;
peaks; 4 ohms minimum input impedance. Ducted -port design with heavy-duty 8" bass
Hand -rubbed oiled -walnut cabinet. 27" H x crossovers at 450 & 5000 Hz. Impedance 6-8
driver and special 3" tweeter. Continuously vari- ohms. Requires minimum of 25 W amplifier
155h8" W x 12'/2" D $239.00
able control for mid -range and highs. Response input; maximum power capacity 25 W. Has 3 -
amt 5 Reference Bookshelf Speaker 32-20,000 Hz. 30 W input; 8 W min. power. 8 position mid -range and treble controls.
Features ESS Heil "power ring" air -motion ohms imp. Oiled -walnut veneer cabinet. 22" 141/." x 241/2" x 113/.," D. Walnut vinyl finish
H x 12"W x 10"D $99.95 $199.95
transformer tweeter and 12" acoustic -suspen-
sion woofer; multi -stage crossover; response F -2A 2 -Way Speaker System
40-24,000 Hz; will handle 150 watt musical Ducted -port design with 8" bass driver and 3"
peaks; can be operated vertically or hori- tweeter. Continuously variable control for mid-
zontally. Sculptured black fabric grille fits range and highs. Response 35-20,000 Hz. 25 W FMI
flush to outside cabinet surfaces. Oiled -walnut input; 8 W min. power. 8 ohms. Oiled -walnut
enclosure. 24" H x 14'/2" W x 123/.," D $189.00 J Modular Speaker System
veneer cabinet. 18" H x 12" W x 9" D $79.95
System consists of separate "building blocks,"
each designed to operate separately to elimi-
FISHER nate cross vibrations and nodal patterns; each
"block" can be used with other systems if de-
FAI RFAX XP -7S Speaker System sired. Speaker complement: 1 low -bass woofer,
Sealed 4 -way bookshelf system with 12" woofer, 1 upper -bass woofer, one 8 -inch low mid -range,
"Wall of Sound I" System 53/," mid -range, 53/.," upper mid -range, and two two 21/4" upper mid -range, six -element electro-
Features an "integrated cyclone" labyrinth sys- 3" tweeters. Response 30-20,000 Hz; cross- static array. Frequency response 22-48,000 Hz;
tem with six separate sound chambers. Has overs 350, 800, & 3500 Hz. 8 ohms impedance. crossovers 40, 150, 1600 & 5000 Hz; nominal
total of 12 speakers in 4 -way system: six heavy- 50 W dynamic maximum input power. 14" impedance 8 ohms. Power handling 110 W at
duty 8" bass drivers, two 5" mid -range, two 3'/2" H x 241/2" W x 12" D. Walnut finish ... $169.95 400 Hz; suggested amplifier power 25 W and
mid -high, and two ultra -high dome tweeters. up, 150 W program material, SPL 128 dB. Amer-
Response 20-20,000 Hz. 6.5 ohms imp. Will XP -448 Speaker System ican walnut veneer cabinet. 581/2" x 173/." x
handle up to 100 W input; min. power 20 W. Sealed 2 -way bookshelf system with 6" woofer & 14" D $598.00
Oiled -walnut veneer cabinet. 52" H x 30" W x 3" tweeter. Response 39-19,000 Hz; 1500 Hz
61/2" D $399.95 crossover. 8 ohms impedance. 20 W dynamic FMI-120 Three -Way Speaker System
maximum input power. 8'/." H x 151/2" W x 61/.." Three-way design with separate non -resonant
FX-400 Speaker System D. Walnut vinyl finish $49.95 mid -range cabinet built into main enclosure;
Four -speaker, 3 -way ducted port design. Has has one 12", one 5", and two 2'!." speakers;
two 10" high -compliance woofers, 4" mid -range XP -55S Speaker System response 30-22,000 Hz; crossovers 300 &
tweeter, 4" ultra -high -frequency tweeter; LC Sealed 2 -way bookshelf system with 8" woofer & 5000 Hz; 8 ohms; power handling 80 W at 400
crossover network 12 dB/octave, 2000 & 9000 3" tweeter. Response 37-20,000 Hz; 1500 Hz Hz; suggested amplifier power 171/2 W and up
Hz. Response 20-20,000 Hz. 8 ohms. Has con- crossover. 8 ohms impedance. 30 W dynamic (fused at 2'/2 A), 120 W program material, SPL
tinuously variable tweeter and mid -range con- maximum input power. 10" H x 20" W x 71/2" D 120 dB. Walnut veneer cabinet. 14'/2" x 25" x
trol. Minimum power required 15 W rms, max- Walnut vinyl finish $59.95 12" D $249.00
For those people who
don't care how much their
audio equipment costs
as long as it's the best,
we offer a line of audio
equipment which we don't care
how much it costs to build.
*All West Coast prices even higher! A Division of Epicure Products. Inc.
Fl OW -H -U Capsule. Same except flat black fin- speaker system with 24" woofer, 10" mid -range,
Speaker ish $150.00 7" tweeter, 1" super tweeter. Response 16-
15.30 Valley View Lane
Ehllas, Texas 75234
Phone 214-241-3441
Two-way air -suspension design with 8" woofer &
21/2" tweeter. Capacity 20 W. Response 50-
1975 EDITION 127
way floor -standing design with 8" woofer, 5" 2000AXT Speaker System
Speaker damped mid -range, and dome -type tweeter.
Response 20 40.000 Hz -±1.5 dB; croosovers at
Three-way floor -standing system with 12" woof-
er, 4" mid -range, and wave -transmission line
Systems 375, 3500 & 13,00 Hz, Has "Perspective"
controls. Requires 25 W (dynamic) driving
tweeter. Crossovers 500 & 3000 Hz. 273/2"
W x 20" W x 14" D. Walnut cabinet ... $299.00
power. Teak or walnut. 35V2" x 15" x 14"
$440.00 W -T -L Column Speaker
Maloney Jr. Concert Master Dual -driver, staggered -resonance transmission
Five -way system with eight speakers, four 8" ALS-40A Speaker System line system; has two 8" woofers, two 2" mid-
rolled -edge woofers, 4'/2" mid -range, 10" mid- Free-standing or bookshelf speaker system.
range horn, piezoceramic horn & dome tweeter Features unique "active -line" design. 8" bass
for highs and ultra -highs; nine -way dual LC driver with foam surround, 8" sub -bass driver
electronic crossovers at 500, 1000, 4000 & with roll surround, 5" mid -range with impregnat-
8000 Hz; response 25-22,000 Hz; recom- ed cone in separate line, and dome -type tweet-
mended minimum amp power 50 W rms per er. Response 28-20,000 Hz ±2 dB; crossovers
channel. Hand -rubbed oak or hand -rubbed at 180, 375 & 3000 Hz. Requires 25 W
dark walnut butcher block veneer with foam (dynamic) driving power. Teak or walnut.
grille. 29" x 19V2" x 17" D $449.95 26'2" x 13'/2"x 13'/2' $300.00
full-length feature articles.
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Stereo Review:
The magazine of good music...
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Stereo Review
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When we introduced the Ohm F a few speakers we had on hand," in the words
months ago, we called it the last loud- of the review, showed that "only the
speaker. Ohm F was able to produce a reasonable
We explained that this new invention facsimile of a square wave." This plus the
(U. S. Patent 3,424,873) is the last loud- toneburst response of the speaker "tended
speaker in the same sense as the wheel was to confirm tha-. it has transient -response
the last device for transmitting rotary or capabilities surpassing those of the best
rolling motion. conventional (piston) speakers."
Like the wheel, we said, our speaker is a Further excerpts from the Ohm F test
mathematically perfect engineering con- report:
cept, utterly simple and unimprovable. Only "In our simulated live -vs. -recorded test it
its physical construction can evolve further, rated A to A+ ... with one of the larger
not the design itself. When a single cone re- power amplifiers, able to deliver 100 watts
produces 30 to 20,000 Hz without crossovers or more, the sound began to warrant the use
and has a cylindrical output in perfect phase of such words as 'awesome' achieves
. . .
Ducted -port, 2 -way floor -standing system with Model 3 Speaker System
15" speaker, 15" passive radiator, and high - Sealed two-way bookshelf system with 10"
frequency compression driver with horn/lens woofer & 31/2" tweeter. Response 36-20,000 Hz;
assembly; 500 Hz crossover with h.f. level con- 800 Hz crossover. Has 150 -degree dispersion, a
trol; 8 ohms impedance; power capacity 100 tweeter control, 8 ohms impedance. 12'/."
W continuous program; recommended amp H x 22'/2" W x 103/.." D
power 10-150 W rms/ch. Oiled walnut finish. $99.00
33" H x 24" W x 21" D $837.00 Model 4 Speaker System
$607 Sovereign. Same as S507 except golden Sealed three-way bookshelf system with 10"
oak or country oak finish. 27" H x 39" W x 20" D woofer, 5" mid -range, and dome -type tweeter.
$837.00 Response 36-30,000 Hz; 500 & 4000 Hz cross-
overs. Has mid -range and tweeter controls,
S508 Olympus with S8R System 170 -degree dispersion, and 8 ohms impedance.
Ducted -port, 3 -way floor -standing system with 13" H x 24" W x 12' D. Oiled walnut... $129.00
15" speaker, 15" passive radiator, h.f. compres-
control behind grille; power capacity 35 W sion driver with hom/lens assembly, and ultra- Model 5 Speaker System
continuous program; recommended amp power high -frequency ring radiator; 500 & 7000 Hz Sealed three-way floor -standing system with
10-60 W rms/ch. Natural oak finish; stretch crossovers with level controls for high and ultra- 12" woofer, two 5" mid -range, and dome -type
fabric grille available in orange, blue, or brown high components; 8 ohms impedance; power tweeter. Response 32-30,000 Hz; 500 & 4000
13" H x 24" W x 13"D $156.00 capacity 125 W continuous program; recom- Hz crossovers. Has mid -range and tweeter con-
mended amp power 10-150 W rms/ch. Oiled trols, 170 -degree dispersion, 8 ohms, imped-
L36 Decade 36 Speaker System walnut finish. 27" H x 40" W x 20" D. $1080.00 ance. 26" H x 15' W x 13" D $189.00
Model 6 Speaker System Response 30-20,000 Hz. Recommended amp. Matte black or matte white muticoat polyester
Sealed four-way floor -standing system with 15" power 15-35 W rms. 4-8 ohms imp. Crossover on wood, with silver grille fabric available
woofer, 8" mid -range, 5" tweeter, and dome - 3500 Hz. 18" x 9" x 8" $130.00 optional extra.
type super tweeter. Response 27-30,000 Hz;
300, 1000 & 4000 Hz crossovers. Has mid- Monitor 40 Three -Way System
range and tweeter controls, 170 -degree disper- Features 8" woofer, 1.5" dome mid -range, and
sion, 8 ohms impedance. 27" H x 20V2 W x 15" 1" dome tweeter. Dispersion 180 degrees. Will KLEIN & HUMMEL
D. $249.00 handle 40 W music program. Response 28-
22,000 Hz. 4-8 ohms imp. Crossovers at 1200 CY Monitor Speaker
& 5500 Hz. Recommended amp power 20-40 W Imported from West Germany. It is a wall -
rms. 18"x 9" x 8" $165.00 mounted design with two built-in 30 W (rms)
Monitor 50 Three -Way System
VS -5313 Speaker System Uses 10' woofer, 1.5" dome mid -range, and 1"
Omnidirectional, sealed spherical two-way dome tweeter. Dispersion 180 degrees. Will
floor -standing system with two 5" woofers and handle 50 watts music program. Response 22-
two 2" horn -type tweeters in each sphere. Re- 22,000 Hz Imp. 4-8 ohms. Recommended amp
sponse 60-20,000 Hz -± 3 dB; 5000 Hz crossover. power 25-50 W rms. Crossovers at 1200 & 5500
8 ohms impedance. 80 W peak maximum in- Hz. 18" x 12.25" x 9.75" $210.00
put power. 13'/2" dia. Black metallic finish.
$229.95 Monitor 70 Three -Way System
Has 12" woofer, 1.5" dome mid -range, and one
VS -5399 Two -Way Speaker System 1" dome tweeter. 180 degree dispersion. Will
Bass -reflex, 4 -speaker slim column design. Has handle 70 watts music program. Response 20-
two 43/.." woofers and two 2" cone tweeters. 22,000 Hz. Imp. 4-8 ohms. Recommended amp
Capacity 10 W rms. 8 ohms. 6000 Hz crossover. power 30-70 W rms. Crossovers at 1200 & 5500
Speakers are mounted on two adjacent sides Hz. 22.5" x 13" x 11" $300.00 continuous sine wave (into 4 ohms) solid-state
(90 degree angle). 27)/2" H x 7V." W x 7'/," D. amplifiers. Response 40-16,000 Hz ±2 dB. Has
Walnut finish $179.95 pr. Monitor 100 Double Three -Way System three individual speakers: one woofer driven by
Has two 10" woofers, two 1.5" dome mid -range, one of the amplifiers with electronic crossover
VS -5397 Two -Way Speaker System and two 1" dome tweeters. Dispersion 180 de- at 500 Hz and one mid -range cone -type and one
Two-way acoustic -suspension system with 8" grees. Will handle 100 watts music program. horn -type speakers driven by the second ampli-
woofer & 2V," cone tweeter; response 40- Recommended amp power 35-100 W rms. Re- fier. Acoustic crossover for mid- and high -fre-
20,000 Hz; 8 W rms/ch min. input power, 20 W sponse 18-22,000 Hz. Impedance 4-8 ohms. quency speakers at 6000 Hz. Has level control
rms max.; crossover 4000 Hz; imp. 8 ohms. Wal- Crossovers at 1200 & 5500 Hz. 29.5" x 16.5" x arid low- and high -frequency equalizer circuits.
nut enclosure. 181/4" H x 101/4" W x 9V.," D 12" $450.00 Input impedance 4700 ohms balanced & float-
$99.95 pr. ing. Walnut finish. 19" x 12" x 9" D $695.00
Each speaker is equipped with a 15 -ft connect-
SX-3 Speaker System ing cable. An additional 15 -ft extension cord,
Wide -directional two-way speaker system with with DIN female plug at one end and coded wire KLH
10" woofer & 2" soft dome tweeter; response split -end at the other, is also supplied. All sys-
35-20,000 Hz; 20 W rms/ch min. input power, tems are housed in solid natural wood cabinets. Five 3 -Way Speaker System
25 W rms max.; crossover 2000 Hz; 8 ohms. Standard finish: selected grain walnut veneer. Sealed, 3 -way bookshelf system with 12 woof -
Walnut or spruce enclosure. 20/2" H x 123/." W
x 1171." D $169.95
KL-77 3 -Way Speaker System
Air -suspension, 3 -way speaker system with 12"
1.f. driver in air -tight enclosure, 3" mid -range
In April, Stereo Review
gave us our toughest test yet.
Here's how we did.
"Our initial impression of the Avid Model 103 ...utter
smoothness...freedom from undue emphasis or coloration...
"As easy sounding a speaker as we've heard in some
time. All the tests completely confirmed our subjective
response to the system."
driver, 2" tweeter; response 27-18,000 Hz; 8
ohms; crossovers 1000 & 6000 Hz; recom- "Outperforms many far larger and more expensive
mended amp power 20-60 watts; 60 W max. speaker systems we have heard."
program; standard brown grille or optional red
& blue grilles. 15" x 26" x 12" D $129.95
"Clearly, the engineers at Avid not only know how to
KL-55 2 -Way Speaker System design a loudspeaker system, but also what a good speaker
Has 10" low -frequency driver & 3V," tweeter; should sound like."
response 35-18,000 Hz; 8 ohms; 1500 Hz cross-
over; recommended amp power 20-60 watts; Now we're ready for
60 W max. program; standard brown grille or
optional red & blue grilles. 12'/." x 23V.." x the toughest test of all.
10P/8" D $89.95 Yours.
KL-44. Same as KL-55 except response 40- For the Avid dealer
18,000 Hz; 50 W max. program; 11"/i " x 20V;
x 93/4" $69.95 nearest you and for a
complete copy of the
review write:
Monitor 35 Two -Way System
Has 8" woofer plus 1' dome tweeter. Dispersion
180 degrees. Will handle 35 W music program. CORPORATION 10 Tripp* Lane, East Providence, R.I. 02914.
1975 EDITION 131
tem with 15" woofer, horn -loaded mid -range, Criterion 555 Three -Way Speaker
Speaker and horn -type tweeter. Response 38-17,000 Hz
±5 dB; crossovers 600 & 6000 Hz. 8 ohms
Acoustic -suspension bookshelf system with 10"
woofer, 5" mid -range, and 3" tweeter. Has high -
Systems impedance. Recommended maximum amp:
150 W average sine wave power, 36" H x 251/2"
frequency brilliance control. Response 32-
19,500 Hz; LC crossovers 800 & 3000 Hz. Will
W x 15'/2" D. Furniture finishes. $525.00 handle 50 W. Walnut -vinyl cabinet finished all
er, two 3" mid -range, and 13/4" tweeter; 2500 & four sides; charcoal brown grille cloth. 21"
7000 Hz crossovers. Has mid -range and tweeter Heresy Speaker System H x 12" W x 10" D $69.95
controls; 8 ohms impedance. 133/4" H x 26" 3 -way floor -standing system with 12" woofer,
W x 111/2" D. Oiled walnut $225.00 horn -loaded mid -range, and horn -type tweeter. Criterion 666 Three -Way Speaker
Response 50-17,000 Hz ±5 dB; crossovers 700 Acoustic -suspension bookshelf system with 10"
Six 2 -Way Speaker System & 6000 Hz. 8 ohms impedance. Recommended woofer, 6" mid -range, and 2" direct -radiator
Sealed, 2 -way bookshelf system with 12" woofer max. amp: 100 W average sine wave power.
& 13/4" tweeter. Has tweeter control. 8 ohms 213/8" H x 151/2" W x 131/8" D. Furniture finishes.
impedance. 1251a" H x 231/4" W x 11'i." D. Wal- $297.00
nut $149.95
Walnut vinyl $129.95
Klipschorn Speaker System
Folded corner horn, 3 -way floor -standing sys-
Nine Speaker System tem with 15" woofer, horn -loaded mid -range,
Electrostatic, floor -standing, full -range speaker and horn -type tweeter. Response 33-17,000 Hz
system. 16 ohms impedance. Requires 40 W ±-5 dB; crossovers 400 & 6000 Hz. 8 ohms
(IHF) driving power. 70" H x 231/2" W x 27/C D. impedance. Recommended max. amp: 150 W
Mahogany or walnut. Should be used in pairs average sine wave. 52" H x 31'/." W x 281/." D.
Each $1495.00 Furniture finishes $1040.00
Opus S Speaker System
Acoustic -suspension system; contains one 10"
woofer and one cone tweeter; response 35-
18,000 Hz; crossover 2000 Hz; impedance 8
ohms; power input 12 W rms minimum, 50 W six dome tweeters, and two piezoelectric twee-
radiator, two 6" x 9" mid -range. a 15" bass driv- rms maximum. 24" H x 14'/2" W x 11" D ters; response 20-45,000 Hz; crossovers 750,
er, crossover networks, and 15" rotor and motor $99.95 3000 & 4000 Hz; impedance 4 or 8 ohms; con-
assembly. The system consists of two cabinets Pedestal $12.95 tinuously variable mid -range and tweeter con-
with one housing two 50 W rms power amps Decorator panels $15.95 trol; power input 20 W rms min., 200 W rms
(one for each cabinet), and 360 -degree random Opus 1. Same as Opus S but has dome tweeter; max. overall size 32" H x 36" W x 18'/2" D.
phase -shifting network. Designed to augment response 35-20,000 Hz $139.95 $1450.00
two -channel stereo by being added to present Same pedestals & decorator panels as for
system. Can also be used as two of four speak- Opus S.
ers for four -channel system. High -imp. input.
The omnidirectional low -frequency response of Opus 7 Speaker System
system breaks up standing waves. Walnut. 33" MARANTZ
Dynamic damping system; contains two 10"
H x 29Y." W x 195/e" D $995.00 woofers, one 5" mid -range; two dome tweeters,
two cone tweeters; response 25-20,000 Hz; Imperial 4G Speaker System
Plus 2 Model 470 Speaker System crossovers 750 & 3000 Hz; impedance 4 ohms;
Sealed -enclosure, 2 -way bookshelf system with
Same as Plus 2 Model 450 except in contem- 8" woofer & 2" tweeter. Response 60-18,000 Hz;
continuously variable mid -range and tweeter 2000 Hz crossover. 8 ohms impedance. 30 W
porary cabinet. 30" W x 33" H x 20'/7" D controls; power input 15 W rms min., 100 W
$995.00 (peak) maximum input power. 10'/." H x$51989V85"
rms max. 28" H x W x 133/4" D $299.95 W x T/2" D. Walnut
Pedestal $24.95
Plus 2 Model 430 Speaker System Decorator panels $19.95
Same basic principle of operation as the Model Imperial 5 Speaker System
450 except two-way system with 12" bass Opus 200 Speaker System Tuned ducted -port, 2 -way bookshelf system
speaker and high -frequency horn. 293/e" Dynamic damping system; contains two 10" with 8" woofer & dome -type 31/2" tweeter. Re-
H x 24'/e" W x 18V." 0 $695.00 woofers & one dome tweeter; response 28- sponse 50-15,000 Hz '3 dB; 2000 Hz cross-
20,000 Hz; crossover 2000 Hz; impedance 4 over. Has tweeter control. 8 ohms impedance.
ohms; variable tweeter control; power input 40 W (dynamic) maximum input power. 12" H x
MAGITRAN 8 W rms min., 100 W rms max. 24" H x 14'/2" W 23" W x 9'/2" D. Oiled walnut $79.95
x 11" D $179.95
Imperial 5-6. Same as Imperial 5 but with
DS -60 Sound Panel System Decorator panels acoustically transparent foam grille $99.95
Features patented poly -planar multi -channel Imperial 6 Speaker System
flat diaphragm reproducer (2" deep) providing Lab 8 Speaker System
response 40-20,000 Hz. Will handle 60 W max. Tuned ducted -port, 2 -way floor -standing sys-
Dynamic damping system; contains two 10" tem with 10" woofer & 2" dome -type tweeter.
music power; 28 W continuous rms power. 4-8 woofers, o-te 5" mid -range, two cone tweeters,
ohms imp. Each panel comes with floor -stand- Response 40-18,000 Hz; crossover 3000
two dome tweeters, and one piezoelectric twee- Hz.Has tweeter control. 8 ohms impedance.
ing and wall -mounting hardware. 5 W min. am- ter; response 25-45,000 Hz; crossovers 750, 100 W (dynamic) maximum input power. 25V."
3000 & 4000 Hz; impedance 4 ohms; con- H x 14'/." W x 1172" D. Oiled walnut... $119.95
tinuously variable mid -range and tweeter con- Imperial 6-6. Same as Imperial 6 but with
trol; power input 15 W rms min., 100 W rms acoustically transparent foam grille... $139.95
max. 28" H x 15'/." W x 133/4" D $359.00
Pedestal $24.95 Imperial 7 Speaker System
Decorator panels $19.95 Three-way bookshelf system with 12" woofer.
3'.." mid -range, 13/." tweeter. Has 3 -position
Lab Sound Monitor HF level & 3 -position mid -range level selector
Dynamic damping system; contains four 10" switches. Response 35-20,000 Hz -±-5 dB. 30 W
woofers, one 5" mid -range, one dome tweeter, continuous power input; 100 W integrated pro-
one piezoelectric tweeter; has sound pressure
gram material; 8 ohms imp. 25'/2" H x 14'/."
level indicator; response 26-45,000 Hz; cross- W x 111/2" D $199.95
overs 500, 2000 & 4000 Hz; impedance 8 ohms;
continuously variable mid -range and tweeter Imperial 8 Speaker System
control; power input 5 W rms min., 150 W rms Three-way floor -standing system with 12" woof-
max. 15'/.." H x 28" W x 133/4" D $459.00 er. a rotatable air -coupled array consisting of
Lab 33 Speaker System three mid -range transducers & two tweeters.
Response dB 40-18,000 Hz; .5 dB 30-20,
Acoustic -suspension system; contains one 10" 000 Hz. Will handle 75 W continuous power
woofer, one 5" mid -range, one dome tweeter, (125 W integrated); 8 ohms impedance. 27"
one piezoelectric tweeter; response 30-45,000 H x 183." W x 14'/2" D $319.95
Hz; crossover 500, 2000 & 4000 Hz; impedance In-perial 9. Similar to Imperial 8 except has two
plifier power. Features replaceable snap- 8 ohms; power input 15 W rms min., 50 W rms
on/snap-off grilles in 13 different decorative 10" woofers, four mid -range, and two tweeters.
max.; continuously variable mid -range and
motifs 295/'," H x 23s'fl" W x 2" D $79.95 tweeter control. 24" H x 14'/2" W 11" D
DS -60P. Additional grilles $17.95 $199.00
Decorator panels $15.95
MAGNEPLANAR Lab 1200 Speaker System
Dynamic damping system; contains one 12"
MG2167-F Speaker System woofer, one 10" woofer, one 5" mid -range, two
Consists of a large area permanent magnetic dome tweeters, six cone tweeters, one piezo-
field with thin-film diaphragm stretched over it; electric tweeter; response 20-45,000 Hz; cross-
speaker is V." thick; two-way full range; mid- overs 750, 3000 & 4000 Hz; 4 ohms impedance;
range/bass radiating area 500 sq. in; tweeter continuously variable mid -range and tweeter
radiation area 85 sq. in; response 50-15,000 Hz controls; power input 20 W rms min., 100 W
±4 dB; will handle up to 200 W rms per channel rms max. 32" H x 18" W x 18'/2" D $579.00
1975 EDITION 133
ance; 60 watts (dynamic) maximum input 360 -degree array, one 8" woofer/mid-range in
Speaker power. Walnut formica finish. 121/2" H x 211/2"
W x 10" D $199.00
infinite baffle enclosure; can be used as book-
shelf speaker or combined with 8B omnidrec-
Systems 840 Sound Tower Column System
tional bass cube to form a three-way system
with 40-20,000 Hz ±3 dB response; crossover
3 -way column, sealed enclosure system with 500 & 3000 Hz. 121/a" x 127e x 127/e". $79.95
four 8" woofers, two 4" mid -range, and two flare
Response ±1.5 dB 35-17,000 Hz; ±3 dB 30- dome 2" tweeters. Response 28-20,000 Hz; 8B Slot -Loaded Bass Cube
18,000 Hz. Will handle 100 W continuous power mid -range and tweeter level controls. 100 watts Contains one 8" floor -loaded woofer with two
(150 W integrated). 30'/2" H x 24" W x 18" D (dynamic) maximum input power. Walnut formi- mechanical crossovers; can be used as bass
$499.95 ca finish. 52" H x 161/." W x 73/." D.... $379.00 booster for any bookshelf speaker system;
terminal strip connections for both amplifier
input and speaker system output; used in con-
junction with the "T" Omni it becomes three-
MARTIN MICRO/ACOUSTICS way floor -standing system. Same dimensions &
enclosure as the "T" $69.95
Crescendo Speaker System Microstatic Speaker System
One-way miniature closed system with four "F" Two -Way Speaker System
3 -way, sealed infinite baffle system with 12"
woofer, 31/2" mid -range, and wide -dispersion tweeters. Response 3500-18,000 Hz t2 dB. Tuned -port, two-way system with one 3" twee-
21/2" tweeter. Response 30-18,000 Hz; mid- Dispersion 180 degrees. Has range selector and ter and 8" woofer; high efficiency; 23'/a" x 127/e"
range and tweeter level controls. 8 ohms imped- level control. 4 to 8 ohms impedance. 60 W x 11" D $89.95
ance. Walnut formica finish. 141/2" H x 251/2" maximum (rms) input power. For use with me-
W x 12" D $199.00 dium and low -efficiency systems to augment
treble. 33/," H x 9'/8"W x 5'/." D. Walnut . $58.50 MX
Laboratory MK II Speaker System
3 -way, sealed infinite baffle system with 10" FRM-1 Speaker System 2830 Speaker System
woofer, 31/2" mid -range, and wide -dispersion A bookshelf system with an array of five high - Three-way air -suspension system with 15"
2I/2" tweeter. Response 35-18,000 Hz; mid- frequency drivers radiating 180 degrees and in high -compliance woofer, 2" hemispherical
range and tweeter level controls. 8 ohms imped- both vertical and horizontal planes plus an MW - dome, 2" phenolic ring cone tweeter; 8 ohms
ance. 50 watts (dynamic) maximum input 28 woofer. Response 35-18,000 Hz. Grille impedance; response 20-20,000 Hz; system
power. Walnut formica finish. 12'/2' H x 211/2" cloths available in burnt orange, blue, black or resonance 43 Hz; crossovers 1500 & 4500 Hz;
W x 10' D $139.00 brown. 253/." x 153/8" W x 123/." D $165.00 mid -range & tweeter level controls; power in-
put 10 W rms min./100 W rms max. Oiled walnut
Magnificat Speaker System FRM-2 Speaker System veneer cabinet; removable foam grille. 29" x
3 -way, floor -standing sealed infinite baffle sys- Two-way floor -standing system; response 40- 20'/: x 141/." $499.95 pr.
tem with two 12" woofers, 6" mid -range, and two 16,000 Hz ±4 dB; dispersion 160 degrees 2820. Same features as 2830 except 12" woo-
wide -dispersion 21/2" tweeters. Response 28- horizontal & vertical at 15,000 Hz; 10" acoustic - fer; response 25-20,000 Hz; system resonance
20,000 Hz; mid -range and tweeter level con- suspension woofer & three 11/2" tweeters 45 Hz; power input 10 W rms min./75 W rms
trols. 4 ohms impedance; 80 watts (dynamic) mounted in trihedron array; power required 10 max. 253/." x 153/." x 131/4" $399.95 pr.
maximum input power. Walnut formica finish. W rms min., 60 W rms max.; impedance 8 ohms; 2810. Same features as 2830 except 10" woo-
37'/2" H x 18" W x 143/." D $349.00 high -frequency level control adjusts all three fer; response 30-20,000 Hz; system resonance
tweeters simultaneously; LRC crossover at 47 Hz; power input 10 W rms min./50 W rms
Exorcist Speaker System 1700 Hz. Walnut vinyl with brown stretch knit max. 231/2" x 15'/." x 12I/2" $299.95 pr.
3 -way, floor -standing smaller version of the grille cloth. 121/." x 153/8" W x 253/4" H
Magnificat; 15" woofer, 5" curvilinear mid- $129.00
FRM-3 Speaker System NT -T
Two-way floor -standing system; response 40-
15,000 Hz ±3 dB; dispersion 140 degrees CK10-2 Speaker System Kit
horizontal & vertical at 15,000 Hz; 10" acoustic - Two-way system with 6'/2" woofer & 2" tweeter.
suspension woofer, two 11/2" tweeters in duo- Response 35-18,000 Hz. 8 ohms imp. Max.
hedron array; power required 8 W min., 50 W power input 20 W. 13" H x 8" W x 8" D . $34.95
max.; impedance 8 ohms; LRC crossover at Pair of kits $59.95
1700 Hz. Walnut vinyl with brown stretch knit
grille cloth. 101/2" D x 153/e W x 253/1 H
CK20-2 Speaker System Kit
$99.00 Two-way system with 8" woofer & 21/." tweeter.
Response 40-20,000 Hz. 8 ohms imp. Max.
power input 60 W. 20" H x 10'/." W x 91/2" D
MICROTOWER Pair of kits $99.95
CK 20-3 Speaker System Kit
MT1 Speaker System Three-way system with 8" woofer, 5" mid -range,
Spherical -sound design; suitable for front,
rear, or four -channel use; has organ pipe low -
frequency driver & two 41/2" cone mid -range
range, two compression horn tweeters; re- speakers; crossover 200 Hz; 8 ohms; 5 W min.,
sponse 28-20,000 Hz; 8 ohms impedance; 50 W max. power handling capacity: response
crossovers 350 & 5000 Hz at 12 dB/octave; will 50-12,000 Hz ±-3 dB. White or walnut finish. ALWAYS
handle up to 80 W. 28" H x 18" W x 14" D
32" H x EP/2" x 81/2" $69.95 take this Directory
MT2 Speaker System along when you shop
Micro -Max Speaker System Drivers are mounted on all sides for uniform
for new equipment.
2 -way, sealed enclosure system with 8" woofer response; uses two 1" wide -dispersion tweeters,
and wide dispersion 3" tweeter. Has tweeter two 41/2" mid -range, and organ pipe for re- It provides complete
sponse below 200 Hz; crossovers 200 & 3000
balance control. 8 ohms impedance. Walnut
formica finish. 103/4" H x 18" W x 93/." D. Hz; 8 ohms; will handle from 15-70 W; tweeter
specifications, prices,
$79.00 control. Walnut finish. 34" x 81/2" xI31/2" and details on special
Spectrum Slope Speaker System features, enabling you
2 -way, sealed infinite baffle system with two 8" MT3 Speaker System to "comparison shop"
woofers and two wide -dispersion 21/2" tweeters. Features organ -pipe low -frequency driver; four
Response 35-18,000 Hz. 8 ohms impedance; 41/2" mid -range & two linear air -spring tweeters; knowledgeably. It
50 watts (dynamic) maximum input power. response 35-18,000 Hz ±3 dB; will handle
30-80 W rms $209.95
can save you both time
Walnut formica finish. 121/2" H x 211/2" W x 10"
D. $169.00
and money . so keep
. .
Sealed, 2 -way bookshelf enclosure with 8" woof-
Three-way, linear -suspension design with 12" er and cone -type 21/2" tweeter. Response 35-
woofer, 2" hemispheric dome mid -range, and 1" 20,000 Hz. 8 ohms impedance. 25 W (dynamic)
hemispheric dome tweeter. Capacity 50 W. maximum input power. Oiled walnut. 11'4"
Response 35-20,000 Hz; crossovers at 700 & H x 19'/8" W x 93/." D $79.95
7000 Hz. Has mid -range & tweeter level control.
10 W/ch rms minimum driving power. CS-63DX Speaker System
231/." x 131/2" x 115/6". Walnut $199.95 Sealed, 4 -way floor standing enclosure with 15"
woofer, two 5" mid -range, a horn -type tweeter,
25A Speaker System and two super -tweeters. Response 20-22,000
Three-way, linear -suspension design with 14" Hz. Has mid -range and tweeter controls. 8
woofer, 2" hemispheric dome mid -range, and 1" ohms impedance. 80 W (dynamic) maximum
hemispheric dome tweeter. Capacity 60 W. input power. 283/e" H x 181/4" W x 13vie D.
Response 30-20,000 Hz; crossovers at 700 & Oiled walnut $279.95
1975 EDITION 135
and two 31/2" tweeters. Response 20-20,000 Hz.
Speaker 8 ohms impedance. 60 W rms maximum input
power. 121/2" H x 221/e" W x 11" D. Oiled walnut
Systems $119.95
trol of acoustic behavior of cone & "dual -mode
array" incorporating two 31/2" cone tweeters; A-1050 Speaker System
response 35-22,000 Hz; crossover 2600 Hz Sealed -enclosure system. Response 8-12,000
ULTRALINEAR through RLC network with h.f. level control; Hz. 8 ohms impedance. Requires 6 W rms driv-
power requirements 25 W rms min., 60 W rms ing power. 73/4" cube on pedestal base .. $79.95
50 Two -Way Speaker System max. Walnut -finished enclosure, sculptured
Two-way bookshelf system with 10" woofer & 3" black acoustic foam grille. 27" x 141/2" x 12".
tweeter; "blow -out -proof" circuit breaker with Base included $199.95 YAMAHA
reset push-button; response 40-17,000 Hz;
crossover 2500 Hz; impedance 8 ohms; power NS -670 Three -Way Speaker System
requirement 3 W rms min., 30 W rms max.; high -
UTAH Three-way system with 10" woofer, 21/2" mid-
density particle board enclosure, reversible
range, and 11/4" tweeter; crossovers at 800 &
foam grille. 231/8" x 113/4" x 91/4" D $79.95
MP -2000 Three -Way Speaker System 6000 Hz; fundamental resonance frequency 45
100A Three -Way Speaker System Three-way acoustic -suspension system with Hz; frequency response 40-20,000 Hz; will
Three-way system featuring 12" woofer, 41/2" 12" woofer, 5" mid -range, 1" dome tweeter; handle 50 W; 8 ohms; separate mid -range &
mid -range, and 3" tweeter; resettable circuit response 30-20,000 Hz; will handle 30 W pro- tweeter controls. Walnut. 223/4" H x 125/8" W x
gram (60 W peak); crossovers 2500 & 5000 Hz; 105/4" D $460.00 pr.
variable mid & high -frequency control. Walnut NS -690 Three -Way Speaker System
veneer with acoustical foam grille available in Three-way system with 12" woofer, 3" mid-
blue, brown, or burnt orange. 151/4" x 24" x 12" range, and 11/4" tweeter; crossovers at 800 &
D. $139.95 6000 Hz; fundamental resonance frequency
MP 3000 3 -Way Speaker System 40 Hz; frequency response 35-20,000 Hz; will
Floor -standing design with 15" woofer, 5" handle 60 W; 8 ohms; separate mid -range &
acoustically isolated mid -range, and two horn - tweeter controls; separate input terminals for
loaded dome -radiator tweeters. Response 20- woofer, mid -range & tweeter to permit use of
20,000 Hz; crossovers at 2500 & 7000 Hz (12 multi -amp system. Walnut. 243/4" H x 133/4" W x
dB/octave LC types). Capacity 100 W peak. 8 111/2" D $560.00 pr.
ohms impedance. Has separate tweeter & mid-
range controls and sculptured foam grille. Sup-
plied with base. 27" x 20'/2" x 14" D (without ZENITH
base) $199.95
E9012 Allegro 1000 System
HS4-B 3 -Way Speaker System Two-way system with 6'/2" woofer & treble
Tuned -port design with 12" woofer, compres- horn; LC crossover; frequency response 60-
sion horn mid -range, and horn -loaded phenolic 15,000 Hz; imp. 8 ohms. Grained walnut -
colored cabinet with formed grille cover. 16'/2"
H x 101/2" W x 71/2" D $49.95
E9014 Allegro 2000. Similar to 1000 except 8"
breaker; response 32-17,500 Hz; crossovers woofer; frequency response 50-15,000 Hz;
1500 & 4000 Hz; impedance 8 ohms; power re- imp. 16 ohms. Also available in white with blue
quirement 5 W rms min., 40 W rms max.; high - grille. 185/8" H x 123/8"W x 71/8" D $59.95
density particle board enclosure; double-knit E9018 Allegro 3000. Similar to 1000 except 10"
grille (available in choice of four colors). 243/8" x woofer; frequency response 40-15,000 Hz;
141/2" x 12" $99.95 imp. 16 ohms. 223/4" H x 14'/2" W x 8'/8" D
150A Two -Way Speaker System $74.95
Air -suspension design with 12" woofer & 3"
tweeter; crossover 1500 Hz; variable tweeter -
level adjust.; impedance 8 ohms; power require-
ment 8 W rms min., 40 W rms max.; resettable
circuit breaker. Walnut finished particle board,
sculptured acoustic foam grille. 243/e" x 14'/2" x
12" $129.95 IF YOU NEED.. .
200 Three -Way Speaker System . . . additional information on any of
Air -suspension design with 12" woofer, 5"
sealed mid -range, 2" super -tweeter; response
the products listed, don't hesitate
28-20,000 Hz; crossovers at 400 Hz & 1500 Hz to write the manufacturer. See list
with mid -range control; imp. 8 ohms; power of addresses on pages 6 & 7.
requirement 10 W rms min., 50 W rms max.
Walnut finished particle board, three-dimen-
sional grille front (available in choice of four
colors). 243/40' x 14'/2" x 12" D $159.95 dome tweeter. Has treble control, sculptured
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i.Jr.nimously. critics have called our
HD 414 the worlds best head-
phones. Praising its wide re-
sponse, unusual smoothness
and superior transient abil-
ties. No less important.
from their standpoint, is
the HD 414s exceptional
comfort, thanks to its
exclusive open-air*
design that eliminates
uncomfortable ear seals.
and keeps the unit's
weight to just 5 ounces.
Review after review. in
magazine after mag-
azine, has helped make
the HD 414 one of high
fidelity's most remarkable
success stories.
The reviews aren't in yet,because
the HD 424 is so new.
But even our conservative
engineers believe the HD 424
is something better. Thanks
to significant technical
advances that pro-
vide even greater ac-
curacy and linearity
at extremely high
and low frequencies.
There's an additional
measure of comfort, as
well, with even lower
pressure on the ears,
thanks to wider, thinner
ear cushions and improved earpiece
geometry. Plus a comfort -cushioned head-
band, that feels as good as it looks. Naturally,
the HD 424 costs a bit more.
Try them once, and you'll probably be spoiled for any other kind of headphones. Then the choice is
easy. You can buy the HD 414 and have the best. Or pay a little more, and have something
better. Either way, you can't lose. Sennheiser Electronic Corporation, 10 West 37th Street, New York,
N.Y. 10018 (212) 239-0190. Maiufacturing Plant: Bissendorf, Hannover, West Germany.
AKAI Mark III Stereo Headphones Dynamic design extending from 20-18,000 Hz
Slide -type volume control on each earpiece; ±2 dB. Dist. 0.3% below 100 Hz & 0.1% above.
ASE -22 Dynamic Headphones response 20-18,000 Hz. 12 -ft coiled cord with PeaK power demand 200 mW or 1 V max. per
Moving -coil type. Response 20-20,000 Hz. Sen- stereo plug. 8 ohms. Matches all 4-16 ohm out- phone. Input 10 mV. Impedance: 5 ohms each
sitivity 1.0 mW, distortion 1% at 1.0 mW. 8 puts. 30-5204 $37.95 for stereo (10 ohms total for mono) ... $120.00
ohms impedance. 1/2 W maximum input per DT-48SN. 50 -ohm mono design $120.00
phone. Has individual earphone volume con- Mark II Stereo Headphones DT-48SP. Stereo design with separate plugs on
trols. 6 -ft. coiled cord. Weight 20 ounces Response 20-20,000 Hz; 8 ohms. Comes with each phone $120.00
$39.95 6 -ft flexible cord and stereo plug. 30-5202 DT-48KS. With coiled cord $123.00
$21.50 TR-48. Plug-in transformer for 600 -ohm input
Mark I Stereo Headphones $22.00
TR-48. Pair for stereo use $40.48
AKG Response 30-15,000 Hz; 8 ohms. Comes with UG-B. Speaker/phone switcher box $11.33
10 -ft coiled cord and stereo plug. 30-5200
K-180 Dynamic Headphones $17.95
Has adjustable drivers for subjectively controll-
able sound. Response characteristics vary due Headphone Remote Control
to change in volume. Response 16-20,000 Hz. Plugs directly into amplifier to control volume FISHER
Efficiency: 1 mW for 112 dB SPL. Distortion and balance of headphones; noise -free slide
less than 1% at 125 dB SPL. Impedance: 600 controls for each earpiece permit adjustment HP -70 Dynamic Headphones
ohms each driver for multi -impedance match- of volume and balance. Special switch allows Response 30-18,000 Hz. Sensitivity 2.5 mW for
ing 4 to 1000 ohms. 21 ounces for mono/stereo selection. Has 5 -ft cord and average listening. Max. power 0.5 W. 16 ohms.
3 -conductor stereo phone plug. 30-5250 10-tt. coiled cord. 12 ounces $29.95
HP -100 Dynamic Headphones
AUDIO-TECHNICA Response 18-22,000 Hz. Sensitivity 2 mW for
average listening. Max. power 0.7 W. 50 ohms.
AT -701 Dynamic Headphones 10 ounces .8 ft. coiled cord $49.95
Uses a 47 -mm dynamic driver; non -resonant,
thermo-formed polymer diaphragm; copper - BEYER/DYNAMIC
plated aluminum wire voice coil for minimum
mass; response 30-20,000 Hz; impedance 4 to DT -48 Dynamic Headphones HEAR -MUFFS
16 ohms; sensitivity 97 dB ±2 dB/mW at 1000 Moving -coil type. Originally designed as an au-
Hz. Comes with coiled cord. Ear pads may be re- diometry instrument for measuring human HM -1A Headphones
moved for replacement. 6.3 ounces $39.95 hearing in lab research. Range 16-20,000 Hz ±2 Stereo headphones; washable cotton velour
AT -702. Same as AT -701 except response 25- dB. Response virtually flat. Comes with 10 -ft cover; 10 -ft coiled cord; 3'/2" dynamic drivers;
20,000 Hz; sensitivity 97 dB/mW at 1000 Hz cord $120.00 compatible with 4-16 ohm output impedance;
$49.95 DT48-K. Same as DT -48 except with plug-in response 20-18,000 Hz; THD 1% at 115 dB
AT -703. Same as AT -701 except response 20- coiled cable $125.00 SPL: 1.5 W/ch max. power handling capability;
20,000 Hz; sensitivity 94 dB/mW at 1000 Hz 20 ounces $29.95
$69.95 DT900 Dynamic Headphones
Moving coil type. Response 30-18,000 Hz. 5- HM -4000 "Supermuffs"
AT -706 Electret Condenser Phones 2000 ohms impedance. 200 mW maximum in- Stereo headphones; washable high -pile acrylic
Condenser -type drivers with permanently put per phone. 6 -ft. cord $29.95 cover; 10 -ft coiled cord; 4" dynamic drivers;
charged diaphragm in push-pull configuration; compatible with 4-16 ohm output impedance;
diaphragm 58 mm dia. x 3 microns thick; ac- DT96A Dynamic Headphones response 20-20,000 Hz; THD unmeasurable at
cessory adapter matches high impedance of Moving coil type. Response 30-17,000 Hz. 95 dB SPL; 1.5 W/ch continuous power han-
condenser element to any standard ampli- Sensitivity 1 0 mW at 400 Hz produces 110 dB dling capability; 21 ounces $37.95
fier output and includes headphone/speaker (re 2 x 10-' µbar). 50-200 ohms impedance.
switch; response 10-22,000 Hz; impedance 100 mW maximum input per phone. 5 -ft. cord.
4-16 ohms; THD 0.1% at 120 dB SPL at 1000 8 ounces $47.50
Hz. 10.3 ounces $129.95
DT100 Dynamic Headphones KOSS
Moving coil type. Response 30-18,000 Hz.
Sensitivity 1 mW at 400 Hz produces 110 dB ESP -9 Electrostatic Headphones
AUDIOTEX (re 2 x 10 4 P. bar). 5-100-400-2000 ohms im- Frequency response 15-15,000 Hz *2 dB.
pedance. 1 W maximum input per phone Sensitivity 80 dB SPL (reference 0.0002
Marquis Stereo Headphones $64.00 dyne/cm2). Distortion less than 0.2% at 110 dB
Open-air, lightweight design. Response 20- SPL. 4 to 16 ohms impedance. 6 -ft. coiled
20,000 Hz; 8 ohms imped. matches all ampli- DT480 Dynamic Headphones cord. 19 ounces. Black, fluid -filled earcups for
fier 4-16 ohm outputs 6 -ft cord and plug. Moving coil type. Response 20-18,000 Hz. ambient noise isolation. Designed for critical
Cushioned earpieces and adjustable padded Sensitivity 1 mW at 400 Hz produces 115 dB studio monitoring $175.00
headband. 30-5205 $39.95 (re 2 x 10 µbar). 25-200 ohms impedance.
1 W maximum input per phone... ... $90.00 ESP -6 Electrostatic Headphones
Mark IV Stereo Headphones Frequency response 30-19,000 Hz ±- 5 dB.
Wide -range dynamic type. Frequency range to Sensitivity 80 dB SPL (reference 0.0002
above audibility at 1% distortion between 10- dyne/cm2). Distortion less than 0.2% at 110 dB
18,000 Hz. Removable, soft cushions; padded SPL. 4 to 16 ohms impedance. 10 -ft. coiled
headband. 10 -ft coiled cord with stereo plug. BEYER/GOTHAM cord. 27 ounces. Black, fluid -filled earcups
Imp. 8 ohms. Matches all 4-16 ohm outputs. for ambient noise isolation. Self-contained
30-5206 $59.95 DT -48S Stereo Headphones polarizer $130.00
1975 EDITION 143
T -5A Remote Control Station tional set of phones; protective circuit for
Similar to T -10A. Has jacks for two sets of ste- regulating extremely loud passages; overload
reophones. Left- and right -channel volume con- protection; 14 ounces $129.95
Headphones trols and speaker "on -off" switch. Has walnut -
like base combined with black trim. $9.95
F-600 Open -Acoustic Headphones
Open -acoustic stereo design. Response 20- PICKERING
20,000 Hz. Lightweight open-air foam ear cush-
ions with adjustable headband. Imp. 200 ohms. OA -1 Headphones
Comes with 5 -ft cord and plug $24.95 Lightweight, open-air design. 8 ohms. Max. in-
put 300 mW. Sensitivity: 100 dB at 600 Hz.
F-990 Stereo Headphones Response 30-19,000 Hz. Is equipped with 7 -ft
Response 20-20,000 Hz. Has two 31/2" wide - cord $19.95
range transducers; air -tight earphone cush-
ions; fully adjustable cushioned headband. OA -2 Headphones
Imp. 8 ohms. Comes with 6'/,ft cable and stan- Lightweight, open-air design with special adap-
dard stereo phone plug $29.95 ter for use with portable radios, tape recorders,
15-20,000 Hz; capacity 5 V rms continuous and TV sets. 8 ohms. Max. input power 300 mW;
with provision for 14 dB-SPL transient peaks sensitivity 100 dB at 600 Hz; response 30-
miniature rotary -type volume/balance control 19,000 Hz; dist. 1% (100 dB SPL). 7 -ft cord.
per earcup; 9.9 ounces, less cord; 3 -conductor, 10.9 ounces $22.95
10 -ft coiled cord; acoustical sponge earcush- OA -3 Headphones
ions, self-adjusting headband with pivoting SE -15 Electrostatic Headphones
yokes and padded vinyl cover $54.95 Lightweight, open-air design. 15 ohms ±10%
Response 20-20,000 Hz ±3 dB; dist. 0.5% 4C- at 1000 Hz; max. power input 0.2 Wrms/ch;
T -4A Connector Box 20,000 Hz at 100 dB SPL, 1.5% at 20 Hz; im- response 20-20,000 Hz; dist. '/2% at 100 dB
Accepts up to five sets of stereophones. 14 -ft. SPL; sensitivity 100 dB SPL at 0.10 V input
cord with 3 -conductor phone plug fits stan- at 1000 Hz each channel. 1i/2" Mylar diaphragm
dard headphone jack. Private listening for five dynamic transducer. Extend -adjust. headband
persons at one time. Unit measures 6" diame- with full pivot yoke and padded vinyl cover; soft
ter and has walnut -like base combined with vinyl foam ear cushions; 10 -ft, 3-cond. coiled
black trim and aluminum plug-in panel . $12.95 cord. Weighs 7.5 ounces (without cord)
T -10A Chairside Listening Station
Offers remote control for two sets of stereo - 4955 Headphones
phones. Features separate volume controls for Dynamic type. 8 ohms impedance; response
each stereophone and a speaker "on -off" 40-11,000 Hz ±3 dB; 30-18,000 Hz ±-6 dB;
switch. Wires directly to amplifier or receiver. sensitivity 100 dB SPL; max. input 0.5 W rms;
Unit measures 6" diameter and has a walnut - pedance 30 ohms; energizer has built-in head- distortion 1% at 115 dB SPL; 10 -ft coiled cord.
like base $19.95 phone/speaker switching; facilities for addi- 28 ounces $59.95
DIRECTORY Stereo Directory and Buying Guide H75)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
SERVICE 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
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Here's an easy and convenient way for
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 68 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
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about products advertised in this
Stereo Directory and Buying Guide (VOID AFTER MAY 21, 1975)
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Stereo Review is proud to announce
INFORMATION an important new set of recordings
created to help you expand your
SERVICE understanding of music.
1 ii i'!!..1 i- iii
PERMIT NO. 217 -41
rlr r
& BUYING GUIDE you can make the best use of the album.
dioid pattern. Hand-held with slip -in stand at- dioid pattern. Hand-held with slip -in stand at- Low impedance. Cardioid pattern. For all types
tachment. Use for speech, rock vocals, and tachment. Use for speech, rock vocals, and of recording. Has built-in windscreen, making it
music. Has "on -off" switch and 15 -ft. cable. music. Has pop or blast filter, "on -off" switch. suitable for outdoor recording. Comes with bat-
Chrome finish $30.30 Supplied with 15 -ft. cable and connector. tery, mike stand adapter, cable, and carrying
Model 515SB. Same as Model 515SA except Chrome finish $50.85 case. $59.95
low impedance $30.30 Model 585SAV. Similar to Model 585SA(B) but
has volume control on microphone barrel ECM -270 Condenser Microphone
545 "Unidyne Ill" Microphone $55.65 Sensitivity -56 dB. Response 40-16,000 Hz.
Dynamic type. Sensitivity -149 dB (EIA). Re- Low impedance. Unidirectional pattern. Use for
sponse 50-15,000 Hz. User selects high or low 588SA(B) "Unisphere B" Mike recording live musical performances. Light-
impedance. Cardioid pattern. With slip -in Sensitivity - 155 dB (EIA). Response 80-13,000 weight for stage, nightclub, and other situa-
stand attachment and hinge mount to stand. Hz. User specifies high or low impedance. Car- tions where performer holds mike. Comes with
Designed specifically for speech, music, and dioid pattern. Hand-held with slip -in stand at- accessory windscreen, microphone holder, and
tape recording. Supplied with 15 -ft. cable and tachment. Use for speech, rock vocals, and cable $79.95
Amphenol-type MC4M connector. Chrome fin- music. Has pop or blast filter, "on -off" switch.
ish $64.20 Comes with 15 -ft. cable and connector. ECM -280 Condenser Microphone
Model 545S. Similar to Model 545 but has ca- Chrome finish $43.65 Sensitivity: -56 dB. Response 30-18,000 Hz.
ble connection through hinge and "on -off" Low impedance. Cardioid pattern. Has bass roll -
switch in upright $68.40 off switch and a built-in windscreen. An addi-
Model 545SD. Same as Model 545 but has tional removable windscreen works in conjunc-
"on -off " switch on microphone barrel $68.40 tion with the unidirectional pickup pattern for
Model 545L Similar to Model 545 but has lava- outdoor recordings free from wind and back-
lier cord and clip $53.85 SONY from SUPERSCOPE ground noise. Incorporates FET electronics.
Comes with battery, mike stand adapter, cable,
546 "Unidyne Ill" Microphone ECM.16 Tie Clasp/Lapel Mike and carrying case $99.95
Dynamic type. Sensitivity -154 dB (EIA). Re- Sensitivity -57.8 dB (0 dB 1 V/10 µbar). Re-
sponse 50-15,000 Hz. User selects high or low sponse 50-13,000 Hz. Low impedance, omni-
impedance. Cardioid pattern. Hinge mount to directional pattern. Lavalier-type for speech TEAC
stand. Use for speech, rock vocals, and music. and tape recording. Supplied with mini
Comes with 20 -ft. cable and connector. connector. Internal battery operation. 6 -ft.
$34.95 MC -201 Microphone
Chrome finish $103.80 cable. 9/16" dia. x 19/16" long. Silver
Electret. Response 50-15,000 Hz. Balanced
548SD "Unidyne IV" Microphone ECM -18 Condenser Microphone
Dynamic type. Sensitivity -141 dB (EIA). Re- Sensitivity 56.8 dB (0 dB= 1 V/10 µbar). Re-
sponse 40-15,000 Hz. User selects high or low sponse 50-12,000 Hz. Low impedance, car-
impedance. Cardioid pattern. Hand-held with dioid pattern. Hand-held type for speech, mu-
slip -in stand attachment. Use for speech and sic, and tape recording. Supplied with mini
music. Has "on -off" switch, 15 -ft. cable, and connector, dust filter or windscreen. 6.5 -ft.
connector. Chrome finish $80.40 cable. Internal battery operation. Silver gray
and black $27.95
55S "Unidyne II" Microphone
Sensitivity -148 dB (EIA). Response 50-15,000
ECM -33P Condenser Microphone
Hz. User selects high or low impedance. Car- Sensitivity -54.8 dB (0 dB 1 V/10 µbar).
dioid pattern. Hinge mount to stand. Use for Response 40-15,000 Hz; Low impedance, bal-
speech and music. Supplied with Amphenol-
type MC3M connector and 15 -ft. cable.
Chrome finish $64.20
Model 55SW. Same as Model 55S except has
built-in "on -off" switch $65.40 600 ohms. Has slip -in stand attachment, wind-
anced 250/600 ohms. Cardioid pattern. Hand- screen, and 10 -ft. cable. $80.00
565 "Unisphere 1" Microphone held with "slip -in" stand attachment. Use for
Dynamic type. Sensitivity -148.5 dB (EIA). speech, rock, vocals, music, and tape record-
Response 50-15,000 Hz. User selects high or ing. Comes with dust filter or windscreen and TECHNICS BY PANASONIC
low impedance. Cardioid pattern. Hinge mount 20 -ft. cable. Connector not included. Internal
to stand. Use for speech, rock vocals, and mu- battery/phantom powering $129.95 RP -3850 Electret Condenser Mike
sic. Has pop or blast filter, 15 -ft. cable, and Cardioid pattern; FET head amplifier; tone -
connector. Chrome finish $72.60 ECM -99 Condenser Microphone adjust switch; PAD 10 -dB sensitivity switch;
Model 565SD. Same as Model 565 except has Sensitivity 53 dB (0 dB - 1 V/10 µbar). Re- detachable windscreen; response 20-16,000
"on -off" switch. $75.60 sponse 50-12,000 Hz. Low impedance. Car- Hz; sensitivity -72 dB at 1000 Hz; 0 dB = 1
Model 566. Similar to Model 565 except with dioid (dual) pattern. Hand-held with "slip -in" V/µ bar; output Z 600 ohms balanced; S/N 46
shock mount $110.40 stand attachment. Use for music and tape dB; max. input = 128 dB SPL. Operates 5000
recording. Comes with dust filter or wind- hrs on single AA cell. Comes with Cannon cable
578 "Omnidyne" Microphone screen, 10 -ft. cable, mini (2) connector, one -
connector $149.95
Sensitivity - 154 dB (EIA). Response 50-15,000 point stereo pickup. Internal battery operation. RP -3830E. Similar to 3850 except response 50-
Hz. User selects high or low impedance. Omni- Nickel satin finish $49.95
15,000 Hz; sensitivity -74 dB; Switchcraft
directional pattern. Hand-held. Use for speech $99.95
F-27 Dynamic Microphone cable connector
and music. Has "on -off" switch, a 15 -foot ca- R? -3550E. Similar to RP -3830E except fixed
ble, and connector. Supplied with chrome Sensitivity - 58 dB (0 dB - 1 V/10 µbar). Low
impedance. Cardioid pattern. Hand-held. Use windscreen; Switchcraft cable connector
finish $60.00 $79.95
Model 578S. Similar to Model 578 except has for speech and tape .recording. Supplied with
swivel assembly $67.20 mini connector and 6.5 -ft. cable $14.95
What's the most demanding sound for a tape to better the frequency response.
reproduce? It's music. Particularly the variety of This SNR graph shows the superiority of the
pitch and sound levels found in symphonic music. - nark Wok music tape BY CAPITOL over conventional tape.
Ordinary tapes4ose this range of sound. They It's another reason we think the music tape BY
round off an instrument's unique characteristics, CAPITOL-cassette, cartridge and open reel-is
its "color." They distort when the pitch (frequency) - best for recording music.
is high. Or create interference noise when the - You might say the music tape Be CAPITOL is
sound level (amplitude) is low. the blank tape with an ear for music.
When you record ordinary things, use an ordinary tape. But when you record music,
record on the music tape
C/M LABS are you the record or tape manufacturer (for reasons
we explain in our literature).
601 Electronic Crossover missing The dbx 117 Dynamic Range Enhancer
Noise Reduction Unit restores up to 20 db
Frequency response from selected cut-off to
100,000 Hz +-0, -3 dB (high-pass), 1 Hz to
selected cut-off +0, -3 dB (low-pass), 1-
the surprise of the dynamics missing from records, tapes,
and FM broadcasts and puts life back into
100,000 Hz +0, -3 dB (wideband model);
6 dB/octave crossover; has left & right chan-
nel outputs; THD 0.5% at rated output;
in Haydn's the music. The Model 117 also lets you make
professionally noise -free, full dynamic range
IM 0.5% at 2 V equiv. single frequency ampli-
tude; over-all gain 0 dB, L'.1 dB max; individual
Surprise recordings on even a modestly priced tape
level controls for high- & low-pass amps (no
balance control between channels). 2'/2" H x
Symphony? The stereo dbx 117 is available from better audio
111/4" W x 51/." D $144.00 dealers at $159. dbx, Incorporated, 296 Newton
Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154
DBA-9 Dolby Adapter
Record/playback noise -reduction system using
Dolby -B type circuits. Has individual record and
output level controls; dual VU meters. Input
imp. 25,000 ohms. Sensitivity 30 mV; output
0.58 V adjustable. Output imp. 2500 ohms.
Response 20-15,000 Hz -"0.5 dB. HD 0.2%.
Noise reduction 8 dB at 2000 Hz & 10 dB at
5000 Hz. Supplied with Dolby -level pre-re-
corded tape (1 cassette & 1 3" reel) for calibra-
tion. 103/a" W x 3" x 71/2" D $114.95
DBA-10 Dolby Adapter
Record/playback noise -reduction system using
Dolby B -type circuitry. Has individual input/
output channel -level controls with calibration
adjustments available from front panel. In-
cludes a built-in calibration tone signal and
twin DIN/Dolby NAB meters. Response 20-
20,000 Hz -±0.5 dB, HD 0.4%. Input sensitivity
30 mV, output 0.58 V adjustable. Noise reduc-
tion 8 dB at 2000 Hz, 10 dB at 5000 Hz.
131/2" x 3'/2" x D $139.95
Corodized $4.65 49 degrees; v.s.w.r. median. 1.6:1; front -to -back
ratio median 16.6 dB; turning radius 63".
75 -Ohm FM Antennas 63" long x 112" W $24.85
Accessories 75 -ohm versions of the Models FM -5 and FM -
4G. To be used with coax -cable transmission
lines in difficult, high -interference areas.
Furnished with indoor matching balun trans-
micro -dust, fingerprints, and cigarette smoke. former to balance 75 -ohm coax to 300 -ohm in-
Also eliminates destructive biological growth. SEA -10 Sound Effects Amplifier
put of set.
Leaves no residue. Complete kit $12.95 $55.10 Five -zone sound -effects amplifier/equalizer
Replacement fluid $2.25 CX-FM-4G $41.05 circuit, switchable to 40, 60, 250, 1000, 5000,
10,000 and 15,000 Hz. Permits sound equaliza-
"discorganizer" tion during recording as well as playback.
Solid walnut organizer which will house the HEATH 5ii." x 7'/2" x 10" D $129.95
record -cleaning system and provides space for
reserve spindles, stylus guards, cartridges, and AD -1013 Audio -Scope NR -1020 ANRS Noise -Reduction Unit
other phono accessories $5.95 Audio oscilloscope capable of monitoring such Automatic noise -reduction unit for use with
parameters as channel separation, phasing, reel-to-reel, cassette, and cartridge tape decks.
"Turntable Foundation" relative signal strengths, multi -path reception, Improves (S + N)/N by 5 dB at 1000 Hz and 10
Cultured marble base with critically engineered and center tuning on all 2- and 4 -channel dB at 10,000 Hz. Includes built-in 400 -Hz oscil-
damping feet to reduce bass feedback from stereo systems. Inputs for left -front, left -back, lator, two meters, two recording -level and two
right -front, right -back, and multi -path, inde- playback -level controls, reel-to-reel and cas-
pendently switchable or in any combination; sette calibration tapes. 35/8" x 13'/e" x 7'/2"0 . .
4 4 is, Orj
KOSS stereophones
from the people who invented Stereophones.
KOSS CORPORATION, 4129 N. Port Washington Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212 Koss S.r.I., Milan Italy Koss Limited, 4112 South Service Rd., Burlington, Ontario.