Part 1. Analysis Directions: Dissect The Contents of Your Assigned Text by Answering The Following Questions
Part 1. Analysis Directions: Dissect The Contents of Your Assigned Text by Answering The Following Questions
Part 1. Analysis Directions: Dissect The Contents of Your Assigned Text by Answering The Following Questions
Directions: Offer your critical views on the following sections of the article:
1. Introduction (Does the introduction properly preview the issue or problem the study intended to
explore? Does it provide sufficient background as to who are affected by the problem and how they are
- The introduction properly previewed the issue that the study intended to explore. However, it
did not provide a sufficient background in detailing who are affected by the problem and how
they are affected.
2. Review of Related Literature (Does provide substantial literature and related studies to make the
readers understand the issue or problem better? Does it offer the author’s views about the literature
provided? Does the author clearly situate the study in the existing literature?)
- The study lacks substantial literature and related studies to make the readers understand the
issue or the problem. It does not sufficiently offer the author’s views about the literature