Part 1. Analysis Directions: Dissect The Contents of Your Assigned Text by Answering The Following Questions

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Name: ____________________________________________

Program: ____________________ Date: _______________

Directions: Dissect the contents of your
assigned text by answering the following questions:

1. Problem (What issue or problem did the study explore?)

- The study explored the strategies that teachers can use with struggling learners.
2. Hypothesis (What was the hypothesis, if any?)
- It hypothesized the effectives of Repeated Reading as a Fluency Intervention with a struggling
intermediate reader.
3. Review of Related Literature (What gaps in literature did the study try to address?)
- It tries to address the conflicting views of what constitutes fluent reading.
4. Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework (What theoretical/conceptual framework was used?)
- First, the theory on automaticity. Second, prosodic reading features of oral reading.
5. Method (What method did the study use? Describe.)
- Various research methods including research-created interview and running reading records.
6. Participants and Selection Process (Who were involved and how were they selected?)
- It involves one participant.
7. Procedure (What was the procedure? Describe the methodology in steps/stages.)
- The researcher conducted interviews and running reading records in which she closely monitored the
activity of the participant in the research.
8. Instruments (What instruments/materials were used?)
- Guba’s criteria for validity study (as cited in Mills)
9. Results (What were the results? Summarize. Did the results provide answers to research questions?)
10. Implications (What were the pedagogical implications?)
11. Conclusions (What were the conclusions?)
12. Recommendations (What were the recommendations?)

Directions: Offer your critical views on the following sections of the article:
1. Introduction (Does the introduction properly preview the issue or problem the study intended to
explore? Does it provide sufficient background as to who are affected by the problem and how they are
- The introduction properly previewed the issue that the study intended to explore. However, it
did not provide a sufficient background in detailing who are affected by the problem and how
they are affected.

2. Review of Related Literature (Does provide substantial literature and related studies to make the
readers understand the issue or problem better? Does it offer the author’s views about the literature
provided? Does the author clearly situate the study in the existing literature?)
- The study lacks substantial literature and related studies to make the readers understand the
issue or the problem. It does not sufficiently offer the author’s views about the literature

3. Theoretical and or Conceptual Framework (Does it anchor on a relevant framework or model?)

- The study does not anchor on a relevant framework or model.
4. Methodology (Does it explain properly the different sub-sections? Are the processes and materials used
appropriate for the study?)
- The author explains the methodology properly. However, the processes followed in the study
were inappropriate.
5. Results and Discussion (Are the results and findings clearly presented? Do they reflect the author’s
attempt at answering the research questions of the study?)
- The results do not reflect the author’s attempt at answering the research questions of the
6. Conclusion (Is it grounded on the results and or findings? Does it clearly indicate the contribution of the
study to the field?)
- The conclusion is grounded on the results and findings. However, it does not clearly indicate
the contribution of the study to the field.
7. Recommendations (Are they based on the conclusions?)
- Recommendations are based on the conclusions.
8. Others (Does the article observe the English language grammar and mechanics? Does it follow a certain
format such as APA properly and consistently?)
- Certain grammatical issues were observed.

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