Devi Academic Writing - TNL

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Writing an Academic Essay

The Purpose and Process of Academic

Writing - Ms Devi Kalay
What is the purpose of writing an
academic essay?
• Discover knowledge
• Make a point
• Persuade the
• Share information
• Synthesize
• Analyze a topic
• Document your
Think of Writing as a Step-by-Step Process
• Read and Research
• Brainstorm Ideas
• Develop a Working
Thesis and Outline
• Write a Rough Draft
• Review for Content
• Revise Rough Draft
• Review for Grammar
and Mechanics
• Revise Second Draft
• Continue Reviewing
and Revising as
Where Do I Get Ideas To Write About?
• Read texts related
to your topic
• Use brainstorming
techniques like:
– Listing ideas
– Clustering or mind
– Free writing
• Discuss the issue
with others
• Research the topic
• Write your main point in the center of the page and circle
• As ideas come to you, branch off from the main point
• Think of the cluster as a tree, each idea branching off a
previous idea
• Do not censor or edit yourself
Cluster Example
Develop a Working Thesis
• A thesis comes at the end of the introduction section of
your paper
• It lets the reader know exactly what overall point you are
trying to make
• It should be specific, not general
• It can be used by the reader and the writer as a road
map for the rest of the paper
• It is not fixed; it can and should evolve as your ideas
• What you present in the paper should not deviate from
what you promise in the thesis
• Establishes expectations
Thesis Examples

– Dr. Seuss’ propaganda cartoons during World War II

reduced Japanese Americans to stereotypes, played
on the fears of the American public during a time of
war, and focused on the broad, generalized issues of
the situation rather than the individual circumstances
of the people involved.
Developing an Outline

• Once you establish a thesis, use it to help you develop

an outline of the paper
• An outline will:
– Help you organize your ideas
– Keep you focused
– Save time
• For every main point, you’ll need several supporting
Outline Example
 Thesis
 Main Point
 Supporting Point
 Detail
 Detail
 Supporting Point
 Detail
 Detail
 Main Point
 Supporting Point
 Detail
 Detail
 Supporting Point
 Detail
 Detail
 Supporting Point
 Detail
 Detail
 Main Point
 Supporting Point
 Detail
 Detail
 Supporting Point
 Detail
 Detail
Writing the Rough Draft
• Now that you have a thesis and outline, you may begin
writing your rough draft.
• As you write this rough draft, keep the following
strategies in mind:
– Organize information in your body paragraphs
– Hook the reader in the introduction
– Keep your paper coherent with transition words and
– Wrap up your paper with a strong closing
– Utilize academic writing conventions
– Follow the writing process
• The purpose of the
paragraph is to:
– Hook the reader
– Contextualize your
argument or topic
– Provide necessary
information about
the topic
Strategies to Hook the Reader
• Ask a question
• Tell a story
• Use a quote
• Provide interesting statistics
• Share an anecdote
• Make a provocative statement
Give Context in the Introduction

• What does the reader need to know to understand this

– Historical background
– Issues relating to the topic
– Important authors and texts you will be referring to
– Cultural issues
– Why this topic is important or relevant
Start Your Body Paragraphs with Clear Topic

A topic sentence:

• Comes at the beginning of a paragraph

• Presents the most important point you want to make in
that paragraph
• Is specific (or not so broad it would require a full essay to
Use Compelling Supporting Points to Support
Your Topic Sentence

• Supporting points are examples or pieces of evidence

that support the claim you have made in your topic
• They can be:
– Facts
– Examples
– Anecdotes (Stories)
– Expert Testimony
– Quotes
– Observations
– Statistics
Make Sure to Elaborate with Concrete

• Once you have

listed your
supporting points,
you can now
elaborate on them
by adding details or
explaining what you
mean further.
Topic Sentence: Dr. Seuss emphasized the danger
posed by Japanese Americans during World War II.

Main Point: His pictures show a parade of smiling

Japanese marching down the West Coast collecting

Detail: Each box of TNT these cartoon characters

carry plays on the often-irrational fears Americans
felt toward Japanese Americans after the attack on
Pearl Harbor.
An Alternative: Using the PIE Formula
• Another useful strategy to organize information is to use
the PIE formula
– P = Point = The main point you want to make
– I = Illustration = A quote or paraphrase from the text
– E = Explanation = Your explanation about what the
quote or paraphrase means
Use Transitions to Create Coherence

• Use transition words or sentences to bridge ideas so the

reader does not get confused
• First
• Second
• In addition
• Nevertheless
• In contrast
• Furthermore
• Therefore
• Etc.
Strategies for a Conclusion
• Re-state your thesis
statement in a
different way.
• Make a strong
closing comment.
• Leave the reader
with a closing
Academic Conventions: Things to Avoid

• Avoid using personal pronouns like “I”, “We”, and “You”.

• Avoid not use contractions like “isn’t”, “they’re”, “wasn’t”,
• Avoid slang
• Avoid a personal tone
• Avoid vague ideas
• Avoid plagiarism
Academic Conventions: Things to Do

• Do address both sides of an argument

• Do cite your sources
• Do use a formal tone
• Do take a stand
• Do use concrete details
• Do give yourself time to develop your paper
Remember, Writing is a Process

• Every writing assignment is practice for the next one

• Writing takes time
• Go through every step of the process
• Focus on your ideas first
• Focus on grammar and spelling last
• Get feedback from a peer, instructor, or tutor

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