Extended Project: Writing Up Your Research
Extended Project: Writing Up Your Research
Extended Project: Writing Up Your Research
Here are some report sections that are common to most reports
• Introduction
• Methodology
• Findings & discussion
• Conclusion
• Abstract
The Introduction
This is where you will introduce your research to the reader.
• How are you going to structure your report to show your
research and findings?
Talking to others about your project and asking questions can be a
really helpful way of learning how to communicate what your topic is.
• Sort these post-it notes into ‘For’ and ‘Against’ your argument.
Some might lie in between.
• Are there any points that naturally lead on from one another, or
does one point nicely counter another? Draw arrows between the
ones that link.
• The next step is to think about the journey of your argument, what
point lends itself to a starting point? Reorder your post its to create
the structure of your argument.
• Put in the sources that support each point, think about how you
will present them – quotes, paraphrases, charts, diagrams,
pictures, videos etc.
Writing Tips
Make sure you remember to include your own opinion.
Link to next
Present evidence
Link back to
The Conclusion
This is where you will try and give a decisive answer to your
research question
• How you have arrived at the answer you have come up with
– were there any surprises to your findings?
• A fresh pair of eyes might pick out mistakes you’ve missed or help
you with bits that need a bit more work.