UL - LSFH Cables

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The use of low-smoke, halogen-free (LSHF) cables in commercial and residential building projects can help reduce equipment
damage and reduce smoke toxicity. However, there remains much confusion among manufacturers, product specifiers and
contractors about exactly what the LSFH designation means, and the extensive, standards-based testing that is required
to ensure that a cable fully complies with LSFH requirements. The confusion is further compounded by increased instances
of cable products bearing counterfeit labels and safety marks without having undergone rigorous safety, smoke density
and halogen content testing.

In this UL white paper, we’ll discuss the benefits of using LSHF-rated cables in key construction applications, as well as the type
of testing that is required to verify that a cable is truly low-smoke and halogen-free. We’ll also discuss the specifics of UL’s Material
Recognition Program, and cable surface mark program for LSHF cables and materials, and the benefits of certification in accordance
with the requirements of UL 2885, “Outline of Investigation for Acid Gas, Acidity and Conductivity of Combusted Materials and
Assessment of Halogens.”

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Wire and cable products are an essential component behind the functionality of
infrastructure projects, industrial and commercial buildings and residences. Wire
and cable products of all types are used to power and control systems, equipment
and electrically-operated devices, as well as in data and telecommunications
applications to support audio, video and data transmission capabilities. Even with
the increased availability of advanced wireless connection technologies, wire and
cable products offer reliable electrical and data connections at reasonable costs.

In general, cable products consist of copper conductors or optical fiber surrounded

by a protective outer sheath. In some instances, additional layers are added below
the outer sheath to shield or insulate the cable’s core. The composition of the outer
sheath typically depends on the cable’s intended use or its anticipated exposure to
environmental elements or conditions, e.g., outdoors, underground, etc. But most
cables manufactured today use some combination of polymeric materials that
provide strength, durability and flexibility to the finished cable product.

For decades, polymeric-based cable compounds have incorporated resins, additives,

flame retardants and color concentrates that contain halogen compounds and other
halogenated ingredients. In the case of cable insulation and sheathing materials,
halogenated ingredients, such as brominated compounds, are often added to improve
a material’s fire retardant properties. Other polymeric materials used in cable insulation
and sheathing, including polyvinyl chloride (PVC), fluorinated ethylene propylene and
chlorinated polyethylene, can be additional potential sources of halogen.


While cable insulation and sheathing materials incorporating halogenated
ingredients may to be more flame retardant, they also emit a smoke when exposed
to fire that can become toxic and corrosive under fire conditions. Specifically,
halogens released from exposure to fire react with normally-occurring hydrogen
to form hydrogen halide. When mixed with water (for example, the water used
to fight a fire), hydrogen halides form hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid
or hydrobromic acid. These acids can damage or destroy critical structures,
components and equipment, and increase toxicity. Cables containing
halogenated materials also produce significantly higher levels of carbon
monoxide (CO) gas during combustion, further escalating their potential danger.

Over the years, a number of high-profile fires have provided clear evidence of
the potential dangers of cables shielded with materials containing halogenated
ingredients. To cite just one example, an electrical short-circuit in a Washington, D.C.
Metro subway tunnel in 2015 resulted in the burning of legacy power cables that
emitted noxious smoke and gases, leading to the death of one woman and sickening
dozens of other passengers. The tragedy reportedly led Metro maintenance officials
to speed up the long-planned replacement of older power cables with low-halogen
or halogen-free alternatives1.

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THE DEMAND FOR LSHF CABLES and telecommunications switching stations. LSHF cables are
also being used in settings where the prompt and efficient
First introduced in the 1970s, cables with LSHF properties evacuation of people is not always possible, such as hospitals,
were initially intended for installation in small, confined spaces critical care centers and nursing homes.
where the risk of corrosion and toxicity from smoke generated
The safety profile of LSHF cable products has also resulted
in a fire by legacy cables would be particularly problematic.
in their expanded use beyond the power and control cable
However, the potential risks from cables incorporating
categories. Today, LSHF alternatives are available for data
halogenated materials have resulted in an increased interest
and telecom cables, fiber optic cables and appliance wires
in the use of LSHF cables in a wider variety of environments.
and cables. And the absence of halogenated materials makes
Rather than being deployed exclusively in confined space LSHF cables a logical choice for new construction projects
applications, such as tunnels, mines and ships, LSHF cables where environmental and sustainability considerations
are now being used in any environment where critical are involved since the use of LSHF cables may qualify for
operations require the continuous operation of equipment project credit under the U.S. Green Building Counsel’s LEED
and systems, such as data centers, emergency call centers Green Building Initiative.

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While the previously mentioned factors have resulted in an increased demand for
LSHF cables, there is also increased confusion among both cable manufacturers and
cable buyers regarding not only the terminology around these products, but also
which standards can be used to satisfactorily evaluate and test those cable products
and cable components purporting to be low-smoke and halogen free.

At the present time, there is no standardized approach regarding the terminology

applicable to cables that generate low levels of smoke, or that are free of
halogenated materials, or that are fire-resistant. For example, some manufacturers
offer cables that are “low-smoke, halogen-free”, while others offer comparable
products that are “low-smoke, zero-halogen” (LSZH). Other companies offer
“halogen-free, fire-resistant” (HFFR) cables, while still others market cables
that are “low-smoke and fume” (LSF).

In many cases, the confusing array of acronyms also highlights the subjective nature
of the terminology itself. Just what exactly characterizes a “low-smoke” cable? Does
“zero-halogen” simply mean free of halogenated materials or does it refer to halogen
emissions released under fire conditions?

An important factor contributing to this confusion about cables designated

as LSHF are the very standards that have traditionally been used to evaluate their
halogen content. The two most-frequently used standards include IEC 60754-1,
“Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables – Part 1:
Determination of the halogen acid gas content,” and IEC 60754-2, “Test on gases
evolved during combustion of materials from cables – Part 2: Determination of
acidity (by pH measurement) and conductivity.” Other standards commonly used
in cable assessment are MIL-DTL-24643 C, which covers requirements for cables
used in Navy shipboard applications, and IEC 61249-2.

However, neither IEC 60754-1 nor IEC 60754-2 test for or reference content levels of
essential elements of halogen, namely, chlorine, bromine, fluorine, astatine or iodine.
Instead, each standard defines methods to test halogen acid gas created as a result
of the combustion of testing materials (by titration under IEC 60754-1, and by pH
and conductivity under IEC 60754-2) and infer that the halogen acid gas created is
from one of the five halogen elements described above. No actual halogen content
level in terms of percent and or part per million (PPM) are provided in these
standards. Further under IEC 60754-2, minimum pH values and maximum
conductivity limits are defined as “recommended” performance requirements,
rather than stated as “normative” requirements.

In addition, these and other standards used in connection with the evaluation of cable characteristics often
state seemingly different requirements regarding permissible levels of halides in cable products or materials.
MIL-DTL-24643C, for example, specifies that all cable materials shall have “no more than 0.2% halogen content,”
while an industry standard, ICEA T-33-655 (from the Insulated Cable Engineers Association, ICEA) states that cable
materials must have “less than 0.2% weight of any halogen.”

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BRINGING CLARITY TO LSHF CABLE Fortunately, a recently-introduced series of internationally


accepted standards goes a long way toward clarifying
and harmonizing requirements for both low-smoke and
halogen-free characteristics in cable products and materials.
The term “low-smoke, halogen-free” consists of two separate
Published in 2015, the IEC 62821 series of standards, “Electric
and distinct aspects of performance that must be considered
cables – Halogen-free, low smoke, thermoplastic insulated
in a cable evaluation. “Low-smoke” refers to the amount of
and sheathed cables of rated voltages up to and including
smoke that a complete cable construction produces upon
450/750 V,” consists of three parts. Part 1 addresses general
combustion. “Halogen-free” refers to the amount of individual
requirements, Part 2 covers testing methods, and Part 3 details
halogen elements that are present in each combustible cable
additional considerations for flexible cables and cords. Taken
component. To be accurately considered LSHF, a cable must be
together, the IEC 62821 series is one of the first to provide
evaluated for its performance against each of these criteria.
halogen-free and low-smoke requirements for both complete
cable assemblies and for cable material components.

In addition to the IEC 62821 series, there are several

standards currently under development intended to
specifically address LSHF cables, cable materials and
advanced test methods. These include the following:

1. IEC 63010-1, “Electrical cables – Halogen-free thermoplastics 3. IEC 60754-3, “Test on gases evolved during combustion of
insulated and sheathed flexible cables of rated voltages up to materials from cables – Part 3: Detection of low level of halogen
and including 300/300V – Part 1: General requirements” content by ion chromatography”
(Expected publication in March 2018) (Expected publication in June 2018)

2. IEC 63010-2, “Electrical cables – Halogen-free thermoplastics 4. IEC 62321-3-2, “Determination of certain substances
insulated and sheathed flexible cables of rated voltages up to and in electrotechnical products – Part 3-2: Screening of
including 300/300V – Part 2: Test methods” fluorine, bromine and chlorine in polymer and electronics
(Expected publication in March 2018) by Combustion – Ion Chromatography”
(Expected publication in December 2018)

Based on current science and cable material technology, these standards will help to further clarify
both requirements and testing criteria for smoke-free, non-halogenated cables and cable materials.

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2885 AND UL’S fillers, tapes and wraps, through the LSHF designation, cable constructions

application of the following four-stage are evaluated according to the
testing protocol: requirements of IEC 62821-3, which
specifies the testing method detailed
in IEC 61034-2, “Measurement of smoke
Sodium fusion (per IEC 62821-1/-2)
To help facilitate the continued density of cables burning under defined
development and adoption of • STAGE 1 conditions – Part 2: Test procedure and
HF and LSHF cables, UL offers a pH and conductivity (per IEC 60754-2) requirements.” Cable constructions that
series of certification programs meet these additional requirements can
that can be used to validate the • STAGE 2
Bromine and chlorine as HCl apply the LSHF cable surface mark to
characteristics of halogen-free and (per IEC 60754-1) their products.
low-smoke, halogen-free wire and
cable constructions. The certification • STAGE 3 It is important to note that UL-listed
programs can be used in connection Fluorine content (per IEC 62821-1/-2) cables that have also received either
with wire and cable products in all the HF or LSHF marks have been
Cable materials that meet the halogen
UL categories. evaluated for compliance with all
content requirements of UL 2885 are
generally-applicable certification
Under these voluntary certification eligible for HF material Recognition
requirements. Further, complete cable
programs, the evaluation of the halogen designation under the standard. Using
constructions that use the HF or LSHF
characteristics of cable materials follows compounds and components that have
marks are subject to periodic review
the protocol outlined in UL 2885, earned HF Recognition can also expedite
under UL’s Follow-Up Service (FUS)
“Outline of Investigation for Acid Gas, the evaluation process of complete
program which monitors and tests
Acidity and Conductivity of Combusted cable constructions for those cable
UL-certified products on an ongoing
Material and Assessment of Halogens.” manufacturers seeking to apply the
basis to help ensure that product
Based extensively on the IEC 62821 optional HF cable surface mark
production continues to meet the
series of standards, testing under UL to their products.
original certification requirements.
2885 assesses the halogen content of
Complete cable constructions can
cable insulation and jacket compounds,
also be evaluated and certified for their
as well as cable components including
low-smoke characteristics. For the UL

page 7
UL’S LSHF PROGRAMS PRODUCTS—Information on UL-Recognized cables and
components is easily accessible through our Online Certification
UL’s HF and LSHF certification programs for cable
Directory, available at www.UL.com. Access to this information
materials and complete cable assemblies, respectively,
enables buyers to validate product certification claims and
offers manufacturers and buyers several potentially
identify potentially counterfeit claims regarding HF and LSHF
important benefits, as follows:
OUTSIDE THE U.S.—By earning Recognition under UL’s
certification programs are based on the IEC 62821
standards-based LSHF cable certification programs, cable
series of standards which details requirements and
designers can develop new products and materials that
testing methods for cables and cable materials.
will be readily accepted by buyers and regulatory authorities
HELPS ELIMINATE CONFUSION ABOUT LSHF CABLE in most jurisdictions around the world.
approach to the evaluation and testing of smoke and
LSHF certifications can earn LEED Green Building points by the U.S
halogen-related characteristics of cables and cable
Green Building Counsel, support compliance with Proposition 65
materials can provide clarity and ease product
requirements for installations in California, and help to keep
comparisons for buyers seeking LSHF products.
cables and cable assemblies off the International Living Future
Institute’s Red List of compound materials.

page 8

The potential benefits associated with reduced corrosivity and toxicity associated with the use of wire and cable products
that incorporate halogen-free materials is driving an increased demand for HF and LSHF cables and cable components.
However, there is confusion among both manufacturers and buyers of cables about the meaning of these terms, as well
as the validity of self-certified claims about cable smoke and halogen-related characteristics. UL’s HF and LSHF certification
programs have been designed to provide objective, comprehensive and up-to-date requirements and testing methodologies
for the evaluation of cable materials and complete cable assemblies.

For additional information about UL’s certification programs for LS

and LSHF cables and cable materials, contact ROBERT BELLASSAI
at [email protected] or visit UL.com

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1. “Metro rushes to install more ‘low-smoke’ power cables after L’Enfant Plaza incident,” Washington Post,
January 31, 2015. Web. 3 August 2017. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/

©2017 UL LLC. All rights reserved. This white paper may not be copied or distributed without permission.
It is provided for general information purposes only and is not intended to convey legal or other professional advice.

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