Lesson 5 Development of The Social Teachings
Lesson 5 Development of The Social Teachings
Lesson 5 Development of The Social Teachings
(The Papal Social Encyclicals
through the Years)
Objectives :
Published at the end of the post-war era, on the seventieth anniversary of Rerum Novarum,
Mater et Magistra expresses the deep concern of a beloved Pope for justice. The Church
was preparing for the Second Vatican Council in a decade of prosperity and hope, mingled
with cold war tensions. Pope John XXIII welcomes new systems of social welfare and social
security, while rejecting inordinate state control. He repeats the teaching of Pope Pius XII
in favor of small business enterprises, based on the principle of subsidiarity. But he raises
the problem of the growing disparity between rich and poor nations, a trend too evident
amidst rapid developments of industry, trade and technology in the second half of the
The Church’s mission is the salvation of souls and the transformation of the society. This
encyclical addresses the socio-economic conditions and the responsibility of individual
Catholics and the Church to work to overcome excessive inequalities. Wealthier nations
should assist poorer nations. Advances in science and technology need to be critiqued
because they have the power to improve the human condition, but may also pose
dangers to life and to human rights.
December 7, 1965
There are three major duties which must be completed for the world to achieve development. (1)
The wealthiest nations must give aid and promote solidarity with developing nations. (2) Fair
trading relations between strong and poor nations must be established. (3) The world must also
focus on universal charity by building a more humane world community.
A Call to Action
Paul VI
Synod of Bishops,
In Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, Pope John Paul II celebrates the twentieth anniversary of
Populorum Progressio.
The Pope points out that despite some progress in the two decades since Populorum
Progressio’s publication, the gap between developed and developing countries
continued to widened in a variety of areas, including: the production and
distribution of goods, hygiene, health and housing, availability of drinking water, and
working conditions (especially for women).
Pope John Paul II delineates the need for solidarity and freedom, for true justice and a
better way beyond either socialism or free-market capitalism. He re-focuses Catholic
social doctrine around the meaning and value of the human person. With a global
vision of the social changes he observed among the nations, the Pope also denounces
the burden of debt incurred by developing nations and the new imperialism of
population control which was being imposed on them.
The Church must continue to defend the weakest and ensure the
necessary minimum support for the unemployed worker.
Pope John Paul II released the encyclical Evangelium Vitae on March
25, 1995. It deals with the most basic of all principles – the value
and sacredness of human life. Our duty to protect life is central to
the Christian message.
This encyclical presents the Church’s teaching on the sanctity and
inviolability of human life, from conception to natural death, dealing
specifically with abortion, euthanasia and capital punishment. It also
covers the proper use of sex and stresses the importance of the
family. It also emphasizes the need to care for the sick and the poor.
3. Option for the Poor. The option for the poor is an essential part of
society's effort to achieve the common good. A healthy community can be
achieved only if its members give special attention to those with special
needs, to those who are poor and on the margins of society.
4. Rights and Responsibilities. Human dignity can be protected and a healthy
community can be achieved only if human rights are protected and
responsibilities are met.
10. Global Solidarity and Development. We are called to work globally for justice.
Authentic development must be full human development.
Psalm 144: 2-11
I will bless you day after day
and praise your name forever.
The Lord is great, highly to be praised,
His greatness cannot be measured.