Earthwork and Related Operations

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(REV 7-20-15) (FA 8-10-15) (1-16) Includes 1200702



120-1 Description.
120-1.1 General: Excavate and construct embankments as required for the roadway,
ditches, channel changes and borrow material. Use suitable excavated material or authorized
borrow to prepare subgrades and foundations. Construct embankments in accordance with
Design Standards, Index 505. Compact and dress excavated areas and embankments.
For excavation and backfilling of structures, comply with the requirements of
Section 125. Excavate material for clearing and grubbing in accordance with the requirements of
Section 110. Material displaced by the storm sewer or drainage structure system is not included
in the earthwork quantities shown in the Plans.
120-1.2 Unidentified Areas of Contamination: When encountering or exposing any
abnormal condition indicating the presence of contaminated materials, cease operations
immediately in the vicinity and notify the Engineer. The presence of tanks or barrels; discolored
earth, metal, wood, ground water, etc.; visible fumes; abnormal odors; excessively hot earth;
smoke; or other conditions that appear abnormal may indicate the presence of contaminated
materials and must be treated with extreme caution.
Make every effort to minimize the spread of contamination into uncontaminated
areas. Immediately provide for the health and safety of all workers at the job site and make
provisions necessary for the health and safety of the public that may be exposed to any
potentially hazardous conditions. Ensure provisions adhere to all applicable laws, rules or
regulations covering potentially hazardous conditions and will be in a manner commensurate
with the gravity of the conditions.
The Engineer will notify the District Contamination Impact Coordinator (DCIC)
who will coordinate selecting and tasking the Department’s Contamination
Assessment/Remediation Contractor (CAR). Provide access to the potentially contaminated area.
Preliminary investigation by the CAR Contractor will determine the course of action necessary
for site security and the steps necessary under applicable laws, rules, and regulations for
additional assessment and/or remediation work to resolve the contamination issue.
The CAR Contractor will delineate the contamination areas, any staging or
holding area required; and, in cooperation with the Prime Contractor and Engineer, develop a
work plan that will provide the CAR Contractor’s operations schedule with projected completion
dates for the final resolution of the contamination issue.
The CAR Contractor will maintain jurisdiction over activities inside any outlined
contaminated areas and any associated staging holding areas. The CAR Contractor will be
responsible for the health and safety of workers within the delineated areas. Provide continuous
access to these areas for the CAR Contractor and representatives of regulatory or enforcement
agencies having jurisdiction.
Both Contractors will use the schedule as a basis for planning the completion of
both work efforts. The Engineer may grant the Contract Time extensions according to the
provisions of 8-7.3.2.
Cooperate with the CAR Contractor to expedite integration of the CAR
Contractor’s operations into the construction project. The Prime Contractor is not expected to
(REV 7-20-15) (FA 8-10-15) (1-16) Includes 1200702

engage in routine construction activities, such as excavating, grading, or any type of soil
manipulation, or any construction processes required if handling of contaminated soil, surface
water or ground water is involved. All routine construction activities requiring the handling of
contaminated soil, surface water or groundwater will be by the CAR Contractor. Adjustments to
quantities or to Contract unit prices will be made according to work additions or reductions on
the part of the Prime Contractor in accordance with 4-3.
The Engineer will direct the Prime Contractor when operations may resume in the
affected area.

120-2 Classifications of Excavation.

120-2.1 General: The Department may classify excavation specified under this Section
for payment as any of the following: (1) regular excavation, (2) subsoil excavation, (3) lateral
ditch excavation, and (4) channel excavation.
If the proposal does not show subsoil excavation or lateral ditch excavation as
separate items of payment, include such excavation under the item of regular excavation.
If the proposal shows lateral ditch excavation as a separate item of payment, but
does not show channel excavation as a separate item of payment, include such excavation under
the item of lateral ditch excavation. Otherwise, include channel excavation under the item of
regular excavation.
120-2.2 Regular Excavation: Regular excavation includes roadway excavation and
borrow excavation, as defined below for each.
120-2.2.1 Roadway Excavation: Roadway excavation consists of the excavation
and the utilization or disposal of all materials necessary for the construction of the roadway,
ditches, channel changes, etc., except as may be specifically shown to be paid for separately and
that portion of the lateral ditches within the limits of the roadway right-of-way as shown in the
120-2.2.2 Borrow Excavation: Borrow excavation consists of the excavation and
utilization of material from authorized borrow pits, including only material that is suitable for the
construction of roadway embankments or of other embankments covered by the Contract.
A Cost Savings Initiative Proposal (CSIP) submittal based on using
borrow material from within the project limits will not be considered.
120-2.3 Subsoil Excavation: Subsoil excavation consists of the excavation and disposal
of muck, clay, rock, or any other material that is unsuitable in its original position and that is
excavated below the finished grading template. For stabilized bases and sand bituminous road
mixes, consider the finished grading template as the top of the finished base, shoulders and
slopes. For all other bases and rigid pavement, consider the finished grading template as the
finished shoulder and slope lines and bottom of completed base or rigid pavement. For pond and
ditches that identify the placement of a blanket material, consider the finished grading template
as the bottom of the blanket material. Subsoil excavation also consists of the excavation of all
suitable material within the above limits as necessary to excavate the unsuitable material.
Consider the limits of subsoil excavation indicated in the Plans as being particularly variable, in
accordance with the field conditions actually encountered.
The quantity of material required to replace the excavated material and to raise
the elevation of the roadway to the bottom of the template will be paid for under embankment or
borrow excavation (Truck Measure).
120-2.4 Lateral Ditch Excavation: Lateral ditch excavation consists of all excavation of
inlet and outlet ditches to structures and roadway, changes in channels of streams, and ditches
(REV 7-20-15) (FA 8-10-15) (1-16) Includes 1200702

parallel to the roadway right-of-way. Dress lateral ditches to the grade and cross-section shown
in the Plans.
120-2.5 Channel Excavation: Channel excavation consists of the excavation and
satisfactory disposal of all materials from the limits of the channel as shown in the Plans.

120-3 Preliminary Soils Investigations.

When the Plans contain the results of a soil survey, do not assume such data is a
guarantee of the depth, extent, or character of material present.

120-4 Removal of Unsuitable Materials and Existing Roads.

120-4.1 Subsoil Excavation: Where muck, rock, clay, or other material within the limits
of the roadway is unsuitable in its original position, excavate such material to the cross-sections
shown in the Plans or indicated by the Engineer, and backfill with suitable material. Shape
backfill material to the required cross-sections. Where the removal of plastic soils below the
finished earthwork grade is required, meet a construction tolerance, from the lines shown in the
plans as the removal limits, of plus or minus 0.2 feet in depth and plus or minus 6 inches (each
side) in width.
120-4.2 Construction over Existing Old Road: Where a new roadway is to be
constructed over an old one, plow or scarify the old road, and break it up full width, regardless of
height of fill. If the Plans provide that paving materials may be incorporated into the fill,
distribute such material in a manner so as not to create voids. Recompact the old road meeting
the requirements of 120-10.2.
120-4.3 Obliterating Old Road: Where the Plans call for obliteration of portions of an
old road outside of the proposed new roadway, obliterate such sections of the old road by
grading to fill ditches and to restore approximately the original contour of the ground or a
contour which produces a pleasing appearance.

120-5 Disposal of Surplus and Unsuitable Material.

120-5.1 Ownership of Excavated Materials: Dispose of surplus and excavated
materials as shown in the Plans or, if the Plans do not indicate the method of disposal, take
ownership of the materials and dispose of them outside the right-of-way.
120-5.2 Disposal of Muck on Side Slopes: As an exception to the provisions of 120-5. 1,
when approved by the Engineer, in rural undeveloped areas, the Contractor may place muck (A-8
material) on the slopes, or store it alongside the roadway, provided there is a clear distance of at
least 6 feet between the roadway grading limits and the muck, and the Contractor dresses the
muck to present a neat appearance. In addition, the Contractor may also dispose of this material
by placing it on the slopes in developed areas where, in the opinion of the Engineer, this will
result in an aesthetically pleasing appearance and will have no detrimental effect on the adjacent
developments. Where the Engineer permits the disposal of muck or other unsuitable material
inside the right-of-way limits, do not place such material in a manner which will impede the
inflow or outfall of any channel or side ditches. The Engineer will determine the limits adjacent
to channels within which such materials may be disposed.
120-5.3 Disposal of Paving Materials: Unless otherwise noted, take ownership of
paving materials, such as paving brick, asphalt block, concrete slab, sidewalk, curb and gutter,
etc., excavated in the removal of existing pavements, and dispose of them outside the right-of-
way. If the materials are to remain the property of the Department, place them in neat piles as
directed. Existing limerock base that is removed may be incorporated in the stabilized portion of
(REV 7-20-15) (FA 8-10-15) (1-16) Includes 1200702

the subgrade. If the construction sequence will allow, incorporate all existing limerock base into
the project as allowed by the Contract Documents.
120-5.4 Disposal Areas: Where the Contract Documents require disposal of excavated
materials outside the right-of-way, and the disposal area is not indicated in the Contract
Documents, furnish the disposal area without additional compensation.
Provide areas for disposal of removed paving materials out of sight of the project
and at least 300 feet from the nearest roadway right-of-way line of any State maintained road. If
the materials are buried, disregard the 300 foot limitation.

120-6 Borrow.
120-6.1 Materials for Borrow: Do not open borrow pits until the Engineer has approved
their location.
Do not provide borrow materials that are polluted as defined in Chapter 376 of the
Florida Statutes (oil of any kind and in any form, gasoline, pesticides, ammonia, chlorine, and
derivatives thereof, excluding liquefied petroleum gas) in concentrations above any local, State,
or Federal standards.
Prior to placing any borrow material that is the product of soil incineration,
provide the Engineer with a copy of the Certificate of Materials Recycling and Post Burn
Analysis showing that the material is below all allowable pollutant concentrations.
120-6.2 Furnishing of Borrow Areas:
To obtain the Engineer’s approval to use an off-site construction activity area that
involves excavation such as a borrow pit or local aggregate pit, request in writing, a review for -
cultural resources involvement. Send the request to the Division of Historical Resources (DHR),
Department of State, State Historic Preservation Officer, Tallahassee, FL. As a minimum,
include in the request the Project Identification Number, the County, a description of the
property with Township, Range, Section, etc., the dimensions of the area to be affected, and a
location map. Do not start any work at the off-site construction activity area prior to receiving
clearance from the DHR that no additional research is warranted.
For certain locations, the DHR will require a Cultural Resources Assessment
(CRA) Survey before approval can be granted. When this is required, secure professional
archaeological services to complete an historical and archaeological survey report. Submit the
report to the DHR with a copy to the Department. The Engineer will determine final approval or
rejection of off-site construction activity areas based on input from the DHR.
Before receiving approval or before use of borrow areas, obtain written clearance
from the Engineer concerning compliance with the Federal Endangered Species Act and other
Wildlife Regulations as specified in 7-1.4 and Section 4(f) of the USDOT Act as specified in 7-
The Department will adjust Contract Time in accordance with 8-7 for any
suspension of operations required to comply with this Article. The Department will not accept
any monetary claims due to delays or loss of off-site construction activity areas.
Except where the Plans specifically call for the use of a particular borrow or
dredging area, the Contractor may substitute borrow or dredging areas of his own choosing
provided: (1) the Engineer determines the materials from such areas meet the Department’s
standards and other requirements for stability for use in the particular sections of the work in
which it is to be placed, and (2) the Contractor absorbs any increase in hauling or other costs.
Stake the corners of the proposed borrow area and provide the necessary equipment along with
an operator in order for the Engineer to investigate the borrow area. The Engineer will determine
(REV 7-20-15) (FA 8-10-15) (1-16) Includes 1200702

test locations, collect samples, and perform tests to investigate the proposed borrow area based
on soil strata and required soil properties. The Engineer will approve use of materials from the
proposed area based on test results and project requirements. Final acceptance of materials will
be based on Point of Use Test as described in 6-1.2.4.
Before using any borrow material from any substitute areas, obtain the Engineer’s
approval, in writing, for the use of the particular areas, and, where applicable, ensure that the
Engineer has cross-sectioned the surface. Upon such written approval by the Engineer, consider
the substitute areas as designated borrow areas.
When furnishing the dredging or borrow areas, supply the Department with
evidence that the necessary permits, rights, or waivers for the use of such areas have been
Do not excavate any part of a Contractor furnished borrow area which is less than
300 feet from the right-of-way of the project or any State Road until the Engineer has approved a
plan for landscaping and restoring the disturbed area. Perform this landscaping and land
restoration at no expense to the Department, prior to final acceptance of the project. Do not
provide a borrow area closer than 25 feet to the right-of-way of any state road. In Department
furnished borrow pits, do not excavate material within 5 feet of adjacent property lines.
Upon completion of excavation, neatly shape, dress, grass, vegetate, landscape,
and drain all exposed areas including haul roads, as necessary so as not to present an
objectionable appearance.
Meet the requirements of Section 104 when furnishing borrow areas, regardless of
120-6.3 Borrow Material for Shoulder Build-up: When so indicated in the Plans,
furnish borrow material with a specific minimum bearing value, for building up of existing
shoulders. Blend materials as necessary to achieve this specified minimum bearing value prior to
placing the materials on the shoulders. Take samples of this borrow material at the pit or blended
stockpile. Include all costs of providing a material with the required bearing value in the Contract
unit price for borrow material.
120-6.4 Haul Routes for Borrow Pits: Provide and maintain, at no expense to the
Department, all necessary roads for hauling the borrow material. Where borrow area haul roads
or trails are used by others, do not cause such roads or trails to deteriorate in condition.
Arrange for the use of all non-public haul routes crossing the property of any
railroad. Incur any expense for the use of such haul routes. Establish haul routes which will
direct construction vehicles away from developed areas when feasible, and keep noise from
hauling operations to a minimum. Advise the Engineer in writing of all proposed haul routes.
120-6.5 Authorization for Use of Borrow: When the item of borrow excavation is
included in the Contract, use borrow only when sufficient quantities of suitable material are not
available from roadway and drainage excavation, to properly construct the embankment,
subgrade, and shoulders, and to complete the backfilling of structures. Do not use borrow
material until so ordered by the Engineer, and then only use material from approved borrow pits.

120-7 Materials for Embankment.

120-7.1 Use of Materials Excavated From the Roadway and Appurtenances: Assume
responsibility for determining the suitability of excavated material for use on the project in
accordance with the applicable Contract Documents. Consider the sequence of work and
maintenance of traffic phasing in the determination of the availability of this material.
(REV 7-20-15) (FA 8-10-15) (1-16) Includes 1200702

120-7.2 General Requirements for Embankment Materials: Construct embankments

of acceptable material including reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), reclaimed recycled concrete
aggregate (RCA) and portland cement concrete rubble, but containing no muck, stumps, roots,
brush, vegetable matter, rubbish, reinforcement bar or other material that does not compact into a
suitable and enduring roadbed. Do not use RAP or RCA in the top 3 feet of slopes and shoulders
that are to be grassed or have other type of vegetation established. Do not use RAP or RCA in
stormwater management facility fill slopes.
Remove all waste material designated as undesirable. Use material in
embankment construction in accordance with plan details or as the Engineer directs.
Complete the embankment using maximum particle sizes (in any dimension) as
1. In top 12 inches: 3-1/2 inches (in any dimension).
2. 12 to 24 inches: 6 inches (in any dimension).
3. In the depth below 24 inches: not to exceed 12 inches (in any
dimension) or the compacted thickness of the layer being placed, whichever is less.
Spread all material so that the larger particles are separated from each other to
minimize voids between them during compaction. Compact around these rocks in accordance
with 120-9.2.
When and where approved by the Engineer, the Contractor may place larger rocks
(not to exceed 18 inches in any dimension) outside the one to two slope and at least 4 feet or
more below the bottom of the base. Compact around these rocks to a firmness equal to that of the
supporting soil. Construct grassed embankment areas in accordance with 120-9.2.6. Where
constructing embankments adjacent to bridge end bents or abutments, do not place rock larger
than 3-1/2 inches in diameter within 3 feet of the location of any end-bent piling.
120-7.3 Materials Used at Pipes, Culverts, etc.: Construct embankments over and
around pipes, culverts, and bridge foundations with selected materials.

120-8 Embankment Construction.

120-8.1 General: Construct embankments in sections of not less than 300 feet in length
or for the full length of the embankment..
For construction of mainline pavement lanes, turn lanes, ramps, parking lots,
concrete box culverts and retaining wall systems, a LOT is defined as a single lift of finished
embankment not to exceed 500 feet.
For construction of shoulder-only areas, shared use paths, and sidewalks areas, a
LOT is defined as a single lift of finished embankment not to exceed 2000 feet.
Isolated compaction operations will be considered as separate LOTS. For multiple
phase construction, a LOT shall not extend beyond the limits of the phase.
120-8.2 Dry Fill Method:
120-8.2.1 General: Construct embankments to meet compaction requirements in
Article 120-9 and in accordance with the acceptance program requirements in 120-10. Restrict
the compacted thickness of the last embankment lift to 6 inches maximum.
120- For A-3 Materials, and for A-2-4 Materials (with up to
15% fines): Construct the embankment in successive layers with lifts up to a maximum
compacted thickness of 12 inches. Ensure the percentage of fines passing the No. 200 US
Standard sieve in the A-2-4 material does not exceed 15%.
(REV 7-20-15) (FA 8-10-15) (1-16) Includes 1200702

120- For A-1, Plastic materials (As as designated in Design

Standard Index 505) and for A-2-4 Materials (with greater than 15% fines): Construct the
embankment in successive layers with lifts up to a maximum compacted thickness of 6 inches.
Alternately, for A-1, Plastic material and for A-2-4 Materials (with
greater than 15% fines), construct embankments using thick lift construction in successive layers
of not more than 12 inches compacted thickness, after having demonstrated with a successful test
section, the possession and control of compacting equipment sufficient to achieve density
required by 120-10.2 for the full depth of a thicker lift, and if the Engineer approves the
compaction effort. Notify the Engineer prior to beginning construction of a test section.
Construct a test section of the length of one full LOT. Perform five QC tests at random locations
within the test section. All five QC tests and a Department Verification test must meet the
density required by 120-10.2. Identify the test section with the compaction effort and soil
classification in the Density Log Book. In case of a change in compaction effort or soil
classification, failing QC test or when the QC tests cannot be verified, construct a new test
section. The Contractor may elect to place material in 6 inches compacted thickness at any time.
Construct all layers approximately parallel to the centerline profile of the road.
The Engineer reserves the right to terminate the Contractor’s use of
thick lift construction. Whenever the Engineer determines that the Contractor is not achieving
satisfactory results, revert to the 6 inch compacted lifts.
As far as practicable, distribute traffic over the work during the
construction of embankments so as to cover the maximum area of the surface of each layer.
Construct embankment in the dry whenever normal dewatering
equipment and methods can accomplish the needed dewatering.
120- Equipment and Methods: Provide normal dewatering
equipment including, but not limited to, surface pumps, sump pumps and trenching/digging
machinery. Provide normal dewatering methods including, but not limited to, constructing
shallow surface drainage trenches/ditches, using sand blankets, sumps and siphons.
When normal dewatering does not adequately remove the water,
the Engineer may require the embankment material to be placed in the water or on low swampy
ground in accordance with 120-9.2.3.
120-8.2.2 Placing in Unstable Areas: Where depositing the material in water, or
on low swampy ground that will not support the weight of hauling equipment, construct the
embankment by dumping successive loads in a uniformly distributed layer of a thickness not
greater than necessary to support the hauling equipment while placing subsequent layers. Once
sufficient material has been placed so that the hauling equipment can be supported, construct the
remaining portion of the embankment in layers in accordance with the applicable provisions of
120-9.2.2 and 120-9.2.4.
120-8.2.3 Placing on Steep Slopes: When constructing an embankment on a
hillside sloping more than 20 degrees from the horizontal, before starting the fill, deeply plow or
cut steps into the surface of the original ground on which the embankment is to be placed.
120-8.2.4 Placing Outside Standard Minimum Slope: The standard minimum
slope is defined as the plane described by a two (horizontal) to one (vertical) slope downward
from the roadway shoulder line or the gutter line, as applicable. Where material that is unsuitable
for normal embankment construction is to be used in the embankment outside the standard
minimum slope, place such material in layers of not more than 18 inches in thickness, measured
loose. The Contractor may also place material which is suitable for normal embankment, outside
(REV 7-20-15) (FA 8-10-15) (1-16) Includes 1200702

such standard minimum slope, in 18 inch layers. Maintain a constant thickness for suitable
material placed within and outside the standard minimum slope, unless placing in a separate
120-8.3 Hydraulic Method:
120-8.3.1 Method of Placing: When the hydraulic method is used, as far as
practicable, place all dredged material in its final position in the embankment by such method.
Place and compact any dredged material that is rehandled, or moved and placed in its final
position by any other method, as specified in 120-9.2. The Contractor may use baffles or any
form of construction he may select provided the slopes of the embankments are not steeper than
indicated in the Plans. Remove all timber used for temporary bulkheads or baffles from the
embankment, and fill and thoroughly compact the holes thus formed. When placing fill on
submerged land, construct dikes prior to beginning of dredging, and maintain the dikes
throughout the dredging operation.
120-8.3.2 Excess Material: Do not use excess material placed outside the
prescribed slopes, below the normal high-water level, to raise the fill. Remove only the portion
of this material required for dressing the slopes.
120-8.3.3 Protection of Openings in Embankment: Leave openings in the
embankments at the bridge sites. Remove any material which invades these openings or existing
channels without additional compensation to provide the same depth of channel as existed before
the construction of the embankment. Do not excavate or dredge any material within 200 feet of
the toe of the proposed embankment.
120-8.4 Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Method:
120-8.4.1 General: Use only RAP material: 1) stored at facilities with an
approved Florida Department of Environmental Protection Stormwater permit; or, 2) transferred
directly from a milling project to the Department project. Certify the source if RAP material is
from an identifiable Department project. Do not use RAP material in the following areas: 1)
construction areas that are below the seasonal high groundwater table elevation; 2) MSE Wall
backfill; 3) underneath MSE Walls or 4) the top 6 inches of embankment.
Prior to placement, submit documentation to the Engineer for his approval,
outlining the proposed location of the RAP material.
120-8.4.2 Soil and RAP Mixture: Place the RAP material at the location and
spread uniformly, using approved methods to obtain a maximum layer thickness of 4 inches. Mix
this 4 inches maximum layer of RAP with a loose soil layer 8 to 10 inches thick. After mixing,
meet all embankment utilization requirements of Design Standards, Index No. 505 for the
location used. Do not mix RAP in the uppermost 12 inches in order to comply with 120-8.2.1.
The total RAP and other embankment material shall not exceed 12 inches per lift after mixing
and compaction if the contractor can demonstrate that the density of the mixture can be achieved.
Perform mixing using rotary tillers or other equipment meeting the approval of the Engineer. The
Engineer will determine the order in which to spread the two materials. Mix both materials to the
full depth. Ensure that the finished layer will have the thickness and shape required by the typical
section. Demonstrate the feasibility of this construction method by successfully completing a
500 foot long test section. For embankment construction, meet the requirements of 120-8. For
compaction requirements of the soil and RAP mixture, meet the requirements of 120-9.
120-8.4.3 Alternate Soil and RAP Layer Construction: Construct soil in 6 to
12 inch compacted lifts and RAP in alternate layers with 6 inch maximum compacted lifts. Use
soil with a minimum LBR value of 40 to prevent failure during compaction of the overlying RAP
(REV 7-20-15) (FA 8-10-15) (1-16) Includes 1200702

layer. Demonstrate the feasibility of this construction method by successfully completing a

500 foot long test section. For compaction requirements of both soil and RAP, meet the
requirements of 120-9.

120-9 Compaction Requirements.

120-9.1 Moisture Content: Compact the materials at a moisture content such that the
specified density can be attained. If necessary to attain the specified density, add water to the
material, or lower the moisture content by manipulating the material or allowing it to dry, as is
120-9.2 Compaction of Embankments:
120-9.2.1 General: Uniformly compact each layer, using equipment that will
achieve the required density, and as compaction operations progress, shape and manipulate each
layer as necessary to ensure uniform density throughout the embankment.
120-9.2.2 Compaction Over Unstable Foundations: Where the embankment
material is deposited in water or on low swampy ground, and in a layer thicker than 12 inches (as
provided in 120-8.2.2), compact the top 6 inches (compacted thickness) of such layer to the
density as specified in 120-10.2.
120-9.2.3 Compaction Where Plastic Material Has Been Removed: Where
unsuitable material is removed and the remaining surface is of the A-4, A-5, A-6, or A-7 Soil
Groups (see AASHTO M-145), as determined by the Engineer, compact the surface of the
excavated area by rolling with a sheepsfoot roller exerting a compression of at least 250 psi on
the tamper feet, for the full width of the roadbed (subgrade and shoulders). Perform rolling
before beginning any backfill, and continue until the roller feet do not penetrate the surface more
than 1 inch. Do not perform such rolling where the remaining surface is below the normal water
table and covered with water. Vary the procedure and equipment required for this operation at
the discretion of the Engineer.
120-9.2.4 Compaction of Material To Be Used In Base, Pavement, or
Stabilized Areas: Do not compact embankment material which will be incorporated into a
pavement, base course, or stabilized subgrade, to be constructed as a part of the same Contract.
120-9.2.5 Compaction of Grassed Shoulder Areas: For the upper 6 inch layer
of all shoulders which are to be grassed, since no specific density is required, compact only to
the extent directed.
120-9.2.6 Compaction of Grassed Embankment Areas: For the outer layer of
all embankments where plant growth will be established, do not compact. Leave this layer in a
loose condition to a minimum depth of 6 inches for the subsequent seeding or planting
120-9.3 Compaction for Pipes, Culverts, etc.: Compact the backfill of trenches to the
densities specified for embankment or subgrade, as applicable, and in accordance with the
requirements of 125-9.2.
Thoroughly compact embankments over and around pipes, culverts, and bridges
in a manner which will not place undue stress on the structures, and in accordance with the
requirements of 125-9.2.
120-9.4 Compaction of Subgrade: If the Plans do not provide for stabilizing, compact
the subgrade (as defined in 1-3) in both cuts and fills, to the density specified in 120-10.2. For
undisturbed soils, do not apply density requirements where constructing narrow widening strips
or paved shoulders 5 feet or less in width.
(REV 7-20-15) (FA 8-10-15) (1-16) Includes 1200702

Where trenches for widening strips are not of sufficient width to permit the use of
standard compaction equipment, perform compaction using vibratory rollers, trench rollers, or
other type compaction equipment approved by the Engineer.
Maintain the required density until the base or pavement is placed on the

120-10 Acceptance Program.

120-10.1 General Requirements:
120-10.1.1 Initial Equipment Comparison: Before initial production, perform a
comparison test using the QC, Verifications and Independent Assurance gauges. Unless the
Engineer instructs, do not perform the initial equipment comparison more than once per project.
When comparing the computed dry density of one nuclear gauge to a second gauge, ensure that
the difference between the two computed dry densities does not exceed 2 lb/ft3 between gauges
from the same manufacturer, and 3 lb/ft3 between gauges from different manufacturers. Repair or
replace any QC gauge that does not compare favorably with the IA gauge.
Perform a comparison analysis between the QC nuclear gauge and the
Verification nuclear gauge any time a nuclear gauge or repaired nuclear gauge is first brought to
the project. Repair and replace any QC gauge that does not compare favorably with the
Verification gauge at any time during the remainder of the project. Calibrate all QC gauges
120-10.1.2 Initial Production Lot: Before construction of any other LOT,
prepare a 500 foot initial control section consisting of one full LOT. Notify the Engineer at least
24 hours prior to production of the initial control section. Perform all QC tests required in 120-
10.1.4. When the initial QC test results pass specifications, the Engineer will perform a
Verification test to verify compliance with the specifications. Do not begin constructing another
LOT until successfully completing the initial production LOT. The Engineer will notify the
Contractor of the initial production lot approval within three working days after receiving the
Contractor’s QC data when test results meet the following conditions:
1. QC tests must meet the specifications.
2. Verification test must meet the specifications.
3. Difference between QC and Verification computed dry density
results shall meet the requirements of 120-10.1.1.
If Verification test result fails the density requirements of 120-10.2,
correct the areas of non-compliance. The QC and Verification tests will then be repeated.
120-10.1.3 Density over 105%: When a QC computed dry density results in a
value greater than 105% of the applicable Proctor maximum dry density, the Engineer will
perform an Independent Verification density test within 5 feet. If the Independent Verification
density results in a value greater than 105%, the Engineer will investigate the compaction
methods, examine the applicable Standard Proctor Maximum Density and material description.
The Engineer may collect and test an Independent Verification Standard Proctor Maximum
Density sample for acceptance in accordance with the criteria of 120-10.2.
120-10.1.4 Quality Control (QC) Tests:
120- Standard Proctor Maximum Density Determination:
Determine the QC standard Proctor maximum density and optimum moisture content by
sampling and testing the material in accordance with the specified test method listed in 120-10.2.
120- Density Testing Requirements: Ensure compliance to the
requirements of 120-10.2 by Nuclear Density testing in accordance with FM 1-T 238. Determine
(REV 7-20-15) (FA 8-10-15) (1-16) Includes 1200702

the in-place moisture content for each density test. Use FM 1-T 238, FM 5-507 (Determination
of Moisture Content by Means of a Calcium Carbide Gas Pressure Moisture Tester), or
ASTM D-4643 (Laboratory Determination of Moisture Content of Granular Soils by use of a
Microwave Oven) for moisture determination.
120- Soil Classification: Perform soil classification tests on the
sample collected in 120-, in accordance with AASHTO T-88. Classify soils in
accordance with AASHTO M-145 in order to determine compliance with embankment
utilization requirements. Unless required by the Engineer, do not test or classify materials for
stabilized subgrade or base.
120-10.1.5 Department Verification: The Engineer will conduct Verification
tests in order to accept all materials and work associated with 120-10.1.4. The Engineer will
verify the QC results if they meet the Verification Comparison Criteria, otherwise the Engineer
will implement Resolution procedures.
The Engineer will select test locations, including Station, Offset, and Lift,
using a Random Number generator based on the Lots under consideration. Each Verification test
evaluates all work represented by the QC testing completed in those LOTs.
In addition to the Verification testing, the Engineer may perform
additional Independent Verification (IV) testing. The Engineer will evaluate and act upon the IV
test results in the same manner as Verification test results.
When the project requires less than four QC tests per material type, the
Engineer reserves the right to accept the materials and work through visual inspection.
120-10.1.6 Reduced Testing Frequency: When no Resolution testing is required
for 12 consecutive verified LOTs; or if required, the QC test data was upheld, reduce the QC
density testing to one test every two LOTs by identifying the substantiating tests in the Density
Log Book and notifying the Engineer in writing prior to starting reduced frequency of testing.
Generate random numbers based on the two LOTs under consideration. When QC test frequency
is reduced to one every two LOTs, obtain the Engineer’s approval to place more than one LOT
over an untested LOT. Assure similar compaction efforts for the untested LOTs. If the
Verification test fails, and QC test data is not upheld by Resolution testing, the QC testing will
revert to the original frequency of one QC test per LOT. Do not apply reduced testing frequency
in construction of shoulder-only areas, shared use paths and sidewalks.
120-10.1.7 Payment for Resolution Tests: If the Resolution laboratory results
compare favorably with the QC results, the Department will pay for Resolution testing. No
additional compensation, either monetary or time, will be made for the impacts of any such
If the Resolution laboratory results do not compare favorably with the QC
results, the costs of the Resolution testing will be deducted from monthly estimates. No
additional time will be granted for the impacts of any such testing.
120-10.2 Acceptance Criteria: Obtain a minimum QC density of 100% of the standard
Proctor maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-99, Method C, with the following
exceptions: 1) embankment constructed by the hydraulic method as specified in 120-8.3; 2)
material placed outside the standard minimum slope as specified in 120-8.2.4 except when a
structure is supported on existing embankment; and, 3) other areas specifically excluded herein.
120-10.3 Additional Requirements:
(REV 7-20-15) (FA 8-10-15) (1-16) Includes 1200702

120-10.3.1 Frequency: Conduct QC sampling and testing at a minimum

frequency listed in the table below. The Engineer will perform Verification sampling and tests at
a minimum frequency listed in the table below.

Verification of
Shoulder-Only Areas,
Test Name Quality Control Verification
Shared Use Paths, and
Standard Proctor
One per soil type One per soil type One per soil type
Maximum Density
One per four LOTS and
for wet conditions, the
Density One per LOT One per two LOTs
first lift not affected by
One per Standard One per Standard One per Standard
Soil Classification Proctor Maximum Proctor Maximum Proctor Maximum
Density Density Density

120-10.3.2 Test Selection and Reporting: Determine test locations including

Stations and offsets, using the random number generator approved by the Engineer. Do not use
note pads or work sheets to record data for later transfer to the Density Log Book. Notify the
Engineer upon successful completion of QC testing on each LOT.
120-10.4 Verification Comparison Criteria and Resolution Procedures:
120-10.4.1 Standard Proctor Maximum Density Determination: The Engineer
will verify the QC results if the results compare within 4.5 lb/ft3 of the Verification test result.
Otherwise, the Engineer will take one additional sample of material from the soil type in
question. The State Materials Office (SMO) or an AASHTO accredited laboratory designated by
the SMO will perform Resolution testing. The material will be sampled and tested in accordance
with AASHTO T-99, Method C.
The Engineer will compare the Resolution test results with the QC test
results. If all Resolution test results are within 4.5 lb/ft3 of the corresponding QC test results, the
Engineer will use the QC test results for material acceptance purposes for each LOT with that
soil type. If the Resolution test result is not within 4.5 lb/ft3 of the Contractor’s QC test, the
Verification test result will be used for material acceptance purposes.
120-10.4.2 Density Testing: When a Verification or Independent Verification
density test fails the Acceptance Criteria, retest the site within a 5 feet radius and the following
actions will be taken:
1. If the QC retest meets the Acceptance Criteria and meets the 120-10.1.1
criteria when compared with the Verification or Independent Verification test, the Engineer will
accept those LOTs.
2. If the QC retest does not meet the Acceptance Criteria and compares
favorably with the Verification or Independent Verification test, rework and retest the LOT. The
Engineer will re-verify those LOTs.
3. If the QC retest and the Verification or Independent Verification test do
not compare favorably, complete a new comparison analysis as defined in 120-10.1.1. Once
acceptable comparison is achieved, retest the LOTs. The Engineer will perform new verification
(REV 7-20-15) (FA 8-10-15) (1-16) Includes 1200702

testing. Acceptance testing will not begin on a new LOT until the Contractor has a gauge that
meets the comparison requirements.
Record QC test results in the density log book on approved
Department forms provided by the Engineer. Submit the original, completed density log book to
the Engineer at final acceptance.
120-10.4.3 Soil Classification: The Engineer will verify the QC results if the
Verification results identify matching soil classifications. Otherwise, the Engineer will take one
additional sample of material from the soil type in question. The SMO or an AASHTO
accredited laboratory designated by the SMO will perform Resolution testing. The material will
be sampled and tested in accordance with AASHTO T-88.
The Engineer will compare the Resolution test results with the QC test
results. If the Resolution test matches the QC classification, the Engineer will use the QC
classification for material acceptance purposes. If the Resolution test result does not match the
Contractor’s QC classification, the Verification test result will be used for material acceptance

120-11 Maintenance and Protection of Work.

While construction is in progress, maintain adequate drainage for the roadbed at all times.
Maintain a shoulder at least 3 feet wide adjacent to all pavement or base construction in order to
provide support for the edges.
Maintain all earthwork construction throughout the life of the Contract, and take all
reasonable precautions to prevent loss of material from the roadway due to the action of wind or
water. Repair, at no expense to the Department except as otherwise provided herein, any slides,
washouts, settlement, subsidence, or other mishap which may occur prior to final acceptance of
the work. Perform maintenance and protection of earthwork construction in accordance with
Section 104.
Maintain all channels excavated as a part of the Contract work against natural shoaling or
other encroachments to the lines, grades, and cross-sections shown in the Plans, until final
acceptance of the project.

120-12 Construction.
120-12.1 Construction Tolerances: Shape the surface of the earthwork to conform to
the lines, grades, and cross-sections shown in the Plans. In final shaping of the surface of
earthwork, maintain a tolerance of 0.3 foot above or below the plan cross-section with the
following exceptions:
1. Shape the surface of shoulders to within 0.1 foot of the plan cross-section.
2. Shape the earthwork to match adjacent pavement, curb, sidewalk, structures,
3. Shape the bottom of ditches so that the ditch impounds no water.
4. When the work does not include construction of base or pavement, shape the
entire roadbed (shoulder point to shoulder point) to within 0.1 foot above or below the Plan
Ensure that the shoulder lines do not vary horizontally more than 0.3 foot from
the true lines shown in the Plans.
120-12.2 Operations Adjacent to Pavement: Carefully dress areas adjacent to
pavement areas to avoid damage to such pavement. Complete grassing of shoulder areas prior to
(REV 7-20-15) (FA 8-10-15) (1-16) Includes 1200702

placing the final wearing course. Do not manipulate any embankment material on a pavement
When shoulder dressing is underway adjacent to a pavement lane being used to
maintain traffic, exercise extreme care to avoid interference with the safe movement of traffic.

120-13 Method of Measurement.

120-13.1 General: When payment for excavation is on a volumetric basis, the quantity to
be paid for will be the volume, in cubic yards, calculated by the method of average end areas,
unless the Engineer determines that another method of calculation will provide a more accurate
result. The material will be measured in its original position by field survey or by
photogrammetric means as designated by the Engineer, unless otherwise specified under the
provisions for individual items.
Where subsoil excavation extends outside the lines shown in the Plans or
authorized by the Engineer including allowable tolerances, and the space is backfilled with
material obtained in additional authorized roadway or borrow excavation, the net fill, plus
shrinkage allowance, will be deducted from the quantity of roadway excavation or borrow
excavation to be paid for, as applicable.
The quantity of all material washed, blown, or placed beyond the authorized
roadway cross-section will be determined by the Engineer and will be deducted from the quantity
of roadway excavation or borrow excavation to be paid for, as applicable.
Subsoil excavation that extends outside the lines shown in the Plans or authorized
by the Engineer including allowable tolerances will be deducted from the quantity to be paid for
as subsoil excavation.
120-13.2 Roadway Excavation: The measurement will include only the net volume of
material excavated between the original ground surface and the surface of the completed
earthwork, except that the measurement will also include all unavoidable slides which may occur
in connection with excavation classified as roadway excavation.
The pay quantity will be the plan quantity provided that the excavation was
accomplished in substantial compliance with the plan dimensions and subject to the provisions of
9-3.2 and 9-3.4. On designated 3-R Projects, regular excavation will be paid for at the Contract
lump sum price provided that the excavation was accomplished in substantial compliance with
the plan dimension.
120-13.3 Borrow Excavation: Measurement will be made on a loose volume basis,
measured in trucks or other hauling equipment at the point of dumping on the road. If
measurement is made in vehicles, level the material to facilitate accurate measurement.
Unsuitable material excavated from borrow pits where truck measurement is
provided for and from any borrow pits furnished by the Contractor, will not be included in the
quantity of excavation to be paid for.
120-13.4 Lateral Ditch Excavation: The measurement will include only material
excavated within the lines and grades indicated in the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. The
measurement will include the full station-to-station length shown in the Plans or directed by the
Engineer and acceptably completed. Excavation included for payment under Section 125 will not
be included in this measurement.
The pay quantity will be the plan quantity provided that the excavation was
accomplished in substantial compliance with the plan dimensions and subject to the provisions of
9-3.2 and 9-3.4.
(REV 7-20-15) (FA 8-10-15) (1-16) Includes 1200702

120-13.5 Channel Excavation: The measurement will include only material excavated
within the lines and grades indicated in the Plans or in accordance with authorized Plan changes.
The measurement will include the full station-to-station length shown in the Plans including any
authorized changes thereto.
If shoaling occurs subsequent to excavation of a channel and the Engineer
authorized the shoaled material to remain in place, the volume of any such material remaining
within the limits of channel excavation shown in the Plans will be deducted from the measured
quantity of channel excavation.
120-13.6 Subsoil Excavation: The measurement will include only material excavated
within the lines and grades indicated in the Plans (including the tolerance permitted therefore) or
as directed by the Engineer.
When no item for subsoil excavation is shown in the Contract but subsoil
excavation is subsequently determined to be necessary, such unanticipated subsoil excavation
will be paid for as provided in 4-4.
120-13.7 Embankment: The quantity will be at the plan quantity.
Where payment for embankment is not to be included in the payment for the
excavation, and is to be paid for on a cubic yard basis for the item of embankment, the plan
quantities to be paid for will be calculated by the method of average end areas unless the
Engineer determines that another method of calculation will provide a more accurate result. The
measurement will include only material actually placed above the original ground line, within the
lines and grades indicated in the Plans or directed by the Engineer. The length used in the
computations will be the station-to-station length actually constructed. The original ground line
used in the computations will be as determined prior to placing of embankment subject to the
provisions of 9-3.2, and no allowance will be made for subsidence of material below the surface
of the original ground.
If there are authorized changes in plan dimensions or if errors in plan quantities
are detected, plan quantity will be adjusted as provided in 9-3.2.
Where the work includes excavation of unsuitable material below the finished
grading template or original ground line, whichever is lower as defined in 120-3.3, the original
ground line is defined as the surface prior to beginning excavation, except that this surface is not
outside the permissible tolerance of lines and grades for subsoil excavation as indicated in the
Plans or as directed by the Engineer. Any overrun or underrun of plan quantity for subsoil
excavation which results in a corresponding increase or decrease in embankment will be
considered as an authorized plan change for adjustment purposes as defined in 9-3.2.2.
No payment will be made for embankment material used to replace unsuitable
material excavated beyond the lines and grades shown in the Plans or ordered by the Engineer.
In no case will payment be made for material allowed to run out of the
embankment on a flatter slope than indicated on the cross-section. The Contractor shall make his
own estimate on the volume of material actually required to obtain the pay section.

120-14 Basis of Payment.

120-14.1 General: Prices and payments for the various work items included in this
Section will be full compensation for all work described herein, including excavating, dredging,
hauling, placing, and compacting; dressing the surface of the earthwork; maintaining and
protecting the complete earthwork; and hauling.
The Department will not allow extra compensation for any rehandling of
(REV 7-20-15) (FA 8-10-15) (1-16) Includes 1200702

The Department will compensate for the cost of grassing or other permanent
erosion control measures directed by the Engineer as provided in the Contract for similar items
of roadway work.
120-14.2 Excavation:
120-14.2.1 Items of Payment: When no classification of material is indicated in
the Plans, and bids are taken only on regular excavation, the total quantity of all excavation
specified under this Section will be paid for at the Contract unit price for regular excavation.
When separate classifications of excavation are shown in the proposal, the
quantities of each of the various classes of materials so shown will be paid for at the Contract
unit prices per cubic yard for regular excavation, lateral ditch excavation, subsoil excavation, and
channel excavation, as applicable, and any of such classifications not so shown will be included
under the item of regular excavation (except that if there is a classification for lateral ditch
excavation shown and there is no classification for channel excavation, any channel excavation
will be included under the item of lateral ditch excavation). As an exception on designated
projects, regular excavation will be paid for at the Contract lump sum price.
120-14.2.2 Basic Work Included in Payments: Prices and payments will be full
compensation for all work described under this Section, except for any excavation, or
embankment which is specified to be included for payment under other items. Such prices and
payments will include hauling; any rehandling that may be necessary to accomplish final
disposal as shown in the Plans; the dressing of shoulders, ditches and slopes; removal of trash,
vegetation, etc., from the previously graded roadway where no item for clearing and grubbing is
shown in the Plans; and compacting as required.
120-14.2.3 Additional Depth of Subsoil Excavation: Where subsoil excavation
is made to a depth of 0 to 5 feet below the depth shown in the Plans, such excavation will be paid
for at the unit price bid.
Where subsoil excavation is made to a depth greater than 5 feet, and up to
15 feet, deeper than the depth shown in the Plans, such excavation will be paid for at the unit
price bid plus 25% of such unit price. Additional extra depth, more than 15 feet below such plan
depth, will be considered as a change in the character of the work and will be paid for as
unforeseeable work.
Where no subsoil excavation is shown in a particular location on the
original Plans, payment for extra depth of subsoil will begin 5 feet below the lowest elevation on
the grading template.
120-14.2.4 Borrow Excavation: When the item of borrow excavation is included
in the Contract, price and payment will also include the cost of furnishing the borrow areas and
any necessary clearing and grubbing thereof, the removal of unsuitable material that it is
necessary to excavate in order to obtain suitable borrow material, and also the costs incurred in
complying with the provisions of 120-6.3.
120-14.2.5 Materials Excluded from Payment for the Excavation: No payment
for excavation will be made for any excavation covered for payment under the item of
No payment will be made for the excavation of any materials which is
used for purposes other than those shown in the Plans or designated by the Engineer. No
payment will be made for materials excavated outside the lines and grades given by the
Engineer, unless specifically authorized by the Engineer. As an exception, in operations of
roadway excavation, all slides and falls of insecure masses of material beyond the regular slopes
(REV 7-20-15) (FA 8-10-15) (1-16) Includes 1200702

that are not due to lack of precaution on the part of the Contractor, will be paid for at the
Contract unit price for the material involved. The removal of slides and falls of material
classified as lateral ditch excavation or as subsoil excavation will not be paid for separately, but
will be included in the Contract unit price for the pay quantity of these materials, measured as
provided in 120-14.
120-14.3 Embankment:
120-14.3.1 General: Price and payment will be full compensation for all work
specified in this Section, including all material for constructing the embankment, all excavating,
dredging, pumping, placing and compacting of material for constructing the embankment
complete, dressing of the surface of the roadway, maintenance and protection of the completed
earthwork, and the removal of rubbish, vegetation, etc., from the roadway where no clearing and
grubbing of the area is specified in the Plans. Also, such price and payment, in each case, will
specifically include all costs of any roadway, lateral ditch, or channel excavation, unless such
excavation is specifically shown to be paid for separately, regardless of whether the materials are
utilized in the embankment.
120-14.3.2 Excluded Material: No payment will be made for the removal of
muck or overburden from the dredging or borrow areas. No payment will be made for
embankment material used to replace muck or other unsuitable material excavated beyond the
lines and grades shown in the Plans or ordered by the Engineer.
120-14.3.3 Clearing and Grubbing: No payment will be made for any clearing
and grubbing of the borrow or dredging areas. Where no clearing and grubbing of such areas is
specified in the Plans, the cost of any necessary clearing and grubbing will be included in the
Contract unit or lump sum price for Embankment.
120-14.3.4 Cost of Permits, Rights, and Waivers: Where the Contractor
provides borrow or dredging areas of his own choosing, the cost of securing the necessary
permits, rights or waivers will be included in the Contract price for embankment.
120-14.4 Payment Items: Payment will be made under:
Item No. 120- 1- Regular Excavation - per cubic yard.
Item No. 120- 2- Borrow Excavation - per cubic yard.
Item No. 120- 3- Lateral Ditch Excavation - per cubic yard.
Item No. 120- 4- Subsoil Excavation - per cubic yard.
Item No. 120- 5- Channel Excavation - per cubic yard.
Item No. 120- 6- Embankment - per cubic yard.
Item No. 120- 71- Regular Excavation (3-R Projects) - lump sum.

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