Civil Specifications

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Technical Requirements

AFCEE Iraq Interim Construction Standards

Civil Work Specifications

1.1 Description
Site preparation work consists of site clearance, survey, cutting, imported
fill, embankment and construction of ditches for drainage. Work of this
section includes all measurement and materials required to complete the
supply, execution and construction of site preparation.
1.2 Site Clearance
The contractor shall clear, from all areas planned for the work, all buildings,
materials, debris, etc, prior to the cutting and filling work taking all
necessary precautions to prevent damage to the existing road structures
and buildings or other facilities, in the area, which shall not be demolished.
1.3 Survey
Prior to commencement of the work, the contractor shall check the existing
bench marks and reference points located on or out of the site as
indicated. The contractor shall establish newly standard bench marks and
points for the works within the site with the agreement of the Engineer.

Prior to execution of the works the contractor shall check the existing
reference points, and the results shall be submitted to the Engineer
for approval.


Principal points
Principal points shall be established taking advantage of the existing
reference points.
Individual principal point posts shall be of wood, 15cm x 15 cm size,
with an indicating nail on the top, the surface of the post above the
ground shall be painted white.


Bench marks
When establishing bench marks within the site, a minimum of one (1).
back and forth leveling operation shall be carried out. Establishment
of temporary bench marks shall be determined and performed by the
contractor. Temporary bench mark posts shall be of wood, 12cm x
12cm x 100cm in size, with an indicating nail on the top, the surface of
the post above ground shall be painted.


Other survey
Setting out for survey shall be done with the agreement of the
The Engineer may issue instructions or orders for surveys to
supplement those listed above or for different surveys with which the
contractor shall promptly comply and carry at this own expense.

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AFCEE Iraq Interim Construction Standards

Civil Work Specifications

1.4 Protection from Water

In case of rain, the days works shall be stopped so as to confine damage
due to rainfall to a minimum. According to the site conditions, temporary
drainage ditches shall be provided. In cases where ditches, damage
ditches etc. become blocked with sand, earth, etc, such shall be
immediately removed. Broken slopes shall be immediately repaired. In
case where swamps, pools etc. which are not shown on the Drawings are
found, such shall be drained.
1.5 Cutting
Cutting refers to excavation of the natural ground of cut sections.
preparatory drainage and disposition of ditches at the cutting sections f
temporary disposition, loading, hauling , unloading and spreading of the cut
soil at embankment sections , and other temporary works necessary. such
excavation shall be carried out in accordance With the Drawings and
specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
1.6 Surface Finish
The finished cutting and embankment shall be roughly leveled, a deviation,
of approx. 5cm from the proposed height shall be allowed. Slopes shall be
protected from damage due to weather during the execution. Final surface
finish shall be executed after completion of building work it shall cover the
depth after settling to that the levels indicated in the Drawings and
specifications are met.

Scope of Work
Earth work consists of excavation, back filling and disposal of surplus
Material. Work of this section includes all measures and materials required
to complete the design supply, support, use, construction, removal of earth


The ground shall be excavated to the lengths, widths and exact depths
required for the construction of the works. The contractor shall examine
any unsuitable or weak ground material, standards of which are given
below and shall report the situation in writing to the Engineer before
executing concrete or any other Works.
if the surface of a subgrade is found to be unstable or to include any type
of refuse subject to removal in the opinion of the Engineer, the contractor
shall excavate and remove such unsuitable Material to the width and depth
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AFCEE Iraq Interim Construction Standards

Civil Work Specifications

required by the Engineer. Any excavation to a level lower than that

indicated on the drawings shall be compensated for filling with concrete
mix (1:4:8) or with other material as directed by the Engineer at the
contractor's expense.
Due weather to negligence or error on the part of the contractor or at the
request of the Engineer owing to an unstable sub grade, the contract price
shall be deemed to cover the whole cost of all excavation, inclusive of
replacement with suitable Material, necessary in what so ever typo of earth
or ground conditions encountered, e.g. earth With boulders, hard pan ,
rock, old concrete foundation, roadways, paved areas, etc.
All excavation works shall be kept dry and clean in order that work may not
be affected or interfered with by water entering the excavation. The
contractor shall pump out all water which may occur or be brought into the
excavation employing such equipment as engines, pumps pipe work,
chutes and other necessary devices to keep the water level below the
bottom of the permanent works during the period required by the Engineer,
Raised water shall be conveyed away in such manner as not to cause any
nuisance or injury to the occupants of adjacent properties or sites. If
pumping is required f it shall be carried out continuously and my not be
stopped without the permission of the Engineer .
Excavated material, approved by the Engineer for re-use for filling shall be
selected, loaded and hauled to the specified location for temporary
stockpiling. Excavation materials containing brushy roots or other
vegetable materials shall be classified as unsuitable for fill.
The sides of excavation shall be supported as necessary to Maintain a
vertical face and to prevent fall or slip of any nature at any - time during the
duration of excavation and back filling works. The contractor shall be
responsible for the design, supply, fixing and removal of the shoring, sheet
piling or any works required to support the side of the excavation.
It is also the contractors responsibility to protect existing structures and
utilities from damage or interruption of services due to excavation work .

Disposal of Surplus
The contractor shall be responsible for all surplus soil of excavated
material not suitable for re-use . The Engineer my require the contractor to
transport such surplus to a disposal area and /or my instruct the contractor
to dispose of the surplus to a disposal area to be procured by the
contractor himself - This shall all be carried out by the contractor at no
extra expense to the employer.

2. 4


2. 4. 1 Backfilling
Excavation shall not be backfilled until such structures and properties as
drainage, insulation pipes, construction details, and water tightness have
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AFCEE Iraq Interim Construction Standards

Civil Work Specifications

been inspected, tested and approved by the Engineer .

All available precaution shall be taken during back filling to ensure that the
pipes, insulation and construction details are not damaged. All backfill
material shall be approved and free from vegetable or organic material,
mud, refuse, boulders, rock , stones of over 15 cm and other materials
which, in the opinion of the Engineer, are unsuitable.
Filling shall be carried out in such away and to such a generous depth as
to ensure that the final surfaces after settlement and compaction conform
to the levels indicated in the Drawings and specifications .
2. 4. 2 Compaction
Compaction of fill (under ground pipes and those buildings or structures
where concrete fill is not c quir required).
All soil fill material used shall be thoroughly compacted by mechanical
means until the specified degree of compaction is obtained. The filling
Material shall be approved by the Engineer and placed in even layers of a
depth not greater than 30cm . A power driven roller of least 10 tons shall
make at least 10 trips for each layer unless otherwise specified.
Every effort shall be made to compact the fill material at its optimum
moisture content for compaction. In any case, the dry density of compacted
soil shall not be less than 95% of the value obtained in a standard
laboratory test. When spade will not permit the use of rollers, other types of
approved equipment shall be used to achieve the same degree of degree
of compaction specified. Filling and compacting around pipes, cables and
conduits shall be done by hand using selected Materials to depth of the
least 50cm above such pipes, cables and conduit .
2. 5 Hard Core
Where indicated on the drawings or directed by the Engineer, broken brick,
hard stone or gravel free from vegetable matter and lump of clay shall be
laid on the compacted subgrade to a thickness of 80mm.
2.6 Protection Against Termites
Selected appropriate anti-termite method approved by the Engineer shall
be executed in accordance with the local procedures and Manufacturers
instruction on the excavation bottom surface and the materials used for
filling or backfilling and to the sores.

3. 1


3.1.1 Scope of work

The work comprises supplying of labor, materials, plants, equipment,
temporary huts and all other items necessary for the design and installation
of the piles as shown on the drawings and described in these specification.
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AFCEE Iraq Interim Construction Standards

Civil Work Specifications

The work is to be executed in accordance with specification and contract

documents and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All tenders shall
therefore furnish information about the type of piles they specialize in and
other relevant details of design, execution, equipment, testing, etc,
complete, in support of their capabilities.
The whole of the work and materials shall conform to the current edition of
relevant British standards and codes of practice.
3. 1. 2 Responsibility for design and workmanship
The piling contractor will be responsible for designing and installing the
piles to satisfy the performance requirements and minimum design criteria
laid down in these specification lie shall provide all necessary details and
information to satisfy the Engineer who designed the foundations that his
proposals will meet the specification. It will also be his responsibility to
produce standard workmanships in the best possible manner, to effect the
design in the actual conditions encountered on the ground or below . In
particular he shall make whatever day to day minor modifications to the
agreed proposals that may be found to be necessary to cater for minor
variations in ground conditions. Any variations from the agreed principle
shall be in accordance with the Engineer's approval.
3. 1. 3 Site conditions
The piling contractor will be deemed to have visited and inspected the site
and surroundings before preparing his tender and to have made himself
thoroughly acquainted with all details of the site, including those not
specifically mentioned herein or on the drawings,
3. 1. 4 Existing services and Adjacent Buildings
The piling contractor will be responsible for any claims arising from
damage to services or to adjacent structures or property, at the time of
executing the work.
3. 1. 5

Pile length for purpose of payment

The length of each pile for purposes of payment shall be measured in

accordance with the standard method of measurement for building and civil
engineering work.
3. 1. 6


The piling contractor shall keep on site a complete record of the changes in
the nature of the strata through which each passes. Such records shall be
made available for inspection by the Engineer during the progress of the
piling contract and copy shall be supplied to the Engineer at the completion
of piling work .
3. 2

The pile is designed to carry as its part of the total support of the
foundation loading. Specified in the drawings.
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AFCEE Iraq Interim Construction Standards

Civil Work Specifications

3. 2. 1 Responsibility
As stated in 3 .1.2, the piling contractor will be responsible for designing
the piles and producing a piling that can carry safely the loads indicated on
the foundation plans.
3. 2. 2 Approval of Design
Before accepting the piling contractor's tender, the Engineer will be
required to satisfy himself that design proposals are sound and
reasonable* To this end the piling contractor shall submit any calculations
or supporting evidence which the Engineer may call for after receipt of
tender .
3. 3 Concreting Materials and Workmanship
3. 3. 1 Materials
cement, aggregate and water to be used shall be in accordance with the
requirement of section ( 4-2 ) "concrete work". The piling contractor shall
submit details of reinforcements included in his design and tender. All
reinforcements used in the piles shall be as per the approval of the
Engineer and in accordance with section ( 4- 2) .
3. 3. 2 Concrete
The concrete mix shall be designed by the piling contractor to suit the piling
system adopted and shall be dry as possible consistent with that system ,
and the method of compaction. However, the minimum cylinder strength at
28 days shall be 211 kg/cm2.
3.3.3 Placing and compacting
The concrete shall be placed in its final position as soon as possible and in
any case not later than half an hour after mixing. Ready mix concrete must
be placed immediately it leaves the mixing truck. The method of placing
shall be such as to ensure that the concrete in its final position shall be
dense and homogeneous. Concrete shall not be ordinarily placed under
water. If water is present within the pile-shell a sealing group of approved
quality shall be placed in the bottom of the shell for 1 to 1-2 m depth, the
water shall then be pumped from the pile and concrete placed in the dry.
Adequate precautions shall be taken to ensure that water leaking out of
concrete shall not build up on top of it during the pouring of Concrete in pile
shaft, and any such water shall be removed before more concrete is placed
in the shaft, The pile shall be concreted in one continuous operation. If the
continuity of placing the concrete is interrupted no further concrete shall be
placed without the prior approval of the Engineer. The method of
compaction shall be proposed by the contractor and approved by the
Engineer before placing concrete .
3.3.4 Transporting concrete
Concrete shall be transported from the mixer to the position of the pile in
such a manner that segregation of the mix shall not occur .
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AFCEE Iraq Interim Construction Standards

Civil Work Specifications

3. 4 Piling Workmanship
3.4.1 Setting out
The main contractor will provide the piling contractor with all necessary
layouts and take responsibility for their accuracy and check that the piling
contractor executes the work in accordance with these layouts. The piling
contractor shall set out the position of each pile.


The maximum permissible positional deviation of the center of each

finished pile from the correct center point shown on the setting out drawing
is 75 mm in any direction. The maximum permissible deviation from the
specified inclination of any finished pile is 2-2.5 % .
The piling contractor shall bear the cost of any additional work which, in the
opinion of the Engineer, may be necessary due to any pile being installed
in apposition not within these tolerances.
3.4.3 Temporary lining
Adequate precaution shall be taken including the use of a temporary lining
tube, water bearing or unstable strata, to prevent the ingress of water, to
maintain any pile excavation to its full dimensions and to ensure that the
pile shaft shall be formed to its full cross-sectional area, where there is a
temporary lining it must be removed in the line of the pile in such a manner
that no defect or damage will be sustained by the pile.
The depth to the average levels of the concrete surface of the pile shall be
checked before and after any temporary linings are with draw. These
measurements shall be recorded.
3.4.5 Drilling Mud
Drilling Mud may be allowed only with prior permission of the Engineer and
subject to the piling contractor providing satisfactory evidence that its
disposal will not foul or contaminate any part of the site or surrounding
areas or services.
3.4.6 Cleaning the Excavation
Upon completion of any boring, the excavation shall be cleaned of all
losses, disturbed and remolded soil to expose a dry base of undisturbed
3.4.7 Inspection
After the tube has been installed in its final position, the Engineer will
inspect the tube for proper plumb, location and other conditions. Only after
his approval can the contractor proceed further in placing reinforcement
and concreting the pile.
3.4.8 Jetting and pre-boring
Jetting and pre-boring may be used only with the prior permission of the
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AFCEE Iraq Interim Construction Standards

Civil Work Specifications

3.4.9 Backfilling empty boring
Where trimmed level of any pile is more than 600nm below the starting
level of the piles, empty boring shall be backfilled as soon as possible with
sand of colour which contrasts with the surrounding natural soil .
3.4.10 Cleaning the site
The piling contractor shall remove from the site at intervals during the
operation of the work, and on completion, all unnecessary plant, rubbish,
water and debris resulting from his activities.

Pile Testing

Tests of completed piles shall conform to British standards CP 2004


Notice of commencement

The Engineer shall be given at

the commencement of each test .

least 40 hours notice before

3.5.2 Supervision of pile tests

The piling contractor shall Keep the tests under continuous and competent
supervision to the satisfaction of the Engineer, All necessary facilities shall
be provided to enable the Engineer to check reading during the progress of
the tests.
3.5.3 Testing assembly
The piling contractor shall submit complete details of the testing assembly
and all details of the proposed arrangement and procedure for test loading
for approval of the Engineer before the installation of tension piles. The
details shall include a complete list of all equipment being used in the test,
including manufacturer's name and the reference number of the
3.5.4 Test report
At the conclusion of work each day the piling contractor shall send to the
Engineer a copy of his daily record sheet . The piling contractor shall also
send to the Engineer within one week of the completion of each test, two
copies of all record graphs and results of laboratory and in-situ tests
conducted on the installation and testing of all trial piles. This information
shall include a load Settlement, diagram plotted to scales .
3.5.5 Failure of contract test piles
In the event of a contract the failing to satisfy the test requirements the
piling contractor will be instructed to test additional piles.
The piling contractor shall bear the cost of all additional and consequential
work as the Engineer may consider necessary due to the failure on one or
more piles, to satisfy the requirements of the loading test .
3.5.6 Rejection of piles
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AFCEE Iraq Interim Construction Standards


Civil Work

The Engineer reserves the right to reject any pile which in his opinion is not
structurally sound, or is not in a proper position and alignment. The
contractor shall be bound to pull out same and re-drive a new pile in its
place , or leave the defective piles install at the contractor's cost one or
more additional pile as per the directions of the Engineer in writing.
3.6 Other Pile Types
3.6.1 Steel piles
The work covered by this clause consists of furnishing all materials, labor
and equipment and performing all operations for driving and completing
steel piles as indicated on the drawings, in addition to driving and testing
the test piles, all in accordance with the specification and as directed by the
3.6.2 Materials
Steel piles shall be of the type and weights shown on the drawings and
shall be manufactured from steel conforming v to ASTM-A36. All piles shall
be straight and true to section and any pile which in the opinion of the
Engineer, is defective in any way, shall be rejected and shall be replaced
by the contractor.
3.6.3 Driving steel piles
Steel piles shall be driven vertically or inclined to true position and secured
against lateral movement by leads or other suitable means approved by
the Engineer, All piles driven out of line, but of plumb, with incorrect
inclination, or twisted, broken or bent, otherwise damaged in driving shall
be withdrawal and replaced with other piles, properly driven to the true
position and alignment required and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All
piles shall be cut off at the levels indicated on the drawings . A steam
hammer shall be used to drive the piles unless other equipment is
permitted by the Engineer. Piles may be driven by a hammer and water
jets or by water jets alone. An ample supply of water at adequate pressure
shall provided. Piles shall be driven by hammer alone for the last 1.5 m of
penetration, piles shall be driven to depths or to penetration per blow as
directed by the Engineer. Accurate records of the penetration per blow for
the last 30 cm shall be kept for the guidance of the Engineer in determining
allowable loads on the pile.
If proper resistance to driving is not attained at the predetermined length of
pile, or when the length of piling required is in excess of the largest
continuous length that can be supplied, an additional length of piling shall
be added by butt welding. The joint details shall be as shown or as directed
and fulfilling the requirements of AISC standards.
The contractor shall take all the necessary precautions to prevent any
damage to the existing properties due to the piling work.

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AFCEE Iraq Interim Construction Standards


Civil Work

4.1 Description
Concrete work shall consist of mixing, conveying, placing of concrete , for
work and reinforcement Work, (it is inclusive of all measures and materials
required removal of concrete forms and reinforcement).
4.2 Material
All materials used in the work shall be the best of their kind and shall
conform in quality and treatment to the conditions herein specified. The
contractor shall submit to the Engineer when required and at his own
expense, samples of all materials to be used in the works. The quality of
the samples so provided being representative of the Bulk of such materials.
The construction of all concrete and reinforced concrete work shall
commence at points approved by Engineer and shall be continued and
completed in accordance with the programme of work to be submitted to
the Engineer for approval before the concrete work is commenced.
Any work considered by the Engineer to be of inferior workman ship and
therefore , to present a potential point of weakness in any part of the work
shall be demolished and rebuilt at the expense of the contractor.


Portland cement for all structural concrete shall conform to ASTM C 150,
for all concrete construction below ground level and water-retaining
structures, sulphate resisting Portland cement Type II of ASTM C 150 or
equivalent shall be used and for above ground level Type I shall be used
The contractor shall provide appropriate dry, well ventilated weather and
water proof sheds of capacity sufficient to store cement so that the cement
can be stored in such a manner as to prevent deterioration or intrusion of
foreign matter. Floors of the sheds shall be at least 30 cm above ground.
The cement while being conveyed to the site in trucks or other vehicles
shall be adequately from the weather. The cement shall be used as soon
as possible after delivery. Any cement that has deteriorated or has been
contaminated shall not be used for concrete.
4. 2. 2 Aggregates
a. General
All aggregates shall conform to the requirements of J3.S 882 or
equivalent and be locally available. Aggregates failing to meet above
mentioned specifications but which have been shown by special test or
to actual service to produce concrete of adequate strength and
durability may be used when authorized by the engineer. The
aggregates shall be dense, hard durable and free from harmful amount
of reactive minerals and other chemical compounds and shall conform
to the above mentioned standards. Samples of aggregates used in the
work shall so provided from the same aggregate sources stockpile at
the site, and be submitted to the laboratory authorized by the employer
and the written approval of the authorized laboratory shall be given to
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AFCEE Iraq Interim Construction Standards


Civil Work

the engineer for his approval.

b. Grading of aggregate
The grading of- the fine and coarse aggregate shall be such that whe
they are mixed in the proportions decided for each class of concrete,
the grading of the combined aggregate shall be suitable for making a
dense concrete of appropriate workability with the proportions of
cement and water with which the aggregate is to be used. The quantity
of flaky aggregate shall be limited as much as possible.
When tested by means of laboratory sieve the fine and coarse
aggregate shall conform to the requirements of D.S. 002 for graded
aggregate. The contractor shall be responsible for mixing the aggregate
in the proportions approved by the Engineer for each class of concrete
and each section of the work. It shall submit samples of the re-graded
material to the Engineer well in advance before commencing any
concrete works, 20 mm size shall apply to all concrete having 200mm
or less in thickness, for heavier wall, footing and mass concrete 25 mm
size may be used, provided that the space between the reinforcing bars
therein is one and half times greater than the maximum aggregate size.
4. 2. 3 Water
Water use in mixing concrete shall be clean and free from injurious
amounts of oil, acids, alkalis, salts, organic material or other substance
which may be deleterious to concrete or reinforcement. The temperature of
water use for making concrete in hot weather shall be low enough to attain
the proper mixing temperature of concrete, and in any case shall be Lower
than 30 degree centigrade. The contractor shall store on the site an
adequate supply of fresh water to meet all needs . The contractor must
indicate the origin . of the water he intends to use.
4.2.4 Steel reinforcing bars
Reinforcing bar should be deformed bars for all reinforced concrete work,
and should have minimum yield strength of 414 N/mm2 ( 60000 psi) in
accordance to ( ASTM A 184 and A 185) . Representative samples of all
steel reinforcement that the contractor proposes to use in the Works
together with manufacture's certificate stating clearly for each sample, the
place of manufacture expected date and size of deliveries to site, and all
relevant details as regards composition manufacture, strength and other
qualities of the steel shall be submitted to the Engineer for written approval.
4.2.5 Formwork
Icuan ply wood, 5-ply, 12 mm thick, or wood boards shall be used . Wood
boards or ply wood for shuttering shall be such as not to damage the
placed concrete owing to its containing imparities and shall be able to
withstand loading occurring during placing of concrete.
4.2.6 Preformed expansion joint sealer and filler
Bitumen Impregnated fiber board to be used for joint filler, shall be robust,
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Civil Work

durable, waterproof, rat-proof , non- staining, made from selected hard and
soft wood fibers impregnated with bitumen emulsion, preformed expansion
joint seals shall consist of synthetic resin cover , hard PVC cap, steel
anchors and elastic filler as shown on the drawings .
4. 3 Concrete Mixes
Concrete shall be proportioned to have the following specified compressive
strengths, as determined by the specified testing and test evaluation
procedure, specified compressive strength ( f'c) shall be as indicated on
the drawings.
4.4 Water-cement ratio
Water-cement ratio shall be determine so as to achieve the required
workability and to obtain the specified concrete strength, which shall be
subject to the approval of the Engineer.
4. 5 Test of Concrete
Work cylinder test ( cubes in case B.S. is to be applied) shall be made on
concrete sampled during the works. Samples shall be taken for each new
grade concrete, from each 100 m3 of concrete when the same grade is
being used continuously, except for lean concrete and other non load
bearing concrete. The number of specimens taken shall not less than 3 for
each compressive strength test, All tests shall be performed in accordance
with ASTM C. 39, B.S, 1881. and shall be carried out in an authorized
laboratory at the contractor's own expense. If the results of the 28 days test
are unsatisfactory, all concrete work shall be stopped at contractor's
expense and shall not proceed further without the written permission of the
Engineer. Should the test prove that the concrete is not satisfactory or the
Engineer Judge any section to be defective , the condemned concrete shall
be cut out, removed and replaced by the contractor.
4.6 Mixing and placing concrete
4. 6. 1 Mechanical Mixing, batching .
All concrete shall be Machine Mixed. The location for the batching and
minding plant shall be agreed by the Engineer, and the contractor must
submit to the Engineer for approval before erection of any mixing plant his
proposed arrangements for the storage of aggregate and batching and
mixing of concrete. The contractor must also submit details on the type or
types of mixers and machines to be used and proposals for the moans of
convoying nixed concrete from the miser to the points of deposition.
All concrete shall be batched by weight and the weight-batching machines
used shall be of a type approved by the Engineer and shall be kept
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Civil Work

accurate and in good condition while in use at the works. Checks shall be
made as required by the engineer to determine whether the weighting
devices are registering correctly. Each mixer shall be fitted with a water
measuring device. If aggregate batching by volume is allowed, the cement
shall be batched by weight and the water by weight or volume.
Any deposit of old concrete in the mixer drum shall be cleaned out by
rotating clean aggregate and water in the drum before any fresh concrete
is mixed.
4. 6. 2 Placing and compacting
Immediately after Mixing, the concrete shall be transported to the place of
final deposit- by method which prevent separation , loss contamination of
any of the ingredients.. Any method involving the use of pipes or chutes for
transporting concrete shall not be permitted, except with the written
approval of the Engineer.
Transport of concrete from the mixers must be as rapid. as possible and
the contractor shall always be responsible to place and compact the
Before any concrete is poured, the formwork must be thoroughly cleaned
of all dirt, shavings, loose stones, etc, and the wood form which will come
in contact with the concrete shall be soaked well with an approved mould
oil. The concrete shall be placed gently in position and shall normally not
have a free fall of more than one meter. To convey, the concrete as near
as possible to its final position, rubber or metal drop chutes shall be used
for small sections, and bottom opening buckets or other suitable vessels
for large sections. The concrete shall be placed in such a manner so as to
prevent water from collecting at the ends, corner or along the faces of the
forms, and it shall not be placed in large quantities at a given point and
allowed to run or b be worked over a long distance in the form . All
concrete shall be placed and compacted in even layers with each batch
adjoining the previous one. The thickness of the layers shall be between
15-30 cm for reinforced concrete and up to 45 cm for un-reinforced
concrete in relation to the width of the forms.
The concrete shall be carefully and continuously compacted and worked
around the reinforcement and into the corners of the formwork so that it will
be in close contact with the reinforcement and free from honeycombing.
Over-vibration causing segregation shall be carefully avoided and the
redistribution of concrete in the formwork by means of vibrators shall not be
The concrete shall be compacted by mechanical or electro-mechanical
vibrators of a type approved by the Engineer. The plunger type vibrators
shall have a diameter compatible with the spacing of the reinforcement.,
and sufficiently high frequency.
All vibration, compaction and finishing operations shall be completed
immediately after placing of the concrete in its final position, workers shall
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Civil Work

not be permitted to walk over freshly placed concrete until it has hardened
sufficiently to carry their weight without distortion, and great care shall be
taken to ensure that reinforcement projecting from recently placed concrete
is sot shaken ox1 disturbed so as not to destroy or damage the initial set of
the concrete in contact with it.
Concreting in any one part or section of the work shall be carried out in one
continuous operation and no interruption of concreting work shall be
allowed without the approval of the Engineer .
4. 7 Concreting in Hot weather
The recommendations set out in (( Recommended practice for hot weather
concreting) ( ACI- 305-72) . The temperature of the mixed concrete shall
not exceed 35 before placing in hot weather. In ambient temperatures
coarse aggregates shall be sprayed with clean water for cooling. In order to
keep the temperature of mixed concrete below the specified temperature,
the contractor may use cooling equipment. Fresh concrete shall be
protected from premature drying. Concrete in transit shall be shaded from
direct sunlight and special care shall be taken to maintain the correct
water/ cement ratio. The formwork and reinforcement in and around which
the concrete is to be placed shall be sprayed with water to cool the
surfaces and prevent excessive absorption from the concrete when placed.
Generally all concrete shall be shaded from direct sunlight and drying
winds and from excessive ambient temperature during placement.
4.8 Concreting in cold weather
Ho concrete shall be made with frozen aggregates or placed up on frozen
surfaces. In cold weather, the contactor shall take special precautions,
such as heating aggregates and mixing water to ensure that the
temperature of the concrete when placed is not less than 4C .
4.9 Curing
Curing shall start as soon as practical after placing or finishing . concrete
shall be cured with water unless membrane curing is employed.
The surface of placed concrete shall be covered with damped mats or
other approved materials for a suffocation period talking into consideration
weather conditions during the period. Horizontal surfaces shall be covered
by a suitable method so as to avoid the effect of sunshine, drying wind and
other harmful effects, vertical surfaces such as walls and column sides
shall be wetted for a sufficient period by sprinkling water to forms, or other
suitable methods.
4.10 Reinforcement
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This article shall apply to the fabrication and erection of reinforcing steel
bars. The materials to be used shall be specified in section 4.2.4 of this
4.10.1 Bending and anchorage
Bending specifications shall be drawn up as applicable in accordance with
the approved codes, and each reinforcement bar shall be bent to the exact
dimensions specified in the relevant specification . All bars shall be bent
cold. Bars shall not be welded without the approval of the Engineer. No
splices shall be made in the reinforcement except where approved by the
Engineer, and all splices or overlaps shall comply entirety with the
requirements of proved.
4.10.2 Fixing of reinforcement
The steel reinforcement shall be assembled to the exact shapes and
dimensions as approved by the Engineer. The rods shall have the
approved cross-sectional area and shall be fixed accurately in the moulds.
The ends of all tying wires shall be turned into the main body of the
concrete and shall not be allowed to project towards the surface. Spacing
blocks shall be used to ensure accurate cover to the reinforcement, where
necessary, and these blocks shall be of precast concrete of a strength at
least equal to that of the concrete being placed. They shall be as small as
possible in view of practicality and shall be securely fixed in position by
means of wires to be cast into them.
No temporary supports for the reinforcement shall be allowed to be
incorporated into the finished concrete. At the time of concreting all
reinforcement shall have been thoroughly cleaned and made free
of all loss rust (crude oil or any other coatings that might destroy or reduce
the bond).
Unless otherwise specified or shown on the drawings, minimum cover shall
be determined in accordance with ACI 318- 77 as indicated on the
following table:

Min. cover

Cast against and permanently exposed to earth

75 mm

D16 and smaller

40 mm

D19 - D 25

50 mm

D25 and smaller

20 mm

Exposed to earth and weather

Not Exposed Slabs and walls
to weather and

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not in contact
Beams, girder, main bars , ties,
with earth

40 mm

4.11 Form work

This section covers the fabrication, erection and removal of forms and
other necessary work thereof, including material and design of forms. All
works, covered by this section shall conform to ACI 347 or relevant B.S.
standards unless otherwise specified herein.
4.11.1 Design of forms
a. Forms shall be constructed complete with centering, sleeves and molds
to conform to the shape, form, line and grade required and shall be
maintained rigid to prevent deformation under load where required
forms shall provide for adequate protection of the precast units placed
within the forms, before pouring concrete.
b. Joints shall be leak proof and arranged vertically or horizontally to
conform to the design pattern. Forms shall be placed on successive
units for continuous surfaces and fitted to accurate alignment to secure
smooth completed surfaces free from irregularities, In long span, where
intermediate supports are not possible, the form deflection due to fresh
concrete shall be compensated for. Members shall have true surfaces
in accordance with desired lines, planes and elevations. If adequate
foundation for shores can not be secured, trussed supports shall be
c. Form-ties; in general, shall be (snap-tie) type which beak
predetermined points at least 2.5 mm, behind the finish surface of the
concrete, or type which can be wholly with drawn. Where form ties,
bolts, or rods are to be completely removed, they shall be coated with
grease, In no event, either in interior, exterior, or below_ grade
applications, shall any parts of metal ties be allowed to remain within
2.5cm, of the finished concrete
d. Form surfaces shall be coated before placing of reinforcement, when oil
is used , surplus oil shall be removed from form surfaces. All oil stains
shall be cleaned from reinforcing steel before pouring of concrete,
e. Forms shall not be removed without the approval of Engineer. This
approval shall not relieve the contractor of responsibility for the safety of
the work, the minimum period of time that must elapse between the
pouring of the concrete and the slackening of the form work shall be as
Type of Formwork

Minimum period before removal

Surface temperature of concrete

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Slabs, beams , girders

columns, walls


Civil Work

more than 16 C

7- 16 C

14 days

21 days

24 hours

24 hours

The removal of form works shall in all cases be supervised by an

experienced foreman. All form works shall be removed without such
shock or vibration as would damage the concrete, and before the form
works and props are removed the concrete surface should be exposed,
where necessary, in order to ascertain that the concrete has hardened
sufficiently, Any work showing signs of damage due to premature
loading is to be removed and entirely reconstructed at the contractor's
4.12 Expansion joints
Expansion Joints shall be formed in walls, Floors, roofs, beams and
foundations where indicated on drawings. Where specified or shown on the
drawings, expansion Joint in Floor shall be covered with specified metal
covers, Reinforcement, or their embedded items bonded to the concrete (
except dowels in floors bonded on only one side of joints), shall not be
permitted to extend completely through any expansion joint,
joints in water retaining structures shall incorporate at raid_depth of the
concrete a pressure resisting PVC water stop and joint fillers shall be
installed as shown on the drawing.
4. 13 Construction Joint
Unless otherwise specified here in , construction joint shall be formed and
treated in accordance with ( specification for structural concrete for
Building), ( ACI 301 _ 72). The position of construction joints shall be
arranged to minimise the affect of shrinkage and construction. The
following Special requirements apply to the position of construction joints:
a. In beams and slab .
Construction Joints, other than in cantilevers, shall be located at
approximate quarter span points from the center line of supports.
Construction joints shall not be made in cantilevers, and where it is
practicable to do so, the whole of the internal span from which the
cantilever springs shall be cast at the same time as the cantilever.
b. In flat slab.
Construction Joints shall be formed at the center of supporting span
c. In foundation
As far as possible construction joints shall be located midway between the
footing or pile cap for column and walls. In isolated footings or pile taps ,
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the construction joint shall not be allowed.

At each construction joint, the surface of the existing concrete shall be
thoroughly roughened to remove all laitance and other injurious materials
and wetted before any further concrete is placed.
All concrete between construction joints shall be placed continuously. In
the event of unavoidable delay during concreting, the engineer may require
a construction joint to be made, or other appropriate action taken.
Horizontal and vertical joints shall be thoroughly wetted and covered with
allayer of mortar immediately before placing new concrete.
4. 14 Finishing
4. 14. 1 General
The finishes described, below must not cause any deviation out sid the
specified allowable deviation from plumb or level or from alignment, profile
grades or dimensions specified in the paragraph on tolerance. Offsets
caused by displaced or misplaced sheathing, lining or form sections, or by
knots in forms or by other wise defective items shall be checked by direct
All other irregularities can be checked by use of straight edges or by use of
templates. Surfaces shall be corrected so as to meet the requirements
specified in the paragraph or tolerances.
4.14. 2 Formed surfaces
Formed surfaces to be hidden by backfill, plaster or other finish material
shall not require treatment after form removal except for patching defective
concrete, the filling of holes and the specified curing, correction of surface
irregularities shall be required for depression exceeding a limit not affecting
the subsequent finish. Formed surfaces for exposed walls, water conduit,
parapets, curbs, stair faces and other areas shall be smooth and regular
when completed. Ridges or lips on exposed concrete shall be removed by
tooling , grinding or rubbing.
4.14.3 Fair faced concrete
This type of finish is for surfaces which are permanently exposed to view.
Forms to provide this finish shall be faced with wrought tongued and
grooved boards or plywood or metal panels , arranged in a uniform
approved pattern, free from defects likely to detract from the general
appearance of the finished surface. This finished shall be such as to
require no general filling of surface pitting, but fins, surface discoloration
and other minor defects shall be remedied by methods approved by the
Engineer without extra cost to the contract.
All forms shall be removed without damages to the concrete. The use of
non- staining mould oil or other material to facilitate this shall not have a
deleterious effect on either the strength or appearance of the concrete and
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shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

4.14.4 Unformed Surfaces
Unformed screeded finish surfaces to be covered by-backfill or concrete
and surfaces of sub-floors to be covered by concrete floor topping:
Finishing operations shall include sufficient leveling and screeding to
produce flat uniform surfaces.
Unformed floated finish surfaces not permanently consealed by backfill or
concrete and for which other finishes are not specified, including concrete
to be permanently exposed to view such as outside decks, floor of sumps,
tope of walls, surfaces of gutters, sidewalks and out side enterance slabs,
when trowelled finishes are needed, floating shall be continued until a
small amount of mortar without excess water is brought to the surface,
permitting effective trowelling.
Surfaces to receive mastic water proofing or asphalt water proofing shall
not have any prominence likely to cause damage or other harmful
irregularity. Surfaces irregularities shall be reduced or eliminated by
grinding, after concrete has hardened.
4.14.5 Chemical Surface hardening
Whene shown on the drawings, a cement mortar trowelled finish or
concrete trowelled finish surface shall be treated with chemical hardener, it
shall be applied to slabs after they are at least 28 days cured, cleaned and
free from dust, oil, grease and other foreign matter, and dry chemical
hardener shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's
5. 1 General

Scope of Work
Provide precast concrete panels, materials equipments, and , labors,
complete, in place, as shown on the drawings, specified herein, and as
evidently required for a complete and proper installation of precast
concrete work .

5.1.2 Related work Described

a. Cast in place concrete
b. Concrete reinforcement
5.1.3 Quality Assurance
The manufacture should demonstrate the ability to provide the required
quality as specified on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
The installers must not have less than two years successful experience in
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erecting similar items to those required in this work.

5.2 Submittals
5. 2.1 Manufacturing Data
The Contractor, prior t6 any work " shall submit to the Engineer the
following items :
a. Complete material list with their specifications of all items proposed to
be furnished and installed for this work.
b. Specifications and instructions for all manufactured materials and
products going to be used in this work.
c. Laboratory test reports as required by the Engineer.
d. Shop Drawings showing complete information for the fabrication and
installation of all required work, which is also suppose to include the
following information:
i. Member dimensions and cross section, location, size, and type of
reinforcement and lifting devices use for handling and erection.
ii. Details inserts, connections, and joints, including all accessories.
iii. Location and details of anchorage devices that are to be embedded
in other construction,
iv. Gelded connections by AWS standards,
v. Erection procedure, sequence of erection, and method for temporary
bracing and staging .
5.2.2 Samples
a. Precast samples approximately 300x300x50mm. cast from the mix
specified illustrating equality color and texture of the proposed surface
b. Submit samples of east_in gaskets, anchorages, and other attachments
and accessories if required by the Engineer.
c. Prior to start of installation, one full-size sample of each required precast
concrete unit shall be submit to the job site for approval by the
Engineer, Acceptable samples may be incorporated in the construction,
d. The Engineer inspect color, texture, and general condition only .
Compliance with all other requirements is the exclusive responsibility of
the contractor.
5. 3 Delivery and Storage
a. Deliver the work of this section to the job site in such quantities and at
such times as to assure the continuity of the installation.
b. Storing and delivering of the units shall be in a manner to prevent
cracking , distortion , warping, staining, and other physical damages,
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and in a manner to keep all marking visible.

c. Lift and support the units at the designed lift points as shown on the
approved shop Drawings.
d. At no time shall units be permitted to rest on earth or other staining

Units shall be seperated one from another with non-staining wood


f. Thin or flat elements shall be maintained in avertical position.

5. 4 Protection and Replacements
Use all means necessary to protect", the units from damages and staining
before, during, and after installation. In the events of damage to the units or
any materials of all other trades, immediately make all repairs necessary to
the satisfaction of the Engineer. Where corrective measures are
considered un-practicable or unsatisfactory, the faulty work shall be
replaced by new units at no additional cost to the Employer.
5.5 Products


Concreting materials as referred to in section ( 4_2). " Concrete

Work ".


Provide all reinforcement, necessary, and connection materials

required in accordance with the final design as approved "by the

c. All anchors, bolts, dowels, fittings and attachment members shall be

of types indicated on the drawings and as approved by the
d. All the materials provided under this Article shall meet or exceed the
cfuality specified for similar materials tinker other sections of these
e. Those materials not specified tinder those sections, but requried for
a complete and proper installation, shall be new, first quality of their
respective kinds, and selected by the contractor subject to the
approval of the Engineer.
5.5.2 Design
a. Provide complete design, calculations, and drawings prepared and
signed by an engineer properly licensed to perform such services.
b. Make all necessary provision in the design to accomodate all stresses to
be encountered.
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Design in accordance with all pertinent recommendations contained in:

1. ACI 301
2. ACI 304
3. ACI 311
4. ACI 310
5. ACI 347
6. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute " Manual of standard
Practice" .

Prestressed Concrete Institute MILL116 " Manual for Plants

and Production of precast concrete products.

Comply with building code requirements which are more stringent than
above. In the event of conflict, the morn stringent provisional shall be

Engineer's review of calculation dees not relieve the manufacturer of

design responsibility .


Design modifications may be made as necessary to meet field

conditions and to ensure proper fitting of work.
Maintain the general design concept as shown without increasing sizes
of members or altering profile and alignments, and as acceptable to the

5.5.4 Concrete mixes


Preinre design mixes for each type of concrete required, and secure the
Engineer's approval of the proposed design. Design mixes may be prepared by
an independent plant, at precast naiiufacturers option.

b. Design the mix and proportion of the concrete to attain a minimum compressive
strength of 201 Kg / cm2 when cured and. tested at 20 days in accordance with
ASTM C39 with minimum cement content of305Kg/m3

Submit written reports to the Engineer of proposed mix at least Relays prior to
start of precast unit production.

d. Mix designed adjustments may be requested when characteristics od materials,

job conditions weather, test , results, or other circumstances .
warrant laboratory test data for revised mix designs and strength results must be
submitted to and accepted by the Engineer before using in the work.
5. 6. Equipments
a. forms shall be constructed of steel, with smooth contact surfaces and free from
any staining effect confirming the exact design dimension and shapes.
They shall have sufficient strength to withstand high frequency vibration and to
prevent deformation under applied loads. The form's surfaces shall be coated
with a bond breaking compound before reinforcement is placed.
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The coat shall not adversely affect concrete properties of appearance.

b. Vibrating table shall be of design and. Construction to provide frequency
vibration as required to produce units of the strength, aggregate distribution,
and, finish specified and defined by the approved samples and test specimens.
c. Mixers shall be of type to maintain even distribution of fine and coarse aggregate,
d. Lifting of precast units shall be done using power equipment of a type approved
by the Engineer.
5. 7 Fabrication
5.7.1 General

mix Materials for concrete in an acceptable drum type batch machine mixer and
as explained in section(4_6) provide a batch ticket for each batch discharge and
used in work, indicating project ; Identification name and number, date, mix
type, mix time, quantity, and amount of water introduced .


Ready mix concrete shall be comply with requirements of ASTM C94, and as
herein specified.
i. Addition of water to batch will not be permitted.
ii. During hot weather, or under conditions contributing to rapid setting of
concrete, a shorter mixing and delivery time than that specified in ASTM C94
may be required.


Place and secure all anchors , clips, inserts, reglets, lifting devices, stud bolts ,
shear ties, and other devices required for handling and isntalling the precast
units, and for attachment of subsequent items as indicated or specified.


Finish units shall be straight , true to size and shape and within the specified
casting tolerances. Exposed edges shall be sharp, straight , and Square.

e. Dimensional tolerances shall be ;- 3rnand for lintels shall be ;- 6mm. Variation
from position in plan ;- 13mm maximum at any locations. Offsets in ftllgaaent
of adjacent members at any joint shall be 1,5 in any 3000mm run and 6mm
maximum .
5.7.2 Curing
Form cure for a minimum of 20 hours. Keep Wet continuously for not less than seven
days after being removed from the forms. Following this curing period, allowing this
curing period, allow the units to air dry for at least four days before being erected.
5. 7. 3 Surface Finish
Appearance of the precast units is of primary importance and special attention shall
be paid to uniformity color, and texture

Finish of formed surfaces Normal plant_run finish produced by forms that

impart a smooth finish to the concrete. Small surfaces holes caused by air
bubbles, normal form joint marks, and minor chips and spalls will be tolerated,
but no major unsightly imperfections, honeycomb, or structural defects will be
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b. Finish of unformed surfaces .
Apply trowel finish to unformed surfaces unless otherwise indicated , consolidate
concrete, bring to proper level with a straightedge, floot and trowel to a smooth,
uniform finish. Apply scratch finish to precast units which will recieve concrete
topping after installation .
5.8 Execution
5.8.1 Inspection
Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this section will be installed.
Correct conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion of the work. Bo not
proceed until unsatisfactory condition have been corrected.
5. 3. 2 Installations
5. 8. 2. 1


Install the work of this section in strict accordance with the approved shop Drawings,
and all partinent codes and regulations. All cutting, drilling and welding required for
installation shall be provided.
5. 3. 2. 2 Bracing
Bracing shall be adequate to resist any dimensional changes and resist wind load.
They shall be left in place until final connections to the structural frames have been
5. 8. 2. 3 Bearing Pads
Install flexible bearing pads where indicated on the approved shop Drawing, set pads
on level and uniform bearing surface, maintain in correct position until precast units
are in place.
5. 8. 2. 4 Welding
Perform all welding in compliance with the approved drawings. All unsatisfactory
connections shall be replaced or corrected according to the instructions of the
5. 8. 2. 5 Grouting
a. After precast units have been placed and secured, grout open spaces at
connections and joints.
Atlall times excerise extreme care to prevent staining of exposed panel surfaces.
b. Use only grout systems recommended by the manufacturer of the precast units
and approved by the Engineer.
c. Provide any acceptable method to retain the grout in place until it is sufficiently
hard to support itself.
d. Pack spaces with stiff grout materials, tamping voids completely full. place the
grout in a manner to finish smooth} plumb and leved with adjacent concrete
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e. Keep grouted surfaces damp for not less than 24 hours after grout has taken its
initial set .
Promplly remove all grout material from exposed surfaces before it hardens.
5.9 Cleaning

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Upon completion of installation and patching , all exposed work of this section shall
be washed clean with clean water. All excess materials shall be removed and the site
left in a clean and acceptable condition.
5.10 Plant Quality control Evaluations
a, The manufacturer shall provide samples of materials and concrete mixes as may
be requested for additional testing and evaluation.
b . The strength of precast concrete units will be consider potentially deficient if they
fail to comply with any of the requirements which may affect the strength
including the following conditions:
1. Failure to meet compressive strength tests requirements.
2. Reinforcement not conforming to specified fabrication requirements.
3. Precast units damaged during handling erection. When there is evidence that
the strength of precast concrete units does not meet specification
requirements, cores shall be drilled for compressive strength
determination complying with ASTM G42.
c. Where core test results are satisfactory and precast units are acceptable for use,
fill core holes solid with patching mortar, and finish to match adjacent concrete
d. Defective units which do not conform to the specified requirements shall be
replaced with suitable units and corrections shall also be made for any other work
affected by this correction without any additional cost.

Scope of work

Furnish all labour, material and equipment for the complete building of brick and
concrete block work as shown on the drawings, as specified herein and as evidently
necessary to complete the work.


Before starting the work the contractor shall submit the following to the Engineer and
receive his written approval.
6.2.1 Manufacturer and sample blocks
Before precasting concrete block, the name and official address of the concrete block
manufacturer, if the contractor intends to use a sub, contractor, sample block and
sources of cement and aggregate making up the concrete block shall be submitted to
the Engineer for his written approval.
Test required and as specified here in after shall be executed by the contractor and
test results shall be submitted to the Engineer for his written approval.
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6.3 Materials

Masonry brick

Brick shall be locally available products conforming to D.S. 3921 or equivalent and be
hard, well baked and shall have a uniform and sufficient compressive strength
appropriate to the use. The shape of the bricks shall be rectangular. Brick used in
foundation shall be misakhraj brick or equivalent.
6.3.2 Concrete blocks
All concrete blocks shall conform to ASTM C129, B.S 2028 or equivalent unless
otherwise specified as follows:
a. Concrete block shall be manufactured in accordance with the specification stated

block shall be manufactured of Portland cement and locally available aggregate

by mixing and compacting using an electric machine,
block shall be reasonably uniform in compressive strength and in all dimensions
and shall be straight and free from cracks, chips or other defects.

Specification of the materials shall be in accordance with section ( 4_2), " Concrete
work "
6.3.3 Joint mortar materials
a. cement
cement shall be specified in section 4_2_1 ( concrete work)
b. Sand
Sand shall be clean sharp, coarse, well _ graded and shall conform to ASTM C-144
( Aggregate for Mrrary jortar ) or BS. 1200 ( Building sand from Natural aourcec)


water proofing additive shall conform to B.S 3826 or equivalent, other admixtures,
such as a type which reduces early water loss from the masonry units and produces
an expansion action in the plastic grout sufficient to off_set initial shrinkage and
promote bonding of the grout , may be used when approved by the Engineer.
6. 4 Workmanship
6.4.1 The contractor shall provide a masonry foreman who is thoroughly experience,
competent and skilled in masonry construction .
The foremen shall personally supervise the mixing and placing of all mortar. Masonry
reinforcing and anchoring must be done in strict accordance with the drawing and
6.4.2 Scaffolding and Equipment
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The contractor shall furnish, erect and maintain as long as necessary and remove
when no longer required, safe and adequate scaffolding and other equipment
required for the proper execution of the work. All equipment for the mixing, transportation and handling of mortar shall be clean and kept clear of set mortar, dirt or other
foreign matter. Etoffaluiag or other objects shall not bump or rub against masonry.
6.4.3 Mixing of joint Mortar
a. Standard proportion of mortar mix for the joint of bricks and blocks shall be:
cement to sand = 1:3, or as directed by the Engineer, sulphate resisting cement shall
be used in mortars below damp proof course
b. Mixing
i. Mix mortar by mechanical mixer or by hand on a clean level board.
ii. mix thoroughly so that all individual constituents are incorporated evenly but do not
over-mix mortars containing plasticizers.
iii. Keep mixer clean at all times.
iv. Use mortar with in one hours of discharge from mixer at normal taaporturo . In no
case chalj nortor be used after the initial set has taken place. Reconstitution of mortar
will not permitted.

Laying units

All work shall be laid true to dimensions and be plumb, square in bond and properly
anchored with vertical and horizontal straight joints that are in line, plumb, horizantal
and true . Brick laying for protective chin for waterproofing memberane shall be laid in
running bond with standard 2_3mm joints horizontally and vertically. All surfaces of
waterproof memberane to receive briek laying shall be throughly domed masnory
mortar shall be spead over the cntir surface of joints. laying out of the bricks shall be
arranged so that vertical joint are staggered Salf bricks or other shapes shall be used
where required, All hollow block shall be laid cells vertical and with full nortar
coverage on all top and side faces, horizontally and vertically. Cells of hollow blocks
to be grouted with concrete or nortar are those carrying the horizontal and vertical
reinforcement and also abutting cells, with or without reinforcing, cells of hollow
block forming the cider, of entrances and doorways and cantilevered fins of walls and
those so indicated on the drawings or so required by the Engineer.
In Icying concrete solid blocks, pounding of comers and jambs after units liave
been set in position shall be avoided, where an adjustment must be made after the
mortar lias startde to cat, the mortar shall be removed and replaced with fresh mortar,
colls of unfinished ends shall not exposed, Bond all interesting masonry walls
together as indicated or a approved by the Engineer, When necessary to out
masonry units, preference must be given to the use of power oquipreiit . Cutting
shall be kept to a minimum.
A protective covering of mortar shall be fornecl around the reinforcing bars at a
minimum depth of 20 mm, laying for brick work shall be as shown on the drawings.
when it in not specified on the drawings, the contractor shall follow the instruction of
the Engineer.
6.4.5 Joints in brick and concrete block work.
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Joints, both vertical and horizontal, shall be 1 cm thick and not staggered. Nortar
shall be flushed with the corrent tool where planter is to be applied.
Joints of masonry units which will be exposed or painted. form a concave joint
Joints which are not to bo visible in the finished work to be dtruck off with the trowel
as the work proceeds.
joints on the oufaces of fair_faced work shall be finished to provide as mooth surface
flush with the brick and or block
face or a keyed joint of approved profile aa the work proceeded
All hole in corposed rjasomy shall be repaired, and the walls pointed. Defective joints
shall be trowelled out and repointcd with nortar.

Scope of work

furnish all labour materials and equipment for the complete installation of roofing
works with insulation as indicated on the do-awing and specified herein.


7.2.1 Asphalt felt

Asphalt felt shall be asphalt saturated felt conforming to the requirement either of
1313-1 D226, B,S 747 or Iraqi standard specifications-Felt shall be 3Pty Pelt
consisting of bituminous substance reinforced with fiber glass and two layers of
building papers with fine aggregate,,
7.2.2 Asphalt primer
Asphalt primer shall conform to the requirements of ASM D41 of local standards
specifications using natural asphalt flux with pertroleum asphalt, and let down with
selected solvent, to produce maximum adhesion to prime suface and subsequentlyapplied coatings.
7.2.3. maMic waterproofing material
mastic water proofing materials shall be specific emulsion type mastic water proofing
materials, such as flintkote or equivalent to be approved by the Engineer.
7.2.4 Birth filling
The materials used for roof earth fills should be free from lump, stones and of an
approved quality. Pilling materials should be free from foreign natter, cuch q,s
nymphs of insect, rubbish of any kind, gavel and soluble salts. Ekrth fills shall be
compacted very well and shall be of 100mm average thickness to form the slopes to
drain water.
7.2.5 Precast concrete tiles
The precast tiles shall be 300x800mm by 40mm thick and have a flexture strength
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not less than 6001b/in , well vibrated smooth finish and shall be beded directly on the
clean earth filling that is laid to slop , The joints should be thoroughly cleaned and
then carefully filled with approved mastic. The mastic should be applied with headed
tools and pressin, A blow luop is then run over the joint which is then smoothed with
a heated jointing tool* For the skirting the size of precast tile shall be 150x150x
000mm as aright angleshape, the vertical and horizontal joints for skirting shall be
cleaned primed and filled with mastic as described above.
7.2.6 Styropor
Styropor for insulation of the roof shall have a thickness of 40mm, with thermal
conductivity at 90 F as ( 0.2 BTu /FT-HR,F)
7.3 Built _ up Bituminous roofing system.

Hoofing system shall consist of the following layers:


Asphalt primer ( not less then 0.3L/m


Asphalt ( thickness must be not less than 12mm).


Two layers 3Ply of asphalt felt.


Insulation ( styropor)of 40 mm thickness


Clean earth filling of 100mm avarge thickness

Precast concrete tiles of 300 x 800 x 40mm and 20.0.x150x80Qnra for skirting
with mastic jointing.
7.3.2 All surface receiving built _ up bituminous roofing must be clean free from dirt,
dustf oil grease, mortar spatter and other foreign matters and must be completely
dried out before roofing is applied.
7.3.3 all sharp edge projecting from surface shall be chipped and ground smooth. All
in - and - out corners and angles of deck and a butting walls or vertical surfaces shall
be trowelled with cement mortar with radius of apjxreicJ 50mm.
7.3.4 fiver, asphalt primer apply auniform coating of not asphalt followed by layer of
3ply asphalt felt over entire roof and anther layer in opposite direction. Each asphalt
felt shall be laid free from wirniles and buckles and lapped over proceeding layer with
a minimum length of 150mm.
7.3.5 Pelt shall be applied to the vertical surface of parapet continuously from the
horizontal surface if practical, or separate felt shall be applied over lapping a
minimum of 2 200 mm with horizontal felt layers.

Scope of work

Furnish all labour, materials and equipment for the completion of work as shown on
the drawing and specified herein,

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Plastering Work
materials Juss
Juss shall be locally produced natural gypsup in iraq, and shall be fresh, completely
dry and well ground material and shall not leave residuals on 56 mesh/cm sieve, and
shall be free from extraneous Which may be affected by spontaneous slating. Juss
shall be kept in adry area, covered and protected from moisture, juss shall be the
best grade obtainble from an approved source and completing with relevant Iraqi
standards. Sand
Sand for finish coats shall be clean and well graded from coarse fine as specified in
concrete work Cement
Cement shall be specified in section 4-2-1 (concrete work)
8.2.2 Plastering accessories
All plastering accessories shall be approved on samples by the Engineer before
starting plastering work. Such accessories, including corner beads, casing beads,
lath and other saterials, shall be used where and necessary for workmanlike
plastering work. Working environment
maintain uniform ventilation and a temperature of not lower than 5C until plastered
surface are dry.
Excessively rapid drying shall be prevented. Surface preparation
Dust, Oil, grease and other undesirable substances that might hinder the forming of
a good bond with plaster bases on concrete or masonry shall be removed
immediately prior to plastering. Moistening underbed
Immediately before applying plastering work, brick and concrete surfaces shall be
wet-down sufficiently to reduce suction but shall not be excessively wet.
8.2.4 Application
All plastering shall be executed in a workmanlike manner leaving all finished plaster
surfaces free from waves or imperfections. Nixing
Plaster materials shall be thoroughly mixed with the correct amount of water, in
accordance with the specific requirements of the vorh, Number of coatings
All worba cJic.ll be not loan than two-coats.
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Civil Work Standard mixing proportions

porotland cement plaster on walls
a. First coat : 1 part portland cement, 2.5 parts sand by volume.
b. Finish coat : 1 part portland cement, 3 parts sand by volume. Grouting
permeiers of door and window frames, pipes and ducts shall be grouted with cement
mortar of part of cement and 3 parts sand by volume.
8.2.5 Juss Plaster
Juss plaster shall be mixed and applied in accordance with local practice . Juss
plaster shall be plastered in 2 coats, each coast shall not exceed 15mm thickness.
Metal lath shall be used at all corners and angles and stops.
8.2.6 Cement mortar plastering
All plastering shall be done in two coats. The first coat shall be applied as thinly as
possible and in a manner obtaining plan faces, with all angles arrises and reveals
perfectly plumb and square. This coat should be well scratched to provide a key for
the final coat. After completion, the plaster shall be cured for at least 24 hours by
being continuously wet.
8.3 Terrazzo
8.3.1 Materials
The terrazzo tile shall be machine made tile, composed of natural aggregate of
potland cement and marble chips, formed by hydraulic press. Terrazzo floor tile shall
be 300*300*25mm thick and of selected colour and pattern and it shall be complete
with all necessary special shapes and corners.
Cement motar for setting the floor tile shall be approximately 25mm thick and shall be
composed of 1 part Portland cement and 3 parts sand by volum. Grout for terrazzo
tile floor joint consist of 1 part white cement and 2 parts clean sharp sand by volume
and the width shall be 5mm .


The concrete floor shall be dry, firm, clean, free of grease or wax, proper adhesion
shall" ber assured between the mortar and all tiles and the finished floor surfaces
shall be smooth.
Joints shall be arranged at regular intervals with due consideration to the axis of the
room, joint filling shall be executed so as not to leave any unfavorable space . All
joints shall be closed joints. No traffic of any kind or any shook shall be permitted
during the 48 hours following installation of the tiles. Mortar and grout on the tile
surfaces shall be cleaned away. Tiles that are cracked or show broken corners shall
be removed and replaced with sound tiles at the contractor's expense.
8.4 In situe cast Terrazzo
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Materials Cement
Portland cement shall be type 1, white cement shall be used for the surface layer of
the terrazzo, the balance of the balance of the cement shall be gray colored. aggregate
marble aggregates shall be crushed marble, hard and round, not flaky, free from dust
or other impurities.
sizes of marble aggregates shall be as follows .
i. All particles shall pass through a 24mm sieve
ii. 40% to 60% of the particles shall pass through a 12mm sieve.
iii. No particle shall pass through a 6mm sieve
Dividing strip or edging strips shall be of brass not less than 4.5mm thick and 12mm
high. Brass shall conform with DS 2o74 or Other equivalent standards. Pig ment shall be a lime - proof, non fading mineral pigment the same as
the pigment used in Engineer approved samples and shall comply with BS 1014 or
other equivalent standards.
8.4.2 Workmanship Working environment
In case of cold weather all precaution shall be exercised to avoid adverse
weather, such as ambient temperature below 48 .
ii. In case of hot weather, ensure that full compaction is not premature stiffening or
drying out of mix after compaction, not prevent excessively quick drying out.
iii. In case of wet weather, protect terrazzo work from rain or snow. Surface preparation
surface to reseive terrazzo shall be thoroughly cleaned free from dust, dirt , oil and
other deleterious items. 13ond Breaker
polyethylene sheet having a minimum 0.08mm thickness with minimum lapping
150mm shall be laid for separation over entiere underbed surfaces Dividing or edging strips
Dividing or edging brass strips shall be fixed in a minimum 7000x7000mm grid with
metal anchor and mortar according to layout plans, underneath each brass strip, a
wooden dividing strip shall be added to complete the joining. unbonded cement screed
mortar for unbonded shall be 1 part cement and 3 parts sand be volume with the
least amount of water required. Lay screed in two courses on hand breaker layer.
The lower course shall be thicker than the upper and placed to the level about 15mm
lower than the top of brass dividing strips. The top the undered shall be slightly lower
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along dividing strips in order to have slightly thicker finishing course.

8.5 Flooring of marble and Granite
All marbles and granites must be carefully selected from the best guarry beds, and
utmost care must be exercised to ensure that the maximum amount of adjacent
marble matches accurately. All stone shall be free from cracks, holes, scratches and
other blemishes. No stooping will be allowed.
All stones shall be free from cracks, holes, scratches and other blemishes. All stones
shall be of the highest quality, durable with resistance to atmospheric agents and
shall pass, all the strength test ( Compressive strength ) and shall have adequate
tensile strength.
The contractor will be required immediately to produce representative samples of all
the stones intended to be supplied for the employer's representative's approval, and
the whole of the supply shall correspond with the approved samples. No other quality
of stone will be accepted and the contractor will be required to guarantee that the
qualities will comply in all respect with specification and the samples approved by the
employer's representative.
Mocked up sample panels of stone work to indicate the range of color and texture .
matching of vein, workmanship, etc. shall also presented for the approval of the
Employer's representative.
All stonework is to be accurately worked, deadsquare and ture and accurately placed
in the definite position with due respect to levels, alignments and verticality and
perfectly jointed and fitted against adjoining members . All visible edges will have to
be rectified and gauged with a maximum tolerance of 0,5mm on the gauging
thickness ( and shall be finished to the same degree of that of adjoining finished
surfaces of trfcone). And ;-1.5mm in the thickness of slab in general. The tolerance
allowed in the cut of the slab, for out of joint and precision of size and squareness
shall not exceed 0.5m per 500mm.
All Exposed faces of marble are to be finished to the degree indicated on drawings
and described thereon. The whole of the work will be inspected at the factory during
working and upon arrival at the site and the Employer's representative will reject any
material or workmanship which does not conform to the conditions and will require
replacment to be made at the contractor's expense.
8.6 Quarry tiles
Quarry tile shall be unglazed semi - vitreous tile made from natural clay conforming to
BS 1236 or other relevent standards in terms of water absorption, resistance to
abrasion and chemical attack, flexural strength and so forth.
Size of tile shall be 90 * 90 * 10 mm thickness and bottom surface shall have grooved
Keys to increase bonding to underbed three different colours shall be selected
subject to the approval of the Engineer,
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8.7 Sportflooring

Description of work

Furnish and install Sportflooring and accessories as specified herein, shown on the
drawings, and retired by the Engineer.

Quality Assurance
Supplier shall be an established firm, experienced in the field.

The installer shall have completed at least three projects of similar magnitude
and complexity,

Level flooring to s tolerance of

;- 3 mm from the true plane



Submit manufacturer's recommendations for the correct preperation, finishing

and testing of concrete subfloor surface to recieve the sportflooring.


Submit manufacturer's specifications for installation handling, protection A


c. Submit 3 sets of samples of each type, color, and finish of flooring and accessory
required. Sample submittals will be reviewed for color, texture and pattern only .
8.7.4 Delivery, storage and Handling
protect flooring materials and accessories from any kind of damages during delivery,
storage and handling . store in a dry place with adequate air circulation . Do not
deliver flooring materials to building until all masonry, painting , plastering, tile work,
overhead mechanical work, and lighting are completed.
8.7.5 Job conditions
a. Keep the areas which receive flooring to the temperature rerjuirod by the
manufacturer's instructions for at least 48 hours prior to installation.
Maintain this temperature during and after installation as recommended by flooring
b. Do not install floor system until concrete has been cured for (30) days and other
retirements are obtained as specified.
8.7.6 Materials General
a. Uniform in thickness and size.
b. Edges cut accurately and square.
c. Uniform color. Sport flooring Materials
Shall be mond oflex or indoor flex or any other equal quality approved by the
Engineer. The length and width determined by dimensions of area to be installed and
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as approved by the Engineer. The physical properties shall be as follow:

Color stability ---- good,
abrasion resistance ---- excellent,
resistance to cigarette ---- burns
sound isolation ---- maximum acoustic absorption. Adhesives materials as recommended by the flooring manufacturer to suit
flooring materials and substrate conditions. No substitutions. Gome line paint shall be compatible with the floor finish surface and the
same color required by the gane and as approved by the Engineer.
8.7.7 Execution inspection
Examine the areas and conditions under which the flooring work is shown to be
installed and remedy any conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion
of the work.
Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a
manner acceptable for installation. Preparation
Prior to laying flooring , broom, clean or vacuum surfaces to be covered and inspect
sub floor. Use leveling compound as recommended by the flooring manufacturer for
filling small cracks and depressions in sub floors. Start of flooring installation
indicates acceptance of sub floor conditions an and full responsibility for completed
work, Installation and finishing
a. Flooring surface
1. Unroll, perfectly fit, cut and leave unrolled to relax.
2. esive materials according to manufacturers directions. Use 3nim notched troxtfel to
spread adhesive. Bo not soil walls or adjacent areas with adhesives .
3. Unroll into freshly applied adfacsinrov.
End seams shall be single cut, edge seams overlapped, then snapped into place to
insure tight seam, The flooring shall be lid tight, even and straight,
4. Roll the entire sport surface with mediur-size rokker to remove any entrapped air.
Wipe away any adhesive that oozes between size.
5. All seams shall be weighted in place.
Leave weight in place a minimum of twelve(l2) hours.
b. Game line painting shall be done as specified by the manufacturer of the
Protect all the lines with plastic plates and make sure of avoiding any damages to
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c. Finishing shall be in accordance with manufacturer current procedure, using
approved materials.
d. After sportflooring surface is installed and game lines painted , area is to be kept
locked by contractor to allow curing time for paint and adhesive. No other trades are
to be allowed on the floor until it is accepted by the Ehgineer.
e. Clean up all unused materials and debris and remove same from the premises.
8.8 Ceramic tile


Glazed ceramic wall tile shall be square edge, matte finish, glazed natural clay tile .
Tile shall be free from defects which affect appearance or serviceability , will not be
Tile shall be free from a dark spots over 0-16mm ( interior or 0.3mm exterior) in
diameter, fractures in the glaze, heavy accumulations of glaze , spots in sufficiently
glazed , frosted crystalline appearance and rough spots, ceramic tile shall be first
quality, size the drawing.


a. Apply setting beds for tile directly to moistened concrete, concrete block, Portland
cement plaster other bases, setting beds shall be composed by volume of one part
Portland cement, to one half part hydrated lime to four parts dry sand, mixed with
minimum amount of water necessary to produce a workable mass. Apply in sufficient
quantity and with sufficient pressure to cover well the entire area and form a good
key. Bring out flush with temporary screeds or guide strips so placed as to give a
true, earen surface at the proper distance from the finished face of tile. Setting beds
shall not less than 1.25cm nor more than 1- 9cm thick.
b. Joints shall be straight, level, perpendicular, and of even width. Vertical joints shall
be maintained plumb for the entire height of the tile work. Tile where called for on the
drawings shall have staggered joints as shown.
Each tile shall be brought to a true level plane surface by uniformly applied pressure
under a straightedge , Tiles that are improperly placed shall be removed and reset.
Damaged or defective tilfe shall be replaced.
c. Iteflor setting, tile shall be throughly soaked in clean water and drained so that no
free moisture remains on the back of tile . Wall tile shall be set by trowelling1 a skin
coat of neat portland cement on the setting bed or by applying a skin coat to the back
of each tile unit and immediately floating the tile in to place. All tile special shapes,
and trim pieces shall be solidly backed with mortar.
d. Grouting : Immediately after a suitable area of tile has set, grout joints full with
plastic mix of neat, white Portland cement. If desired, the contractor my add fine,
white grouting sand up to an amount ecfuall in volume to the portland cement.
Wet joints before application of the grout. Force maximum grout in the joints by
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squeegee, brush or finger application. Tool joints slightly concave to the edge of the
cushion, and wipe excess grout frome face of tile, Allow no mortar from setting bed to
show through the grout . Immediately roughon the replace grout at any depressions
that apper along the face of pouted joint once the surface has been cleaned.
e. Cleaning : After grout is throughly set, sponge and wash tile throughly, diagonally
a-'cross joints, and polish with clean, dry cloths.
Acid cleaners not allowed.
f. Curing : Keep joints continuously damp for a period of at least 72 hours after
applying grout.

Glazed tile

8.9.1 Material
Glazed wall tile shall be used for; the interior surfaces of toilets, and be scjuare in
shape of 150z150ram and white colour.
8.9.2 Installation
The Installation of glazed tile shall be accordance with section (8-8-2)

Suspended Ceilings

The Mechanical suspension system should be of an approved type. The suspension

system should be of type that will be installed by direct suspension from the structural
ceiling by hangers. Hangers should be at interirvals as shown on drawing and. they
should be not smaller than 10mm mild steel rods.
All steel members of the suspension system should be painted .
The mechanical suspension system should be of an approved exposed grid system
The exposed suspension member shall be in width and installed as shown on the
The suspended ceilings shall be made of ribbed metal lath designed for interior one
side plastering. The metal lath should have an approved pattern and should be of
email mesh that ensure good bend with the plaster and should be rigid and do not
show any signs of sagging or bending when the
plaster is applied . Metal lath sheets should be lapped sufficiently. Prior to plastering
the metal lath the whole surface of the lath should be treated with (1:1) cement sand
slurry to form a complete coat under plaster, Whomever " Tile suspended ceiling" or
" Acoustic Tile suspended ceiling" are specified on Drawings.or in the Bill of
Quantities then the tiles that shall be ased should be Termiteproof, Rot proof,
odourless, durable, not sustaining vermin and of type approved by the Engineer,
prior to delivery tile samples shciild
be submitted to the Engineer for approval. All tiles should comply with the retirements
indicated on drawings and shall have a minimum thickness of 12mm . Tile should
have dimensions approved by the Engineer.
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All the ceiling materials should be handled by experienced workers. False ceiling
should be fixed horizontally at the indicated elevations.
The method of fixing the suspenecl ceilings should be according to the requirements
of this specification and as shown on the drawings that will be furnished by the
contractor with his bid.
8.11 Painting work
8.11.1 Description of work
This specification section covers the surface preparation, material, manufacture,
delivery and application of painting.
All paints shall be of the first quality and/or standard products of reputable
8.11.2 Surface preparation
a. Surface preparation for concrete, mortar and plaster unless otherwise specifically
instructed in the specifications, the following procedures for preparation shall be
i. Surface shall be sufficiently dried before painting
ii. Dirt, dust and foreign matter shall be removed with care not to damage the surface.
iii, interior mortar and plaster surfaces shall first be painted with emulsion sealer and
then putty shall be applied to remedy the irregularities of surfaces, such as hair
cracks, minuteholes, etc. and immediately after application, excessive putty shall be
skimmed off with a wooden or iron spatula, when the putty rdries, the puttied surfaces
shall be sanded with samdpaper prior to a paint application
IV. Exterior mortar surfaces shall first receive cement . filler or the like with "brush or
their hair cracks minute holes, etc. Then the remedied surfaces shall be sanded with
sandpaper followed by applications of solvent 'based sealer or that approved by the
V. Regarding the exterior concrete, major irregularities of the surfaces shall be
corrected by filling the crevices, holes, etc. with cement filler or the like. The filler
shall be applied with wooden or iron spatula as smoothly as possible. When the filler
dries,solvent based sealer or that approved by the Engineer shall be applied before

Surface preparation for wood

i, Wooden naps, dirt and. foreign matier shall be removed by sandpaper with care
hot to be damage the material.
Gum shall be burnt by an electric heating rcui or pared with wiped off with

Knots shall .then fre sealed with" two coats of shellac varnish.

IV, For opaque finishing, cracks, holes, crevices, cavities, etc. shall be filled with oil
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V. Gor transparent finishing, wood grains shall be filled with polishing powder
kneaded with boiled oil and solvent, preferred, or water.
Vi. In order to ensure smooth surfaces , all surfaces puttied and once filled with
polishing powder shall be sanded with sandpaper.
c. Surface preparation for steel.
i. Oil and grease shall be wiped off with solvents,
ii. After blasting or cleaning with a power tool, dust on the surface shall be blown off
with an air-blower.
d. Surface preparation for galvanized iron.
i. Oil and grease shall be wiped off with solvent.
ii. White rust shall be sanded off with sandpaper.
8.11.3 Materials
paints shall be factory manufactured and delivered to the job in unbroken container's
which shall show the designated name. formula, color, Manufacturer's directions and
name of manufacturer, all of which shall be planinty legible at the time of the use, the
following paints, which conform to B.S specifications or their equivalent shall be used,
a. Oil paint ( on o/ood and metal surfaces) oil paint shall stand for long oil base alkyd
paint for undercoat and finish coat conforming to B,S 2524 or equivalent standards,
b. Gloss emulsion paint ( on interior walls) Gloss emulsion paint shall stand for
comparatively gloss rich vinyl emulsion paint.
c. Oil stain clear lacquer ( on wood )
Oil stain cleat lacquer shall stand for acrylic resin type clear lacquer finish combined
with colour.
d. Polyurethane clear lacquer ( on wood )
Polyurethane clear lacquer shall stand for Polyurethane easine type clear lacquer
finish combined with colour toner.
9.11.4 General rules
a. Inflammable paints shall be in an independent, idolated and well ventilated place
and sheltered avoiding direct sunlight.
b. panting places shall be ensured of good ventilation to avoid poisoning by solvents
as well as prevent to afire.
c. Special attention shall paid to the preventing of fire.
Hazards fire shall be kept off from the painting places and paint stores to prevent
occurrences of explosion, fire, ect, clothsand / or rugs used for wiping or soaked
with paint may have a danger of spontancous combustion, therefore, such
materials shall be immedlately disposed of.
d. Painting work shall be suspended under the following circumstances:
i. At Mospheric temperature is below 5C and relative humididty is more than
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ii. During snow, rain, strong wind or days expected of such weather conditions.
iii. Untidy conditions of work where good work cannot be expected.
V. Painted surfaces can be damaged or hindered by other works.
Vi. Ventilation is not sufficient enough that proper drying og paint can be
e. The proper application method shall be employed to meet nature of the paint, and
paint applications shall be done evenly so as not to leave blemishes, saggings
runnings, wrinkles, bubbles, ect.
f. paint for finish coating shall be, as arule, prepared for special color and luster
effects which shall be subject to approval of the Engineer.
Color sample, color plates, ect, shall be submitted to him.
g. Paint shall be delivered to the site sealed.
h. Paint shall be in general, used as it is, however depending on the roughness /
fineness of the surface, degree of absorption, atmospheric temperature, ect, it
may be adjusted by use of thinner or solvent to ensure proper painting.
i. Painted surfaces shall be well protected from n contamination and damage until
they are thoroughly dry and floors and other surfaces adgacent to areas to be
painted shall be properly or protected otherwise from stains before painting work
j. After blast or power tool cleaning of steel surfaces, primer shall be applied as soon
as possible in order to avoid growth of rust.
k. Manufacturer's instructions shall be strictly observed to ensure proper and good
painting work.


Scope of Work
Furnish all labour, material and equipment for complete erection of miscall
work as shown on the drawings, specified herein and as evidently necessary to
complete the work. All supplemental parts necessary to complete the work shall be
included whether or not such parts are definitely shown or specified .

Work includes, though is not limited, the followings:

9.1.1. Aluminum items such as:

a. Aluminum windows and frames.

Aluminum doors and frames.

c. Aluminum screens with doors.


Expansion joint covers.

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Steel items such


Steel floors and frames aixafcetwi .


Hand railing




The contractor shall submit the following to the Engineer for his written approval
before starting the metalwork.


Names and official addresses of the manufactures of the miscellaneous metal items
with technical brochures there of for approval.


Samples of metal items in appropriate sizes to show materials, finishes,

construction, etc. The contractor when he has submitted the actual piece as a
9.2.3 Test reports and certificates
The contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his written approval, all test reports
and certificates at the contractor's expense when so required by the Engineer.
9.2.4 Spares and tools
Such metal items which the contractor may recommend for maintenance purposes
after acceptance of the building shall be listed with prices for each item, so that the
owner may purchase all or any quantity of such, at his discretion and expense.
9.3 Materials
9.3.1 General
The basic materials to be used for the material work shall conform to following
standards or other equivalent standards.

4 : 1972 part 1

(( Hot Rolled sections ))


4 : 1969 part 2


1940 : 1971 part 1 (( wrough steel pipe fittings ))


4360 : 1972


(( Hot Tolled Hollow sections ))

(( Weldable structural steel ))

729 : 1971

(( Hot dip galvanized coatings on iron and steel



1449 : 1956


1970 : 1972


1161 : 1977

(( steel plate, sheets and strips ))

(( wrough aluminum and aluminum purposes plate steel
and strip ))
(( Aluminum alloy section for structural purposes ))

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AFCEE Iraq Interim Construction Standards


1474 : 1972


Civil Work

(( wrough aluminum and aluminum alloy for general

engineer purposes, bars, extruded round tubes and
sections ))



(( wrough aluminum and aluminum for general engineering

purposes forging stock and forging))



(( wrough aluminum and aluminum for general

engineering purposes - wrie ))



(( Anodic oxidation coating on aluminum ))

9.3.2 Aluminum
Aluminum for ornamental or miscall shall be corrosion resistant aluminum alloy and
meet the requirements for B.S or other engineer approved standerd.
9.3.3 Steel
Steel for metal item shall be new, low carbon mild steel and shall meet the
requirements of ASTM 36 or other standards applicable for the designated purposes.
9.3.4 Steel Tubing
Steel tubing shall be carbon steel for general structural purposes containing not more
than 0.05% sulphur, manufactured by hot rolling or seam welding having heavy walls
and rounded corners.
9.3.5 Stainless steel
Stainless steel for ornamental or miscall metal shall conform to the B.S standards
and other equivalent standards
9.4 Products
9.4.1 General
a. Refor to all relevant drawings and the doors and windows schedules for types,
materials, locations, dimensions, operations, details and quantities of all metal doors,
windows, louvres, and frames.
b. All members shall be straighr or correctly curved, free from warp or distortion
c. Anchors shall be provided along the frame at intervals not more than the specified
distances so as to rigidly fix all metal doors, windows and louvres
d, All metal surfaces shall be given corrosion protection treatment, expect, where
embedded in concrete such treatment shall be galvanizing bonderizing or rust paint
coating given after completely cleaning of rust and losse scale, and shall be of a type,
worir and in colors suitable to the subsequent application of finish paint.
e. Connection of all members shall be rigidly fixed and ground smooth where
f. The doors, windows, louvres and relevant frames shall be stiffened internally to
resist wind, self weight and operations and to rigidly accommodate finish hardware .
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g. All steel louvres, including exterior louvers and door louvers , shall be stationary
unless otherwise indicated or specified and shall be provided with bird screen on rear
side drawings.
9.4.2 Aluminium
a. Aluminium doors and screen shall comprise framing members transition member
st ancnors, aaaptors mountings, They shall be cut to size and shall be prepared for
joints after corrections have been made for removing stress,
b. All screws , miscellaneous fastening devices and aluminium alloy or corrosion
resistant materials of sufficient strength to perform the functions for which they are


Aluminum windows shall be designed to perform the functions for which they
shall be securely attached to the window section,
b. All exposed screws shall be stainless steel or aluminum, concealed screws and
fixing devices shall be aluminum or Kino plated.
c. There shall be no aluminium contact between alumi& ium members which are
required to slide against one another, to avoid excessive wear.
9.4.4 Steel doors and frames a. Shop a. Shop fibrication
profiled steel door frames and flush doors shall be supplied completely. Namely t
door height or ceiling hight frames shall be supplied complete with hinges | lock
strike, rubber shock absorbers baseties and fixing lugs.
Ready for building without any further cutting, Doors shall be mortised drilled and
prepared for iron mongeny at the and shall be complete with hinges, handles or
standard pattern lock set.
The faces shall be free from seams and joints. Flush doors shall be available in
either single or duoble leaf sets. Door frames shall be thoroughly cleaned, treated
and coated against corrosion as specified in the item (9-4-1 )
Weather stripping, impact absorbers and air-tight strips weather stripping
impact a bosorbers and air-tight strips shall be materials compatible with aluminium
and other metal with which it comes in contact, without promoting corrosion and with
sufficient resistance against deterioration by all weathering factors.
All profiles shall be in accordance with drawings and as required.

Flyscreans and birdscreens

All open lights of the windows shall have having 18 wiresper inch.

b. All exterior steel louvres shall have birdscreens , having 4xt,2mm steelwires per
Frames to fasten the screens shall be as shown on the drawings and shall
Jiave sufficient regidity to prvctont sagging of the screens.
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9.5 Steel handrails

steel handrail shall be installed at various stairs and made of steel frame.
9.5.1 Materials
Steel handrail shall be of pipes which conform to B.S, size shall be in accordance
with that indicated in the drawings, and it shall be finished with paint
9.5.2 Installation
Steel handrail shall be factory - welded as a rule. welding operators shall be ones
who are well-skilled and experienced and have sufficient knowledge of the work, in
case embedded anchors are used for anchoring the material, they shall three times
more resistance against expected pressure.
Joints between the handrail and bulusters shall be welded . cut sections shall be
covered with same materials used for the handrail by weldt.

Delivery, Storage and Handling

All metal door, window and louvre materials shall be delivered to the job site and
stored under protection against damage including
scratches, bents, warps,
corrosion, etc. and against moisture and contamination.
9.7 Installation
Metal doors, windows and louvres shall be set plumb square level and in
exact alignment with surrounding work to the supporting structure by tight and rigid
anchoring and grouting methods, as shown on drawings.
9.7.2 All joints between interior metal and structure and between interior glass
framing and mullion members shall bs air-tightly fisred.
All materials shall be screwed in place using blocking, masonry plugs or anchor
straps as required, where mouldings are jointed, they shall be accurately cut and
fitted to result in a tightly closed joint.
9.7.3 Installation of door , window and louvre frames shall be done in the following
The frame shall be temporarily fixed in the proximity of the true location by supporting
with temporary wooden wedges provided between the frame and the surro- unding
structure. The frame shall be poistionad to the true level plumb and correct poistion
by adusting the wedges precisely .
Anchors shall be welded to the projecting steel from the surrounding structure so that
the frame will not move 1:3 cement mortar shall be grouted tightly around the anchor
followed with grouting of all spaces between the frame and surrounding structure.
The wedge shall be removed after the grouting has set,
9.8 Protection and cleaning
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9.8.1 After installationt all metal door , window and louvre work shall be cleaned
carefully until the building is accpeted by the Ifagineer,
9.8.2 Solvent harmful to metal and finish of door, window and louvre work shall not
be used for cleaning.
10.1 Description of work
Furnish and install wood doors according to the specifications listed herein, shown on
the Drawings, and eeded for a complete and proper installation.
Provide hardware and louvers for wood doors are specified under this section.
10.2 Submittals
10.2.1 Product Data
a. Name and official address of wooden doors manufacturer shall be submitted to the
Engineer for written approval before starting wooden floor .
b. Submit a copy of door manufacturer's specifications or product data which nay
show compliance with specified reuements.
c. Details of core and edge construction for each type of door.
d. Details of louvers and trim for openings in doors.
e. Location and extent of hardware blocking,
10.2.2 Samples
samples submitted will be reviewed for color and texture on3y. Compliance with
other re uirements is the exclusive responsiblity of the contractor. Submit samples for
the following:
a. Cut - out sample of doors materials, corej stile, rail, and finish of surface veneer.
b. Submit one sample of each exposed hardware unit if required by the Engineer,
The remained undamaged samples will be returned to the supplier after final check.
10.3 General Requirements
a. Exposed face Materials: Provide same material on both faces of individual doors ,
unless otherwise indicated,
b. Transom and side panels: Wherever panels are retroired in same framing systems
as wood doors, provide panels which match rtuality and appearance of associated
wood doors in all respects, Imbricate matching panelsw with same construction,
veneers and finish as specified for associated doors,
c. Openings : Light - opening shall be factory cut openings. Louvers shall be provided
of type, size and profile to comp with the applicabler-re'tiiT-ements of the referenced
standards for (s) of door required and as shown on the drawings and approved by the
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a. Provide door construction for complying with referenced standards and as

approved by the Engineer,
Core construction shall be of aolid wood-block,
Face veneers shall comply with premium Grade an of the species and cut indicated .
i. All plywood facing shall confirm to B.S. 3449, or other equivalent standards. The
adhesive shall be of synthetic resin and of type suitable for designated use. Doth
faces shall be free from knotes, overlaps, patches and all open defects, Both faces
shall be suitably smooth for painting,
ii. All hardwood facing shall be sound, properly seasondM and free from sapwood ,
beetle infection or from any defect rendering it unsuitable for the purpose for which it
is inteded. The selected hardwood shall be Teak or approved equivalent .
b. Adhesives shall be type 1 waterproof bond.
c. Furnish all finish hardware with all necessary screws, bolts and any other fasteners
of suitable size and type reqired in this section.
d. All units of each kind of hardware ( latch and lock sets, bill t closers,.... etc) shall be
obtained from only one raanufacturer which shall be of the best type and complies
with the requirements of the door and door fa&ane and approved by the Engineer.
e. Kick plites shall be gage 10-0 Stainless steel. ges are to bo beveled on three
f. Provide matching finishes for all hondware units at each door or opening to the
greatest extent possible.
10.3.3 Prefitting and preparation for Hardware
Prefit and premachine all wood doors at the factory. Comply with tolerence
requirements for pro -fitting, Machine doors for all hardware requiring cutting of
doors. Reinforce doors and frames for all finish hardware items,
10.4 Execution


Examine floor frames and verify that frames are of the carrect type and have been
installed as required for proper hanging of corresponding doors. Do not proceed with
installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner
acceptable to the installer,
10.4.2 Installation
a. Set doors level, plumb and true to line and location. Adjust and reinforce the
attachment substrate as necessary for proper installation and operation. Clearances
shall be 3mm at Jambs and heads and 13mm from bottom of door to top of
decorative floor finish or covering,
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b, Ilingce shall be located as follows :

i. Top Hinges: not over 290 ram from inside of frame rabbet at head to centre line
of Mnge,
ii, Fottom Hingc : not over 330 mm above bottom of door frame to centre line of
iii. Center Hinge: Midway between top and bottom hinges,
c. Hard ware units shall be installed as required by the manufacturer's instruction.
Except as indicated or specified otherwise, use fasteners furnished with hardware to
fasten hardware in place. Fasten hardware to wood surface with full- threaded wood
screws or sheet metal screws. Use machine screws set in expansion shields for
fastening hardware to solid concrete and masonary surfaces
d, For surfaces are later to be finished or pain tod, install each surface mounted
items completely and then removed during- the finish application, after which reinstall each item back to place.
10.4.3 Quality control
When required by the Engineer , cut apart one or two doorst selected by random to
determine compliance with the specified requirements, Evidence of non - compliance
will result in rejection of the Acceptance doors so tested shall be replaced at the
expense of the Owner,
10.5 Delivery and storage
a. Protect wood doors daring transit , storage and handling to prevent any damages
or deterioration. In
b.Coordinate delivery of wood doors to domply with the requirements of the painting
Doors shall be stored out of the way of work in progress and not exposed to
extreme changes of temperature,
Adjust and check each operating items of hardware and each door to ensure
proper operation. Doors or hardware units damaged before acceptance of the work
shall be refinish or replaced and as directed by the Engineer.
Clean and ie.hzibxioate operating items as necessary to proper function and
finish of doors and hardware.
11.1 Description of Work
Furnish sod install cement concrete pavement confirming1 to the requirements
shown on the -Drawings, specified herein, or required by the Engineer.
11.2 Quality Assurance
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work shall conform to AASHTO " American Association of state Highway and
Transportation off icials " requirements and any approved standards ,
11.3 Related Iforlc Desribed Elsewhere :
a. Excavation f filling, and grading
b. Cost-in- place concrete
c. Precast concrete
11.4 Materials
11.4.1 General
All materials used in this section shall be supplied from the sources satisfying the
requirements given, here inf or elesswhere in this specifications and approved by the
11.4.2 Sub- Base Course Aggregate
Provide a mixture of sand-gravel subbase of thickness specified on the
Drawings complying with AASHTO T-27 and with modified CBE value of r.ot
less than 20 when tested at 95% density of maximum dry density at optimum
moisture ontent. The materials should be free from lumps or balls of clay ,
vegetable matter , objectionable coatings, or other foreign materialThe souroe of the materials to be Bead for. producing the sub-base aggregate
shall be selected Tifell in advance of the tine they will be required in the work.
The portion of material passing 0.4 ram screen shall have plasticity index
ASTM DH24 of not more than 6 and liguid linitl ASTM DH23, of not more than
25 or as reguired by AASHTO T89-68 . The materials shall be obtanined from
one source which satisfying the requirements and approved by the Engineer.
Grading reguirements shall comply with the sieve anaylsis given by AASHTO
T-27 Type B, This gmdation represent the limit which shall determine suitablity
of aggregate and sources of supply. The final gradations decided on shall be
well graded from coarse to fine ( as designated in the AASHT- T-27) and shall
not very from the low limit on one sieve to theKigh limit on the adajacent
sieves, or vice versa.
The materials shall be compacted to a density of not less then 95% of
maximum dry density at opimum moisture as determined in accocdance with
AASHTO T180 method " D". Approved materials for subbase shall be stock
piled in the manner and at the locations designated by the Engineer, Materials
obtained from different sources , Shall be stockpiled separately,
11.4.2 Concrete Materials
a. Ordinary Protland Cement
The cement used shall conform to ASTM C150, AASHTO M85-74, or
complying in all respect with B.S.12:1971 . The contractor shall provide
appropriate dry , weather - proof sheds of sufficient capacity to store cement.
The cement shall be used as soon as possible after delivery. Any cement that
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has been stored for a period exceesing 3 months shall not be used until it has
been tested for suitability.
Any deteriorated cement shall not be used for concrete
b. Fine Aggregate Fine aggregate shall be moderately sharp and free from
soft particles, clay, shell, loam or any other deleterious materials. The soluble
sulphate ( S03) centent shall not exceed 0.5% when tested in accordance with
B.S 1377 test No. 10. The amount of sulphate ( S03) in the concrete rcass
shall not exceed 4.5 % of weight of
Cement in the total concrete mass .
The sand shall comply with the following grading when tested in accordance
with AASHTO T27- 74 or ASTM 33.
Sieve Size


% Passing by Weight


3/8 in



No. 4

95 - 100


No. 16



No. 50



No, 100

2- 10


No. 200

0 -30


The grading from any ace source shall be reasonably uniform and not
subject to the extreme percentages of grading specified above . The
contractor shall execute a quality test on fine aggregate and each
aggregate source , and the results shall be submitted to the Ihgineer for
c. Coarse Aggregate
Coarse aggregate shall consist of either natural gravel, or curshed stone or
crushed gravel. All coarse aggregate shall je produced f stockpiled and
batcliod as a signal-sized materials complying with the grading limits of
ASTM C33 or AASHTO ( T27 -74) . For convenience the ASTM C33 are
produced as follows:

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Sieve Size mm







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% Passing Ity weight

2 in

;2 in


90 -100

35 -70
;4 in
10 -30
;8 in



The aggregate shall be composed of sound, tough, durable particles free from clay
balls, organic matter, and other deleterious materials , The aggregate shall not
contain more than 8% by weight of flat or elongated pieces. Other physical
reguirements of the coarse aggregate shall be within the linits given below:

Permissible Limits
(% by weight)

Physical Property

Soluble sulphate conteat Sr3

( B.S 1377, Test Ho. 10)


Sodium sulphate soundness

( AASIITO T104 -74


Wear L.A. Abrasion (AASHTO T96-74)


Friable Particles

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Coal and Lignite (AA.SHTO T133-70)


Clay Lwrvps (AASHTO T112-74)


Ifeterial Passing1 the 0.075 mm

AASHTO T11-74)

KLengation Index ( BS 012)


Flalciness Jhdez ( BS 012)


The controctor shall execute a quality test on coarse aggregate and each aggregate
source and the results shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval .


Air Hitraining Adnixtures

accordance with MSHTO M154.






2. Chemical Admixture for water rodnction f set retardation and set

acceleration or their combinations shall be in accordance with AASHTO
e. Mixing water
Mixng water shall be clean and free from oil, acids, alkalis , salts, organic material or
subetance which may deleterious to concrete or reinforcement. The contractor shall
store on the site an adequate supply of fresh water to meet all n.eeds. The water
shall be tested as prescribed in MSHTO T26-72.


Concrete reinforcement shall be of wire mesh as shown on the drawings. The wire
mesh shall be of welded plain cold drawn steel wire fabric mats complying with ASTM
A185 AASHTO M55 - 73 , or B.S 4483 ( 1969). The mesh shall be furnished in flat
sheets, not rolls, unleas otherwise acceptable to the Engineer. Minimum yield
strength 40Kgs/mm2 .
The mesh shall be rectangular with clase spacing between langitudiioal
wider spacing1 between transverse.

bars and

g. Polythene sheeting
Polythene sheeting for placing immediately below concrete slabs shall be 0.065 mm
thick made from polythene or other approved hydrocarbon thermoplastic resin.
11.4.4 Joint Filler

Provide resilient and nan-estruding type premolded cork units or sponge Rubber
joint filler or any other equivalent material approved by the Engineer.


Provude sizes, and shapes of units as recommended by the manufacturer for

joint size and condition shown.

Where joint movement is a factor in the determination of size,

consult with the

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Sigineer to determine ruature and magnitude of anticipated joint movements for

the temperature and condition of project at time of installation.

Specified hardness and conpressibilities are intended to establish requirements

for normal or average conditions of installation and use . Where a range of
hardness or compressibility is available for a product, comply with
manufacturer's recommendations for specific condition of use.

4. The joint material shall not deteriorate under any weather conditions and is to be of
such a character as not be permanently deformed or broken by moderate
twisting) bend ing or other ordinary handling.
5. Strips of the joint filler which do not conform to the specified dimensions within the
tolerance 0+2ram for thickness and ;-12 mm for depth are to be rejected . All
damaged strips are to be rejected.
6. Joint filler material shall be compatible with the substrate, sealants, and other
materials in the joint system.
11.4.5 Joint sealer
1. The sealing material shall be impermeable, withstand all weather conditions and
capable of adhering firmly to concrete without cracking, spalling or disintegr ating and will not reguire an impracticticable condition of dryness or cleanliness of
concrete slabs. The prefarable materials used as sealing compound shall be hotpoured rubber bitumen compounds material or synthetic rubber content or any
other satisfactory materials approved by the Engineer.
2. The sealant material shall be compatible with joint surfaces, joint fillers and other
materials in the joint system.
11.4.6 Joint Dowel Bars and Tie 3ars
Dowel 3ars shall be of mild plain steel bars complying with the requirements of ASTM
A615 or BS 4449 ( 1969) and as shown on the drawings and table (l). Cut bars to
true length with ends sguare and free of burrs. Dowel bars for contraction and
expansion joints shall be of dimensions and spacing shown in Figs,(2, 3) and table
Tie bars for the longitudinal joints are 12mm diameter mold steel 1m long centrally
located over the joint centre line at mid - depth of the slab and speced at 600mm
As an alternative to mild steel, 10mm diameter high yield steel tie bars 750 mm long
may bo used
11.4.7 Metal Expansion CapsFurnish the end of the coated half of each dowel bar in
ercpansion joints with a steel or cardboard cap about 100mm. long. The aid of the
cap shall be filled with cotton waste or similar compressible material to allow for bar
movement of not less than 25am and as shown on the drawing unless otherwise
11.5 Sampling and Testing
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All materials shall be approved by the Engineer prior to use in the work. Additional
samples will be taken and tested by the Engineer during the progress of the work to
check on the gualily of the material being supplied and/or placed by the contractor.
The contractor should set up his otm testing facilities or arrange the same from the
private laboratory to assure that his materials and workmanship comply with the
11.6 Concrete Mix and Design


All concrete shall proportioned by weighing and shall conform to the following
strength and mix reguirements.
compressive stregth,
250 Kg/cm2, minimum at 23 days when tested in
accerdance with AASHTO T-22
2. Minimum cement content 3uO Kg/m.
3. Maximum slump ( 50mm) whea tested in accordance with
4. Air content 4-7% when tested in accerdance with AASHTO T 196
b. At least 35 days prior to the start of paving operations and after approval of all
materials to be use in concretes the contractor shall submit for approval the mix
design he intends to use based on proportioned weights of cement , air enteraiment
agent, saturatod surface dry aggregate , and water, This mix design will be tested by
the Engineer and approval will not be granted unless the average 28 days
compressiv.e strength the exceeds the minimum stregfch regvireraents by at least 15
The making cuiring, and testing of the specimens for the compresive strength of the
concrete shall be in accordance with AASHTO T 23-73.
c. The reguired consistancy of the concrete mixture shall
be such that the mixture will be choesive, uniform and plastic permitting proper
handhing and finishing when deposited, it shall not flow, but shall remain in a conical
pile and shall be minimum segregation during the process of hardling and finishing.
11.6 .2 Batching and Mixing
Concrete shall Either be batched and mixed at a central batching and mixing plant, or
batched at a central batching plant while mixing can be either by field mixers adjacent
to the forms for slabs, or mixed in a truck mixer.
11.7 Forms
Side forms shall be made of metal or any other approved material. They shall be of
opproved construction and provided with adequate devices for secure setting so that
i/hcn in place^ they shall withstand the impact and vibration of the compacting and
finishing wruipment with settlement not exceeding 1.5mm 3m. Form sections shall
be tightly joined by a locked joint free from play in any direction.
Bent, twisted or battered forns arc to be removed from the site. Repaired, forms arc
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not to be used unless approved by the Engineer. Wooden forms may by used only for
curves having a radius of less than 50m. They shall be made of two 2.5cm well
seasoned surfaced planks fas tented together and. shall be attached securely to a
wooden base 20cm in width . All wooden forns shall be braced at least every 60cm
with steel pins of the size and length approved by the Engineer.
11.8 Elocution
1.8.1 General
The entire worl: shall be constructed to the exact position and elevation in conformity
to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The
contractor shall provide his own men and instruments for determining alignment,
elevation and position of all construction between any points, subject to the chock
and correction by the Engineer,
11. 8. 2 Inspection
Examine the areas and conditions under which paving is to be installed and remedy
any conditions detcrimontal to the proper and timely completion of the work. Do not
proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in an
acceptable manner.
11.8.3 Subgrade
1. The formation level on embankments and in cuttings shall be the surfaces level of
the underside of the subbase. The levels and tolerance or irregularity of surface
shall be within the Unit specified Any permitted deviation below the true levels
shall be made up in sub - base material compacted as specified which shall not
be measured for payments.
2. Materials for the subgrado shall not contain harrafall amounts of water- soluble
substances and shall be such that the strength and bearing capacity will not be
adversely affected by the presence of water .
3. In the event of unsuitable material, the contractor shall remove such material to
the depth indicated on the drawing or as directed by the Engineer and replaced
with approved filling material compacted as specified herein.
4. The compaction shall be performed with suitable compacting ccruipnent such
pnovmatic- tired pollcrs or macadam rollers. If necessary, vibrating ollers and
shoopfoot rollers may by used upon obtaining approval by the Engineer,
The subgrade shall be compacted to a dcmisty not less than- 95% of the maximum
dry density ( as determined by AASHTO T180-74) at optimum moistme content.
Compaction of the subgrodes adjacent to structures shall be carefully performed
by an approved method which does not cause any damage to the structures.
Degree of compaction of the completed subgracles shall be tested as specified
6. Surface of the subgrades shall extend to at least beyond either edge of the
pavement r including the kerbs if any. The completed subgrades shall be
protected from any damage.
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7. The following tests shall be performed in accordance with ASTM, AASHTO or BS

or other approved standards:
(i) Classification Tests
a. Specific gravity --- AASIITO (T1 60-74) or BS 1377 test 6 .
b. Mechanical analysis ---- MSIffO (TOG-77) or BS 1377 Test 7
c, Ligiiicl Iimi4. ---- AASHTO ( T09 -6G) or BS 1377 test 2
d. Plastic limit ---- MSIJTO (T90 -70) or BS 1377 test 3.
e Hoififcure content ---- BS 1377 test 1
These tests shall be nade at n fata not loss than one test for every 1000m of the
materials but not less than 3 tests in any cose,
(ii) Compaction tests
Compaction and density tests on the subgrades shall be made at a rate not less than
one test 2 for eveny 300m2 of the surface area of the subgrades
The tests shall be on a random basis and cover the entire width of the section.
Testing of any layer of construction will bo deemed acceptable providing 8 out of 10
consecutive tests are egual to or in excess of the minimum and the remaining 2 tests
do not fall below the minimum by more than 20%.
11.8.4 Sub-Base course
1. Prios to construction of the sUbbase, the previously constructed subgrade
surfaces shall be cleaned of all foreign substances . Any area of the subgrade
having indoguate compaction or any deviation form the requirements specified
shall be corrected by scarifying, removing and/or adding approved material, re shaping and re - compacting to the raguired density and to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.
2. Sub - basr shall be constructed only when weather conditions do not detrimentally
affoct the quality of the finished formation.
3. The materials shall be transported with pneumatictired vehicles to the area whore
the subbase is to be constructed, and shall be mechanically spread in an
appropriate thickness to obtain the reguised compacted thickness .
4. Whore the subbase course thickness exceeds 20cm it may be constructed in two
or more layers of equal thickness. No superimposed loyer shall be placed
before the previous layer has been approved by the Engineer.

Each layer shall be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum dfiy density at
optimum moisture content as determined by MSHTO T180-74. water shall be
applied during the compaction in such an amount as n.ecessary to obtain the
specified density,


In all places not accessible to the rolling equipment, the materials shall be
compacted thoroughly with approved mechanical or hand tampers to a density
comparable to that obta-ined by rolling .


Surface of the finished subbase course at any point shall be properly shaped to a
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smooth uniform surface and shall be not vary more than one (1) cm above or
below the grode level shown on the drawing .

Tho subbase cours shall be constructed to the full width of the pavement
inclusive of the foundation of kerbs in the above-mentioned thickness. Eteuvation for the foundation of the kerbs shall be carried out only after the full width of
the base course, is compacted and approved by the Sigineer,


Grade and alignment central stakes shall be furnished set and maintained by the
contractor, subject to checking by the Engineer . The work shall ponfim of the
lines, grades and cross~ sections shown on the Drawings. The tolerance for
level is +1 cm to 2 can .

10. The completed subbase course shall be main-trained in an acceptable condition

at all times prior to the construction of the concrete surfacing . Tnaffic will not be
permitted en the subbase during the raing season,
11. The following tests shall be executed, on preselected samples approved by the
Engineer in accordance with relevant AASIITO specifications.
A. Tests for materials
a. Mechanical analysis
b. LL, PL and PI
c. Moisture - density relation d. Modified CUR
These tests shall be made at rate not less than one tests for every 1000 cubic meters
of each material or when deemed mecessarly , but not less than 3 tests in any case,
Any Materials found not to conform with the requirements, than or later, will be cause
for rejection. Unexcepatable materials shall be removed and exchanged with a
suitable materials at no cost to the employer .
B. Tests for compacted subbase
Compaction and density tests on subbase shall be performed at a rate not less than
one tost for every 300 square meters of surface area of the finished subbaso.
11.8.5 Concrete Surfacing Form Construction
a. The side forms shall be placed to true vertical alignment . They shall be laid on a
fcontinvous bed of cement nor tar'or lean concrete about 2 in thick. They shall be
laid slightly high and brought to leved by taping down.
The forms shall be set to the roqiured grades and lines, rigidly braced and
secured . The forns shall have not vertical or horizontal movement in excess of 2am
when subjected to the load of the finishing machine, or from any other construction
Install sufficient quantity of forms to allow continues progress of the work and so
that forms can remain in place at least 24hours after concrete placement.

Check completed formwork for grade and alignment to the following tolerances:
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1. Top of forms not more than 3mm in 3000 mm.

2. Vertical face on longitudinal axis, not more than 6mm in 3000mm.
e. The forms shall be cleaned thoroughly and oiled with form release agent as often
as required to ensure separation from concrete without damage

Forms shall be laid at least one day ahead of Concreting

Polythene sheeting

Immediately before anjr concrete is placed, polythene sheeting as specified above

shall be laid on the subbase over the entire area. The sheeting shall not torn or
damaged when the concrete is placed thereon.The sheeting shall be lapped at least
30cm and any damaged sheeting shall be replaced at the contractor's Fixing reinforcement
The number , size , form and pasition of all steel reinforcing bars and other parts
shall be exact accordance with the drawings. They shall be kept in the correct
positions of the forms without displacement during the process of working the
concrete into place , The provision of spacer bars, supporting stools distance pieces
if required shall be to the approval of the Engineer, but the responsibility for
maintaining the reinforcement in the specified position during concreting
shall rest solely with the contractor. All steel reinforcement shall be cleard and free
from all loose mill scale, dust, coating such as paint,cement , grout,. etc , before
the concrete is deposited Concrete placement :
1, Comply with the reguirements of chapter ( 4
placing concrete and as herein specified.

) section. ( 6

) for mixing and

2. Do not place concrete until subbase and forms have been checked for line and
3. When concreting operations are about to start, the polythene sheeting on the base
shall be in a finished condition, free of all forign and -unsuitable materials, not
muddy, free from dust and dry earth or any rucking
4. Trucks delivering concrete shall not run on polythene sheeting -nor shall they run
on completed slabs until at least 14 days after placing the concrete.
5. The concrete shall be tipped on to a banker board either to the side or on the
formation level, and the material shovelled into position by hand.

Place and compact concrete in two layers, strike-off the initial pour for the entire
width of placement and to the required depth below the finished surface as
shown on the Drawing . Care shall be taken to avoid damaging the polythene
sheeting during the laying of the lower layer .

7. Great care shall be taken to ensure complete compaction. Fetrol-driven vibrators

mounted on a wooden or steel bean can be used for compaction or any other
compacting devices approved by the Engineer.
8, The surface of the lower layer, after compaction shall be rough, free from laitance
and free from surplus water to eneure complete bond with the upper layer. The
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joining of the upper and the lower layers in no way creats a plane of weariness
in the concrete pavement slab.

Steel fabric reinforcement shall, where it is reguired by the drawings, be placed

on the surface of tlio lower layer of concrete with longitudinal and transverse
overlaps not less than 40 tines the diameter of the bars transverse to the
overlapped edge of the sheet, or 15cm whichever is the greater. The mats
shall be clean and free from excessive rust. Keep flat and free od distortions.


The upper layer of concrete shall be placed before initial set develops in the
lower layer, lower layer concrete initially set before placing the upper layer
shall be entirely replaced. The upper layer of concrete shall deposited, spread
and compacted, and finished to the reguired surface levels and finishes.


Spreading , compacting and finishing operations are to be completed without

delay. Any concrete, which, has been in place too long before comply of these
operations, is to be removed from the site .


Place concrete using methods which prevent segregation c of the max t

consolidate concrete along the face of forms and adjacent to transverse joints
with an internal vibrator. Keep vibrator away from joint assemblies,
reinforcement, or side forms. Consolidate with care to prevent dislocation of
reinforcements, dowels, and joint devices.


Deposit and spread concrete in a continuous operation between transverse

joints, as for as possible. If interrupted for more than ;2 hour,


When adjacent pavement lanes are placed in seperate operate, do not operate
equipment on the until the pavement has attained sufficient strength to carry
the loads without injury.


As soon as the side fonr.s are rer.iovedf the edges of the slab shall first be
Any minor honeycombed n-reats shall then be filled in with mortar (1:2 ).

11.8.6 Joints

General :

Construct expansion, weakened plan a ( contraction), and construction joints as

indicated on drawings and in accordance with the regruired specifications All joints
shall be constructed true to-line with their faces perpendicular to surface of the
pavement, unless otherwise indicated, Joints shall not vary more than 2cm from a
true line or from their designated position. Transvers joints shall be at right angles to
the centerline. When joining coasting structures, place transverse joints to align with
previously placed joints, unless otherwise indicated, Contraction joint :
Provide weakened plane ( contraction) joints, sectioning concrete into areas as
shown on the Drawings Construct weakened - plane joints for a depth equal to at
least ;4 concrete thickness. The type of the joint may be as fellows:
a. Tooled joints : Form weakened - plane joints in fresh concrete by grooving top
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portion with a recommended cutting tool and finishing edges with a jointer.
b. Sawed joints : Form weakened - plane joints using powered saws ecjuipped with
shatterproof abrasive or diamondrinmed blades. Cut joints into hardened
concrete as soon as surface will not be torn abraded, or otherwise damaged by
cutting action.
c. Inserts : Use embedded strips of raetal or sealed wood to form weakened - plane
Set strips into the plastic concrete and carefully remove strips after concrete has
hardened. Expansion joints :
shall be inctalled as indicated on the drawings. Provide provided joint filler for
expansion joints, The expansion joints shall be located at distances not less than 30ft
( 97441x1) o.c, or as indicated on Drawings. Extend joint fillers full-width and depth of
joint, and not less than 13mm or more than 25nn below finished surface where joint
sealer is indicated. If no joint sealer, place top of joint filler flush with finished
concrete surface. Joint fillers shall be furnished in one -piece lengths for the full width
being placed, wherever possible. Inhere more than one length is required lace or clip
The top edge of the joint filler shall be protected dnring concrete placeraent with a
metal cap, wood strip, or other temporary material. Remove protection after concrete
has been placed on both sides of joint. Concrete slab edge along the exrpansion
a slightly rounded edging tool. Dowel Bars:
Dowel bars for expansion and contraction joints shall be placed on an axis paralled
to the surface of the slab and to the centre line of the slab ( Parallel to the side
One half the dowels must be coated with grease of asphalt to break the bond with
the concrete 00 that the dawel may slide freely. The dowels shall be free from
indentations or other deformation and have ends. Construction Jointsi
Place construction joints at the end of all pours at locations where placement
operations are stopped
for a period of more than
;2 hour except where such pour terminate at expansion
joints and as shown on the drawing. The day work should normally begin and end at
an expansion or contraction joint, and construction joints should be regarded as
emergency joints and avoidsd, whenever Possible tide deformed tiebars to hold the
joint tightly closed If the construction joint replace a contraction joint , dWals may be
installed so that one end of each dowel bar is free to move, as shown on the
Construction joints shall not be placed nearer then 10ft to an expansion or
contraction joint,
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AFCEE Iraq Interim Construction Standards


Civil Work longitudinal joints

Place longitudinal joints between adjacent traffic lanes. Tiebars shall be used at middepth of the slab.The tiebars diameter, length, and spacing are shown on the
A sealing groove filled with sealing compound should be provided. The groove is
formed by securing a chip of wood of the required size to the form vrher carting the
first half width of the road. When the form is removed the strip of the Bread is left in
position untit the second half of tlie road has been completed, and it is then removed.
To prevent the development of cracking, transverse joint on each side of a
longituchinal joint should be in line with one another and not staggered. Transverse
joints should always be at right angles to the slab edges to avoid sideway
movements of the slabs and the formation of diaginal cracking at the acut corners.
11 .8.6.7 Joint Filler
a. Suitable Materials for filling joints are soft knot free timber; impregnated
filreboard, cMpboard, cork and cellular rubber. Materials containing high proportion of
bitumen should not be used. The material used shall comply with dwsion 1.3.4.
b. The filler board shall be placed vertically - or perpendicular to tho pavement
surface on the line of the joint without any overlap* Mb gaps is allowed below it,
between individual lengths or between it and the form, or previously laid concrete.
The filler board shall extend to the underside of the groova - forming strip of
wood or metal in expansion joints. There shall be no gap between the filler and any
such strip. Joint sealing
a. Grooves for sealing construction joints shall be formed either by a strip of steel ,
hardwood or other approved material secured to the form, Grooves for
contraction and expansion joints shall be formed by cutting the concrete after it
has hardened sufficiently without risk of cracking or spalling.
All grooves sliall have square corners and the outside edges of pavements shall be
finished with a 6mm radius.
b. All joint groovos in the concrete pavement ( excepting any joints incorporating
synthetic rubber strip) shall be filled with a joint sealing compound as previously
specified in division 1.3.5 and as shown on the drawings.
c. The grooves shall be continuous without blodcago.
d. In the case of expansion joint, the filler mstorial is to be exposed for the full length
of the joint. Sefore filling all joint, grooves are to be dry and free form ust,
concrete fragments or other deposited materials and shall be inspect by the
Engineer before they are filled.
e. The sealing compound is to be heated and poured in accordance with the
procedure recommended by the manufacturer, particular care being taken not to
exceed the maxeraium temperature specified by the manufacturer,
f. Pouring shall be done by any approved method so that the sealer will fill the
prescribed space to levels required without spiling on exposed surfaces of the
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concrete. Any excess sealer shall be reraovod immediately in a manner which

does not discolour nor injure the concrete o* the regaining sealer
g. Allow sufficient time for the seal to harden before traffic is permitted on the
h. Expansion joints shall be sealed 6,5 ran below ,-surface levelt contraction joints
shall bo sealed J/aw below surface level; construction joints shall be sealed
level with the surface .
11.8.7 Concrete Finishing
a, After striking- off and consolidation.of concrete, snooth the surface by screeding
and flooting. Use hand methods
b. Finishing shall be carried out continuously over as long a length of concrete as
passible. The finishing pass shall be made doss behind the compacting
operation and the bea-i shall be tilted slightly so that the leading is about
higher than the trailing edge, to facilitate the striking off any small cfuantites of
excess concrete. The mechanical finishers shall not allowed to remain too long
in one position, and too many passes shall not made to avoid the formation of
laitanco on the surface of concrete.
c. Use hand methods anly where mechanical floating is not possible. Adjust the
floating to compact the surtace and produce a uniform liexture.
d. The foregoing work is to be carried out while the concrete is still plastic and
workable and in such time sequence as to unsure the removal of water or
laitance from the surface. Excess thin mortar, accumulating ahead of the
finishing floats and straight - edges, shall be removed from the surface of the
pavement, and shall not be used in filling depressions, Presh concrete shall be
used to correct and fill all depressions.
e. After floating , test sixrface for triteness with 3m straightedge which shall be
sheolced twice dailjc.
f. Work edges of slabs , formed joints, and top edge of curb with an edging tool. Care
shall be taken to eliminate any tool marks on concrete surface ,
g. After completion of flooting, coajblete surface finishing as follows :
1. Brush finish , by drawing a fine - hair brush across concrete surface,
perpendicular to a line of traffic. Repeat operation if repaired to provide a fine
line texture acceptable to the Engineer.
2. 0n inclined slab surface, provide a coarse non - slip finish by scoring surface
with a still- bristled broom perpendiclar to line of traffic.
h. The tine allowed to elapce between mixing the concrete in place shall not exceed
1 ;2 hours.
i. Do not remove ferns for 24 hours after concrete casting.
After removal , clean ends of joints and repair, any minor honeycombed areas.
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11.8.8 Accuracy of surface finish.

a. The finished surface of tie road eiiall ibe to H&v Imte shoToi on the Drawings
within a tolerance of
;- 1 cm.
The gap between the bottom of the strength edge and the surface of the
pavement shall not be groater than 3mm in any position and direction on the surface
of the read.
c. There shall not be any deflection exceeding 1 cm from a straight line between any
two prints 30 m apart longitudinally .
11.9 Curing
Immediately after the finishing operations have been completed, the entire surface of
the newly. placed concrete shall be red in accordance with one of the following
methods as approved by the Engineer :
a. Burlap 1 mats or Damp fabric.
The surface shall be completely covered with fully Treated mats or Damp fabric
throughout the curing period and as specified by the Engineer,
b. Damp sand .
This cannot normally be applied until the day after the concrete has been laid and
must be kept damp throughout the citring period . Before this some other curing
process must be used, such as waterproof covering on light framework.
c. Waterproof covering
The waterproof covering such as paper shall be lapped of least 45 cm and cover the
whole surface and sides of the pavement for 7 days after the concrete has been
d. Impervious membrance method,
The entire surface of the pavement shall be sprayed uniformly with white pigmented
curing compound immediately after the finishing of the surface and before the set of
the concrete has taken place, the curing compound shall not be applied during
rainfall. Caring compound shall be applied by mechanical sprayers.
The curing compound shall be of such character that the film rill harden within 30
minutes after application, It is very important that the rate of spread be uniform and
the coverage in accordance with the manufacturer instructions.

Repair and Frectection

Repair or replace broken or defective concrete as directed by the Engineer.
The thickness of the pavement shall be determined by average caliper
measurement of cores tested in accordance with AASHTO T146.
Fill drilled core holes in satisfactory pavement areas with portland cement concrete
bonded to pavement with epoxy resin grout.

protect concrete from damage until. acceptance1

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Exclude traffic from pavement for at least 14days after placement.

d. When construction traffic is permitted, maintain payment as clean as possible by
removing surface stains and spillage of materials as they occure.
e. Sweep concrete pavement and wash free of stains, discolorations, dirt and other
to final inspection.

Traffic Barkings

Traffic marking shall be done with

approved manufactures
recor. imended procedure and aqxuipment.
The width of traffic
Barkings shall be 15cm and the painting shall be performed only when the existing
surface is dry and clean, the temperature is above 5 C and when the weather is
not excessively windy , Austy or foggy.

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