Earthworks Summary
Earthworks Summary
Earthworks Summary
2.01 SCOPE
The works covered by this Section of the Specification comprise the formation by cutting or filling of the
earthworks for roadways, paths, open drains and all incidental works other than underground services.
Requirements are also laid down for the clearing and grubbing of vegetation, removal of existing structures,
stripping and stockpiling of topsoil and for the final trimming and finishing of surfaces for various purposes.
Ancillary works, such as temporary drainage and soil conservation measures are also specified for the protection
of permanent works during construction and the prevention of damage to the site and adjacent areas as a result of
soil erosion.
Work carried out and testing performed under this Section of the Specification shall comply with the
requirements of the following Standards to the extent that they are relevant and not overridden by the
Australian Standards
AS 1289 Methods of Testing Soils for Engineering Purposes including:
AS 1289.6.1.1 Determination of the California Bearing Ratio of a soil - Standard laboratory method for
a remoulded specimen.
AS 1289.3.3.1 Calculation of the plasticity index of a soil.
AS 1289.5.1.1 Determination of the dry density/moisture content relation of a soil using standard
compactive effort.
AS 1289.5.4.1 Compaction control test - Dry density ratio, moisture variation and moisture ratio.
AS 1289.5.7.1 Compaction Control Test (Rapid Method).
AS 2187 Explosives, Storage, transport and use
AS 2189 Explosives Glossary of Terms
AS 1348 Road & Traffic Engineering -Glossary of Terms
Dangerous Goods Act 1975
Dangerous Goods Regulations 1978
Occupational Health and Safety (Certification of Plant Users & Operators) Regulations 2000 (Dated 15 Nov
Occupational Health and Safety Act 1989
Scaffolding & Lifts Regulations 1950
Standard Specification for Urban Infrastructure Works 2-3
Edition 1, Revision 0 / September 2002
Other References
AUSTROADS Explosives in Roadworks, User's Guide - 1982.
Terms used to describe the various elements of pavement structure in this Section are in accordance with the
definitions prescribed in AS1348, "Glossary of Terms Used in Road Engineering".
A Testing Authority shall be employed by the Contractor to carry out all testing. The Authority shall hold a
current NATA (National Association of Testing Authorities) Registration for the relevant tests, and a copy of
results shall be forwarded to the Superintendent without delay.
2.03.1 General
The Contractor's responsibility for care of the Works shall include the protection of earthworks.
The Contractor requires an Environment Protection Agreement or an Authorisation with the Environment
Management Authority for all construction or building activities on a site more than 0.3 hectare and must be
obtained prior to commencement of work.
No extensions of time will be granted or allowed relative to any delay with obtaining of the necessary Agreement
and other approvals unless it is shown to the satisfaction of the Superintendent that all necessary steps have been
taken on time by the Contractor.
Where the Contract documents include a suggested Sediment and Erosion Control Concept Plan, the Contractor
is still responsible for the adequacy of those arrangements. The Contractor may choose to adopt those concept
arrangements as the basis for applying for approval, or alternatively the Contractor may propose his own
measures as the basis for approval.
Prior to commencement of work the Contractor must provide two copies of the Sediment and Erosion control
measures plan to Environment ACT – Water Unit for approval. Two copies of the endorsed as approved
drawing(s) shall be provided to the Superintendent.
In addition to those erosion and sediment control measures suggested in the Contract documents and the
Sediment and Erosion Control Measures Plan the Contractor shall generally plan and manage the works to
minimise erosion on the site.
It is expected that control measures may include the following
(i) Control over surface run-off by:
construction of interception drains to divert run-off from undisturbed areas around the works area
installation of temporary drains
early stabilisation of floodways
use of straw bales, silt fences, swales, contour ploughing or rip dozer cleat impressions, spreader
(ii) Limit movement of vehicles and equipment to:
a single approved stabilised construction entrance
prepared parking areas by the construction of temporary fencing.
Standard Specification for Urban Infrastructure Works 2-4
Edition 1, Revision 0 / September 2002
(iii) Minimise the area exposed by:
staging of clearing operations
progressive stabilisation of the works as completed
provision of temporary grassing
contour ploughing to disturbed areas.
(iv) Construction of sediment control measures such as:
sediment retention ponds,
sediment basins
sediment traps (various types)
silt fences
buffer zones
Refer to "Erosion and Sediment Control During Land Development – Environment ACT " for details.
Where the approved control measures include sediment retention ponds, and notwithstanding the requirements
arising elsewhere in the Contract documents or from Environment ACT and, then:
(a) The ponds shall be kept empty of water for the longest practical duration. During periods of high
in-flow of water and sediment, causing overtopping over the pond spillway, the Contractor shall
regularly test the quality of the waters being released and treat the water with chemicals as and when
necessary in order to achieve a water quality for the released water complying with the above
legislation and licence and to maintain sufficient residual gypsum or an acceptable chemical in
solution to sustain treatment of subsequent inflow. When there is an inflow which is insufficient to
cause overtopping over the pond spillway, then the water is to be treated as necessary and emptied
within three days of the inflow occurring.
(b) The Contractor shall remove and dispose of accumulations of materials from the ponds as often as is
necessary to maintain their interception capacity to at least ninety percent (90%) of the design
volume of the pond.
(c) The Contractor shall develop and implement procedures and a programme and provide all necessary
equipment, materials and labour to carry out water testing; calibration test; dosing with chemicals;
and the controlled release of waters so as to comply with the requirements of the legislation and
licence. The testing procedure shall be developed using a turbidity meter which shall be calibrated
with a series of test results on water samples with a range of Non-Filterable Residue levels. The
Contractor shall arrange laboratory tests for Non-Filterable Residue and obtain advice on dosage
rates ensuring that the pH is within acceptable limits, and then if possible develop a simple field
correlation technique for assessing the suitability of the water for release. Dosing can be carried out
using an acceptable chemical such as gypsum, using a simple slurry mixing and spreading technique
designed to achieve acceptable water quality. Gypsum is preferred because it does not change the
pH and unless there are problems in effectiveness it shall be the chemical used.
Unless specified elsewhere within the Contract, or directed otherwise by the Superintendent, then the sediment
and erosion quality control measures will be provided, operated and managed, maintained or replaced as
necessary for the period of the contract, including the consolidation period and/or the Defects Liability Period as
required to fulfil the requirements of the Pollution Control Act.
2.03.2 Protection of Earthworks
Protect earthworks and in particular road formations from the effects of erosion and deposition. Grade
earthworks and particularly subgrades to drain at all stages without ponding. Where run-off must cross the
Standard Specification for Urban Infrastructure Works 2-5
Edition 1, Revision 0 / September 2002
formation, ensure that the stream is a broad sheet flow which crosses roughly at right angles to the alignment and
minimises the likelihood of subgrade softening.
When rain is likely or when work is not proposed to continue in a working area on the following day, precautions
shall be taken to minimise ingress of any excess water into earthworks material. Ripped material remaining in
cuttings and material placed on embankments shall be sealed off by adequate compaction to provide a smooth
tight surface.
Should insitu or stockpiled material become over wet as a result of the Contractor not providing adequate
protection of earthworks, the Contractor shall be responsible for replacing and/or drying out the material and for
any consequent delays to the operations.
2.03.3 Stockpiles
Where locations are not nominated in the documents, place stockpiles to minimise effects on site and adjacent
areas. Keep clear of tops of slopes to avoid causing instability.
Locate stockpiles clear of natural drainage lines and provide temporary drainage as necessary.
Stockpile material is to be placed to avoid damage to existing flora etc. Where directed by the Superintendent
stockpiles shall be temporarily grassed.
2.03.4 Protection of Completed Earthworks
In areas where earthworks, including open drains, have been completed and no further treatment is specified
other than topsoiling and grassing or hydroseeding, then the topsoiling and seeding shall be carried out as
specified at the earliest practicable date.
Areas of exposed completed earthworks shall, if directed, be stabilised using temporary grassing, within 28 days
of formation.
2.03.5 Reinstatement