Earthwork and Related Operations
Earthwork and Related Operations
Earthwork and Related Operations
120-1 Description.
120-1.1 General: Excavate and construct embankments as required for the roadway,
ditches, channel changes and borrow material. Use suitable excavated material or authorized
borrow to prepare subgrades and foundations. Construct embankments in accordance with
Design Standards, Index 505. Compact and dress excavated areas and embankments.
For excavation and backfilling of structures, comply with the requirements of
Section 125. Excavate material for clearing and grubbing in accordance with the requirements of
Section 110. Material displaced by the storm sewer or drainage structure system is not included
in the earthwork quantities shown in the Plans.
120-1.2 Unidentified Areas of Contamination: When encountering or exposing any
abnormal condition indicating the presence of contaminated materials, cease operations
immediately in the vicinity and notify the Engineer. The presence of tanks or barrels; discolored
earth, metal, wood, ground water, etc.; visible fumes; abnormal odors; excessively hot earth;
smoke; or other conditions that appear abnormal may indicate the presence of contaminated
materials and must be treated with extreme caution.
Make every effort to minimize the spread of contamination into uncontaminated
areas. Immediately provide for the health and safety of all workers at the job site and make
provisions necessary for the health and safety of the public that may be exposed to any
potentially hazardous conditions. Ensure provisions adhere to all applicable laws, rules or
regulations covering potentially hazardous conditions and will be in a manner commensurate
with the gravity of the conditions.
The Engineer will notify the District Contamination Impact Coordinator (DCIC)
who will coordinate selecting and tasking the Department’s Contamination
Assessment/Remediation Contractor (CAR). Provide access to the potentially contaminated area.
Preliminary investigation by the CAR Contractor will determine the course of action necessary
for site security and the steps necessary under applicable laws, rules, and regulations for
additional assessment and/or remediation work to resolve the contamination issue.
The CAR Contractor will delineate the contamination areas, any staging or
holding area required; and, in cooperation with the Prime Contractor and Engineer, develop a
work plan that will provide the CAR Contractor’s operations schedule with projected completion
dates for the final resolution of the contamination issue.
The CAR Contractor will maintain jurisdiction over activities inside any outlined
contaminated areas and any associated staging holding areas. The CAR Contractor will be
responsible for the health and safety of workers within the delineated areas. Provide continuous
access to these areas for the CAR Contractor and representatives of regulatory or enforcement
agencies having jurisdiction.
Both Contractors will use the schedule as a basis for planning the completion of
both work efforts. The Engineer may grant the Contract Time extensions according to the
provisions of 8-7.3.2.
Cooperate with the CAR Contractor to expedite integration of the CAR
Contractor’s operations into the construction project. The Prime Contractor is not expected to
engage in routine construction activities, such as excavating, grading, or any type of soil
manipulation, or any construction processes required if handling of contaminated soil, surface
water or ground water is involved. All routine construction activities requiring the handling of
contaminated soil, surface water or groundwater will be by the CAR Contractor. Adjustments to
quantities or to Contract unit prices will be made according to work additions or reductions on
the part of the Prime Contractor in accordance with 4-3.
The Engineer will direct the Prime Contractor when operations may resume in the
affected area.
120-6 Borrow.
120-6.1 Materials for Borrow: Do not open borrow pits until the Engineer has approved
their location.
Do not provide borrow materials that are polluted as defined in Chapter 376 of the
Florida Statutes (oil of any kind and in any form, gasoline, pesticides, ammonia, chlorine, and
derivatives thereof, excluding liquefied petroleum gas) in concentrations above any local, State,
or Federal standards.
Prior to placing any borrow material that is the product of soil incineration,
provide the Engineer with a copy of the Certificate of Materials Recycling and Post Burn
Analysis showing that the material is below all allowable pollutant concentrations.
120-6.2 Furnishing of Borrow Areas:
To obtain the Engineer’s approval to use an off-site construction activity area that
involves excavation such as a borrow pit or local aggregate pit, request in writing, a review for -
cultural resources involvement. Send the request to the Division of Historical Resources (DHR),
Department of State, State Historic Preservation Officer, Tallahassee, FL. As a minimum,
include in the request the Project Identification Number, the County, a description of the
property with Township, Range, Section, etc., the dimensions of the area to be affected, and a
location map. Do not start any work at the off-site construction activity area prior to receiving
clearance from the DHR that no additional research is warranted.
For certain locations, the DHR will require a Cultural Resources Assessment
(CRA) Survey before approval can be granted. When this is required, secure professional
archaeological services to complete an historical and archaeological survey report. Submit the
report to the DHR with a copy to the Department. The Engineer will determine final approval or
rejection of off-site construction activity areas based on input from the DHR.
Before receiving approval or before use of borrow areas, obtain written clearance
from the Engineer concerning compliance with the Federal Endangered Species Act and other
Wildlife Regulations as specified in 7-1.4 and Section 4(f) of the USDOT Act as specified in 7-
The Department will adjust Contract Time in accordance with 8-7 for any
suspension of operations required to comply with this Article. The Department will not accept
any monetary claims due to delays or loss of off-site construction activity areas.
Except where the Plans specifically call for the use of a particular borrow or
dredging area, the Contractor may substitute borrow or dredging areas of his own choosing
provided the Engineer determines the materials from such areas meet the Department’s standards
and other requirements for stability for use in the particular sections of the work in which it is to
be placed, and the Contractor absorbs any increase in hauling or other costs. Stake the corners of
the proposed borrow area and provide the necessary equipment along with an operator in order
for the Engineer to investigate the borrow area. The Engineer will determine test locations,
collect samples, and perform tests to investigate the proposed borrow area based on soil strata
and required soil properties. The Engineer will approve use of materials from the proposed area
based on test results and project requirements. Final acceptance of materials will be based on
Point of Use Test as described in 6-1.2.4.
Before using any borrow material from any substitute areas, obtain the Engineer’s
approval, in writing, for the use of the particular areas, and, where applicable, ensure that the
Engineer has cross-sectioned the surface. Upon such written approval by the Engineer, consider
the substitute areas as designated borrow areas.
When furnishing the dredging or borrow areas, supply the Department with
evidence that the necessary permits, rights, or waivers for the use of such areas have been
Do not excavate any part of a Contractor furnished borrow area which is less than
300 feet from the right-of-way of the project or any State Road until the Engineer has approved a
plan for landscaping and restoring the disturbed area. Perform this landscaping and land
restoration at no expense to the Department, prior to final acceptance of the project. Do not
provide a borrow area closer than 25 feet to the right-of-way of any state road. In Department
furnished borrow pits, do not excavate material within 5 feet of adjacent property lines.
Upon completion of excavation, neatly shape, dress, grass, vegetate, landscape,
and drain all exposed areas including haul roads, as necessary so as not to present an
objectionable appearance.
Meet the requirements of Section 104 when furnishing borrow areas, regardless of
120-6.3 Borrow Material for Shoulder Build-up: When so indicated in the Plans,
furnish borrow material with a specific minimum bearing value, for building up of existing
shoulders. Blend materials as necessary to achieve this specified minimum bearing value prior to
placing the materials on the shoulders. Take samples of this borrow material at the pit or blended
stockpile. Include all costs of providing a material with the required bearing value in the Contract
unit price for borrow material.
120-6.4 Haul Routes for Borrow Pits: Provide and maintain, at no expense to the
Department, all necessary roads for hauling the borrow material. Where borrow area haul roads
or trails are used by others, do not cause such roads or trails to deteriorate in condition.
Arrange for the use of all non-public haul routes crossing the property of any
railroad. Incur any expense for the use of such haul routes. Establish haul routes which will
direct construction vehicles away from developed areas when feasible, and keep noise from
hauling operations to a minimum. Advise the Engineer in writing of all proposed haul routes.
120-6.5 Authorization for Use of Borrow: When the item of borrow excavation is
included in the Contract, use borrow only when sufficient quantities of suitable material are not
available from roadway and drainage excavation, to properly construct the embankment,
subgrade, and shoulders, and to complete the backfilling of structures. Do not use borrow
material until so ordered by the Engineer, and then only use material from approved borrow pits.
Verification of
Shoulder-Only Areas,
Test Name Quality Control Verification
Shared Use Paths, and
Standard Proctor
One per soil type One per soil type One per soil type
Maximum Density
One per four LOTS and
for wet conditions, the
Density One per LOT One per two LOTs
first lift not affected by
One per Standard One per Standard One per Standard
Soil Classification Proctor Maximum Proctor Maximum Proctor Maximum
Density Density Density
120-12 Construction.
120-12.1 Construction Tolerances: Shape the surface of the earthwork to conform to
the lines, grades, and cross-sections shown in the Plans. In final shaping of the surface of
earthwork, maintain a tolerance of 0.3 foot above or below the plan cross-section with the
following exceptions:
1. Shape the surface of shoulders to within 0.1 foot of the plan cross-section.
2. Shape the earthwork to match adjacent pavement, curb, sidewalk, structures,
3. Shape the bottom of ditches so that the ditch impounds no water.
4. When the work does not include construction of base or pavement, shape the
entire roadbed (shoulder point to shoulder point) to within 0.1 foot above or below the Plan
Ensure that the shoulder lines do not vary horizontally more than 0.3 foot from
the true lines shown in the Plans.
120-12.2 Operations Adjacent to Pavement: Carefully dress areas adjacent to
pavement areas to avoid damage to such pavement. Complete grassing of shoulder areas prior to
placing the final wearing course. Do not manipulate any embankment material on a pavement
When shoulder dressing is underway adjacent to a pavement lane being used to
maintain traffic, exercise extreme care to avoid interference with the safe movement of traffic.