CSWE II - Unit 11 Narratives, Recounts & Stories

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Unit 11

Narratives, recounts and stories

A bad start to the day 2 Read about narratives.

1 Survey the reading habits of students in your What are they?
class. Narratives are stories about people and the
events that happen in their lives. They may
READING HABITS be true stories (factual) or created by the
Do you enjoy reading? writer (fiction).

What kind of stories do you like to What happens in a narrative?

Something happens (an event) that causes
a problem. The people in the narrative (the
romance characters) have to fa ce the problem and
try to solve it so that everything can return
crime and detective to normal. The characters usually change in
adventure some way and often learn from the
Why do we read narratives?
biography • They amuse and entertain us.
• We enjoy finding out how people in
science fiction
different situations solve their problems.
humour • Narratives can also teach us about a
different way of life (culture).
Written narratives are very important in
Where do you get things to read? western culture. Children and adults value
bookshops them.

the library 3 In a group discuss the storytelling traditions in

second-hand shops your culture.

friends What kinds of stories are popular? Who tells

stories? When and where are stories told?
4 You are going to read a narrative about an
Where do you like to read?
embarrassing experience. Discuss these
on the bus or train questions with a partner.
in bed a Would these experiences make you feel
in a comfortable chair
• fa lling over in a public place
at a desk • accidentally breaking an item in a shop
outdoors • spillihg coffee over your clothes in a
other • not having enough money to pay a bill
• talkin g.about someone who hears you
criticise t hem
• burping when you are eating
• discovering your underwear is showing

b Have you had an embarrassing experience


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5 Work with a partner. Look at the picture. Can you predict what the story might be about? Read and
listen to the story.

A bad start to the day

On a steamy summer morning, Eduardo stood alone at the
kitchen sink having a quick breakfast of coffee and toast. He had
ten minutes to get dressed, grab his books and run for the bus.
His English class started at nine.
He downed his coffee and grabbed the kitchen rubbish to put in
the bin just outside the back door. As he turned to go back
inside, a gust of wind slammed the door shut. Eduardo stood at
the back of his ground floor flat and looked in horror at the
locked door. He was only wearing his underpants! The kitchen
window was locked from inside. The small bathroom window
was open but out of reach. He stood in the backyard of the flats
and thought about what he would do.
He had just moved into this flat with his friend from Argentina. His flatmate, Gabriel, was at work
at the car wash, a three kilometre walk away. They didn't know the neighbours well, but he had
to take a chance. He couldn't stand in the backyard in his underpants all day! He knocked
nervously on his neighbours' door. He felt embarrassed and unsure how they would greet him. A
woman opened the door. Searching for the correct English, Eduardo attempted to explain. No key,
door not open! The woman slammed the door in his face and watched him through the peephole.
Please! Eduardo begged as he stood there almost naked. What should I do next? That poor woman
could be calling the police.
Five minutes later, Eduardo was running along the main road to his flatmate's workplace. People
stared from their cars at the young man running along the highway in his underpants. The car
washers cheered and whistled as he limped up the driveway to where Gabriel was working. Ho/a
amigo! Don't say anything. Just give me your flat key and lend me ten bucks for a taxi.
Later that morning, an apologetic Eduardo arrived late for class. Sorry I'm late, he told his teacher
and classmates. I had some trouble with my back door.

6 Answer the question about the story.

a What is Eduardo doing at the beginning of the story?

b Why does he go outside?

c Whose door does Eduardo knock on?

d Why does he decide to go to his flatmate's work?

I e How does he get there?

f Why does Eduardo say / had some trouble with my back door when he arrives at class?

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7 Answer these questions about the structure of 8 Match the words on the right with their
the narrative. meanings on the left.
a In the first paragraph we find out: steamy • a small, round glass
D the main character's name. opening in a door to
D what the time is. see who is there
D where he is. gust of wind • too far away to touch
D what he is doing at the moment.
D what he will probably do next.
horror • without clothes
out of reach • a sudden rush of air
b What is the problem Eduardo faces in the
second paragraph?
nervously • humid, when the air is
damp and sticky
peephole • a strong feeling of
naked • in a worried way

c In the third paragraph the writer describes

apologetic • sorry
Eduardo's thoughts and feelings.
9 Read about compound words.
How did he feel as he knocked on the door
of his neighbours' flat? We often put separa te we rds together to
ma ke a word with a new meani ng. These
are called compound words.
The words flat and mate have their own
How did he feel about greeting his meanings.
neighbours? We put them together as a new word
flatmate, which means the person you share
your flat with.
Compound words can be spelt:
d Number the events in the correct order. • with a hyphen (part-time)
• as two words (bus stop)
D He asked Gabriel for his flat key and • as one word (classroom)
money for a taxi.

D The workers cheered and whistled at him . 10 Put words from the box on the left with words
fro m the box on the right to fo rm compound
D He ran along the main road. words. Use the compound words to co mplete
the sentences about Ed uardo's story.
D He reached his flatmate's workplace.
peep bath way yard way
D People stared at him. under back hole pants
e At t he end, Ed uardo arrives at the place that car high drive room wash
is me ntioned in t he beginning of the story.
Wh ere is he and what is he doing?
a He was only wearing his _ __ _ _ _ _
b The small _ _ _ __ _ _ window was
open but out of reach.
c He stood in the _ __ _ _ __ _ of the
flats and thought about what he would do.
d The woman slammed the door in his face
and watched him through the

e His flatmate, Gabriel, was at work at the

_ __ _ __ _ _ __, a three kilometre
walk away.

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f People stared from their cars at the young man 13 Complete the sentences with a time expression
running along the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in from the narrative.
his underpants.
g The car washers cheered and whistled as he Eduardo stood alone at the kitchen sink
limped along the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to having a quick breakfast of coffee and toast.
where Gabriel was working.
b His English class started _ _ _ __ __
11 The writer uses action verbs which make the c _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ Eduardo was
narrative more interesting and exciting. Find running along the main road to his
action verbs in the narrative that mean: flatmate's workplace.
a He drank his coffee quickly. d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, an apologetic
Eduardo arrived late for class.

14 Work with a partner. Think of a different end to

b He quickly picked up his books and ran for
the story. Retell the story in your own words.
the bus.

c The woman shut the door in his face. Car-wash cats

1 Before you read this story sit with another
person for a few minutes and talk about these
d Please! Eduardo asked as he stood there things.
almost naked.
a Do you think carefully about how you spend
your money?
b Do you have a car?
e People looked from their cars at the young c Do you wash your car? How?
man running along the highway. d Have you got a pet or have you had a pet in
the past?
e What are the good things about having a pet?
f The car washers shouted and whistled. f What are the bad things about having a pet?

g He walked up the driveway to where

Gabriel was working.

I 12 Read about expressing time.

Ill To understand a narrative you need to

understand the way the writer expresses
time. The most usual way is to start at the
beginning and tell on,e event after aA<:>ther.
Sometimes a writer begins at the end aAd
tells th.e events iR the rev:er-Se order. Another
way is to move backwards and forwarcls in

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2- 4

2 Read and listen to the story.

Car-wash Cats by Johr1

Free kitten with 0

car wash

. I< t h at we
My fa ther is very ca reful wi th mon ey. He hates spendin g it on anythin g he doesn't th 111 e w a lked
rea lly need . I always wanted a cat of my own, but he wouldn't buy one fo r m e. When ""'u)' me one .
past t he local pet shop, I saw some cute little kittens in a cage and asked my fathe r to Pd t h at
He shook his head, and said ' Look at the price, son! $100 eachl We ca n't afford to sp e 11
much money on a cat .'
On the way home, we drove past the local car wash and there was a big new sign out51

Free kitten with every car wash!

r replied,
'Look at that, dad! I said eagerly to my father. 'Now we can have a free kitten!' My father go to the
'It's not free at all, Paul. I have to spend $30 on a car wash to get you that kitten . I neve \j\/hy
car wash. It's a waste of money. Whenever it rains, the rainwater washes our car for free -
would I spend $30 when I can have it cleaned for nothing?' d
y Da
Well, the days went by and it didn't rain. Then the weeks went by without a cloud in the sl<t~d at all.
looked at the weather forecast every evening on the television, but there was no rain expec ,
stl- Im not
Our car was covered in dust and dirt and my mother said, "You take that car to the car wa wash.
getting into it again until you do.' My father had no choice, he had to spend $30 at the car
When we got there the sign was gone, and in its place was a new sign:

I Take a cat. Get a free car wash. ] .

t cat.
Dad looked at me and I smiled. So my fat~er got his car washed for free and I got my pe

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3 Answer the questions about the story. My first job
a What did Paul want his father to buy? Read about recounts.

We often talk about things that have

b Why didn't his father buy it? happened to us in the past. In letters and
emails to friends and family we write
recounts of events that have happened eg:
holidays and outings we have been on,
c How much was the car wash? birthday parties, work experiences.

d Why did Paul's father go back to the car wash? 2 Read Judy's recount of her first job.

e What did they see at the car wash this time?

f Why did Paul smile?

4 Read about noun groups.

Noun groups make stories more interesting.

Noun groups also give more information to I started my first job when I was 18. I was a
the reader. We often add adjectives to receptionist for a big accounting company
nouns to make noun groups eg: in the city. The office was near the centre of
the city and had a wonderful view of the
the shop river.
the pet shop
the local pet shop Before I started I felt very nervous and
afraid I would do all the wrong things. I
I had done a six-month course in reception
5 Write noun groups from the story using these and office skills but had no experience. My
i words. job was to answer the phone, look after the
files and the mail, type letters and other
a some _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ kittens
documents and make appointments.
b the _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ wash
At first I made a few mistakes but after a
C _ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ sign
while I felt more confident. My workmates
d _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ kitten were very friendly and we often went out
to lunch together. My boss was young and
handsome (and married). He often went
away on business trips so it was always busy
when he came back.
My best experience there was when we put
on a big exhibition for the public and we
were all involved in running it.
I liked this job because I met a lot of people
and there was a good atmosphere in the

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3 Answer these questions.
a How old was Judy when she started her first job?
b What was her first job?
c Who did she work for?
d What training did she do before she started the job?
e What 4 duties did she have in this job?

4 Read Judy's story again and complete the sentences.
a Before I started I felt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
b At first I made a few mistakes but after a while _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
c My workmates were _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5 Read about time words.

lime words before, after, while and when tell us when things happen in relation to other events. Look
at the table. Then look at the sentences.

I had a cup of I went to the I had a swim at I caught the bus I got home.
coffee. beach. the beach. home. I told my
I lost my car husband about
k~ys. losing my keys.

Before I went to the beach I had a cup 0f coffee.

While I was at the beach / lost my car keys.
After I had a wim at the beach I caught the bus home.
When I got home I told my husband about losing my keys.

6 Judy tells us when things happen. Answer these questions. Use before, after, while and when.
a When did Judy start her first job?

b When did Judy feel very nervous about her first job? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

c When did she feel more confident? _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

d When was her best_experience? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

7 Write about yourself. Complete these sentences.

a I came to Australia when _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
b Before I studied English I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
c After I left class yesterday _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
d Before I came to class this morning I _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

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8 Answer these questions about your first job.
a How old were you when you started your first job? _ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __
b How did you feel when you started? _ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ __
c What did you do in the job? _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _
d What were your workmates like? _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ _
e What was your boss like? _ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _
f What was your best experience there? _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _
g Did you like this job, and why? _ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _

An excursion
1 Read this recount about an excursion.

Last Monday our class went to the Blue Mountains.

We hired a bus so we all met at the teaching centre
early in the morning. We left there at 8am and arrived
in the mountains two hours later.
The first stop was at Blackheath where some of the
students bought food and drink at the local shops.
Then we drove to Govetts Leap which is a lookout
near Blackheath. We took lots of photos because there
are spectacular views of the mountains from this
lookout. We then walked through the bush where we
saw some brightly coloured Australian birds. An hour
later, we returned to the lookout where we had lunch
and took some photos of everyone in the class.
In the afternoon we got back on the bus and went to
the Scenic Railway which is near Katoomba. Some of
the students went on the railway while others went on
the cable car. I went on the cable car. It was my first
time and I was very nervous. I tried to look at the
valley floor but when I looked down I felt sick in my
stomach, so for most of the trip I sat down and didn't
look out!
The last place we visited was the Three Sisters which is also near Katoomba. It was very crowded at
the lookout so we went for a short walk in the bush again and took some more photos. Because we
returned to the bus after 5:30, we decided it was time to head back home.
We all enjoyed the excursion very much even though it was quite long and tiring.

2 Number the events in the order they occurred. The first one has been done for you.

D They went to the Three Sisters.

OJ They left the teaching c.entre.
[ ] They went to Govetts Leap lookout.

D Some of the group went on the Scenic Railway.

D They stopped at some shops.
D They returned to Sydney.
D The writer felt sick in the stomach.

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3 Read about the structure of recounts. 8 Read about conjunctions (and, but, because, so).

Usually a recount has three stages: Conjunctions are joining words. We use
conjunctions to join two or more sentences
Orientation Tells you what the
or ideas together, to make one longer
story is about, and
where and when it
happened. and joins similar ideas eg:
We left there ot Boin and arrived in the
Sequence of Events Tells you the things
mountains two hours later.
that happened in a
time sequence. but con trasts ideas eg:
I tried to look at the volley floor but when I
Reorientation The story returns to
looked down I felt sick in my stomach.
the present or makes
a comment about the because talks about the reason for
sequence of events. A something eg:
reorientation is We took lots of photos because there are
optional. spectacular views of the mountains from this

4 Unde rline the orientation and reorientation in so talks about the result of something eg:
th e recount about the excursion to the Blue We hired a bus so we all met ot the teaching
Mountains. centre.

5 Read about past tense verbs.

9 Use a conjunction to join the sentences to make
one sentence.
We u e the sjmple past tense in recou nts.
The simple past tense is used wh en events a We went for a swim. It was a hot day.
started and finis hed in the past. There are
reg ular and irreg ular past tense verbs.
Regular verbs end in ed eg:
arrived, looked, walked.
b I was thirsty. I drank some water.
Irregular verbs do not end in ed eg:
went, ate, sat.

6 Underline the simple past tense verbs in the c I was hot. My friend felt cold.

7 Write noun groups from the recount about an

excursion using these words.
a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ centre d It was a fun day. We all enjoyed it.

b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ shops
C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ views

d e He ate a sandwich. He ate some fruit.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ birds

10 Read about time markers.

When we tell a story about something that

happened in the past we use time markers
such as:
• linking words eg: then, when
• time words eg: Lost Monday, yesterday

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11 Read the recount again and underline the _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ __

words that tell you when something happened. _ _ _ __ ____ we visited a friend who
lives near the beach . _ _ __ __ _ __ _
Last Monday our class went to the Blue we caught the bus home. We had a marvellous
Mountains. We hired a bus so we all met at day.
the teaching centre early in the morning.
We left there at 8am and arrived in the 13 Choose location words from the box to
mountains two hours later. complete the sentences.
The first stop was at Blackheath where
down under out of next to through
some of the students bought food and
I I drink at the local shops. Then we drove to
Govetts Leap which is a lookout near a He came the
Blackheath. We took lots of photos because shops.
there are spectacular views of the
mountains from this lookout. We then b I looked from
walked through the bush where we saw the cable car.
some brightly coloured Australian birds. An C We walked the
hour later, we returned to the lookout bush.
where we had lunch and took some photos
of everyone in the class. d She sat the river.

In the afternoon we got back on the bus e They walked the

and went to the Scenic Railway which is bridge.
near Katoomba. Some of the students went
on the railway while others went on the Practising your skills
cable car. I went on the cable car. It was my 14 Write a recount about an outing you have been
first time and I was very nervous. I tried to on, or about your first job. Write 100 words or
look at the valley floor but when I looked more and use:
down I felt sick in my stomach, so for most
of the trip I sat down and didn't look out! • the stages of a recount: an orientation,
sequence of events and (optional)
I The last place we visited was the Three
Sisters which is also near Katoomba. It was
• paragraphs
I very crowded at the lookout so we went for
a short walk in the bush again and took
• different past tense verbs
• conjunctions eg: so, because
some more photos. Because we returned to • time and location markers eg: first, finally,
the bus after 5:30, we decided it was time beside, near
to head back home. • noun groups eg: many photos, a hot humid
We all enjoyed the excursion very much day
even though it was quite long and tiring.

12 Complete the following recount, using the

words or phrases in the box. Use each of them
only once.

until midday then then

in the afternoon after breakfast
at 5 o'clock last Sunday

_ __ _ __ __ _ my cousin and I went

to Bondi Beach. We caught the bus there. We
arrived at 8am and _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __
went to a cafe for breakfast.
_ __ _ __ ____ we walked around
the cliffs and admired the view out to sea. We
walked for about an hour and
_ _ __ __ _ __ __ we had a swim.
We stayed on the beach

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