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Welcome boys and girls from 5


I am your English Teacher,

Miguel Fernando Juarez I sent you
this workbook so you can learn
and have fun
at home with help of
your family.

The skills you will develop are:


Reading Speaking


Characters: the people or creatures in the story, movie or play.

Setting: the time and place in which something happens.
Problem: a question or situation that is difficult to deal with.
Solution: the way to fix a problem.

Activity 1
Instructions: circle the correct title to the story below.
(Encierra en un círculo el titulo correcto de la siguiente historia)

A) The classroom is a good place to run B) Mary learns a lesson C) The new jogging track

Mary was the fastest runner in her school. No one could beat her in a race. She ran every
day, but one day she was running in her classroom, and she crashed with the wall, everyone
was scared because she started bleeding from her nose, her teacher took her with the school
nurse. The school nurse cured her nose, and then she talked to Mary, and explained her that
she shouldn't run in the classroom, but it was OK to run in the jogging track, because accidents
like the one that happened to her could happen again. So, from that day Mary stopped running
in the classroom, and started running on the jogging track.

Instructions: Answer the questions according to the reading.

(Responde las preguntas de acuerdo a lo que leíste)
1.Who is the main character of the story?

2.Which is the setting?

3.What was the problem?

4.What was the solution for the problem?

Activity 2
Instructions: Write a short story based on the drawing below, and then
complete the information. (Escribe una historia corta basada en el
siguiente dibujo, y después completa la información).



Activity 3
Read and analyze an anecdote's structure.
(Lee y analiza la estructura de una anécdota).

The Principal said we would meet

at school to get the buses. Beginning
I often get up at six every morning,
but that day my cell phone alarm
didn't ring, I fell asleep
I had to be at school at eight. Knot
I woke up too late, anyway I went to school
about eight thirty that morning
Everyone was gone, nobody was there
I felt really bad because
it would affect my grades, Outcome
but, what I did was to speak with the Principal
and fortunately, he gave me another chance.

From an anecdote:
Answer the points: anecdote's elements
(Contesta los puntos siguientes de los elementos de la anécdota)

1. storyteller
2. protagonist
3. secondary characters
4. space
5. time

Activity 4
A. Read and match.
Une el verbo en presente con su pasado.

Present verbs - Past verbs

a woke

buy b ate

c went

eat d ran

e bought

B. Complete the sentences

Completa las oraciones usando los verbos del recuadro.

1. I ____ to school yesterday morning. word's bank

2. She ____ watching tv last night. wakes
3. I ______ a new notebook yesterday. went
4. My mom ______ up early every morning. was

Activity 5

Reading Comprehension Worksheet


A parent or tutor should read along with the student, helping as needed.

Sequencing is putting things in order, from first to last.

Here are some examples. Write the number 1 in the box beside what
happened first. Write the number 2 in the box beside what happens
second. Write the number 3 in the box beside what happens third. Write the
number 4 in the box beside what happens last.
Lee las situaciones a continuación y ordénalas poniendo 1 a lo primero y
4 a lo último que sucedió. Observa el ejemplo.

The birds wanted Magpie to teach them how to build a nest.

None of the birds stayed the whole time, and Magpie was angry.
Next, Magpie added some twigs to the nest.
Magpie made a mud pancake.
2. What happened first, second, third, and fourth?
( ¿Qué pasó primero, segundo, tercero y cuarto?)

Hans traded his gold coins for a horse.

Hans took his bag of gold coins and set out to visit his mother.

Hans traded his goose for an ordinary stone.

Hans traded his horse for a cow, and his cow for a goose.

3. What happened first, second, third, and fourth?

Camel reached over a low wall, and Pig went through a low gate.

Next, Pig heard Camel, and said that being short is best.

First, Camel said that being tall is best.

Camel and Pig decided that both tall and short can be best.

4. What happened first, second, third, and fourth?


Bear decided never to share the field with Fox again.

The next year, Fox had the turnips and Bear only had the tops.

The first year, Fox had the corn and Bear only had the roots.

Fox and Bear decided to share the crops in the field.

5. What happened first, second, third, and fourth?

1 4?

Finally, the Mother Crab saw that she had been foolish to tell
her son to walk straight.
Then the Mother Crab tried and tried, but she could not walk
straight forward.
The Mother Crab told her son that he should walk straig
So the Young Crab asked his mother to show him how to walk
straight forward.

1. 1,4,3,2
2. 2,1,4,3
3. 3,2,1,4
4. 4,3,2,1
5. 4,1,3,2
6. Accept any reasonable response,
such as, look for words like “first,”
“next,” “then,” and “finally.”
¿Qué secuenciadores puedes utilizar en la historia?
6. What clues can you use to understand the sequence of events in a story?
Activity 6
Read the following short story aloud
(Lee la siguiente historia en voz alta)
The Dog and the Shadow
It happened that a Dog had gotten a piece of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth
to eat it in peace.

Now, on his way home he had to cross a plank lying across a running stream.

As he crossed, he looked down and saw his own shadow reflected in the water beneath.

Thinking it was another dog with another piece of meat, he made up his mind to have that
also. So he reacted to the shadow in the water, but as he opened his mouth the piece of
meat fell out, dropped into the water and it was never seen again.

Beware, you can lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.

Match the words with their meaning.

(Une las palabras con sus significado).

Happened board, table

Carrying possess, have

Plank part of the face

Across shade, shading

Mouth be careful

Stream he decided

Own under, below

Shadow occur, befall

Beneath support and move (someone/something)

Made up his mind through, athwart

Beware creek, beck , ditch

Activity 7
Beware creek, beck, ditch
Read the sentences, paying attention to the underlined events.
Write 1 above the event that happened first, and 2 above the event
that happened second
(Lee las oraciones, prestando atención a las partes subrayadas.
Escribe 1 sobre el evento subrayado que sucedió primero y 2 sobre el evento
que sucedió despues.)

2 1
1. By the time we got to the theater, the movie had already started.
2. Sam was exhausted because he had driven all the way from Los Angeles.
3. Hannah couldn't find her bag. Then she realized she had left it at school.
4. I didn't go to the party because I had forgotten all about it.


Theater Exhausted Driven

Match the words with their meaning

(Une las palabras con su significado)

Find road, trail, track

Realized neglect, leave, omit

Had Left encounter, locate

Forgotten become fully aware of (something)

Way to leave something

- 1 Past Perfect
16 - 2 Simple Past
Activity 8 Read and answer / Lee y contesta

Activity 9 Read and answer / Lee y contesta

Activity 10

Look and read. (Observa y lee).

Sidney peach

rugby koala

Monterrey cricket

Canberra surfing

wolf golden eagle

Mexico D.F. kangaroo

lilly pilly

Activity 11
Unscramble words. (Ordena las palabras revueltas)

1. ooragnak k_a_n_g_a_r_o_o_
2. llyip llyil __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3 eachp __ __ __ __ __

4. lowf __ __ __ __
5. ybgur __ __ __ __ __
6. okaal __ __ __ __ __
7. yendiS __ __ __ __ __ __
8. tkericc __ __ __ __ __ __ __
9. rreCanba __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
10. fingrus __ __ __ __ __ __ __
11. gleea dlo egn __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Activity 12
Read and complete the information in the correct ctegory .
(Lee y completa la información en la categoría correcta).
México,D.F. bananas golden eagle soccer
Monterrey oranges wolf baseball

peach Canberra kangaroo Sidney surfing koala rugby


Activity 13
In the next chart you will see some verbs in past tense, and a glossary
that will help you understand the sentences below, then change the
sentences to past tense. (En la siguiente tabla, veras algunos verbos en
tiempo pasado y un glosario que te ayudará a entender las oraciones
debajo, después cambia las oraciones a tiempo pasado).


present past spanish

go went Ir
eat ate comer GLOSSARY
visit visited visitar
last summer = el verano pasado
look looked observar - peaches = duraznos (plural)
mirar different = diferente
travel traveled viajar beach = playa
have / has had tener
play played jugar


* I go to Australia last summer. I went to Australia last summer.

1. I eat delicious peaches.

2. I visit two different cities, Sidney and Canberra.
3. I go surfing to the beach.
4. I look at kangaroos and koalas in Australia.

Activity 14
Read and answer the questions based in the last sentences.
(Lee y responde las preguntas, basándose en las oraciones anteriores.)

1. Where did you go last summer? I went to Australia
2. What cities did you visit?
3. What did you eat?
4. What animals did you look at?
5. Where did you go surfing?
6. What cities did you visit in Australia?


Sujeto Auxiliar Verbo en su forma

para el base. (presente)

El auxiliar para el pasado en negativo, va entre el sujeto y el verbo, este auxiliar

didn't, nos ayuda a que esté en pasado, y como bien sabemos, el n't está ocultando
el not = (la negación).

OJO: Como este auxiliar ya hace que mi oración esté en pasado, ya no es necesario
poner mi verbo en pasado si no en su forma base (presente).

Activity 15
Change the next sentences to past.
(Cambia las siguientes oraciones al pasado).

verb in past verb in present

Se agrega didn't después del sujeto.

1. I went to New York last year.

2. I ate spaghetti in France.

3. I went to the beach with my family.

4. I looked at lions in the zoo.

5. I played in the pool with my friends.

Activity 16
Write the correct answer on the line.
(Escribe sobre la línea la respuesta correcta).

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Egypt Brazil México Italy France United States

Answer the sentences according to the correct country. (Contesta los

enunciados de acuerdo al país correcto).

1. This is one of the best countries for playing soccer

2. They made all kinds of pizzas

3. If you want to listen to mariachi music you need to go to

4. If you want to see the Eiffel Tower you have to visit

5. This country has the Statue of Liberty in New York

6. If you love the pyramids you must travel to

Activity 17

We use the modal verbs can, could and would to offer to do things
for people or to invite them to do something. We also use them to
make requests or ask permission to do something.

Match the questions with the responses.

(Empata las preguntas con sus respuestas).

1.Would you like to have lunch at an Italian restaurant?

2.Could you buy me a sunscreen, please?

3.Can I get you another drink?

4.Would you mind giving me that menu, please?

5.Could you help me with the luggage?

Activity 18
Imagine you will travel the world and you want to buy some
souvenirs of the countries that you'll visit…
(Imagina que tu viajarás por el mundo y quieres comprar
algunos recuerdos de los países que visitarás)…

Read, answer and match. Use different colors.

(Lee, contesta y une. Usa diferentes colores).

Where could you buy a ………?

1. A Big Ben keychain?

I could buy it in

2. An Eiffel Tower?
I could buy it in

3. A Christ Redeemer?
I could buy it in

4. A hand fan?
I could buy it in

5. A Wooden doll?
I could buy it in

France Japan Spain Brazil England

Activity 19
Look to the pictures and read the text.
(Observa las imágenes y lee el texto)

food weather


popular place popular place

Tampico city is one of the most beautiful places in Mexico. The weather is very hot, ideal
to visit “Miramar” beach and eat some delicious seafood. Going with your family to the
downtown and enjoying its monuments is a wonderful experience.

Draw your favorite place to travel

(Dibuja tu lugar favorito para viajar)

Write about food, weather and popular places of your favorite place.
(Escribe acerca de la comida, el clima y los lugares más populares del
lugar que dibujaste arriba).

Activity 20
Getting around Town
(Conociendo la ciudad)

Fill in the blanks with the correct direction from the word bank.
(Escribe en la línea la respuesta correcta del banco de palabras).

next to between turn left

turn right on the corner of in front of

Complete the sentences using the words from the exercise above.
(Completa las oraciones usando palabras del ejercicio de arriba).
a) The Cinema is ______________ the Pharmacy.
b) The Stadium is ______________ the Gas Station
c) The Theatre is ______________ the Supermarket and the Stadium.
d) The Bank is _______________ the Street.
e) You need to_______________ to get to the hospital from the Fire House.

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