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Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie T3

Model Design (AASHTO LRFD)
This tutorial will take you through a strut and tie model design, step-by-step, illustrating the design of a
hammerhead pier using the strut and tie model for pier cap and pile cap. Tutorial 3 does not cover column design;
however, you can refer to the previous tutorials for an example of column design.
The information for Tutorial 3 is contained in an RC-PIER® input file called “Tutor3.rcp.” As an alternative to
inputting all information manually, as directed by this tutorial, you can load this file and work on only specific
sections. To load this file, select the Open item from the File menu (File | Open). Move to the RC-PIER/Examples
subdirectory, if it is not already showing and select the file “Tutor3.rcp”.


4'-0" 6'-9" 6'-9" 6'-9" 6'-9" 4'-0"

1'-6" 2'-6"
3'-0" 8"




Section B-B
Section A-A

12'-0" 8'-0" 12'-0"


Figure T3-1 Hammerhead Bridge Cross Section at the Pier

LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00 T3 -1
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T3 Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD)

Problem Data
Table T3-1 Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD)
Concrete Strength
Cap f’c = 4 ksi
Columns f’c = 4 ksi
Footings f’c = 4 ksi
Modulus of Elasticity Ec = 3834.3 ksi
Concrete Density
Cap ρ = 150 pcf
Columns ρ = 150 pcf
Footings ρ = 150 pcf
Steel Yield Strength
Cap fy = 60 ksi
Columns fy = 60 ksi
Footings fy = 60 ksi
Modulus of Elasticity Es = 29000 ksi
Other Parameters
Crack Control Factor z = 170 kips/in
Superstructure Parameters
Number of Lanes =2
Beam Height = 36 in
Beam Section Area = 369 in2
Beam Inertia Ixx = 50980 in4
Beam Inertia Iyy =5332.5 in4
Beam Ycg = 15.83 in
Barrier Height = 36 in
Slab Depth = 8.0 in
Total number of spans =2
Span Information
Bridge Overall Width = 35 ft
Curb to Curb Distance = 32 ft
Span Length, Span 1 = 60 ft
Span Length, Span 2 = 60 ft
Dead Load
Self Load = 150 pcf
Wearing Surface Load = 20 psf × 35 ft = 700 plf
Barrier Load = 600 plf each side
Live Loads
Design Truck + Design Lane Load (only one lane loaded)

T3 -2 LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00
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Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD) T3

Starting the Tutorial

RC-PIER is installed in Program Files\LEAP Software\RC-PIER. Start the program by clicking Start > Programs
> LEAP Software > RC-PIER.
Step 1
The Project screen, shown in Figure T3-2, will open when the program is started. Fill in the general project
information in the text boxes. Select the AASHTO LRFD option under Design Specifications and U.S. Units
under Units.

Figure T3-2 Project Tab Screen

Step 2
Click the Geometry tab to open the Geometry screen. Click Pier Configuration to bring up the Pier
Configuration screen, as shown in Figure T3-3. Under Pier Type, select Hammerhead. Notice that when you
select Hammerhead, the options under Cap Shape and Column Shape are grayed out; however, both STM options
become enabled. Select both options under Strut and Tie Model for LRFD. Choose to view the pier in upstation
view. Click OK.

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T3 Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD)

Figure T3-3 Pier Configuration Screen

Step 3
Click Superstr. to activate the Superstructure Parameters screen, as shown in Figure T3-4. Input the values for
number of lanes, beam height and area, barrier/railing height, slab depth, total number of spans, bridge width and
then add all span lengths. Note this screen is optional; however input is required for auto generating loads. Once
you entered all the data, click OK and return to the Geometry screen.

Figure T3-4 Superstructure Parameters Screen

Step 4
Click Cap to open the Hammer Head Cap Parameters screen, as shown in Figure T3-5. Input 32 in the W field, 8
in the W1 and W2 fields, 12 in the H field, 3 in the H1 field, 8 in the H2 field, 4 in the Depth field, 20 in the Top
Elevation field, and 0 in the Skew Angle field. Click OK and return to the Geometry screen.

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Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD) T3

Figure T3-5 Hammer Head Cap Parameters Screen

Step 5
Click Brgs/Grdrs to bring up the Bearings/Girders screen. For this tutorial, entering one bearing line, as shown in
Figure T3-6:
1. Select the Single option under Configuration and the First option under Line.
2. Select the Cap Left End option and input 2.5 in the text box under Distance From.
3. Click Add. The first bearing point for the first line will appear in the list at the bottom of the screen.

Figure T3-6 Bearings/Girders Screen

4. Enter the second point. Select the Single option under Configuration, the First option under Line, and then
select the Cap Left End option and input 9.25 in the text box under Distance From.
5. Click Add to add it to the list on the screen.
6. Repeat the above steps to enter the remaining points, entering the following values in the text box under
Distance From: 16 for the third point, 22.75 for the fourth point, and 29.5 for the fifth point.

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T3 Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD)

7. When completed, there will be a total of 5 bearing points on the first line (Figure T3-6).
8. Click OK and return to the Geometry screen.
Step 6
Click Material to open the Materials screen, as shown in Figure T3-7. Use this screen to define the strength,
density, type of elasticity of concrete, and reinforced steel of the pier. Notice that the program defaults to certain
values. These values can be overwritten by typing over them. Input the values shown in Figure T3-7 and click OK.

Figure T3-7 Materials Screen

Step 7
Click Hammer STM to open the Strut and Tie Model Edit screen, as shown in Figure T3-8. The following steps
will illustrate how to define a strut and tie model.

Figure T3-8 Strut and Tie Model Edit Screen

T3 -6 LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00
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Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD) T3

1. Enter 0.4 in the Width of All Compressive Struts field

2. Define the nodes. Input 2 in the X field and 1.17 in the Y field under Nodes.
3. Click Add. This is the first node. It will appear in the list on the screen.
4. Highlight node #1 (one you just created) and click Set Sup. An asterisk will appear in the list next to the
node. This button allows you to specify a node as a support node. At least two nodes must be designated as
support nodes for stability of the strut and tie model. For this model, nodes #1 and #21 are support nodes.
You can delete a support by clicking Del Sup.
5. Repeat the above steps for the remaining node listed in Table T3-2.
Table T3-2 Nodes for Tutorial 3
Nodes for Tutorial 3
N# Xft Yft Support
1 2 1.17 Yes
2 6.75 2.3 No
3 10.13 3.5 No
4 13.5 4.7 No
5 15.25 5.3 No
6 15.25 7.2 No
7 13.5 7.2 No
8 10.13 7.2 No
9 6.75 7.2 No
10 2 7.2 No
11 0 7.2 No
12 -2 7.2 No
13 -6.75 7.2 No
14 -10.12 7.2 No
15 -13.5 7.2 No
16 -15.25 7.2 No
17 -15.25 5.3 No
18 -13.5 4.7 No
19 -10.12 3.5 No
20 -6.75 2.3 No
21 -2 1.17 Yes

6. Define the members that will form the STM. You can add the members in one of two ways: (a) using the
lists under Members, or (b) using the mouse to draw the members in the diagram at the top of the screen.
7. For the first member, use the boxes. Select 1 from the Start column and 2 from the End column. Click Add.
The member will be added to the strut and tie model and will appear in the list under Members and in the
diagram in the display area.
8. For the second member, try drawing the member in the diagram. Move the cursor over to Node #2 and
left-click. Notice that one end (Node #2) is marked with a square and the other end is free. From Node #2,
move the mouse over to Node #3 and left-click. This is the second member and it will appear in the list
under Members.
9. Using either of these methods, add the remaining members listed in Table T3-3 on page T3-8. When
completed, click OK and return to the Geometry screen.

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T3 Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD)

Table T3-3 Members for Tutorial

Members for Tutorial 3

Element# From To Element# From To
1 1 2 21 21 1
2 2 3 22 15 18
3 3 4 23 14 19
4 4 5 24 13 20
5 5 6 25 12 21
6 6 7 26 10 1
7 7 8 27 9 2
8 8 9 28 8 3
9 9 10 29 7 4
10 10 11 30 16 18
11 11 12 31 15 19
12 12 13 32 14 20
13 13 14 33 13 21
14 14 15 34 11 21
15 15 16 35 11 1
16 16 17 36 9 1
17 17 18 37 8 2
18 18 19 38 7 3
19 19 20 39 6 4
20 20 21

Step 8
Select Image from the Show menu to open the Image screen (or the corresponding icon on the toolbar). A 3-D
image of the structure will be displayed on the screen, as shown in Figure T3-9.

Figure T3-9 Image Screen

Use the buttons on the left of the screen to manipulate your view of the image. When finished, close or minimize
the screen and return to the Geometry screen.

T3 -8 LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00
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Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD) T3

Step 9
Select Model from the Show menu to open the Model screen, as shown in Figure T3-10. A 3-D model of the nodes,
element number, etc. will be displayed on the screen. To see the model shown in the figure, select Show STM.

Figure T3-10 Model Screen

The type of model displayed depends on which characteristics you select from the check boxes at the top of the
screen (Node Number, Member Number, Checkpoints, and STM). Use the buttons on the left side of the screen to
manipulate your view of the model (e.g., rotate, pan, zoom-in or out).When finished, close or minimize the screen
and return to the Geometry screen.
Step 10
Click the Loads tab to open the Loads screen, as shown in Figure T3-11. Add the load types to the Selected Load
list by highlighting DC: Component and Attachments in the list under Load Type and clicking the -> button. The
load DC1 will move to the list under Selected Loads. Repeat the above steps until all the required loads are entered.

Figure T3-11 Loads Tab Screen

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T3 Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD)

Add the load groups to the Selected Groups list in a similar manner as above. Highlight Strength Group I in the
list under Available Groups. Click the -> button. It will move to the Selected Groups list. Repeat the above steps to
add Strength Group III to the Selected Groups list.
Remove a selected group from the Selected Groups list by clicking the <- button. To remove all groups from the
Selected Groups list, click the <== button. To define all groups, select the Load Groups/Limit States item from
the Libraries menu.
Step 11
1. Auto generate the loads, beginning with the dead load. Highlight DC1 in the Selected Loads list and click
Edit. The Loads: Load Data screen will display. Click Generate to activate the Auto Load Generation:
Structure DC screen, as shown in Figure T3-12.

Figure T3-12 Auto Load Generation: Structure DC Screen

2. Select the check boxes for Include Slab and Include Girders. Input 150 in the Unit Weight field.
3. Select the option “Use simple span load distribution for barrier and wearing surface”.
4. Select Include Barrier and specify 1200 in the total load per foot field.
5. Click Generate. The program will automatically generate the loads and return to the Loads: Load Data
screen. Click OK to return to the Loads screen.
6. Highlight DW1 in the Selected Loads list and click Edit. The Loads: Load Data screen will display. Click
Generate to activate the Auto Load Generation: Structure DW screen, as shown in Figure T3-13.

T3 -10 LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00

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Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD) T3

Figure T3-13 Auto Load Generation: Structure DW Screen

7. Select the option “Use simple span load distribution for barrier and wearing surface”.
8. Select Include Wearing Surface and input 700 in the Load per foot text box. (Note that all other options
are grayed out because, in LRFD, dead load due to component and dead load due to wearing surface are
separate load cases.)
9. Click Generate. The program will automatically generate the loads. Click OK to return to the Loads
10. Highlight LL1 on the Selected Loads list and click Edit. The Loads: Load Data screen will display. Click
Generate to activate the Auto Load Generation: Live Load screen, as shown in Figure T3-14.
11. In the longitudinal reaction area, select “Compute simple span longitudinal reaction using following

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T3 Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD)

Figure T3-14 Auto Load Generation: Live Load Screen

12. Select Design Truck + Lane Load under Available and click Add. It will appear in the list under Selected.
13. In Transverse Positioning, select 1 lane loaded from the Loaded Lanes list. Select the Variable Spacing
option and input 0.5 in the Minimum Spacing Between Positions text box.
14. Click the Generate. The program will automatically generate the loads and return to the Loads: Load Data
screen. Click OK and return to the Loads screen.

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Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD) T3

15. Highlight WS1 on the Selected Loads list and click Edit. The Loads: Load Data screen displays. Click
Generate to activate the Auto Load Generation: Wind on Structure screen, as shown in Figure T3-15.

Figure T3-15 Auto Load Generation: Wind on Structure Screen

16. Select 0 from the Wind Angle list, City under Bridge Location, and the Default Wind Pressure check box
is unchecked. Then specify Transverse Longitudinal cap and column pressures as shown in the figure.
Make sure the Generate for Multiple Angles and Generate Wind on Live at same time check boxes are
not checked.
17. Click Generate. The program will automatically generate the loads and return to the Loads: Load Data
screen. Click OK and return to the Loads screen.
Step 12
Click the Analysis tab to open the Analysis screen. This screen is used to perform an analysis and specify various
factors relating to the analysis and design by clicking A/D Parameters. This will activate the Analysis/Design
Parameters (LRFD) screen, as shown in Figure T3-16. Adjust all the values, and click OK to return to the Analysis
screen, or click Cancel to close the screen without making any changes.

Figure T3-16 Analysis/Design Parameters (LRFD) Screen

LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00 T3 -13

© Bentley Systems, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
T3 Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD)

Step 13
Click Run Analysis to perform the analysis for the pier structure based on all the data entered up to this point. The
results will appear on the screen, as shown in Figure T3-17.

Figure T3-17 Analysis Tab Screen (After Analysis is Performed)

If necessary, use the scroll bar on the right side of the screen to view all the results. To view the results for strut and
tie model, select the Strut and Tie option under Type of Analysis.
Step 14
At this point, it would be a good idea to save your project. Select the Save As item from the File menu. This will
activate the Save As screen. Enter a name for the file in the File Name field (e.g., Mytutor3). The default extension
is “*.rcp”. Click Save.
Step 15
Click the Cap tab to activate the Cap screen, as shown in Figure T3-18. Select Cap from the Selection list, and
then click Auto Design. The Design Cap screen displays. Select 8 from the Bar Size list and 4 from the Stirrup Size
list. Click OK. The program will automatically generate the cap design and immediately displays the Design Status
- Cap screen (Figure T3-19). Click Close to exit this screen and return to the Cap screen. A diagram of the cap will
appear in the display area at the top of the screen.

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Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD) T3

Figure T3-18 Cap Tab Screen

Click Design Status on the Cap screen to display a design summary of the selected component, as shown in Figure
T3-19. To see a graphical representation of the selected structure, click Sketch on the Cap screen.

Figure T3-19 Design Status - Cap Screen

LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00 T3 -15

© Bentley Systems, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
T3 Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD)

Step 16
Select the Footing tab to activate the Footing screen, as shown in Figure T3-20.

Figure T3-20 Footing Tab Screen

1. To begin, select 1@16 under Columns, input STM Pile Cap in the Name field, and select Pile/Shaft Cap
under Type. Click Add. The name STM Pile Cap will appear in the list, as shown in Figure T3-20.
2. Highlight STM Pile Cap and click Design to activate the Footing: Isolated Pile/Shaft Cap Design screen,
as shown in Figure T3-21.

Figure T3-21 Footing: Isolated Pile/Shaft Cap Design Screen

T3 -16 LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00

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Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD) T3

3. Select Spread 10 ft x 20 ft from the Description list and input -10 in the From Column field, 1 in the
Footing Surcharge field, 72 in the Spread/Cap Depth field, and 1 in the Length and Width Multiplier fields
4. Under Pile/Shaft Configuration, select Circular from the Pile/Shaft Shape list, input 14 in the Pile/Shaft
Size field, 250 in the Max. Pile Capacity field.
5. Then, click Edit Pile to activate the Edit: Pile Locations screen. For the first pile location, input 36 in the
X field and 36 in the Z field. Click Add. It will appear in the list on the screen. Repeat this for the
remaining pile locations, as listed in the following table.

Pile Locations
Pile # X (in) Z (in)
1 36 36
2 120 36
3 204 36
4 36 0
5 120 0
6 204 0
7 36 -36
8 120 -36
9 204 -36
6. When completed, there will be nine pile locations. Click OK and return to Footing: Isolated Pile/Shaft
Cap Design screen.
7. Click STM X-Dir to activate the Strut and Tie Model Edit screen, as shown in Figure T3-22.

Figure T3-22 Strut and Tie Model Edit Screen in X-Direction

8. Input 0.4 in the Width of all Compressive Struts field. Under Nodes, input 0 in the X field and 0.5 in the Y
field. Click Add to add the first node to the list under Nodes.
9. Using the above procedure, add the remaining nodes shown in Figure T3-22.
10. Highlight Node #4 in the list and click Set Sup. An asterisk will appear next to the node. Repeat this for
Node #5.

LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00 T3 -17

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T3 Hammerhead Pier, Strut and Tie Model Design (AASHTO LRFD)

11. Add the members to design the strut and ties. Select 4 from the Start column and 5 from the End column.
Click Add. This is the first member and it will appear in the list under Members.
12. Repeat the above step to add the remaining members as shown in Figure T3-22.
13. When completed, click OK and return to the Footing: Isolated Pile/Shaft Cap Design screen.
14. Click STM Z-Dir to activate the Strut and Tie Model Edit screen, as shown in Figure T3-23. Repeat steps
8-13 above to add the nodes and members shown in Figure T3-23.

Figure T3-23 Strut and Tie Model Edit Screen in Z-direction

15. Click Auto Design to activate the Design Footing screen, as shown in Figure T3-24. Select #8 from the
Bar Size list. Click OK.

Figure T3-24 Design Footing Screen

16. The program will design the footing and immediately displays the Design Status screen. Close this screen
to return to the Footing: Isolated Pile/Shaft Cap Design screen.
17. Click OK to return to the Footing screen. The diagram at the top of the screen shows the selected footing
Step 17
This completes RC-PIER Tutorial 3. To print the output of the project, select Print from the File menu. Save your
file by selecting Save from the File menu. Exit the program by selecting Exit from the File menu.
Following this tutorial is a printout of the output for selected items from Tutorial 3.

T3 -18 LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00

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Project : Tutorial 3
User Job No.: Tutor3
State : FL State Job No. : FL-003
Pier View : Upstation.
Code : AASHTO LRFD (3rd edition)
Comments : Hammer Head Pier
Designed using Stut and Tie Method


Pier Type: Hammer Head

Pier View : Upstation.

Length(X) = 32.00 ft Height max(Y) = 8.00 ft Height min(Y) = 3.00 ft
Bottom length(X) = 8.00 ft Depth(Z) = 4.00 ft Skew angle = 0.00 Reduction of I = 1.000

Column Shape: Rectangular Non Tapered

Bottom width(X) = 8.00 ft Top width(X) = 8.00 ft Depth(Z) = 4.00 ft Height(Y) = 12.00 ft
Column Bottom is Fixed



FRAME Model:
Member Node Hinge Check Pt Dist(ft) Memb length(ft)
Column No. 1
1 1 - 0.00
2 - 18.50 18.50
2 3 - 0.00
4 - 2.50 2.50
3 4 - 2.50
5 - 9.25 6.75
4 5 - 9.25
6 - 12.00 2.75
5 6 - 12.00
2 - 16.00 4.00
6 2 - 16.00
7 - 20.00 4.00
7 7 - 20.00
8 - 22.75 2.75
8 8 - 22.75
9 - 29.50 6.75
9 9 - 29.50
10 - 32.00 2.50

LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00 T3 -19

© Bentley Systems, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Node coordinates:
Number X(ft) Y(ft) Node type
1 16.00 0.00 fixed at ground
2 16.00 18.50 column-cap bearing
3 0.00 18.50
4 2.50 18.50 bearing
5 9.25 18.50 bearing
6 12.00 18.50
7 20.00 18.50
8 22.75 18.50 bearing
9 29.50 18.50 bearing
10 32.00 18.50
Strut and Tie Model Configuration for Hammer Head Cap:

Strut Width = 0.40 ft

Node Coordinates:

Number X ft Z ft
1 18.00 1.17 support
2 22.75 2.30
3 26.13 3.50
4 29.50 4.70
5 31.25 5.30
6 31.25 7.20
7 29.50 7.20
8 26.13 7.20
9 22.75 7.20
10 18.00 7.20
11 16.00 7.20
12 14.00 7.20
13 9.25 7.20
14 5.88 7.20
15 2.50 7.20
16 0.75 7.20
17 0.75 5.30
18 2.50 4.70
19 5.88 3.50
20 9.25 2.30
21 14.00 1.17 support


Number Start Node End Node

1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 4
4 4 5
5 5 6
6 6 7
7 7 8
8 8 9
9 9 10
10 10 11
11 11 12

T3 -20 LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00

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12 12 13
13 13 14
14 14 15
15 15 16
16 16 17
17 17 18
18 18 19
19 19 20
20 20 21
21 21 1
22 15 18
23 14 19
24 13 20
25 12 21
26 10 1
27 9 2
28 8 3
29 7 4
30 16 18
31 15 19
32 14 20
33 13 21
34 11 21
35 11 1
36 9 1
37 8 2
38 7 3
39 6 4


Total number of spans: 2 Span number rear to current pier: 1

Number of traffic lanes: 2

Beam: height : 36.00 in section area : 369.00 in^2

Beam Inertia (Ixx): 50980.00 in^4 Beam inertia (Iyy): 5332.50 in^4
Beam CG:15.83 in Barrier height : 36.00 in Depth of slab : 8.00 in

Bridge width: 35.00 ft Curb to curb distance: 32.000 ft

Span # Span length
1 60.000 ft
2 60.000 ft


Number of bearing lines: 1

First bearing line Eccentricity = 0.00 ft
Point Distance ft
1 2.50
2 9.25
3 16.00
4 22.75
5 29.50

LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00 T3 -21

© Bentley Systems, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

Cap Column Footing

Concrete Type normal normal normal
Concrete Strength (psi) 4000.00 4000.00 4000.00
Concrete Density (lb/ft3) 150.00 150.00 150.00
Concrete Modulus Ec (ksi) 3834.30 3834.30 3834.30
Steel Strength Fy (ksi) 60.00 60.00 60.00



Resistance factors for reinf. concrete: Multi presence factors for live load:
Flexure and tension 0.90 1 Lane 1.20
Shear and torsion (normal) 0.90 2 Lanes 1.00
(lightweight) 0.70 3 Lanes 0.85
Axial compression (ties) 0.75 more than 3 Lanes 0.65
Axial compression (spiral) 0.75
Compression in STM 0.70

Eta factor:
Service Fatigue Strength Extreme event
Cap 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Column 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Footing 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Dynamic load allowance IM:

Truck Lane Fatigue
Cap 0.33 0.00 0.15
Column 0.33 0.00 0.15
Footing 0.00 0.00 0.00

Crack control factor Min clear cover

kip/ft in
Cap 170.00 2.00
Column 170.00 2.00
Footing 170.00 3.00

Degree of fixity in foundations for Moment Magnify Method: R = 5.00

T3 -22 LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00

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Strength Reduction factors for reinf. Concrete Seismic Design:

Flexure and tension : 0.90
Shear and torsion (normal) : 0.90
(lightweight) : 0.70
Axial compression ( ties ): 0.75
Axial compression ( spiral ): 0.75
Seismic Overstrength
Flexure and tension : 1.30
Axial compression ( ties ): 1.30
Axial compression ( spiral ): 1.30
Response Modification Factor : 3.00
Use core area for plastic hinging calculations.
Design Factors
Cap Design Factor : 1.20
Footing Design Factor : 1.20
Plastic Hinge Moment
Use actual computed Plastic Hinging Moment for each column in all combinations.


Pier View : Upstation.

Load Cases: 5

Loadcase ID: DC1 Name:

Multiplier = 1.000

Bearing loads:
Line # Bearing # Dir. Load, kips
1 1 Y -82.48
1 2 Y -77.45
1 3 Y -77.45
1 4 Y -77.45
1 5 Y -82.48

Auto generation details

Generated Dead Load

Slab weight = 150.00 pcf Girder weight = 150.00 pcf
Wearing weight = Not included Barrier load = 1200.00 plf

Loadcase ID: DW1 Name:

Multiplier = 1.000

Bearing loads:
Line # Bearing # Dir. Load, kips
1 1 Y -8.85
1 2 Y -8.10
1 3 Y -8.10
1 4 Y -8.10
1 5 Y -8.85

Auto generation details

LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00 T3 -23

© Bentley Systems, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Generated Dead Load
Slab weight = 150.00 pcf Girder weight = 150.00 pcf
Wearing weight = 700.00 plf Barrier load = 418.00 plf

Loadcase ID: LL1 Name:

Multiplier = 1.000

Bearing loads:
Line # Bearing # Dir. Load, kips
1 1 Y 0.00
1 2 Y 0.00
1 3 Y 0.00
1 4 Y -27.85
1 5 Y -47.35
1 1 Y 0.00
1 2 Y 0.00
1 3 Y -0.19
1 4 Y -16.68
1 5 Y -29.21

Auto generation details

Generated Live Load

Longitudinal Reaction: Simple Span Distribution

Selected Vehicles:
Design Truck + Lane Load
Transverse Positioning
Number of loaded lanes = 1

Live Load Positions = Variable Spacing

Minimum Spacing Between Positions = 1.00 ft

Generate Braking/Longitudinal Force = Not Selected

Generate Centrifugal Force = Not Selected

Total number of Considered Truck Positions = 13

Total number of Possible Combination = 13

Loadcase ID: LL2 Name:

Multiplier = 1.000

Bearing loads:
Line # Bearing # Dir. Load, kips
1 1 Y -47.35
1 2 Y -27.85
1 3 Y 0.00
1 4 Y 0.00
1 5 Y 0.00
1 1 Y -29.21
1 2 Y -16.68
1 3 Y -0.19
1 4 Y 0.00
1 5 Y 0.00

T3 -24 LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00

© Bentley Systems, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Auto generation details

Generated Live Load

Longitudinal Reaction: Simple Span Distribution

Selected Vehicles:
Design Truck + Lane Load
Transverse Positioning
Number of loaded lanes = 1

Live Load Positions = Variable Spacing

Minimum Spacing Between Positions = 1.00 ft

Generate Braking/Longitudinal Force = Not Selected

Generate Centrifugal Force = Not Selected

Total number of Considered Truck Positions = 13

Total number of Possible Combination = 13

Loadcase ID: WS1 Name: Angle: 0

Multiplier = 1.000

Cap loads:
Type DirArm Mag1 x1/L Mag2 x2/L
ft kips, klf,k-ft kips, klf,k-ft
Force X 0.00 -1.28 0.50 ---- ----

Column loads:
Col # Type Dir Mag1 y1/L Mag2 y2/L
1 UDL X -0.160 klf 0.00 ---- 0.65

Bearing loads:
Line # Bearing # Dir. Load, kips
1 1 X -4.00
1 1 Y -2.47
1 1 Z 0.00
1 2 X -4.00
1 2 Y 0.00
1 2 Z 0.00
1 3 X -4.00
1 3 Y 0.00
1 3 Z 0.00
1 4 X -4.00
1 4 Y 0.00
1 4 Z 0.00
1 5 X -4.00
1 5 Y 2.47
1 5 Z 0.00

Auto generation details

Generated Wind Load on Structure
Angle of wind = 0.00 deg Elevation above which wind load acts = 0.00 ft
User defined wind pressure
Wind pressure for superstructure: Wind pressure for substructure:

LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00 T3 -25

© Bentley Systems, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Transverse 50.000 psf Cap 40.000 psf
Longitudinal 0.000 psf Column 40.000 psf
Overturning not considered

Selected load groups:



Comb # 1 (STR GP 1 ) = 1.00 ( 1.25 DC1 + 1.50 DW1 + 1.75 LL1 )

Comb # 2 (STR GP 1 ) = 1.00 ( 1.25 DC1 + 1.50 DW1 + 1.75 LL2 )
Comb # 3 (STR GP 1 ) = 1.00 ( 1.25 DC1 + 0.65 DW1 + 1.75 LL1 )
Comb # 4 (STR GP 1 ) = 1.00 ( 1.25 DC1 + 0.65 DW1 + 1.75 LL2 )
Comb # 5 (STR GP 1 ) = 1.00 ( 0.90 DC1 + 1.50 DW1 + 1.75 LL1 )
Comb # 6 (STR GP 1 ) = 1.00 ( 0.90 DC1 + 1.50 DW1 + 1.75 LL2 )
Comb # 7 (STR GP 1 ) = 1.00 ( 0.90 DC1 + 0.65 DW1 + 1.75 LL1 )
Comb # 8 (STR GP 1 ) = 1.00 ( 0.90 DC1 + 0.65 DW1 + 1.75 LL2 )
Comb # 9 (STR GP 3 ) = 1.00 ( 1.25 DC1 + 1.50 DW1 + 1.40 WS1 )
Comb # 10 (STR GP 3 ) = 1.00 ( 1.25 DC1 + 1.50 DW1 - 1.40 WS1 )
Comb # 11 (STR GP 3 ) = 1.00 ( 1.25 DC1 + 0.65 DW1 + 1.40 WS1 )
Comb # 12 (STR GP 3 ) = 1.00 ( 1.25 DC1 + 0.65 DW1 - 1.40 WS1 )
Comb # 13 (STR GP 3 ) = 1.00 ( 0.90 DC1 + 1.50 DW1 + 1.40 WS1 )
Comb # 14 (STR GP 3 ) = 1.00 ( 0.90 DC1 + 1.50 DW1 - 1.40 WS1 )
Comb # 15 (STR GP 3 ) = 1.00 ( 0.90 DC1 + 0.65 DW1 + 1.40 WS1 )
Comb # 16 (STR GP 3 ) = 1.00 ( 0.90 DC1 + 0.65 DW1 - 1.40 WS1 )

Load Combinations for Columns are the same



Code: AASHTO LRFD (3rd Edition)

Units: US
Pier View : Upstation.
Strut and Tie Method Used for Analysis.

f'c = 4000.0 psi
Fy flex = 60000.0 psi Fy shear = 60000.0 psi
phi flex = 0.90 phi shear = 0.90
phi flex ( seismic ) = 0.90 phi shear ( seismic) = 0.90
Ec = 3834.3 ksi Es = 29000.0 ksi
crack control factor z = 170.00 kips / in
Concrete Type : Normal Weight.
Design : face of column.

T3 -26 LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00

© Bentley Systems, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Hammer Head Cap : Length(X) = 32.00 ft Depth(Z) = 48.00 in


Bar size Quantity

Bar dist. As total From To Hook
in in^2 ft ft
# 8 19 9.60 15.010 0.00 32.00 Both

Clear Cover on Sides = 2.00 in


User Defined Strut Width: 0.40 ft

Top Tension Ties

Member# Force Comb As-req As-prv

kips in^2 in^2
ST 6 9.9 10 0.18 15.01
ST 7 285.0 1 5.28 15.01
ST 8 435.8 1 8.07 15.01
ST 9 776.9 1 14.39 15.01
ST 10 776.9 1 14.39 15.01
ST 11 776.8 2 14.39 15.01
ST 12 776.8 2 14.39 15.01
ST 13 435.7 2 8.07 15.01
ST 14 285.9 2 5.29 15.01
ST 15 9.9 9 0.18 15.01

Bottom Compression Struts

Member# Force Comb As-req As-prv Comp_c Comp_allow

kips in^2 in^2 ksi ksi
ST 1 -447.9 1 0.00 0.00 2.78 3.36
ST 2 -302.5 1 0.00 0.00 1.88 3.23
ST 3 -10.6 9 0.00 0.00 0.07 3.23
ST 4 -0.1 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.24
ST 17 -0.1 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.24
ST 18 -10.6 10 0.00 0.00 0.07 3.23
ST 19 -303.5 2 0.00 0.00 1.88 3.23
ST 20 -447.9 2 0.00 0.00 2.78 3.36
ST 21 -566.7 1 0.98 * 0.00 3.51 * 3.26

Vertical Compression Struts

Member# Force Comb Comp_c Comp_allow

kips ksi ksi
ST 25 -7.0 1 0.04 0.54
ST 26 -7.0 1 0.04 0.54

LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00 T3 -27

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ST 30 -17.1 9 0.11 1.56
ST 31 -409.3 2 2.54 * 2.02
ST 32 -264.5 2 1.64 * 1.53
ST 33 -551.2 2 3.42 * 1.76
ST 34 -667.5 2 4.14 * 1.67
ST 35 -667.5 1 4.14 * 1.67
ST 36 -551.2 1 3.42 * 1.76
ST 37 -265.4 1 1.65 * 1.54
ST 38 -408.8 1 2.53 * 2.01
ST 39 -17.1 10 0.11 1.56

Vertical Tension Ties

Member# Force Comb Av-req S max

kips in^2 in
ST 5 7.0 10 0.13 12.00
ST 16 7.0 9 0.13 12.00
ST 22 17.6 9 0.33 12.00
ST 23 210.9 2 3.91 12.00
ST 24 223.0 2 4.13 12.00
ST 27 223.0 1 4.13 12.00
ST 28 211.5 1 3.92 12.00
ST 29 17.6 10 0.33 12.00
ST 34 563.9 7 10.44 12.00
ST 35 563.9 8 10.44 12.00


Code: AASHTO LRFD (3rd Edition)

Units: US
Pier View : Upstation.

Name : Stm Pile Cap
Shape : Rectangular, Type : Pile/Shaft Cap

Bf(X) = 20.00 ft, Hf(Z) = 10.00 ft, Thickness(Y) = 72.00 in

Footing eccentric: Start at X = -10.00 ft from centerline of column.

Columns located on the footing:
Column No. 1 at x = 0.00 ft, Rectangular 96.00 in x 48.00 in

Ag = 200.00 ft^2, Ix = 54.00 ft^2, Iz = 294.00 ft^2

Surcharge = 1.00 ksf

Piles: Circular Size: 14.00 in Capacity: 250.00 kips

T3 -28 LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00

© Bentley Systems, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Design Parameters:
================== f'c = 4000.00 psi fy = 60000.00 psi
phi flex = 0.90 phi shear = 0.90
Ec = 3834.3 ksi Es = 29000.0 ksi
Crack control factor z = 170.00 kips/in
Concrete Type : Normal Weight.

Pile Reactions, Factored:


Pile Loc(X) X Z |---------------- Column Loads ----------------| Pile Reac.

ft in in comb Ovs P, kips Mxx, kft Mzz, kft kips
1 -7.00 36.0 36.0 2 --- -990.88 0.00 2334.64 220.68
7 --- -754.80 0.00 -2334.64 83.28
2 0.00 120.0 36.0 1 --- -990.88 0.00 -2334.64 165.10
15 --- -542.56 0.00 702.61 115.28
3 7.00 204.0 36.0 1 --- -990.88 0.00 -2334.64 220.68
8 --- -754.80 0.00 2334.64 83.28
4 -7.00 36.0 0.0 2 --- -990.88 0.00 2334.64 220.68
7 --- -754.80 0.00 -2334.64 83.28
5 0.00 120.0 0.0 1 --- -990.88 0.00 -2334.64 165.10
15 --- -542.56 0.00 702.61 115.28
6 7.00 204.0 0.0 1 --- -990.88 0.00 -2334.64 220.68
8 --- -754.80 0.00 2334.64 83.28
7 -7.00 36.0 -36.0 2 --- -990.88 0.00 2334.64 220.68
7 --- -754.80 0.00 -2334.64 83.28
8 0.00 120.0 -36.0 1 --- -990.88 0.00 -2334.64 165.10
15 --- -542.56 0.00 702.61 115.28
9 7.00 204.0 -36.0 1 --- -990.88 0.00 -2334.64 220.68
8 --- -754.80 0.00 2334.64 83.28


Only max. force in piles is considered for design.

Pile coordinates X and Z are from the most left edge of the footing.

Max. Pile Reaction Used in Design: (without selfweight and surcharge)


Factored pile reaction = 165.68 kips

Reinforcement Schedule:

Dir Quantity Size

Bar dist. As total Spacing Hook
in in^2 in
X 22 # 8 6.00 17.38 5.38 Both
Z 44 # 8 6.00 34.76 5.42 Both

LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00 T3 -29

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Tension Ties ( X direction )
Member# Force Comb Asb_req Asb_prov
kips in^2 in^2
STx 6 298.23 2 6.48 17.38
STx 7 298.23 2 6.48 17.38

Tension Ties ( Z direction )

Member# Force Comb Asb_req Asb_prov
kips in^2 in^2
STz 1 99.41 2 12.96 34.76
STz 2 99.41 2 12.96 34.76

Compression Struts ( X direction )

Member# Force Comb Comp_c Comp_allow
kips ksi ksi
STx 1 -99.41 1 0.25 3.40
STx 2 -579.66 1 1.44 2.86
STx 3 -579.66 1 1.44 2.86
STx 4 -318.27 1 0.79 2.51
STx 5 -318.27 1 0.79 2.51

Compression Struts ( Z direction )

Member# Force Comb Comp_c Comp_allow
kips ksi ksi
STz 3 -506.90 1 0.63 3.39
STz 5 -506.90 1 0.63 3.39
STz 6 -267.67 1 0.33 3.17
STz 7 -267.67 1 0.33 3.17

Cracking/Fatigue Check ( X direction )

Cracking check as per AASHTO LRFD 3rd Edition (2004)

Member# fCrack Crack Comb fFatigue Fatigue Comb

ksi ksi

Cracking/Fatigue Check ( Z direction )

Cracking check as per AASHTO LRFD 3rd Edition (2004)

Member# fCrack Crack Comb fFatigue Fatigue Comb

ksi ksi

T3 -30 LEAP® RC-PIERv10.00.01.00

© Bentley Systems, Inc. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

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