Tech Specifications (ASTRA Pro) (Bridge Design) (Mail)
Tech Specifications (ASTRA Pro) (Bridge Design) (Mail)
Tech Specifications (ASTRA Pro) (Bridge Design) (Mail)
The versatile ‘Bridge and Structure Design Software’ featuring structural analysis and design of various
Bridges with sample editable detail CAD drawings/MS-Excel Worksheet Detail Design Reports for
Superstructure, Substructures, Foundations, Culverts, Box-Pushed Underpasses with Fixed Load, Moving
Vehicle Live Load & Seismic Load etc.. Analysis and Design of RE Wall, RCC Tunnel Lining with Portal and
Ribs and RCC Framed Buildings, BoQ etc. High Speed Train Bridge Dynamics, Stream Hydrology, Synthetic
Unit Hydrograph, Hydrological analysis.
[Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows 7/Win8/Win10 with 32/64 Bit, Minimum 2 GB RAM, 100 GB HD Space]
ASTRA Pro software is based on Grillage modelling technique by using Finite Element Method and is today’s established name
in offering the users the facilities of structural analysis, Non-Linear Stage and Orthotropic Analysis for Bridges in the simplest
way, finally using the chosen analysis results for the design. It accepts user’s data in Dialog box and creates automatic
modelling and finally process analysis to generate Detail Report with display of visual presentation of 3D dynamic rotation view
and animated model for Load deflection. Next, the structural detail design with step wise report is done to finally offer a set of
sample editable structure detail CAD drawings convertible to design drawings by drawing converter to be used for construction.
In Bridge Engineering various software products are available in the market, but the uniqueness of ASTRA Pro lies in its
simplicity for applications of Grillage Analysis and Transverse Analysis of Bridge Deck Superstructure with moving vehicle Live
Load, by effective width method. The Static & Seismic Analysis and Limit State Design of RCC Framed Buildings with Reports,
BoQ and Drawings are very useful for construction of Multi storied Buildings. ASTRA Pro has its own powerful CAD engine
making drawings compatible to AutoCAD and is best appreciated for its Features, Completeness, Versatility, Fast Processing,
Simplicity, Formatted detail report.
ASTRA Pro for Analysis and Design of Bridges and Structures
Applications of Structural Analysis for Bridge Deck & Structures with on screen details by “View Structure”:
• Static Analysis of Structures for Joint Load, Member Load, Area Load, Repeat Load, Floor Load etc.
• Analysis for structures with Beam, Truss, Plate/Shell, Solid and Boundary elements
• Dynamic Analysis of Structures for Eigen Values,
• Dynamic Analysis of Structures for Response Spectra
• Dynamic Analysis of Structures for Time History Analysis,
• Grillage Analysis of Bridge Deck with Dead Load, Super Imposed Dead Load and Vehicle Live Loads,
• Orthotropic Analysis for Steel Girder RCC Deck Slab Composite Bridges
• Non-Linear Stage Analysis for Cable Stayed and Extradossed Bridges,
• Analysis of Multi Storied Building Frame Structures for Member End Forces & Support Reactions,
• In-built CAD graphics is applied to display Structural geometry and various results instantly
• High Speed Train (Bullet, Maglev etc.) and Bridge Dynamics with effect of approach transitions
Applications for Limit State Design of RCC, PSC, Steel Truss and Composite Bridges with Standards BS Eurocode2 and
BD 37/01 with HA & HB Live Load, AASHTO by LRFD and IRC 112 and IRC 6 Class Live Load combinations and Deck
Slab Design with Transverse Analysis by Effective Width method:
The designs are produced with Detail Stepwise Reports and Complete set of sample General Arrangement and Reinforcement
Detail drawings convertible to design drawings in CAD graphics system.
The designs are produced with Detail Report and Complete set of Sample Reinforcement Detailing drawings in CAD graphics
system. Detail Estimation for BoQ, Analysis of Item Rates and Cost Estimation in Excel format
ASTRA Pro provides CAD drawings for Bridge General Arrangements (GAD)
The General Arrangement Drawing (GAD) in ELEVATION with Most informative details on Original Ground Level, Depth
& RL of Foundations, Coordinates for Easting and Northing of the Control Line, Bore Holes numbers, expansion joints
British Standard HA & HB Loading following BD 37/01 in ASTRA Pro
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) for Load
Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)
IRC 6 Class Load Combinations
Input for Live Loads for either IRC 6 Class or BD 37/01 or AASHTO-LRFD Combinations is
very simple in ASTRA Pro
For RCC ‘T’ or PSC ‘I’ Girder the Main Long Girder is designed with applied Loading
RCC Girder Bridges for various Spans on British Standard Eurocode 2 and IRC 112
Structural Detailing and ready to print CAD drawings are provided with the Detail Design Calculations. Detail
information for Construction are also provided in the Drawings
Composite Bridges with RCC Deck Slab and Steel Plate or Box Girders is designed with Shear Connectors etc.
with step wise detail design calculation report and editable structural detail drawing on British Eurocode 2 & IRC 112
Construction drawings for Composite Road Bridge with Steel Plate Girder and RCC Deck Slab
Composite Bridge in curved alignment
For Trucks heavily loaded with stone aggregates, sand, marble slabs, cement bags, steel members etc. when
negotiates curve the centrifugal force is very high. If the transverse force is considered same as straight bridge, by
ignoring the effect of centrifugal force then the design of the Bridge and Bearing is incorrect resulting fall of the curved
The related editable CAD drawings for Steel Plate or Box Girder are provided to convert as per design.
Orthotropic Analysis of Composite Bridges: Design of Continuous and Curved Three-Span Composite
Bridge with Steel Girders and Concrete Deck Slab may be done with Orthotropic Analysis as per British, AASHTO-
LRFD and IRC Standard.
Model View by Graphical User Interface (GUI): View of Model for Orthotropic Analysis for Multi-span
Continuous Curved Spans with various options as available on the left panel of the GUI Window.
PSC ‘I’ Girder Bridges for various Spans on British Standard Eurocode 2 and IRC 112
Bridge Design with ASTRA Pro for Pre-Stressed Concrete Girder Bridge Superstructure is done by receiving user input data
in dialog boxes relevant to the desired structure and Loading and obtaining Bending Moments, Shear Force etc from Structural
Analysis for DL + SIDL loading + Moving Load by ASTRA Pro using Standard or User defined Vehicle in 1/2/3 or more lanes of
moving load at user given increments
Pre Stressed Post Tensioned Concrete Girder Bridge with detail step wise design calculation report and complete set
of sample CAD drawings are provided convertible to design drawings.
PSC Box Girder Bridges for Elevated Road Corridors and Metro Rails with Detail step wise design
calculation report and editable CAD drawings.
The procedure starts with Analysis for DL, SIDL, Live Load (Multi lane vehicle moving load), then stepwise design
considering temperature, creep shrinkage etc. for Flexure, Shear including Blister Blocks etc. and finally producing
editable CAD drawings with relevant structural & construction details.
The design of Cable Stayed Bridge is done with PSC Box Girder and Stay Cables with Non-
linear Stage Analysis.
The General Arrangement drawing is provided for PSC Box Girder Deck with Steel Towers
The design of Extradossed Cable Stayed Bridge is done with PSC Box Girder and Stay Cables
with Non-linear Stage Analysis.
Steel Truss Open Web Girder Bridges with Self Weight Computation, Superimposed Dead Load, Vehicle Live
Load, Analysis for Member groups, Structural design of Top Chord, Bottom Chord, Vertical &, Diagonal members, Stringer
Beam, Cross Girders, Top & Bottom Chord Bracings with Built up sections and production of complete volume of Text Report on
Load Computation, Analysis for Truss & Beam Members and Structural Design.
Steel Truss Bridge design with Fabrication/Shop drawings in editable CAD form
The Design of Steel Truss Highway / Railway Bridges In ASTRA Pro the design of Steel Truss Road / Railway Bridges are
done in largest form compared to various works presently available. The Detail Calculation for Design of Lacings, Bolted /
Riveted / Welded Connections with Gusset Plates, Detail Report for Load Computation, Structural Analysis, Structural Design
and production of Complete set of Structural Steel Fabrication detail drawings in CAD
Steel Truss Bridge design with Fabrication/Shop drawings with Details of Member Connections in editable CAD form
Steel Arch Cable Suspension Bridge
Rope Cable Suspension Bridge
The Design of Steel Tower for Rope Cable Suspension Bridge is available with detail
construction Drawings.
RCC Bridge Abutment with detailed design calculation on span lodged and dislodged conditions and taking
seismic effects with Structural Detail Drawings in editable CAD form.
RCC Bridge Pier with RCC Pier Cap and RCC Open Foundation for Fixed Load, Live Load, Seismic Force, Water
Current Force with Structural Details CAD Drawings.
RCC Well Foundation with detailed design calculation with Scour Depth, Foundation Depth etc.
RCC Pile Foundations for bridges from soil structure interaction and structural capacity. The pile capacity is
determined from Skin Friction and End Bearing considering the pile passing through various soil strata, next Structural
design for reinforcements. The CAD drawing contains design based structural detailing.
RCC Box Culverts / Underpasses with earth cushion and without approach slab to the top slab.
RCC Box Culverts / Underpasses without earth cushion and provision of approach slab on the top slab.
RCC Slab Culverts / RCC Slab Bridges
RCC Pipe Culverts (NP3 or NP 4) with detail design calculation report and Drawings for new construction or widening
of RCC Pipe Culvert with drawings in editable CAD form.
Seismic Restrainers In case of transverse force larger than the capacity of Bearings the Seismic Restrainers may
be provided on Abutment / Pier, Details of Seismic Restrainers/Stoppers are provided as CAD drawing.
Details of Subsoil Exploration with processing of all related Soil Testing results and Graphical Plotting are available in
section known as Geotechnics
Design of Other Structures
ASTRA Pro Structural Design features for Analysis and Design of Reinforced Earth Walls by using
Polymer Geostrips (BS 8006).
A complete set of Sample GADs and Structural drawings are provided to guide the users.
ASTRA Pro features with detailed calculation for estimation of quantities for various items of RCC / PSC Girder Bridges
RCC Box type Bridges / Culverts, Composite Bridges, Steel Truss Bridges, Rope Cable Suspension Bridges.
Detailed calculation for analysis of various item rates including per unit cost of Material, Machinery and Manpower for
cost estimation is available as built-in estimator.
Research on High Speed Train and Bridge Dynamics is a very advanced subject. This is hardly available in any
commercial software but is essential for researchers working on this subject. It features for various essential studies
by obtaining different results upon changing various input parameters.
Stream Hydrology
Stream Hydrology is computed in details from Terrain Topography by transforming Transverse marcator data to Universal
Tranverse marcator (UTM) data, Referring to WGS84 origin and directly downloaded from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
(SRTM) without Topo maps. Discharge Location at Bridge is measured from farthest point of the River for water discharge at the
Bridge location. The environment is 3D CAD, fully compatible to other CAD softwares.
Synthetic Unit Hydrograph is plotted by comparing sum of discharge for 1 hour interval of Time and volume of 1 cm direct
Runoff. The Hydrological Calculations for obtaining Scour Depth and Founding Depth for Bridge Foundations are also available.
Analysis and Design for RCC Framed Buildings, ASTRA Pro features for Analysis, Design, BoQ and Construction
Drawings for RCC Framed Buildings
The Building design facility is unique for structural engineers with various facilities for viewing and printing detail
Reports, Force Diagrams and Construction Drawings. Design of RCC Slab, Beam, Column and Footings are done with
Step by Step detail Report, relevant to Design Standards, Bill of Quantity and complete set of construction drawings.
ASTRA Pro has very powerful built-in CAD system for 2D/3D view, edit, save and print of various
construction drawings.
ASTRA Pro has detail structural analysis and design of Tunnel Lining with RCC Portal, Steel
Ribs and RCC Tunnel Lining with shotcrete by evaluating RQD & Rock Mass Rating (RMR).
ASTRA Pro Structural Design features for Analysis and Design of Reinforced Cement Concrete and
Pre Stressed Concrete Jettys with Pile Foundation, Long and Cross Girders and Deck Slab.
ASTRA Pro Features for Analysis with Cable Load, Wind Load and Seismic Load combined for twenty
four predefined load cases and Design of Members and Joints for Transmission Towers.
ASTRA Pro features for Analyses & Design of Transmission Line, Cable Car and Microwave Towers
ASTRA Pro has very powerful static and dynamic Structural Analysis suit featuring:
• Static Analysis of Structures for Joint Load, Member Load, Area Load, Repeat Load, Floor Load
• Bridge Deck Analysis with combinations of Moving Loads
• Analysis for structures with Beam, Truss, Plate/Shell, Solid and Boundary elements
• Dynamic Analysis is available for Eigen value analysis, Response Spectra analysis and Time
History analysis with or without Nodal Constraints in Degrees of Freedom. The Frequency and
Mode Shapes are displayed in animated views.
3D CAD Wire Mesh View and 3D Solid Filled CAD View of Structural Model of Block Type Machine
Foundation for Dynamic Analysis
ASTRA Pro is the versatile Bridge Design Software in the International Market
Bridge Design is a complex subject, so the Software must provide the user ready data to produce a Design. Next user
easily understands which data is to be changed and how to prepare the design data to fit his/her project requirements.
ASTRA Pro guides the users to learn through the process of work, and it works perfectly
ASTRA Pro is not just an Analysis Software, it produces Step by Step Design Calculations Report for the user making
references to relevant British, AASHTO-LRFD and IRC Standards. The Structural Design and complete set of sample drawings
in editable CAD form convertible to design drawings may be available with every design.
ASTRA Pro processes Normal, Stage and Orthotropic Analysis of the Bridge Superstructure based on individual case for
Applied Dead Load (DL), Super Imposed Dead Load SIDL) and Live Load (LL) by Moving a train of vehicles in Single or Multi
Lane configuration of the Bridge Deck. User may do the analysis with either by applying individual Loading or may do the
analysis by applying combined loading. In CAD engine ASTRA Pro shows the Moving Load in Animated form displaying load
case wise member end forces.
ASTRA Pro produces various preset analysis results with standardized lane wise load combinations and obtains the worst
member forces for Bending Moments, Torsion, Shear Force, Axial Forces at various locations of the model, including Inner
Girder, Outer Girder, Cross Girder, Stringer Beams, Truss and Cable members to enable the engineer to design various
structural components of the Bridge.
ASTRA Pro designs the Bridge Substructures for RCC Pier and Abutments by taking the Bending Moments and Reactions from
the Analysis. It also produces the design of Well/Pile/Open Foundations with sample editable CAD drawings compatible to
AutoCAD and other drafting software to edit the various drawings and to make them ready to use for the construction..
ASTRA Pro offers the users to analyse a structure with Beam, Truss, Plate/Shell and Cable elements. The analysis may be
done for Static as well as Dynamic. In Dynamic analysis it features for Eigen value problems, Response Spectra and Time
History Analysis.
ASTRA Pro is menu driven, extremely simple, easy to learn & use and ensures fast productivity
in shortest possible time, by watching Tutorial Videos as Multimedia movies, referring to Users
Manual, Design Manual and Quick Reference Guide.
ASTRA Pro Release 23