Direct and Indirect Speech Exercisesss PDF
Direct and Indirect Speech Exercisesss PDF
Direct and Indirect Speech Exercisesss PDF
Directions (1-130): In the following questions, a (4) „Please bring my friend a sandwich‟, said
Sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect. Out he.
of the 6. He said, „If I had the tools I could mend the
Four alternatives suggested, select the one which car.‟
best (1) He said that if he had the tools he could
Expresses the same sentence in Direct/Indirect mend the
and mark car.
Your answer. (2) He tells that he had the tools he could
1. I said to him, "Will you go to Delhi?” mend the
(1) I asked him will he go to Delhi. car.
(2) I said to him would he go to Delhi. (3) He said I could mend the car if I have the
(3) I asked him if he would go to Delhi. tools.
(4) I said to him would you go to Delhi. (4) He told he could mend the car.
2. He said, „I have read this novel.‟ 7. She said to the children, „You mustn‟t play
(1) He said that he has read this novel. with
(2) He said that he had read that novel. fire.
(3) He said that he read that novel. (1) She told the children they were not to
(4) He said that he had read this novel. play with fire.
3. Tania said to her friend, ‟Can you lend me an (2) She told the children that they mustn‟t
umbrella?‟ play with fire.
(1) Please give me an umbrella Tania (3) She told the children not to play with
requested her fire.
friend. (4) She told the children they are not to play
(2) Will you lend me your umbrella, Tania with fire.
asked her friend. 8. Everybody says, „How well she sings!‟
(3) Tania requested her friend to lend her an (1) Everybody comments that she sings
umbrella well.
(4) Tania asked her friend to give her an (2) Everybody says how well she sings.
umbrella. (3) Everybody tells that she sang very well.
4. Sita said, „I may go there.‟ (4) Everybody says that she sang well.
(1) Sita says that she may go there. 9. He says that he is very sorry.
(2) Sita says that she Is going there. (1) He said, „He was very sorry‟.
(3) Sita said that she will go there. (2) He says, „I am very sorry‟.
(4) Sita said that she might go there. (3) He said, „He is very sorry‟.
5. My friend requested me to bring him a (4) He told me. „I felt sorry‟.
sandwich. 10. Daman says, „Priya is working in
(1)He said, „My friend, please bring me a Ahmedabad.‟
sandwich.‟ (1)Daman say that Priya was working in
(2) My friend said, „Will you bring me a Ahmedabad.
sandwich.‟ (2)Daman said that Priya was working in
(3) „Please bring me a sandwich‟, said my Ahmedabad.
friend. (3) Daman said that Priya works in
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(4) Daman says that Priya is working in (1) She said, “Am I going to college?"
Ahmedabad. (2) She said to me, “Are you going to
11. Anne said. „It is time to leave for the college?"
meeting.‟ (3) She asked me, “Will you go to college?"
(1) Anne said that it was time to leave for (4) She asked to me, “Was I going to
the meeting. college?"
(2) Anne told that it is time to leave for the 16. Iba said that she might go home the next day
meeting. with
(3) Anne said its time to leave for the her sister.
meeting. (1) Iba said, “I could go home tomorrow
(4) Anne said that it was time for the with my sister."
meeting. (2) Iba said, “I may just go home tomorrow
12. The old man said that he would soon be with my sister."
leaving (3) Iba said, “I can go home tomorrow with
the world. my sister."
(1) The old man said, “I shall soon be (4) Iba said, “I will go home tomorrow with
leaving the world." my sister.”
(2) The old man said. “I am soon leaving the 17. He said, “I was doing it.”
world.” (1) He said that he had been doing it.
(3) The old man said, “I would soon leave (2) He said that he had done it.
the world." (3) He said that he has done it.
(4) The old man said, “I am going to leave (4) He said that he did it.
the world soon." 18. The lady asked me how my uncle was.
13. “Come home early" said Mr. Matthew to his (1) The lady said to me, “How is your
clerk. uncle?"
(1) Mr Matthew told his clerk to come home (2) The lady asked me, “How has your uncle
as early been ?"
as possible. (3) The lady said to me, “How was your
(2) Mr Matthew asked his clerk to be home uncle?"
early. (4) The lady asked me, “How is your uncle
(3) Mr Matthew ordered his clerk to come doing?"
home 19. He said, “Honesty is the best policy."
Early. (1) He said that honesty is the best policy.
(4) Mr Matthew requested his clerk to come (2) He said that honesty was the best policy.
home a little early. (3) He said that honesty had been the best
14. I said, "Water is essential for life." policy.
(1) Water is essential for life was said by (4) He said that honesty has been the best
me. policy.
(2) I told that water was essential for life. 20. He said that he intended to leave for Surat
(3) I exclaimed that water was essential for that
life. night.
(4) I said that water is essential for life. (1) “I intend to leave for Surat that night" he
15. She asked me if I was going to college. said.
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(2) “I intend to left for Surat that night" he (4) You will say that you were ill.
said. 25. He bade his friends goodbye.
(3) “I intended to leave for Surat tonight" he (1) “I will see you later" he told his friends.
said. (2) “I am bidding you Goodbye."
(4) “I intend to leave for Surat tonight" he (3) He said. “Goodbye, my friends."
said. (4) “Goodbye, my friends" he was saying to
21.The teacher said to him, “Is poverty not a them.
curse?" 26. He exclaimed with joy that their team had
(1) The teacher asked him is poverty not a won the
curse. tournament.
(2) The teacher asked him if poverty was not (1) He said, “Our team has won the
a curse. tournament"
(3) The teacher asked him was poverty not a (2) He said, “Wow I Our team won the
curse. tournament"
(4) The teacher asked him whether poverty (3) He exclaimed, “Hurrah! Our team has
is not a curse. won the tournament!"
22. The prisoner enquired if a lawyer had been (4) He said, “Our team won the
arranged for him. tournament.”
(1) The prisoner enquired, “Is there a lawyer 27. His father said that it was time he visited his
for me?" uncle.
(2) The prisoner asked, “Has a lawyer been (1) “It was time you visited your uncle" said
arranged for me?" his father.
(3) The prisoner enquired, “Had a lawyer (2) “It is time you visited my uncle" said his
been arranged for me?" father.
(4) The prisoner said, “Have you arranged a (3) “It is time you visit your uncle” said his
lawyer for me ?" father.
23. Phila ordered her brother to turn down the (4) “It is time you visited your uncle" said
television and let her work in peace. his father.
(1) Phila said to her brother, “Turn down the 28. He said, “I had a wonderful dream last
television that let me do my work in night”.
peace." (1) He said that he saw a wonderful dream
(2) Phila said to her brother, “Turn down the last night
television and let me work in peace." (2) He said that he had seen a wonderful
(3) Phila said to her brother, “Turn down the dream yesterday.
television to let me do my work in (3) He said that last night he had a
peace." wonderful dream.
(4) Phila said to her brother, “Turned down (4) He said that he had a wonderful dream
the television and let me do my work in the previous night.
peace." 29. He said, “I am buying a new pen”.
24. You will say, “I am ill." (1) He said that he bought a new pen.
(1) You will say that you are ill. (2) He said that he was buying a new pen.
(2) You would say that you were ill. (3) He said that he had been buying a new
(3) You would say that you are ill. pen.
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(4) He said that he is buying a new pen (3) Pamela said that she had given the
30. He bade his love goodbye. packet to Tom, who kept it a long time.
(1) He said, “Goodbye”. (4) Pamela said that she had given the
(2) He wished his love, “Goodbye”. packet to Tom, who kept it for long time.
(3) He exclaimed, “Goodbye, love”. 35. “I was digging the garden when the doctor
(4) He said. “Goodbye, my love”. arrived," replied Harry.
31. “You did not return your book yesterday," (1) Harry said that he was digging the
said the garden when the doctor arrived.
librarian. (2) Harry said that he had been digging the
(1) The librarian said that he had not garden when the doctor arrived.
returned his book the previous day. (3) Harry said that he had been digging the
(2) The librarian said that he had not garden when the doctor arrive.
returned his book yesterday. (4) Harry says that he was digging the
(3) The librarian said the book not been garden when the doctor arrived.
returned the previous day. 36. “I would have been surprised If you had
(4) The librarian said that you had not passed
returned your book yesterday. the examination," said the former master.
32. “You are all doing very well,” said Mr. (1) The former master said that it would
Jones. have surprised him if I had passed.
(1) Mr. Jones said that we are all doing well. (2) The former master was surprised if I
(2) Mr. Jones said that they were all doing passed the examination.
well. (3) The former master said that he should be
(3) Mr. Jones said that they were all doing surprised if I had passed.
very well. (4) The former master said that he would
(4) Mr. Jones said that you are all doing very have been surprised if I had passed the
well. examination.
33. “I finished it several days ago,” said Jack. 37. “I will put this key here.” said the caretaker.
(1) Jack said that he finished it several days (1) The caretaker says that he would put the
previously. key there.
(2) Jack said that he had finished it several (2) The caretaker said that he will put the
days earlier. key there.
(3) Jack said that he finished It several days (3) The caretaker said that he would put the
earlier. key there.
(4) Jack said that he finish it several days (4) The caretaker says that he would put the
ago. key here.
34. “I gave the packet to Tom, who kept it a long 38. “I shall go tomorrow," he said.
time," said Pamela. (1) He said that he would go the next day.
(2) He said that he shall go the next day.
(3) He said that he should go tomorrow.
(1) Pamela said that she had gave the packet (4) He said that he would go tomorrow.
to Tom, who kept it a long time. 39. Walter said, “I cannot do it now".
(2) Pamela said that she had given the (1) Walter says that he cannot do it now.
packet to Tom, to keep for a long time. (2) Walter said that he could not do it now.
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(3) Janet said, “I lost all my belongings at (2) He asked me what I am doing.
the airport that morning." (3) He asked me what am I doing.
(4) Janet said, “I had lost all my belongings (4) He said to me what I was doing.
at the 53. The Technician told us how to maintain the
airport that morning." machine in good working order.
49. Thomas said that he would meet Andy the (1) The technician said to us, “There is how
following Monday and asked If 1 O'clock you maintained the machine in good
suited working order."
him (2) The technician said to us, “This is how
(1) Thomas said to Andy, I will meet you you maintained the machine in good
the following Monday. Will 1 O‟clock suit working order."
you ?" (3) The technician said “This is how you
(2) Thomas said to Andy, “Andy, I would maintain the machine in good working
meet you the following Monday. Will 1 order."
O'clock suit you?" (4) The technician said to us, "That is how
(3) Thomas said to Andy, “Andy, lam going you maintained the machine in good
to meet you the following Monday. Does 1 working order."
O'clock suit you?" 54. He said to me, 'You need not worry.‟
(4) Thomas said to Andy, “Andy, I will have (1) He said to me that he need not worry.
to meet you the following .Monday. Is 1 (2) He assured me that I need not worry.
O‟clock suiting you ?" (3) He told me that I shall need not worry.
50. Sanda said that she used to know a lot of (4) He said to me that you need not worry.
people in 55. Vikram said to Gopal, “What did the bear
Delhi but that she had fewer friends in tell you
Kolkata. in your ears?”
(1) Sanda said, “I had known a lot of people (1) Vikram said to Gopal what the bear told
in Delhi but I had few friends in Kolkata." him in his ears.
(2) Sanda said, “I had got to know a lot of (2) Vikram asked Gopal that what the bear
people in Delhi but I had few friends in tell you in your ears.
Kolkata." (3) Vikram asked Gopal that what the bear
(3) Sanda said, “I have known a lot of told him in his ears.
people in Delhi but I had few friends in (4) Vikram asked Gopal what the bear told
Kolkata." him in his ears.
(4) Sanda said. “I used to know a lot of 56. Jane said to me, “Do you want to dance?"
people in Delhi but I have fewer friends in (1) Jane enquires if I want to dance.
Kolkata." (2) Jane said that whether I would dance.
51. Mary said, “I am sorry." (3) Jane asked me if I wanted to dance.
(1) Mary said that she was sorry. (4) Jane said that I would dance or not.
(2) Mary said that she is sorry. 57. “It‟s a cold day today!" cried the boy.
(3) Mary said that she will be sorry. (1) The boy was crying as it was a cold day.
(4) Mary says that she is sorry. (2) The boy exclaimed that it was cold that
52. He said to me. “What are you doing?” day than yesterday.
(1) He asked me what I was doing. (3) The boy said that he had caught cold that
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(2) Sucheta requested Shweta if she wrote (4) The minister said, “A new employment
the project for her. scheme will be implemented next month
(3) Sucheta requested Shweta could write onwards.”
the project for her. 70. Mike said, “Don‟t fly via Paris.”
(4) Sucheta requested Shweta that she had to (1) Mike said to me if I should not fly via
write the project for her. Paris.
67. Reena said to Ramesh, “I‟ll meet you and (2) Mike's command was not to fly via Paris.
Mohan (3) Mike said that one should not fly via
in the restaurant" Paris.
(1) Reena told Ramesh that she would meet (4) Mike advised me not to fly via Paris.
her and Mohan in the restaurant 71. Mr. Pradhan said, „I shall go to Delhi
(2) Reena told Ramesh that he would meet tomorrow.‟
her and Mohan in the restaurant (1) Mr. Pradhan said that he should go to
(3) Reena told Ramesh that she would meet Delhi tomorrow.
him and her in the restaurant. (2) Mr. Pradhan said that he would go to
(4) Reena told Ramesh that she would meet Delhi the next day.
him and Mohan in the restaurant (3) Mr. Pradhan said that he must go to
68. He said to his friends; “Let us play some Delhi the next day.
country- (4) Mr. Pradhan said that he should have
music and dance.” gone to Delhi the next day.
(1) He suggested to his friends that they 72. “Saint George, strike for us!” exclaimed the
should play some country-music and dance. Knight
(2) He said to his friends that they should be (1) The Knight requested Saint George to
allowed to play soSme country-music and strike away.
dance. (2) The Knight ordered Saint George to
(3) He asked his friends to let him have strike for them.
some country-music and dance. (3) The Knight prayed that Saint George
(4) He suggested to his friends that some might strike for them.
country-music be played as they danced. (4) The Knight requested Saint George that
69.The minister announced that a new he should strike us.
employment 73.The headmaster said to the student, “You are
scheme would be implemented from the expelled for attempting to copy In the
following examination."
month. (1) The headmaster remonstrated the student
(1) The minister said, "A new employment informing him that he was expelled for
scheme will be implemented since the next attempting to copy in the examination.
month.” (2) The headmaster ordered the student that
(2) The minister said, “A new employment he was expelled for attempting to copy in
scheme would be implemented from the the examination.
following month.” (3) The headmaster briefed the student that
(3) The minister made a new announcement. he had been expelled for attempting to i
“An employment scheme will be copy in the examination.
implemented from the following month.”
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(4) The headmaster said to the student that (2) His wife asked him if he could not do
he was expelled for attempting to copy in anything dangerous.
the examination. (3) His wife begged him not to do anything
74. The teacher said, “Students, look at your dangerous.
books." (4) His wife begged him so that he did not
(1) The teacher told the students that they do anything dangerous.
looked at their books. 78. „I usually take my dog out for a walk when I
(2) The teacher told the students to look at come home from work', he said.
their books. (1) He said that he used to take his dog out
(3) The teacher said that the students will for a walk when he came home from work.
look at their books. (2) He said that he usually took his dog out
(4) The teacher told the students that they for a walk when he had come home from
might look at their books. work.
75. “I must hurry. My father is always furious if (3) He said that he usually takes his dog out
any for a work when he comes home from work.
one of us is late for meals”, she said. (4) He said that he usually took his dog out
(1) She said that she must hurry as her father for a walk when he came home from work.
was always furious if any one of them was 79. “Do you know the way to the bus station?"
late for meals. Ram said to Mahim.
(2) She said that she should hurry as her (1) Ram told Mahim that he knew the way
father was always furious if any one of them to the bus station.
were late for meals. (2) Ram asked Mahim whether he knows the
(3) She said that she must hurry as her father way to the bus station.
is always furious if any one of them was late (3) Ram asked Mahim that did he know the
for meals. way to the bus station.
(4) She said that she must hurry as her father (4) Ram asked Mahim if he knew the way to
was always furious if any one of them were the bus station.
late for meals. 80. “Are your examinations over?” asked the
76. He said, “As your mother is ill, you must teacher.
leave at once." (1) The teacher asked whether his
(1) He told him that as his mother was ill, he examinations were over.
should leave at once. (2) The teacher asked are his examinations
(2) He told him that as his mother will be ill, over.
he had to leave at once. (3) The teacher asked him that were his
(3) He told him that as his mother is ill, he examinations over.
should to leave at once (4) The teacher said him that were his
(4) He told him that as his mother is ill, he examinations over.
may leave at once. 81. Next morning at breakfast Ramesh's wife
77. „Please, Please don't do anything said to him “Ramesh, I think I can tell what
dangerous', said his wife. is amiss with our clock.”
(1) His wife asked him please not to do (1) Next morning Ramesh‟s wife told him
anything dangerous. that she thought that she could tell what was
amiss with their clock.
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(2) Next morning at breakfast Ramesh's wife (4) My father asked me if I would sit and
said that she could tell him what was amiss study at least then.
with our clock. 86. I said to my mother, “Please warm this milk.
(3) Next morning at breakfast Ramesh's wife Don't boil it."
said that she could tell him what was amiss (1) I asked my mother that she may warm
with their clock. that milk but not boil it.
(4) Next morning at breakfast Ramesh‟s (2) I told my mother respectfully that she
wife addressed him by name and told him will warm that milk and not to boil it.
that she thought she could tell what was (3) I requested my mother that she warm
amiss with their clock. that milk and not to boil it.
82. The teacher said to him, "Do not go out." (4) I requested my mother to warm that milk
(1) The teacher ordered him to not go out. and asked her not boil it.
(2) The teacher told him do not go out. 87. The boy thanked the Principal for granting
(3) The teacher advised him not to go out. him a fee-concession.
(4) The teacher commanded him that he (1) The boy said to the Principal, “I express
should not go out my thanks that you have granted me a fee-
83. Rajiv said to me, “He plays with right hand." concession."
(1) Rajiv said that he played with right hand. (2) The boy said to the Principal, “I am
(2) Rajiv told me that he could play with thankful to you for a fee-concession."
right hand. (3) The boy told the Principal, “You are
(3) Rajiv told me that he plays with right kind enough to grant me a fee-concession."
hand (4) The boy said to the Principal. “Thank
(4) Rajiv asked if he could play with right you, madam for granting me a fee-
hand. concession."
84. “Sam, will you help me carry my bags ?" 88. “They are late," she has already told us.
asked the old woman. (1) She told us that they are late already.
(1) The old woman asked to Sam to help her (2) She told us that they are already late.
carry her bags. (3) She has already told us (that) they are
(2) The old woman told Sam to helped her late.
carry her bags. (4) She has already been telling us that they
(3) The old woman said to Sam to help her are late.
carried her bags. 89. I'll say to my friends. “I have started learning
(4) The old woman asked Sam whether he computer."
would help her carry her bags. (1) I'll tell my friends that I have started
85. My father said to me, “Will you sit and study learning computer.
at least now.” (2) I‟ll tell my friends that I am learning
(1) My father asked me if I will sit and study computer.
at least then. (3) I‟ll tell my friends that I had started
(2) My father asked me whether I can sit and learning computer.
study at least then. (4) I‟ll tell my friends that I learn computer.
(3) My father enquired me if I would sit and 90. He said to me, “Where are you going?"
study at least now. (1) He asked that where I was going.
(2) He asked me where I was going.
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(3) He said me to where I was going. (3) The officer said that they were cowards
(4) He said to me that where I was going. and should be put to death soon.
91. The teacher said to his student, “Do you (4) The officer said that they would soon be
have any excuse for coming late to school, put to death.
today?" 95. The teacher said, “Don't come to school on
(1) The teacher asked his student whether he Monday because it is a holiday.”
had any excuse for coming late to the school (1) The teacher asked if we were coming to
that day. school on Monday because it is a holiday
(2) The teacher asked his student whether he (2) The teacher told us not to come to school
did have any excuse for coming late to the on Monday because it is a holiday.
school that day. (3) The teacher told us don‟t come to school
(3) The teacher asked his student whether he on Monday because it is a holiday.
has any excuse for coming late to the school (4) The teacher asked us don‟t come to
that day. school on Monday because it is a holiday.
(4) The teacher asked his student whether 96. Rahul said, “Yes I am mistaken."
did he have any excuse for coming late to (1) Rahul said that he was on mistake.
the school that day. (2) Rahul admitted that he was mistaken.
92. The commander said, “Let the gates be left (3) Rahul said that he la mistaken.
open." (4) Rahul admitted that I was mistaken.
(1) The commander ordered that let the 97. He asked me if I would like to have lunch
gates be left open. with him that day.
(2) The commander ordered for the gates to (1) He said to me, “Do you like to have
be left open. lunch with me today?"
(3) The commander ordered that the gates (2) He said to me, “You can if you like to
will be left open. have lunch with me today."
(4) The commander wanted that the gates be (3) He said to me, “Would you like to have
left open. lunch with me today?"
93. Vipul said, “Alas! How thoughtless I have (4) He said to me, “Can you have lunch with
been!” me today?"
(1) Vipul confessed with regret that he had 98. I said, “Good bye, my beloved friends.”
been thoughtless. (1) I bade my beloved friends good bye.
(2) Vipul exclaimed how thoughtless I have (2) I bided good bye to my beloved friends.
been. (3) I said good bye to my beloved friends.
(3) Vipul regretted upon my (4) I wished my beloved friends good bye.
thoughtlessness. 99. The teacher said to me, “I hope you will
(4) Vipul admitted that he had been bring credit to my school.”
thoughtless. (1) The teacher wished that I would bring
94. The officer said, "Cowards ! you shall soon credit to my school.
be put to death." (2) The teacher said that I will bring credit
(1) The officer called them cowards and said to his school.
that they must be put to death soon. (3) The teacher desired that I bring credit to
(2) The officer called them cowards and said his school.
that they would soon be put to death.
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(4) The teacher hoped that I would bring (2) Dr. Ratan advised the patient to take
credit to his school. light food and do not go out in the Sun.
100. They said, “We were living in Paris.” (3) Dr. Ratan advised the patient to take
(1) They said they would have lived in Paris. light food and not go out in the Sun.
(2) They said they might have been living in (4) Dr. Ratan advised the patient to take
Paris. light food and not to go out in the Sun.
(3) They told me they had lived in Paris. 105. "There is no need for you to be so angry!"
(4) They told me that they had been living in said Mrs. Sen to her husband.
Paris. (1) Mrs. Sen told her husband to not be so
101. He said to his father, “Shall I go to market angry.
now?" (2) Mrs. Sen told her husband that no need
(1) He asked his father if he should go to was there to be so in anger.
market then. (3) Mrs. Sen told to her husband that there
(2) He asked his father if he shall go to was no need for his anger.
market now. (4) Mrs. Sen told her husband that there was
(3) He asked his father if he would go to no need for him to be so angry.
market now. 106. “What an excellent piece of art!" she said.
(4) He asked his father if he will go to (1) She exclaimed with appreciation that it
market then. was an excellent piece of art.
102. I said to may friend, "Can I borrow your (2) She had exclaimed that it was an
dictionary for one day only?" excellent piece of art.
(1) I asked my friend if I might borrow his (3) She exclaimed what an excellent piece of
dictionary for one day only. art was it.
(2) I asked my friend If I could borrow his (4) She exclaimed with surprise was it an
dictionary for one day only. excellent piece of art.
(3) I requested my friend if I can borrow his 107. "Oh! how foolish I have been in money
dictionary for one day only. matters!"
(4) I told my friend I could borrow his (1) He confessed regretfully that he had
dictionary for one day only. been very foolish in money matters.
103. The guide said to the swimmer, “Don‟t (2) He confessed to himself that he is being
swim out too far." very foolish in money matters.
(1) The guide asked the swimmer not swim (3) He exclaimed regretfully that he was
out too far. very foolish in money matters.
(2) The guide forbade the swimmer to swim (4) He expressed with regret that he could be
out too far. so foolish In money matters.
(3) The guide suggested the swimmer that 108. He wished me respectfully and told that he
don't swim out too far. had come to join the office.
(4) The guide told the swimmer to not swim (1) He said to me, “Good morning, Sir! I
out too far. have come to join the office."
104. Dr. Ratan said to the patient, “Take light (2) He said to me. “Good morning Sir! I‟ll
food and do not go out in the Sun.” Join the office today.”
(1) Dr. Ratan advised the patient to take (3) He said, “Good morning Sir! I want to
light food and to do not go out in the Sun. join the office.
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Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises
(4) He said to me, “Good morning, Sir! I'm 113. The Policeman said to the driver, “Do you
here to join the office.” have a licence?"
109. My brother told me that he would buy me a (1) The Policeman asked the driver whether
notepad the next day. he have a licence.
(1) My brother “I am going to buy you a (2) The Policeman asked the driver whether
notepad tomorrow." he had a licence.
(2) My brother said to me, “I would buy you (3) The Policeman asked the driver whether
a notepad tomorrow." he had had a licence.
(3) My brother said to me, “I shall buy you a (4) The Policeman asked the driver whether
notepad tomorrow." he has a licence.
(4) My brother said to me, I will be buying 114. The teacher said to the students, “March
you a notepad tomorrow.” quietly to the ground."
110. The peon said to his officer. “Please forgive (1) The teacher said to the students that they
me." should march quietly to the ground.
(1) The peon told his officer please forgive (2) The teacher instructed the students that
him. they should march quietly to the ground.
(2) The peon requested his officer to forgive
him. (3) The teacher instructed the students that
(3) The peon said to his officer that he they must march quietly to the ground.
should forgive him. (4) The teacher instructed the students to
(4) The peon requested his officer that he inarch quietly to the ground.
forgive him. 115. The men said, “We are going to fly kites.”
111. The teacher said, “The Earth moves round (1) The men said that we were going to fly
the Sun”. kites.
(1) The teacher told that the Earth has (2) The men said that we are going to fly
moved round the Sun. kites.
(2) The teacher said that the Earth moves (3) The men said that they are going to fly
round the Sun. kites.
(3) The teacher asked that the Earth moves (4) The men said that they were going to fly
round the Sun. kites.
(4) The teacher told that the Earth moved 116. Kumar says, “It doesn‟t rain in January.”
round the Sun. (1) Kumar says that it doesn‟t rain in
112. Ashok said to me, “Your parents are January.
waiting for you." (2) Kumar says that it didn't rain in January.
(1)Ashok told me that his parents are (3) Kumar said that it doesn‟t rain in
waiting for him. January.
(2) Ashok told me that my parents were (4) Kumar said that it didn't rain in January.
waiting for me. 117. Meera‟s mother told her not to forget to
(3) Ashok told to me that my parents were buy the milk.
waiting for me. (1) Meera‟s mother said “Remember to buy
(4) Ashok told me that his parents were the milk."
waiting for him. (2) Meera was told by her mother “Buy the
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Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises
(3) Meera's mother reminded her, “Don‟t (1) Mary told Simon that Sharon and Peter
forget to buy the milk.” will be getting engaged next month.
(4) Meera‟s mother said to her, "You must (2) Mary told Simon that Sharon and Peter
buy the milk." was getting engaged next month.
118. I said to him, “Do you definitely need the (3) Mary told Simon that Sharon and Peter
suit following week?” were getting engaged next month.
(1) I asked him if he needed the suit the next (4) Mary told Simon that Sharon and Peter
week. are getting engaged next month.
(2) I asked him if he definitely needed the 123. I said to my friend, “Can you pick me up
suit the following week. after work?”
(3) I asked him if he definitely need the suit (1) I told my friend to pick me up after
the following week. work.
(4) I asked him if definitely he needed the (2) I told my friend if I could pick him up
suit the next week. after work.
119. Ravi asked me, “Have you seen the Taj (3) I asked my friend if he can pick me up
Mahal?" after work.
(1) Ravi asked me if I have seen the Taj (4) I asked my friend if he could pick me up
Mahal. after work.
(2) Ravi asked me did I see the Taj Mahal. 124. Suman said to me, “Did you enjoy the
(3) Ravi asked me if I had seen the Taj Olympic Games in London ?”
Mahal. (1) Suman asked me if I enjoyed the
(4) Ravi asked me if I saw the Taj Mahal. Olympic Games in London.
120. Robin said, “Hurrah! I have topped again." (2) Suman asked me if I was enjoyed the
(1) Robin exclaimed joyfully that he had Olympic Games in London.
been topped again. (3) Suman asked me if I had enjoyed the
(2) Robin exclaimed joyfully that he had Olympic Games in London,
topped again. (4) Suman asked me did I enjoy the Olympic
(3) Robin exclaimed joyfully that he would Games in London.
have topped again. 125. My friend told me, “This is not a good
(4) Robin exclaimed joyfully that he has book to read."
topped again. (1) My friend told me that that was not a
121. He said, “I have been studying in this good book to read.
college for two years." (2) My friend told me that that is not a good
(1) He said he studied in that college for two book to read.
years. (3) My friend told me that that will not be a
(2) He said he had studied in that college for good book to read.
two years. (4) My friend told me that this was not a
(3) He said for two years he studied in that good book to read.
college. 126. Dhanya complained, “I am losing weight
(4) He said that he had been studying in that steadily."
college for two years- (1) Dhanya complains that she is losing
122. Mary said to Simon, “Sharon and Peter are weight steadily.
getting engaged next month,"
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Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises
(2) Dhanya complained that she is losing (3) Rajan said Urvashi I am going to
weight steadily. Kashmir tomorrow.
(3) Dhanya complains that she was losing (4) Rajan said to Urvashi that he was going
weight steadily. to Kashmir tomorrow.
(4) Dhanya complained that she was losing 129. She said to me, “Have you finished your
weight steadily. work?"
127. My mother said, “You have been sleeping (1) She asked me if I had finished my work.
for twelve hours” (2) She asked me if I have finished my
(1) My mother said that I have been sleeping work.
for twelve hours. (3) She asked me if she had finished my
(2) My mother said that I was sleeping for work.
twelve hours. (4) She asked me if she had finished her
(3) My mother said that I had been sleeping work.
for twelve hours. 130. “Turnaround," he told her.
(4) My mother said that she had r been (1) He told her turn around.
sleeping for twelve hours. (2) He asked her to turn around.
128. Rajan said to Urvashi, I‟m going to (3) He asked to her to turn around.
Kashmir tomorrow." (4) He asked turn around.
(1) Rajan told to Urvashi he was going to
Kashmir the next day.
(2) Rajan told Urvashi that he was going to
Kashmir the next day.
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