June 2016 (IAL) MS - C12 Edexcel PDF
June 2016 (IAL) MS - C12 Edexcel PDF
June 2016 (IAL) MS - C12 Edexcel PDF
Summer 2016
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Summer 2016
Publications Code WMA01_01_1606_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2016
2. The Edexcel Mathematics mark schemes use the following types of marks:
M marks: Method marks are awarded for ‘knowing a method and attempting to
apply it’, unless otherwise indicated.
A marks: Accuracy marks can only be awarded if the relevant method (M)
marks have been earned.
B marks are unconditional accuracy marks (independent of M marks)
Marks should not be subdivided.
3. Abbreviations
These are some of the traditional marking abbreviations that will appear in the
mark schemes.
4. All A marks are ‘correct answer only’ (cao.), unless shown, for example, as A1
ft to indicate that previous wrong working is to be followed through. After a
misread however, the subsequent A marks affected are treated as A ft.
5. For misreading which does not alter the character of a question or materially
simplify it, deduct two from any A or B marks gained, in that part of the
question affected.
1. Factorisation
2. Formula
Attempt to use the correct formula (with values for a, b and c).
Solving x 2 bx c 0 : x q c 0, q 0 , leading to x = …
1. Differentiation
2. Integration
Where a method involves using a formula that has been learnt, the advice given in recent
examiners’ reports is that the formula should be quoted first.
Method mark for quoting a correct formula and attempting to use it, even if there are
small errors in the substitution of values.
Where the formula is not quoted, the method mark can be gained by implication from
correct working with values, but may be lost if there is any mistake in the working.
Exact answers
Examiners’ reports have emphasised that where, for example, an exact answer is asked
for, or working with surds is clearly required, marks will normally be lost if the candidate
resorts to using rounded decimals.
Scheme Marks
8 7
1 (1 px )8 1 8( px ) ( px ) 2 M1
(5 marks)
M1 Uses the power series expansion/ binomial expansion with the correct form for terms 2 and 3.
You may ignore the first term in this question.
Accept the correct coefficient with the correct power of x for terms 2 and 3.
8 7
(1 px )8 1 8(.. x ) (.. x ) 2
Allow missing bracket on x 2 term.
8 8
Allow for (1 px )8 1 (.. x ) (.. x ) 2 or equivalent.
1 2
8 8
Allow sight of (.. x ) and (.. x ) 2 separated by commas
1 2
M1 Sets their coefficient in x equal to 12 8 p 12 p ...
It is not dependent on the previous M but it must be of the form kp 12 p ...
A1 p 1.5 or equivalent such as
M1 Sets q equal to their coefficient of x2 (which must include a p or a p 2) then substitutes in their
value of p leading to q =
A1 q 63
Scheme Marks
2(a) 4( x 2) „ 2 x 1 4 x 8„ 2 x 1
x „ 4.5 M1A1
(b) (2 x 3)( x 5) 0
Roots are 1.5, 5 B1
Chooses outsides x 5, x 1.5 M1A1
(c) x 5, 1.5 x „ 4.5 B1
(6 marks)
M1 Proceeds as far as x„ ... after firstly multiplying out brackets oe. Condone x ... for this mark
Minimum expectation is that you see 4 x 8...2 x 1 x...c where ... is „ or <
A1 x„ 4.5 or equivalent in set notation such as x : x „ 4.5 4 x , 4.5 . Accept just , 4.5
B1 Critical values are 1.5, -5
M1 Chooses the outside values of their critical values. You may well see candidates multiply out the
brackets and factorise incorrectly. They can score this mark for choosing the 'outsides'
Do not allow this mark from just a diagram. You must see the inequalities.
Accept for the method mark x „ 5, x …1.5
A1 Accept any of ' x 5, x 1.5 ' ' x 5 or x 1.5 ' ' x : x 5 x 1.5 '
‘ x : x 5 1.5 x ’ or their exact equivalents
B1 cao Accept any of
' x 5, 1.5 x „ 4.5 ' ' x 5 or 1.5 x „ 4.5 ' ' x : x 5 1.5 x „ 4.5 4 '
‘ x x 5 1.5 x „ 4.5 ’ or their exact equivalents.
There must be just two distinct regions represented by just two inequalities.
If a candidate writes x„ 4.5 x 5, x 1.5 it is B0
Scheme Marks
3 M1
4 x
3 (i) Either 42 x 1 22 ( 2 x 1) and 84 x 234 x or 84 x 4 2
2(2 x 1) 12 x x dM1A1
(ii)(a) 3 18 32 9 2 4 2 5 2 M1A1
n 5 2 n 5 2 25 2 50
(b) M1A1
(7 marks)
Alt 3 (i) Taking logs of both sides and proceeding to (2 x 1) log 4 4 x log8 M1
log 4
4 log 8 2 log 4
log 4 1
x dM1A1
log 256 4
M1 Writes both sides as powers of 2 or equivalent Eg 22 ( 2 x 1) 234 x
4 x
Alternatively writes both sides as powers of 4 or 8 or 64. Eg 84 x 4 2
Note that expressions such as 22 ( 2 x 1) 23 4 x would be M0
( 2 x 1)
Condone poor (or missing) brackets 222 x 1 23 but not incorrect index work eg 42 x 1 8 2
It is possible to use logs. most commonly with base 2 or 4. Using logs it is for reaching a linear
form of the equation, again condoning poor bracketing .
42 x1 84 x log 42 x 1 log84 x 2 x 1 log 4 4 x log8
dM1 Dependent upon the previous M. It is for equating the indices and proceeding to x ..
Condone sign/bracketing errors when manipulating the equation but not processing errors
If logs are used they must be evaluated without a calculator. Lengthy decimals would be evidence
of this and would be dM0
2 x 1 log 2 4 4 x log 2 8 2 x 1 2 4 x 3 x ..
42 x 1 84 x 2 x 1 4 x log 4 8 2 x 1 4 x x .. is fine
A1 x or equivalent
(ii)(a) Mark part (ii) as one complete question. Marks in (a) can be gained from (b)
M1 Writes either 18 3 2 or 3 18 9 2 or 32 4 2
3 18 32
If the candidate writes 3 18 32 k 2 it can be scored for 9 or 4
2 2
A1 5 2 or states k 5
The answer without working (the M1) would be 0 marks
M1 Moves from n k 2 to n 2 k 2
Also accept for this mark n 50 or indeed 50 on its own
A1 n 50
Scheme Marks
2 dx 2 x 12 4 16
(ii) 2 M1
6 6
x 2 dx 2 dx (b) 16 (b) = 30.556
Allow awrt 30.56 dM1 A1ft
(8 marks)
B1 Awrt 2.4495
B1 Uses a strip width of 2 units. This may be embedded in the trapezium formula.
It may be implied by sight of ........... or 1 ...........
M1 Uses the correct form of the bracket within the trapezium rule.
Look for 0 2.8284 2 1.4142 2 ' 2.4495'
A1 awrt 14.556
If separate trapezia are used then you should see the sum of 4 trapezia. B1 Width or h =2 and M1 for the
correct values of 'a' and 'b' for each one.
B1ft Look for (b) . Follow through on their answer to (b) but you may allow accuracy to 2dp
Also allow from adapting their trapezium rule in part (b) with all terms halved
M1 Look for an attempt to either integrate '2' by writing 2 x 62 oe. It may be embedded within a longer
integral. Alternatively finds the area of a rectangle with height 2 and length of ( 6 ( 2) )which is
implied by the sight of 16
Do not allow
2 dx 2
Allow an attempt to use the trapezium rule in part (b) with 2 being added to each value inside the
dM1 Adds together their answer for the integral of 2 to their answer for (b).
It is dependent upon the previous M
If their trapezium rule is adapted then this mark is scored at the point when the value is calculated
A1ft 16 (b) . Accept this for all 3 marks as long as no incorrect working seen. Allow accuracy to 2dp.
Scheme Marks
(a) U 2 4 3 4 B1
n 1
U n 100 4 400 M1A1
5(ii) (100 3r ) 0 97 94 91 ...(100 3r ) 0
r 1
∑AP with a 97, d 3, n n , S 0 0 2 97 ( n 1) 3 0 M1
n .
197 3n 0 n 65.6 dM1
n 66 A1
(6 marks)
(ii) n n n
n ( n 1) M1
3 100 n
2 M1A1
n 65.6 n 66
4 4
B1 States that U 2 is 4. Accept but not and remember to isw.
1 43
Note that U1 4 so be sure that you don’t award this B1
M1 Uses the method that U n 1
k 4 where k 100 or 99
You may see the AP formula being used which is fine as long as a 4, d 0 and n 99 /100
100 100
Look for expression of the form 2 4 99 0 OR 4 4
2 2
A1 400
M1 Uses S ... 2 a ( n 1) d with ... as = or > or < and S = 0 a = 97 or 100, d 3
Alternatively uses S ... a l with ... as = or > or < and S = 0 a = 97 or 100, l 100 3n
A solution should not appear to come from the value of the nth term or in fact any linear equation.
This is M0
dM1 Dependent upon previous M. Scored for a solution of their quadratic equation in n.
Accept n = , n > , n<
A1 n 66 cso
n ( n 1)
Part (ii) Alt 1 Using the formula 1
n n n
n ( n 1)
M1 For attempting to solve r 1
3 r ...
r 1
100 where .. is = or > or < by writing 1 r 2
n n
r 1
100 100 n . Condone the 3 in the 3r ''disappearing''
r 1
dM1 Dependent upon previous M. Scored for a solution to their quadratic equation in n.
Accept n = , n > , n<
A1 n 66 cso
Part (ii) Alt 2 Using the fact that the sum is (less than) zero when the negative terms add up to more than
the positive terms in the sequence
M1 Sum of positive terms = 97 94 ............... 1 97 1 1617
Sum of negative terms = 2 5........
2 2 3(n 1) '1617 '
dM1 Dependent upon last mark. It is for solving the quadratic equation with usual methods and adding
on 33 terms (the number of positive terms)
2 2 3(n 1) '1617 ' n 32. So total number of terms is 33+33=66
A1 cso 66
Scheme Marks
x2 4
3 1
x2 4 1
6(a) x2 2x 2 M1A1A1
2 x 2 x 2 x 2
3 5 1
x2 x2 x2
(b) 2x 2 dx 2 (c) M1 A1ft A1
2 2 2.5 0.5
x2 B1
4x2 c
(7 marks)
M1 Attempt to divide by 2 x to get exactly two terms (not three)
This can be implied by any of A, B, p or q being correct.
A1 Two of A, B, p or q correct. Look for two of the four numbers 2x 2 oe
3 1
Allow the power as appearing as 2 -
2 2
A1 Completely correct expression 2 x 2 or equivalent. Eg accept 0.5 x1.5 2 x 0.5
The powers must now be simplified.
M1 Increases a fractional index by one. Do not allow if the candidate integrates the numerator and
denominator of the original function
A1ft One of the fractional terms correct unsimplified.
You may follow through on any term with a fractional index.
A1 Both terms correct unsimplified
Allow the powers and coefficients such as appearing as 1 for this mark
5 3
2 2
B1 4 x 2 c or exact equivalent such as 0.2 x 2.5 4 x0.5 c
Scheme Marks
7(a) Sets f ( 2) 0 M1
f (2) 0 24 4 a 2 b 10 0 4 a 2 b 14 2 a b 7 A1*
(b) Sets f ( 1) 36 M1
f ( 1) 36 3 a b 10 36 a b 23 oe A1
Solves simultaneously to get both a and b dM1
a 10, b 13 A1
(c)(i) Divides their f(x) by ( x 2) to get a quadratic M1
f ( x ) x 2 3 x 2 4 x 5 or Q( x ) 3 x 2 4 x 5 A1
M1 Sets f ( 1) 36
If a candidate attempts division look for a minimum of
3 x 2 (a 3) x......
x 1 3 x 3 ax 2 bx 10
f (a, b)
before the candidate sets their remainder, which must be a function of a and b equal to 36
A1 f ( 1) 36 a b 23 or equivalent. The equation does not need to be simplified but the
indices must have been dealt with correctly
In division the remainder may appear in the form 10 (b a 3) 36
dM1 Solves simultaneously to get values for both a and b. Don't be too concerned with the process as
long as you see values for a and b coming from two equations in both a and b. It is dependent upon
the previous M
A1 a 10, b 13
M1 For dividing their f(x) by ( x 2) to get a f ( x ) ( x 2) quadratic
If it is attempted by division look for the first two terms following through on their a
3 x 2 (a 6) x......
x 2 3 x ' a ' x 2 ' b ' x 10
If it attempted by inspection only check first and last terms. Look for f ( x ) x 2 3 x 2 ... x 5
A1 f ( x ) x 2 3 x 2 4 x 5 or Q( x ) 3 x 2 4 x 5
M1 Scored for an attempt at finding the number of roots of their 3TQ Q( x ) .
This can be attempted by calculating the value of their b2 4 ac , Eg b2 4 ac 16 60 44
or using the formula/ completing the square to find the roots. Eg. ax 2 bx c 0 x .., ..
A1* cso. All aspects must be correct including f ( x ) x 2 3 x 2 4 x 5 with proof that
3 x 2 4 x 5 has no roots and hence f(x) has only 1 root (at x=2)
Scheme Marks
1 1 A1
sin ,
3 2
19.5, 30 dM1,A1
(7 marks)
M1 Attempts to cross multiply to form an equation in the form 5 sin A cos 2
dM1 Dependent upon previous M. For using cos2 1 sin 2 to get an equation in just sin
M1 Attempts to factorise, usual rules. Accept answers by formula or just written down from a
calculator. Accept answers/factors given in terms of x for this mark
1 1
A1 For the values ,
3 2
These do not have to be simplified and can be implied by correct answers for
dM1 Calculates at least one value of from their 'sin ' .
It is dependent upon the previous M. You may have to check with a calculator.
This may be implied by either 19.5, 30 from a correct quadratic
A1 Both 19.5 and 30 with this accuracy and no additional solutions inside the range.
Condone the answer 19.5 and 30.0
Ignore any solutions outside the range.
Scheme Marks
9 (a)(i) Attempts to use un ar n1 u25 6 0.9224 awrt 0.81 M1A1
a 6
(ii) Attempts to use S S 75 M1A1
1 r 1 0.92
6(1 0.92 ) n
6(1 0.92 ) n
(b) Sets Sn 72 72 Accept 72 M1
1 0.92 1 0.92
A1 awrt 0.81
a 6
M1 Attempts to use S with a =6 and r=0.92 S
1 r 1 0.92
A1 75
6(1 0.92n ) 6(1 0.92n ) 6(1 0.92n )
M1 Sets Sn 72 72 Accept 72 or 72
1 0.92 1 0.92 1 0.92
log b
dM1 Proceeds from a n .... b to n .... log a b or n .... where ….is =, > or <
log a
The values of a and b must be positive
Allow this mark in cases where the candidate has incorrectly multiplied 6 by 0.92n to form an
equation in the form 5.52n .... k (k>0)and solves by correctly taking logs
A1 cso n =39. All aspects must be correct including the inequalities on each line if they have been
used. It is acceptable to use '=' however
Do not accept n = 38.6 for this mark
Note: Trial and Improvement can gain all 4 marks as long as n =39 is stated
M1A1 For trial at 38 and 39 using the sum formula, and conclusion that n=39
Scheme Marks
Harmonic shape M1
0 0.5 1.5 2 2 Position A1
2 3 7
(b) 0, 2 , 4 , 0 , 4 , 0 B1 B1 B1
sin x
(c) x arcsin M1A1
4 2 2 4 3 4 12
x M1A1
3 4 12
(9 marks)
(a)Look only at the part of the graph between 0 and 2 .
If there is no x scale shown, then assume that 2 is at the point where their graph stops.
If the sketch continues past the x label on the x axis, assume 2 is at the point of the x of the x label.
M1 Graph is harmonic. Could be part of a cycle, or several cycles but needs at least one max and one min
in the range 0 „ „ 2 . Do not penalise graphs which are not in the correct position in relation to
either axis
A1 Requires only one cycle between 0 and 2 .
The sketch needs: a positive y intercept and a positive y value at 2 , with a positive gradient at both
0 and 2 .The maximum must be positive and the minimum must be negative.
(b) B1B1B1 Score 1,1,0 for ANY 2 out of 3 and 1,0,0 for any 1 out of 3
Each answer is cao. No decimals are accepted unless the exact value is also given.
Accept points marked on the graph.
Accept coordinates with zeroes (as given) or for example marked on the y axis or an obvious
statement such as y intercept is ... or y =
For both correct answers in degrees withhold one mark.
If there are extra answers in the range, in addition to the correct answers, withhold one mark.
If answers are given in text and on diagram, the text takes precedence.
M1 Takes invsin and subtracts in an attempt to find one value of x. Look for x x ..
4 3 4
Accept answers in degrees ( x 60 45 x .. ) and decimals for the method mark.
Do not accept mixed degrees/radians.
A1 One of or
12 12
M1 Correct attempt to get a second value of x from their first value. Accept x their x ..
4 3
Accept degrees or decimals for this method mark
A1 Both and and no other values within the range. Ignore additional answers outside the range.
12 12
Scheme Marks
11 (a) States r 2 1.22 r 0.4 2 M1
0.8r 1.60 r 2. A1*
(b) Attempt to find the angle or 1/2 angle
' ' arcsin
1 1.2 1
' ' awrt 37 awrt 0.64 rads M1
2 2 2
cso AOB 1.2870 A1*
(c) Attempts to find area of sector using degree or radian formula
'73.74' 1
Area sector 22 or 22 '1.2870 ' M1
360 2
Attempts area of triangle using the correct formula
1 1
Area 2 2 sin'73.74 ' or Area 2 2 sin'1.2870 ' M1
2 2
Area of sail = Sector -Triangle using the correct combination
22 '1.29 ' 22 sin'1.29 ' 0.654 m 2
1 1
dM1, A1
2 2
(8 marks)
M1 Attempts Pythagoras with lengths r , ( r 0.4) and 1.2 in the correct positions within the formula
Alternatively uses the given answer and attempts Pythagoras' theorem with 1.6,1.2 and 2
A1* Proceeds to r 2 with no errors
If the alternative method is used, then there must be a statement such as hence true, r =2
M1 Attempts to find either the angle or half angle in the sector in either degrees or radians
For the half angle accept arctan
1.2 1.2 1.6
, arcsin 2 , arccos 2
For the whole angle accept 2.4 2 2 2 2 2 cos .. or similar.
2 2 2
Scheme Marks
Mark parts (a) and (b) together. Award marks in (a) from (b) and vice versa, but see note
M1 Attempts to find the equation of C centre (a,0) radius a. Accept ( x a ) 2 y 2 a 2 oe
If the alternative form of the circle is used accept x 2 y 2 2ax a 2 a 2
Allow for the M1 ( x a ) 2 ( y 0) 2 r 2
A1 Writes C as ( x a ) 2 ( y 0) 2 a 2 or equivalent x 2 y 2 2ax 0 .
M1 Subs x 4 and y 3 into their circle equation for C which must be of the form
( x a ) 2 ( y 0) 2 a 2
dM1 Proceeds to a linear equation in 'a' and reaches a=.... Condone numerical slips
A1 a Accept exact alternatives
Note: There are some candidates who write the equation of the circle as ( x a ) 2 ( y 0) 2 r 2 in part (a)
This is M1 A0
However in part (b) they substitute (4, 3) and write down (4 a ) 2 ( 3) 2 a 2
We will allow them to score all 3 marks in part (b).
Had they written ( x a ) 2 y 2 a 2 in (b) we would allow them to score all 5 marks
Scheme Marks
13 (a) 2 log 2 y 5 log 2 x log 2 y 2 5 log 2 x M1
Sets x 5 x b where b 0 M1
1 9 20
Solves x 5 x 10 x 10 x oe dM1A1
2 2 9
y S (4,15)
(8 marks)
M1 Attempts the smaller solution. Accept setting x ax 4 where a 0
dM1 Sets x 2 x 4 and proceeds to x .. by collecting terms. Condone errors
A1 x oe. Accept 1.6
M1 Attempts to find the larger solution. Accept setting x 5 x b where b 0
dM1 Sets x 5 x 10 and proceeds to x .. by collecting terms. Condone errors
A1 x Accept exact equivalents such as 2 2 but not 2.2 or 2.2
9 9
B1 Any two points correct either in the text or on a sketch. Accept 6 and 2 written on the correct axes
Scheme Marks
15(a) Uses Volume = 60 000 60000 r 2 h h M1
Subs in S r 2 2 rh S r 2 2 r M1
S r2 A1*
dS 120000
(b) 2 r M1A1
dr r2
dS 120000
0 r3 r awrt 27 cm dM1A1
dr 2
awrt 6730 cm2
S ''26.7 ''2 dM1 A1
''26.7 ''
d S 240000
(c) 2
2 awrt 19 0 Minimum M1A1
dr r 3 r 26.7
(11 marks)
M1 Uses 60000 r 2 h h .. Alternatively uses 60000 r 2 h rh ..
Condone errors on the number of zeros but the formula must be correct
M1 Score for the attempt to substitute any h .. or rh .. from a dimensionally correct formula for V
Eg. 60000 1 r 2 h h ..
into S k r 2 2 rh where k 1 or 2 to get S in terms of r
Allow if S is called something else such as A.
A1* Completes proof with no errors (or omissions) S r 2 .
Allow from S r 2 if quoted. S = must be somewhere in the proof
(b) Condone throughout (b)
M1 Differentiate the given function and gets one power correct.
dS 120000
A1 2 r
dr r2
dM1 Sets their 0 , multiplies by r 2 and proceeds with a correct method to r 3 ..
The = 0 may be implied by their working
A1 r awrt 27 or r 3 but may also be implied by a correct final answer
dM1 Substitutes their positive value of r .. into S r 2 . It is dependent upon the first M1
A1 Awrt 3sf 6730 cm 2
d2 y
(c) Condone second derivative appearing as for both marks in (c)
dx 2
d2S B
M1 Subs positive r .. achieved in part (b) into 2
A 3 , A, B 0 and calculates its value
dr r
d2S B
Alternatively achieves A 3 and consider sign
dr 2 r
d S 240000 d2 S d2S
A1 2 with a correct substitution of their r in and a statement 0
dr 2 r3 dr 2 dr 2
Minimum. (This is allowed from incorrect positive r values)
d2 S 240000 d2S d2S
Or 2 2 with a correct value of for their r and a statement 0
dr r3 dr 2 dr 2
d2 S 240000 d2 S
Or 2 and refers to r 0 to state 0 Minimum.
dr 2 r3 dr 2
M1:Attempts to find the numerical value of S r 2 either side of a positive r achieved in (b)
A1:At r a S26.7 Sa at r a S26.7 Sb hence Minimum (where a 26.7 b )
Scheme Marks
y x ( x 1)( x 2) x3 3 x 2 2 x 3 x 2 6 x 2
dy M1 A1
1 3
(b) When x , y B1
2 8
1 dy 3 1
Sub x into 3 2 M1
2 dx x 1 4 4
1 1 3 1 1 1 1 9 7 11
Area of R = 2 1 1 = dM1A1
2 2 8 4 64 8 4 32 64 64
(12 marks)
(c) Main scheme: Use if the candidate attempts to find the area under the curve
Attempts x ( x 1)( x 2)dx by first multiplying and then integrating to a quartic form
x4 x3 x2
A1 Correct and unsimplified= 3 2 (c)
4 3 2
M1 Uses limits of x
and x 1 with their answer to x ( x 1)( x 2)dx .
M1 Uses the correct method to find the area under the line between x and x 2
1 1 3 9 1 3 3 9
If the triangle is used then look for 2 '' '' or '' ''
2 2 8 32 2 2 8 32
If the equation of the line is used it must be correct. Look for an evaluation of
1 1 1 1 2
x dx x x 1 with correct limits and correct integration
2 4 2 8
1 2
dM1 Score for the correct combination of areas including the limits....... in this case the above areas must
be subtracted. It is dependent upon all 3 M’s
Scheme Marks
(c) Candidate considers area between line and curve x to x 1
'' 1 1 x'' x ( x 1)( x 2) dx 1 x 1 x 2 x 3 x 2 x
4 3 2
ALT 1 2 4
8 4 3 2 M1A1
Area between line and curve between x and x 1 is
1 1 2 x4 x3 x 2
2 8 4 2 1 64
x x 3 2 M1
1 1 1
2 1
Area under line between x 1 and x 2 = M1
2 4 8
1 1 5 1 3 11
Area of R = = dM1A1
8 8 64 8 64 64
1 1
M1 Attempts '' 2 4 x'' x ( x 1)( x 2) dx either way around, multiplies out and integrates to a
quartic form
x4 x3 x2
Answer correct x x 2 3 2 or its simplified form x x 2 x3 x 4
1 1 1 9 1
2 8 4 3 2 2 8 4
Do not follow through on their tangent line in this case
Uses the limits x and x 1 with their answer to '' x'' x ( x 1)( x 2) dx
1 1 1
2 2 4
M1 Uses the correct method to find the area under the line between x 1 and x 2
1 1 1
If the triangle is used look for 2 1
2 4 8
If the equation of the line is used it must be correct. Look for an evaluation of
1 1 1 1 2
x dx x x with correct limits and integration.
2 4 2 8 1
dM1 Score for the correct combination of areas including limits.....in this case the above areas must be
added. It is dependent upon all 3 M’s
Candidate considers area between line and curve from x to x 2.
'' 1 1 x'' x ( x 1)( x 2) dx 1 x 1 x 2 x 3 x 2 x
4 3 2
ALT 2 2 4
8 4 3 2 M1A1
Total area between line and curve = 1 x 1 x2 x 3 x 2 x 27
4 3 2
2 2 1 64 M1
8 4 3
x4 x3 x2 1
2 1 4
Area under curve = 3 2 M1
4 3
27 1 11
Area of R = dM1A1
64 4 64
Attempts '' x'' x ( x 1)( x 2) dx either way around, multiplies out and integrates to a
1 1
2 4
quartic form
x4 x3 x2
Answer correct x x 2 3 2 or its simplified form x x 2 x3 x 4
1 1 1 9 1
2 8 4 3 2 2 8 4
Do not follow through on their tangent line in this case
Uses the limits x and x 2 with their answer to '' x'' x ( x 1)( x 2) dx
1 1 1
2 2 4
2 2
Evaluates x ( x 1)( x 2)dx x3 x 2 Both the limits and integration must be correct
4 1
dM1 Score for the correct combination of areas including limits.....in this case you need to see the
equivalent to or It is dependent upon all 3 M’s
27 1 27 1
64 4
64 4
Useful guide: (but please use the scheme and notes)
1) Scan through candidates answer to ascertain whether they are integrating just the curve or the line –
the curve to decide the method. Looking at their limits of integration can help you decide between
alt 1 and alt 2
2) Marks are awarded like this
M1: Attempt to integrate appropriate function to reach a quartic
A1: Correct answer to the integration. There is no follow through
M1: Correct limits used in the integrated function
M1: Finds area under line (main or alt 1) either by using the correct triangle or using the correct f
function and limits.
Finds area under curve (alt 2) using correct function and limits
dM1: Correct combination of areas. It is dependent upon all 3 M’s
A1: Correct answer
If an incomplete method is shown always score by the method that gives the candidate more marks. If
you cannot determine the method that a candidate has used then please use the review system and your
team leader will advise.