B. Clinical Sleep Science and Practice I. Insomnia: Albrecht JS, Tom SE, Vadlamani A, Scharf SM, Wickwire EM

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B. Clinical Sleep Science and Practice I.


association between insomnia severity and childhood adversity may changes in sleep duration and sleep problems, as well as the effects of
be strongly influenced by variability in SES. These findings may have age, in Japanese community residents.
important implications for insomnia prevention. Further investigation Methods: Data on 1,388 individuals aged 15–89 years, who par-
into how SES differentially influences insomnia severity is warranted. ticipated in the Survey of Seasonal Changes in Diet and Lifestyles
Support (If Any):  Grant# R01MD009063. conducted by the National Institute of Health and Nutrition of Japan
(2004–2006), were analyzed. A self-administered questionnaire
0351 included items on sleep duration and sleep problems (difficulty initi-
TRENDS IN INSOMNIA DIAGNOSIS AMONG MEDICARE ating sleep [DIS], difficulty maintaining sleep [DMS]/early morning
BENEFICIARIES, 2006–2013 awakening [EMA], and excessive daytime sleepiness [EDS]). Data
Albrecht JS1, Tom SE2, Vadlamani A1, Scharf SM1, Wickwire EM1 were prospectively collected at four time points (spring, summer, fall,
University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, 2Columbia University, New and winter).
Results: Seasonal changes in sleep duration were found, with the

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longest in winter and the shortest in summer (mean winter-summer
Introduction: Sleep complaints increase across the lifespan, with difference: 0.18 ± 0.91 hours). When analyzed according to age group,
half of older adults reporting poor sleep quality. The most common seasonal changes in sleep duration were found in the middle and old
diagnosis is insomnia disorder, which is associated with increased age groups, but not in the young age group. Seasonal changes in the
morbidity and health care utilization among older adults. Despite its frequencies of DIS, DMS/EMA, and EDS were found, and the prev-
high prevalence and substantial adverse consequences, few popula- alences of clinically significant DIS, DMS/EMA, and EDS were all
tion-level studies have examined longitudinal trends in insomnia diag- highest in spring. When analyzed according to age group, seasonal
noses in the US. The objective of this study was to characterize trends changes in the frequencies of sleep problems were found for some
in insomnia diagnoses among Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries items in the young age group (DMS/EMA and EDS) and middle age
over a seven-year period. group (DIS and DMS/EMA); however, no seasonal changes in sleep
Methods:  We conducted a time-series analysis to estimate the annual problems were observed in the old age group.
prevalence of insomnia using a randomly selected 5% sample of Conclusion: The present study found seasonal effects on sleep and
Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries from 2006–2013. Insomnia sleep problems in Japanese community residents, but the effects varied
was defined as the presence at least one inpatient or outpatient claim among age groups.
containing pertinent International Classification of Disease - Ninth Support (If Any): 
Edition - Clinical Modification codes (307.41, 307.42, 307.49, 327.00,
327.01, 327.09, 780.52, V69.4). We also identified annual receipt of 0353
any insomnia-related medications from Part D prescription drug claims TO COMPARE SLEEP ONSET LATENCY (SOL) AND WAKE
(barbiturates, benzodiazepines, chloral hydrate, hydroxyzine, non-ben- AFTER SLEEP ONSET (WASO) BETWEEN AASM PAPER
zodiazepine sedative hypnotics [NBSH], and sedating anti-depressants). SLEEP DIARY AND VAMC EXCEL SLEEP DIARY
Results:  Prevalence of insomnia diagnoses increased from 4.2% in
Salhan D1,2, Whirley J2, Freire AX1,2
2006 to 6.1% in 2013 (p<0.001). The prevalence of either insomnia 1
Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine,
diagnosis or insomnia medication use remained close to 24% from
2006 to 2012 and subsequently increased to in 28% 2013 (p=0.04). Department of Medicine, University of Tennessee Health Science
Women were slightly more likely to have an insomnia diagnosis than Center, Memphis, TN, Memphis, TN, 2Memphis VAMC Sleep
men in all years (p<0.001), with prevalence of 5–6% in women and Disorder Center, Memphis, TN
4–5% in men. In 2013, prevalence of either insomnia diagnosis or
insomnia medication use was 24% in men and 31% in women. Introduction: Insomnia is a clinical diagnosis, and therefore, a
Conclusion:  Insomnia diagnoses increased from 2006 to 2013 among patient’s subjective report of sleep difficulties and maintenance
Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries. This suggests a need to focus of a sleep diary plays an important role in directing management.
on recognition and treatment of insomnia and related conditions Cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT) is the cornerstone management
among this population. of insomnia, it aims at decreasing SOL and WASO. AASM Paper
Support (If Any):  Merck Investigator-Initiated Studies Program (PI: sleep diary (Paper-SD) and VAMC excel sleep diary(Excel-SD), are
Wickwire). the two frequently used tools in CBT to assess SOL and WASO. We
compared the SOL and WASO between these two tools in a healthy
0352 Methods: A healthy volunteer was educated to accurately fill the
SEASONAL CHANGES IN SLEEP DURATION AND SLEEP Paper-SD and Excel-SD. Two weeks of data was collected, which
PROBLEMS: A PROSPECTIVE STUDY IN JAPANESE included bedtime, SOL, WASO and wake up time, in both formats. All
COMMUNITY RESIDENTS data times were measured in minutes. The time reported in Excel-SD
Suzuki M1, Yoshiike N2, Yoshita K3, Arai Y4, Uchiyama M1 was based on a subjective assessment of the volunteer. Caliper was
Department of Psychiatry, Nihon University School of Medicine, used to measure the time from the shaded portions of a Paper-SD.
Tokyo, JAPAN, 2Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences, Statistical Analysis: We used Statview Version 5.01 (SAS institute
Aomori University of Health and Welfare, Aomori, JAPAN, 3Osaka Inc. Cary, NC) for analysis. We described continuous data by mean +
City University, Osaka, JAPAN, 4Chiba Prefectural University of standard deviation. Student’s t-test (paired) was used for comparisons
Health Sciences, Chiba, JAPAN of SOL and WASO between Paper-SD and Excel-SD. A p-value < 0.05
was considered statistically significant.
Introduction:  Scientific understanding of seasonal effects on sleep Results:  Data was obtained during 14 independent opportunities. The
and sleep problems has yet to be elucidated, although it may help to mean difference in SOL measured by Paper-SD vs Excel-SD, reported
establish an optimal sleep hygiene program to treat sleep problems was 8.464 minutes. It was statistically significant with a p-value 0.01.
such as insomnia and hypersomnia. Here we investigated seasonal There was no statistical difference found in WASO minutes

A135 SLEEP, Volume 41, Abstract Supplement, 2018

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