Skull Base Trauma: Diagnosis and Management: Madjid Samii and Marcos Tatagiba
Skull Base Trauma: Diagnosis and Management: Madjid Samii and Marcos Tatagiba
Skull Base Trauma: Diagnosis and Management: Madjid Samii and Marcos Tatagiba
The singular anatomical relationship of the base of the skull is responsible for the particular problems that
may arise after injury. Extensive dural laceration and severe neurovascular damage may accompany skull
base injuries. Trauma to the anterior skull base is frequently related to the paranasal sinuses, and trauma to
the middle and the posterior skull base usually affects the petrous bone. Injury to the anterior fossa
including the paranasal sinuses may produce CSF leakage, damage the olfactory nerves, optic nerves, and
orbita contents. Fractures may affect the carotid canal, injure the internal carotid artery and result in
carotid–cavernous stula. Trauma to the petrous bone may cause facial palsy and deafness, and CSF
leakage with otorrhoea or paradoxal rhinoliquorrhoea. Trauma to the posterior fossa may lacerate the major
venous sinuses, and affect the cranio–cervical stability. Each one of these injuries will need a particular
strategy. Decision making for management as a whole must consider all aspects, including the fact that
these injuries frequently involve polytraumatized patients. Decisions regarding the timing of surgery and
the sequence of the surgical procedures must be made with great care. Modern surgical techniques and
recent technologies including functional preservation of the olfactory nerves in frontobasal trauma, visual
evoked potentials, assisted optic nerve decompression, facial nerve reconstruction, interventional
technique for intravascular repair of vascular injuries, and recent developments in cochlea implants and
brain stem implants, all contributed signicantly to improve outcome and enhance the quality of life of
patients. This article reviews basic principles of management of skull base trauma stressing the role of these
advanced techniques. [Neurol Res 2002; 24: 147–156]
Keywords: Anterior skull base; CSF leak; internal carotid artery; olfactory tract; trauma
# 2002 Forefront Publishing Group Neurological Research, 2002, Volume 24, March 147
Anterior skull base trauma: Madjid Samii et al.
Figure 1: Severe intracranial trauma with involvement of the anterior skull base. Left, note several intradural air
inclusions. Right shows subgaleal hematoma (large arrow), small epidural hematoma (small arrows), and intracerebral
bleeding. In addition, prepontine subarachnoidal bleeding and air inclusions
Frequent clinical signs of frontobasal injury include used under minimally invasive endoscopic technique5 ,6 .
epistaxis, proptosis, chemosis, rhinorrhea, anosmia and By using special lters or UV source, uorescein-
visual decits. At the time of patient admission into the embedded CSF will give a greenish shine.
hospital, an initial joint consultation should be held to Radiological studies play a signicant role in the CSF
decide which special diagnostic investigations are leak investigation. Noncontrast high-resolution CT
necessary. Plain X-ray lms of the head and cervical showed a defect in 70% of the patients with CSF leak
spine are mandatory as initial investigations. A standard in the series of Stone et al.4 . CT cisternography study
CT investigation is performed rst to rule out large may detect a CSF stula without previous visualization
intracranial hematomas, which is followed by a high- of a defect on high-resolution CT (Figure 3).
resolution CT investigation with ne slices (up to 3 mm)
of the skull base with bone algorithms and coronal Timing of surgical treatment
reformations. Approximately 70% of the patients with Acute surgery is not always indicated. The timing of
CSF leakage show bone defects at high-resolution CT4 . the operative treatment will depend on the patient’s
Routinely, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is not general condition, the presence of life-threatening
included in the intitial investigations. intracranial hematomas, type of injury (opened or
closed), and signs of optic nerve compression. CSF
CSF leakage leakage will need early treatment, usually within the rst
Among 625 patients with severe cranial base trauma 1–2 weeks, while the patient is kept under antibiotic
therapy. A closed trauma with no CSF leak and no
who underwent surgical treatment in our Department
intracranial or intra-orbital mass is managed at the
from 1986 to 1994, only 75 patients (12%) had CSF
leakage3. An initial CSF leak can stop spontaneously intensive care unit. Thorough diagnostic investigations
are essential for adequate surgical planning, and should
within the rst days due to clotted blood, lacerated
be carried out prior to any urgent surgical treatment.
mucosa or prolapsed brain. Sometimes several tests will
be necessary to rule out a latent CSF stula, including In anterior skull base injury, the choice of the
approach must meet following criteria:
clinical examinations under valsalva maneuver, glucose
test strip, measurement of b2 -transferrin, isotope inves- 1. Provide wide exposure of the dural defect.
tigations, and uorescein test. Intrathecal uorescein 2. Treat associated intracranial injuries.
application has been proven very useful in detecting the 3. Involve a minimum of surgical stress.
leakage site even in very small CSF amount. It can be 4. Preserve the olfactory sense.
Figure 3: CT cisternography with coronal slices (left) shows a small CSF stula (right, arrow) at the area of the olfactory
Facial trauma
There is consensus among maxillo–facial surgeons
that fractures of facial bones must be treated within the
rst 1–2 weeks after trauma8,14 . Acute primary recon-
struction is rarely necessary, and most surgeons prefer to
wait until severe soft tissue swelling has reduced. In
small children, denite repair is done earlier, within the
rst 3–4 days, because of the rapid consolidation of the
bone fractures in that age. In combined cranio–facial
fractures, when primary acute neurosurgical treatment is
needed due to any life-threatening reason, the neuro-
Figure 5: Vascularized galea–periosteal ap without (above) and with
preservation (below) of the olfactory nerves. The technique is detailed surgeon will need to reconstruct the usually fractured
on the small picture right. The galea ap is sutured at the intact dural bone of forehead and orbit roof primarily. Otherwise,
layer of the anterior fossa close to the nerve on both sides the co-operation with maxillo–facial surgeons is strongly
Surgical treatment
Immediate or early surgical treatment is indicated for
open depressed fractures with or without dural injury
and for expanding intracranial (epidural, subdural or
intracerebral) hematoma. Due to the proximity of the
temporal lobe to the brain stem and the risk of uncal
herniation, surgical decompression must not be delayed
in these cases. Secondary surgical treatment is indicated
in CSF stula and facial nerve damage.
CSF stula may be observed as otorrhoea or as
paradoxal rhinorrhoea, as a result of dural injury
associated with injury to the middle ear. Treatment
consists of exposure of the site of dural defect and
closing it. Surgical approach is chosen based on data
obtained by accurate thin CT slices with bone algo-
rithms. Basically, there are two main approaches: a
transcranial, subtemporal approach to the middle fossa,
and a transmastoid approach, though both approaches
can be combined if necessary8 .
The subtemporal extradural approach to the anterior
petrous bone is done with the patient’s head parallel to
horizontal line and slightly extended. A temporal
craniotomy anterior to the ear and above the zygoma
is performed. The dura is elevated from the oor of the
middle fossa until the anterior surface of the petrous
bone is exposed, revealing the fracture line. The arcuate
eminence and the greater petrosal nerve are visualized.
Dural retraction is maintained using a Fisch retractor
(Figure 9). Identication of internal auditory canal
involves drilling following the greater petrosal nerve,
which indicates the geniculate ganglion. At this point
Figure 7: Multiple fractures of the clivus. Above, bilateral fractures and
additional fracture of the condyle right. Below, fracture of the clivus on
the drilling is turned medially to expose the labyrinthine
the midline portion of the facial nerve until the fundus of the internal
auditory canal. If present, bone fragments are removed
from the fallopian canal. This can be opened over a
radiography is still used as a primary diagnostic tool, longer extension to reconstruct the facial nerve with
high resolution CT scan with bone algorithms will sural graft in case of facial transection by the fracture.
delineate precisely the extension of the damage in this Dural injuries are repaired with muscle from the
complex area of the skull (Figure 8). Longitudinal temporal muscle and brin glue. In case the dura has
fracture of the petrous bone usually follows a fracture been opened to remove intradural hematomas, dural
of the temporal squama, and projects through the middle repair is done intradurally. Then, muscle graft is used to
ear. It may produce rupture of the tympanum and injury plug bone defects, the craniotomy is xed and the
to the facial nerve, which may result in hematotympa- wound is closed.
num, othorrhoea, conductive hearing loss, and (less For the transmastoid translabyrinthine approach,
frequently) facial palsy. Transverse fracture of the decortication of the mastoid and removal of most
petrous bone usually follows a posterior fracture from mastoid air cells exposes the middle fossa plate and
the occipital bone. It frequently damages the inner ear the superior petrosal sinus superiorly, the anterior
Figure 8: Multiple fractures of the petrous bone. The left picture shows the fractures in detail, which affect the petroclival
junction, the geniculate ganglion area and the jugular foramen
portion of the sigmoid sinus posteriorly, and the plate with fat tissue or muscle and brin glue. If the facial
covering the labyrinth block and facial nerve anteriorly nerve is damaged over a long extension within the bone,
(Figure 10). The fallopian canal is opened to decompress the dura of the posterior fossa is opened and a central
the facial nerve or to repair it. The cavity is then closed stump of the nerve is identied at the brain stem. Then
Figure 10: Retroauricular transmastoid approach to the facial canal and the labyrinth block
an intracranial–intratemporal facial repair (Samii’s tech- TRAUMA TO THE POSTERIOR SKULL BASE
nique) is performed using sural nerve graft8 . Fractures of the petrous bone, principally the transverse
ones, may extend to the occipital bone and affect the
posterior fossa. Laceration of major venous sinuses such
Treatment of hearing loss as the sigmois sinus and the jugular bulb will result in
Deafness due to bilateral petrous bone fracture is a posterior fossa venous epidural hematoma. The hema-
disastrous phenomenon. The cause is usually a destruc- toma may not be apparent at rst CT examination and
tion of the cochlea by the fracture, or rarely, a disruption may develop rapidly within an interval of a few hours.
of the cochlear nerve. In cases of cochlear damage, very Repeated CT investigation is necessary to exclude this
acceptable hearing function can be restored by the use complication, particularly in comatose patients.
of cochlea implants1 8 . In the rare cases of bilateral Immediate surgical decompression of the bleeding is
cochlear nerve damage, it is now possible to restore mandatory with sinus repair. The jugular foramen may
some hearing function by the use of brain stem implants be involved in the injury as well. Damage to the lower
(ABI), which directly stimulate the cochlear nucleus at cranial nerves may produce severe decits including
the brain stem19,20 . dysphagia. The treatment usually involves tracheostomy
and rehabilitation of swallowing function in specialized
Treatment of vascular injuries centers.
Different vascular injuries involving the internal
carotid artery such as carotid cavernous stula2 1,22 TRAUMA TO THE CRANIO–CERVICAL JUNCTION
(Figure 11) and arterial wall dissection2 3 can result from Injury to the cranio–cervical junction may occur isolated
the laterobasal injury. The treatment of carotid caver- as pure cervical spine trauma, or accompany a complex
nous stulas has undergone a fundamental transforma- skull base trauma. The injury may involve bone,
tion during the last three decades. Endovascular ligaments and vascular structures. Several types and
techniques have not only largely replaced surgical subtypes of fractures of the occipito–atlanto–axial
management of this disease, but they have also resulted complex have been described. Radiological investiga-
in substantially lower rates of procedure-associated tions include besides plain X-ray lms a bone window
morbidity and mortality22 . The treatment of carotid or CT scan, and sometimes MRI. Management may be
vertebral artery dissection is usually a conservative one difcult in some cases. Indication for surgery will largely
with anticoagulant therapy. Surgical treatment is indi- depend on the presence or not of neurological decits,
cated in exceptional cases. and instability (bone, ligaments or both). Treatment
strategy includes reduction of the dislocation, decom- alar ligament. Because conventional X-ray lm exam-
pression of the neural structures and stabilization. It goes ination usually fails to show the fractures, thin slices or
beyond the scope of this article to describe all injury spiral CT studies are carried out with 2-D or 3-D
types in detail; instead, a summary of the most common reconstructions. Treatment is usually external xation
injuries is specied along with their treatment. with collars.
Fractures of the occipital condyles are rare. They may
be associated with severe brainstem damage or with
moderate symptoms such as neck pain, difculty in
moving the neck, and decits of the lower cranial
nerves, including the hypoglossal nerve. The condyle
fractures were divided into three types24 : I, fracture of
the condyle without dislocation of bone fragments; II,
skull base fracture that includes the condyle; III, severe
fracture with dislocated bone fragment by the ipsilateral
Figure 12: Severe cervical spine trauma with disrupture at the level of
Figure 11: MRI angiography of an ICA-cavernous sinus stula (arrows) C2–C3
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