Assessing Sleep Quality of Shs Students

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Assessing the Sleep Quality of Senior High School Students: A

Descriptive Quantitative Study

Bearenee P. Quinagan and Norman R. Galabo, EdD
Mintal Comprehensive High School, Davao City

Abstract: This study investigated sleep quality in senior high school students, considering sex and academic strand. A total of 207
respondents were selected through stratified random sampling, and data was collected using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
(PSQI) survey questionnaire. Statistical analysis methods including mean, standard deviation, t-test, and ANOVA were employed.
Overall, senior high school students in the academic track experienced mild sleep difficulty or good sleep quality. Sex differences
were observed wherein males having mild sleep difficulty and good sleep quality, while females had moderate sleep difficulty and
average sleep quality. However, no significant variations in sleep quality were found among students in the ABM, HUMSS, and STEM
academic strands. ABM students achieved good sleep quality with mild sleep difficulty, while HUMSS and STEM students had
moderate sleep difficulty or average sleep quality. Prioritizing sleep is recommended for students, as it has a significant impact on
overall health.

Keywords: Basic education, sleep quality, senior high school, Davao City

1. Introduction studies, this research is conducted during the post-

Sleep is characterized by reduced awareness of and pandemic transition where regular classes are being
response to the environment. It typically happens while held after almost three years of distance learning.
a person is lying down, being still, and not moving much Existing studies have been conducted in the
(Stores, 2001). Sleep is essential for our physical, Philippines, but no recent research focused on Davao
mental, and emotional health. Sleep deprivation is a region. Thus, this study fills in the gap to collect and
widespread and visible issue in today's 24-hour society. assess data on the current sleep quality level of
A substantial body of evidence suggests that a lack of students and its behavioral manifestations that may
sleep causes a variety of negative medical and mental affect their daily living which may be used to generate
dysfunctions. strategies to aid students to improve their quality of
In the global scale, inadequate sleep is prevalent sleep.
across various age groups and is considered a public There is a need to conduct a study on sleep quality
health epidemic that is frequently unrecognized, under- of senior high school students because sleep is a crucial
reported, and has rather high economic costs (Chattu et factor which affects the daily living of students. Sleep
al., 2018). In the United States, 35.2% of all adults claim deprivation has been a widespread issue which was not
to sleep less than seven hours every night (Suni, 2023). given attention and no effective solution was created
The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on yet. This study is ought to make people realize of the
teen sleep hygiene as well as mental health. The report current sleeping issues in the local area for proper
of Sleep and Mental Health Amidst the 2020 interventions to be made.
Coronavirus Pandemic by Sleep Cycle (2020)
examined user data on sleep quality between January 1.1 Statement of the Problem
and May 2020, collected from more than 33 million This study aimed to determine the current sleep
sleep nights. The data showed that during the quality level of senior high school students in Mintal
pandemic, teens and young adults globally had the Comprehensive High School. The research specifically
poorest sleep quality on average. aimed to address the following questions:
Locally, Filipinos have one of the highest rates of 1. What is the demographic profile of the
sleep deprivation in Asia, according to the 2016 Healthy respondents in terms of:
Living Index Survey; 46% of Filipinos report not getting 1.1 Sex; and
enough sleep, and 32% report sleeping for less than six 1.2 Strand?
hours each night (Philippine Daily Inquirer, 2017). 2. What is the sleep quality level of students
According to the study conducted by Cordero (Philstar, according to:
2021), 34.5% of teenagers go to bed at three in the 2.1 Subjective Sleep Quality.
morning. while 32.7% of people sleep from midnight to 2.2. Sleep Latency;
1 a.m. to 2 a.m. According to the study, only 54.5% of 2.3 Sleep Duration;
teenagers get between four and six hours of sleep each 2.4 Sleep Efficiency;
night. Only 41.8% of people report sleeping for seven to 2.5 Sleep Disturbance;
nine hours daily. 2.6 Use of Sleep Medication; and
In Davao City, academic stress keeps 68 percent of 2.7 Daytime Dysfunction?
pupils awake after their heads hit the pillow, based on 3. Is there a significant difference between sleep
the latest data of Medical News from Mindanao. Just quality of students in terms of:
30% of students get the necessary eight hours of sleep 3.1 Sex; and
every night for young adults. At least once a month, 20% 3.2 Strand?
of students pull an all-nighter. In a local study, it was 4. What is the assessed level of sleep quality of
discovered that one night of sleep deprivation resulted students?
in a 30% loss of cognitive skills and a 10% decrease in
performance (Abanto et al., 2019). 1.2 Hypothesis
This study aims to discover the sleep quality level of The null hypothesis formulated and tested at 0.05
senior high school students. In comparison with other alpha level of significance that there is no significant
difference between the sleep quality of senior high strands, the HUMSS strand had the lowest level of sleep
school students when grouped according to sex and quality, followed by GA, ABM, and STEM strands in that
strand. order.
Subjective Sleep Quality. Subjective sleep quality
1.3 Review of Related Literature and Studies differs from objective sleep quality. Subjective sleep
The following were the significant literatures and quality it is often calculated using a mix of parameters
related studies considered by the researchers with the such as sleep commencement, sleep continuity
aim of strengthening the argument and importance of (number of awakenings), and/or depth of sleep (Zavecz
the study. et al., 2020). The same study further summarized that
subjective and objective measures should be used
Sleep Quality together to identify the type of treatment and medicine
Sleep quality is described as a person's level of for sleep disorders. Thus, in addition to its therapeutic
satisfaction with all aspects of their sleeping experience. value, subjective sleep quality appears to offer
Sleep efficiency, sleep latency, sleep length, and waking additional explanatory value for cognitive performance
after sleep start are the four characteristics of sleep when compared to objective measures. Subjective
quality. Physiological (e.g., age, circadian rhythm, body reports of sleep quality are useful in the clinical setting
mass index, NREM, REM) and psychological (e.g., because they can assist determine whether more
stress, anxiety, depression) factors, as well as screening and/or therapy for a sleep complaint is
environmental (e.g., room temperature, necessary (O’Donnel et al., 2009).
television/device use), and family or social Sleep Latency. The amount of time it takes for
commitments, are all antecedents. Positive impacts of someone to fall asleep after turning out the lights is
good sleep quality include feeling rested, having normal known as sleep latency or sleep onset latency. A healthy
reflexes, and having pleasant connections. While, individual takes between 10 and 20 minutes to fall
fatigue, irritation, daytime dysfunction, slower asleep on average. Although everyone has a distinct
responses, and increased caffeine or alcohol sleep latency, one that is shorter than eight minutes long
consumption are outcomes of poor sleep quality shows greater drowsiness and may be a sign of sleep
(Nelson et al., 2022). deprivation or poor sleep as a result of an underlying
Additionally, sleep quality differs according to sex. In sleep problem. Depending on the level of sleepiness, a
a study by Arboleda (2022), it was revealed that a single person can have varying sleep latency. For
significant positive link between sleep quality and sex. instance, if someone tries to fall asleep earlier than
Males and women have varied sleeping patterns, usual, they can wake up later. They take longer to fall
habits, and even routine duties before bed. His study on asleep since they are not as exhausted. On the other
the Sleep Quality and Psychological Well-being of hand, if someone stays up longer, they are more likely
Senior High School Students indicated that the to experience a shorter sleep latency since they are
respondents had a poor overall level of sleep quality. more exhausted than usual (Pacheco, 2023).
Furthermore, in terms of sex, females exhibited lower Sleep Duration. There are recommended hours of
sleep quality than males. Research conducted by sleep depending on the age and current health status of
Fatima et al. (2016) demonstrates that young females individuals. Based on the National Sleep Foundation
had a higher prevalence of poor sleep quality. According (Hirshkowitz et al., 2015) study, for healthy people with
to data from 3,778 young adults, girls have a higher normal sleep patterns, the recommended sleep duration
prevalence of poor sleep quality than males. The sex for newborns is between 14 and 17 hours, for infants
difference in poor sleep appears to be independent of between 12 and 15 hours, for toddlers between 11 and
depression, socio-demographics, and lifestyle factors, 14 hours, for preschoolers between 10 and 13 hours,
since the greater chances of poor sleep quality in and for school-aged children between 9 and 11 hours. 8
females was robust when depression, socio- to 10 hours of sleep per night was recommended for
demographics, and lifestyle factors were controlled for. adolescents, 7 to 9 hours for adults and young adults,
Only in males were lifestyle factors connected with and 7 to 8 hours for older adults.
sleep quality. Similarly, poor sleep quality was Sleep Efficiency. The percentage of time a person
significantly associated with undergraduate students, sleeps in relation to the quantity of time a person spends
female sex, skipping breakfast, tea drinking, a higher in bed is referred to as sleep efficiency. Overall Sleep
tendency toward internet addition, poor social support, Time divided by Total Time in Bed yields the percentage.
higher neuroticism, and higher Chinese Health Normal sleep efficiency is defined as 80% or higher. For
Questionnaire scores, according to the results of example, if a person spends 8 hours in bed (from 10
multivariate logistic regression analysis (Cheng et al., p.m. to 6 a.m.), they need sleep for at least 6.4 hours or
2012). more to attain an 80% or higher sleep efficiency. Sleep
Apart from that, there is a significant positive efficiency is greater than 90% in most healthy young
correlation between sleep quality and year level, adults (Perth Sleep Disorders Centres, 2023).
showing that senior high school students experience Sleep Disturbance. The most common sleep
worse sleep quality as they improve academically. Still disturbance is nocturnal awakenings. One-third of the
based on the study of Arboleda (2022), sleep quality general population's sleep is disrupted by nocturnal
and academic strand had a significant negative awakenings. Sleep disturbance or nocturnal
relationship. This connection could be linked to the fact awakenings is the process of awakening from any state
that each academic strand has its own set of academic of sleep. Both the cause of the awakening and the
competences, academic criteria, and even a culture that difficulty returning to sleep play a role in nocturnal sleep
contributes to their level of sleep quality. Results of the disturbance episodes. According to research,
said study revealed that among the different academic hyperarousal states, psychological factors, and
physiologically determined alterations in sleep onset all questionnaires, tabulation of responses, interpretation,
have a role in insomnia. In one sleep study, self- and statistical evaluation of data. Output refers to the
reported causes of awakening from sleep included: the assessment of the results or findings of the research
need to urinate, spontaneous waking, feeling thirsty, INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT
hearing a noise, disturbance by children, co-sleepers,
Profile of the
or pain, and hunger pangs or breathing problems Respondents
(Thomas, 2019).
Use of Sleep Medication. Sleep medications, • Sex
• Strand
commonly known as sleeping pills, are prescribed for Analysis on the
the treatment of insomnia by inducing drowsiness and Sleep Quality Profile of the
promoting relaxation (Cleveland Clinic, 2021). To • Subjective Respondents
Assessed Level
mitigate the effects of insomnia and other sleep-related Sleep Quality
of Sleep Quality
of Senior High
disturbances, individuals often resort to sleep aids • Sleep Latency
Analysis on the School Students

encompassing a range of interventions. These Sleep Duration
Sleep Quality of
• Sleep
encompass prescription medications, over-the-counter Efficiency Respondents
remedies, and dietary supplements. In specific cases, • Sleep
older adults grappling with chronic health conditions Disturbance
• Use of Sleep
may opt for sleep aids to facilitate adequate rest. Medication
Additionally, individuals encountering sleep problems • Daytime
attributed to circadian rhythm disruptions, such as jet Dysfunction

lag or shift work sleep disorder, may find utility in utilizing

sleep-inducing supplements (Suni, 2023). study.
Daytime Dysfunction. Daytime dysfunctions are a Figure 1. Conceptual Framework Showing the
broad category of impairments that can have an impact Variables of the Study
on a person's functioning in their social, professional,
and educational spheres of life. These dysfunctions 1.6 Scope and Delimitation
may show up as changes in mood, a loss of energy or The respondents of this study were 207 grade
motivation, hyperactivity, an increase in aggression, an 12 students under the academic track (ABM, HUMSS,
increase in mistakes committed at work or school, and STEM) who are currently enrolled during the school
excessive worry about sleep (The Insomnia and Sleep year 2022-2023. This study was conducted in Mintal
Institute of Arizona, 2020). Comprehensive High School in Davao City, Philippines.
The inclusion criteria states that the
1.4 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework respondents of this study are strictly grade 12 students
Theory of Restoration. This study is anchored attending face-to-face classes. The exclusion criteria
mainly on the restoration theory of sleep proposed by consider students who are not enrolled do not attend in-
Oswald (1980) and Horne (1988). According to the said person classes. The main limitation of this study was the
theory, sleep serves to heal and restore the body and time constraints faced by the research during the
brain. The brain and body would progressively stop conduct of the study; the financial aspect of surveys is
working properly if sleep quality is poor and inefficient. quite costly to conduct.
This theory suggests that various sleep patterns are The weakness of this study include: an unequal
essential for healing various biological functions. For the ratio of the respondents based on sex and strand which
brain to develop, mend, and reorganize, REM sleep is may reduce the generalizability of the research, and that
essential. This is made possible by changes in the only academic strands were included in the study, other
brain's activity patterns during REM sleep. Slow Wave tracks were not represented. Nonetheless, the results of
Sleep (SWS) is essential for physical development and this study were unbiased since only the respondents’
restoration (Dokie, 2018). answers were computed.
Sleep Drive Theory. This study is supported by the
Sleep Drive theory proposed by Alexander Borbély. 1.7 Definition of Terms
According to the Sleep Drive theory, the body grows For clarification, important terms used in this study
more sleep-deprived the longer a person is awake, have been defined operationally. The terms are as
which increases the pressure on them to go to bed follows:
(Borbély, 1982). Sleep Quality. Sleep quality refers to an individual's
Two-Process Model Theory. Alexander Borbély satisfaction with their sleep experience, encompassing
presented the two-process model of sleep regulation. aspects such as the ease of falling asleep, staying
The onset of sleep, according to the original conception, asleep, the duration of sleep, and feeling refreshed
might be viewed as a break from the stringent regulation upon awakening (Kline, 2013).In this research, sleep
maintained by the circadian pacemaker. The two- quality is defined as how well a person slept at night
process model postulates that interactions between a based on his subjective sleep quality, sleep latency,
history-dependent and a history-independent process sleep duration, sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, use
influence sleep, and that empirical variables can be of sleep medication, and the daytime dysfunction an
used to track the two processes (Borbély, 2022). individual experienced (Buysse et al., 1989).
As shown in Figure 1, input consists the indicators. Subjective Sleep Quality. Subjective sleep quality
This includes subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, is evaluated based on individual experiences, including
sleep duration, sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, use qualitative factors like feeling rested, mood, and dream
of sleep medication, and daytime dysfunction. The content, as well as quantitative aspects like sleep
process stage involves the distribution of duration, nocturnal awakenings, and sleep onset
latency (Pérez-Olmos et al., 2012). This research their health which may be influenced by the quality of
defines subjective sleep quality as the perceived quality their sleep.
of sleep by an individual based on his or her sleep The Students. This research may also provide the
experience. students data on how many hours of sleep are the
Sleep Latency. Sleep latency, also referred to as majority getting and if it is healthy for their holistic well-
sleep onset latency, is the duration it takes for an being. Through the data gathered in this study, they may
individual to fall asleep once they have switched off the be able to realize that they must practice healthy
lights (Pacheco, 2023). In this study, sleep latency is sleeping habits to have a better sleep quality and
defined as the amount of time a person spends in bed perform daily tasks efficiently.
before he eventually falls asleep. The higher sleep Future Researchers. This may be a useful
latency the longer an individual takes to fall asleep. reference for future researchers as they create studies
Sleep Duration. This study defines sleep duration of the same topic or add variables to correlate.
as the amount of time an individual sleeps at night. This
is the actual hours of night sleep an individual gets 2. METHOD
(Buysse et al., 1989). Presented in this part are the discussions on the
Sleep Efficiency. Sleep efficiency (SE) is commonly research design, research locale, research
defined as the proportion of total sleep time (TST) to the respondents, research instrument, data gathering
time spent in bed (TIB) (Reed & Sacco, 2016). This procedure and statistical treatment of data.
research defines sleep efficiency as the percentage of
the number of hours slept divided by the amount of time 2.1 Research Design
spent in bed. This identifies how effective the night sleep This quantitative research used a descriptive survey
an individual had for him to do well the day after. research design. Quantitative research methods are
Sleep Disturbances. Sleep disturbance or commonly used because they are scientific and provide
nocturnal awakenings refer to the occurrence of waking immediate results (Fellows and Liu, 2008). Descriptive
up from any stage of sleep (Suni, 2022). In this study, research, according to Aggarwal and Ranganathan
sleep disturbances are defined as the number of (2008), is focused on acquiring data regarding current
awakenings of a person at night or nocturnal circumstances or conditions in order to describe and
awakenings, and the causes of these awakenings. The interpret them. The variable being researched in this
higher the sleep disturbances, the more frequent study is the sleep quality of students from the Academic
awakenings occur. Track in Mintal Comprehensive High School.
Use of Sleep Medication. Sleeping pills are
medications designed to assist with the initiation of 2.2 Research Locale
sleep, particularly for individuals experiencing sleep This study was specifically carried out in Mintal
disorders like insomnia. They can also be helpful in Comprehensive High School Senior High School
reducing nocturnal awakenings and promoting Campus located at San Francisco St, Tugbok, Davao
uninterrupted sleep for those who commonly city, Davao del Sur. The researchers particularly chose
experience them (Cleveland Clinic, 2021). In this this school because the researchers of this study are
research, this means the need for an individual to take students of the said school and it is the nearest within
sleep medications like sleeping pills to help him or her the vicinity which lessens the costs of the researchers.
fall asleep when struggling to do so.
Daytime Dysfunction. This study defines daytime 2.3 Research Respondents
dysfunction as having trouble staying awake while
driving, eating meals, or engaging in social activity and The respondents of this study were 207 Grade 12
in keeping enthusiasm to get things done caused by students from Mintal Comprehensive High School under
their quality of sleep (Buysse et al., 1989). the Academic Track (STEM, HUMSS, ABM). This
category of students is chosen because students are
1.8 Significance of the Study graduating from high school, thus it is a crucial year for
This research may be beneficial to the following: them academically. Presented in Table 1 is the
The Department of Education. This study may distribution of respondents among Grade 12 Academic
provide awareness of the current sleep quality level of Track students.
students which may be influenced by the school setting
and arrangement. The data gathered in this research Table 1. Distribution of Respondents
will help them in creating programs and interventions for
students to have a good sleep quality as they study.
The Department of Health. Findings of this study
may be relevant to the Department of Health as this may
be useful in creating interventions to maintain health
and prevent detrimental effects caused by poor sleep
The Teachers. This research may help teachers
know their students more; what they do before they
sleep and why they arrive to school in certain time
The Parents. This study may help parents as they
become aware of how their children are doing; to know
whether they are getting enough sleep and check up on
2.4 Research Instrument 2.6 Statistical Treatment of Data
To identify the sleeping habits of students, the The following statistical tools were used with
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was used. The computation of data:
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was developed Mean. The mean, calculated by the researcher, is
by Buysse et al. (1989). It has 19 self-rated questions the average or most frequent value among a set of
and 5 to be answered by a roommate. However, the numbers. In this study, the mean was used to measure
researchers only utilized the first 18 questions, items 1- the sleep quality level of students.
9, as they are the only ones to be scored, it shortens the Standard Deviation. The standard deviation is a
duration of the survey proper without affecting the metric for gauging how widely spaced the data are from
results. These 18 self-rated questions are combined to the mean.
form seven “component” scores. The PSQI has an t-Test. It is employed to compare the means of two
internal consistency coefficient and a reliability groups; the sleep quality of students in terms of their
coefficient (Cronbach's alpha) of 0.83. To avoid sex.
plagiarism, the researchers requested permission to ANOVA. Analysis of Variance is used to examine the
use the tool, which was granted. This questionnaire difference between the sleep quality means (or
measures the subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, averages) of several groups. The difference between
sleep duration, sleep efficiency, sleep disturbance, use the means of the strands of respondents (ABM,
of sleep medication, and daytime dysfunction of the HUMSS, STEM) is analyzed using this tool.
students. The PSQI global score can range from 0 to 21
points. Actual scores ranged from 0 to 20, with an 2.7 Ethical Considerations
overall group mean of 7.4, a median of 6.0, and a
standard deviation of 5.1. The observed ranges for Proper ethics were followed in the conduct of the
separate component indicators, each having a possible study. Permission to carry out a survey was secured.
range of 0-3 each scored 0 (no difficulty) to 3 (severe The study participants were chosen at random,
difficulty) (Buysse et al., 1989). The following scale was informed of the procedure of the research, and were
used: given informed and assent consents. The researchers
maintained the anonymity of the respondents and
secured the participants' responses with utmost
confidentiality. The original authors and sources of ideas
and information acquired to support the study were
listed and cited to avoid plagiarism.


The sleep quality level of the respondents and the
analysis of their responses based on the sub-questions
are presented in this section. Specifically, the following
are discussed in this chapter: the sleep quality level of
senior high school students; the significant difference in
2.5 Data Gathering Procedures sleep quality between sex; and the significant difference
In gathering data, the researchers conducted the in sleep quality in accordance to academic strand.
following steps and procedures for data collection:
Asking Permission to Conduct the Study. This 3.1 The Demographic Profile of the Respondents
study was conducted during the school year 2022-2023.
The context and procedure of the study were planned. Tables 2 and 3 show the demographic profile of
A letter of request to conduct the study was prepared respondents: representing 75 (32.23%) of the
and sent to the principal of Mintal Comprehensive High respondents were male and 132 (63.77%) were female;
School - Senior High School Department, Mr. Rodrigo 64 which represents (30.92%) were from the ABM
Cayanong. strand, 111 (53.62%) of the respondents represent the
Administration and Distribution of the HUMSS strand, and 32 which represents (15.46%)
Questionnaire. The researchers invested a lot of time, were from STEM.
energy, and cooperation into finalizing their
questionnaire to best serve their target respondents. An Table 2. Profile of Respondents by Sex
adopted survey questionnaire was used as it is most
applicable for the purpose of the study and a more Grade 12 No. of Percentage
advantageous means. It was then distributed to the Students Respondents
survey respondents selected through stratified random
sampling which are 207 grade 12 students under the Male 75 36.23
Academic Track from Mintal Comprehensive High
School. Female 132 63.77
Retrieval of the Questionnaire. Following the
completion of the questionnaire, the researchers
collected and tallied the data for interpretation. The Total 207 100.00
instruments used were the mean, standard deviation, T-
Test, and ANOVA. The data was then presented and
discussed; the conclusion was then generated.
Table 3. Profile of Respondents by Strand for their bodies to restore appropriately (Oswald, 1980
SHS ACADEMIC No. of Percentage & Horne, 1988).
STRAND Respondents
3.3 The Difference on the Level of Sleep Quality of
Science, Technology, 64 30.92 G12 Students when Analyzed according to Sex
Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) The significant difference in the sleep quality level of
the respondents was tabulated and analyzed, and the
Humanities and Social 111 53.62
Sciences (HUMSS)
results of the computations are presented in Table 5 with
the overall PSQI score of males and females showed a
Accountancy, Business 32 15.46 significant difference with a p-value of 0.034, thus
and Management (ABM) rejecting the null hypothesis. This is in line with the
results of the study by Fatima (2016). that young
Total 207 100.00 females have a higher prevalence of poor sleep quality
compared to males. The said research observed that
girls exhibited a greater likelihood of experiencing poor
3.2 The Level of Sleep Quality of G12 Students sleep quality when compared to their male counterparts.
Table 4 presents the sleep quality level of senior high Importantly, this difference in sleep quality between the
school students. The overall PSQI score was 7 with a sexes remained significant even after accounting for
descriptive equivalence of mild sleep difficulty, factors such as depression, socio-demographic
specifically indicating good sleep quality. This value was variables, and lifestyle factors.
obtained based on the scoring of the following
components: Subjective Sleep Quality (1.24), indicating Table 5. The Difference on the Level of Sleep Quality
mild sleep difficulty (good sleep quality); Sleep Latency of G12 Students when Analyzed according to Sex
(1.46), indicating mild sleep difficulty (good sleep
quality); Sleep Duration (0.88), indicating mild sleep
difficulty (good sleep quality); Sleep Efficiency (0.64),
indicating mild sleep difficulty (good sleep quality);
Sleep Disturbance (1.66), indicating moderate sleep
difficulty (average sleep difficulty); Use of Sleep
Medication (0.44), indicating no sleep difficulty
(excellent sleep quality); and Daytime Dysfunction 3.4 The Difference on the Level of Sleep Quality of
(1.40), indicating mild sleep difficulty (good sleep G12 Students when Analyzed according to Strand
Data analysis showed that the sleep quality The summary of the findings and calculations from
level of senior high school students was described as this analysis are presented in Table 6. Overall, the sleep
good with mild sleep difficulties. quality components varied among the different strands,
but the overall PSQI score did not significantly differ (p
Table 4. The Level of Sleep Quality of SHS Students = 0.054), leading to the acceptance of the null
Indicator Mean Score
SD Descriptive hypothesis. These findings yield a different result from
a study by Arboleda (2020) which revealed that the
Subjective Sleep Quality 1 0.81 Mild
HUMSS strand exhibited the lowest level, followed by
the GA, ABM, and STEM strands consecutively. The
Sleep Latency 1 0.89 Mild said study also noted that the relationship between
Sleep Duration 1 0.96 Mild
sleep quality and academic strand can be attributed to
the fact that each academic strand possesses distinct
Sleep Efficiency 1 1.02 Mild academic competences, criteria, and even a cultural
environment that influences the quality of sleep
Sleep Disturbance 2 0.67 Moderate
experienced within that particular strand.
Use of Sleep Medication 0 0.82 No Difficulty
Table 6. Significance on the Difference of the Level of
Daytime Dysfunction 1 0.79 Mild
Sleep Quality when Analyzed by Strand
Overall Mean 7 3.20 Mild

Overall, senior high school students under the

academic track obtained an average Global PSQI Score
of 7, which is the sum of the scores corresponding to
their responses, falling under the mild sleep difficulty or
good sleep quality level. This sleep quality level has 4. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND
implications for the Restoration Theory of Sleep. RECOMMENDATIONS
Adequate sleep quality is critical for the recovery of Presented in this portion is the summary of the
biological systems such as the immune system, findings based on the results of the data gathered, the
metabolism, and cognitive function. Thus, with the drawn conclusions and the suggested
students' good sleep quality level characterized by only recommendations.
mild sleep difficulties, they generally had enough sleep
4.1 Summary of Findings study indicated that ABM students had good sleep
This study was conducted to identify and assess the quality with mild difficulties, while HUMSS and STEM
sleep quality level of senior high school students students had average sleep quality and moderate sleep
particularly grade 12 students under the academic difficulty.
strand (ABM, HUMSS, STEM). This research utilized a 4. Based on the Global PSQI score of the
descriptive quantitative design and the statistical tools respondents, the assessed sleep quality level of senior
used are mean, standard deviation, t-test, and ANOVA. high school students is 7 or mild sleep difficulty or
The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index was used to collect generally a good sleep quality.
data in this study.
The findings of the study were as follows: 4.3 Recommendations
1. The demographic profile of the respondents is Based on the findings and conclusions, the following
composed of 75 male (32.23%) and 132 female recommendations were proposed:
(63.77%) for sex, 64 (30.92%) ABM students, 111 1. The Department of Education (DepEd) together
(53.62%) HUMSS students, and 32 (15.46%) STEM with the Department of Health (DOH) may give
students. importance to the sleep quality and habits of students
2. The respondents' overall PSQI score is 7. This and create interventions and programs to promote
score is based on the individual scores of seven having higher and excellent sleep quality essential for
components: Sleep Duration scored 1, Sleep Latency students.
scored 1, Sleep Efficiency scored 1, Sleep Disturbance 2. Teachers and parents may work hand-in-hand not
scored 2, Subjective Sleep Quality scored 1, Use of just to monitor the student’s academic performance but
Sleep Medication scored no sleep difficulty at 0, and also their sleep as the quality thereof imposes
Daytime Dysfunction scored 1. implications on the behavior of students.
3. In terms of sex, there is a varying level of 3. Students, despite the effects brought by academic
significance which suggests that different sexes exhibit activities, may also know how to prioritize rest and sleep
different levels of sleep quality indicators. Overall, there as it is only through healthy sleeping habits and good
is a significant difference in terms of sex as males yield sleep quality that they may be able to perform tasks
a global PSQI score of 7 and females with 8. As most efficiently.
determined according to academic strand, varying 4. Future researchers may have a more equal ratio
levels of significance suggest that different strands of respondents is preferable so that the results can be
(ABM, HUMSS, STEM) exhibit diverse levels of sleep applied to a more general classification of the
quality components. The overall PSQI score for each population. Other tracks and strands should be included
strand showed no significance. to provide students with representation across other
4. With Global PSQI score as basis, the assessed tracks and to provide a more meaningful comparison.
sleep quality level of senior high school students of Finally, research delving deeper into the relationship of
different sexes and under the academic track (ABM, sleep quality and academic performance is very much
HUMMS, STEM) is 7 or mild sleep difficulty or generally encouraged.
a good sleep quality. In terms of sex, females have an
average sleep quality characterized by moderate sleep References
difficulties while males have mild sleep difficulties or a
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The researchers would like to acknowledge the

extended efforts of the following groupmates of Grade
12 Narra students namely: Ariel John S. Macasero,
Anna Marie C. Mantalaba, Jevy Boy T. Ocso and Cyril
Leonil M. Umbay. Also, the researchers would like to
extend their heartfelt thanks for the enormous support
given by the following individuals: Dr. Lydia V. Ampo,
PhD, Public Schools District Supervisor; Sir Raul A.
Cabilogan, Principal I, School Principal of Mintal
Comprehensive High School; Sir Rodrigo J. Cayanong,
Principal II of the SHS Department; Ma’am Queen
Gladys O. Fiel, MA, Ma’am Jovy A. Dulay, MATCC,
Ma’am Jeanne M. Baliad, MA, Sir Josua C. Barangay
and Ma’am Ligaya B. Sia, members of the research
panelists and instrument validators. Thank you and
salute to all the Faculty Members of the Senior High
School Department of Mintal Comprehensive High

No Government Fund was used in this study.

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