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Summit Stage turns electric

By Sawyer D’Argonne
[email protected]

FRISCO — The Summit

Stage took the first step
in its eventual transition
to a 100% electric fleet on
Monday morning, unveil-
ing the transit service’s
first three electric buses
that soon will haul com-
munity members around
the county and hopefully
make a dent in the area’s
greenhouse emissions.
A crowd of stakehold-
ers gathered at the Transit
Administration Building in
Frisco on Monday to officially
cut the ribbon on the new
buses and to speak to the
importance of taking another
step forward in building a
more sustainable community
by pushing for better public
transportation and the rapid
transition of county vehicles
to new electric options.
According to experts, the
move to battery electric
vehicles will help to cut into
one of the county’s biggest
sources of emissions.
PHOTO BY SAWYER D’ARGONNE / [email protected]
ELECTRIC, 3 The Summit Stage added its first three electric buses to its fleet Monday. The move will help cut into one of the county’s biggest sources of emissions.

Silverthorne plans for grocery store, child care center

By Taylor Sienkiewicz a 9-acre parcel between surrounding residential The town is negotiating building additional work- the holdup is the need to
[email protected] Kum & Go on Ruby Ranch population. with Continuum Partners, force housing rental units transition a memorandum
Road and Our Lady of “Now that Smith Ranch a Denver-based develop- on the parcel. of understanding to an
SILVERTHORNE — Plans Peace Catholic Church neighborhood is under er, but has not yet reached The child care facility intergovernmental agree-
for a child care center and will be the commercial site construction, and we have an official development will be on a 1.8-acre site ment between Silverthorne
a grocery store are moving where the grocery store is 120 houses that are occu- agreement for the proper- across from the commercial and Summit County. In ad-
ahead on two plots of land in planned. The parcel was pied and … another 100 ty. Leidal said Continuum plot along Adams Avenue. dition, Silverthorne plans
Silverthorne that would serve purchased by the town in that are coming … we said, Partners understands that At the town council work to put out two requests for
the Smith Ranch Neigh- 2013, and the town has ‘OK, now is the time. Now the town intends for the session Wednesday, Town proposals: one to hire a
borhood and other nearby talked for several years is the time that we ought parcel to host a small-scale Manager Ryan Hyland project manager and one
residential areas. about bringing a neigh- to be planning what that commercial center based said Public Works Direc- to bring on an executive
Assistant Town Manager borhood grocery store to commercial site should look around a grocery store. The tor Tom Daugherty has
Mark Leidal explained that the parcel to service the like,’” Leidal said. company also has proposed the site “shovel ready” but SMITH RANCH, 3


$2 Tuesday!
Summit School District surveyed students about the school Today Today’s fire
danger And Open Mic with
resource officer program. The entity that collected the data
was incorrect in one instance in the story “Summit school Beau
board members push for equity” on Page 1 of Sunday’s Thomas
Summit Daily News. High: 58° Low: 30° Very high 313 Main Street, Frisco
Precipitation: 0% 970.668.3688


Paid for by Butler for County Commissioner

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