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SEPTEMBER 14 – 16 Star Restorations Services works to pull carpet off stairs
leading to the basement of Gilda’s Club; A pile of flood
debris outside the facility; Furniture, toys, and other items
float down a hallway in Gilda’s Club after the Aug. 20-21
the Mounds
Mounds View Park, Blue Mounds
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More details in next week’s ad
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In a medium skillet, heat
Middleton-Cross Plains Area projected to exceed enrollment authorizing general obligation
olive oil over medium heat.
School District’s effort to pass capacity before the 2020-2021 bonds in an amount not to ex-
Add onions, peppers and mush-
a school bond referendum on school year. Several MCPASD ceed $138.9 million. The Board
rooms and saute until onions
Nov. 6. The group, called the schools, including Middleton also approved a resolution au-
There’s a joke in the Mid- ents in a bowl and set aside. are soft. Add tomatoes, garlic,
MCPASD Yes Committee, is High School and West Mid- thorizing the school district
west that goes like this: Don’t With a mixer, beat together oregano, basil, salt and pepper.
chaired by Kathy Nieber-Lath- dleton Elementary, are already budget to exceed the revenue
leave your car unlooked in (fill sugar oil almond milk and va- Simmer on low, uncovered for
rop, a retired District employee. over capacity heading into the limit by $4.8 million for recur-
in the Midwest state of your nilla. Add dry ingredients to the about 20-30 minutes, until liq-
The committee is working 2018-2019 year. ring purposes.
choice) or you’ll come back, mixture. With a spoon stir in uid begins to reduce. Transfer
on plans to help those in the “As both a father of two The total project cost in-
and it will be full of zucchini. zucchini and cranberries, mak- to a large bowl and cool for a
Middleton-Cross Plans Area children in the District and a cludes a new elementary
Here are a couple of recipes ing sure the cranberries aren’t few minutes.
School District understand the taxpayer, I believe the School school adjacent to the Pope
to help you cope with copious stuck together in clumps. Meanwhile, cut zucchini
importance of a “yes” vote Board put forward an excellent Farm Conservancy along with
amounts of the prolific summer Pour the batter into prepared lengthwise and scoop out the
for the referendum. Materials, plan that is fiscally responsible a $100 million renovation and
squash. pan and bake for 60-75 minutes, seed leaving about 1/3 of an
events, mailings, news releases, and meets the needs of our stu- expansion of Middleton High
Vegan Zucchini Craisin Bread or until a toothpick inserted in inch or flesh all the all the way
social media, and a website are dents,” Yes Committee mem- School. Park Elementary in
2 c. all-purpose flour the middle comes out clean. around the zucchini, forming a
examples of the work being ber Luke Fuszard said. Cross Plains will also add a
1 tsp. salt Cool completely before cut- little boat. Place cut side up on
done by volunteers in support Fuszard also served on the cafeteria for its students, who
3/4 tsp. baking soda ting. the baking sheet.
of this effort. Outreach to large MCPASD Facilities Planning had previously been eating their
3/4 tsp. baking powder Serves 8. Add cheeses and bread
employers and all area commu- Commission, which convened meals in the school’s gymna-
1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice Stuff Zucchini crumbs to the tomato mixture
nities involved in the vote are for nearly two years and ul- sium. The current Clark Street
1 c. sugar 4 small zucchini and combine well. Scoop into
also important aspects of the timately produced a recom- Community School (CSCS)
1/3 c. sunflower or other light 3 tomatoes, chopped the zucchini boats and cover
campaign. mended referendum proposal will become an Early Child-
vegetable oil 1 small onion, chopped, loosely with foil.
hood Center and CSCS will be
Program Offered for housed in the new high school.
Several area lawmakers have
3 T. almond or other non-dairy
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 c. orange pepper, chopped
1/4 c. mushrooms, chopped
3 T. grated parmesan cheese
Bake for 35-40 minutes, until
zucchini is tender, and cheese
has melted. Remove foil and
Alzheimer’s and
endorsed the Yes Committee’s
1 1/2 c. grated zucchini 1/2 c. bread crumbs return to oven for 5-10 more
work, including former US
1/2 c. dried cranberries 1-8 oz. package of fresh mozza- minutes, until cheese lightly
Senator Russ Feingold, current
Preheat oven to 375º. rella pearls browned.
Dementia Caregivers State Representative Dianne
Hesselbein, and Dane County
Supervisors Sharon Corrigan
Grease and flour a 9x5 loaf
4 garlic cloves, minced or
Serve immediately.
Serves 4.
MIDDLETON–The Alzheimer’s & Dementia Alliance of Wis- Combine all the dry ingredi- 1 T. olive oil
and Paul Nelson.
consin (ADAW) will host a family caregiver education program in
7th Anniversary
MIDDLETON–On Sept. 3, blood, which will be sent to the of unjust exile to take revenge Celebrate Fisher King’s
at 1:49 a.m., an officer with Wisconsin State Crime Labora- against the local politicians
the Middleton Police Depart- tory for analysis. who wronged him. Along the
ment conducted a traffic stop Miller was booked into the way, Barker, now identifying
of a vehicle after learning from Dane County Jail on a felony as Sweeney Todd, encounters Friday-Saturday, Sept. 7 & 8
DOT records that the registered 4th offense OWI and was also the quirky and opportunistic
owner’s driving status was sus- ticketed for operating a vehicle MUSIC • 1/2 PRICE GLASSES • SANGRIA & FROSÉ
Mrs. Lovett, the owner of a WINE GAMES • FUN • BOTTLE SPECIALS
pended. The officer approached while under suspension. failing pie shop who takes him 608-497-1056 • 1105 LASER ST., VERONA, WI • FISHERKINGWINERY.COM
Jeffrey Miller
arriving before 8:10 am until is also up the hill from the ease- prioritize.” The Park St. con-
Park Street construction is com- ment and not in danger. struction is not expected to be
plete.” The Sweeney’s are prepared finished until late September.
The hoses gush water near for the stagnation enveloping The mayor takes at least two
the Woodgate and Clovernook the playset to last up to 45 days. walks around the area each day
Roads intersection, partially “It is what it is,” said Lynn to monitor the pumps, level of
flooding Woodgate Rd. as well Sweeney with good humor. the ponds, and assess the gen-
as the aprons of some drive- As for the trails around eral situation. “I want to make
ways. Water flows down the both Stricker’s and Tiede- sure everything is working
storm drain, under Woodgate, man’s Ponds, Brar said, “The fine,” Brar explained, adding,
and out an easement along the city wants them to be open as “We’ll learn from this and think
railroad tracks before continu- quickly as possible. Stricker’s it through, so we don’t get into
ing on its way, ultimately to will open first, when the level this situation again.”
Lake Mendota. Unfortunately, returns to normal. Tiedeman’s One thing is for sure: whether
that area has not been able to must wait for boardwalk re- the construction on Park St. is
handle the amount of water pair.” The western viewing able to be completed by the end
and has backed up, forming a platform and sections of board- of this month, or not, nothing
stagnant pond around the back- walk are afloat on the south and but a boat will be able to nav-
yard playset at John and Lynn east ends of the pond. igate the Gammon Rd. curve
Sweeney’s residence. They are “Once homes are safe (on around Tiedeman’s Pond until
not overly concerned. Tiedeman’s Pond), we will the tug-of-war between the sky
“So many people have it focus on (flooded) Gammon and pump finally causes water,
worse than we do. We don’t Rd., and completing the con- water, everywhere to recede.
have water in our basement,” struction north of the railroad Katherine Perreth-Times Tribune
said John Sweeney. Their home tracks,” Brar said. “We have to Excess water collects in the backyard of Lynn and John Sweeney near Tiedeman’s Pond.
Board Continued from page 1 Public Hearings Set for County Budget
DANE COUNTY–Those in- On Sept. 13, the hearing will voices heard at these open hear- vironmental sustainability as
have resources of which to man- Cheryl Janssen will post the terested in offering input on the address all county departments ings.” an important part of our work
age that process,” Ames said. vacancy online, through the upcoming 2019 Dane County other than the Department of In addition to an overview of to make sure we are putting tax-
Cyra said two of the district’s district’s social media and this Budget are urged to appear at Human Services. That meeting budget requests, Corrigan said payer dollars where they can do
4K partners, Primrose School newspaper. two upcoming public hearings. also begins at 6 p.m. in Room the hearings will also provide the most good,” she said.
and Clubhouse for Kids, sus- The board will appoint The hearing on Sept. 12 201 of the City County Build- a chance for the Dane County Those with disability issues
tained flooding damage. someone to finish the year left will focus on the Department ing. Board to review progress over or child care responsibilities
Primrose will not be able in Yu’s term. The posting must of Human Services budget. Both hearings are designed the past year in two priority may present their comments
to reopen their building until be made at least 14 days from The traditionally well-attended to provide input to the County areas: sustainability and racial immediately following the de-
early October, Cyra said. The the start of the vacancy, Mav- event begins at 6 p.m. in Room Board and County Executive equity. partment overview. Each per-
4K students will be attending roulis said. He suggested the 201 of the City County Build- about the departmental re- Corrigan said the board is son testifying at the hearings
Elm Lawn in the meantime and board could make a selection ing. quests. looking for an update from will be limited to three minutes
Primrose is finding alternate and appointment at its Sept. 24 The Sept. 12 hearing will “One of the great things county officials on the best of remarks.
locations for wrap-around pro- meeting. include County Executive Joe about Dane County government achievements in those key areas Individuals who have ques-
gramming. Clubhouse for Kids Board president Bob Green Parisi, Human Services De- is how residents can help shape during the past year and what tions regarding the hearings
is expected to be open by the agreed the board should add in- partment Director Lynn Green our spending priorities,” said resources department heads can contact the County Board
start of school. terviews and selection of a new and Health & Human Needs County Board Chair Sharon might need in 2019. Office at 608-266-5758 or the
Superintendent George Mav- member to the Sept. 24 agenda. Committee Chair Supervisor Corrigan (District 26, Middle- “This board remains com- Human Services Department at
roulis said the district is going He said interviews and a selec- Jamie Kuhn (District 16, East ton). “I urge anyone interested mitted to racial justice and en- 608-242-6469.
to continue reaching out to staff tion could happen in one night Madison). in local issues to make their
and families to try and help.
“Every day, we hear about
more families or staff mem-
and the board would vote with
a simple majority.
Green said expects there would
Gilda’s Continued from page 2
String of Recent
Westport Thefts
bers who have been affected,” only two or three candidates
Mavroulis said. “We have done and the interviews to take about have offered up space to Gilda’s Club, and Stenz said the flooded
several emails out, call outs, let half an hour. facility will likely be closed until January. The temporary locations
us know how we can help. We Board member Kurt Kar- are housed in nine locations, and the offices in two other spots.
are going to continue to moni-
tor that and do what we can to
support our families and staff
busicky asked if things could
be delayed if something unex-
pected happened. Green said
The basement is in the process of being sanitized and the plumb-
ing, electrical and HVAC will need replaced. There will be a new
sump pump and pit dug and future flood prevention measures ex-
Include Vehicles
WESTPORT–The Dane County Sheriff’s Office is investigating
that have been affected.” there are two meetings previous plored. Stenz said there has always been small amounts of flooding
but hopes new measures will stop them. three thefts in the town of Westport, all of which were reported the
Regarding Yu’s resignation that would allow them to make morning of Aug. 30.
Mavroulis said his assistant changes. The project is expected to be costly, and Stenz said she expects
The first victim located on the 3700 block of CTH M reported
it to be within the parameters of their insurance coverage of $1
two vehicles stolen from his driveway overnight; a 2011 black Jeep
million. The policy has a $100,000 deductible, and Stenz said fund-
Cherokee and a 2008 black Mercedes MI SUV.
raisers will held to cover some of the cost. As of Aug. 31, they The second victim, located in walking distance from the first,
had about $20,000. “We really need donations for the deductible reported that someone broke into one vehicle in their driveway
right now. Five bucks, 20 bucks, any amount matters right now,” and then another inside the garage. Entry was gained to the garage
she said. by way of an unlocked door. A key fob and some cash were taken.
Stenz said she is hoping to get some in kind donations as well to The third case was reported on Trantin Court, where the sus-
offset the cost. In the next few weeks they will know more specif- pect(s) entered the home through a garage door and took a purse
ically the needs. Stenz said updates and calls for volunteers, goods and two key fobs.
and services will be posted on the non-profit’s Facebook page. Anyone with information on these crimes is asked to call the
“It’s all about making progress and moving forward,” she con- Dane County Communications Center non-emergency line at
cluded. 608-255-2345, or the Dane County tip line at 608-284-6900. The
Sheriff’s Office also wants to remind citizens to secure all doors,
including garage doors, as well as all vehicles. As shown in the
Dining Out
real time. The updated technol- Ave. in Middleton, with a pres- overlooks the entry.
ogy comes with the personal ence closer to the intersection Once inside, the natural light
touch of a friendly bank em- of University Ave. and Deming and modern interiors will con-
ployee to assist with your needs Way. tinue, using color, stone and
and answer questions. Architecturally, the build- wood accents, and contem-
“It would be easier for us to ing’s modern technology will porary furnishings. Key areas
keep doing business as usual, be complemented by natural el- have inlaid wooden ceilings,
but that’s not who we are,” ements throughout the interior stone accent walls, LED cove
explains State Bank of Cross and exterior. Extensive glass, lighting, a tiled fireplace, and
Plains President and CEO Jim stone, and cedar shiplap sid- a coffee nook that continue the
Tubbs. “We want to grow and ing will create clean lines and visual flow.
mature and transform into the texture on the exterior. A can- State Bank of Cross Plains
type of bank that fits the way tilevered roofline draws strong has partnered with Iconica to
our customers do business horizontal banding, giving a provide architect and contract-
with other modern companies. nod to prairie-style architecture. ing services for the new facil-
We’re excited to reinvest in The two-story atrium will ity. Iconica is an integrated
Middleton as our first bank lo- welcome guests and employees design-build firm focused on
cation to offer this new technol- into the building with floor-to- innovative architectural and
ogy and personalized service.” ceiling glass and contemporary engineering solutions delivered
The two-story building will lighting fixtures. Large win- by in-house construction man-
replace the current State Bank dows throughout the building agers.
of Cross Plains branch office on set a light and bright tone for all
the same lot at 8301 University areas. A second-story balcony
Photo Submitted A conception drawing of the news State Bank of Cross Offering a continuum of
Plains. The building will feature natural elements such as
CHURCH NOTES wood and stone. care, ranging from skilled
Middleton Community Church nursing and
Connecting Faith and Life It’s hard to believe that
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of Beltline on Old Sauk Road summer is almost over! rehabilitation to
For information on events, visit: Call now to schedule fall independent and assisted
Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. cleanups, perennial gardening living apartments.
Gateway Community Church and tree work. We can make
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Sunday Coffee 9:30am
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Call us to
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Hope Class 11:30am
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Sunday Worship 9 a.m.
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TIP! to be sold at their book sale. Before you pack up your donations,
please call the library or go to our website to get the details about
Another what items we are able to accept.
Open Music Jam
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A study that tracked 1,238 mothers area musicians in a weekly music jam. All abilities welcome!
for 30 years suggests that women Cross Plains American Legion Recycling is open for
who breastfeed their babies may have business, new address for drop off of metals.
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diabetes. The researchers found that R. PH.
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Now until Sept. 11 th
Follow Sports Editor Rob Reischel on Twitter at @robreischel •
Five aces
MHS’ girls golfers are on a roll
and Makenzie Hodson carded
BY ROB REISCHEL 88s and Ellie Frisch shot a 96.
Times-Tribune “The golf course was in
Middleton’s girls golf team great shape despite all the rain,”
is currently ranked No. 5 in Halverson said. “This was a
Division 1. great win for us. The girls were
The way the Cardinals have very excited.”
trended this season, though, The Cardinals were just as
they’re still being undervalued. excited after their terrific show-
Middleton won the ‘Crusade ing at Blackwolf Run.
Fore a Cure’ hosted by Madison The event was shortened
Edgewood at Maple Bluff on to nine holes due to rain, but
Aug. 27. Middleton ran away with the
The Cardinals then won team title. The Cardinals shot
the Blackwolf Run Invite last a 168 and bested runner-up
Thursday and cruised to a Big Franklin by 10 shots. Cedarburg
Eight Conference win at the (186), Hartford (186) and
Janesville Parker Triangular. Bayport (189) rounded out the
The ‘Crusade Fore A Cure’ top five at the 14-team tourna-
raises money for the University ment.
of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Meier was fifth individual-
Center and awareness of breast ly with a 41, while Sanderson
cancer and melanoma research. and Frisch tied for sixth at 42.
This year, Middleton raised Milanne Dahmen was eighth
more than $2,100 as a team. with a 43.
“This is always such a great “I was very happy with their
event,” Cardinals coach Becky play here,” Halverson said. “The
Halverson said. “It’s about so highest score anyone on the
much more than the golf. I am team had on a hole was a six,
so proud of them for their efforts which was a big improvement
with this.” for us.”
Halverson was also quite Middleton then shot a 339
proud of how her team played. at the Parker Triangular held
Middleton shot a 358 and at Riverside Golf Course. The
edged Waunakee by one shot Vikings were a distant second at
for the team title. Madison 415, while Madison La Follette
Edgewood was third at 366 and didn’t field a full team.
Milton was fourth at 368. Meier led the way again with
Times-Tribune photo by Mary Langenfeld
Kate Meier led the Cardinals a 77, followed by Hodson (84),
Makenzie Hodson and Middleton’s girls golfers won a pair of invitationals last week. with an 86. Glenna Sanderson Frisch (86) and Dahmen (92).
Cross Plains man-
ager Randy Meinholz
(left), standout Will
Doherty (right) and the
rest of the Businessmen
edged Evansville, 4-3,
in the Final Four round
robin on Sunday.
Cross Plains is now
1-1 in the Final 4, while
Verona is 2-0 and in the
driver’s seat for the title.
If Verona defeats
host Evansville Sunday,
it wins the title outright.
Cross Plains hosts
Cottage Grove at 1 p.m.
If the Businessmen win
and Verona loses, those
two teams will tie for
the round robin title
and will meet in a one-
game playoff for the title
on Sept. 16.
at Germantown
Order online for store 831-6660
pick-up at
Rachael Roberts had 10 assists. In the bronze championship, Roberts had eight assists.
The Cardinals then top- Middleton bested Kaukauna “Our setters and hitters are
pled Kenosha Christian Life, 25-19, 27-25. still learning so we will just
Many of the state’s top teams 25-7, 25-18. Julia Hylbert led Welti led the Cardinals with have to be patient with them,”
attended the Germantown Middleton with three kills and five kills and a hitting percent- Marcos said. “We have great
Invite last Saturday. a hitting percentage of 0.500. age of 0.333. Frinzi and Welti defenders and when we counter
And Middleton held its own, Rogers had six digs, Roberts led the way with seven digs, attack better we will translate
finishing fifth in the 10-team had seven assists and Evie Flottmeyer had two blocks, and those digs into points.”
tournament. Coleman had three aces.
The Cardinals went 2-2 in Southeastern Wisconsin
JMAR Foto-Werks
their pool and finished third. Christian Homeschool
Middleton then defeated Athletics then defeated
Kaukauna — the third place Middleton, 19-25, 25-22, 15-8.
team from the other pool — for Flottmeyer led the Cardinals Fine art
the Bronze Championship. with four kills and a hitting per- photography
“Our passing and defense centage of 0.429. Rogers had for Home
were good,” Middleton coach 11 digs, Taylor Byington had or Office
Franco Marcos said. “However, four blocks, Roberts had 13
assists, and both Keller Frinzi “Thinking
our offense struggled. We need
of You”
to improve our offense to win and Olivia Farin had two aces.
Note Cards
more rallies.” Sheboygan North then
Middleton opened with a toppled the Cardinals, 25-16, Jeff & Jan Martin | 608.836.4578 |
25-18, 25-16 win over Lakeside 25-19. Lily Welti led Middleton
Lutheran. Lauren Hendricks with five kills and a hitting per-
led the Cardinals with five kills centage of 0.500. Welti and
and no errors for a stellar hit- Roberts paced the Cardinals
ting percentage of .455. Ella with six digs, Roberts had eight
Rogers had 19 digs, Hannah assists, and both Jada Cerniglia
Flottmeyer had four blocks and and Olivia Faring had one ace.
** *** 12
*** -30
12 ME
3 45
of your subscription
0 S 2
00 R NA RES E1
Middleton senior Caleb Easton won the boys’ race at the Verona Invite last Saturday, while Cardinals freshman Lauren Pansegrau was second in the girls’ race.
Prairie’s Ash Francis (16:42) Richard G. Niess, Dane County
for the individual title. Courthouse, 215 S. Hamilton
Middleton, the defending
is power.
St., 5D, Madison, WI 53703 on
state champs and one of the Monday, September 17th, 2018
top-ranked teams in the coun- at 8:15 a.m.
We can go where regular If you require reasonable
try, chose to rest many of its
accommodations due to a dis-
other top runners and settled search engines can’t to find
ability to participate in the court
for eighth place overall. the news & information that process, please call 608-266-
Madison West won the matters to you. 4311 at least ten (10) working
team title with 65 points, while days prior to the scheduled court
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ing in the Times Tribune a news-
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News Tracker BY THE COURT:
/s/ Richard G. Niess
Circuit Court Judge
1113 Main St., Cross Plains August 15, 2018
798-3371 • 1-888-210-6418 34 Schroeder Court, Suite 220 | Madison, WI 53711 | 608-283-7630
Publish: 8/23/18, 8/30/18, 9/6/18 WNAXLP
[email protected]
Board Agenda for August 13, 2018 - tract English Teacher at Middleton High School.
Meeting Minutes Jordan Leider, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract
Family and Consumer Science Teacher
SCHOOL DISTRICT Clayton McCaulley, to a 1.0 FTE regular con-
District Services Center tract Permanent Substitute Teacher at Middleton
7106 South Avenue, Middleton, High School.
Scott Morison, to a 1.0 FTE temporary contract
Wisconsin 2nd and 4th Grade Teacher at Park and Sauk
ING AT 7:00 P.M. Carolle Palmer, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract
BishopsBayCommunit The regular board meeting of the Middleton- Early Childhood Special Education Teacher at
Cross Plains Area School District Board of Northside.
608.831.5500 Education was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Jennifer Reynolds, to a 1.0 FTE regular con-
President Bob Green. tract Student Services Coordinator at West
Present: President Bob Green, Vice President Middleton and for the Early Childhood Program.
VILLAGE OF CROSS PLAINS Annette Ashley, Clerk Todd Smith, Board Lisa Rust, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract
Members Sean Hyland, Kelly Kalscheur (arrived Elementary Instructional Coach at Elm Lawn and
at 7:04 p.m.), Kurt Karbusicky, and Paul Kinne. Northside.
CROSS PLAINS, WI 53528 Not Present: Board Treasurer Linda Yu and Ashley Squier, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract
(608) 798-3241 Board Member Anne Bauer Permanent Substitute Teacher at Glacier Creek
BOARD OF REVIEW NOTICE Others Present: Superintendent George and Kromrey.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Review for the Mavroulis, Assistant Superintendent Sherri Cyra, Matthew Stone, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract
Village of Cross Plains of Dane County shall hold a meeting on Director of Business Services Lori Ames, Director Special Education Teacher at Middleton High
the 11th day of October, 2018 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at 2417 of Student Services Barb Buffington, Assistant School.
Brewery Rd., Cross Plains, WI. Safety Coordinator Jeanne Butzek, Director of Michal Watson, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract
Please be advised of the following requirements to appear Technology Jim Blodgett, Safety Administrator Bill Library Media Specialist at Glacier Creek.
Looking for a new place before the board of review and procedural requirements pur- Deno, EUA Architect Chris Michaud, Members of Susan Weaver, to a 0.40 FTE regular contract
suant to Wis. Stats. 70.47(2) if appearing before the board: the Middleton Police Department, Cross Plains Social Studies Teacher at Middleton High School.
to hang your hat? 1. No person will be allowed to appear before the board of Police Department and Dane County Sheriffs
Department, Director of Communications Perry
Hayley Wentela, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract
review, to testify to the board by telephone, or to contest the Special Education Teacher at Glacier Creek.
amount of any assessment of real or personal property if the per- Hibner, and Findorff Communications Christin CORRECTION: Markie Hornung was incorrect-
Mlsna ly reported on the agenda today, August 13. Her
Check out the son has refused a reasonable written request by certified mail of
the assessor to view the property. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES contract will not be until the end of the 2018-2019
2. After the first meeting of the board of review and before the MOVED by Karbusicky SECONDED by Ashley school year. It will end on or about March 5, 2019.
classifieds - you might board’s final adjournment, no person who is scheduled to appear to approve the Regular Minutes of July 16, 2018. iv. Approval of Retirements
before the board of review may contact or provide information to Motion carried unanimously, 6-0. There were no retirements to approve.
find just the place! a member of the board about the person’s objection, except at a 3. COMMUNICATIONS
a. Citizen Comments - None
c. District Consent Items
3. The board of review may not hear an objection to the b. Correspondence/Board Communication a. Safety Update
amount or valuation of property unless, at least 48 hours before George Mavroulis and Bob Green attended a Barb Buffington began the presentation on the
the board’s first scheduled meeting, the objector provides to the presentation by WASDA regarding board and district school safety efforts. She introduced the
board’s clerk written or oral notice of an intent to file an objection, superintendent relations. group whose has been working on school safety.
except that upon a showing of good cause and the submission of c. Legislative Barb briefly reviewed some of the safety training
AGRICULTURAL/ a written objection, the board shall waive that requirement during i. Meeting Review we have for staff in the district. Jeanne Butzek
FARMINGSERVICES the first 2 hours of the board’s first scheduled meeting, and the Paul Kinne reported that the board recently shared information on the FEMA courses for the
Looking for hunting land to lease. board may waive that requirement up to the end of the 5th day of received a proposed resolution regarding funding administrative level, the annual training through
Marathon, Shawano, Waupaca, the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the for special education. The Legislative Committee table tops, and the great collaboration the district
Portage, Wood, Juneau, Adams, session is less than 5 days with proof of extraordinary circum- considered the resolution, supports the idea, but has with all the surrounding emergency providers.
Marquette, & Waushara county stances for failure to meet the 48-hour notice requirement and decided not to bring the resolution to the board for Jim Blodgett reviewed the technology planning as
area. Minimum 100 acres. failure to appear before the board of review during the first 2 approval. it relates to safety in the district. Bill Deno spoke
Please call 715-904-0182, Tom. hours of the first scheduled meeting. 4. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT about the safety grants that the district has
(CNOW) 4. Objections to the amount or valuation of property shall first a. Upcoming Events and Updates applied for. Chris Michaud, EUA architect, shared
be made in writing and filed with the clerk of the board of review George Mavroulis reported on the following his experience on a national level with school
FOR SALE- MISCELLANEOUS updates and events:
within the first 2 hours of the board’s first scheduled meeting, design and safety. Chief Foulk provided an
SAWMILLS from only $4397.00- Board members received a pen from the district overview of the purpose of the School Resource
except that, upon evidence of extraordinary circumstances, the
MAKE & SAVE MONEY with Wellness Committee
board may waive that requirement up to the end of the 5th day of Officer. Several board members asked questions
your own bandmill- Cut lumber Received a Highway P construction update
the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the of the group.
any dimension. In stock ready to Administration will have their second meeting
session is less than 5 days. The board may require objections to b. Discuss Communication Plan for the
ship! FREE Info/DVD: www. with MG&E regarding solar use
the amount or valuation of property to be submitted on forms Referendum 800 567- Elementary building visioning team kicks off on
approved by the Department of Revenue, and the board shall Perry Hibner and Christin Mlsna reviewed the
0404 Ext.300N (CNOW) August 21
require that any forms include stated valuations of the property in current Referendum Communications planning.
MISCELLANEOUS question. Persons who own land and improvements to that land New teacher lunch is August 22 at KMS and Tonight’s topics included: print examples
Sleep Apnea Patients - If you may object to the aggregate valuation of that land and improve- board is invited to attend (newsletters, Back-to-School flyer, etc.), display
have Medicare coverage, call ments to that land, but no person who owns land and improve- Good Neighborfest Parade is August 26 boards, calendar of events, open houses, a draft
Verus Healthcare to qualify for ments to that land may object only to the valuation of that land or Elver Park BBQ on August 21 of the community presentation, and key messag-
CPAP supplies for little or no only to the valuation of improvements to that land. No person District data retreat on Friday, August 17 ing. The board offered some feedback on the draft
cost in minutes. Home Delivery, may be allowed in any action or proceedings to question the Board will receive district laptops on August 27 presentation and asked questions.
Healthy Sleep Guide and More - amount or valuation of property unless the written objection has at 6:30 p.m. c. Enrollment Update
FREE! Our customer care been filed and that person in good faith presented evidence to 5. CONSENT AGENDA Sherri Cyra distributed and updated enrollment
agents await your call. 1-888- the board in support of the objections and made full disclosure MOVED by Hyland SECONDED by Kalscheur due to the 23 student enrollment increase since
330-5987 (CNOW) before the board, under oath, of all of that person’s property to approve the following items on the consent the board packet was posted. The district added a
DISH TV $59.99 For 190 liable to assessment in the district and the value of that property. agenda: 5.a.1. Approval of Bills Payable, 5.b.1 section at Sunset Ridge and are monitoring sev-
Channels $14.95 High Speed The requirement that objections be in writing may be waived by Approval of Resignations (addendum), and 5.b.3. eral other large class sizes. Sherri stated that this
Internet. Free Installation, Smart express action of the board. Approval of Staff Appointments (addendum). is the largest kindergarten class in district history.
HD DVR Included, Free Voice 5. When appearing before the board of review, the objecting Motion carried unanimously, 7-0. Sherri reviewed the enrollment trends and shared
Remote. Some restrictions person shall specify in writing the person’s estimate of the value a. Administrative/Business Services that the district has already passed projections.
apply. Call 1-855-997-5088 of the land and of the improvements that are the subject of the i. Approval of Bills Payable d. Board Member Participation in Annual
(CNOW) person’s objection and specify the information that the person The check list totaling $3,211,469.16 was Meeting Presentation
used to arrive at that estimate. approved under consent agenda. (Exhibit A) After some discussion, the board stated that
DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK ii. Approval of Treasurer’s Report
OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR 6. No person may appear before the board of review, testify to Linda Yu will present the budget report at the
the board by telephone, or object to a valuation if that valuation There was no Treasurer’s Report to approve. Annual Meeting.
THE BLIND. Free 3 Day b. Employee Services - Certified Staff
Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free was made by the assessor or the objector using the income 7. ITEMS FOR ACTION
method of valuation, unless no later than 7 days before the first i. Approval of Resignations a. Approve Annual Meeting Agenda and
Towing, All Paperwork Taken The board approved under consent agenda the
Care Of. CALL 1-855-711-0379 meeting of the board of review the person supplies the assessor Resolutions
with all the information about income and expenses, as specified following resignations: MOVED by Smith SECONDED by Hyland to
(CNOW) Jeremy Bulman, Social Worker at Elm Lawn
in the assessor’s manual under s. 73.03 (2a), Wis. stats., that the approve the Annual Meeting Agenda and
DONATE YOUR CAR FOR Kimberly Stieber-White, Library Media Specialist Resolutions. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0.
assessor requests. The Village of Cross Plains has an ordinance
BREAST CANCER! Help United at Glacier Creek
for the confidentiality of information about income and expenses b. Approval of 2018-19 DPI Student Nutrition
Breast Foundation education, Rachel Wimer, Math Interventionist at Glacier
that is provided to the assessor under this paragraph that pro- Contract
prevention, & support programs. Creek
vides exceptions for persons using information in the discharge MOVED by Karbusicky SECONDED by Ashley
FAST FREE PICKUP - 24 HR ii. Approval of Leaves of Absence
of duties imposed by law or the duties of their officer or by order to approve the 2018-19 DPI Student Nutrition
RESPONSE - TAX DEDUCTION There were no leaves of absence to approve.
of a court. The information that is provided under this paragraph, Contract. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0.
1-855-978-3582 (CNOW) iii. Approval of Staff Appointments
unless a court determines before the first meeting of the board of (Exhibit B)
A PLACE FOR MOM. The review that it is inaccurate, is not subject to the right of inspection The board approved under consent agenda the c. Appointment of Legislative Committee
nation’s largest senior living and copying under s. 19.35 (1), Wis. Stats. following staff appointments: Members
referral service. Contact our 7. No person may appear before the board of review, testify to Chris Conohan, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract MOVED by Hyland SECONDED by Kalscheur
trusted, local experts today! Our the board by telephone, or contest the amount of any assess- Math Interventionist at Glacier Creek. to appoint Anne Bauer, Todd Smith, Paul Kinne
service is FREE/no obligation. ment unless, at least 48 hours before the first meeting of the Jaclyn Fallin, to a 0.80 FTE regular contract and Kurt Karbusicky to the Legislative Committee.
CALL 1-855-385-8739 (CNOW) board, or at least 48 hours before the objection is heard if the French Teacher and to a 0.20 FTE Advanced Motion carried unanimously, 7-0.
All Things Basementy! objection is allowed under s.70.47 (3) (a), Wis. stats., that person Learning Specialist at Kromrey. d. Approval of Godfrey & Kahn Payment
Basement Systems Inc. Call us provides to the clerk of the board of review notice as to whether Denise Hanson, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract MOVED by Kinne SECONDED by Ashley to
for all of your basement needs! the person will ask for the removal of a member of the board of Coordinator of Intervention and Assessment at approve the Godfrey & Kahn payment. Motion
Waterproofing, Finishing, review and, if so, which member, and provides a reasonable esti- Middleton High School carried unanimously, 6-0 with Smith abstaining
Structural Repairs, Humidity and mate of the length of time the hearing will take. Markie Hornung, to a 1.0 FTE temporary con- from the vote.
Mold Control. FREE 8. The Board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or dis- tract 2nd and 4th Grade Teacher at Park and West 8. NEXT MEETING DATES AND ADJOURN-
ESTIMATES! Call 1-855-781- abled persons who present to the Board a letter from a physician, Middleton. MENT
4387 (CNOW) surgeon or osteopath that confirms their illness or disability. No Jennifer Kenyon, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract MOVED by Smith SECONDED by Karbusicky
WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE other persons may testify by telephone. Special Education Teacher at Sunset Ridge. to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:35 p.m. Motion
Notice is hereby given this 6th day of September, 2018. Kelly Kliefoth, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract carried unanimously, 7-0.
FREON R12 WANTED: 6th Grade Social Studies and Literacy Teacher at
CERTIFIED BUYER will PAY Caitlin Stene a. Future Meeting Dates
Administrator/Clerk Glacier Creek. b. Potential Board Agenda Items
CA$H for R12 cylinders or cases Emily LaFlash, to a 0.80 FTE regular contract
of cans. (312) 291-9169; www. Cheryl Janssen, Board Secretary
Publish: 9/6/18 WNAXLP Spanish Teacher at Kromrey. Publish: 9/6/18 WNAXLP (CNOW) Deanna Lambert, to a 1.0 FTE temporary con-
Classified Advertising
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: 11:30 AM FRIDAY* classified email: [email protected] •
Place your ad in the Times-Tribune and your ad automatically runs in the Buyer’s Guide/Western Dane County at NO ADDITIONAL COST! Additional publications include:
Mount Horeb Mail, Star News, Post Messenger Recorder and Buyer’s Guide/Southern Sauk and Iowa Counties; Buyer’s Guide/Dane and Green Counties; and Buyer’s
Guide/Northern Sauk County. RATES: $12.00 for up to 10 words, additional words @ $.30 each for 1-town (paper and shopper) combination. Call our office for additional
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* Friday, 11:30 a.m. deadline applies to Buyer’s Guide/Western Dane County and Times-Tribune combo. To place your ad in multiple papers, call (608) 767-3655. Holiday deadlines subject to change.
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