Chemtrol Thermoplastic Piping Technical Manual PDF
Chemtrol Thermoplastic Piping Technical Manual PDF
Chemtrol Thermoplastic Piping Technical Manual PDF
Chemtrol® is a brand of
Introduction 1
Materials 1
Materials 1
Physical Properties of Thermoplastic Piping Materials 2
Standards 3
Engineering Data 4
Engineering Design 7
Installation Instructions 15
Product Line 34
Product Specifications 36
Warranty 41
Copies of the Thermoplastic Piping Technical Manual and other Chemtrol publications are available for download on
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Introduction to Chemtrol Valves protection against UV degradation of the fluid medium, an FDA-approved red
pigmentation is added to all piping components for general industrial consumption,
With more than 40 years of experience in industrial particularly for outdoor installations. Conversely, in certain industries, such as
electronics, pharmaceutical, and processed foods and beverages, PVDF has become
thermoplastics, Chemtrol offers dependable products the piping material of choice because of its high purity, low surface and joint
extractables, and elevated temperature sanitation capability. For these applications,
that work in the most demanding environments. another line of piping products made from natural (unpigmented) Kynar is available.
For specific recommendations of chemical compatibility, PP
see the Chemtrol Chemical Resistance Guide. For a wide (Polypropylene) PP as specified by ASTM D 4101, is a member of the polyolefin
family of pure hydrocarbon plastics. Although PP has half the strength of PVC and
variety of thermoplastic valves of superior design and CPVC, with a design stress of 1,000 psi at 73° F, it may have the most versatile
chemical resistance of the thermoplastic materials identified as the sentinels of
quality, see the Chemtrol Valve Guide. For the best industrial piping. Consider the fact that there are no known solvents for PP. As a
thermoplastic fittings and flanges available for industrial result, it has been the material of choice for drainage of mixed industrial chemicals
for over 40 years. As pressure piping, PP has no peers for concentrated acetic acid or
use, refer to the Chemtrol Fitting Guide. hydroxides. It is also suitable for milder solutions of most acids, alkalis, salts, and
many organic chemicals, including solvents. The nemeses for PP are strong oxidizers,
These publications are available for download on such as the hypochlorites and higher concentrations of sulfuric, nitric, and hydrofluoric
acids. They are Environmental Stress Cracking (ESC) agents for PP, meaning that time- in PDF format. to-failure is a function of the combined variables of concentration and temperature of
the fluid and stress in the piping material. Although PP is not recommended for some
Materials organic chemicals, such as polar and chlorinated solvents and the aromatics, the
concern is permeation through rather than catastrophic damage of the molecular
PVC chain.
(Polyvinyl Chloride) PVC conforming to ASTM D 1784, Classification 12454 B, All polyolefins are severely degraded by ultraviolet (UV) radiation. However, the
formerly designated Type I, Grade 1, is the most frequently specified of all plastic piping industry recognizes that PP compounds, containing more than 2 1/2%
thermoplastic piping materials. It has been used successfully for over 45 years in such carbon black pigmentation, are adequately UV stabilized to realize an outside service
diverse areas as chemical processing, industrial plating, chemical drainage, fresh and life of more than 25 years. Chemtrol utilizes such a compound to make all piping
wastewater treatment, chilled and tower cooling water, deionized water manufacture components for general industrial consumption, particularly for outdoor installations.
and distribution, and irrigation sprinkler systems. PVC is characterized by high physical Because of the high purity and low surface and joint extractables from natural
properties and resistance to chemical attack by strong acids and other oxidizers, (unpigmented) PP, Chemtrol utilizes an optimum compound to also make piping
alkalis, salt solutions, some organic chemical solutions, and many other chemicals. components for DI water systems. These are intended as an economic alternative to
However, it is attacked by non-ionic surfactants, some vegetable oils (e.g., peanut), and the ultra high purity infrared (IR) butt fusion PVDF systems typically found in the
many organic chemicals such as polar solvents (e.g., ketones), aromatics (i.e., benzene highly sophisticated electronic semi-conductor industry. It has been demonstrated that
ring structure), and chlorinated hydrocarbons. The maximum service temperature of an appropriately designed serpentine system, constructed by mechanics properly
PVC is 140° F. With a design stress of 2,000 psi at 73° F, the long-term hydrostatic instructed in the heat fusion of socket joints for sanitary piping, can consistently
strength of PVC is as high as any of the major thermoplastic materials being used for produce water conforming to the quality standards for injectable drugs.
solid piping systems. PVC is joined by solvent cementing, threading, or flanging.
CPVC (Corzan®) (Fluoroelastomer) FKM is compatible with a broad spectrum of chemicals. Because
(Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride) CPVC conforming to ASTM D 1784, of this extensive chemical compatibility, spanning wide ranges of concentration and
Classification 23447-B, formerly designated Type IV, Grade 1, is a resin created temperature, FKM has gained wide acceptance as a material of construction for valve
by the post-chlorination of a PVC polymer. The material’s resistance to chemical attack “O”-rings and seats. These fluoroelastomers can be used in most applications
is almost identical to that of PVC. And the physical properties of CPVC are very similar involving mineral acids (with the exception of HCl), salt solutions, chlorinated
to those of PVC at 73° F, but the additional chlorine in the CPVC polymer extends its hydrocarbons, and petroleum oils. FKM is not recommended for most strong alkali
maximum service temperature from 140° F to 210° F. For example, the design stress for solutions.
CPVC is 2,000 psi at 73° F, identical to that of PVC. But its strength is only reduced to
500 psi at 180° F, as compared to 440 psi for PVC at 140° F. For more than 35 years, EPDM
CPVC has proven to be an excellent material for hot corrosive liquids, hot and cold (Also known as EPT) EPDM produced from ethylene-propylene-diene
water distribution, and similar applications above the useful temperature range for monomer, is a terpolymer elastomer that has good abrasion and tear resistance and
PVC. CPVC may even be chosen over PVC in the 110° F to 140° F temperature range offers excellent chemical resistance to a variety of salt, acidic, and organic chemical
because its higher strength-at-temperature, requiring less frequent piping supports, solutions. It is the best material for most alkali solutions and hydrochloric acid, but is
can translate to a more favorable overall installed cost than PVC. CPVC is joined by not recommended for applications involving petroleum oils or most strong acids.
solvent cementing, threading, or flanging.
PVDF (Kynar®) (Polytetrafluoroethylene) PTFE has outstanding resistance to chemical attack by
(Polyvinylidene Fluoride) PVDF homopolymer conforming to ASTM D 3222, most chemicals and solvents. PTFE has a temperature rating of -200° F to +500° F. It
Type I, Grade 2, is a tough, abrasion-resistant fluorocarbon material that has a design is a self-lubricating material used as a seat and/or bearing material in most Chemtrol
stress of 1,360 psi at 73° F and a maximum service temperature of 280° F. It has valves.
versatile chemical resistance to salts, strong acids, dilute bases, and many organic
solvents, such as the aromatics (i.e., benzene ring structure), the aliphadics (i.e., CR
paraffin, olefin, and acetylene hydrocarbons), and the chlorinated groups. And PVDF is Polychloroprene (CR) was the first commercial synthetic rubber. It is a moderately
ideally suited for handling wet or dry chlorine, bromine, and other halogens. However oil-resistant material with good general chemical resistance. It is specifically
strong bases, hypochlorites, and some organic chemicals such as polar solvents (e.g., recommended for strong concentrations of alkalis, but not recommended for most
ketones) and esters attack it. No other solid thermoplastic piping material can organic solvents or any acid solutions, other than dilute.
approach the combined strength, working temperature, and chemical resistance
characteristics of PVDF. It is joined by the thermo-sealing socket fusion process,
threading, or flanging. The basic PVDF resin is essentially transparent to ultraviolet Kynar®, a registered trademark of Arkema Inc.
(UV) radiation, and the plastic material is not degraded by sunlight. However, the fluid Corzan®, a registered trademark of Noveon IP Holdings Corp.
medium in a PVDF piping system could be exposed to UV radiation. To provide
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Physical Properties
of Thermoplastic Piping Materials
Methods Properties 12454-B 23447-B PVDF Polypropylene
D 792 Specific Gravity 1.38 1.50 1.76 .905
D 638 Tensile Strength 7,300 7,200 6,000 4,600
psi @ 73° F
D 696 Coefficient of 3.0 3.8 7.9 5.0
Thermal Expansion
in/in/° F x 10–5
D 2863 Limiting Oxygen 43 60 44 17
Index (%)
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Many commercial, industrial, and governmental standards or specifications are ASTM Standard F 656
available to assist the design engineer in specifying plastic piping systems. This standard covers the requirements for primers to be used in conjunction with
Standards most frequently referenced in plastic piping specifications are ASTM solvent cement for the chemical fusion of PVC pipe and fitting joints.
Standards. These standards also often form the bases of other standards in
existence. Below is a list and description of those standards most typically applied ASTM Standards D 2564 and F 493
to industrial plastic piping. These standards set forth requirements for PVC (D 2564) and CPVC (F 493) Solvent
Cement. The specification identifies the resin compound to be used and stipulates
ASTM Standard D 1784 minimum resin content, solution viscosities, and physical performance qualities.
(American Society for Testing and Materials)
This standard covers PVC and CPVC compounds used in the manufacture of plastic ASTM Standard D 1599
pipe, valves, and fittings. It provides a means for selecting and identifying This standard covers the test method for establishing the short-term hydraulic
compounds on the basis of a number of physical and chemical criteria. failure pressure of thermoplastic pipe, tubing, and fittings under specific
Conformance to a particular material classification in this standard requires temperature, time, and method of loading conditions. These test techniques are
meeting a number of minimum physical and chemical properties. normally used for quality control.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Nominal Approximate Weight per 100 ft. Nom. Outside Nom. Inside Wall Cross- Internal Fluid Outside Threshold
Pipe Diameter Diameter Thickness (in.) sectional Area Capacity Surf. Area Flow2
Size PVC CPVC Polypropylene PVDF (In.) (In.) Nom. Min. Area (in.2) (in.2) (gal/100 ft.) (ft.2/100 ft.) (GPM)
1/4 10.1 11.9 — — .540 .282 .129 .119 .167 .062 .32 14.14 .97
1/2 20.5 24.3 14.0 24.4 .840 .526 .157 .147 .337 .217 1.13 21.99 3.39
3/4 27.8 32.9 18.9 33.0 1.050 .722 .164 .154 .457 .409 2.13 27.49 6.38
1 40.4 48.5 27.1 48.7 1.315 .936 .1895 .179 .670 .688 3.57 34.43 10.72
1 1/4 56.7 66.9 37.9 — 1.660 1.255 .2025 .191 .927 1.237 6.43 43.46 19.28
1 1/2 68.9 81.1 44.8 81.4 1.900 1.476 .212 .200 1.124 1.711 8.89 49.74 26.67
2 94.9 108.5 62.3 112.6 2.375 1.913 .231 .218 1.556 2.874 14.93 62.18 44.79
2 1/2 144.9 165.4 — — 2.875 2.290 .2925 .276 2.373 4.119 21.40 75.27 64.19
3 193.8 221.3 126.6 256.4 3.500 2.864 .318 .300 3.179 6.442 33.47 91.63 100.40
4 283.3 323.4 185.2 357.0 4.500 3.786 .357 .337 4.647 11.258 58.48 117.81 175.44
6 541.1 616.8 359.9 714.3 6.625 5.709 .458 .432 8.873 25.598 132.98 173.44 398.93
8 821.9 905.8 — — 8.625 7.565 .530 .500 13.479 44.948 233.49 225.80 700.48
10 1227.7 — — — 10.750 9.493 .6285 .593 19.985 70.778 367.68 281.43 1103.02
12 1710.4 — — — 12.750 11.294 .726 .687 27.495 100.181 520.79 333.79 1562.36
1 Dimensions shown are listed in ASTM D-1785 and F-441 for PVC and CPVC Schedule 80 plastic pipe, respectively.
2 Upper threshold rate of flow = 5 ft./sec. fluid velocity.
Solvent Socket (S) Female Threads (FPT) (MPT) Male End (SPG) Wall Thickness
Size IPS Dia A3 B3 C4 Nom Y2 M5 Min Z2 X Cm4 Nom F4 Min E4 Min
1/4 .540 .552 .536 .640 .311 .840 .311 .540 .655 .149 .119
1/2 .840 .848 .836 .890 .427 1.280 .427 .840 .905 .185 .147
3/4 1.050 1.058 1.046 1.015 .446 1.500 .446 1.050 1.030 .195 .154
1 1.315 1.325 1.310 1.140 .530 1.810 .530 1.315 1.155 .225 .179
1 1/4 1.660 1.670 1.655 1.265 .550 2.200 .550 1.660 1.280 .240 .191
1 1/2 1.900 1.912 1.894 1.390 .550 2.500 .550 1.900 1.405 .250 .200
2 2.375 2.387 2.369 1.515 .566 2.375 .566 2.375 1.530 .275 .218
2 1/2 2.875 2.889 2.868 1.780 .870 3.560 .870 2.875 1.810 .345 .276
3 3.500 3.516 3.492 1.905 .954 4.300 .954 3.500 1.933 .375 .300
4 4.500 4.518 4.491 2.280 1.032 5.430 1.032 4.500 2.310 .420 .337
6 6.625 6.647 6.614 3.030 – – – 6.625 3.060 .540 .432
8 8.625 8.655 8.610 4.500 – – – 8.625 4.590 .625 .500
10 10.750 10.780 10.735 5.500 – – – 10.750 5.590 .741 .593
12 12.750 12.780 12.735 6.500 – – – 12.750 6.590 .859 .687
1 With exception of thread lengths, dimensions shown are listed in ASTM D-2467 and F-439 for PVC and CPVC socket-type Schedule 80 fittings, respectively.
2 Dimensions shown are typical male component engagement, hand-tight (L1 in ANSI B1.20.1 thread spec.) plus 1 1/2 turns lightening.
3 Dimensions shown are not applicable for polypropylene or PVDF. Socket diameters in these materials are designed for Chemtrol thermo-seal socket fusion joining.
4 Chemtrol fittings may exceed certain minimum ASTM dimensional requirements in order to ensure functional satisfaction.
5 Dimensions are listed in ASTM D-2464 and F-437 for PVC and CPVC threaded Schedule 80 fittings, respectively.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
American Standard Taper Pipe Thread, NPT (excerpt from ANSI B1.20.1)
Number Normal Length of Wrench Total Length: Pitch Diameter Pitch Diameter
Outside of Threads Pitch of Engagement Effective Makeup Length End of Pipe at Beginning at Beginning Height of
Nominal Diameter Per Inch Thread By Hand Thread for Internal to Vanish of External of Internal Thread
Size D n p L1 L2 Thread Point Thread Thread (Max.)
L3 L4 E0 E1 h
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in.
1/4 0.540 18 .05556 .228 .4018 .1667 .5946 .47739 .49163 .04444
1/2 0.840 14 .07143 .320 .5337 .2143 .7815 .75843 .77843 .05714
3/4 1.050 14 .07143 .339 .5457 .2143 .7935 .96768 .98887 .05714
1 1.315 11 1/2 .08696 .400 .6828 .2609 .9845 1.21363 1.23863 .06957
1 1/4 1.660 11 1/2 .08696 .420 .7068 .2609 1.0085 1.55713 1.58338 .06957
1 1/2 1.900 11 1/2 .08696 .420 .7235 .2609 1.0252 1.79609 1.82234 .06957
2 2.375 11 1/2 .08696 .436 .7565 .2609 1.0582 2.26902 2.29627 .06957
2 1/2 2.875 8 .12500 .682 1.1375 .2500 1.5712 2.71953 2.76216 .10000
3 3.500 8 .12500 .766 1.2000 .2500 1.6337 3.34062 3.38850 .10000
4 4.500 8 .12500 .844 1.3000 .2500 1.7337 4.33438 4.38712 .10000
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Charts Pressure Conversion Factors
Pressure measurements are based on the standardized weight of water
Linear Conversion Table From Fractional Inches to Millimeters expressed in a variety of English and metric units.
inches mm inches mm 1 psig (gauge) = 2.3068 foot of water head
1/64 .016 .397 33/64 .516 13.097 = 2.036 inch of mercury head
= 0.0689 bar
1/32 .031 .794 17/32 .531 13.494
= 0.0703 kgm/cm2 (kilograms/centimeter2)
3/64 .047 1.191 35/64 .547 13.891 = 6894.757 N/m2 (newton/meter2)
1/16 .063 1.588 9/16 .563 14.288 = 6.8948 kPa (kilopascal)
5/64 .078 1.984 37/64 .578 14.684 1 foot of water = 0.4335 psig
3/32 .094 2.381 19/32 .594 15.081 = 0.0305 kgm/cm2 (kilograms/centimeter2)
= 2988.8837 N/m2 (newton/meter2)
7/64 .109 2.778 39/64 .609 15.478
= 0.33457 kPa (kilopascal)
1/8 .125 3.175 5/8 .625 15.875 = 0.02989 bar
9/64 .141 3.572 41/64 .641 16.272 1 bar = 100000.0 N/m2 (newton/meter2)
5/32 .156 3.969 21/32 .656 16.669 = 14.50377 psig
11/64 .172 4.366 43/64 .672 17.066 = 100.0 kPa (kilopascal)
= 10197.1621 kgm/cm2 (kilograms/centimeter2)
3/16 .188 4.763 11/16 .688 17.463
= 33.456 foot of water head
13/64 .203 5.519 45/64 .703 17.859 1 N/m2 (newton/meter2) = 1.0 Pa (pascal) = 0.001 kPa (kilopascal)
7/32 .219 5.556 23/32 .719 18.256 = 0.000010197 kgm/cm2
15/64 .234 5.953 47/64 .734 18.653 = 0.000145 psig (gauge)
1/4 .250 6.350 3/4 .750 19.050 1 kilogram/centimeter2 = 98066.5 N/m2 (newton/meter2)
= 14.2233 psig
17/64 .266 6.747 49/64 .766 19.447
9/32 .281 7.144 25/32 .781 19.844
19/64 .297 7.541 51/64 .797 20.241 Vacuum Conversion Factors
5/16 .313 7.938 13/16 .813 20.638 Vacuum may be thought of as the absence of pressure. It is the measure of
21/64 .328 8.334 53/64 .828 21.034 negative pressure between standardized atmospheric pressure and a
11/32 .344 8.731 27/32 .844 21.431 theoretically perfect vacuum.
23/64 .359 9.128 55/64 .859 21.828 1 Std. Atmosphere = 14.6959 psia (absolute)
= 760.0 mm (millimeter) of mercury head
3/8 .375 9.525 7/8 .875 22.225 = 1.0332276 kgm/cm2 (kilograms/centimeter2)
25/64 .391 9.922 57/64 .891 22.622 = 1.01325 bar
13/32 .406 10.319 29/32 .906 23.019 = 101.325 kPa (kilopascal)
27/64 .422 10.716 59/64 .922 23.416 1 mm = 0.03937 inch
7/16 .438 11.113 15/16 .938 23.813 1 micron of mercury = 0.001 mm (millimeter) of mercury head
= 0.000019336 psig (gauge)
29/64 .453 11.509 61/64 .953 24.209 1 mm of mercury = 1000.0 micron of mercury head
15/32 .469 11.906 31/32 .969 24.606 1 inch = 25.4 mm (millimeter)
31/64 .484 12.303 63/64 .984 25.003 1 inch of mercury = 25400.0 micron of mercury head
1/2 .500 12.700 1 1.000 25.400 = 0.4912 psig
1 inch of water = 0.0361 psig
English to Metric Conversion Table = 1868.2742 micron of mercury head
1 psig (gauge) = 27.6817 inch of water head
Units Change to Multiply by
Inches Millimeters 25.40
Inches Centimeters 2.54
Inches Meters .0254
Feet Meters .3048
Miles Kilometers 1.609347
Sq. Inches Sq. Centimeters 6.452
Sq. Feet Sq. Meters .0929
Cu. Inches Cu. Centimeters 16.3872
Cu. Feet Cu. Meters .02832
U.S. Gallons Liters 3.7854
Pounds Kilograms .45359
Temperature Conversion
F = C x 1.8 + 32 C= (F-32) ÷ 1.8
Metric Equivalent
Pressure Charts
Ratings of Chemtrol Products Valves, Unions, and Flanges
The maximum pressure rating for Chemtrol valves, flanges, and unions,
The pressure carrying capability of any pipe at a given temperature is a regardless of size, is 150 psi at 73° F. As with all other thermoplastic piping
function of the material strength from which the pipe is made and the components, the maximum non-shock operating pressure is related to
geometry of the pipe as defined by its diameter and wall thickness. The temperature. Above 100° F refer to the chart below.
following expression, commonly known as the ISO equation, is used in Maximum Non-Shock Operating Pressure (psi) vs. Temperature
thermoplastic pipe specifications to relate these factors: Operating
Temperature (° F) PVC CPVC PP PVDF
P = 2S / (Do /t –1) 100 150 150 150 150
110 135 140 140 150
where: P = maximum pressure rating, psi 120 110 130 130 150
S = maximum hydraulic design stress (max. working strength), psi 130 75 120 118 150
Do = average outside pipe diameter, in. 140 50 110 105 150
t = minimum wall thickness, in. 150 N.R. 100 93 140
160 N.R. 90 80 133
The allowable design stress, which is the tensile stress in the hoop 170 N.R. 80 70 125
direction of the pipe, is derived for each material in accordance with ASTM 180 N.R. 70 50 115
D 2837, Standard Test Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for 190 N.R. 60 N.R. 106
Thermoplastic Pipe Materials, at 73° F. The pressure ratings below were 200 N.R. 50 N.R. 97
calculated from the basic Hydraulic Design Stress for each of the materials. 250 N.R. N.R. N.R. 50
280 N.R. N.R. N.R. 25
Pipe and Fittings N.R. Not Recommended.
In order to determine the pressure rating for a product system, first find
the plastic material and schedule (wall thickness–see Dimensions and
References–Schedule 80 components on page 4 for additional information) Temperature Ratings of Chemtrol Products
of pipe and fittings in the heading of the Maximum Non-Shock Operating
Since the strength of plastic pipe is sensitive to temperature, the identical
Pressure table below. Then, locate the selected joining method in the
test method is used to determine the material strength at elevated
subheading of the table and go down the column to the value across from a
temperature levels. The correction factor for each temperature is the ratio
particular pipe size, listed in the far left column. This will be the maximum
of strength at that temperature level to the basic strength at 73° F. Because
non-shock operating pressure at 73° F for the defined product system.
the hoop stress is directly proportional to the internal pressure, which
created that pipe stress, the correction factors may be used for the
Maximum Non-Shock Operating Pressure (psi) at 73° F 1
temperature correction of pressure as well as stress. For pipe and fitting
applications above 73° F, refer to the table below for the Temperature
Nom. 40 Correction Factors. To determine the maximum non-shock pressure rating at
Pipe PVC & Schedule 80 Schedule 80 Schedule 80 an elevated temperature, simply multiply the base pressure rating obtained
Size CPVC PVC & CPVC Polypropylene PVDF from the table in the preceding column by the correction factor from the
Thermo- Thermo- table below. The allowable pressure will be the same as the base pressure
Socket Socket Threaded Seal Threaded3 Seal Threaded
End End End Joint End Joint End for all temperatures below 73° F.
1/2 600 850 420 410 20 580 290 Temperature Correction Factors
3/4 480 690 340 330 20 470 230
1 450 630 320 310 20 430 210 Operating Factors
1 1/4 370 520 260 260 20 — — Temperature (° F) PVC CPVC PP PVDF
1 1/2 330 470 240 230 20 326 160 70 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
2 280 400 200 200 20 270 140 80 0.90 0.96 0.97 0.95
2 1/2 300 420 210 — — — — 90 0.75 0.92 0.91 0.87
3 260 370 190 190 20 250 N.R. 100 0.62 0.85 0.85 0.80
4 220 320 160 160 20 220 N.R 110 0.50 0.77 0.80 0.75
6 180 280 N.R. 140 N.R. 190 N.R. 115 0.45 0.74 0.77 0.71
8 160 2502 N.R. — — — — 120 0.40 0.70 0.75 0.68
10 140 230 N.R. — — — — 125 0.35 0.66 0.71 0.66
12 130 230 N.R. — — — — 130 0.30 0.62 0.68 0.62
140 0.22 0.55 0.65 0.58
1 For more severe service, an additional correction factor may be required.
2 8" CPVC Tee, 90° ELL and 45° ELL rated at 1/2 of value shown. Pressure rating of 150 N.R. 0.47 0.57 0.52
175 psi can be obtained by factory overwrapping with glass and polyester. 160 N.R. 0.40 0.50 0.49
Consult Customer Service for delivery information. 170 N.R. 0.32 0.26 0.45
3 Recommended for intermittent drainage pressure not exceeding 20 psi. 180 N.R. 0.25 * 0.42
N.R. Not Recommended.
200 N.R. 0.18 N.R. 0.36
210 N.R. 0.15 N.R. 0.33
240 N.R. N.R. N.R. 0.25
280 N.R. N.R. N.R. 0.18
* Recommended for intermittent drainage pressure not exceeding 20 psi.
N.R. Not Recommended.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
H = .2083
( ) 100
1.852 x
( )
q 1.852
d 4.8655
P =
( ) 50
P = .797 psi
Where: H = Friction Head Loss in Feet of Water/100 Feet of Pipe
C = Surface Roughness Constant (150 for all thermoplastic pipe)
q = Fluid Flow (gallons/min.)
d = Inside Diameter of Pipe
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Gals. Velocity Friction Friction Velocity Friction Friction Velocity Friction Friction Velocity Friction Friction Velocity Friction Friction Velocity Friction Friction Velocity Friction Friction Velocity Friction Friction
Per (Feet per Head Loss (Feet per Head Loss (Feet per Head Loss (Feet per Head Loss (Feet per Head Loss (Feet per Head Loss (Feet per Head Loss (Feet per Head Loss
Minute Second) (Feet) (PSI) Second) (Feet) (PSI) Second) (Feet) (PSI) Second) (Feet) (PSI) Second) (Feet) (PSI) Second) (Feet) (PSI) Second) (Feet) (PSI) Second) (Feet) (PSI)
1/4" Pipe
10 11.27 82.59 35.79 9.48 42.82 18.56 3.86 6.08 2.63 2.21 1.57 .68 1.62 .73 .32
15 3" Pipe 16.91 175.01 75.84 12.64 72.95 31.61 5.79 12.89 5.59 3.31 3.32 1.44 2.42 1.55 .67 1.46 .45 .20 1.02 .19 .08
20 15.80 110.29 47.80 7.72 21.96 9.52 4.42 5.65 2.45 3.23 2.64 1.14 1.95 .77 .33 1.38 .33 .14
25 1.10 .17 .07 9.64 33.20 14.39 5.52 8.55 3.71 4.04 4.00 1.73 2.44 1.17 .51 1.71 .49 .21
30 1.32 .24 .10 4" Pipe 11.57 46.54 20.17 6.63 11.98 5.19 4.85 5.60 2.43 2.92 1.64 .71 2.05 .69 .30
35 1.54 .32 .14 13.50 61.91 26.83 7.73 15.94 6.91 5.65 7.45 3.23 3.41 2.18 .94 2.39 .92 .40
40 1.77 .41 .18 1.02 .11 .05 15.43 79.28 34.36 8.83 20.41 8.84 6.46 9.54 4.13 3.90 2.79 1.21 2.73 1.18 .51
45 1.99 .51 .22 1.15 .13 .06 9.94 25.39 11.00 7.27 11.87 5.14 4.39 3.47 1.50 3.07 1.46 .63
50 2.21 .61 .26 1.28 .16 .07 11.04 30.86 13.37 8.08 14.43 6.25 4.87 4.22 1.83 3.42 1.78 .77
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
60 2.65 .86 .37 1.53 .23 .10 13.25 43.25 18.74 9.69 20.22 8.76 5.85 5.92 2.57 4.10 2.49 1.08
70 3.09 1.15 .50 1.79 .30 .13 15.46 57.54 24.94 11.31 26.90 11.66 6.82 7.87 3.41 4.78 3.32 1.44
75 3.31 1.30 .56 1.92 .34 .15 6" Pipe 12.12 30.57 13.25 7.31 8.94 3.87 5.12 3.77 1.63
80 3.53 1.47 .64 2.04 .39 .17 12.93 34.45 14.93 7.80 10.08 4.37 5.47 4.25 1.84
90 3.97 1.82 .79 2.30 .48 .21 1.01 .07 .03 14.54 42.85 18.57 8.77 12.53 5.43 6.15 5.28 2.29
Flow Capacity and Friction Loss for Schedule 40 Thermoplastic Pipe Per 100 Ft.
100 4.41 2.22 .96 2.56 .59 .26 1.12 .08 .03 16.16 52.08 22.57 9.75 15.23 6.60 6.83 6.42 2.78
125 5.52 3.35 1.45 3.19 .89 .39 1.40 .12 .05 8" Pipe 12.18 23.03 9.98 8.54 9.70 4.20
150 6.62 4.70 2.04 3.83 1.24 .54 1.68 .17 .07 14.62 32.28 13.99 10.25 13.60 5.89
175 7.72 6.25 2.71 4.47 1.65 .72 1.97 .22 .10 1.13 .06 .03 10" Pipe 17.06 42.95 18.61 11.96 18.09 7.84
200 8.83 8.00 3.47 5.11 2.12 .92 2.25 .29 .13 1.30 .08 .03 13.67 23.17 10.04
250 11.03 12.10 5.24 6.39 3.20 1.39 2.81 .43 .19 1.62 .11 .05 1.03 .04 .02 12" Pipe 17.08 35.03 15.18
300 13.24 16.96 7.35 7.67 4.49 1.95 3.37 .61 .26 1.94 .16 .07 1.23 .05 .02
350 15.45 22.56 9.78 8.94 5.97 2.59 3.93 .81 .35 2.27 .21 .09 1.44 .07 .03 1.01 .03 .01
400 10.22 7.64 3.31 4.49 1.03 .45 2.59 .27 .12 1.64 .09 .04 1.16 .04 .02
450 11.50 9.51 4.12 5.05 1.29 .56 2.91 .34 .15 1.85 .11 .04 1.30 .05 .02
500 12.78 11.54 5.01 5.61 1.56 .68 3.24 .41 .18 2.05 .14 .06 1.44 .06 .03
750 19.17 24.49 10.61 8.42 3.31 1.43 4.86 .87 .38 3.08 .29 .13 2.17 .12 .05
1000 11.23 5.64 2.44 6.48 1.48 .64 4.10 .49 .21 2.89 .21 .09
1250 14.04 8.53 3.70 8.09 2.24 .97 5.13 .74 .32 3.61 .31 .13
1500 16.84 11.96 5.18 9.71 3.13 1.36 6.16 1.03 .45 4.33 .44 .19
2000 12.95 5.34 2.31 8.21 1.76 .76 5.78 .75 .33
2500 16.19 8.07 3.50 10.26 2.66 1.15 7.22 1.13 .49
3000 12.31 3.73 1.62 8.67 1.58 .68
3500 14.36 4.96 2.15 10.11 2.11 .92
4000 16.42 6.36 2.87 11.56 2.71 1.17
Gals. Velocity Friction Friction Velocity Friction Friction Velocity Friction Friction Velocity Friction Friction Velocity Friction Friction Velocity Friction Friction Velocity Friction Friction Velocity Friction Friction
Per (Feet per Head Loss (Feet per Head Loss (Feet per Head Loss (Feet per Head Loss (Feet per Head Loss (Feet per Head Loss (Feet per Head Loss (Feet per Head Loss
Minute Second) (Feet) (PSI) Second) (Feet) (PSI) Second) (Feet) (PSI) Second) (Feet) (PSI) Second) (Feet) (PSI) Second) (Feet) (PSI) Second) (Feet) (PSI) Second) (Feet) (PSI)
1/4" Pipe
25 1.24 .23 .10 4" Pipe 11.66 52.64 22.81 6.48 12.64 5.48 4.69 5.74 2.49 2.79 1.63 .71 1.92 .68 .29
30 1.49 .32 .14 13.99 78.78 31.97 7.78 17.71 7.67 5.62 8.04 3.48 3.35 2.28 .99 2.34 .95 .41
35 1.74 .43 .19 1.00 .11 .05 16.32 98.16 42.54 9.08 23.56 10.21 6.56 10.70 4.64 3.91 3.03 1.31 2.73 1.26 .55
40 1.99 .54 .23 1.14 .14 .06 10.37 30.17 13.07 7.50 13.71 5.94 4.46 3.88 1.68 3.12 1.62 .70
45 2.24 .68 .29 1.28 .17 .07 11.67 37.53 16.26 8.44 17.05 7.39 5.02 4.38 2.09 3.50 2.01 .87
50 2.49 .82 .36 1.42 .21 .09 12.97 45.62 19.77 9.37 20.72 8.98 5.58 5.87 2.54 3.89 2.45 1.06
60 2.99 1.15 .50 1.71 .30 .13 15.56 69.94 27.71 11.25 29.04 12.58 6.07 8.22 3.56 4.67 3.43 1.49
70 3.49 1.54 .67 1.99 .39 .17 6" Pipe 13.12 38.64 16.74 7.81 10.94 4.74 5.45 4.56 1.98
75 3.73 1.74 .75 2.14 .45 .20 14.06 43.90 19.02 8.37 12.43 5.39 5.84 5.18 2.24
80 3.98 1.97 .85 2.28 .51 .22 1.00 .07 .03 15.00 49.48 21.44 8.93 14.01 6.07 6.23 5.84 2.53
90 4.48 2.45 1.06 2.56 .63 .27 1.13 .63 .27 16.87 61.54 26.67 10.05 17.42 7.55 7.01 7.26 3.15
100 4.98 2.97 1.29 2.85 .76 .33 1.25 .10 .04 8" Pipe 11.16 21.18 9.18 7.79 8.83 3.83
125 6.22 4.49 1.95 3.56 1.16 .50 1.57 .16 .07 13.95 32.02 13.88 9.74 13.34 5.78
150 7.47 6.30 2.73 4.27 1.62 .70 1.88 .22 .10 1.07 .06 .03 16.74 44.88 19.45 11.68 18.70 8.10
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
175 8.71 8.38 3.63 4.99 2.16 .94 2.19 .29 .13 1.25 .07 .03 10" Pipe 13.63 24.88 10.78
200 9.96 10.73 4.65 5.70 2.76 1.20 2.51 .37 .16 1.43 .10 .04 15.58 31.86 13.81
250 12.45 16.22 7.03 7.12 4.17 1.81 3.13 .57 .25 1.78 .14 .06 1.13 .05 .02 12" Pipe
300 14.94 22.74 9.85 8.55 5.85 2.54 3.76 .79 .34 2.14 .20 .09 1.36 .07 .03
Flow Capacity and Friction Loss for Schedule 80 Thermoplastic Pipe Per 100 Ft.
350 17.43 30.25 13.11 9.97 7.78 3.37 4.39 1.05 .46 2.50 .27 .12 1.59 .09 .04 1.12 .04 .02
400 11.40 9.96 4.32 5.01 1.35 .59 2.85 .34 .15 1.81 .11 .05 1.28 .05 .02
450 12.85 12.39 5.37 5.64 1.68 .73 3.21 .43 .19 2.04 .14 .06 1.44 .06 .03
500 14.25 15.06 6.53 6.27 2.04 .88 3.57 .52 .23 2.27 .17 .07 1.60 .07 .03
750 21.37 31.92 13.83 9.40 4.33 1.88 5.35 1.10 .48 3.40 .36 .16 2.40 .16 .07
1000 12.53 7.37 3.19 7.14 1.87 .81 4.53 .62 .27 3.20 .27 .12
1250 15.67 11.14 4.83 8.92 2.83 1.23 5.67 .94 .41 4.00 .40 .17
1500 10.71 3.97 1.72 6.80 1.32 .57 4.81 .57 .25
2000 14.27 6.76 2.93 9.07 2.24 .97 6.41 .96 .42
2500 17.84 10.23 4.43 11.33 3.39 1.47 8.01 1.46 .63
3000 13.60 4.74 2.06 9.45 1.96 .85
3500 15.86 6.23 2.74 11.03 2.61 1.13
4000 12.60 3.34 1.45
TYPE FITTING 1/4" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12"
90° Standard Elbow 0.9 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.5 4.0 5.5 6.2 7.7 10.1 15.2 20.0 25.1 29.8
45° Standard Elbow 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.1 2.8 3.3 4.1 5.4 8.1 10.6 13.4 15.9
90° Long Radius Elbow 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.7 2.3 2.7 4.3 5.1 6.3 8.3 12.5 16.5 20.7 24.7
90° Street Elbow 1.5 2.6 3.4 4.4 5.8 6.7 8.6 10.3 12.8 16.8 25.3 33.3 41.8 49.7
45° Street Elbow 0.8 1.3 1.8 2.3 3.0 3.5 4.5 5.4 6.6 8.7 13.1 17.3 21.7 25.9
Square Corner Elbow 1.7 3.0 3.9 5.0 6.5 7.6 9.8 11.7 14.6 19.1 28.8 37.9 47.6 56.7
Standard — with flow thru run 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.7 2.3 2.7 4.3 5.1 6.3 8.3 12.5 16.5 20.7 24.7
Tee — with flow thru branch 1.8 4.0 5.1 6.0 6.9 8.1 12.0 14.3 16.3 22.1 32.2 39.9 50.1 59.7
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
How much expansion can be expected in a 200 foot straight run of 3 inch What would be the amount of force developed in 2" Schedule 80 PVC pipe
PVC pipe that will be installed at 75° F when the piping system will be with the pipe rigidly held and restricted at both ends? Assume the
operated at a maximum of 120° F and a minimum of 40° F? temperature extremes are from 70° F to 100° F.
An expansion loop (which is fabricated with 90° elbows and straight pipe as
depicted in Fig. 2) is simply a double offset designed into an otherwise
straight run of pipe. The length for each of the two loop legs (R'), required to
accommodate the expected expansion and contraction in the pipe run (L),
Normally, piping systems are designed with sufficient directional changes, may be determined by modification of the SINGLE OFFSET FORMULA to
which provide inherent flexibility, to compensate for expansion and produce a LOOP FORMULA, as shown below:
contraction. To determine if adequate flexibility exists in leg (R) (see Fig. 1)
to accommodate the expected expansion and contraction in the adjacent leg R' = 2.041√ D L LOOP FORMULA
(L) use the following formula:
Keep in mind the fact that both pipe legs will expand and contract. Minimum Cold Bending Radius
Therefore, the shortest leg must be selected for the adequacy test when The formulae above for Single Offset and Loop bends of pipe, which are
analyzing inherent flexibility in naturally occurring offsets. designed to accommodate expansion or contraction in the pipe, are derived
from the fundamental equation for a cantilevered beam – in this case a pipe
EXAMPLE 3: fixed at one end. A formula can be derived from the same equation for
What would the minimum length of a right angle leg need to be in order to calculating the minimum cold bending radius for any thermoplastic pipe
compensate for the expansion if it were located at the unanchored end of diameter.
the 200 ft. run of pipe in Example 1 from the previous page?
Minimum Cold Bend Radius
R = 2.877√3.500 x 3.24 = 9.69 ft.
RB = DO (0.6999 E/SB – 0.5)
Flexibility must be designed into a piping system, through the introduction of
flexural offsets, in the following situations: Where: RB = Minimum Cold Bend Radius (in.)
1. Where straight runs of pipe are long. DO = Outside Pipe Diameter (in.)
2. Where the ends of a straight run are restricted from movement. E* = Modulus of Elasticity @ Maximum Operating Temperature (psi)
3. Where the system is restrained at branches and/or turns. SB * = Maximum Allowable Bending Stress
@ Maximum Operating Temperature (psi)
Several examples of methods for providing flexibility in these situations are
graphically presented below. In each case, rigid supports or restraints *The three formulae on this page provide for the maximum bend in pipe
should not be placed on a flexible leg of an expansion loop, offset or bend. while the pipe operates at maximum long-term internal pressure, creating
maximum allowable hydrostatic design stress (tensile stress in the hoop
direction). Accordingly, the maximum allowable bending stress will be one-
half the basic hydraulic design stress at 73° F with correction to the
maximum operating temperature. See the table at the top of the second
column on page 7. The modulus of elasticity, corrected for temperature may
be found in the table in the second column of the preceding page.
What would be the minimum cold radius bend, which the installer could
place at the anchored end of the 200 ft. straight run of pipe in Examples 1
and 3, when the maximum operating temperature is 100° F instead of 140°?
RB = 3.500 (0.6999 x 360,000/ 1/2 x 2000 x 0.62 – 0.5) =1,420.8 inches or 118.4 feet
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Point support must not be used for thermoplastic piping and, in general, the
Temperature °F
wider the bearing surface of the support the better. Supports should not be
clamped in such a way that will restrain the axial movement of pipe that
will normally occur due to thermal expansion and contraction. Concentrated
loads in a piping system, such as valves must be separately supported.
The graphs on this page give recommended support spacing for Chemtrol
thermoplastic piping materials at various temperatures. The data is based
on fluids with a specific gravity of 1.0 and permits a sag of less than 0.1"
between supports. For heavier fluids, the support spacing from the graphs
should be multiplied by the correct factor in the table below.
Specific Gravity
Correction Factor
Temperature °F
PVC Schedule 40
Temperature °F
PVC Schedule 80
Temperature °F
The above data is for uninsulated lines. For insulated lines, reduce spans
to 70% of graph values. For spans of less than 2 feet, continuous support
should be used.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Storage Detailed step-by-step installation instructions are given in this section for joint
Industrial thermoplastic piping components are designed and manufactured preparation, solvent cementing and thermo-fusion of socket joints. These
for use in systems for severe duty involving the transport of aggressive techniques are unique to thermoplastic piping. However, on-site training for
liquids. In order to ensure their integrity once installed, they must be design and contract administration engineers and installation mechanics is
handled with reasonable care prior to installation. available from the network of Chemtrol Technical Service or Sales Engineers
and approved Distributor Sales personnel. General instruction and comments
Pipe are also presented in this section for the installation of thread, flange and
When pipe is received in standard lifts it should remain in the lift until union joints. These techniques are essentially borrowed from metal piping, so
ready for use. Lifts should not be stacked more than eight feet high and the basic training and job experience for installation mechanics should have
should always be stacked wood on wood. Loose pipe should be stored on included these subjects. As with all other mechanical construction, the
racks with a minimum support spacing of three to eight feet, depending on contractual requirement for installer training is the province of the design
size. Pipe should be shaded but not covered directly when stored outside in engineer, while the quality control of installation workmanship is the province
high ambient temperature. This will provide for free circulation of air and of the contract administrator.
reduce the heat build-up due to direct sunlight exposure.
Socket Fusion
Fittings and Valves Whenever possible the designer should choose socket fusion joining with
Fittings and valves should be stored in their original cartons to keep them flange or union assembly points. Whether solvent welding or thermo-
free of dirt and reduce the potential for damage. If possible, fittings and sealing joints (material dependent), socket fusion is the most economical,
valves should be stored indoors. as well as the most reliable, method for joining thermoplastic piping. Both
joining processes are easy to master. So, after more than a 40 years
Solvent Cement and Primer existence for both, nothing less than consistent and manufacturer-proven
Solvent cement has a definite shelf life and each can and carton is clearly joining techniques should be acceptable. The degree of reliability and cost
marked with a date of manufacture. Stock should be rotated to ensure that associated with rework is solely a function of training and demonstrated
the oldest material is used first. Primer does not have a shelf life, but it is a technique by the installation mechanic.
good practice to rotate this stock also. Solvent cement and primer should
be stored in a relatively cool shelter away from direct sun exposure. Solvent Weld
CAUTION: Solvent cement and primer are composed of volatile solvents and require The chemical fusion of pipe into a socket fitting is made possible by partial
special conditions for storage. Because of the flammability, they must not be stored in dissolution of the surface materials on pipe and the socket connector with
an area where they might be exposed to ignition, heat, sparks or open flame. a solvent primer followed by applications of solvent cement to those
surfaces before pushing the joint together. Since the solvent cement
Handling contains dissolved parent material, there is a commingling of pipe, cement
Pipe, Fittings and Valves and fitting materials as the joint is made and twisted 90°, such that upon
Care should be exercised to avoid rough handling of thermoplastic piping evaporation of the volatile solvents a single residual material is chemically
appurtenances. They should not be dragged over sharp projections, dropped bonded or fused. Traditional cement, or glue, i.e. foreign material carried in
or have objects dropped upon them. Before use, pipe ends should be an organic solvent or water base and acting as an alien interface for
inspected for cracks resulting from such abuse. Whether pipe is transported bonding two surfaces together, has not been used for making thermoplastic
by closed truck or open trailer, the plane of support must be level and piping joints. Solvent welding is an easy and inexpensive joining method
continuous under the wood frames of lifts or bundles of loose pipe and all for pipe. However, in order to be a candidate for this method, the piping
sharp edges of the truck bed, which may come in contact with the pipe must material itself must be soluble in relatively volatile organic solvent(s). PVC,
be padded. CPVC and ABS are such materials commonly used for commercial and
industrial piping applications.
Solvent Cement and Primer
Keep shipping containers of solvent cement and primer tightly closed except Thermo-Fusion (Heat Fusion)
when transferring product to applicator containers, and keep a lid – even a The heat fusion of pipe into a socket fitting is made possible by partial
piece of flat cardboard – on applicator containers when not in use. After melting of the surface materials on pipe and the socket connector with
each joint, wipe the respective cement and primer applicator brushes free of electrically heated female and male anvils, respectively, applied to those
excess material on the top inside edge of the applicator containers and surfaces before pushing the joint together. Since the heated anvils are
temporarily store the applicators in a container of high boiling solvent, such designed to diametrically interfere with the pipe and socket in matching
as MEK cleaner. This temporary brush storage container will not require a geometric cones; and the plastic melt swells when passing through the
lid. Avoid prolonged breathing of solvent vapor, and when joints are being phase change from solid material; there is a commingling of pipe and fitting
made in partially enclosed areas use a ventilating device to attenuate vapor materials as the joint is stabbed together. Upon cooling a single material is
levels. Keep solvent cement, primer and cleaners away from all sources of solidly fused. There is a similar joining method called butt fusion where
ignition, heat, sparks and open flames. Avoid repeated contact of the pipe-to-pipe or pipe-to-fitting-face joints are made by partial melting the
solvents with skin. Application of the cement or primer with rags and bare ends to be joined by holding them against an electrically heated plate, and
hands must be severely discouraged. Stiff olefin or polyester crimped-bristle then pushing the butt ends together. However, because of problems
brushes and other suitable applicators are safer and more effective. associated with longitudinal alignment, uneven cooling and differential
DANGER: Extremely flammable. Vapor harmful. May be harmful if swallowed. Direct contact melt pressure during cooling, butt fusion joining should never be used for
causes eye irritation and may cause skin irritation. Keep away from heat, sparks and open flame. conveying hazardous liquids, particularly above ground. These joints have
Use only with adequate ventilation. FIRST AID: In case of skin contact, flush with water; for eyes,
flush with water for at least 15 minutes and seek medical attention. Wash contaminated clothing been known to shatter without warning too frequently for industrial
before reuse. If swallowed, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING, call physician immediately. chemical usage. Butt fusion is an ideal joining method for under ground
low-pressure gas piping and high-purity process water systems.
Joining Methods for Pressure Piping
One of the more important features of industrial thermoplastics is the ease Polypropylene (PP) and PVDF (Kynar®) can not be dissolved by even the
with which they lend themselves to a variety of fabricating techniques, a strongest of organic solvents. Therefore, it is not possible to join these
marked contrast with high alloy metallic or reinforced thermoset plastic materials by solvent cementing. But PP and PVDF lend themselves to being
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Preparation of Pipe and Fittings & Valves for All Joining (4" & below) 1/8" 1/8"– 1/4" (6" & above)
Before starting any type of joining method the first step is to always inspect
the pipe and fitting or valve for any flaws, such as deep scratches or gouges, 15°
excessive warping or broken pipe ends. If there is any doubt about the
soundness of the materials, it is always better to be on the safe side and
discard a potentially defective pipe or fitting than to install it and have to
repair it later. Regardless of which joining method is to be employed –
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
A brief description of Chemtrol thermo-fusion equipment for joining – The (*) Single Size Joining Kit (SSJK – 3"–4") for large pipe contains all
Schedule 80 Polypropylene (PP) and PVDF (Kynar®) pipe to socket fittings, of the components required for joining the designated (*) size of socket
flanges, unions and valves follows: fusion connections specified. Each joining kit utilizes a TD-3 hand-held
Heat-Tool that is operated by 110 volts (+/- 10%) of single-phase 1650-
1. Hand-Held Joining Kits for 1⁄ 2" – 2" Piping – The Multiple Size Joining Kit watts power (fully on or off and triggered by a variable thermostat with a
(MSJK – 1⁄ 2"–2") for small pipe sizes contains all of the components direct reading thermometer). The joining kit also includes the specified (*)
required for joining 1⁄ 2" to 2" socket fusion connections. The kit utilizes a size set of male and female Heating Anvils, (*) size Depth Gauge, Pipe
TD-1 Hand-Held Heat-Tool that is operated by 110 volts (+/- 10%) of Clamp w/(*) size insert, Pipe Cutter, Pipe Beveling tool, Timer, Thermal
single-phase 800-watts power (fully on or off and triggered by a variable Blanket, Auxiliary Handle, hex-key wrenches for Heating Anvils and Pipe
thermostat with direct reading thermometer). The kit also includes the Clamp inserts, Thermostat Adjustment tool, and Joining Instructions – all
five specified sets of male and female Heating Anvils (heating face sets), in a rugged steel toolbox. A (*) SSJK – 3"–4", may be expanded to include
Depth Gauges, Pipe Clamp w/inserts, Pipe Cutter, Pipe Beveling tool, the other size by ordering only the set of male and female Heating Anvils,
Timer, Thermal Blanket, Auxiliary Handle, hex-key wrenches for Heating Depth Gage and Pipe Clamp insert (if required) for the other size to be added.
Anvils and Pipe Clamp inserts, Thermostat Adjustment tool, and Joining
Instructions – all in a rugged steel toolbox. 4. Bench-Mount Joining Machine for 1⁄ 2" – 4" Piping – The Model 3500
Socket Fusion Tool is a manually operated machine for joining 1⁄ 2" – 4"
– The (*) Single Size Joining Kit (SSJK – 1⁄ 2"–2") for small pipe contains sizes of pipe to fittings, flanges, unions and valves. Two clamps hold the
all of the components required for joining the designated (*) size of pipe and one clamp, with an insertion stop, holds the corresponding
socket fusion connections specified. Each kit utilizes a TD-1 Hand-Held fitting, flange, union or valve in the precise position for heat fusion
Heat-Tool that is operated by 110 volts (+/- 10%) of single-phase 800- joining. Proper use of the machine does not require the use of a Depth
watts power (fully on or off and triggered by a variable thermostat with a Gauge and Pipe Clamp, as the Hand-Held Heat-Tool does, in order to
direct reading thermometer). The tool kit also includes the specified (*) precisely heat and insert the pipe to the correct depth in the socket
size set of male and female Heating Anvils (heating face sets), (*) size connection. The basic clamping and travel mechanisms of the machine,
Depth Gauge, Pipe Clamp w/(*) size insert, Pipe Cutter, Pipe Beveling along with an electrically heated tool-plate that is operated by 110 volts
tool, Timer, Thermal Blanket, Auxiliary Handle, hex-key wrenches for the (+/- 10%) of single phase 1200-watts power (fully of or off and monitored
Heating Anvils and Pipe Clamp insert, Thermostat Adjustment tool, and by a direct-set time-proportioning temperature controller), comes in a
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
CAUTION: One-quarter turn (90°) of the adjustment screw will produce a temperature
Inserts Set-Up in Pipe Clamp for Correct Pipe Size
change of approximately 25° F. Following a temperature adjustment, wait for While you are waiting for the Heat-Tool to come to temperature, select the
stabilization at the new temperature. Assuming the Heat-Tool is correctly set for 500° F, inserts for the pipe size intended for joining. Pipe sizes are not stamped on
one full counterclockwise turn of the adjustment screw will raise the tool temperature the inserts, but figuring out the correct set for bolting into a Pipe Clamp is
to 600° F. We do not recommend a temperature setting higher than 600° F under any
circumstances. To back the adjusting screw any further from its threaded hole than the
not difficult when you understand that the 2" and 4" pipe sizes do not
equivalent temperature setting of 600° F could result in the screw becoming totally require a set of inserts. Each of these Pipe Clamps is a vise-grip with
disengaged from the thermostat. clamshells, which match the respective pipe diameters, welded to the
nosepiece of the pliers. The 11⁄ 2", 1", 3/4" and 1⁄ 2" insert sets are bolted into
When the screw is fully disengaged, the the 2" Pipe Clamp while the 3" insert set is the only one to bolt into the 4"
thermostat will not shut off power to the Pipe Clamp. The insert sets should be stored in the respective Hand-Held
heater rods, and the temperature will Joining Kit toolboxes for small and large diameter pipe. In the case of tool
eventually rise to 900° F, before the inserts for the smaller pipe sizes, the thickest obviously are for 1 ⁄ 2" and the
heating element begins to burn out. The thinnest are for 11 ⁄ 2" pipe. If in doubt, you may fit the inserts to the pipe by
adjustment screw cannot be re-engaged. hand until you find the pair that is the correct size.
Therefore, the Heat-Tool will have been
rendered unusable (see Equipment The purpose of the Pipe Clamp is to provide a precise measurement on
Maintenance at the end of this chapter). Faster joining will not result from the pipe for its insertion into the Heating Anvil (heat face set) and for its
higher temperatures than those recommended. insertion into the socket connection upon joining. Please note that there is
some play in the lateral action of the vice-grip pliers. Note also that there
Give the Heating Anvils (heat face sets) a good spraying of silicone lubricant is a bolt hole clearance in the clamshells for attachment of the inserts to
so that it will have a chance to “burn in" while they are heating up. the tool. The Pipe Clamp may be placed on the top, bottom, or opposite side
IMPORTANT: Socket thermo-fusion joints, which leak or lack of the pipe from any position. One must simply visualize the reference
sufficient strength, are unlikely if the following rules are followed: orientation so that a flush face of the Pipe Clamp will be available for the
reference surface of precise pipe insertion.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
The correct Pair of Fitting Prismatic Clamping Jaws and the Two Pairs of
Pipe Prismatic Clamping Jaws must be mounted to the Holder Blocks of the
Fitting and Pipe Vises respectively (see Design and Construction Features
Nos. (3) and (4) in the table for Pipe and Fitting Clamping Vises; at left).
Features of the Pipe and Fitting Clamping Vises Then, insert the electrical plug on the machine into a grounded 110 VAC,
No. Name / Element single phase, 15 AMP standard electrical source. If the red power switch on
1 Transverse Fitting and Pipe Vise Bases, permanently located in the longitudinal the side of the temperature controller is in the OFF position, snap the
and horizontal planes by a slot in the top of the sleds and a dovetail projecting switch to the ON position. When the power in ON, the operational switch-
from the bottom of Vise Bases button will glow red and the small green indicator, adjacent to the red
2 Two Pair of Vice Holder-Blocks, each pair forming the Fitting Vise on the power switch, will glow green with the indication that the power to the
operator’s right or the Pipe Vise on the operators left. The Clamping Jaws heat-plate is fully ON. When the instrument begins to control the
mount to the Holder-Blocks such that the four tangent points on each set of temperature within the range of set point, the green light will begin to blink
Jaws grasping the product (pipe or fitting) have equal radii to the dead center ON and OFF. This means that the machine is ready to make joints.
of the product, which coincides with the centerline of the machine
3 Pair of Fitting Prismatic (vee type) Clamping Jaws with stops for locating the Next, look closely at the temperature set point, which the pointer-arrow in
face of the fitting and insuring alignment of socket connection within the the center of the window indicates on the white temperature dial. This set-
clamping Jaws – operator’s right on the machine. Each set of Jaws handles a point window is located on the same side of the controller and between the
range of fitting sizes; 1 ⁄ 2"-2", 2"-4", 4' flange-only for 3500 machine and 4"-6" glowing lights. If the set point does not agree with the recommended
respectively joining temperature for the size of pipe and material to be jointed, adjust
4 Dual Pair of Pipe Prismatic Clamping Jaws, insuring alignment of pipe within the instrument to the precise temperature recommended (see pg. 23). At
the Clamping Jaws – operator’s left on machine. Each set of Jaws handles a the foot of the set point window of the controller, there is a small plastic
range of sizes; 1 ⁄ 2"-2", 2"-4" and 4"-6" button with a small screwdriver slot. Turning this button, with the small
5 Two Handles, which the operators uses to advance or retract the pair of screwdriver in the tool drawer of the Joining Machine, will turn the
Holder-Blocks via the Lead-Screw, one each for the fitting and pipe Vises temperature dial under the pointer-arrow in the set point window. Simply
6 Electronic Temperature Controller for the heat-plate permits setting the turn the temperature dial until the desired temperature is indicated by the
temperature directly, which the Controller can be expected to hold within pointer-arrow and let the controller instrument do the rest.
several degrees
Now, give the Heating Anvils a good spraying of silicone lubricant and let
Making a Bench-Mount Machine Ready For Joining it ‘burn in’ while the Anvils are heating up. Next, be sure that the proper
Assumptions pipe size is selected on the Joint Insertion Stroke-Limiter (see Design and
Before the job of installing Polypropylene or PVDF is undertaken, it must be Construction Feature No. (9) in the table, Forming the Foundation of
assumed that the detailed instructions, which come with the Bench-Mount Machines; pg. 25). To set, pull out the latch, at the front side of the
Joining Machine, have been read and understood by the team that will pedestal block that holds the heat-plate handle. While holding the spring-
operate the machine, or that they have otherwise been instructed by loaded latch out, turn the knurled handle at the right side of the pedestal
Chemtrol personnel or by their distributor’s personnel. The second in either direction until the correct pipe size, inscribed around the Joint
assumption is that the Bench-Mount Joining Machine, which was selected, Insertion Stroke-Limiter notched tube at the left of the pedestal, faces
includes the range of pipe size(s) on the job (see Selection of Electrical straight up under the red bead on the pedestal. Then release the latch of
Resistance Hand-Held Heat-Tools, Bench-Mount Joining Machines and the assembly, so that its nosepiece may engage the notched tube and hold
Heating Anvils for Pipe and Fittings; pg. 21). Both the Joining Machine and it in the proper position to catch the Stroke-Limiter arresting arm, mounted
the socket connections of Chemtrol fittings and valves require that Chemtrol on the pipe sled.
brand Heating Anvils (heat face sets) be used on the machine to
successfully make joints with IPS sized pipe.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
1. Make sure that all the bolt holes of the mating flanges match up. It is not 2. Wipe the weld area clean of dust, dirt and
advisable to twist the flange and pipe to achieve this. moisture.
2. Use flat washers under bolt heads and nuts.
3. Insert all bolts. (Lubricate bolts.)
4. Make sure that the faces of the flanges mate snuggly prior to tightening of
the bolts.
5. The bolts on the plastic flanges should be tightened by pulling down the
nuts diametrically opposite each other using a torque wrench. (See 3. Determine the mount of the correct filler rod
diagram below) Complete tightening should be accomplished in stages. (see Table, page 30) necessary to make one
The final torque values are shown in the table below. Uniform stress complete pass around the joint by wrapping
across the flange will prevent leaky gaskets. the rod around the pipe to be welded. Increase
6. If the flange is mated to a rigid and stationary flanged object, or to a metal this length enough to allow for handling the
flange, the adjacent plastic pipe must be supported or anchored to rod at the end of pass.
eliminate excessive stress on the flange joint.
4. Make about a 60° angular cut on the lead end
Flange Size Recommended Torque* of the filler rod. This will make it easier to
1/2 - 1 1/2" 10 - 15 ft.Ibs. initiate melting and will insure fusion of the
2 - 4" 20 - 30 ft.Ibs. rod and base material at the beginning of the
6 - 8" 33 - 50 ft.Ibs. weld.
10" 53 - 75 ft.Ibs.
12" 80 - 110 ft.Ibs.
*For a well lubricated bolt with flat washers under bolt head and nut.
5. Welding temperatures vary for different thermoplastic materials (500° F -
The following tightening pattern is suggested for the flange bolts: 550° F for PVC and CPVC, 550° F - 600° F for PP, 575° F - 600° F for PVDF).
Welding temperatures can be adjusted for the various thermoplastic
materials as well as any desired welding rate, by adjusting the pressure
regulator (which controls the gas flow rate) between 3 and 8 psi.
CAUTION: For welding guns which require compressed gas, nitrogen is preferred when
the compressed plant air system does not contain adequate drying and filtrations.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
CAUTION: The metal barrel of the welding gun houses the heating element so it can Welding Principles
attain extremely high temperatures. Avoid contact with the barrel and do not allow it
to contact any combustible materials.
The procedures for making good thermoplastic welds can be summarized
into four basic essentials:
Filler rod size and number of weld passes required to make a good plastic weld • Correct Heating - Excessive heating will char or overmelt. Insufficient
are dependent upon the size of the pipe to be welded as presented below: heating will result in incomplete melting.
Pipe Sizes Rod Sizes Number of Passes • Correct Pressure - Excessive pressure can result in stress cracking when
1/2"- 3/4" 3/32" 3 the weld cools. Insufficient pressure will result in incomplete fusion of
1"- 2" 3/32" 3 the rod material with the base material.
2 1/2"- 4" 1/8" 3 • Correct Angle - Incorrect rod angle during welding will stretch the rod and
6"- 8" 1/8" or 5/32" 5 the rod material with the base material.
10"- 12" 5/32" or 3/16" 5 • Correct Speed - Excessive welding speed will stretch the weld bead and
Do not use filler rod larger than 1/8" in diameter when welding CPVC. the finished weld will crack upon cooling.
7. Place the leading end of the filler rod Threading Instructions for Thermoplastic Pipe
into the fillet formed by the junction of
the pipe and fitting socket entrance. Scope
Holding the filler rod at an angle of 90° The procedure presented herein covers threading of IPS Schedule 80 or heavier
to the joint for PVC, CPVC and PVDF, 75° thermoplastic pipe. The threads are National Pipe Threads (NPT) which are cut to
to the joint for polypropylene, preheat the dimensions outlined in ANSI B1.20.1 and presented in the table on page 5.
the surfaces of the rod and base
materials at the weld starting point by Threading Equipment and Materials
holding the welding gun steady at approximately 1/4" to 3/4" from the – Pipe Dies
weld starting point and directing the hot gas in this area until the – Pipe Vise
surfaces become tacky. While preheating, move the rod up and down – Threading ratchet or power machine
slightly so that the rod lightly touches the base material. When the – Tapered plug
surfaces become tacky, the rod will stick to the base material. – Cutting lubricant (soap & water)
8. Advance the filler rod forward by applying – Strap wrench
a slight pressure to the rod. – PTFE tape
Simultaneously applying even heat to the – Cutting tools
surfaces of both the filler rod and base – Deburring tool
material by moving the gun with a
fanning or arcing motion at a rate of Pipe Preparation
about 2 cycles per second. The hot gas Plastic pipe can be easily cut with a handsaw, power hacksaw, circular or
should be played equally on the rod and band saw. For best results, use a fine-toothed blade (16-18 teeth per inch)
base material (along the weld line) for a distance of about 1/4" from the with little or not set (maximum 0.025"). A circumferential speed of about 6,000
weld point. ft./min. is suitable for circular saws; band saw speed should be approximately
3,000 ft./min. Carbide-tipped blades are preferable when quantities of pipe
9. Since the starting point for a plastic weld is frequently the weakest part are to be cut. To ensure square-end cuts, a miter box, hold-down or jig should
of the weld, always terminate a weld by lapping the bead on top of itself be used. Pipe or tubing cutters can be used for smaller diameter pipe when
for a distance of 3/8" to 1/2". Never terminate a weld by overlapping the the cutting wheel is specifically designed for plastic pipe. Such a cutter is
bead side by side. available from the Reed Manufacturing Co. or Ridge Tool Company.
IMPORTANT: If charring of the base or rod material occurs, move the tip of the gun back
slightly, increase the fanning frequency or increase the gas flow rate. If the rod or base Threading Dies
materials do not melt sufficiently reverse the previously discussed corrective
procedures. Do not apply too much pressure to the rod because this will tend to stretch
Thread cutting dies should be clean, sharp and in good condition, and should not
the weld bead causing it to crack and separate after cooling. be used to cut materials other than plastics. Dies with a 5° negative front rake
are recommended when using power threading equipment and dies with a 5° to
10. When welding large diameter pipe, three weld passes 10° negative front rake are recommended when cutting threads by hand. (NOTE:
may be required (see table to the left). The first bead Special dies for threading plastic pipe are available from Ridge Tool Company.)
should be deposited at the bottom of the fillet and When cutting threads with power threading equipment, self-opening die
subsequent beads should be deposited on each side of heads and a slight chamfer to lead the dies will speed production.
the first bead. When making multiple pass welds, the
starting points for each bead should be staggered and
ample time must be allowed for each weld to cool
before proceeding with additional welds.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Typical Applications Chemical processing, industrial plating, chilled Systems for hot corrosive liquids, hot and cold
water distribution, chemical drainage, and water distribution, chemical processing, industrial
irrigation systems plating, deionized water lines, chemical drainage,
waste water treatment systems, and similar
applications above the temperature range of PVC
Joining Methods Solvent cementing, threading, or flanging Solvent cementing, threading, or flanging
Fittings Schedule 80 Socket– 1/2" through 12" Socket– 1/4" through 12"
Threaded– 1/4" through 4" Threaded– 1/4" through 4", Van Stone flanges
Large diameter Schedules 40 and 80 10" and 12" couplings, tees, 90° and 45° elbows,
10" and 12" couplings, tees, 90° and 45° elbows, reducer bushings
reducer bushings, and Van Stone flanges
Valves Tru-Bloc/True Union 1/2" through 6" socket, threaded, and flanged 1/2" through 6" socket, threaded, and flanged
ball valves* connections connections
Tru-Bloc/True Union 1/2" through 4" with socket, threaded, or 1/2" through 4" with socket, threaded, or
ball check valves flanged ends flanged ends
Butterfly valves* EPDM and FKM liner EPDM and FKM liner 3" only
Diaphragm valves 1/2" through 4" with spigot, socket, or 1/2" through 4" with spigot, socket, or flanged
flanged ends ends. Also available in PVC, natural polypropylene
(Chem-Pure®) and natural PVDF
Multiport valves* True Union 3-way/3-position; 1/2" through 2" True Union 3-way/3-position multiport ball valves,
with socket, threaded, or flanged ends 1/2" through 2" with socket and threaded ends
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Thermo-seal fusion, Thermo-seal fusion, Socket heat fusion, Socket heat fusion,
threading, or flanging threading, or flanging threading, or flanging threading, or flanging
IPS socket type– IPS socket type– IPS socket type– IPS socket type–
1/2" through 6" 1/2" through 4" 1/2" through 6" 1/2" through 6"
Threaded– Threaded– Threaded– Threaded–
1/2" through 4" 1/2" through 4" 1/2" through 2" 1/2" through 2"
1/2" through 4" with 1/2" through 4" with 1/2" through 4" with 1/2" through 4" with
socket, threaded, or socket, threaded, or socket, threaded, or socket, threaded, or
flanged ends flanged ends flanged ends flanged ends
1/2" through 4" with 1/2" through 4" with 1/2" through 4" with
socket, threaded, or socket, threaded, or socket, threaded, or
flanged ends flanged ends flanged ends
NIBCO socket fusion equipment for joining PP and KYNAR® (PVDF) fittings 1/2" through 6"
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Unions shall have an O-ring seal and components interchangeable with true Flanges shall be either a one-piece design or a two-piece Van Stone design
union valves for maximum system versatility. that utilizes the tapered, serrated-face and full-face gasket technique for
joining and are compatible with ASME B16.5 Class 150 metal flanges.
Transition unions, unions intended for joining dissimilar materials, shall
utilize components of the two dissimilar materials, joined with an O-ring to Unions shall have an O-ring seal and components interchangeable with true
absorb the thermal-expansion coefficient differential. union valves for maximum system versatility.
Pipe shall be as prescribed by ASTM D 1785 for pressure-rated piping Transition unions, unions intended for joining dissimilar materials, shall
systems. utilize components of the two dissimilar materials, joined with an
elastomeric seal to absorb the thermal-expansion coefficient differential.
Pressure Ratings:
Socket fittings shall be rated at the same pressure as the corresponding Pressure Ratings:
size pipe prescribed by ASTM D 1785. Threaded fittings shall be rated at Socket fittings shall be rated at the same pressure as the corresponding
50% of the pressure rating of the corresponding size pipe prescribed by size pipe prescribed by ASTM F 441. Threaded fittings shall be rated at
ASTM D 1785. 50% of the pressure rating as the corresponding size pipe prescribed by
Valves, unions, and flanges shall be rated at 150 psi for non-shock water F 441.
service at 73° F and have a minimum burst requirement of 3.3 times the
rated pressure. Valves, unions, and flanges shall be rated at 150 psi for non-shock water
service at 73° F, and have a minimum burst requirement of 3.3 times the
Markings: rated pressure.
Fittings and pipe shall be clearly marked with the manufacturer’s name or
trademark, material designation, ASTM number or equivalent symbol Markings:
indicating compliance with applicable standards, NSF International Fittings and pipe shall be clearly marked with the manufacturer’s name or
certification mark, NSF-pw, (verifying approval for the conveyance of trademark, material designation, ASTM number or equivalent symbol
potable water), and the country of manufacture. indicating compliance with applicable standards, NSF International
certification mark, NSF-pw, (verifying approval for the conveyance of
Installation/Maintenance: potable water), and the country of manufacture.
At the specifying engineer’s option, the manufacturer shall provide, at no
additional cost, on-site training for installation/maintenance personnel. Installation/Maintenance:
Otherwise, installation shall be as specified by the manufacturer’s printed At the specifying engineer’s option, the manufacturer shall provide, at no
instructions. additional cost, on-site training for installation/maintenance personnel.
Otherwise, installation shall be as specified by the manufacturer’s printed
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Heat-fusion valves, unions, and flanges shall be rated at 150 psi for non- Valves, unions, and flanges (either socket or threaded end) shall be pressure
shock water service at 73° F and have a minimum burst requirement of 3.3 rated at 150 psi non-shock water service at 73° F and have a minimum burst
times the rated pressure. requirement of 3.3 times the rated pressure.
Markings: Markings:
Fittings and pipe shall be clearly marked with the manufacturer’s name or All pipe, fittings, and valves shall be clearly marked with the manufacturer’s
trademark, nominal size, material designation, and country of manufacture. name or trademark, nominal size, and country of manufacture.
Installation/Maintenance: Installation:
At the specifying engineer’s option, the manufacturer shall provide, at no At the specifying engineer’s option, the manufacturer shall provide, at no
additional cost, on-site training for installation/maintenance personnel. additional cost, on-site training for installation/maintenance personnel.
Otherwise, installation shall be as specified by the manufacturer’s printed Otherwise, installation shall be as specified by the manufacturer’s printed
instructions. Specialized joining equipment shall be as recommended by the instructions. Specialized joining equipment shall be as recommended by the
manufacturer. pipe, valves, and fittings manufacturer.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
150 PSI Tru-Bloc, True Union Ball Valves PVC and CPVC Bleach Ball Valves
1/2" through 6" Nominal Sizes True Union Model-C
Scope: Recommended Specification
This specification establishes the manufacturing requirements for dual- In the interest of safety, owners of sodium hypochlorite transfer and injection
blocking (Tru-Bloc) and downstream-only blocking (true union) quarter-turn ball piping systems must have confidence that the PVC or CPVC ball valves in their
valves of PVC, CPVC, PP, and PVDF materials intended for use in industrial, system were properly manufactured, cleaned, assembled, tested, and
commercial, and residential pressure-piping systems, where cost-effective, oriented during installation in accordance with intended system design.
long-term resistance to corrosion is of prime importance, and the service Therefore, engineering specifications for bleach transfer and injection
temperature does not exceed: PVC, 140° F; CPVC, 210° F; PP, 180° F; PVDF, systems should include the following product, installation, and pre-
280° F. commissioning inspection requirements:
Major component parts shall be constructed from one of the following: • All PVC or CPVC bleach ball valves must be of the True Union type with an
energized seat that will concurrently provide automatic adjustment for
NPS 1/2 – 6 PVC (polyvinyl chloride), Cell Class 12454 per ASTM D 1784, wear and leak-free service at the lower pressure port. And the ball must
industrial gray in color, and the valve style shall be full-port Tru-Bloc, TU (NPS contain an adequate vent to the pressure port opposite of the downstream
6 is standard port) or Tru-Bloc, SU (NPS 1/2 – 2 only). sealing port.
NPS 1/2 – 6 CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride), Cell Class 23447 per ASTM • The manufacturer of all PVC or CPVC bleach ball valves must complete all
D 1784, industrial light gray in color, and the valve style shall be full-port Tru- components prior to the factory assembly, test, and packaging of those
Bloc, TU (NPS 6 is standard port) or Tru-Bloc, SU (NPS 1/2 – 2 only). valves. Modification of assembled valves by any manufacturer or vendor is
unacceptable. Also, the valves must be individually packaged with each
NPS 1/2 – 4 PP (polypropylene) Cell Class PP0110-M30-A10120 (glass-filled carton label stating: Bleach ball valve, size, material, and manufacturer.
material) and Cell Class PP0110-B67157 (unfilled material) as per ASTM
D 4101. These materials shall be pigmented jet black. Valve style shall be • Bleach ball valves must be permanently marked externally with: the word
full-port True Union. Bleach; two opposing directional arrows, one inscribed with Flow and
other with Vent; and NSF (symbol of the National Sanitation Foundation
NPS 1/2 – 4 Chem-Pure® (natural polypropylene) Cell Class PP0210-B45l45 International, indicating approval for use with potable water).
as per ASTM D 4101. Materials shall be unpigmented and of the highest
purity. Valve style shall be full-port True Union.
Dimensions/Valve Design:
PVC and CPVC socket-end connections shall conform to the requirements
of ASTM D 2467 and F 439 for Schedule 80 pressure fittings, PP and PVDF
socket-end connections shall be suitable for heat-fusion welding as specified
in ASTM D 2567 Technique I.
Valves shall be rated for 150 psi non-shock water service at 73° F water and
have a minimum burst rating of 3.3 times the rated working pressure. Valves
shall be certified to ASTM F 1970 by a third-party agency.
Valves shall be clearly marked with the manufacturer’s name or trademark,
nominal size, material designation, ASTM number or equivalent symbol
indicating compliance with applicable standards, and country of manufacture.
PVC and CPVC valves shall additionally bear the NSF International
certification mark, NSF-pw, (verifying approval for conveyance of potable
At the specifying engineer’s option, the manufacturer shall provide, at no
additional cost, on-site training for installation/maintenance personnel.
Otherwise, installation shall be as specified by the manufacturer’s printed
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
150 PSI Ball Check and Foot Valves PVC or CPVC 3", 4", 6" Nominal Sizes
PVC, CPVC, PP, PVDF 1/2" through 4" Nominal Sizes
Scope: Scope:
This specification establishes the manufacturing requirements for PVC, CPVC, This specification establishes the manufacturing requirements for PVC and
PP, and PVDF ball check and PVC, CPVC foot valves intended for use in CPVC, Butterfly Valves intended for use in industrial, commercial, and
industrial, commercial, and residential pressure-piping systems, where cost- residential pressure-piping systems for service temperatures that do not
effective, long-term resistance to corrosion is of prime importance. Maximum exceed 140° F for PVC systems or 210° F for CPVC systems, where resistance
service temperatures are: PVC, 140° F; CPVC, 210° F; PP, 180° F; PVDF, 280° F. to corrosion is of prime importance does not.
NPS 1/2 – 2 PP (polypropylene) Cell Class PP0110-M30-A10120 (glass-filled The seat material shall be one of the following materials: ethylene-propylene-
material) and Cell Class PP0110-B67157 (unfilled material) as per ASTM diene monomer (EPDM) or fluoroelastomer (FKM) with polytetrafluoroethylene
D 4101. These materials shall be pigmented jet black. (PTFE) bearing support at the top and bottom.
NPS 1-1/2 – 2 Chem-Pure® (natural polypropylene) Cell Class PP0210-B45145 Bearings shall be corrosion-resistant, 20% glass-filled PTFE.
as per ASTM D 4101. Materials shall be unpigmented and of the highest
purity. Secondary seal material shall be FKM or EPDM and correspond to the seat
NPS 1/2 – 2 PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) Type I compound per ASTM material for maximum chemical resistance.
D 3222. The material shall be pigmented red for maximum UV opaqueness.
Handles and worm-gear operators shall be of a contrasting color with
NPS 1/2 – 2 PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) Type I compound per ASTM corrosion-resistant epoxy coating per manufacturer’s Engineering
D3222. The material shall be natural (unpigmented) 700 Series Kynar® of the Specifications #AP00307002A.
highest purity and maximum transparency to UV radiation.
Valve Design:
Dimensions/Valve Design: The valve body shall be of the wafer design for ease of installation and
PVC and CPVC socket-end connections shall conform to the requirements maintenance and shall be compatible with Class 150 ASME B16.5 flanges.
of ASTM D 2467 and F 439 for Schedule 80 pressure fittings. PP and PVDF Nominal sizes 3 through 6 shall also be compatible with DIN 8063 pattern.
socket-end connections shall be suitable for heat-fusion welding as specified
in ASTM D 2567 Technique I.All threaded-end connections shall conform to The shaft shall be hexagonal or square to ensure positive rotation of the disc
the requirements of ASTM D 2467 and F 439 as well as ASTM and be totally sealed from exposure to the process liquid.
F 1498 for tapered pipe threads.
The shaft shall be guided by glass-filled PTFE bearings to protect against
The valve design shall be full port (NPS 6 size is standard port) with full flow deflection. The shaft also shall have a directional indicator on top to indicate
around the rib-guided ball. Foot valve models shall have a minimum disc position when the handle is removed.
cumulative-area ratio of screen holes (inlet)-to-valve port of 3:1.
The valve seat shall be an elastomeric seal that will permit seating at Markings:
low-head pressure, and an arrow shall be molded on the valve body for Valves shall be clearly marked with the manufacturer’s name or trademark,
permanent visibility to indicate the intended direction of flow. nominal size, material designation, and country of manufacture. PVC and
CPVC valves shall additionally bear the NSF International certification mark,
Markings: NSF-pw, (verifying approval for conveyance of potable water).
Valves shall be clearly marked with the manufacturer’s name or trademark,
nominal size, material designation, ASTM number or equivalent symbol Performance:
indicating compliance with applicable standards, and county of manufacture. Valves shall be rated bubble-tight at 150 psi 73° F non-shock water service
PVC and CPVC valves shall additionally bear the NSF International except NPS 6 size shall be de-rated by 25%. The pressure rating shall be
certification mark NSF-pw, (verifying approval for conveyance of potable based on a minimum safety factor of 3.3.
Performance: Valves shall be supplied by the manufacturer with one of the following:
Valves shall be rated for 150 psi service at 73° F non-shock water service and a. Lever handle with index plate e. 2" Square Operator Nut
have a minimum burst rating of 3.3 times the rated working pressure. Valves b. Worm-Gear Operator f. 2" Locking Type Square Operator Nut
shall be certified to ASTM F 1970 by a third-party agency. c. Pneumatic Operator g. Lockable Lever Handle
d. Electric Operator h. Other Manual Accessories
At the specifying engineer’s option, the manufacturer shall provide, at no Installation:
additional cost, on-site training for installation/maintenance personnel. At the specifying engineer’s option, the manufacturer shall provide, at no
Otherwise, installation shall be as specified by the manufacturer’s printed additional cost, on-site training for installation/maintenance personnel.
instructions. Otherwise, installation shall be as specified by the manufacturer’s printed
150 PSI Model “B” Wafer Style Butterfly Valves instructions.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
150 PSI Model “C” Wafer Style Butterfly Valves PVC Y-Pattern – Chemcock – Calibrated Needle
2" through 10" Nominal Sizes 1/4" through 1" Nominal Sizes
Scope: Scope:
This specification establishes the manufacturing requirements for PVC This specification establishes the manufacturing requirements for PVC
Butterfly Valves intended for use in industrial, commercial, and residential Schedule 80 specialty valves for use in industrial, pressure-rated, fluid-
pressure-piping systems for non-corrosive or mildly corrosive applications, handling systems in applications up to 140° F, where precise control and
where the service temperature does not exceed 140° F. corrosion resistance are of prime importance.
Materials: Materials:
The body shall be manufactured from a PVC compound that meets the Rigid PVC (polyvinyl chloride) used in the manufacture of Schedule 80
requirements of Cell Class 12454 polyvinyl chloride as outlined in ASTM valves shall be Cell Classification 12454 as identified in ASTM D 1784.
D 1784.
Dimensions/Valve Design:
The disc shall be manufactured of ductile iron as specified in ASTM A 395 Valves utilizing threaded-end connections shall have thread lengths,
with EPDM encapsulation. diameters, and configurations as required by ASTM D-2467 and ASTM
F 1498.
The upper and lower shaft shall be manufactured from 416 stainless steel
as specified in ASTM A 582. Hose-barb connections (Chemcock Valve) shall be suitable for joining with ⁄"
to 3/8" I.D. measured flexible hose.
The O-ring seal material shall be manufactured from EPDM.
Valves intended for multi-turn throttling control shall be globe design in
The bearing shall be manufactured from PTFE-coated bronze centered on NPS ⁄ – 1.
Y-Pattern for straight 180° installations using internal pipe threads and
The handle is of malleable iron with epoxy coating. The throttling index having double lead-thread stem control for rapid adjustment. Valves shall
plates are made of zinc-plated steel. have glass-filled PTFE seals for positive shut-off and extended service-life
and FKM seals for maximum protection against external leaks.
Valve Design:
Valve body shall be of the wafer design for ease on installation and Angle valve for 90° installations using internal pipe threads and having
maintenance and shall be compatible with bolt hole pattern Class 150 double lead-thread stem control for rapid adjustment. Valves shall have
ASME B16.5; BS 1560 class 150; DN 200 ISO 2084 PN 10; and DN 200 glass-filled PTFE seals for positive shut-off and extended service-life and
DIN 2532 PN 10. FKM seals for maximum protection against external leakage.
The shaft is splined to lock into the disc to ensure positive rotation. For maximum versatility, both A and B type valves shall have inter-
The shaft is guided by PTFE-coated bearings to protect against deflection. changeable bonnet/stem assemblies.
Disc position is indicated by the shaft, when the handle is removed.
Needle valves are intended for use in applications that require precise
Laying length is compatible with MSS SP-67 narrow (W-1) and DN 200 ISO metering control . Needle valves shall have predictable flow patterns with
5752 short. (8) molded in increments on the body. These valves shall have PTFE seats
and FKM seals for maximum service life and protection against external
Markings: leakage. Needle valves have NPS ⁄ internal pipe threaded ends.
Valves shall be clearly marked with the manufacturer’s name or trademark,
nominal size, material designation, ASTM number or equivalent symbol Chemcock valves are intended for use in laboratory sampling applications .
indicating compliance with applicable standards, country of origin, and The Chemcock valves have NPS ⁄ external thread-by-external thread-end
pressure rating. Valves additionally bear the NSF International certification connections; however, one end of the valve shall be capable of being
seal, NSF-pw, (verifying approval for the conveyance of water). changed to hose-threads for maximum versatility.
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
CHEMTROL® warrants each CHEMTROL pressure-rated Pipe, Valve, and Industrial Plastic Fitting to be free from defects in materials and
workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase under normal use and service within limitations recommended by it.
In the event any defect occurs which the owner believes is covered by this Warranty, the owner should immediately contact the authorized
CHEMTROL distributor. The owner will be instructed to return said product at the owner’s expense to CHEMTROL or an authorized
CHEMTROL representative for inspection. In the event said inspection discloses to CHEMTROL’s satisfaction that said product is defective,
appropriate action relating to credit or replacement shall be initiated.
DAMAGES. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitations of incidental or consequential damages so these limitations may not
apply to you.
in how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you.
This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
How to Order
Chemtrol sells its products through select stocking distributors. Our distributors are knowledgeable of plastic applications as well as schooled in the complete
CHEMTROL product line. Please call 800-343-5455, for a listing of distributors in your area.
NIBCO INC. Customer Service
World Headquarters
1516 Middlebury Street
P.O. Box 1167
Elkhart, IN 46515-1167 Phone: 800.343.5455
U.S.A. Fax: 800.541.3841
To the best of our knowledge the information contained in this publication is accurate. However NIBCO®/Chemtrol® does not assume any liability whatsoever
for the accuracy or completeness of such information. Final determination of the suitability of any information or product for the use to be contemplated is the
sole responsibility of the user. The manner of that use and whether there is any infringement of patents is also the sole responsibility of the user.
Technical Service
Our Technical Service Department is available to provide information and guidance on the suitability of CHEMTROL products for specific applications.
Recommendations and assistance are also available to engineering and contracting firms for installation specifications and personnel training.
Technical Service: International Office:
Phone: 888.446.4226 Phone: +1.574.295.3221
Fax: 888.336.4226 Fax: +1.574.295.3455
Chemtrol® is a brand of
Do not use or test the products in this catalog with compressed air or other gases.
Every solution
begins with
Ideas a good idea.
that flow.
® We’ve got ideas that flow NIBCO INC.
World Headquarters
directly to solutions for your
1516 Middlebury Street
industrial piping applications. P.O. Box 1167
Elkhart, IN 46515-1167
Ideas that make your
installations easier and more
Phone: 800.343.5455
cost-effective. Ideas that
Fax: 800.541.3841
work, and ideas that last. Technical Service:
Our ideas are strengthened Phone: 888.446.4226