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Crystal Structure of Barium Hydrogen Orthophosphate: Gordon Burley

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Journ a l of Research of the National Bureau of Standards Vol. 60, No.

1, Ja nuary 1958 Research Paper 28 17

Crystal Structure of Barium Hydrogen Orthophosphate

Gordon Burley

Th e strll cLlII'e o f ,,"hydl'oLi s B aHP O, lI'a~ d etermin ed frol11 thn'l' i<'ollrit'r proj ec ti on s .
Th e Llnlt cd l is o r t hor homb ic w ith t hc ~ p ace gl'O IiP P n2 Ia- No. 33. The c(, 11 dim ensions
arc a = 14. 12, b = 17. 15, a lld (' = -+.59 A , a nd i tconb,in s t ll'el v(' form li i a IIni ts. E:1C h Bn a tom
has a coo rdin at io ll p ol y lwdro n o f tpil oxygc n a to m s, beill g bO lld ed to f OIIi' pho sph"t c tetl'!\-
Iwdra b.v edge sharin g Hll d to tll'O m o r c bv co rn el' sh a l'ill g of oxygen a t o m s. Th e phosphate
~ I'O li p S ar (' in se parate t etmlw clra , l inKed by hydrogpn bOlldin g t o fo rm cO lltillllOIi S chni n,.; .

1 . Introduction a= 14.12 ± 0.0:3 A ,

The crystal strllctl1l'e of anh y drou s bal'illm hy dl'o- b= J7.J5 ± 0.0:3 A,

gC'1l phosphate, BaRPO" wa s invcs tio'at ecl as par t, of a
program of system.ati c s t1.ld y of orLlloph osphatc c= 4. 59 ± 0.02 A.
sl rucLlIl'es. R econL publica tion of th o r esults of a
stru eturo determ.ination of CaHP0 4 (mo neLite) [1] I RolatiH\ intotl sitie of th o laye l' Jin es on oscillation
lllild o it advisable to r efine tho BaRPO, stl'ucLul'e to photographs s t l'ongly suggested fl p SC1ldo(' ell h aving
sll('h an oxtenL itS to all ow a n OXflmin aLion of th o dim.ensions a,/2, bj3, c. This is som ewhat more pro-
J'C' lationship b otweC' 1l th e tw o. nOHnced in the b direction than alo ng a .
C ell dimen sion s similar to those ob tained h er e, with
2. Experimental Techniques th e same ind ication of a sm.nll er ceil, wero given b.v
Beng tsso n (5), but tho s pace group PC'Cll s uggos t ecl
Tho cl'ys tals lI sed in lhi s inyestiga ti o n \,'ere g row n hy llim did 1l 0t il.g l'ee with Ou]' o hscrn,d rd lec ti on
I1l th e in terffl ce of a soiliti on of Ba3 (PO.)2 cOH'J'ed by ('011 d i ti 0 n s .
n lay el' of dilut e H 3PO,. The m o rphology of th(, A preliminal',l' AEC papN 0.11 thi s s tructu re by R.
c l'ystal s is Litat of a 11 0l'izont nl prism 0 11 a, with C. L. :\l oo n e~' (6) " 'as r N'l'ntly declass ifi ed a nd maclC'
;l1'C' rage ciifl go nal dim ension of 0.35 m.m a nd thickn ess ava il able fo r in spection. Tbis prev ious work WilS
of flbout 0.07 mm.. based on the pscuci oC'ell derived from powder dif-
Oscillfl tion ancl. '\Yeisscnb crg photog raph s w ere fmction data flnd assig nC'C1 oX~'ge n pa rameters o n tll e
taken abou t th e principal nxes usin g Cu fl nd \l o J'fldi- bas is of s pac o gr o u p s.nnmet r.'· alo ne. O nl~- qu alit fl-
ation. Additionnl data was nlso obtai lled from a tive sin glo crys tal int e n s i t~· data was used. Th e
prccossion photograph of UI O Okl r ofl ections, u sing ba rium para m cters arc i n excellent agr eeme nt with
M o radiation . Intensity data Wfl S obtained with a t hose obta in ed in this invest iga tion , althou g h oxygen
Wi cbenga-N onin s integrating IVeisseDb erg cam era pos it ion flr e diA'erenl. This is p]'im aril~' du e to th e
and a d en sitometer adapted for the purpose . Allre- fact t hat allJ'eAectio ns co nta in a barium co ntribu t ioll ,
fl ec tion s wero cOJ'rec ted for Loron tz fl nd poiftl'izat ion a nd th e C'ompnl'ativel~' small vari a tion ill t he ca l-
factors by the met hod of LH (2). c ulated in ten sity, result ing from th e ass umpt ion of
a small ox~·gc n shift ('o uld not be detected with th e
q ualita tive data used .
3 . Structure On the bas is of tb e la rgpr uniL ('ell es tabli sh ed in
thi s invest igatio n, t her e are 12 formula uni ts in Lbe
3.1. Cell Dimensions and Space Group cell a nd all atom.s nrc ill t he fo urfold ge neral positions
According to Groth (3), D e Shul ten r eport od an- :1.", y, z; x, ! + y, z; ! - :r, ! + y, ! +z ;! +.r, y, t -z .
h y drous BaRP0 4 ns orthorhombic , in the form of
shor t prism s, a nd \\'ith axial ratios of a:b:c = The space gro up is proposed 011 the bas is of t he o b-
0.7133 : 1 : 0.8117. se rvable scatte rin g contributioll of all atom s, but th e
In th e prosen t work the B aRP0 4 unit cell was a lmost negli gible scat t eJ'i Il g of h~' dl' oge n a Lom s pIC·
found to be or th orhombic with space gr oup Pn2 1a- clud es t heir inclusio n in the o rigin al selectio n of s~'m ­
No . 33 (4). The o bser ved r efl ec tion conditi ons WOl'e m otIT clements . Th o calculat ed den sit " is 4 .1 70
g jcm3, comp3l'('(1 with a repo rt C' c1 val ue of 4.16,5
Okl :k + l = 2n , g jcm 3 (3).
hkO: h = 2n. 3 .2. Absorption Corrections
Fl'om sin glo cry stal photograpbs, the ce ll dimension s The hkO reAec t ions wer e ob t a ined from IVo isse n··
ver e obtained as berg p hotographs us ing j\ lo Ka radi at io n, s in co t he
largest dimension of the cJ'.,·stal was well bolow t be
I Il.nlicized fi gures in bra ckets indi cate the litera t lll'c referen ces at the end of
th is paper. opt imum sizo calcu lated from Ii noar il,bso rpt ion clat a
for tris wavelength. The Okl pattern wa s obtained 23-
on a precession carr.era with the lar ges t cry stal face
22 -
norrr.al to the incident b eam. Only tl:e us ual
Lorentz-polarization correction was appiied. For the 21 -
hOl zone of r eAectiolls, it ",-as necessar.\' to use an
absorp tion correction because of the ge 01retr., · of the
cr~'s tal. This was don e by settin g up a graph of the i1'? 19 -
correction fa ctor as a fun ction of sin e/t.. and obtain- ~
ing t,h e appropriat e in terpolat ed valu e for each hOl Ct: 18 -
reflection. The gra ph was constru cted frOlT' a COTr".- 17 -
parison of the observ ed hOO refl ections on the hOl
films with the calculated "Values, used as tr e stand- 16-
ard, availabl e from. the hkO proj ec tion . A separate 15 -
straigh t lin e relation ship held for each of tbree
separate films and the agr eelT'ent for the three fi lrrs 14 -
was within better than 5 percent for all observed r e- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
fl ections. This scalin g ass uD' ed approxill"at e cir-
cular cross section of a cylindri cal specirre n and is
essentiall.IT an absorpt ion correction appl'oxirration . FI GU RE 1. Gm p h of R values .r01' the hkO zon e of Tefiections
In ord er to eyaIua te this approximation rr. e tl~. od , th e veTSUS angle of To tation of the phosphate letmhedra.
absorption for eight r eHections, widely cliffeli ng in
intensity and position , was separatel.I' calculated b.I' eters, and thrut each row was separated from iLs
the geometrical absorp tion correction IT.ethod of neighbor by about b/6 and cj2. Ther e was overla p
E v ans [7]. The agreement was within 8 per cent, and of a.toms in both the a an d b direction s and Fourier
dev iat ed in bo th directions. T herefore , tr e ,-alues proj ection s did not resolve individual at oms. For
of the hOl int ensities, correct ed for absorption and the t hree in dependen t B a atoms, refinemrn t of th e
scal ed by the aho ve rr ethod , wer e used in th e cal· z para meters was accomplished by calcula tion of
cul a tions , bu t substa ntiallv onlv as a secon dary stru cture factors for various combinations of Ba
ch eck to r eject a grossl~' iwiccur at e struct urc. " posit ions. The ft pproxima te contribution from the
oth er atoms was added to this partial structure fac-
3.3. Structure Determination tor, and th e to tal match ed with the obse rved datft .
The presence of the short c axis suggestrd a pre- Several com biDf'"ti ons of the three in dependent pa-
lirr inmov trial projection on the 001 plane. Approxi- ram eters gave satisfactory agreem en t for th e hOl
m at e "E n positions weI e found flO . lin e syntheses da t a, bu t only onc set could also be reconciled with
along [1 00] and [010] and a Patterson projection. A th e Okl da tao A leas t-squar es r efin em en t was a t-
Fourier pro jection usi ng onl:l- these Ba pararreters tempte(l , bu t there was no convergen ce because of
showed tl: e position of tb e P ato rr s. R O\I S of alt er- the overlap . Simultan eous adju stment in small in-
natin g Ba a toms a nd P a to.r rs were a.lined parallel to crements of all a t·omic z parameter s r esu lted in final
th e a axis with a separation of b/6 a nd wit h an in- agr eem en t factor (N) va lu es of 17.2 p erc ent for the
terval betwee n adj acent ato.ll'.s of th e saIl'e row of hOl refl ections and 14.5 percent for the okl set. The
ftbout a/4. The projection was the n r efin ed by four p to 0 di stance was assumed con sta nt at 1.56 A fo r
s uccessive difference Fouri er syntheses , where t he this purpose. The indepen den t atomic param eters
coefficients are ob tain ed b~r s ubtracting the calcu- ar e listed in tabl e 1.
lated fro lY'. tl.e observed str ucture fa ctor for each
index. This indica ted that th e phosphat E' tetrahedra 'fA BLE 1. CocTdinales of a/oms in BaH P0 4
w ere turn ed approx ill' atcl~r 20° abou t a ro tation axis
par allel to the a axis, a nd that successive tetrahedra BaH I)0 4. atJ ll1ic parameters
in the sam e row were t urned in opposite direction s.
B ecause t he rr agnit ude of t he a ngle of rota tion was of x/a !I /b z!c
importa nce in fixing Lhe position of the h~r dro ge n 0. 103
. 103
0. 083
.4 17
bond, it was det er l1' in ecl b~- calcula tin g strll ct m e .397 .250 .648
factors for increrrents of 10 ° ro ta tion of the tetr-a- . :37 .08 . 21
P _____ .
h ed ra fro m 0° to 90°. A graph of H values versus . 13
a ngle of ro tation , with addi ti on al ca lcul a tions ftt in-
.43 .02 . 12
tervals of 2 deg IrO IT' 18° t o 26°, sh olved a rr inirr mr . .43 . 1,) .30
a t abou t 21 ° (flg. 1). T he fi nal -valu e of R for Lhe .31
. 11
. 47
hkO r efl ection s was 14.4 percent , where R is defin ed as
. 19 .22 .06
L I(IFob,l- Wealel )I . 19
. 28
. 19
- - LIFob,1 .07 .31 .89
.43 .36 . 06
.Pat ter son synth eses, using hOl and Okl elata, showed .4:3
. 24
conclu siv ely that all the Bft a.n d P atoms on a row .31 . 44 .89
parallel t o th e a axis h ad almost iden tical z par am-
A compa ri son ')[ observed and calculated stru cture structure facto r s . Sin ce each zone of r eAe ctions WR.S
factor s is given in table 2. All inten sities were treated independently, all l'ow Jines appear twice in
In e<l,Sll red on a r elative scale for each zon e of r efl ec- thi s table, for these r efl ections arc observed se pR.ra lely
li on ,m el cR.l ed by comparison with the calculated on two films.
TABL8 2. Comparison of calculated and obse1·ved stmcture factors for BaHP0 4
h k I
~I_~ It
~-'_~I h
" _~I~~ Fc

00 00 02 76 84- 13 00 03 15 11 - 00 00 02 105 84-

00 00 04 12 II 13 00 04 10 18- 00 00 04 13 II
01 00 01 0 13 14 00 00 .)4 50- 00 00 06 20 19
01 00 02 16 9- 14 00 01 30 29 - 00 01 01 0 9
01 00 03 21 17 14 00 02 29 31
00 01 03 :;6 43-
01 00 04 24 20- 14 00 03 10 14 00 01 05 :;2 40
01 00 05 33 32- 15 00 01 0 2- 00 02 02 22 10
02 00 00 0 22 15 00 02 0 3- 00 02 04 40 46-
02 00 01 48 80- 16 00 00 46 45- 00 02 06 39 :;9
02 00 02 43 44- lB 00 02 67 78
16 00 02 20 23 00 03 01 d 165-
02 00 03 0 5- 00 03 03 49 49
02 00 04 20 2 1- 00 03 05 10 12
02 00 05 27 28 00 06 00 130 156- 00 04 02 19 02-
03 00 01 0 I 00 J2 00 13(; 134 00 04 0'1 33 42
03 00 02 0 2 00 18 00 119 93-
02 00 00 0 22 00 04 O(j 25 37-
03 00 03 21 12- 02 03 00 86 84- 00 05 01 0 7
03 00 04 48 36- 00 05 03 06 :;0 -
03 00 05 24 20 02 06 00 0 0 00 05 05 27 :;0
04 00 00 112 156 - 02 09 00 11 7 102- 00 06 00 12:; 158-
04 00 01 38 45 - 02 J2 00 47 35
02 15 00 81 65- 00 06 02 n 75
04 00 02 69 98 02 J8 00 a 28 - 00 0(; 04 17 24-
04 00 03 21 26 00 06 06 14 8-
04 00 04 0 8 02 21 00 83 74 00 07 01 a 5-
04 00 05 0 4 04 00 00 ~I 15G- 00 07 0:; :;3 40
05 00 01 a 2 04 03 00 92 108-
04 06 00 11 7 117 00 07 05 27 3 1-
05 00 02 0 0 04 09 00 108 86 00 08 02 16 20 -
05 00 03 23 17- 00 08 04 ~5 40
05 00 04 a 5- 04 12 00 127 1 14- 00 08 06 2(i 20-
05 00 05 39 36 04 15 00 52 35 - 00 09 01 1O.'i 11 6
06 00 00 108 103- 04 18 00 105 91
04 21 00 61 47 00 09 03 41 43-
06 00 01 39 52 06 00 00 78 J03 - 00 09 05 0 3-
OG 00 02 41 42 00 10 02 29 20
06 00 03 0 0 0(; 03 00 70 90 00 10 04 34 :;'1-
06 00 04 1.1 20 06 06 00 G3 47 00 11 01 0 8-
06 00 05 20 20- 06 09 00 69 54 -
06 12 00 88 70- 00 II 03 29 :;:;
07 00 01 0 0 06 15 00 41 36 00 II 05 26 34-
07 00 02 a 5- 00 12 ()() 12 1 138
07 00 03 0 1 06 18 00 55 53 00 12 02 8.1 8.1-
07 00 04 34 :;0 08 00 00 44 43 00 12 04 14 10
07 00 05 a 1- 08 03 00 78 104
08 06 00 78 70 - 00 12 06 13 8
08 00 00 44 43 08 09 00 114 11 4- 00 13 01 0 6
08 00 01 84 100 00 13 03 28 32-
08 00 02 38 53- 08 12 00 61 56 00 1<1 02 13 18
08 00 03 34 3 1- 08 15 00 94 86 00 l<l 04 26 36-
08 00 04 a 2 08 18 00 :;8 57-
10 00 00 83 105 00 15 01 98 1 14-
08 00 05 10 JO - 10 03 00 0 10 - 00 I ,) 03 :;7 33
09 00 01 a 1 00 16 02 2(i 2 1-
09 00 02 a 6- 10 06 00 70 85- 00 16 04 28 32
09 00 m 0 10 10 09 00 a 4- 00 17 01 0 2
09 00 04 12 1O - 10 12 00 72 67
10 15 00 0 15- 00 17 03 17 23-
09 00 05 25 32- 10 18 00 58 5 1- 00 18 00 85 96-
ID 00 00 106 105 00 18 02 62 73
]0 00 OJ 0 17- 12 00 00 0 1- 00 19 01 0 i-
10 00 02 36 30- 12 03 00 97 108- 00 19 03 18 30
10 00 03 a 11 - 12 06 00 a 21
10 00 04 20 19-
12 09 00 86 103 00 20 02 a 15-
II 00 at 0 2
12 12 00 a 9 00 21 01 6(j 77
00 21 03 27 34 -
11 00 02 a (j -
12 15 00 86 10 1- 00 22 02 0 .5-
11 00 03 0 6 14 00 00 44 50- 4
00 23 01 0
11 00 04 19 16- 14 03 00 39 44 -
12 00 00 0 1- 14 06 00 54 68 00 24 00 76 80
12 00 01 101 106 - 14 09 00 33 40
12 00 02 0 13-
12 00 03 32 28- 14 12 00 42 55-
12 00 04 22 20 - 16 00 00 50 45-
Hi 03 00 75 96
13 00 01 0 2- 16 06 00 39 42
13 00 02 0 6 16 09 00 58 73 -

3.4. Estimate of Accuracy At about z= 0.25 and z= 0.75 there are rows
parallel to the a axis of alternating Ba and P atoms.
An estimation of the accuracy of the structure The atoms within each row are not perfectly alined,
determination was made from the final difference but vary somewhat in their z parameters. Adjacent
map on the hkO plane by Cruickshank's method rows at a given c level are separated by b/3. The
[8,9]. Assuming isotropic variation, the standard families of rows c/2 apart are displaced from each
deviations of atomic parameters 3,re other by b/6. Thus the projection on the base plane
shows six SUC ll rows, separated b~- b/6. All phos-
Ba = 0.0]8 A , phate tetrahedm are rotated by roughly 21 0 about
P = .055 A , these row axes . The reference position of 0 0 rota-
o = .065 A. tion is taken as that in which a twofold axis of sym-
metry relates all the oxygens of the tetrahedron ,
Because of the large uncertainty in the positions of and two of these oxygens are superimposed on each
the lighter atoms, no artificial tempemture factor other in the projection on 001. Successive tetra-
was used. hedra within the same row are rotated through an
The standard deviations of bond lengths are angle of the same magnitude but opposite sign.
Figure 2 also shows that in rows adjacent in til e
Ba- O = 0.067 A, projection on the base plane all the tetrahedra are
P- O .085 A, oriented in opposite directions.
0 - 0 = .091 A , The P atoms are each surrounded by four oxygen
atoms in apparently undistorted t etrahedral con-
4. Description of Structure figuration and at distances of 1.56 A within the
limits of experimental error. A summary of all
The unit cell contains 12 formula weights of other coordination distances is giv en in figure 3.
BaHP04 . All atoms are in general positions that Lines with two numbers indicate coordination with
are related by symmetry in sets of four. Conse- two separate tetrahedra at different heights. Each
quently, there are only 3 Ba, 3 P, and 12 0 atoms Ba atom is in sevenfold coordination with ox,vgen
with independent parameters . The x and y eOOl'di- atoms at distances yaryin g from 2.6 to 3.1 A. (The
nates of the Ba atoms are in excell ent agreement sum of the atomic radii is 2.75 A.) Three additional
with those given previously by Bengtsson r5J. The oxygen atoms are tied to each Ea atom if the cOOl'di-
present investigation has contributed the z param- nation distance is extended to 3.5 A. Beyond this
eters for the Ba atoms and the placement of the distance there is a considerable jump to the next
lighter atoms. nearest n eighbor at 4.2 A. Because of the uncer-
A schematic projection of the structure on th e tainty in the oxygen positions, coordination dis-
hkO plane is shown in figure 2. The height above tances are significant only to the nearest 0.1 A.
the base plane where z= O is indicated for each atom In the larger coordination sphere of barium , each
in units of z/ 100. Ba atom is linked to the oxygen atoms of foUl' phos-
phate tetrahedra by edge sharing and to t he oxygen
-- b atoms of t \\'O more by corner sharing . The coordi-

o o 0\ P o o
Bo p Bo p Ba p
/ \
00 QQ 00
3.08 3.46
q 5\.72
~L./::-- p
2.96..0, p
Ba / \ '2.:72_ Bo- 2.62 / \ Bo
o 0 ,P 9:5::;-4 /\ 3.4-01{ ~
2:14 218 "" 2.65 2.76 / do 2.61 ""
2.93 \/ 2.75 / \ 306 \/ 2.93
' pi
~3.2q '2.:,8
2. 66-Bo--":'0
,.,'2. .-.-{\
2. 58- Bo- '2..10 P
/ \ 2.63/ /\ ........306 / \ 303/ ' "300~ \
o ex: 3.08 3.50 ':::D K. 349 305 /J 0
2.52~ ~2.52 2.52 ~ ~2.52
FI G URE 2. Projection of the strllctltre on the hkO plane. o 0
Bo dP\0 0
Bo l"

(C ircles in decreasing order of size represent Da , 0 , and P, r('spectiH~ly. )

~OlDpl~t~ ph.osphatc. tetrahedra a re shown, bot the heights indicated refer to FIGURE 3. Coonlination distances in 7)1'ojecti on on the hkO
the POSltIOll In th e S\Jl gJc unit cell. plane, indicating the three independent bm'iwn atoms.


nation distan ces for each ind ependent Ba atom arc 5 . Summary
slightly different, but the general configuration
around each is s imilar. This explains the presence The stru ct ure of B a HP0 4 essentia ll y co nsi l of
of th e pseudocell, because the pattern r epeats at discrete phosphate tetrahedra, undistorted within
in te rvals of a/2 and b/3, and the contents of each the limits of measurement, hcId together by Ba ion
p euclounit differ only in the r e]fl,tive displacements and probably h ydrogen bonding. The coord inat ion
in tbe c d irection of the compon ent atoms. Each sphere of lhe Ba atoms in cludes ] 0 oxygen atoms ,
phosphate tetrahedron has 2 oX~Tgen atoms each 7 of whi ch arc boncll'ci. more firml.v t h an t h e other 3.
linked to 2 different Ba atoms and t ile other 2 each
boncled to 3 Ba atoms.
Th e position of t he hydrogen atom can be inferred The author is indebted to Rose C. L . Mooney for
from structural considerations. The experimentally suggesting this problem and helpful a dvi ce during
obse rved 0 to 0 distan ces between adjacent tetra- t h e course of the invesLigfltion . A ly in Perloff
ll edra arc 3.1 a nd 3.2 A in one direction and two of prepared the crys tals.
2.5 A in the oppos ite direction. I t is gen erall.\T as-
sumed [10] that the extr em ely s hort bonds can b e 6. References
clue only to an unusually large b inding force, wh ich
mu st b e ascribed to hydrogen bonding b etween [1 ] G. MacLcnnan a nd C. A. Bee \'c rs, Acta Cry ~ t. 8, 579
these atoms. This would ass ign half the proton to (1955) .
each of the two 0 atom s bonded to only two b a rium [2] C. S. Lu , Rc\-. Sci. ln s tr. 1<1,331 (1943).
atom s. No data co uld be obtainecl with X-ra \~s 0 11 [3] P . Groth , C he misch c Kri sta llog rnphi e 2, 821 ( J ~ li gc l ­
mann , Lcipzi g, 1908).
t hc symmetry of this hydrogen bond. T his bondin g [41 l nt. t a blcs for X-ra y cr.vstaUograph y, \ '01. T (TI1£'
would link ph os phate tetrahedra in rougbly a ]\:~' n oc h Press, Birmingham , 1952).
diago nal progression \\-itll translation of c/2 and biG. [.5] E. Be ngt ~son, A rkiv K e rni , Minera!. Geo !. , 15B, No.7
Th e propagation direction is symmetrically opposed (19-11) .
[6J H. C. L. Moonc.\·, At om ic E nclKv Co mmi ssion TID- 5212,
for tetrahedra se parated b.\- a/2. p. 165 (T cc hni cal Info rm atio n Scn' icc, Oa k Ridgc,
Structurally, t here is a marked resemblan ce be- T cnn ., Scpt. ] 955).
tln'en t he projc ction on (00 1) of BaHP0 4 a nd the [7 ] H . T. g\' an s, J r., J. App!. Phys. 23, 663 (1952).
[8] D. \\-. J. Crllic kshank, Acta C'r.\·st. 2, 65 (19,19) .
same projection of t he triclinic ('aHPO.. How- [9J H. Lipson and W. Cochran , The dctc rmin aL io ll of cry sta l
eve r, the coord in at ion nllrnbers of t he metal atoms s truc t ur es (G. Bell & So ns, Ltd., London , 1953).
differ due to va riation in t he relative positions of [10] M . Gorman , J . C hcm. Educ. 33 , 468 (1956).
thl' phosphate g rollp 3 flnd t he com pounds arc no t
isos trllctural. 'iYASHI ;,\G TON , JUlle 5, 1957 .


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