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Kiruna Wagon takes Swedish Steel Prize
with energy-saving ore dumper
out of carbon fiber,” says sus? High-strength steel
team spokesperson John gave team members the
Ingold. “If it doesn’t come competitive edge they With the weight
out right the first time, you needed. “With the weight
have to live with it.” reduction, our car is very reduction, our car is
SSAB’s high-strength
steel allowed the team to
good right now,” says team
member Matilda Ekman.
very good right now.
make multiple versions of “We will aim for the top.”• We will aim for the top.”
Published by SSAB, P.O. Box 70, Klarabergsviadukten 70, D6, 101 21 Stockholm, Sweden
SSAB Editor-in-chief Taina Kyllönen
Managing editor Sari Idman, +358 50 314 3165, [email protected]
Editorial production Spoon,
Editor Chi An Gramfors Englund, +46 765 26 48 49, [email protected]
Layout Eva Englund Cover photo Kiruna Wagon Copyright Texts and images in SSAB
CUSTOMER BUSINESS IN FOCUS World may not be republished without permission.
solutions ➔
Together we create better results
Smart solutions
EFFICIENCY in motion
Pioneers in faster, smarter and cheaper mineral transport,
Kiruna Wagon used SSAB’s high-strength steel to make its
Helix Dumper the most innovative and versatile wagon on
the market. by SARAH MILLER photo: KIRUNA WAGON
No stresses
from stopping
and starting”
UNDERGROUND performance
South African mining equipment manufacturer energy use and costs. For the chassis,
Strenx 700 was chosen for its ability to
Fermel put half a century of industry experience carry payloads of up to 2.5 tons while
being light enough to do so without
into the development of its Maverick product fatiguing.
range. These light-duty vehicles are made of “The desired outcomes for this
product would not be easily achieved
SSAB steel for longer life, greater efficiency and if we did not have advanced high-
reduced costs. by SARAH MILLER photo: FERMEL strength steel materials as an option,”
explains Maxine Penn, Director of Sales
and Marketing at Fermel.
CONVENTIONAL MINING uses light- a vehicle that both looked appealing Added bonus: the Maverick line is
duty vehicles for the transportation of and was practical,” says Corné Wehr, attractive, comfortable and modular,
both people and equipment. In the past, Product Design Manager at Fermel. going from pickup to transport van
existing vehicles have been retrofitted “We also wanted to be able to manu- in minutes. Nominated for the Swed-
for tough mining conditions, but these facture the vehicle without spending ish Steel Prize 2017, the Maverick line
vehicles are not ideal as they require money on special tooling.” ushers in a new era for trackless mining
constant repairs, incur high operating Fermel had traditionally used vehicles. •
costs and are hard to make industry- 355JR “mild steel,” but as the design
compliant. progressed, it was clear that the ● ABOUT FERMEL
In 2014, Fermel saw the need for an light but robust structure could only
industry-specific vehicle that would be achieved with a combination of South African manufacturer Fermel
meet increasingly tough safety stan- high-strength and wear-resistant specializes in mining machinery and
dards as well as operate at a lower cost steel. SSAB’s abrasion-resistant, equipment. The company focuses
and with greater energy efficiency than weld-friendly Hardox 450 was chosen on tailoring products to the needs of
the vehicles that were being used. for the cab. This impact-absorbing individual operations.
“We needed to find a way to design material is also lightweight, which cuts
Using SSAB’s high-strength steel, Italian manufacturer JMG Cranes designed
a pick and carry crane that’s easy to transport and manages a higher payload
than its competitors. by SARAH MILLER photo: JMG
ITALIAN manufacturer JMG Cranes has Emilio Berti, Chief Design Director at electric pick and carry crane in the
been making electric pick and carry JMG Cranes. world able to lift 58 tons. An extendable
cranes with a focus on safety, perfor- Berti understood that to achieve this chassis enables compactness while
mance, ease of use, durability and low vision, the mild steel typically used for saving valuable storage and transport
operating costs since 2007. In 2016, re- the boom, rear frame and outriggers space. Innovative modular design al-
acting to market demand for a stronger, would have to be replaced with high- lows it to be completely dismantled for
more energy-efficient, portable crane, strength steel. He chose SSAB’s Strenx easy transport, and an emission-free
JMG Cranes set out to create a best-in- 700 and 900, both known for having electric motor increases performance
class electric crane. favorable strength-to-weight ratios. “In by up to 80 percent over competing
Historically, pick and carry cranes our world, being small is important, but products.
have been both crucial to industry and so is being strong,” Berti says. “We are very proud to have been
disappointingly limited. They’re heavy, The MC 580 is a best-in-class crane able to create a crane with perfor-
hard to transport and have trouble that outperforms the competition, mance that goes far beyond that of our
with large loads. “The market wanted a thanks to the unique properties of previous models as well as competi-
tors,” says Berti. •
new crane with the same dimensions, SSAB’s high-strength steel. It’s the only
but with bigger capacity and a low
deadweight. It would need to be able to
lift big loads, but also be light enough
Being small is important,
to move from site to site via truck,” says but so is being strong”
The best-perfoming
rear impact guard in
North America.
MOVING in safety
Using SSAB’s market-leading products, U.S. manufacturer
Wabash National manufactures a safer, lighter, more efficient
rear impact guard for truck trailers. by SARAH MILLER photo: WABASH
TRUCKING is one of the most strictly explaines Andrzej Wylezinski, Manager ● ABOUT WABASH NATIONAL
monitored industries in terms of safety of Structural Engineering at Wabash.
— which can pose challenges when it The idea for the new RIG design was In 1985, Wabash began manufactur-
comes to innovation. But using SSAB’s to use four vertical posts instead of ing trailers in Lafayette, Indiana. The
high-strength steel, Wabash National, two, and a longer, reinforced bumper company soon became the leading
the biggest manufacturer of highway to better deflect impact. American manufacturer of semi-trailers
truck trailers in the U.S., launched an With traditional materials, the new used by some of the largest fleets
updated rear impact guard (RIG) for design would add a significant amount across the country.
truck trailers. of weight, so Wabash National used
The company also became interna- sheets of SSAB’s Strenx 110XF steel in
tionally recognized for its new design by 3 mm and 2 mm thicknesses to create ● THREE REASONS
earning a Swedish Steel Prize nomina- the RIG-16 Rear Underride Guard WABASH’S RIG-16 REAR
In the U.S. and Canada, highway Testing proves the RIG-16 exceeds USES SSAB TECHNOLOGY
trucks weighing 4.5 tons or more are North American standards and im-
required by law to have a RIG, which ex- proves protection of people in case of • Strenx high-performance moldable
tends below the rear bumper of a truck an accident. It also minimizes damage steel increases strength without
trailer to prevent smaller vehicles from to the truck, is very cost-effective to adding to weight or costs
slipping under the truck upon impact. manufacture and can even be applied • It can be added to update older
Three years ago, Wabash National to older models. models
invested considerable resources to focus Since early 2016, the RIG-16 has • The materials’ toughness reduc-
on enhancing RIG performance. The been sold by the thousands and has es passenger compartment intru-
challenges were formidable. “We could become known as the lightest and sion (PCI) by 100 percent in a wide
not add significant weight or costs, nor best-performing RIG system on the range of offset collision scenarios
make the trailer impractical in any way,” market in North America. •
In the future, users of SSAB’s products will be able to access relevant data
about their steel via an ID that links directly to the cloud. This concept is
being developed as part of a project known as SSAB SmartSteel.
THE IDEA BEHIND the SSAB Smart- Niko Korte, SSAB’s Head of Digital ensure the quality, safety and durability
Steel project is to create a digital Business Development, is managing the of the product.
platform based on cloud-based data, SmartSteel project. He says the infor- “By using and adding to the data, any
enabling the various stakeholders in the mation that accumulates in the cloud user of the product will have access to
value chain to access information on the over the course of the entire produc- every piece of information they might
properties and characteristics of SSAB’s tion chain will eventually be utilized to need, allowing them to make optimal use
steel. This would allow each link in the create new services, while accelerating of the steel and save time in the work-
chain – from SSAB to the manufacturer and improving the efficiency of product shop,” says Korte.
and the end user, and even users of development at every stage. In addition, Eva Petursson, SSAB’s Head of
future recycled products – to access and the accumulated information would al- Research & Development, adds that
utilize valuable information. low end users and other stakeholders to SmartSteel would exist within the
so-called “Internet of Materials,” forming ecosystem around the product,” she says. and organizations such as Meyer Turku,
part of the digital manufacturing trend It’s not only the material manufactur- Sandvik Materials Technology, Swerea
known as Industry 4.0. The Internet ers like SSAB that stand to gain from KIMAB, IBM, Siemens, Umeå University,
of Materials is the next step after the SmartSteel. Vinnova, Sweden’s innova- RISE Research Institutes of Sweden and
Internet of Things, moving beyond tion agency, has already pledged SEK 10 FindIT. SSAB has also received funding
communication between components million of funding to SmartSteel. SSAB for SmartSteel in Finland from Tekes
and machines, to a future in which even is also collaborating with companies via the DIMECC (Digital, Internet, à
materials share information.
“SmartSteel creates a so-called
platform economy, where everyone con-
Everyone contributes information,
tributes information, forming a kind of forming a kind of ecosystem”
EVER SINCE the first news article was content we always have in the magazine,
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tinue to produce the same high-quality delivered straight to your inbox. •
Prefab sprouts
Upgrading products with high-strength steel makes them lighter,
stronger and more efficient. But sometimes, upgrading isn’t as easy as it
sounds – you may lack the necessary equipment, resources or
manpower to change your production process. That’s where SSAB
Shape and prefabrication services come in.
with cutting and bending
Polish company Bodex supplies a range of semi-trailers to customers
across Europe. SSAB Shape delivers cut and bent components for
Bodex’s dumper trailers, thereby supporting the quality and efficiency
of the manufacturing process.
By using these prefabricated elements,
we avoid errors in bending and cutting”
Pressure perfect
Swedish company Alfa Laval is a global supplier of products used for heat
transfer, separation and fluid handling. Alfa Laval’s market-leading
gasketed plate-and-frame heat exchangers are assembled using pressure
plates produced by SSAB. by ISABELLE KLIGER photo: ALFA LAVAL
FOUNDED IN 1883, Alfa Laval has more ricated pressure plates from SSAB. ● ABOUT ALFA LAVAL
than 2,500 patents to its name. One of In addition to producing the actual
its key products is the heat exchanger steel for the pressure plates, SSAB also With more than 42 production units
– a piece of equipment that is used to cuts, grinds, machines and grit blasts across four continents, Alfa Laval is
transfer heat across a wide variety of the parts before delivering them to Alfa a truly global company. Founded in
applications. Laval’s factory in Lund, Sweden. 1883 in Sweden, it has more than 130
Alfa Laval’s gasketed plate-and- “The benefits SSAB brings to Alfa years’ experience in the manufacture
frame heat exchangers provide efficient Laval are the good quality of the plates, of industrial equipment. These days,
heat transfer in compact equipment with short lead times and the ability to Alfa Laval’s heat exchangers, separa-
minimal environmental impact. For many deliver steel according to specific de- tors, pumps and valves are involved
years, Alfa Laval has been manufactur- mands,” says Robert Andersson, Global in treating water, reducing carbon
ing these heat exchangers using prefab- Strategic Purchaser, Alfa Laval. • emissions and minimizing water
and energy consumption, as well
• ●
• Founded in 1970
• Operates two plants in Usak,
western Turkey
• Member of Hardox Wearparts
network since 2013
• Provides wear solutions to a
customer base consisting of Turkish
gold mines, recycling plants, marble
quarries and ceramic plants.
A FAMILY BUSINESS based in western customers and we’ve also gained busi- used down to a minuscule degree of
Turkey, Coskunlar has been providing ness from other segments.” accuracy.
wear parts to mines, recycling plants As Coskunlar introduces more “As a Hardox Wearparts Center,
and machine manufacturers since the customers to improved quality and we’ve become aware of higher qual-
1970s. The wear parts are made from longer service life wear parts, its busi- ity wear
Hardox wear plates, and typical ap- ness continues to grow. As the only products,
plications include wear parts for mobile Hardox Wearparts Center in its region, and that
and fixed equipment in mines, recycling Coskunlar now supplies almost all the has enabled
knives and screens, chutes for ceramic gold mines in Turkey. us to solve
plants and cutting edges for buckets. Coskunlar has worked with SSAB many of our
In 2013, Coskunlar was named an to upgrade the wear parts used by customers’
official Hardox Wearparts Center. Halil its mining customers. By introducing wear-relat-
Coskun, Sales & Business Development its customers to products made of ed issues,”
Manager, says being part of the Hardox Hardox 550, Hardox 600 and Hardox adds Ömer
Wearparts network has enabled Coskun- Extreme, which weigh less and offer Coskun, Halil and Ömer Coskun at the
lar to improve its standard of service. longer service lives than their previous General Hardox Wearparts Center in Turkey.
“The training we’ve received from wear parts, downtime has been reduced Manager,
SSAB has improved our knowledge of successfully. SSAB supported Coskunlar Coskunlar. “When our experience and
processing wear parts and wear applica- in this project, providing 3D laser scan- knowledge isn’t sufficient, we can count
tions in different industries,” he explains. ning that made it possible to ensure on SSAB to support us to deliver a
“We can offer a better service to our correct dimensions of the equipment higher-quality, faster service.” •
Researchers are manipulating matter
on the nanoscale to create new devices and
materials for our everyday lives.
Better bendability
As a supplier of bottom plates for road compactors, KFK Plc needed
a wear plate that could withstand tough conditions and was easy to
bend, weld and machine. With Hardox 400, the company now can
produce high-quality parts faster. by CHAD HENDERSON photo: KFK
KFK Plc is a company in Varna, Bulgaria, that requires high strength and wear ● THE SOLUTION
that manufactures parts for compact- resistance,” says Veselina Baramova,
ing and excavation machinery, as well Manager, Purchasing and Logistics, Customer: KFK Plc
as custom industrial equipment. Three KFK Plc. “Hardox has good bendability, Location: Varna, Bulgaria
years ago, KFK was having difficulty pro- so when we bend it with our hydraulic Application: Bottom plate for road
ducing bottom plates for road compac- press brakes, we do not need to take compactors
tors, which are used to compress gravel additional corrective measures that we Challenge: Combining wear
before asphalt is laid on roads. usually do with other materials.” resistance with good bendability
The problem was the quality of steel Wear plate: Hardox 400
plates the company was using, which REDUCING MACHINING TIME BY Result: More efficient production
were difficult to drill, bend and machine. 30 PERCENT and faster machining
This resulted in cracked drills and slower “When using Hardox with the right tools
production times. KFK also needed and mode of operation, we can shorten
plates that had high strength and wear the machining time by up to 30 percent ● ABOUT KFK
resistance, due to their contact with compared to the same conditions for
gravel. other material grades,” says Baramova. KFK is a metal-working company
“Hardox also does not require special specialized in the production of
IMPROVING BENDABILITY welding technology or material prepa- parts for road construction machin-
KFK contacted SSAB and began testing ration, which makes our production ery, custom industrial equipment,
Hardox 400, an abrasion-resistant steel more efficient.” Baramova says that coffee and snack vending machines,
with a nominal hardness of 400 HBW. The another advantage with Hardox 400 is self-service kiosks and unattended
company was so pleased with the wear that its protective coating allows long- payment solutions.
plate’s performance that it began using term outdoor storage with no corrosion.
Hardox 400 for all of its bottom plates, Furthermore, when plasma-cutting
and now orders custom sizes from SSAB. Hardox, the volume of slag produced
“KFK uses Hardox 400 to produce is considerably less compared to other
parts for construction equipment construction steel grades.•
Mentorship program
builds leadership
For the second consecutive year, SSAB is running an executive mentorship
program for women. The program is part of SSAB’s long-term objective to
increase the number of female leaders in the company. by ISABELLE KLIGER
THE STEEL INDUSTRY is traditionally more responsive to customer needs,” target – to have women in 30 percent of
male-dominated, and with only says Martin Lindqvist, SSAB’s President the company’s top management posi-
17 percent of com- and CEO. “The tions by the end of 2019.
pany’s employees competition for To accelerate this process, a high-
being female, highlyskilled talent level, in-house female mentoring pro-
SSAB is no excep- is tough and we gram launched in 2016 and was repeated
tion. As a knowl- need to attract, in 2017. The program includes leadership
edge company, recruit and retain development and networking activities.
SSAB’s success employees who “This is one of several initiatives to
depends on the will contribute to strengthen our attractiveness as an
engagement of its our performance, employer,” says Maria Långberg, EVP
employees, and The objective is to increase the making diversity a and Head of HR and Sustainability.
diversity remains presence of female employees. strategic business “I see this program as a mutual learn-
one of the crucial decision.” ing experience for both mentors and
factors in this success. It has been SSAB’s objective to mentees, by challenging each other,
“We believe that improving gender increase the presence of female employ- exchanging experiences, broadening
balance will positively contribute to ees across the company, and in 2015 perspectives and building networks
our performance culture and make us the company introduced a new diversity across the organization.” •
Easier access to
digital handbooks
SSAB’s product handbooks are now
available online in PDF format. The new
digital handbooks are designed to be more
easily accessible to SSAB’s customers.
Weusthagpark Watchtower,
The Netherlands.
Aesthetic architecture
GreenCoat and SSAB Weathering can both be used as cladding for façades to
cover all or parts of buildings. GreenCoat, currently the greenest color-coated
steel on the market, can be found in award-winning architecture and is also
made for roofs, rainwater systems and indoor solutions. SSAB Weathering is
often used in art installations due to its unique look. by ISABELLE KLIGER
GREENCOAT is a comprehensive range before use. Instead, it develops a patina, weight and resistance to aggressive UV
of color-coated steel products for the a kind of hard surface that serves as a influences, as well as its environmental
building industry. One major benefit is protective coating and prevents rust. The advantages.
the pioneering Bio-based Technology surface does not need to be painted at An example of the versatile use
(BT) coating found on most GreenCoat all, but if it is, it will withstand scratches of SSAB Weathering in architecture,
products – a patented solution that and other wear due to the patina that is Weusthagpark Watchtower in The
uses Swedish rapeseed oil instead of forms as soon as the surface is open Netherlands.
traditional fossil oils. The result is a high- to wet or dry cycles. SSAB Weathering Ever since a new highway split the
quality, sustainable coating that resists comes in different strengths, creating Weusthag natural park in Hengelo in two,
corrosion, UV radiation and scratches, a variety of different opportunities for architects had been looking for a way to
and is hand-formable down to -15°C. The architects. create a visual connection between the
GreenCoat portfolio includes a wide vari- However, the principal benefit is the two halves. The solution needed to melt
ety of products and a seemingly endless patina and the opportunity to save time, into the surroundings and have both a
range of colors. money and the environment by painting cultural and recreational function.
SSAB Weathering offers significant less, or not at all. The winning project, designed by a
architectural benefits as the surface Club-Hotel Riu Helios Paradise in local architect and a steel construction
does not require any anti-rust treatment Bulgaria is an example of how GreenCoat company, is a 22-meter-high watchtower
combines aesthetics and functionality made from COR-TEN weathering steel.
in architecture. To convey elegance and The shell is made from thin steel sheets,
luxury, the architects designed a series with leaf-shaped perforations and peep-
of ambitious curved and dome-shaped holes to create transparency.
roofs, but needed a suitable roofing A special technique was used to double-
material that could easily be formed and fold the material to improve stiffness and
would retain its color and appearance provide a more artistic appearance. The
over time. GreenCoat PLX Pro BT, a top- tower is popular with photographers and
class metal roofer product, was chosen visitors who enjoy the climb to the top
Club-Hotel Riu Helios due to its formability, durability, low and the astonishing views. •
Paradise, Bulgaria.
in response
to customer
When SSAB invests in
Research & Development,
it does so in response to
customer demand. The new
SSAB M43 steel grade for
quench and press hardening,
developed for the agricultural
equipment segment, is just
one example. by ISABELLE KLIGER
SSAB DEVELOPS PRODUCTS that better toughness and cost efficiency. ● ABOUT SSAB M43
meet the needs of its customers. In order SSAB M43 was developed in col-
to develop products successfully, it is laboration with 17 customers who re- SSAB M43 offers outstanding
necessary to thoroughly understand ceived trial material, along with SSAB’s workshop properties and excellent
customers’ demands. That’s why SSAB recommendations for heat-treatment. performance during heat treatment.
often invites customers to actively par- In exchange, SSAB’s laboratory re- It’s suitable for plain water quench-
ticipate in development projects. ceived samples of customer products ing as well as water/polymer and oil
The new SSAB M43 steel grade was for investigation. This enabled SSAB quenching, creating a wide variety
developed in response to a specific de- to gather knowledge, enabling the of processing possibilities to obtain
mand from the agricultural equipment- company to support customers with desired hardness and toughness.
manufacturing segment. Customers process parameters and suggestions.
wanted an alternative to higher-alloyed SSAB M43 is currently available for
steels while offering the same hardness, trial orders. •
Centenary donations
SSAB is celebrating the centenary of Finland’s independence by
donating 25,000 euro to organizations working to benefit children.
DURING THE EARLY summer, every final local beneficiaries by voting for Taina Kyllönen, SSAB’s Head of Group
SSAB, Ruukki Construction or Tibnor the causes they wanted the company to Communications.
employee in Finland had a chance to support. The company is also encouraging
suggest any suitable causes working “We wanted to highlight suggestions its employees to take part in voluntary
to benefit children and young people. that bring joy, support and wellbeing work in the charities that received most
The personnel at each site chose the to those particularly in need,” says votes. •
As the subsidiary of the third-largest
manufacturer of heavy duty trucks
in China, Sinotruk Qingdao credits
its success to innovation and
uncompromising dedication to
quality. by SARAH MILLER photo: SINOTRUK
BASED IN Qingdao City, China, bring more strength and weather resis- weight, low fuel consumption, great wear
Sinotruk Qingdao manufactures dump tance to its tippers and semi-trailers. resistance and overall attractiveness –
trucks, mixers, garbage trucks, armored In 2013, the company began using thanks to its design made from Hardox
cars, semi-trailers and hydraulic com- Hardox 450 for all of its mining trucks. wear plate. “We believe in Hardox plate,
ponents. Sinotruk vehicles are used in “We found that Hardox 450 really and in the Hardox in My Body program,”
many industries, including construction, increased the reliability of products, says Cheng. •
transportation, sanitary, airport, mining extended their lifetime and enhanced
and steel production. Founded in 1954, their competitiveness in the market,”
Sinotruk Qingdao’s international clients says Cheng. ● ABOUT SINOTRUK
count on it for high-quality equipment In 2016, with support from SSAB
CEO: Wang Yingbo
that’s durable and long-lasting, and China, Sinotruk Qingdao was approved
Company founded: 1954
incorporating SSAB’s steel has allowed as a member of SSAB’s Hardox in
Number of employees: 1,500
for even more intelligent technology for My Body program. “This partnership
Location: Qingdao City, Shandong
ease of use, greater profitability and means that in addition to the benefits
Province, China
conservation of resources. provided by using Hardox 450, we
Main products: As the subsidiary
“We recently perfected our U- also got a lot of support from SSAB’s
of the third-largest manufacturer of
shaped tippers using SSAB’s steel experts concerning structural applica-
heavy-duty trucks in China, Sinotruk
materials and its technical support,” tions, material welding and forming,”
Qingdao mainly manufacturers more
says Cheng Xiaodong, deputy director Cheng says.
than 300 types of heavy-duty trucks,
of Sinotruk Qingdao’s technical center. Sinotruk Qingdao exhibited prod-
special vehicles and excavators, and
“We expect to make more lightweight ucts featuring SSAB’s Hardox 450 at
more than 50 types of key compo-
trucks together with SSAB, and to grow the 122nd Canton Fair, Asia’s biggest
nents such as the hydraulic lifting
and innovate like never before.” commercial goods exposition. Fair
system of heavy-duty trucks.
Sinotruk Qingdao started using attendees admired Sinotruk’s HOWO
SSAB’s Domex 700 steel in 2002 to lightweight 6x4 dump truck for its light
Hardox® 500 Tuf wear plate is the latest upgrade in the Typical working conditions include loading and unloading
Hardox® range. Hardox® 500 Tuf combines the best of heavy and sharp rocks in quarries and mines, handling
properties from Hardox® 450 and Hardox® 500. The result large and heavy steel scrap, and in demolition when pieces
is a wear plate with no real competition on the market. of concrete with rebar are loaded or dropped into dumpers.
Hardox® 500 Tuf delivers extreme hardness and
guaranteed toughness in one and the same wear plate. Hardox® 500 Tuf. It’s new, it’s here, it’s ready for wear!