Side Pin (J-Series) Teeth and Adapters
Side Pin (J-Series) Teeth and Adapters
Side Pin (J-Series) Teeth and Adapters
Pin (J-Series) Teeth and Adapters
VBL TM self sharpening side pin teeth are a great choice for any bucket
requiring high performance wear parts.
Using computer models and wear simulations VBL side pin teeth have been engineered with
high performance self sharpening features on all shapes and sizes.
(L) Long - Good combination of wear life and penetration. Basic choice for loaders or excavators
(RP) Rock Penetrator - A penetration shape plus an engineered wear pad on the bottom make an
excellent design for front end loaders
(F) Flare - Wide flat profile leaves a flat floor as well as extends bucket capacity. Great choice for
excavators in loose material.
(T) Tiger - Sharpest tooth available for high penetration in hard packed materials
(TT) Twin Tiger - Double version of tiger primarily used on the ends of the bucket to cut clearance
(RC) Rock Chisel - Best choice for heavy impact in rock, will penetrate well and pry rocks loose.
Valley Blades Limited • 435 Phillip Street, Waterloo, ON, Canada N2J 3Z9 • P. 519.885.5500 • TF. 800.461.1824 • F. 519.746.2780
Valley Blades Limited • 14550 115A Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB, Canada T5M 3C5 • P. 780.452.1430 • TF. 877.452.1430 • F. 780.454.4221
ISO 9001:2008 [email protected]
Long Rock Pen. Tiger Twin Tiger Flare Rock Chisel Loader Excavator Weld-Nose
J200 J200L J200T J200TT J200F J200AX-1 / 12-34 J200WN
1U3202 9W8209 135-8208 109-9200 119-3204 / 8J7525
J225 J225L J225T J225TT J225F J225AX-1 J225WN
6Y3222 6Y7229 135-8228 186-3010 6Y3224
J250 J250L J250T J250TT J250F J250AX-114 J250WN
1U3252 9W8259 135-8258 208-5254 119-3253
J300 J300L J300RP J300T J300TT J300F J300RC J300AX-114 J300WN
1U3302 135-9300 9W8309 135-9308 107-3300 183-5300 3G6304
J350 J350L J350RP J350T J350TT J350F J350RC J350AL-112 /134 J350AX-112 J350WN
1U3352 144-1358 9W2359 135-9357 107-3350 168-1359 135-9354 / 113-0354 6I6354
J400 J400L J400RP J400T J400TT J400F J400RC J400AL-134 J400AX-134 J400WN
7T3402 135-9400 6Y5409 135-9408 107-3400 168-1409 125-8404 6I6404
J460 J460L J460RP J460T J460TT J460F J460RC J460AL-2 J460AX-2 J460WN
9W8452 138-6451 7T8459 138-6458 107-3450 159-0459 114-0464 , 8E3464 8E6464
J550 J550L J550RP J550T J550TT J550F J550RC J550AL-2 / 212 J550AX-212 J550WN
9W8552 138-6552 9W6559 222-7553 107-3550 159-0559 138-6554, 4T7554 / 107-3554, 3G9494 6I6554
J600 J600L J600RP J600T J600TT J600F J600RC J600AL-212 J600AX-3 J600WN
6I6602 1359600 107-8609 222-7603 NONE 159-0607 143-3114 6I6604
J700 J700RP J700RC
135-9700 171-1709
J800 J800RP J800RC
135-9800 NONE
Wear *** ***** ** ** **** ****
Penetration *** *** ***** ***** ***** *****
Impact *** **** ** ** *** *****