FISPhil Request Letter To School Presidents

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February 19, 2013 ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

Sir/Madame: Greetings of Peace! The Fingerprint Identification Society of the Philippines (FISPhil), a non-profit and non-stock organization, founded to further the knowledge of fingerprint science, will celebrate its 2 nd founding anniversary on April 15, 2013. To highlight the significance of the occasion, FISPhil will sponsor a scientific conference designed to bring together practitioners, educators, and researchers of the science of fingerprint identification, and to promote collaboration among forensic, law enforcement, academic, and legal communities. It is set on April 15 16, 2013 in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. Basically, the conference will be partitioned into two activities: 1. Lectures in Plenary Lecture presentations about topics of interest to the Fingerprint Identification Science, Law Enforcement, and Forensic Science. 2. Workshops Focused presentations on specific topics. It is distinguished from lectures by the interactive format of the presentation and hands-on participation of the participants. Workshops are restricted to twenty five (25) participants, lasting only for four (4) hours. Please see attached program of activities and details of registration fee. In this regard, we would like to request for your cooperation and support by sending your faculty members handling fingerprint identification subject to this convention. Thank you and more power. Respectfully yours,

CAMILLUS LAUREL ALLEGO, SR. Fingerprint Examiner II, National Bureau of Investigation, CEVRO, Region 7
Escario St., Capitol Site, Cebu City, Philippines 6000

2nd Scientific Conference of the Fingerprint Identification Society of the Philippines April 15-16, 2013 Venue: Western Philippines University, Puerto Princesa City, Palawa n

Recommended Accommodation: Voyagers Palace North National Highway, Brgy. Tiniguiban Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300 Philippines For reservation, contact: MR. HENRY G. GABO, General Manager Mobile #0921-795-3104 Landline: 434-4261 Hotel Number: +63 48 434 4261; +63 930 972 5121 ; +63 Hotel Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook Page:

921 795 3104


Voyager's Palace has a range of facilities and guest services from airconditioned rooms, ensuite toilet and bath with hot and cold showers, double rooms, family rooms and barkada rooms. Inclusions: *Air conditioned room, with breakfast, Wi-fi *Airport Transfer *Hot & Cold Shower *24"LCD TV with cable Channels

Discounted rate: Php 500.00 per person Just mention or indicate in the booking form, Tony Cabrestante, to avail the discounted room rates.

The 2nd Scientific Conference is specifically designed to bring together fingerpr int practitioners, educators, and researchers to enhance informationsharing and promote collaboration among the forensic, law enforcement, academic, and legal communities. The location of the Conference is the home of the reputed longest navigable under ground river in the World, the Puerto Princesa Underground River, which is located about 50 km north of the city. It is one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature!

Monday, April 15, 2013 8:00 am - Breakfast and Opening Ceremony

The FISPhil President will call the meeting to order, offer a few kind words of welcome and provide dir ections and instructions to the lecture, workshops, and social gathering room. Invocation Presentation of Colors Opening Remarks : Camillus L. Allego, Sr., FISPhil President Welcome Address : Mayor Edward Hagedorn Keynote Presentation : ALFREDO KAHANDING Ph.D., Chief, Dactyloscopy Division, NBI Presentations are normally held in the "Main Conference Room", and these are typically 1/2 hour to 3 hour lectures about topics of general interest to the Fingerprint Identification Sciences, Law Enforcement, and For ensic Science. Attire for the Presenters is expected to be formal or casual.


9:00 -10:00 - Paradigm Shift in Fingerprint Examination: A Panel Discussion

Moderator: Melcon S. Lapina, FISPhil Secretary and Dean of Criminology, John Paul II College of Davao , Digos City Panelists are senior fingerprint examiners, researchers with content knowledge, experienced trai ners, and curriculum professionals. Each one of them is to tackle current state of affairs in the science of fingerprint exami nation, if not stimulate thinking and discussion among them, including the need of research culture, and the latest curriculu m adopted in the academe.

The discussion will then be opened for audience participation.

10:00-11:30 - Cognitive Bias in Fingerprint Examination

(Jury G. Rocamora, PDEA) While fingerprint identification has historically been vouched as having 100% i nfallibility, recent researches in the field have revealed that this is far from the case. Fingerprint exam ination involves visual perception, memory, and decisionmaking. The state of mind of the human fingerprint examiner has been pointed out as the culprit in the erroneous attributions of latent fingerprints to a known print in the empirical researches that were conducted in the field by cognitive psychologis ts and fingerprint experts. The phenomenon is even exacerbated by the integration of Automated Fing erprint Identification System technology in the decisionmaking process. The findings have been considered a serious setback in the criminal justice system since fingerprint evidence has long been universally considered as the g old standard of forensic investigation. The anatomy of error in the actual case investigated by the FBI on Brandon Mayfields pri nt will be reviewed ridge by ridge through PowerPoint.

11:30-12:00 Tips and Tricks for CSIpix Fingerprint Comparator: A Product Video Demonstration
How can this software benefit you? A replacement to the manual process examining fingerprint images with a magnifying glass, whic h reduces eye strain, and reduce neck and back injury. Displays images for comparison purposes side by side, mark features, and is easily producing charts for court and classroom demonstration purposes. 12:00 Noon Lunch

Be dressed for working with chemicals and other materials which may "soil" your clothing, shou ld you get careless. Some workshops may be conducted outdoors. Be certain to register early to any workshop or int erest, as they fill up fast. Workshops are to be conducted simultaneously, so you better choose one which is b est for you. Workshop will be limited to twentyfive (25) students. No participant is allowed to attend two or more workshops at the same time. A Certificate of Participation will be issued to each participant upon compl etion of the workshop. Participants are required to register; attendance will be monitored strictly. No certific ate will be issued in advance or in absentia. So make sure that the closing program is part of your itinera ry.

1:00-3:00 PM - Fingerprint-taking of the Dead (P100)

(CAMILLUS ALLEGO, SR., NBI) It will review the techniques of taking rolled prints, including the use of spoon and spatula while taking prints of the dead person. Show ways how to deal with dry skin, decomposed friction skin, and knowing when you can do more. Attendees are encouraged to share their experiences in the difficulty of getting what is right impression good for comparison or AFIS encoding.

1:00-5:00 PM - Henry Classification Formula Workshop (P200)

(LEYNET AGUILA, PNP) Although automated fingerprint identification is changing the methods of criminal record keepin g, the Henry Classification System remains the backbone of law enforcement record identification. This workshop consists of recogni tion of the three pattern groups, including ridge counting loop and tracing whorls, and the introduction to NCIC. The course will c onsist of lecture, demonstrations

and many handson practical classification exercises (participants are required to bring a magnifier and ridge counte rs with them) that are useful for those Criminologists who are teaching or will be teaching this subject. Ind ustries that are using either thumbprints or tenprints for personal identification such as banks, jail facilities, and other similar establishments may need this workshop as the basic on how to identify fingerprint patterns will be taught.

1:00-5:00 PM - Fingerprint Examination Applying ACE-V Methodology (P200)

(JURY ROCAMORA, PDEA) This is to introduce the universally accepted fingerprint examination methodology, ACE-V. Interesting to note that one graduate school professor gave a failing grade to his student for mentioning ACE-V in the latters comprehensive exam. It is about time to understand the basic processes of Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification (ACE-V) and the scientific principles behind its applications to fingerprint examination. Comparisons of crime scenequality prints to given known prints will be conducted as a practical exercise of the methodology (participants are required to bring a magnifier and ridge counters with them). It is recommended t hat each student must have background on the Henry Fingerprint Classification and the Biology of Friction Skin to be accepted in this workshop.

3:00-5:00 PM - Latent Print Photography using Digital SingleLens Reflex Camera (P100)
(DENNIS CHIONG, NBI) During this workshop the students will learn basic camera concepts, formatting a proper image, exposure adjustments lighting techniques, terminology, and common settings on the digital camera (participants are required to bring a DSLR camera with them). This class is also designed for anyone tasked to document crime scenes, autopsy or body injuries, or evidentiary items. To be discussed also are crime scene and evidence photographic documentation principles, comparison of Digital vs. Film photography,

Group Photo

Vendor and Poster Presentation Breaks

Historical Development of Fingerprint Science in the Philippines (Alfie P. Sarmiento) A Comparison Between Powdering and Super Glue Fuming Methods of Developing Latent Finger prints on Non-Porous Surfaces (Melcon S. Lapina) Call for Poster Presentation This call for POSTER PRESENTATION is open to all forensic professionals, fingerprint examiners, e ducators, researchers,

and students who wish to share their acquired knowledge, successful case investigations, unu sual case, research/ experiments findings, technical papers, inventions, innovative techniques, book reviews, adverti sement of a product or services, tricks of the trade, and items of historical interest in the field of forensic fingerprint science. The welldesigned poster should inform the observer as to the basics of the subject matter as well as any conclusions, thereby freeing the presenter to focus on discussion of essential elements of the work. The presenter d oes not give a formal lecture but stands by his her display as the Conference attendees pass by. The poster may be au gmented by the use of hand-outs or give-aways. 7:00-9:00 - Business Meeting (closed to FISPhil members) First Reading of the Constitution and By-laws Nomination of Interim Board of Directors Schedule and Venue of 2014 3rd Scientific Conference, Old and new business, Officer & Com mittee reports, and a financial report are given for all the business meetings. Announcement for the Call for Presenters for 20 14 Conference Only members are allowed to attend the Business Meetings, and to vote for the new Officers and Board of Directors.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 8:00am -Underground River Cruise

Those without prior reservation cannot be accommodated during the tour. Please coordinate w ith the conference organizers for further details. 7:00 pm- 11:00 pm - Closing Banquet All the attendees and their accompanying persons are invited for an exclusive dinner fea turing local cuisine, vibrant entertainment, and a chance to network with different prominent personalities, mix with old co lleagues and friends, and mingle with new friends alike. The highlight is the closing remarks, distribution of certificates, submissio n of conference evaluations and this is expected to be the turnover ceremonies to the next host of the Scientific Conference. REGISTRATION FEE INCLUSIVE of Conference Kit, April 15 Lunch, Dinner, 2 snacks, and Closing Banquet on April 1 6; it DOES NOT include workshop fee, hotel accommodation or travel and Lunch on April 16; participants can choose their own accommodation. For early reservation, you can BOOK ONLINE at the other hotels and pension ho uses: Registration Form Note: Fill this up and send in advance/or bring during the Conference to avoid delay in the processing of your registration.

NAME OF ATTENDEE Tick if Student PROFESSION CONTACT ADDRESS FISPhil Member? Accompanying Person(s) Presenter? YES/NO YES NO

Contact Number:____________________ Email:________________________ Nickname for Badge: ________________

If not, interested in becoming a FISPhil member? YES Lecture Workshop Poster


Name(s): If yes, what category?

Title Workshops Attending Fingerprinttaking of the Dead (P100) Henry Classification Formula Workshop (P200) Fingerprint Examination Applying ACE-V Methodology (P200) Latent Print Photography using Digital Single-Lens Reflex Camera (P100) Payment Registration: P__________________ Total: P___________________ Underground Tour: P_________________ Workshops: P___________________ Accompanying Persons: P__________________

As of the moment, payment in cash is the only option. Cheque/ demand drafts and credit/debit car ds are not to be accepted. A reservation is a commitment - No refunds for nonattendance. First 20 registrants are eligible to a raffle draw for door prizes (mugs with FISPhil logo, and other memorabilia). Dress code is Formal. Namebadges must be worn for all Educational Sessions and Social Events. V olunteers are deployed to check if you have namebadges with indication whether you are student, member, nonmember, or accompanying person. Officers and other organizing volunteers have their own color-coded namebadges. FISPhil Members- P2, 000.00 Plus P1, 600.00 (Optional Underground River Tour) NOTE: New application and renewal for membership must be approved prior to registering in the C onference. Non-members- P2, 400.00 Plus P1, 600.00 (Optional Underground River Tour) Students - P1, 600.00 Plus 1,600.00 (Optional Underground River Tour) To qualify as a Student Registrant, individuals must be fulltime students, not gainfully employed. He/she must provide a letter of authorization from the dean on school letterhead AND a copy of student identity card. This let ter must accompany the registration. Non submission of proof of student status will bar a student to avail the student rate. PhD, Masteral, and Law students are not eligible for the student rate. Also see the opportunity for Student Poster Present ations. Please note that workshops may have additional fees attached. Accompanying Person P1, 000.00 Plus 1,600.00 (Optional Underground River Tour) An accompanying person is a registered participants spouse, companion or child who does not ha ve a business or scientific interest in the conference. He/ she may attend the plenary session lectures but not on the workshop s, nor receive certificate of participation from any of the sessions. The registered accompanying persons will have an oppo rtunity to experience the actual fingerprinting activity with fun. Additional Fee for individual Workshop: P100 - P200 depending on the activities and materials.
We take the opportunity for individual, company or institution to market or showcase their professional serv ices or products while at the same time help us realize the conduct of this Conference by sponsoring the following:


Poster Presentation Session, Conference Kit and Namebadges, Program and Banner Printing, Foods and Bev erages, T-shirt printing and Giveaways Each Sponsor, depending on the agreed amount, receives the standard benefits package: Recognition listing in the final conference program Sponsor designation on conference namebadge Link from the FISPhil website to your personal, business or corporate website Verbal recognition at opening, gala night, and closing ceremonies To be featured in the maiden issue of FISPhil newsletter Prominent placement of your logo on conference signage One free registration to attend the Conference (depending on the amount to sponsor) If you are interested, contact us or visit

CERTIFICATES Four (4) Types of Certificates will be presented at the Conference. Certificate of Attendance - For attendance in the Conference. Certificate of Participation For participation in every workshop Certificate of Presentation For all participants who register and presented a Lecture, Workshop, or Poster. Certificate of Appreciation For volunteers of various committees, sponsors, and invited personalities in the program of the Conference. No certificate will be issued in advance or in absentia. Browse online for flight schedule to Puerto Princesa at


CONTACT THE ORGANIZING COMMI TTEES: (+63) 9161370787; (+63) 9398298166 on (+63) 9061333946; (+63) 9216197984 MELCON LAPINA CAMILLUS ALLEGO SR. Over-all Chairman

Registration/ Membership/ Invitati LEYNET AGUILA

Program/ Certificate/ Promotions

(+63) 9176323638; (+63) 9196151611 Visual

JURY ROCAMORA Exhibits and Physical Arrangement/ AudioALFIE SARMIENTO Documentation/ Accommodation/ Soci

als AZO




Fingerprint Identification Society of the Philippines, Inc. c/o National Bureau of Investigation, Central Visayas Regional Office No. VII, Escario Street, Capitol Site, Cebu City, Philippines 6000 Email Address: [email protected] Website:

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