Uterine Anomalies Latin Anatomy Reigns: Karl Olah, Warwick Hospital, Warwick, Uk

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Uterine anomalies Latin anatomy


U terine anomalies are present in up to

5% of the general population, and in
up to 15% of women with recurrent mis-
Various suggestions have been made
over the years for a system of classifying
uterine anomaly (Oppelt et al. Fertil Steril
A double uterus with a single cervix:
bicornis bicorpus unicollis. In one single
sentence the degree of anomaly is com-
carriage. They are associated with adverse 2005;84:1493 7; Buttram & Gibbons Fer- municated with ease. Other terms such
pregnancy outcome, dysfunctional labour, til Steril 1979;32:40 6). These suggestions as ‘arcuate’ and ‘septate’ are essentially
malpresentation and unstable fetal lie add confusion to what is already a very descriptions of the minor degrees of
(Hiersch et al. J Matern-Fet Neonat Med simple classification system based on the duplication under the umbrella of bicornis
2016;29:2573 8). Latin terms that we all use in everyday unicorpus unicollis.
gynaecology. I have never studied Latin.
The term ‘bicornuate uterus’ is used to However, only minimal understanding is This system of classification has
describe all degrees of uterine anomaly required to use the proper classification stood the test of time and should be
from a slight actuate uterus to a full dupli- of uterine anomaly. If the upper part of more widely used. The adage ‘if it isn’t
cation of the m€ullerian tract. In reality, a the uterus is designated the ‘cornual’ area broken, then it doesn’t need fixing’
term like this must convey the degree of (the upper uterus rather than the true applies.
abnormality to allow the degree of risk cornua) the mid-section is the ‘corpus’
associated with the anomaly to be prop- and the cervix is the ‘collis’. Then, when
erly assessed. ‘Bicornuate uterus’ is mean- we apply ‘bi’ meaning two and ‘uni’ Disclosure of interests
ingless in this context, mainly because the meaning one, we can use the terms to None declared. Completed disclosure of
term is used so liberally. Therefore it is describe all degrees of uterine anomaly. interests form available to view online as
vital that terms be used to give all the For example a complete duplication supporting information. &
information required. would be bicornus bicorpus bicollis.

1064 ª 2018 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

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