Case Report: Successful Vaginal Delivery of Naturally Conceived Dicavitary Twin in Didelphys Uterus: A Rare Reported Case
Case Report: Successful Vaginal Delivery of Naturally Conceived Dicavitary Twin in Didelphys Uterus: A Rare Reported Case
Case Report: Successful Vaginal Delivery of Naturally Conceived Dicavitary Twin in Didelphys Uterus: A Rare Reported Case
Case Report
Successful Vaginal Delivery of Naturally Conceived Dicavitary
Twin in Didelphys Uterus: A Rare Reported Case
Copyright © 2017 Houda Nasser Al Yaqoubi and Nishat Fatema. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
Didelphys uterus, or double uterus, is an embryological developmental malformation of the müllerian ducts with the incidence
of approximately 8.3% of all müllerian duct abnormalities (MDAs). Didelphys uterus accompanying dicavitary twin gestation is
encountered as a very rare entity with overall incidence of about 1 in 1,000,000. We report a rare case of didelphys uterus, diagnosed
since her first pregnancy, and during her fourth pregnancy she conceived dicavitary twin naturally without any infertility treatment.
Though, the pregnancy course was complicated by preterm labour at 34-week gestation and she delivered simultaneously both
fetuses with the cephalic presentation by spontaneous vaginal delivery with good maternal and neonatal outcomes.
(a) (b)
Figure 2: (a) Schematic diagram of nongravid didelphys uterus and (b) schematic diagram of gravid didelphys uterus with dicavitary twin.
naturally without any infertility treatment. Unfortunately, the a 66 days’ interval at 35 weeks of gestation. They described
pregnancy course was complicated by preterm labour at 34 that in didelphys uterus as the uterine horns are individually
weeks of gestation and she delivered simultaneously both functioning so the initiation of labour could be local rather
fetuses with the cephalic presentation by spontaneous vaginal than systemic control [7].
delivery. The time interval between deliveries of both fetuses Maki et al. described another case of dicavitary twins in
was only 11 minutes. didelphys uterus that were conceived after fertility treatment,
Similar to our case, Allegrezza reported a case of natural where at 37 weeks of gestation the woman had preterm
dicavitary twin pregnancy in didelphys uterus, in which the premature rupture of the membrane of right horn of uterus
patient had premature rupture of membrane followed by followed by progression of labour with simultaneous contrac-
preterm labour at 31 weeks of gestation, both fetuses were tions of both horns of the uterus. The fetus in the right horn
cephalic and delivered vaginally without any complications was delivered by spontaneous vaginal delivery and the second
[4]. twin was delivered by cesarean section in view of abnormal
The contractions of both uteri may not begin simultane- cardiotocograph (CTG). They analyzed the synchronized
ously. There are reported cases where the delivery interval contractions of both horns of the didelphys uterus and
between the twins varies from several hours or even several commented that the primary uterine contractions are caused
weeks [8]. by the individual rhythms of the bilateral pacemaker sites
One case is reported by Nohara et al. in which one surrounding the uterotubal junction and subsequently the
twin was delivered by cesarean section at 25 weeks of help of the gap junctions in between both uterine sides
gestation due to fetal distress followed by premature rupture resulted in synchronized uterine contractions to expel the
of membrane and another one was delivered vaginally with uterine contents [6].
4 Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology
In our case, luckily the CTG tracing of both fetuses Conflicts of Interest
was reactive, and both were delivered vaginally without any
difficulty within an 11-minute time interval. The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
Only a few cases of twin gestation with didelphys uterus
that had spontaneous vaginal delivery are mentioned in the Acknowledgments
literature [1, 8].
Didelphys uterus is associated with varieties of obstetric The authors would like to thank Dr. Tanima Roy (Bangladesh)
complications including early and late miscarriages, malpre- for her great effort and support by drawing the schematic
sentation, intrauterine growth restriction, preterm delivery, diagrams (Figure 2).
and preterm rupture of membrane [4, 5, 9].
Cervical incompetence is not commonly occurred with References
didelphys uterus so cervical cerclage is not routinely recom-
mended unless there is an evidence of cervical incompetence [1] O. Ozyuncu, M. Turgal, A. Yazicioglu, and A. Ozek, “Sponta-
or dilation either by clinical examination or ultrasonography neous twin gestation in each horn of uterus didelphys compli-
during early second trimester. A case of didelphys uterus with cated with unilateral preterm labor,” Case Reports in Perinatal
dicavitary twin was reported with the short cervix at 30 weeks Medicine, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014.
of gestation with uterine contractions. They managed the case [2] S. Rezai, P. Bisram, I. Lora Alcantara, R. Upadhyay, C. Lara, and
by tocolytic therapy with nifedipine until 34 weeks and then M. Elmadjian, “Didelphys uterus: a case report and review of
at 37 weeks of gestation cesarean section was done for both the literature,” Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol.
fetuses due to fetal distress of one twin. They did not observe 2015, Article ID 865821, 5 pages, 2015.
any adverse effects of tocolytic therapy [1, 2]. [3] M. Yang, J. Tseng, C. Chen, and H. Li, “Delivery of double
The overall obstetric outcome of uterus didelphys is poor singleton pregnancies in a woman with a double uterus, double
cervix, and complete septate vagina,” Journal of the Chinese
but still better than the other MDAs like the septate or
Medical Association, vol. 78, no. 12, pp. 746–748, 2015.
bicornuate uterus. The reason behind this occurs is that
[4] D. M. Allegrezza, “Uterus didelphys and dicavitary twin preg-
in didelphys uterus the blood supply through the collateral
nancy,” Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, vol. 23, no. 5,
circulation in between two horns is better in comparison to
pp. 286–289, 2016.
other MDAs. The successful pregnancy rate with didelphys
[5] C. Magudapathi, “Uterus didelphys with longitudinal vaginal
uterus is 57%, and the fetal survival rate is documented
septum: normal deliver—case report,” Journal of Clinical Case
around 64% [2, 4, 10]. Reports, vol. 2, article 13, 2012.
In these cases, no specific route of termination of preg-
[6] Y. Maki, S. Furukawa, H. Sameshima, and T. Ikenoue, “Inde-
nancy is recommended in the literature, though both vaginal pendent uterine contractions in simultaneous twin pregnancy
and cesarean delivery have been mentioned in the previous in each horn of the uterus didelphys,” Journal of Obstetrics and
studies. The incidence of cesarean section is documented Gynaecology Research, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 836–839, 2014.
about 82%. If both fetal presentations are cephalic and there [7] M. Nohara, M. Nakayama, H. Masamoto, K. Nakazato, K.
are no other associated risk factors, then vaginal delivery can Sakumoto, and K. Kanazawa, “Twin pregnancy in each half of a
be considered as the mode of delivery [2, 5, 10]. uterus didelphys with a delivery interval of 66 days,” BJOG: An
If the cesarean section is indicated then a low midline International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, vol. 110, no.
longitudinal incision is preferable for proper exposure of both 3, pp. 331-332, 2003.
uterine cavity to facilitate the delivery of the fetuses [3]. [8] R. Kekkonen, M. Nuutila, and T. Laatikainen, “Twin pregnancy
with a fetus in each half of a uterus didelphys,” Acta Obstetricia
4. Conclusion et Gynecologica Scandinavica, vol. 70, no. 4-5, pp. 373-374, 1991.
[9] J. R. Jackson, B. Williams, and J. Thorp, “Spontaneous triplets
Most of the previous studies regarding didelphys uterus carried in a uterus didelphys,” Case Reports in Women’s Health,
with twin gestation had the history of fertility treatment, vol. 3-4, pp. 1-2, 2014.
and the termination of pregnancy was required by cesarean [10] S. Bhattacharya and P. K. Mistri, Twin Pregnancy in a Woman
section either due to fetal malpresentation or fetal distress. with Uterus Didelphys, 2011,
Our presented case is the dicavitary twin with didelphys
uterus, which was conceived naturally, and although the
pregnancy was complicated by preterm labour, both fetuses
were delivered vaginally with good maternal and neonatal
Didelphys uterus is associated with a twin pregnancy is a
high-risk pregnancy. The early detection of this anomaly of
the uterus and accompanying pregnancy by ultrasonography
is of great value. Close monitoring of fetal growth, biophysical
profile, and the cervical condition is recommended through-
out the pregnancy. The time and mode of delivery should
be planned and discussed in detail with the couple during
antenatal follow-up [4, 5, 8].
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