CR3 Robbb
CR3 Robbb
CR3 Robbb
Chief on duty :
Dr. Robby Prawira Sulbahri
Supervisor :
Dr. H. Nuswil Bernolian. OBGYN (C)
Physiological Patients : 4 Patients
Pathological Patients : 15 Patients
Total : 19 Patients
LSCS 6 40
Spontaneous delivery 5 33,3
Spontaneous Bracht 1 6,6
Conservative 2 13,3
Expectative 1 6,6
TOTAL 15 100
Thursday, February 23th 2017
1. Anhydramnios 2 13, LSCS 2 13,
3 3
2. Placenta preave 1 6,6 Expectative 1 6,6
Spontaneous 2
3. PROM 2 13,3 13,3
4. Preterm Pregnancy 1 6,6 Spontaneous delivery 1 6,6
1. Mrs. P1A0 post LSCS cb fetal O76 LSCS 082 dischar ALH
WAH/21/UA distress + Anhydramnios ge
Delivery Room Report
Monday February 20th 2017
No Identity Diagnosis ICD Procedure ICD Presen Physi
10 9 t cian
1. Mrs. P1A0 post LSCS cb CPD O42. - LSCS 669 Stable in ALH
FIR/30/UA 02 ward
Delivery Room Report
Wednesday, February 22nd
nd 2017
Photo Bayi
21 C
23 C
24 C
Balad skor
Identity Mrs. LEN/38 y. o/ UA C
Hospitalized : 17-02-17, 11.30 PM
Chief complaint Preterm pregnancy with bleeding from vagina
History + 3 hours before admited to the hospital, patient complain about
bleeding from vagina. 1x changes pad. History of contraction (+),
History of amnion leakage (-). Patient has been also in RSMH 1
month ago at RSMH with the same main complain. (January 2017).
Patient says that she has preterm pregnancy and fetal movement
was active.
Marital status 1x, 15 years
Reproduction Menarche since 15 yo, regular cycle 28 days, 7 days.
status LMP : 15.08.2016
Obstetric history 1. 2002, female, preterm, 2400 gram, LSCS, Pusri Hospital, healthy
2. This pregnancy
Past iIlness H/ admitted at RSMH, January 2017 with APH c.b marginal placental
history praeve
Vital Sign BP 120/80 Pulse : 84x/m T: 36.5 RR: 20x/m
Obstetrical Palpation:
examination Fundal height 2 finger below proc. Xypoideus (24 cm),
longitudinal, rightback, head, 4/5, contractions (-) FHR:
IT 3 145x/m
Inspeculo: Portio was livide, closed OUE, fluor (-), fluxus (+)
bleeding not active
Identity Mrs. LEN/38 y. o/ UA K
Identity Mrs. MEI/25/RA A
Hospitalized : 17-02-17, 10.00 AM K
Chief complaint Aterm pregnancy and amniotic leakage (+)
History + 12 hours before admited to the hospital patient complain about
amniotic leakage (+) clear, odor (-) 2x changes pad. contraction (+)
bloody show (+). History of trauma (-) leukorea (+) postcoital (-)
Patient stated that she has aterm pregnancy with fetal movement
Marital status 1x, 1 years
Reproduction Menarche since 12 yo, regular cycle 28 days, 5 days.
status LMP : forget
Obstetric history 1. 2011, female, 2900 g, aterm, spontaneous delivery, midwife
2. 2016, female, 3100 g, spontaneous delivery,midwife
3. This pregnancy
Past iIlness (-)
Vital Sign BP 110/70 Pulse : 78 x/m T: 36.4 RR: 18x/m
Obstetrical Palpation:
examination Fundal height was 3 finger below proc. Xypoideus (32 cm),
right back, head, contractions 2/10/15, FHR 136x/m, EFW
2700 g
Portio was soft, medial, eff 75 %, 3 cm, head, HI-II, amniotic
membrane (-) clear, smell(-), sagital suture transverse
Identity Mrs. MEI /25/RA A
Laboratorium Hb 12.7 g/dL K
exam WBC 9.100
Trombocyte 334.000
Identity Mrs. MUT/22 yo/ UA A
Chief complain Hospitalized at 18-2-2017 at 06.30 PM K
Fullterm pregnancy with amniotic leakage
History 12 hours before admission, patient complained amniotic leakage, amount 2x
change napkin, clear, smelly (-), abdominal contraction (+) but rare, bloddy
show (-), history of : trauma (-), leucorrhea (+), post coital (+) 1 day ago,
toothache (-), skin infection (-), traditional herbal drink (-), traditional massage
(-), trauma (-).
Patient admit that her pregnancy is aterm and she can still feel the movement
of the fetus
Marital status 1x, 3 years
Reproduction Menarche since 12 yo, regular cycle 28 days, for 7 days, LMP : 15/05/2016
Obstetric 1. This pregnancy
Physical BP : 130/80 mmHg, P : 80 x/min, T : 36.0 C, RR : 20 x/min, Weight 63 kg, Height 158 cm
Obstetrical Inspection & Palpation :
examination Fundal height was in 3 finger below proc. Xypoideus (30 cm), longitudinal lie,
left back, head, U 5/5, His 1x/10/10, FHR: 155x/m, EFW : 2635 g
Inspeculo : Portio livide, OUE closed, fluor (+), fluxus (+) amniotic fluid but
didnt active, Lacmus test (+) red blue, E/L/P (-)
VT: Portio was soft, posterior, eff 0%, closed, head, HI, amniotic leakage,
clear, smelly(-), and denominator cant be assessed
US ER (FEB) - Single life fetus cephalic presentation
- Fetal Biometry: BPD 9.1 cm AC 31,5 cm
HC 31,1 cm FL 7.61 cm EFW : 2624 g
- Placenta at anterior corpus of the uterine
- Amniotic fluid was normal, AFI 0.97 3.76 = 12.14 cm
3.58 3.84
Laboratory Hb: 10.4g/dl, wbc 7.700/ mm3, trombosit 206.000/mm3, CRP qualitative : C
examination positif, CRP Quantitative : 9, LEA : Positif +
Diagnosis G1P0A0 39 weeks gestational age not inlabor with PROM 12 hours SLF cephalic
Therapy Observed vital sign, inlabor sign, FHR
IVFD RL gtt XX/ m
Induction with oxytocin drip
Ampicillin inj 1gr/6 hours IV
P/ Evaluate with WHO partograph modified
P / vaginal delivery
20:30 PM G1P0A0 39 weeks gestational age inlabor 1st stage laten phase with PROM 16
Diagnosis hours SLF cephalic presentation
22:30 AM G1P0A0 39 weeks gestational age inlabor 1st stage active phase with PROM 18
Diagnosis hours SLF cephalic presentation
02: 25 AM G1P0A0 39 weeks gestational age inlabor 2nd stage with history of ROM 20
Diagnosis hours SLF vertex presentation
Delivery report 02:35 AM : Male life baby, Weight 2500 g, Height 47 cm, A/S 8/9 FTAGA
02:45 PM : complete placenta, PW 450 g, UC 50 cm, 17 x 18 cm
Laboratory Hb: 10.6 g/dl, wbc 18.000/ mm3, trombosit 222.000/mm3,
20-02-2017 P1A0 post spontaneous delivery with history of PROM 12 hours
P/ cefadroxil 500mg/ 12 hours PO
Mefenamic acid 500 mg/ 8 hours PO
Neurodec tab / hours PO
19-2-17 D/ G3P2A0 37 weeks gestational age in labor 1st stage latent phase
02.00 AM with severe preeclampsia SLF cephalic presentation
3 cm
Management Observed vital sign, FHR, Nifedipine tab 10 mg/8 hours PO
contraction Acceleration with oxytocin drip
IG 4 Urinary cathetherization, monitor Evaluate according to Gestosis
BP 150/90 mmHg I/O Task Force
MgSO4 inj ~ protocol Plan for vaginal delivery
04.00 AM D/ G3P2A0 37 weeks gestational age in labor 1st stage active phase
4 cm with severe preeclampsia SLF cephalic presentation
Identity Mrs. SUS/35 yo/UA
08.00 AM 43 in labor 2nd with severe preeclampsia SLF cephalic
D/ G3P2A0 37 weeks gestational age
IG 4 presentation
BP 140/90 mmHg
Management P/ Conduct the labor A
08.15 AM Female life baby was born with BW 2900 g, BL 49 cm, AS 8/9 FTAGA K
08.20 AM Placenta was delivered completely. PW 480 g, UCL 50 cm, 18 x 19 cm
Laboratory Hb: 12.7 g/dl, wbc 13.700/ mm3, trombosit 405.000/mm3, Mg : 2,91, Na/K: 139/4.0 LDH
Examination 352,
48 C
Identity Mrs. ASP/38 yo/UA B
49 C
Patient history Hospitalized at 19/2/17, 11.40 PM K
D/ G3P2A0 39 weeks gestational age in labor 1st stage active phase
with severe preeclampsia SLF cephalic presentation
Physical Physical exam: UFH 3 fingers below processus xiphoideus (34 cm),
examination longitudinal lie, back at right, head, U 3/5, contraction 4X/1035, FHR 150
IG 5 x/m, EFW 3255 g
BP 160/100 Vaginal toucher: soft portio, anterior, eff 100%, 7 cm, head, HI, amniotic
mmHg membrane (-), anterior right small fontanelle
Diagnosis G2P1A0 41 weeks gestational age inlabor 1st stage latent phase
SLF cephalic presentation
Lab Hb 9,5/ WBC 17,1/ PLT 310/ crp kualitatif positif, crp kuantitatif 93 LEA
00.32 AM -male life baby was born with BW 3000 gram, BL 48 cm, A/S 7/8
Lab Hb 8,5/ WBC 20.000 / HT 29%/ PLT 286
Lab examination Hb:10.3 g/dl, WBC 11.100 /mm3, Ht :33% , Plt 345.000/mm3 CRP
17-02-2017 qual (-) CRP quant <5 LEA (-) Urine epithelial cells (+)
ER US C/ 30 weeks gestational age SLF cephalic presentation +
Diagnosis G2P0A1 30 weeks of gestational age not inlabor with PPROM 2 days
SLF cephalic presentation + any
Therapy Conservative
Assess vital signs, FHR, labor signs
IVFD RL gtt XX/m
Inj Ampicillin 1g/12 hours IV
Inj Dexamethasone 12 mg/12 hours IV B
P/US Confirmation A
US Confirmation 35 weeks gestational age SLF cephalic presentation + anhydramnion
+ BPP 6
Assess vital signs, FHR, labor signs
IVFD RL gtt XX/m
Inj Ampicillin 1g/12 hours IV
Inj Dexamethasone 12 mg/12 hours IV
Report to Consultant in charge : Dr. Hj Hartati,SpOG(K)
Advice : Fetal lung maturation
Consult to fetomaternal
Consult to Fetomaternal subdivision : Dr. H. Nuswil
Advice : Strict monitoring
69 C
Identity Mrs. WAH/21/UA B
70 C
Follow Up S: - K
(17/02/2017) O : St. Present : BP 110/70 Pulse : 82x/m T: 36.5 RR: 20x/m
01.00 PM Palpation :
Fundal height 3 fingers bellow processus xiphoideus, longitudinal, cephalic,
5/5 contraction (-) FHR I 172 x/m FHR II 177x/m FHR III178 x/m
A: G1P0A0 35 weeks of gestational age not inlabor with PPROM 1 day SLF
cephalic presentation + anhydramnion + non reassuring fetal status + low
biophysical profile + fetal tachycardia
Assess vital signs, FHR, labor signs
IVFD RL gtt XX/m
Inj Ceftriaxone 1g/12 hours IV
Inj Dexamethasone 12 mg/12 hours IV
Intrauterine resuscitation : lateroposition
O2 5-7 l/m
P/ Abdominal termination
Report to Consultant in charge : Dr. Hj Hartati,SpOG(K)
Agree to terminate abdominally
02.25 PM Female life baby was born with BW 2500 g, BL 46 cm, AS 8/9
02.28 PM
Placenta was delivered completely. PW 420 g, UCL 41cm,
16 x 197cm
Identity Mrs. WAH/21/UA B
71 C
Lab examination Hb:10.7 g/dl, WBC 14.900 /mm3, Ht :32% , Plt 365.000/mm3 K
Therapy Konservatif
Observasi TVI, his, tanda-tanda inpartu
IVFD RL gtt xx/menit
Nifedipine 10mg/6jam
Dexametasone 12 mg/24 jam IV
R/ USG konfirmasi
Identity Mrs. PIT/17/UA B
US confirmation - SLF breech presentation K
20-02-2017 - Fetal Biometri
BPD : 7,82 cm, AC : 25,28 cm
HC : 28,35 cm, FL : 5,17 cm, EFW : 1345 g
- Plcentae at anterior corpus
- Amnionitic fluid Sp : 3,1 cm
- Cervical length 1,06 cm
Conclution : 30 weeks gestational age SLF breech presentation +
cervical length 1,06 cm
P/ cerclage
20-02-2017 Cerclage at emergency operating room.
14.15 PM
22-02-2017 G1P0A0 30 weeks of gestational with threatened preterm
labour SLF breech presentation + Post cerclage
P/ Nifedifine 10mg/8hours
Follow Up At 15.40 AM male life baby was born, BW 4600 g, BL 56 cm A/S 8/9
(21/02/2017) FTAGA
15.35 PM
At 15.45 PM placenta was delivered completely, PW 750 g, UCL 57 cm,
LSCS diameter 21x22 cm
At 16.00 PM the operation was completed
Assess vital signs, FHR, labor signs
Augmentation with oxytocin 10 IU gtt X/m + ballon catheter
Inj MgSO4 40% 4g/6 hours IM
Nifedipine 10 mg / 6 hours
Inj Dexametasone 10mg/8 hours IV
P/ Vaginal Delivery
Follow Up A: G6P5A0 28 weeks of gestational age inlabor first stage latent phase wit
(22/02/2017) impending eclampsia + partial HELLP syndrome SDF intrauterine
07.00 am
11.00 am G6P5A0 28 weeks of gestational age inlabor first stage active phase with
impending eclampsia + partial HELLP syndrome SDF intrauterine
14.10 am G6P5A0 24 weeks of gestational age inlabor second stage with
impending eclampsia + partial HELLP syndrome SDF intrauterine
P/ Conduct to labor
Identity Mrs. KAR/40/RA B
84 C
Follow Up Male death neonatus BW : 1100 g BL : 38cm maseration grade II K
(22/02/2017) Hb:10.2 g/dl, WBC 19.500 /mm3, LDH 974
14.25 am