Project Audit and Review Checklist PDF

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Project Audit & Review Checklist

The following provides a detailed checklist to assist the PPO with reviewing the health of a project:
Relevance (at this time) Theory & Practice
(How relevant is this attribute to this project or audit?) (An indication of this attribute’s strength or weakness)
1 3 5 1 3 5
Little / none Moderate Critical Not addressed Adequate Well covered

Item Attribute Relevance Practice Assessment

1 Project Planning

1.1 Does the project have a formal Project Plan?

1.2 Are the key elements of a Project Plan present?

a. Project Definition & Scope?
b. Project Objectives?
c. Cost / Benefit Analysis?
d. Staffing Requirements?
e. Time Line?
f. Risk Analysis?

1.3 Have all stakeholders been identified?

1.4 Is a Stakeholder Management plan in place?

Have project accountabilities & responsibilities
been clearly defined?

1.5 Have the scope, objectives, costs, benefits and

impacts been communicated to all involved
and/or impacted stakeholders and work groups?

1.6 a) Have all involved stakeholders and work

groups committed to the project?
b) Have all necessary approvals been obtained?

1.7 Has a project Communications Plan been


1.8 Are funding and staffing resource estimates

sufficiently detailed and documented for use in
planning and tracking the project?

1.9 Does a documented project organizational policy

& plan (i.e. governance model) exist?

1.10 Have adequate resources been provided by

management to ensure project success?

1.11 Is current scope of the project substantially

different than that originally defined in the
approved project plan?

1.12 Has the approach and development strategy of

the project been defined, documented and
accepted by the appropriate stakeholders?
Item Attribute Relevance Practice Assessment

1.13 Have project management standards and

procedures been established and documented?

1.14 Is there a Steering Committee in place?

1.15 Is the Steering Committee active in project


1.16 Are there procedures in place to effectively

manage interdependencies with other projects /

2 Project Management

2.1 Have the key elements of a coherent project

management strategy been established?
a. Project tracking plan & methodology
b. Project status reporting structure & process
c. Change Management plan & tracking
d. Issues Management process & tracking plan
e. Risk Management Plan
f. Software Quality Assurance
g. Software Configuration Management

2.2 Project Scheduling & Tracking

2.2.1 Has a structured approach been used to break

work effort into manageable components?

2.2.2 Are team members involved in the development

of activity & task decomposition?

2.2.3 Are individual tasks of reasonable duration (8–40


2.2.4 Are milestone deliverables effectively tracked

and compared to project plan?

2.2.5 Does the detailed project plan identify individual

responsibilities for the next 4–6 weeks?

2.2.6 Have activity relationships and

interdependencies within tasks been adequately

2.2.7 Are target dates established for each milestone


2.2.8 Are corrective actions taken when actual results

are substantially different from detailed project
plan? Describe.

2.2.9 Are changes in deliverable commitments agreed

to by all affected groups & individuals?
Item Attribute Relevance Practice Assessment

2.2.1 Is the organization structure for both tracking &

0 controlling project activities work products &
costs (effort, schedule & budget) well defined
and assigned to a specific individual?

2.2.1 Are measurements and feedback mechanisms

1 incorporated in tracking work effort & refining
work estimating techniques?

2.2.1 Have procedures for identifying variances from

2 estimates & adjusting the detailed work program
been established?

2.2.1 Is project work proceeding in accordance with

3 the original project schedule?

2.2.1 If not, have all project delays been adequately

4 accounted for, communicated to all stakeholders
and adjustments made in overall project

2.2.1 Is there general agreement & acceptance of the

5 current status and progress of the project?

2.2.1 Is PERT / Critical Path or equivalent methodology

6 being used? Can you see the critical path on the

2.2.1 Is an industry recognized mechanized support

7 tool(s) being used for project scheduling &

2.2.1 Is it possible to track all classes of project work

8 (e.g. scheduled, un-scheduled, defect repair,
etc.)? Can you compare work done to the

2.3 Project Status Reporting

2.3.1 Is project status reviewed with senior

management at appropriate intervals? What are
a. Overall status
b. Project performance (achievements &
c. Open issues
d. Risks
e. Action items
f. Cost & time performance against plan
g. Quality metrics
h. Beneficiaries involvement

2.3.2 Are internal project status meetings held at

reasonable intervals?

2.3.3 Are sub-project reviews held at reasonable

Item Attribute Relevance Practice Assessment

2.3.4 Have adequate procedures been put in place for

project coordination and status reporting across
project boundaries (ie. interdependent software
development among interfacing systems)?

2.3.5 Do project teams & team members report on

status / activities / progress?

2.4 Project Estimating

2.4.1 Are multiple estimation methods being


2.4.2 Are current project time & resource estimates

reasonable based on the current project stage?

2.4.3 Are actuals compared against estimates to

analyze and correct variances?

2.4.4 Are project team members involved in detailed

estimating and scheduling?

2.5 Risk Management

2.5.1 Was an original risk assessment completed?

2.5.2 Is there a process in place to monitor project


2.5.3 Has provision been made to reassess project risks

at various project stages?

2.5.4 Have all unresolved risks been documented?

Have all unimplemented risk strategies been
escalated to an issues log?

3 Quality Management

3.1 Does the project have a ‘Quality Culture’?

3.2 Is there a Quality Plan covering all Policies,

Guidelines and Procedures?

3.3 Quality Assurance

3.3.1 Has an overall Quality Assurance Plan been

developed for the project?

3.3.2 Does the plan address key project elements?

a. Project Planning?
b. Project Management?

3.3.3 Is there a set of procedures defining the scope,

procedures and deliverables defining Quality

3.4 Are quality indicators and metrics defined?

Item Attribute Relevance Practice Assessment

3.6 Is there a set of procedures to capture, analyze

and act on quality metrics?

3.7 Software Configuration Management (SCM)

3.7.1 Has SCM been implemented for this project?

3.7.2 Has an industry recognized SCM software version

management & control tool been implemented?

3.7.3 Is SCM version management and control

effectively linked with the testing function to
ensure integration and regression testing have
been performed?

3.7.4 Has an automated Change Management tool

been implemented?

3.7.5 Is the SCM function adequately staffed?

3.7.6 Is the Testing Coordination function separate

from the development staff?

4.0 Management Procedures

4.1 Partnership Management

4.1.1 Is there a formal set of procedures (for status

reporting, contract negotiation & review,
time/invoice reconciliation, etc.) supporting
Partnership Management?

4.2 Issues Management

4.2.1 Is there a formal set of procedures supporting

Issues Management?

4.2.2 Is there any form of automated support for

Issues Management?

4.2.3 Are issues raised, assessed, actioned, and

resolved in a timely and efficient manner?

4.3 Stakeholder Management

4.3.1 Is there a formal set of procedures supporting

Stakeholder Management?

4.3.2 Is it standard practice to formally commit

stakeholders to the project via agreements?

4.3.3 Does a comprehensive set of Stakeholder

Agreements exist? Do we have statements
delineating what each stakeholder has agreed to

5.0 Resourcing
Item Attribute Relevance Practice Assessment

5.1 Are all resource assumptions documented?

5.2 Does the project team have the skills necessary

to successfully complete current project(s) and
support the application?

5.3 Have arrangements been made to obtain special

expertise or competence by consulting or
a. Similar projects?
b. Published materials?
c. Personnel with expertise?
d. Outside experts?

5.4 Have the personnel with the necessary skills and

competence been identified and has agreement
for their participation in the project been
reached with the appropriate management?

5.5 Is there a project organization chart showing the

reporting relationships and responsibilities for
each position?

5.6 Has a proper project work location been

established that will allow the team to work
together with user personnel?

5.7 Does the detailed work plan match the

complexity of tasks with the capabilities of

5.8 Has allowance been made for vacations, holidays,

training (learning time for each team member),
staff promotions & staff turnovers?

5.9 Has adequate time for orientation & training of

project staff been provided for in relation to
technical nature of the Application and the
experience levels of project personnel?

5.10 Has appropriate allowance been made for the

effect of the learning curve on all personnel
joining the project who do not have the required
prior industry, functional & technical expertise?

5.11 Are the appropriate IT resources adequate to

meet planned commitments?

5.12 Are enough systems & user personnel assigned

to the project?

5.13 Are the people assigned to the project

sufficiently qualified?
Item Attribute Relevance Practice Assessment

5.14 Are project managers participating in the project

adequately to know its true status first hand?
a. Is a qualified person sufficiently involved in
each critical area?
b. Are communication lines working?

5.15 Is a senior systems department representative

allocated to each user department to provide
liaison and support?
Does the project have both a business team
leader and a technical team leader?

5.16 Do the project team have a good understanding

of the existing and/or proposed hardware /
software environments?

5.17 Are project leaders committed to this project full


5.18 Are project team members committed full-time?

5.19 Is the Production Support function adequately

resourced? Is the Production Support function
resourced full-time?

5.20 Is there a production support plan, with a plan

for transition from development to production?

6.0 Beneficiaries

6.1 Is beneficiaries involvement adequate?

6.2 Are the people assigned to the project

sufficiently qualified?

6.5 Are the project team members located locally to

the beneficiaries?

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