This document defines the responsibilities of team members for a Department of Health project. It provides instructions for using and updating a responsibility matrix, which assigns individuals as responsible, approving, consulting, or informing for various project activities and deliverables. The matrix then lists numerous project tasks and assigns responsibility across multiple team members and roles.
This document defines the responsibilities of team members for a Department of Health project. It provides instructions for using and updating a responsibility matrix, which assigns individuals as responsible, approving, consulting, or informing for various project activities and deliverables. The matrix then lists numerous project tasks and assigns responsibility across multiple team members and roles.
This document defines the responsibilities of team members for a Department of Health project. It provides instructions for using and updating a responsibility matrix, which assigns individuals as responsible, approving, consulting, or informing for various project activities and deliverables. The matrix then lists numerous project tasks and assigns responsibility across multiple team members and roles.
This document defines the responsibilities of team members for a Department of Health project. It provides instructions for using and updating a responsibility matrix, which assigns individuals as responsible, approving, consulting, or informing for various project activities and deliverables. The matrix then lists numerous project tasks and assigns responsibility across multiple team members and roles.
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Department of Health <project code and name>
Team Responsibility Matrix
Introduction <sponsor dept/bureau> Document Purpose * To clearly define and communicate team member responsibilities for the project (DOH, vendor, and other team members). * To minimize the risk related to managing internal and external resources (outside BIT's control) by clearly communicating responsibilities. * To ensure all team members agree to their project commitments. Document Instructions 1. The Team Responsibility Matrix is initially developed during project initiation and is updated/maintained throughout the project life cycle. * The Matrix may be developed in its entirety (during project initiation) or in sections (on a phase by phase basis). * At a minimum the responsibilities for each major project phase should be defined and agreed to prior to phase startup. 2. The Project Manager maintains the Matrix as the project proceeds through the life cycle and acquires sign-off as changes occur. * Formal Sign-off is required by all participants listed in the responsibility matrix. * Signatures may be collected electronically (via email) or manually (via the Approvals page) depending on the needs of the project. * If signatures are collected manually, all hardcopies must be stored in the project Filing Cabinet. 3. As responsibilities change, the matrix is updated to reflect the changes and the affected parties approve each change. * A new version of the Matrix is created each time a change is made. * The Configuration Management versioning standards are to be followed. * The Document History section is updated to reflect the change. * Change Requests are not required to modify the matrix. RACI Definitions (R)esponsible ---> Indicates the person(s) responsible for performing the activity or completing the deliverable. (A)pprove ---> Indicates the person(s) who approve the activity or deliverable. (C)onsult ---> Indicates the person(s) who provide input into the activity or deliverable. (I)nform ---> Indicates the person(s) who are informed of the activity or deliverable. NOTE: As a general rule, individuals who are Responsible, Approved, and/or Consulted are also assumed to be Informed. Suggested Guidelines 1. Use the following documents as input: * Project Charter * MS Project Plan * Team Responsibility Matrix * Project Feasibility Study 2. In general, the matrix should contain high level responsibilities. There is no need to include all the detail from the Project Plan. 3. For external participates (subcontractors or clients), you may want to list the responsibilities in more detail to ensure clear communication. 4. Assign responsibility at the lowest possible level. 5. Strive to indicate a single responsible party when possible. 6. Strive to minimize the number of approving parties as much as possible. 7. Be sure to customize the list of activities and deliverables to make them relevant to your project. Page 1 of 5 v0.1 Department of Health <project code and name> Team Responsibility Matrix <sponsor dept/bureau> R - Responsible A - Approve C - Consult I - Inform P r o g r a m
A r e a
S p o n s o r
{ n a m e } A r c h i t e c t u r e
R e v i e w
B o a r d
( A R B ) B I T
B u r e a u
D i r e c t o r
{ P .
K e a t i n g } B I T
L e a d
{ n a m e } B I T
{ s p e c i a l t y }
M a n a g e r
{ n a m e } P r o j e c t
M a n a g e r
{ n a m e } P r o g r a m
A r e a
L e a d
{ n a m e } L e a d
A n a l y s t
{ n a m e } P r o g r a m m e r
{ n a m e } D B A
{ n a m e } C W O P A
E n t e r p r i s e
S e r v e r
F a r m S M E
{ n a m e } O A / O I T
C o m m u n i t y
o f
P r a c t i c e
{ n a m e } Q u a l i t y
A s s u r a n c e
L e a d
{ n a m e } P u r c h a s i n g
{ n a m e }
B u d g e t
R e p r e s e n t a t i v e
{ n a m e }
V e n d o r
P r o j e c t
M a n a g e r
{ n a m e } V e n d o r
{ n a m e } V e n d o r
{ n a m e } 1.0 - Strategy Phase 1.1 Request Project 1.1.1 Project Request Form R C I C C 1.2 Define Project 1.2.1 Feasibility Study A C I C R C C 1.2.2 Procurement Plan A C I C R C C C 1.3 Complete CoP Process 1.3.1 CoP Template A I I A R C A C 1.3.2 CoP Benefit Cost Analysis A I I A R C A C 1.3.3 Revise Project Definition A I I C R C A C 1.4 Select Solution 1.4.1 COTS (insert COTS activities) A C I C R C C C 1.4.2 Execute Procurement Vehicle A C I C R C C 1.4.3 Vendor Evaluation A C I C R C C C 2.0 - Initiation Phase 2.1 Initiate Project Activities 2.1.1 Formalize Project Team C I I R C C C C 2.1.2 Prepare Project Charter A I I R C C C C C C C 2.1.3 Prepare MS Project Plan A I I R C C C C C C C C 2.1.4 Conduct Kick-off Meeting C I I R C C C C 3.0 - Planning Phase 3.1 Plan Execution Strategies 3.1.1 Create Communication Plan A I I R C C C C 3.1.2 Create Requirements Management Plan A I I R C C C C 3.2 Plan Control Strategies 3.2.1 Create Risk Management Plan A I I R C C C C 3.2.2 Establish Change Control Log A I I R C C C C 3.2.3 Create Quality Assurance Plan A I I C C C C R C 3.2.4 Establish Issue Management Process A I I R C C C C 3.3 Assess Program Need 3.3.1 Conduct and Validate Business Process Analysis A I I C C R C C C C 3.3.2 Identify and Document Business Requirements A I I C C R C C C C 3.4 Review and Refine Impact Analysis 3.4.1 Update Feasibility Impact Analysis A I I C C R C C 4.0 - Execution & Control Phase 4.1 Create Deliverables 4.1.1 COTS (add COTS activities) A I I 4.1.2 SDLC (add SDLC activities) A A I I R C C C C C C C C 4.1.3 Deliverable Satisfaction Survey A I I 4.2 Monitor Project Progress 4.2.1 Monitor Risks and Issues C I I R C C C C C C C 4.2.2 Monitor Schedule and Cost C I I R C C C C C C C 4.2.3 Manage Procurement Process C I I R C C C C C 4.3 Execute Project Controls 4.3.1 Deliver Status Reports A I I R C C C C C C C C C EXTERNAL DOH Page 2 of 5 version v0.1 Department of Health <project code and name> Team Responsibility Matrix <sponsor dept/bureau> R - Responsible A - Approve C - Consult I - Inform P r o g r a m
A r e a
S p o n s o r
{ n a m e } A r c h i t e c t u r e
R e v i e w
B o a r d
( A R B ) B I T
B u r e a u
D i r e c t o r
{ P .
K e a t i n g } B I T
L e a d
{ n a m e } B I T
{ s p e c i a l t y }
M a n a g e r
{ n a m e } P r o j e c t
M a n a g e r
{ n a m e } P r o g r a m
A r e a
L e a d
{ n a m e } L e a d
A n a l y s t
{ n a m e } P r o g r a m m e r
{ n a m e } D B A
{ n a m e } C W O P A
E n t e r p r i s e
S e r v e r
F a r m S M E
{ n a m e } O A / O I T
C o m m u n i t y
o f
P r a c t i c e
{ n a m e } Q u a l i t y
A s s u r a n c e
L e a d
{ n a m e } P u r c h a s i n g
{ n a m e }
B u d g e t
R e p r e s e n t a t i v e
{ n a m e }
V e n d o r
P r o j e c t
M a n a g e r
{ n a m e } V e n d o r
{ n a m e } V e n d o r
{ n a m e } EXTERNAL DOH 4.3.2 Execute Change Control A I I R C C C C C C C C C 4.3.3 Update Project Plan A I I R C C C C C C C C C 5.0 - Close Out Phase 5.1 Initiate Closeout Process 5.1.1 Ensure Acceptance Criteria Fulfilled A I I R 5.2 Assess Project Satisfaction 5.2.1 Complete Post Implementation Survey & Report C I I R C C C C C C C C C 5.3 Review Project Experience 5.3.1 Document Lessons Learned C I I R C C C C C C C C C Page 3 of 5 version v0.1 Department of Health <project code and name> Team Responsibility Matrix Document Approval Page <sponsor dept/bureau> Name Position Role Signature Date Page 4 of 5 version 0.1 Department of Health <project code and name> Team Responsibility Matrix Document History and Change Approvals <sponsor dept/bureau> Version # Date Author Phase Changes Made Affected Parties Approval Signature Document History Approvals Page 5 of 5 version 0.1