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A Student’s Guide to Psychology

at Dalhousie University

In this guide, you will find information about:

§ University Requirements
§ First-Year Requirements
§ Major in Psychology (120-credit hour)
§ Double-Major with Psychology
§ Honours in Psychology
§ Combined Honours in Psychology
§ Major in Psychology (90-credit hour)
§ Minor in Psychology
§ Certificates
University Requirements
General Degree Requirements
The University mandates that students in a BA or BSc program must meet
specific requirements to complete their degree. In addition to degree
requirements, each Program (e.g., Psychology) has a set of requirements
necessary to complete the program. It is important to know both the degree and
program requirements to ensure successful completion of a degree. For a full
list of University requirements, please check the Academic Calendar.
Subject Groupings
Course offerings within the College of Arts and Science are placed into three
subject groupings: (1) Languages and Humanities, (2) Social Sciences, and (3)
Life and Physical Sciences. All BA and BSc programs must include a minimum
of 6-credit hours from each of the three subject groupings.
Writing Course Requirements
An approved writing course or set of courses is required for all BA (6-credit
hours) and BSc (3-credit hours) degrees. It is recommended that students
complete the writing requirement early in their programs, preferably in their
first year of study.
Math Requirements (BSc)
A minimum of 6-credit hours in mathematics or statistics are required for all
BSc programs. See Academic Calendar for list of approved courses.
University Requirements

Language Requirements (BA)

BA students are required to obtain 6-credit hours in a language course or set of
courses. See Academic Calendar for list of approved courses.

Pro Tip:
Use the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) on
DalOnline, to ensure you’re on track for graduation.
DARS will show you all the requirements you need for
your degree; identifying those you’ve met and those
you have yet to complete.
First-Year Requirements
First-Year Requirements
All Psychology programs (e.g., BSc, Honours, Double-Major, etc.) have the same
program requirements for the first year. Remember to check the Academic
Calendar for University requirements for all BA and BSc degrees.
1000-level Program Requirements
§ Introduction to Psychology I (PSYO1011, 1021, or 1031)*
§ Introduction to Psychology II (PSYO1012, 1022, or 1032)*
§ Note: the Dalhousie Integrated Science Program (DISP) is considered equivalent
to all of the above (SCIE1505X/Y)
* Final grade of B- or better is required

1000-level Recommended Courses

Although these courses are not required, we recommend them as they will likely
help students in their upper-year Psychology courses.
§ Introduction to Statistics for the Sciences – STAT1060
§ Writing for the Sciences – SCIE1111

Pro Tip:
We recommend students declare
their major in the early winter
(Jan-Feb) of their first year. Head to
DalOnline to easily declare your
major and update it at any point
throughout your degree.
Major in Psychology (120-credit hour)
For 1000-level program requirements, see page 2. For all other University degree
requirements, see the current Academic Calendar.
2000-level Program Requirements
§ PSYO2000– Methods in Experimental Psychology
§ PSYO2470– Systems Neuroscience (or equivalent)
§ PSYO2501 – Statistical Methods (recommended to be taken concurrently with PSYO2000)
§ Three selections from: PSYO2080, PSYO2090, PSYO2130, PSYO2140,
PSYO2150, PSYO2160, PSYO2220, PSYO2570
3000/4000-level Program Requirements
§ Eight classes (24-credit hours total), of which:
§ One (3-credit hours total) must be a lab course, selected from:
PSYO3030, 3044, 3051, 3082, 3091, 3122, 3131, 3132, 3133, 3134,
3137, 3161, 3165, 3370, 3371, 3775
§ Additional 21-credit hours of 3000/4000-level Psychology courses
120-credit hour Major in Psychology

Pro Tip:
Look ahead to 3rd and 4th year
courses to see what pre-
requisites you may need, use
that info to help you choose your
2nd year classes.
120-credit hour Double-Major in Psychology
Double-Major in Psychology (120-credit hour)
Students may take a degree that combines a Major in Psychology with another
subject, such as Biology or Sociology. Students cannot take Neuroscience as
their other subject. If electing to complete a Double-Major, students must select
one subject as the primary and one as the secondary. Requirements for the
3000/4000-level differ depending on whether Psychology is selected as the
primary or secondary subject.
2000-level Program Requirements (Primary or Secondary)
§ PSYO2000 – Methods in Experimental Psychology
§ PSYO2470 – Systems Neuroscience (or equivalent)
§ PSYO2501 – Statistical Methods (recommended to be taken concurrently with PSYO2000)
§ Three selections from: PSYO2080, PSYO2090, PSYO2130, PSYO2140,
PSYO2150, PSYO2160, PSYO2220, PSYO2570
3000/4000-level Program Requirements (Primary or Secondary)
§ Four classes (12-credit hours total), of which:
§ One (3-credit hours total) must be a lab course, selected from:
PSYO3030, 3044, 3051, 3082, 3091, 3122, 3131, 3132, 3133, 3134,
3137, 3161, 3165, 3370, 3371, 3775
§ Additional 9-credit hours of 3000/4000-level Psychology courses

Pro Tip:
If you’re passionate about two
topics and can’t decide, a double-
major might be the option for you!
But don’t forget, you can also
minor in a subject – an option that
is more flexible for scheduling.
Honours in Psychology (120-credit hour)
Admission to the Honours program requires the approval of both the
Department and the Registrar. Typically, students apply in January of their 3rd-
year (after fall grades have been released).

Requirements for admission:

§ Grade of B (or higher) in PSYO2000
§ Average of A- (or higher) in the last six (6) completed PSYO courses
§ If admission is delayed until the end of 3rd-year, an average of A- (or higher) in
the last nine (9) completed PSYO courses is required
2000-level Program Requirements
§ Identical to 120-credit hour Major in Psychology (see page 3)

3000-level Program Requirements

§ PSYO3502 – Statistical Methods II (prerequisite for Honours)
§ Five classes (15-credit hours total), of which:
§ Two (6-credit hours total) must be lab courses, selected from:
PSYO3030, 3044, 3051, 3082, 3091, 3122, 3131, 3132, 3133, 3134,
3137, 3161, 3165, 3370, 3371, 3775
§ Additional 9-credit hours of 3000/4000-level Psychology courses
4000-level Program Requirements
§ PSYO4500 X/Y – Honours Thesis (full year)
§ Two 4000-level Psychology seminar classes (6-credit hours total)
Honours in Psychology

§ Additional 6-credit hours of 3000/4000-level Psychology courses

§ Honours Qualifying Exam (Thesis Defense)

Important Note
Pro Tip:
§ University policy stipulates that If you’re interested in pursuing an
Honours students must receive a Honours degree, you may want to gain
grade of C or better in all program-
hands-on research experience in your 3rd
related courses
year, by completing an Independent
Research Project (PSYO3000 or 3001).
Combined Honours in Psychology
Combined Honours in Psychology
Students may elect to complete a Combined Honours, combining Psychology
with another subject. Departmental requirements for admission are identical
to those for an Honours program (see page 5). For a full list of University
requirements for a Combined Honours degree, please see the Academic
Calendar. If electing to complete a Combined Honours, students must select
one subject as the primary and one as the secondary*. Requirements differ
depending on whether Psychology is selected as the primary or secondary
2000-level Program Requirements (Primary or Secondary)
§ Identical to 120-credit hour Major in Psychology (see page 3)
3000-level Program Requirements (Primary)
§ PSYO3502 – Statistical Methods II (prerequisite for Honours)
§ Four classes (12-credit hours total), of which:
§ Two (6-credit hours total) must be lab courses, selected from:
PSYO3030, 3044, 3051, 3082, 3091, 3122, 3131, 3132, 3133, 3134,
3137, 3161, 3165, 3370, 3371, 3775
§ Additional 6-credit hours of 3000/4000-level Psychology courses
4000-level Program Requirements (Primary)
§ PSYO4500 X/Y – Honours Thesis (full year)
§ Two 4000-level Psychology seminar classes (6-credit hours total)
§ Honours Qualifying Exam (Thesis Defense)

3000-level Program Requirements (Secondary)

§ Four classes (12-credit hours total), of which:
§ One (3-credit hours total) must be a lab course, selected from:
PSYO3030, 3044, 3051, 3082, 3091, 3122, 3131, 3132, 3133, 3134,
3137, 3161, 3165, 3370, 3371, 3775
§ Additional 6-credit hours of 3000/4000-level Psychology courses

* Students cannot take Neuroscience as their other subject.

Minor in Psychology
Minor in Psychology
Students majoring in a subject other than Psychology (with the exception of
Psychology) may choose to complete a minor in Psychology.
To complete a minor, students must complete 18-credit hours in the subject,
above the 1000-level.
Due to the restrictive prerequisites of 3rd and 4th year Psychology courses, many
students take six 2000-level Psychology courses to complete their minor
(excludes PSYO2000, PSYO2501).

Certificates (Additional to Program)

Animal Behaviour*
The Animal Behaviour certificate is a collaborative effort between the Biology
and Neuroscience/Psychology departments. Completion of the certificate will be
noted at convocation and shown on a student’s transcript.
Students must receive a grade of B- or higher in all courses counting towards
their certificate.
Mandatory Courses
§ PSYO2160 – Animal Behaviour
§ PSYO2501 – Statistical Methods I (or STAT2080)
Certificate: Animal Behaviour

§ BIOL3062 – Behavioural Ecology (or PSYO3162)

§ BIOL3630 – Field Methods (or PSYO3161)
§ Additional 3-credit hours of independent research
Choose 12-credit hours from the following (6 must be at the 3000-level or above):
§ ANSC2003: Companion Animal Behaviour § PSYO3162: Advanced Animal Behaviour
§ PSYO2140: Learning § PSYO3165: Neuroethology
§ PSYO2470: Systems Neuroscience § PSYO3170: Hormones & Behaviour
§ BIOL3067: Ecology and Evolution of Fishes § PSYO3180: Psychoneuroimmunology
§ BIOL3327: Entomology § NESC3670: Genes, Brain, Behaviour
§ BIOL3622: Ornithology § NESC4160: Topics in Behavioural Biology
§ BIOL/MARI3626: Field Studies in Marine § BIOL4060: Marine Mammalogy
Mammals § BIOL4323: Biologging & Biotelemetry
§ PSYO3000/3001: Independent Research § BIOL4800/4806/4807: Special Topics
Project (Animal Behaviour topic) (Animal Behaviour)
§ PSYO3043: Neurobiology of Learning
§ PSYO3044: Lab Methods of Learning
Certificates: Neurotechnology
Certificates (Additional to Program)
The undergraduate certificate in neurotechnology is designed to provide
foundational knowledge of this interdisciplinary area, of research and
application. Including relevant topics in neuroscience, computer science, and
business. The certificate will provide an understanding of how
neurotechnologies can be translated into applications through training in
innovation, design, and commercialization.
Mandatory Courses
§ CSCI1100 – Computer Science I (or equivalent)
§ PSYO2470 – Systems Neuroscience (or equivalent)
§ NESC4705 – Neurotechnology, Innovation, Commercialization, and
Students must complete at least one course from each of the three categories
(9-credit hours total):
Neuroscience/Neurotechnology Computer Science/Informatics
§ PHYC2250 – Physics of Biological and § INFX1690 – Project Management
Medical Technology § CSCI1101 – Computer Science II
§ PSYO3137 – Research Methods in Cognitive § CSCI1106 – Animated Computing
Neuroscience § CSCI1107 – Social Computing
§ PSYO3227 – Principles of Neuropsychology § CSCI2132 – Software Development
§ PSYO3237 – Drugs and Behaviour § INFX2690 – Informatics Integrated Studies I
§ NESC4070 – Chemical Neuroanatomy
§ NESC4177 – Theoretical Neuroscience
§ NESC4185 – Current Advancements in
Synaptic Function
Pro Tip:
§ NESC4374 – Intro to Pharmacology I Although students enroll in the
Entrepreneurship/Innovation certificate programs in their 3rd or
§ MGMT2902 – Innovation: Design Thinking 4th year, it’s a good idea to think
§ MGMT3620 – Used Centre Design about these in your 2nd year to
§ MGMT3902 – Starting Lean ensure you’ve completed any
§ MGMT3907 – New Venture Creation
§ CSCI4190 – Innovation
necessary 2000-level courses.
§ MGMT4901 – Managing the Venture Process

*It is the responsibility of the student to complete the required courses and notify the certificate
coordinator of completion of all requirements, prior to the end of the exam period in the final year of study.
Required Courses (Visual Guide)
The majority of our students tend to complete either the Major in Psychology
(120-credit hour) or the Honours in Psychology program. Below is a visual
representation of the required courses for both programs.
Year 1
1011* Elective Elective Elective Elective

1012* Elective Elective Elective Elective
(B-) * Or equivalent

Year 2
PSYO Elective Elective
2000 2501

2000-lvl 2000-lvl
PSYO 1Selectedfrom: PSYO2080,
PSYO PSYO Elective Elective 2090, 2130, 2140, 2150, 2160,
Required Courses - Visual Guide

2470 2220, 2570

Elective1 Elective1

Years 3 & 4 (120-credit hour major)

3000-lvl 3000 or 3000 or 3000 or
PSYO 4000-lvl 4000-lvl 4000-lvl Elective
Elective2 Elective Elective Elective
3000 or 3000 or 3000 or 3000 or 2Selectedfrom: PSYO3030,
4000-lvl 4000-lvl 4000-lvl 4000-lvl Elective 3044, 3051, 3082, 3091, 3122,
PSYO PSYO PSYO PSYO (x6) 3131, 3132, 3133, 3134, 3137,
Elective Elective Elective Elective 3161, 3165, 3370, 3775

Years 3 & 4 (Honours)

PSYO 3000-lvl 3000-lvl 3000 or 3000 or 3000 or
PSYO PSYO 4000-lvl 4000-lvl 4000-lvl Elective
(3rd yr) Elective3 Elective3 Elective Elective Elective
3000 or 3000 or
PSYO PSYO 4000-lvl 4000-lvl Elective
4000-lvl 4000-lvl
4500 4500 PSYO PSYO (x4)
Seminar Seminar Elective Elective
3Selected from: PSYO3030, 3044, 3051, 3082, 3091, 3122, 3131, 3132, 3133, 3134, 3137, 3161, 3165, 3370, 3775
Planning Guide
My Plan
Fall term Winter term

Fall term Winter term

Fall term Winter term

Fall term Winter term

Fall term Winter term

Who do I speak to about…?
§ General degree (e.g., BA, BSc, etc.) requirements?
• Academic Advising (
§ Program requirements (e.g., Major, minor, etc.)?
• Faculty Advisor (
§ Courses required to graduate?
• Consult the Degree Audit Report System (DARS) through DalOnline and/or
speak to an advisor (
§ Class offerings?
• Consult the Academic Calendar (, speak to an
advisor, or seek advice from other students (e.g., Dalhousie Association of
Psychology Students)
§ Getting more involved?
• Check out all our resources posted on our departmental website:

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