Conditioned Responses
Conditioned Responses
Conditioned Responses
Author: Sean Creef
Editor: Sean Creef
Billie Laws, Tim Drake, Leath Sheales
Introduction 5 Cerebral Hemorrhage 21
Chapter One: Social Conditions 7 Missing Arm 22
Cleaned Up Well 8 Missing Leg 22
Faux Pas 8 Severe Burns 22
Good Impression 8
Noodle Incident 8
Odd One Out 9
Stellar Rep 9
Path Exemplar 9
Parole 9
Villainous 10
Wanted 10
Chapter Two: Mental Conditions 11
Addiction 12
At Peace 12
Despondent 12
Enlightened 13
Frightened 13
Socially Awkward 13
Under Pressure 13
Well Informed 13
Chapter Three: Physical Conditions 15
Chronic Illness 16
Dehydrated 16
Energized 16
Hungover 17
Old Wounds 17
Sleep Deprived 17
Starving 17
Well Fed 18
Well Rested 18
Withdrawal 18
Wracked with pain 18
Chapter Four: Injury Conditions 19
Flesh Wound 20
Heat Stroke 20
Ricochet 20
Winded 20
Gut Shot 20
Heavy Bleeding 20
Punctured Lung 20
Scalded 21
Shrapnel 21
Tinnitus 21
Torn Ligament 21
Broken Spine
Conditioned Responses is a collection of Conditions: Path Suspension, Path Revoked
Conditions for use with Trinity Continuum. The (Persistent).
additional material in this supplement is presented to
allow both Players and Storyguides ways to represent MENTAL CONDITIONS
some of the nearly infinite possible situations a Conditions which reflect a character’s state of
character can find themselves in. mind, or their emotional and psychological wellbeing
The Conditions in this supplement fall into one of fall under the descriptor of Mental Conditions.
four categories – Social, Mental, Physical and Injury Mental Conditions can represent strong emotional
Conditions. This delineation is based upon the way a responses, reactions to outside interactions and long
Condition manifests, but not the impact it has on a term psychiatric issues.
character. Many Physical Conditions have impacts in
both Social and Mental Arena actions. PHYSICAL CONDITIONS
In addition to the effect, description and Resolution Those Conditions which affect the body, such as
of each condition, a list of possible sources will be beneficial or detrimental health situations, are
included with certain Conditions. This list is not Physical Conditions. Many Conditions presented in
exhaustive, but is a guide to integrate these conditions Trinity Continuum: Core count as Physical
in to your game. Conditions. These are Grappled, Taken Out, Stunned,
Paralyzed, and Unconscious.
Social Conditions cover the nebulous, hard to INJURY CONDITIONS
define impacts of reputation and impressions. These Whenever a character finds themselves suffering
Conditions, when positive, are often either more from the dangers of the world, they risk the chance of
specific, shorter lived, or less impactful than Social Injury. Combat is the most frequent source of Injury
Edges. The following Conditions from Trinity Conditions, but other forms of harm are present in the
Continuum Core would be considered Social Trinity Continuum. Sixteen new Injury Conditions
are included, covering Bruised, Injured and Maimed.
Certain Conditions have various degrees of severity. These are noted as being Mild,
Moderate, or Severe. Conditions of the same name but varying steps are mutually
exclusive. A character cannot possess the Dehydrated (Mild) as well as Dehydrated
(Severe). Only the most significant penalty will apply. When a Stepped Condition
increases in severity, this is not considered a Resolution and no consolidation is given.
ODD ONE OUT Resolution: This Condition is resolved
To be polite, your character sticks out if your character acts in a way that is
in their current environment. obviously contrary to their reputation
Perhaps they are cybernetically - the Storyguide has the final say in
enhanced among the Amish, modern what constitutes ill behavior. Further,
soldiers in feudal Japan, or just have other parties can conspire to ruin
the wrong clothing in the wrong your reputation over time.
neighborhood. Either way, they are PATH EXEMPLAR (PERSISTENT)
exceedingly easy to locate and it is
obvious that they do not belong. They Whatever Path you are walking, you
suffer a +2 Complication on all rolls to walk it the best. Your character is the
blend in, hide, or interact with locals. epitome of their Origin, Role, or
Should this Complication not be Society. When one thinks of that Path,
bought off, someone will take notice the person they picture will strongly
of the character, and trouble will soon resemble your character. You may be
catch up with them. the archetypal Detective, never
letting a case rest until solved, or the
Sources: Time travel, anachronistic
sort of agent all members of 9 aspire
technology, space travel,
to be.
dimensional shifts.
Whatever Path this Condition is linked
Resolution: With effort, characters
to, your character gains 2
can engage in better disguises, adopt
Enhancements to any social rolls
local clothing, or depending on the
made to influence other members of
character perhaps even shapeshift
the path, as well as with anyone who
themselves into appearing as they
would respect - or fear - your path.
belong. This Condition will also fade
naturally when removed from Resolution: This Condition is resolved
whatever environment it was if your character acts in a way that is
necessary for. obviously contrary to the ideals of
their Path - the Storyguide has the
STELLAR REPUTATION final say in what constitutes unfitting
(PERSISTENT) behavior.
Everyone knows you. If not directly, PAROLE (PERSISTENT)
they know of you by reputation. (MILD/MODERATE/SEVERE)
Fortunately, your reputation is
beyond reproach. The word of your You have done prison time, and that
deeds is wholly positive, and even debt to society still has interest.
those who may detest you, they at Though no longer incarcerated, you
least respect you. When engaging in are required to follow a number of
Intrigue actions, you are never additional stipulations while you
considered to have a negative attitude remain in society.
with anyone. You may not gain a Being on Parole inflicts a number of
positive impression, but even the minor penalties on a character. Mild
most uncouth of foes will treat you Parole imposes one level negative
fairly. shift in Attitude with anyone who is
inclined to think less of them, and +1
Complication on all Social Arena rolls Bad Guy. People are less likely to
not using the Larceny Skill. Failure to trust, but more likely to fear you, and
buy off this Complication increases this reputation is always in the back of
the Condition to Moderate. Moderate their minds when they deal with you.
Parole maintains the one level While you gain +2 Enhancements to
negative shift in Attitude, and Command rolls where your cruel
increases the Complication from Mild nature can apply, you receive +2
Parole to +2. Failure to buy off this Difficulty on any other relevant rolls.
Complication increases the Parole Resolution: To resolve this Condition
Condition to Severe. Severe Parole would require a heroic act which is at
imposes a two level negative shift in least as notable as whatever caused
Attitude with all Storyguide your reputation as a villain.
characters, and a +3 Complication on
all Social Arena rolls not using the WANTED (PERSISTENT)
Larceny Skill. If this Complication is Someone wants your character.
not bought off, the Parole Condition is Perhaps you are a Parole Violator
replaced with the Wanted Condtion (see above), or someone placed a
(See Below). bounty on your head. You may have
Resolution: At the end of any session angered a local despot who has black
in which a character's Parole did not ops teams out to assassinate you.
increase in severity, it will reduce in Either way, you need to avoid notice.
one level to a minimum of Mild. This Condition adds a +3 Complication
Removing Mild Parole requires a to any Physical or Social Arena rolls
character to keep their Parole at Mild made in the presence of Storyguide
for (7-Larceny) consecutive Characters. Failure to buy off this
sessions, or some story development Complication places the character in
grants the character reprieve (a the path of those pursuing them by the
Pardon, exoneration, or atomic war end of the session.
are all possibilities). Should a Resolution: This Condition ends after
character ever obtain the Annonymity any of the following criteria are met -
Enhanced Edge, they immediately the character is captured by their
resolve the Paole Condition. pursuers, the character obtains the
Replacing Severe Paole with Wanted Anonymous Edge, or some story
also resolves the Condition. development grants the character
reprieve, perhaps buying off their
hunters, or fleeing to another county,
You may be the hero of your own story, planet, or dimension - though
but the world at large disagrees. Your depending on the circumstances of
character has a thorough, though the story, this may not be enough.
perhaps not deserved, reputation as a
grants +1 Difficulty on all rolls for the It could be a significant phobia, or
remainder of the scene. social anxiety.It may be that you are
Resolution: This Condition will fade shy, or possibly even just very
naturally without resolution at the strange. Regardless of how much you
end of the scene. It could be Resolved like or dislike other people,
through the application of a Social something about you is vaguely off-
action to temporarily distract you putting to them. You receive +2
from the pain, or perhaps the Complications on all Social Rolls with
application of chemical or psychic Storyguide Characters that your do
intervention. not share a Bond with.
Resolution: This Condition could be
resolved through psychotherapy,
Through meditation, exposure to telepathy, or perhaps a dedicated
some sort of cosmic phenomena or effort to learn social mores.
maybe just a good dream, your
character is currently open to the UNDER PRESSURE
deeper secrets of the universe. Gain Don’t worry, but everything is riding
+2 Enhancement to any rolls made in on the outcome of this event. From a
the Mental Arena for the rest of the professional athlete in the
scene. championship to a hacker trying to
Resolution: This Condition will fade break into a security system and save
naturally at the end of the scene. It their friends from a toxic gas,
could be resolved sooner if sometimes the pressure can mount
something disrupts your (real or to a degree that you need to just
perceived) connection to the world. buckle down and get it done. While you
have the weight of the world (usually
FRIGHTENED metaphorically) on your shoulders,
Fear grips your character. You aren’t you receive +2 Complications to
ready to give up the game and run for actions using the Finesse Approach.
the hills just yet, but the catch in one’s Failure to buy off this Complication
throat and the possibly quite healthy will result in a failure that propels the
fear of death is a distraction plot forward - the bomb time is reset
nonetheless. You suffer +2 Difficulty but not deactivated, the pass goes out
on Attack actions and Resistance of bounds and stops the clock.
Approach based rolls. Resolution: This Condition will fade
Resolution: This Condition will fade naturally without resolution at the
naturally without resolution at the end of the scene. It can also be
end of the scene. It could be Resolved Resolved through overcoming
through the application of a Social whatever situation was causing the
action to inspire you to bravery, or pressure - making the game winning
perhaps the application of chemical pass, or turning off the security
or psychic intervention. system.
Through diligent research, the character can draw upon this
collection of Clues (Trinity knowledge to gain +2 Enhancements
Continuum: Core page 81) you have a to a roll where this information could
plethora of useful information be relevant.
pertinent to a small area, such as a Resolution: This Condition is resolved
specific person, organization, when the bonus is utilized.
location or field of study. Your
CHRONIC ILLNESS (PERSISTENT) dealing with the difficulties of a real
life Condition, it would not be
You suffer from some long term and
appropriate for the Storyguide to
ongoing illness which has a remove this Condition without
permanent presence in your life. consulting with the player.
While it may not always be an active
impediment, the Condition can cause DEHYDRATED
you impairment in numerous ways. (MILD/MODERATE/SEVERE)
Some Conditions may flare at random As opposed to food, which can be
times, or in response to stimuli like forgone for weeks, water is a much
weather or other phenomena. Some more pressing need. A character can
may only impede you in certain dehydrate in a day, or in hours under
specific tasks. Regardless, when the extreme circumstances of
illness would impact you negatively, environment or exertion. When
you receive +2 Complications to rolls unable to rehydrate, you suffer from
appropriate to the nature of the increasing impairment. Mild
illness. Note this is not limited to Dehydration results in a +1 Difficulty
Physical Arena rolls, as there is often to Physical and Mental Arena Actions.
social stigma around less visible Moderate Dehydration levees a +2
illnesses, and the mental drain of Difficulty to all actions, and severe
having to deal with one means this Dehydration increases the Difficulty
Condition can apply to any roll. Failure of all actions by 4.
to buy off this Complication can result
Resolution: Anything beyond Mild
in embarassment, injury, or any
cases of dehydration, less than a day
situationally appropriate adverse
or so, will require medical
effect the Storyguide deems
intervention. For a normal human,
death will resolve the Condition in 4 to
Resolution: Whether or not this 7 days.
Condition can be removed is a
decision which should be reached ENERGIZED
between the Player and the Even in the best of times, a character
Storyguide. A chronic medical can be exceedingly refreshed. Maybe
Condition is a major part of a you had a hot bath, long sleep and a
character’s life, but it does not hearty breakfast. Or maybe you are
singularly define them. Depending on suffused with an excess of Quantum
the specifics of the setting, a chronic or Noetic Energy. Maybe an
illness may be treatable with experimental super drug. Either way,
extensive medical care, Super you receive +1 Enhancement to any
Science, or the application of rolls made in the Mental or Physical
superhuman powers. If a player Arenas.
chose to play a character with an
Resolution: This Condition fades
illness, perhaps as a method of
naturally after 24 hours. It can be
resolved sooner if the source of the Without adequate rest, a person can
excess energy is removed or begin to mentally fray. If you burn the
counteracted - poison, super science candle at both ends for two long, you
devices, bad clams, or other sources. will run out of wick. If your character
is chronically short of sleep, or
spends an extended period without
While technically a form of such, they will suffer a +2
dehydration, Hangovers are often Complication to Mental Arena
featured in fiction as something actions. What counts as sleep
heroes have to deal with and deprived is best decided by the
overcome. This is of course a genre Storyguide - a regular human will
feature, and not always applicable. begin to show signs hours, days, or
Regardless, as it is cinematically maybe weeks before a
different from dehydration, it Superpowered Nova, for instance.
receives its own Condition. Resolution: This Condition can be
Storyguides who want more realism resolved by gaining adequate rest, as
can replace this with Dehydrated determined by the Storyguide. It is
(Mild). The Hungover Condition also possible that more esoteric
imposes +1 Difficulty to Mental Arena solutions could exist.
Resolution: After 24 hours, the
Condition fades. It can be resolved
early though medication, hydration, Without enough fuel, the body cannot
and, depending on the tone of your act at full strength. To obtain the
game, folk remedies like raw eggs or Starving Condition, you must either
the hair of the dog. have been without food for several
days, or on such a low caloric intake
OLD WOUNDS (PERSISTENT) that you are unable to meet your basic
At some point, you received a serious needs for an even longer period. Many
injury, and you have never been the factors could influence how long it
same since. This Condition is linked to takes someone to begin to starve - a
an Injured or Maimed Condition you properly hydrated person can live for
have received. Until the Condition can a month or more, but this Condition
be resolved, you will suffer one half of will apply much sooner. While
the penalty from the Injury Condition. starving, you suffer an increasing
At Storyguide discretion, it may be level of impairment to Physical
possible to obtain temporary relief Arena actions. Mild starvation
without Resolution. imposes +1 Complication, Moderate
Resolution: To Resolve this Condition starvation a +2 Complication, and
requires extensive medical care Severe starvation a +2 Difficulty to all
dedicated to nothing but correcting Physical Arena actions.
the injury. This care cannot be applied Resolution: Mild starvation can be
while you are currently suffering any resolved with a return to proper
active Injury Conditions. nutrition. The longer a character has
this Condition, the more likely they
will require medical intervention to resolved sooner if a character was
fully recover. forced into strenuous physical
activity or stimulated to an unusual
Most times, access to food is not a
pressing consideration for WITHDRAWAL (PERSISTENT)
characters. But there are times when A companion to Addiction (see above),
they may have reduced access to this Condition replaces the former
adequate nutrition. In these lean when your character is unable to
times, a good meal can make all the indulge in their addiction. Until able to
difference. When a Storyguide resolve the Condition, you suffer a +2
decides this Condition applies, gain +2 Complication to all actions.
Enhancements for Physical Arena Resolution: There are two ways to
actions. resolve this Condition. The first, and
Resolution: This Condition fades often easiest, is to indulge in one’s
naturally after 24 hours. It could be addiction once again. The other is to
resolved sooner if a character was receive appropriate treatment for the
forced into strenuous physical addiction - medical and psychiatric
activity or stimulated to an unusual care, Super Science, or
degree. superpowered solutions.
Sometimes, a good night’s sleep can Something is currently causing your
do wonders. You were able to get character immense physical pain.
some quality rack time in a situation This may be the result of injury,
or location where that is a rare luxury trauma, or something more unusual -
- a war zone, an apocalyptic torture, exposure to unusual
wasteland, a gaming convention or energies, or strange weapons.
other stressful environment. Regardless of the source of the pain,
Storyguides should feel free to not you will suffer a +2 Difficulty for all
grant this Condition in circumstances actions while experiencing it.
where characters would be expected Resolution: Resolving this Condition
to regularly be refreshed and rested. will result in finding a way to end or
For the remainder of the day, you gain alleviate the pain. Depending on the
+2 Enhancements for Mental Arena source, this could be anything from
actions. escaping a torturous trap to injecting
Resolution: This Condition fades a painkiller or other medical aid.
naturally after 24 hours. It could be
FLESH WOUND +1 caused the air to be forced from your
lungs, leaving you gasping for breath.
You’ve been struck in the meaty part
of a limb, it probably looks worse than Sources: Impact
it is. This is often caused by grazing Penalty: Increase Difficulty of all
gunshots or mostly dodged blades. Extended Actions.
Sources: Ballistic, Edged Resolution: The character needs to
Penalty: Increased Difficulty to Close rest for two days to remove the
Combat Actions. Condition.
Resolution: The character needs to GUT SHOT +2
rest for two days to remove the Being shot in the abdomen is second
Condition. only to the head in bad ideas. Taking
HEAT STROKE +1 one to the gut, in addition to the
extreme pain from having a bullet
It got hot in here! While you aren’t moving around whenever you do, is
directly burned, a quick and powerful also a near guaranteed pass to an
exposure to heat managed to get you infection from one’s own intestines or
a bit weakened. But you likely dodged stomach.
the flame.
Sources: Ballistic
Sources: Incendiary
Penalty: Increased Difficulty of all
Penalty: Increased Difficulty for Physical Actions
Athletics Actions.
Resolution: It takes one week of rest
Resolution: The character needs to to resolve the Injured Condition with
rest for two days to remove the proper medical attention.
A deep wound, causing the body to
It may have been an explosion raining lose blood faster than it can reliably
down shards of glass, or maybe a clot. In addition to the tissue damage,
bullet took a bounce from a nearby the rapid blood loss makes it harder
wall, cutting you and impeding to move and fight.
Sources: Ballistic, Edged
Sources: Area, Ballistic
Penalty: Increase Difficulty for
Penalty: Increases Difficulty of all Athletics and Close Combat actions.
actions any time the character moves.
Resolution: It takes one week of rest
Resolution: The character needs to to resolve the Injured Condition with
rest for two days to remove the proper medical attention.
Something has pierced your lung. It
A strong strike to the torso - or your may have been someone’s blade or a
torso striking a hard surface, has bullet, or maybe something smashed
your own rib through it. You’ll have a sonic weapons can cause painful,
hard time breathing as you risk distracting ringing in the ears - signs
drowning in your own blood, of serious internal damage.
assuming the lung doesn’t just fully Sources: Area, Ballistic, Explosive,
deflate. Sonic
Sources: Ballistic, Edged, Impact Penalty: Increased Difficulty for
Penalty: Increased Difficulty of all Mental and Social Actions
Resilience Approach actions. Resolution: It takes one week of rest
Resolution: It takes one week of rest to resolve the Injured Condition with
to resolve the Injured Condition with proper medical attention.
proper medical attention.
SCALDED +2 With a lucky shot or a deep slash,
Maybe you managed to avoid being someone has cut one of your major
set on fire, but you still took too much ligaments. Balance and motion will be
heat. Blistering skin and singed hair thrown off as you lose significant
cause pain over a large portion of the range of motion.
body. Sources: Ballistic, Edged
Sources: Incendiary Penalty: Increased Difficulty to Aim
Penalty: Increase Difficulty of all and Close Combat actions.
Physical actions. Resolution: It takes one week of rest
Resolution: It takes one week of rest to resolve the Injured Condition with
to resolve the Injured Condition with proper medical attention.
proper medical attention.
Hot, sharp shards of material Severe trauma, or preciscely applied
penetrating the body are no good for force, has snapped one or more
one. When too close to an explosion, vertebrae in your spine. Even if the
you are bound to catch searing spinal cord itself remains intact,
fragments, which will cause pain and movement is exceedingly difficult, as
slow you down. any quick movements could lead to
Sources: Area, Explosive further injury.
Penalty: Increased Difficulty to any Sources: Ballistic, Edged, Impact
actions involving Movement. Penalty: Character cannot apply
Resolution: It takes one week of rest Defense to attacks.
to resolve the Injured Condition with Resolution: Medical attention and
proper medical attention. three weeks of rest.
Sometimes you can be hurt without The good news is, you aren’t
being hit. Gunshots in close range, externally bleeding. The bad news is
explosions, and even specialized that you are bleeding inside your
skull. This puts pressure on the brain, One of your legs has been severed
and you’ll need that to function. from at least the knee, making
Sources: Ballistic, Edged, Impact movement a difficult task, if not
impossible. This Injury is most
Penalty: Increased Difficulty of all
appropriate from attacks with the
Physical and Mental Rolls.
Deadly or Aggravated tag.
Resolution: Medical attention and
Sources: Ballistic, Edged, Explosive
three weeks of rest.
Penalty: Increased Difficulty of all
MISSING ARM +4 Athletics and Close Combat rolls.
You’ve lost at least half of a limb, Resolution: Medical attention and
either hacked or blown clean off. The three weeks of rest.
sudden and drastic change in balance,
as well as the loss of a hand, is a major SEVERE BURNS +4
impairment in any conflict. This Injury If exposed to direct, high intensity fire
is most appropriate from attacks with or heat, massive tissue damage can
the Deadly or Aggravated tag. occur over large portions of the body.
Sources: Ballistic, Edged, Explosive Skin and muscle can melt and slough
off, and the injuries are likely to leave
Penalty: Increased Difficulty of Aim
permanent scars.
and Close Combat Rolls.
Sources: Incendiary
Resolution: Medical attention and
three weeks of rest. Penalty: Increased Difficulty of all
Physical and Social Actions.
Resolution: Medical attention and
three weeks of rest.
Therefore, just as water retains
no constant shape, so in
warfare there are no constand
—Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Requires the
Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook to play